Pedagogical College 1 named after Makarenko.

From the small Moskvoretsky Bridge to Dobryninskaya Square there is Bolshaya Ordynka Street, on which in building No. 47 there is Pedagogical College No. 1 named after K.D. Ushinsky, the oldest secondary specialized pedagogical educational institution in Moscow. The first mention of the building dates back to 1806. The plot belonged to the Moscow merchant Ivan Ivanovich, son of Kalashnikov. By 1864, in Moscow, with the Highest permission, the Alexander-Mariinsky School was established under the Moscow Merchant Society for incoming children of all classes.
In 1877, the architect of the Moscow Merchants' Council, Alexander Stepanovich Kaminsky, went to the Moscow City Council with a petition from the Council of the Moscow Merchants' Council to install fixtures in the buildings of the property. Almost all existing buildings were demolished. Along the red line of Bolshaya Ordynka Street, a 2-story stone building without a basement is being built (modern building 47 on Bolshaya Ordynka Street), which was “exclusively occupied by a school for incoming children.” The second is a 2-story wooden residential building facing Malaya Ordynka Street with an extension for the stairs, in which the school teachers lived. In 1898, the house facing Malaya Ordynka Street was built with a third floor according to the design of the architect Vasily Georgievich Sretensky. In 1888, a son was born into the family of teachers at the Alexander-Mariinsky School, the Bukharins, Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, a comrade-in-arms of V.I. Lenin, one of the leaders of Soviet Russia. In 1918, the Alexander-Mariinsky School was transformed into school No. 17 named after N.I. Bukharin. The school ran social pedagogical courses that trained organizers of political educational work and school affairs. The best methodologists in Moscow taught these courses. In 1930, a Decree was issued on the introduction of universal compulsory education at the first level of school (5 grades), so it was necessary to “develop a network of pedagogical institutes and technical schools, as well as special pedagogical courses.” Such a pedagogical institution opened in the Zamoskvoretsky district, it was decided to “reorganize special courses at school No. 17 into a Pedagogical College with 11 groups, covering 440 people.” On September 1, 1930, the Industrial Pedagogical College began operating. Benyukh Petr Sazontyevich was appointed director of the technical school. This date is considered to be the founding date of the educational institution. The technical school provided a wide range of knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. After the first year of study, a group of students was sent to villages in the Bogoroditsky district of the Tula province to help open libraries and organize literacy clubs. Among them was the future writer Boris Laskin. The technical school trained workers for preschool, school and library institutions. In 1936, the technical school was renamed the Moscow Model Pedagogical College and transferred to the jurisdiction of the Moscow City Department of Public Education. January 7, 1937 The Moscow Model Pedagogical College was renamed the Moscow Model Pedagogical School No. 1. Director Benyukh P.S., together with scientist-teachers Grushnikov P.A., Chekmarev Ya.F., Perovsky E.I., participated in the development of new programs in pedagogy, wrote textbooks for pedagogical technical schools and universities. Many teachers of the technical school were the authors of manuals and textbooks for schoolchildren and students: Gorbushina L.A., Ryndin A.A., Beskrovny L.G. etc. The educational institution became a scientific and methodological center not only in Moscow, but throughout the country. In September 1938, A.S. spoke at Pedagogical School No. 1. Makarenko, who spoke about his experience of working in the colony named after M. Gorky and the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, this mainly concerned the character education of the individual. In the “Pedagogical Works” of A.S. Makarenko there is an article “Report at the Pedagogical School.” The topic of the report is “Fundamentals of political education.” Before the death of A.S. Makarenko, teachers and students of the school maintained warm friendly relations with him. Subsequently, in the seventies and eighties, the Union of Makaren Enthusiasts (SAM) was created at the school under the leadership of Tatyana Konstantinovna Bronitskaya.

I won’t advise you to come here or not, it’s up to you to decide, I’ll write solely my opinion. If I could go back five years of my lost life and make a choice NOT to come here, I would do it. Yes, they will give you knowledge and practice, but they won’t give you any guarantees, you will be here like in a concentration camp, you will be destroyed as a person, they like students to suck up to you, and if you don’t know how, you won’t get used to it, you can learn through something , somehow, somewhere, the main thing is to suck up and sometimes go to practice, the more and better you know something, the tighter you clamp your jaw, don’t appear, it will be worse for you. If you want to know everything about this place, think again, because what happens here must be endured. If you have a weak nervous system, I beg you, walk by, you will only make it worse, in the 5th year of study it became noticeable that all the students and teachers would squabble with each other, now college is the death throes, so think about what you want, live or humiliate?
They lie about food in college, there is some, but it’s slop. The breaks last five minutes, they let you go after a couple, you won’t have time to eat, go to the toilet and communicate, you will study, but without rest, your group and teachers will get you everywhere. It’s also important when you write important work, remember, you always had to hand it in yesterday, they’ll take the work, but they’ll completely rip your nerves out, with practice it’s even more interesting, depending on who you end up with, there are several types of methodologists: 1 - they don’t give a damn at all that's all, the main thing is to turn it in on time, 2nd I won't teach you anything, but I'll screw you up 3rd I'll teach you and screw you up. I repeat, it’s up to you to choose the college, not me, I made a mistake in choosing a college, and that’s why I’m sharing this here.
You will not have a personal life, you will not have friends and hobbies, you will not have time to wash your hair, sleep and eat, remember this from the beginning if you apply. You will have no life! Further, if you were at least a little sick, you are being treated, you are missing out, if you got pregnant here, it would be better if you didn’t do this, you will get the answer that you give birth right here during the exams, no one cares, no one will call an ambulance for you at college either, because this will supposedly lower the prestige of the college, this is a deception, there is no prestige and there wasn’t for at least five years of my study.
There are good teachers, but a personal attitude will make your day, either they like you and pretend to be a good girl and suck up you, or you go off into the fog.
Submitting documentation... well, it usually happens very cheerfully and cheerfully, they will take it from everyone, even after half a year, but they will yell at the excellent students, and not say a word to the poor students.
You think that going to college at a university will be easier, don’t deceive yourself, it won’t be, because there won’t be any further and there won’t be a university either, they are all no longer partners of the college and only for money, there are no shortened programs and there won’t be.
If you think that they will hire you, do not be deceived, no, this is not higher education - complete your studies, see above about universities.
I can say that after all this you won’t get into universities, you have the knowledge, you don’t have the strength, here you will be destroyed as a person, your health will be destroyed, you will be looking for yourself for a long time and a place to come to, but whether you find it will depend on you .
Another important thing is that teachers are vindictive; I write the truth at my own peril and risk. There are a lot of tyrants, it will often seem that the problem is that you are stupid and bad, no, it’s not always like that, more often they tell you one thing today, another tomorrow and you don’t know where to run. Many girls who entered with me ran away from here, although they studied well, they wanted to live, I did too, but they had a choice, I don’t, and this is an indicator, it should also be noted that they like to throw out of college not for grades, but for attendance, but that's a different story.
Choose, there are no comrades according to taste and color.

From the small Mosk-Vorets-ko-go bridge to Dob-ry-nins-koy square there is Bolshaya Or-dynka street, on which in building No. 47 there is there is a pedagogical college No. 1 named after K. D. Ushins - a hundred-year-old secondary specialized pedagogical educational institution in Moscow. The first mention of the building was in 1806. The place was near the Moscow merchant Ivan Ivanovich, the son of Ka-lash-nikova. By 1864, in Moscow, with the Highest Co-creation under the Moscow Merchant Society, Aleksandr was established. Sand-ro-Ma-ri-ins-school for visiting children of all classes.

In 1877, the ar-hi-tek-tor of the Moscow Ku-peches-koy up-ra-you Alexander Stepanovich Ka-minsky comes to Moscow -Russian administration with a request from the Council of the Moscow Merchant Administration for the establishment of equipment in post-roy-kah possession. Almost all of the existing buildings were built in a dream. Along the red line of Bolshaya Or-dynka street, a two-story stone building without a basement is being built (the current building is 47 on the street -tse Bolshaya Or-dynka), which was “study-but-busy with a school for visiting children.” In another two-story wooden residential building, facing Malaya Or-dynka Street, the school teachers lived . In 1898, this house, according to the design of the ar-hi-tek-to-ra Va-siliya Ge-or-gi-evi-cha Sre-tens-ko-nads-tra-va-sya third- they don't care.

In 1888, a son, Nikolai Ivanovich, was born into the family of teachers Aleksand-ro-Ma-ri-ins-ko-school Bukhari-nyh Bukharin is a colleague of V.I. Lenin, one of the leaders of Soviet Russia. In 1918, Alexander-sand-ro-Ma-ri-ins-koe school was re-formed into school No. 17 named after N.I. Bukhari on. Under her, there were social-pedagogical courses that prepared or- ganizers for the literary Russian government. -bots and school-no-go-la. They were taught the best methodologies in the city of Moscow.

In 1930, a new publication was issued on the introduction of universal compulsory education in the scope of the first level school ( 5th grade), therefore it would not be possible to expand the network of pedagogical institutes and technical godfathers, as well as special ci-al-nyh pedagogical courses. Such a pedagogical institution was also opened in the Trans-Moscow-Retz region: it was decided to “re-or-ga-low- to run specialized courses at the 17th school in the Pedagogical Technical College with the number of groups of 11 with a population of 440 people.” On September 1, 1930, the Indust-ri-al-no-pedagogical technical department begins to work. Di-rek-to-rum tech-ni-goum was named Pyotr Sa-zont-evich Benyukh. This da-ta considers the da-ta the foundation of the educational institution.

The technician provided a wide range of knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice. Already after the first year of training, a group of students was directed to the village and village of Bo-goro-dits-ko district of the Tula province for assistance in opening a library and organizing circles for the elimination of poverty . Among them was the future writer Boris Laskin. The technical godfather prepared work for pre-schools, schools and bibli- cal institutions. In 1936, the technical college was renamed the Moscow Model Pedagogical Technical College and transferred to the jurisdiction of Moscow -kovs-go-go-go-rods-from-de-la at-ra-formation. On January 7, 1937, the Moscow Model Pedagogical Technical College was renamed to the Moscow Model voe pedagogical school No. 1.

Director P. S. Benyukh together with scientists P. A. Grushnikov, Ya. F. Chek-ma-rev, E. I. Pe -Rovs-kim participated in the development of new programs for pedagogical geeks, wrote textbooks for pedagogical technologies godfathers and university call. Many technical teachers were the authors of manuals and textbooks for schoolchildren and students: L. A. Gor-bu -shina, A. A. Ryn-din, L. G. Besk-rov-ny and others. The educational institution became an educational center -rum not only in Moscow, but throughout the country.

In September 1938, in pedagogical school No. 1, A. S. Makarenko, who spoke to the audience about his experience, those works in the colony named after Mak-si-ma Gor-ko-go and whom-mu-not named F. E. Dzer-zhins-ko-go, mainly about memory -tanii ha-rak-te-ra. In “Pedagogical Societies” by A. S. Ma-karenko there is an article “Document in a pedagogical school.” Te-ma dok-la-da - “Basic-but-you-for-liti-chess-of-re-education.” Before the death of A. S. Ma-karen-ko, the teachers and students of the school maintained warm, friendly relations with him . Subsequently, in the 1970-1980s, the Union was created in the school under the leadership of Tatyana Kons-tan-ti-nov-ny Bro-nits-koy en-tu-zi-as-tov-ma-karen-tsev (SEM).

December 31, 1945 Post-ta-nov-le-ni-em of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On measures to perpetuate the memory of K. D. Ushins-ko-go “The educational institution was given the name of a great Russian teacher - a teacher of Russian teachers. The educational institution has been bearing the name of Cons-tan-ti-na Dmit-ri-evi-cha Ushins-ko with honor and pride for 60 years now.

A significant part of the capital's secondary vocational educational sector is represented by. Graduates of institutions devote their lives to work in preschool institutions, schools, sports clubs, sections and other institutions whose activities intersect with the content of education at pedagogical secondary educational institutions.

On the prospects of teacher education in Russia

The development of preschool and additional education systems is named as a priority area of ​​activity for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as defined in the state program designed for the period from 2013 to 2020. The main goal of the program is to restore the prestige of the teaching profession. The government has outlined specific steps designed to ensure a high standard of living and respect for teachers of schools, universities, secondary educational institutions, and kindergarten teachers.

At the initial stage, it is planned to increase teachers' salaries, after which government officials intend to consider increasing the income of employees of preschool institutions, secondary vocational educational institutions and employees of the field of additional education. The implementation of these prospects will certainly cause an increase in the number of people wishing to enroll in one of the state pedagogical colleges of Moscow.

The Russian education system is in great need of qualified teaching staff. Today it covers about 700 educational institutions, including:

  • approximately 350 teacher training colleges and schools;
  • 55 industrial-pedagogical and vocational-pedagogical secondary educational institutions;
  • 160 public universities;
  • about 100 professional retraining institutions and advanced training institutions.

(Secondary Vocational Education): section “Education”

After graduating from one of the capital's colleges, graduates have a real chance to continue their studies at one of the pedagogical universities in Moscow. As part of secondary vocational education, Makarenko’s followers receive the following specialties and professions:

Specialty in secondary education Number Teaching profession
Adaptive physical education 050721 Physical education teacher
Geography 050103 Geography teacher at school
Preschool education 050704 Teacher of psychology, preschool pedagogy
Fine arts, drawing 050603 Fine arts (drawing) teacher
Foreign languages 050303 Foreign language teacher
Story 050401 History teacher
Corrective pedagogy in primary education 050719 Organizer and methodologist in preschool education
Mathematics 050201 Mathematics teacher (work in a basic education school)
Music education 050601 Music teacher
Organization of educational activities 050702

Profession of teacher-organizer plus additional qualifications in the following areas:

  • folk art;
  • youth policy;
  • psychology; choreography;
  • home education;
  • theatrical performance;
  • management in education;
  • decoration.
Pedagogy of additional education 050710 Teachers in the field of additional education
Primary school teaching 050709 Primary school teachers
Vocational training 050501 Technician, designer, technologist, fashion designer, etc.
Native language, literature 050302 Teacher of native language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Russian language, literature 050301 Teacher of Russian language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Social pedagogy 050711 Social teacher plus additional qualifications, for example, counselor, teacher, etc.
Special pedagogy in special or correctional educational institutions 050718 Teacher of school-age children with preserved development or developmental disabilities
Special preschool education 050705 Teacher of children with developmental disabilities or developmental disabilities
Technology 050503 Technology teacher
Physical culture 050720
  • Physical education teacher;
  • educator;
  • organizer of a tourist club at school;
  • physical education instructor at a preschool institution.

Separately, it should be noted the special status of some pedagogical secondary educational institutions, for example, socio-pedagogical colleges of Moscow. Along with the general admission rules and specialties indicated above, in these educational institutions you can get something more than a teaching profession. Take, for example, the socio-pedagogical college of MSPU (Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University). The institution organized admission of students among children with certain medical pathologies. Within the walls of the college, students can obtain a profession in the following specialties:

  • publishing;
  • programming.

Attention: students of Moscow pedagogical colleges who entered after 9th grade are entitled to a deferment from the army until they reach the age of 20.

Moscow pedagogical colleges: general admission rules

Anyone can become a student at the pedagogical college, provided:

  • availability of basic general education and relevant document;
  • availability of secondary education and the relevant document;
  • having primary vocational, secondary vocational or higher education.

Citizens of foreign countries, as well as Russian citizens living abroad, have the right to enter the Moscow Pedagogical College. The educational process involves full-time, evening, part-time or part-time training, including distance learning. The basis for citizens to enter the best pedagogical colleges in Moscow is the application of the applicant.

Documents for admission to Moscow Pedagogical College

The list of documents to be submitted to the admissions committee of the secondary school includes:

  • Passport (when sending documents by mail, you must provide a copy).
  • State-issued education document (copy or original).
  • Photos, 4 pcs., black and white, size 3 x 4.
  • Medical certificate.

When applying for part-time or part-time study, some secondary educational institutions, for example, University College No. 5, require additional documents, including a copy of the registration certificate, work book (copy), certificate of employment, etc. It is better to find out about the documents required for admission at your college's admissions office.

All documents must be sent by mail to the address of the institution or brought to the admissions office in person.

Exams for admission to pedagogical colleges

The main disciplines, the level of knowledge in which is of particular interest, are:

  • Russian language;
  • biology;
  • mathematics;
  • foreign language.

Not all pedagogical colleges in Moscow accept the results of the State Examination or the Unified State Exam as a basis. It is necessary to find out in advance about exams in pedagogical colleges based on grades 9 or 11.

Average score according to the results of the Unified State Examination (GIA) upon admission to a pedagogical college

Pedagogical College No. 1 named after Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky is one of the oldest pedagogical educational institutions in Moscow. It has a long and glorious history, which began at the beginning of the last century.

The technical school provided a wide range of knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. After the first year of study, a group of students was sent to villages to help open libraries and organize literacy clubs. Among them was the future writer Boris Laskin.

In 1945, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided: “To assign the name of Ushinsky K.D. the first pedagogical school in Moscow." For almost 65 years now, our educational institution has been named after Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky with honor and pride.

Areas of study

Specialties of secondary vocational education:

¦ Teaching in primary school (full-time, part-time)
¦ Pedagogy of additional education in the field of social and pedagogical activities (full-time education)
¦ Preschool education (full-time education; for (preschool educational institutions employees, full-time, part-time, part-time)

Duration of training:
Based on 9th grade.(full-time department) - 3 years 10 months.
Based on 11 cells.(full-time department) - 2 years 10 months.
Based on 11 cells.(part-time department, correspondence department) - 2 years 10 months.

Admission conditions:

Entrance exams:

Based on 9th grade:
¦ Teaching in primary school

. Mathematics - in GIA format or GIA results

¦ Pedagogy of additional education
in the field of social and pedagogical activities
. Russian language - in GIA format or GIA results
. Literature - testing or GIA results
¦ Preschool education (full-time education)
. Russian language - in GIA format or GIA results
. Biology - testing or GIA results

Based on 11th grade:

¦ Teaching in primary school (correspondence course)
. Russian language - testing. Mathematics - oral

¦ Preschool education(full-time and part-time forms of education for those working in preschool educational institutions)

¦ Russian language - testing

Biology - testing

Full-time and part-time - FREE, part-time - paid

Based on 9th grade:

¦ in the specialty "Teaching in primary school"— Russian language (preparation for the State Examination), mathematics (preparation for the State Examination)
¦ in the specialty “Pedagogy of additional education in the field of social and pedagogical activities” - Russian language (preparation for the State Examination), literature (preparation for testing)
¦ in the specialty “Preschool education” - Russian language (preparation for the State Examination), biology (preparation for testing)

At the end of the training sessions, final work is carried out.

Duration of training in preparatory courses: b months (from October to March), 4 months. (from February to May), 3 weeks. (June)

Cooperation with universities:

College graduates enroll in related specialties at pedagogical universities for a shortened period of study and without Unified State Examination results (MPGU, MGPPU, MGPU, MGPI)

Additional services:
On the basis of the college there is a system of additional professional education (advanced training courses).

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