Where does the phrase “the main thing is not victory, but participation” come from?

Dorando Pietri finishes the marathon

The main thing is not victory, but participation - the motto of the Olympic Games. Its author is Bishop of the Episcopal Church Ethelbert Talbot (1848-1928). He delivered a sermon with the words “the main thing is not victory, but participation” at a congress of Anglican priests from around the world (the so-called Lambeth Conference) on July 19, 1908 in the London Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul during the IV Olympic Games (London, April 27-October 29 1908)

“We have just been contemplating the great Olympic Games. What does it mean? It means that young men of robust physical life have come from all parts of the world. It does mean, I think, as someone has said, that this era of internationalism as seen in the Stadium has an element of danger. Of course, it is very true, as he says, that each athlete strives not only for the sake of sport, but for the sake of his country. Thus a new rivalry is invented. If England be beaten on the river, or America outdistanced on the racing path, or that American has lost the strength which she once possessed. Well, what of it? The only safety after all lies in the lesson of the real Olympia - that the Games themselves are better than the race and the prize. St. Paul tells us how insignificant is the prize, Our prize is not corruptible, but incorruptible, and though only one may wear the laurel wreath, all may share the equal joy of the contest. All encouragement, therefore, be given to the exhilarating - I might also say soul-saving - interest that comes in active and fair and clean athletic sports.”

(“The Olympic Games are now taking place. What is their danger? The fact is that young people, who have come from all over the world to prove their strength and dexterity, are fighting not only for prizes, but also, as it were, defending the honor of their country. A new reason for competition is emerging Yes, England can lose in rowing, America can lose in those disciplines in which they once won. So what should the only lesson from the Olympics be that it’s not winning the competition that’s important, but participating in the Games itself? ")

Five days later, on July 24, the idea expressed by Talbot was paraphrased by the founder of the Olympic movement, Pierre Coubertin:

"The important thing in life is not victory but combat; it is not to have vanquised but to have fought well. By spreading these precepts we will prepare a more courageous, stronger, more scrupulous and generous humanity"

(“The most important thing in life is not victory, but struggle. The main thing is not to win, but to fight bravely. By developing these principles, we will create a braver, stronger, more conscientious and noble humanity.”

And on July 25, Talbot’s idea was brought to life: a special prize was awarded to the Italian marathon runner Dorando Pietri, who, while in the lead, lost consciousness several times just before the finish line, and finished the distance with the help of spectators, for which he was disqualified.

Using a catchphrase

“Near the girls, the camp physical education teacher pronounced another truth of the great Olympian: “.(Evgeniy Veltistov “New Adventures of Electronics”)
“The authorship of this phrase belongs not to the ideologist of the Olympic movement de Coubertin, but to the Pennsylvania bishop.”(Vladislav Bykov, Olga Derkach “Book of the Century”)
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Geraskina Evgenia. Lyceum No. 62, Saratov, Saratov region, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Other.

The main thing - not to win, most importantly - to participate

"The main thing is not to win, most importantly - to participate", says the well-known Russian proverb. Few people share this view. Each of us wants to reach our goals and dreams, to realize our desires. But what is more important - the achievement of goals or the process?

From birth man seeks something, even on a subconscious level. The baby is eager to role over on his tummy, and later - learn to walk, later - talk. All these are aspirations. Without aspirations there would not be a human. Often to achieve his goals, the man has to overcome many obstacles, but does beingthat make him stronger?

But back to the main question: what is more important - victory or desire to win? Victory sometimes doesn`t mean anything, it`s important to try, test yourself, believe in yourself. In any competition it`s important to outdo myself and become better. If you get over yourself, you win everything and everyone. It doesn`t matter, you reach your goal or not, the main thing - you tried. You Must strive to win, try, but if you really want - "the whole universe will help make your wish come true." It`s important to realize, what you really need, it`s important to understand, when the goal justifies the means and when - doesn`t.

"The main thing is not to win, most importantly - to participate." Many people believe that this saying is for losers. I think quite differently. Maybe many people misunderstand it? Let is take the simplest example: on the school Mathematical Olympiad

I didn't win first place. I would be a pity, because Idid not show not the best result. But is this a reason to be upset? Not at all, it`s just a reason to improve my knowledge on the subject. In this case you just need to draw conclusions, brush up on everything and next time try to take first place.

“The victory should go to the strongest,” the phrase we often hear. The strong man - a man, who would be able to cope with obstacles in his life. The person must be mentally prepared to win and to lose. So never forget that victory - is not important. It should be noted that it is important to learn to enjoy other people`s victories. Don`t get mad because you have lost. Be glad that you tried something, be happy for the winner. Be happy sincerely.

The main thing - do not give up. Defeat should be only incentive for a new effort and give strength, should teach something. If you will try to make all possible efforts and to act honestly - you`re already a winner. But the most important thing in any situation - be a man.

“The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation,” says the famous Russian proverb. Few share this view. Each of us dreams of achieving our goals, dreams of making what we want come true. But what is more important - achieving these goals or the process itself?

From birth, a person strives for something, even on a subconscious level. The baby really wants to roll over on his tummy, later - learn to walk, and even later - talk. These are all aspirations. Without aspirations there would be no man. Often, in order to achieve set goals, a person has to overcome many obstacles, but doesn’t this make him stronger?

But let's return to the main question: what is more important - victory or the desire to win? Victory sometimes doesn’t mean anything, it’s important to try, test yourself, believe in yourself. In any competition, it is important to surpass yourself and become better. If you surpass yourself, you will conquer everything and everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you achieve your goal or not, the main thing is that you tried. You need to make an effort to win, try, but if you really want it, “The whole Universe will help make your wish come true.” It is important to understand what you really need; It is important to understand when the end justifies the means and when it does not.

“The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation.” Many people think that this saying is for losers. I think completely differently. Perhaps many people misunderstand it? Let's consider a simple example: there is a mathematics Olympiad at school, and I take part in it, but do not take first place. I will be a little sorry because I didn’t show the best result. But is this a reason to be upset? Not at all, this is just a reason to improve your knowledge on this subject. In this case, you just need to “refresh” the knowledge in your memory, learn everything and next time try to take first place.

“Victory must go to the strongest,” is a phrase we often hear. A strong person is a person who can cope with obstacles in his life. A person must be mentally prepared for both winning and losing. You should never forget that winning is not the main thing. It is worth noting that it is important to learn to enjoy other people’s victories. Don't be angry because you lost. Be happy that you tried, learned something for yourself, be happy for the winner. Be sincerely happy.

Under no circumstances should you give up. Failure should be an incentive to try again, it should encourage and give strength, it should teach something. If you want to win, if you try, make every effort and act honestly, you are already a winner. But the most important thing in any situation is to remain human.

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