Pedagogical project “Mysterious signs and symbols. Lesson in the preparatory group “Symbols of Russia”

Lesson summary on the topic: “State symbols of Russia”

To form a respectful attitude towards the state symbols of Russia.
- consolidate knowledge about the name of the native country;
- consolidate knowledge about the symbols of Russia: flag and coat of arms;
- introduce children to the new symbols of Russia - the anthem;
- continue to form an initial idea about the origin of the modern state emblem and its functional purpose;
-continue to work on the development of coherent speech;
-improving dialogic and monologue speech;
- strengthen the ability to answer questions;
- to cultivate patriotic feelings (love and respect for the Motherland) through the word of art and music.
Equipment and materials: a poster with a painted birch tree, without leaves; birch leaves made of green paper, brush, glue, brush stand, illustrations depicting symbols of Russia, recording of the anthem, didactic game “Collect the Russian flag.”
Preliminary work: communication of initial knowledge about the state symbols of Russia; reading literary texts; consolidation of material using illustrations; drawing; execution of applications; didactic games.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Children, let's hold hands and squeeze each other's palms tighter to feel what friendly guys we are, and perform our greeting ritual:
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together
And let's smile at each other!
Amazing! You guys are so good!
Recharged from each other with positive, kind energy! Sit comfortably: keep your backs straight, hands on your knees. You can go to the land of “Knowledge”.
2. Main part.

Today we will continue the conversation about the state symbols of Russia: we will repeat some things, and get acquainted with others for the first time. And so that our journey would not be boring, ...………… came to visit us.
Who is this mysterious guest, guess for yourself. To do this, listen to the riddles:
Alena is standing with a green scarf,
Slim figure, white sundress. (Birch)
The trunk turns white, the cap turns green,
Standing in white clothes, dangling earrings. (Birch)
Sticky buds, green leaves,
With white bark, stands under the mountain. (Birch)
Green, not a meadow,
White, not snow,
Kudryava, not a person. (Birch)
So, our guest is……….
Children: Birch.
Educator: Well done! Right. Children, the birch tree is also a symbol of our Motherland, only a folk one.

A strong wind tore off the leaves of our birch tree. To decorate a birch tree with new leaves, you need to answer questions and complete some of my tasks.
If you answer a question correctly or complete a task correctly, you get the right to stick a leaf on a birch branch.
So guys! There are so many different countries on our globe. But there is only one country on it, which we love, which we call our Motherland.
Please tell me what country with an amazingly beautiful name we live in?
Children:“We live in a country called Russia.”
(The child who answered correctly glues a leaf on a birch tree)
I ask another 2-3 students in order to consolidate the material:
Educator: Right. This is Russia.
Who can and wants to show the border of our state on the map?
(Child (2-3) uses a pointer to show the border of Russia.)
The one who shows correctly glues the birch leaf.
Educator: Our country is great. It spreads its expanses far and wide: from west to east, from north to south.
(Reading the poem “Our Motherland” by N. Zabil)
How big is my land
How wide are the spaces!
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests, and steppe, and mountains.
My country has spread
From north to south:
When it's spring in one region,
In the other there is snow and blizzard.
When it's the dead of night
It turns black outside the window,
Far Eastern region at that hour
Already awakened by the sun.
And a train through my country
To the border from the border
No less than ten days -
And it will barely get home...
Educator: What is the Motherland?
Children: This is our house, street, village.
Homeland is the place where we were born and live
Homeland is the country in which we live.
Our Motherland is Russia.
Great land, beloved land,
Where we were born and live,
We are the bright homeland,
We are the dear Motherland,
We call it our Motherland
Educator: Guys, do you know poems about the Motherland?
Let's honor them.
(2-3 people recite poems and glue leaves)
Children: I learned that I have a huge family:
And the path and the forest,
Every spikelet in the field!
The river, the blue sky - This is all mine - DEAR, I love everyone in the world! This is my homeland!
Educator:“Our Motherland, guys, also loves us very much.”
“The native land can do anything -
He can feed you with his bread,
Drink from your springs,
Surprise with your beauty.
Feed with berries, mushrooms,
Drink birch sap.
Anything is possible!
She just can’t defend herself.”
Educator: And who can protect their native Earth?
Who can protect Russia?
Children: Military, soldiers.
Educator: That's right, a piece of glue. Let us also become soldiers for a while and march a little:
Physical minute:
And now everything is in order
Let's get up and exercise together!
And you are baht, and you are baht,
Soldiers go to the parade.
Here come the tankers
Then the artillerymen.
And then - the infantry:
Company by company,
Company by company.
We return to our seats. We sit down comfortably, keep our backs straight, hands on our knees. Don't forget to watch your posture.
Educator: Our tree is not fully dressed, so we continue our conversation. All countries, including Russia, have their own symbols. Let's remember what these symbols are? Name the state symbols of the country.

Children: The state symbols of our country are the flag, coat of arms, and anthem.
Educator: That's right, one of the symbols is a flag.

What colors does the Russian flag consist of?
Children: The Russian flag consists of three colors: white, blue, red.
(In order to consolidate the material, 2-3 children answer.)
Children who give correct answers stick leaves on birch branches.
Educator: How are the stripes located on the flag? (if they find it difficult to answer, I ask a leading question: are the stripes horizontal or vertical?)
Children: The stripes are arranged horizontally: white, blue, red.
Educator: What does white mean on the Russian flag?
Children: The white color on the Russian flag means peace.
Educator: Yes, our country is peace-loving and does not attack anyone.
What does blue mean?
Children: Blue color means faith and hope, water and sky.
Educator: What does red mean?
Children: Red color means the Victory of good over evil.
Educator: I suggest you rest a little.
Let's play the game "Who can assemble the Russian flag faster."
Didactic game “Collect the Russian flag.”
(The first child to correctly assemble the flag gets the right to glue a birch leaf to a visual aid.)
Educator: The Russian coat of arms also belongs to the state symbols of Russia.

The State Emblem of Russia is installed on special border pillars.
What is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?
Children: The coat of arms of Russia depicts a double-headed eagle.
Educator: The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the power and might of our country. The horseman is Saint George the Victorious, piercing a snake with his spear, symbolizing the eternal victory of good over evil.
Summing up.
So, let's summarize.
Flag of Russia, coat of arms of Russia - what is it?
Children: The flag of Russia, the coat of arms of Russia are the state symbols of our country.
Educator: What other symbol did I forget to mark?
Children: You forgot to mention the Russian Anthem.

Educator: What is an anthem?
Children: The anthem is the most important music in our country.
The anthem is a solemn song about our country, about how we love it.
Educator: Well done, right! I would also like to add that when the Russian anthem plays, you need to stand up and listen to it standing and silently. In this way we show respect for our country.
The anthem is always played at special events and various competitions.
Let's listen to one verse of the Russian Anthem.
(the anthem plays, everyone listens while standing)
Take your seats.
Educator: Well, guys. We dressed the birch tree in a new dress. Now let's remember what we talked about?
Children: We talked about the state symbols of Russia.
Educator: Well done guys! I think the birch tree is the national symbol of our Motherland, I’m very happy with the new beautiful outfit. The lesson is over. Thank you very much for your attention.

Lyudmila Magzhanova
Pedagogical project “Mysterious signs and symbols”

"MBDOU "Polaznensky kindergarten No. 8"


« Mysterious signs and symbols» Developed: Magzhanova L. A.

Kholod I.I.

View project: informational, long-term.

Participants project: teachers senior group No. 4 Magzhanova L. A., Kholod I. I.

Target group: group students and their parents.

Relevance: In various sections of the program we are implementing, it is envisaged that preschoolers will master a variety of models, different ones, and develop the skills to create and apply them in the process of cognition. Mastery of modeling ensures more effective mastery of properties, relationships, dependencies, development of components of cognitive activity, activation of cognitive interests and independence in preschool children. Development symbolic activity is considered as an indicator of readiness for school, a criterion of intellectual development. However, without special work, a significant proportion of children have a low level of development of modeling skills - difficulties in consistent comparison of an object with a model, lack of preliminary analysis of the model, lack of understanding of the rules of modeling, literal perception symbols and signs. We are talking about mastering practical actions to use the model (using ready-made models, reproducing them in familiar situations, making simple changes, substitution, encoding and decoding of the model, characters, signs.

Target: Creating motivation to master sign-symbolic systems and means, clarifying the experience of their development by children.


1. Develop children’s cognitive activity through mastering various symbolic tools and modeling;

2. Intensify the development of various sign-symbolic means; lead to an understanding of their functions, rules of construction, intensify the desire to master them and use them in the process of cognition;

3. Develop skills and actions: modeling, substitution, encoding, decoding, creating and transforming a model, preliminary analysis of an object and substitutes, comparison and examination of an object and a model, changing a model.

4. Develop cognitive activity, independence in the process of cognition, mastering modeling, sign-symbolic means.

5. Motivate parents to participate in problem-based communication with children in the process of mastering sign-symbolic means.

Educational areas:

1. Cognition

2. Communication

3. Reading fiction

4. Socialization

5. Artistic creativity

7. Security

8. Physical culture

Implementation project

Informational and motivating

1. Development project, familiarization with its main ideas of children and their parents;

2. Identification of tasks that need to be solved during the implementation process project, activity planning;

3. Studying specialized literature, collecting materials on the topic.


Joint activities teacher with children:

1. As part of the search for an answer to the question "Why do we need signs have a conversation « Signs around us» .(program "Rainbow" With. 118)

2. Working with the manual "Experience the world"

3. Walks and excursions along the streets of the village "In search of signs» ;

"What are they talking about? signs on the streets» (program "Rainbow" With. 119)

4. Reviewing children's illustrated encyclopedias in order to find information about the appearance of symbols and signs.

5. A tour of the kitchen "What are they talking about? marks on packaging

With discussion of appointment signs, characters, clarification of their content.

6 Exercises in using models, signs, characters at a time

educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication",

"Reading fiction";

7. Recording the results of activities invented signs and symbols in the Discovery Notebook;

8 Exercise "Who will notice more signs and symbols

9. Introduction to signs and symbols in everyday life (denote toy box symbols, manuals, sequence diagrams for performing actions).

Independent activity:

1. Games and exercises for developing skills in modeling, coding, decoding various signs and symbols:

- “Choose (make up your mind) sign to an object, word"

- “Where is whose outline?”;

- "Shadows";

- "Drawing for another";

- "Let's do exercises";

- "Make a picture";

- "Guess";

- “What do we find out?”;

- "The Magic Computer";

- "Magic Photography";

- “Alike - not alike”;

- "Find a Family";

- "Find the treasure";

- “Where did the bee fly?”

Games with Dienesha blocks

Productive activity:

Draw and decorate the first letter of the first and last name;

Construction from parts "Miracle Crosses"-2, 3, "Miracle Cell",

"Letter constructor", "Transparent square", games with "Geocontom",

"Igrovisor" and other manuals by V.V. Voskobovich with sketching and coloring of figures.

Coloring signs traffic for subsequent role-playing games;

Design according to the scheme, comparison of the scheme and the building (crafts).

Working with parents:

Organization of an exhibition of primers and alphabets in the literacy center;

The boys' parents will decorate the exhibition (album): "Models of cars and their symbolism» .

Meetings with interesting people “Professional” symbolic

Enrichment of the developmental environment through didactic games using

use signs and symbols;

Help in creating collections of icons and calendars.


1. Reflection on the process and results of activities in

implementation progress project.


1. Generalization and presentation in leisure time "Merry Pirates"

2. Defining prospects:

Continue working on this topic in the preparatory group.

Topics to Study:

Sports symbolism;

Different alphabets;

Space symbolism;

Coats of arms too symbols;

We draw diagrams of buildings;

Temporary orientations.

Expected result:

1. Having an interest in signs and symbols, understanding their role and

meanings for a person.

2. Availability of knowledge and development of skills in decoding signs, creating your own characters, use symbolism in everyday life.

3. Enrichment of the development environment through various signs and symbols.

4. Creating an atmosphere of cooperation, trust, mutual

actions with parents of pupils.


Verbenets A. M. “Mastering the properties and relationships of objects by children of the fifth year of life through modeling” // Methodological advice for the program "Childhood".-SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2006.

Lavrentieva T. V. “Formation of the ability for visual modeling with familiarization with spatial relations

niyami//Development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education. -M.: Pedagogy,1986.

Lebedeva S. A. “Development of cognitive activity of a preschooler based on schematization” Questions of psychology. -1997.-No.5

A. M. Verbenets "Mastering Modeling"//Preschooler 5-7 years old in kindergarten// St. Petersburg "CHILDHOOD-PRESS",2010

Municipal preschool educational institution of a general developmental type, kindergarten No. 17 “Firefly”, Dmitrov, Moscow region

The names of the manuals from the publishing house "DROFA" used in the preparation of the abstract: Fundamentals of life safety series "The ABC of Road Traffic. Program and methodological recommendations » Workbook “The ABCs of Traffic”

Preparatory group (6-7 years old)

Topic: Journey to the Land of Road Signs"

Goal: Objectives:

Educational objectives: To clarify preschoolers’ knowledge of the concepts of “street”, “sidewalk”, “roadway”, cars moving along the roadway, pedestrians on the sidewalk;

Developmental tasks:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the functions of traffic lights: regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians using signals; about the functions of road signs: Warning signs: “Attention children”, “Road works”, “Slippery road”. "Railway crossing" Prohibition signs. Sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”, “Entry is prohibited”, “Traffic is prohibited”

Systematize knowledge about the rules for crossing the roadway: we cross the road through a pedestrian crossing.



Audio recording. "Traffic Rules"

Road signs on a stand. (Pedestrian crossing, underground passage, bus stop)

Model cars or cars - toys: cars, trucks, bus.

Three traffic lights. (Made from cardboard)

Poster “Road signs” Warning signs: “Attention children”, “Road works”, “Slippery road”. "Railway crossing"

Prohibition signs. Sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”, “Entry is prohibited”, “traffic is prohibited”

Information signs: “Pedestrian crossing”. "Underpass" "Food station", "Hospital"

Handout: road signs for each child: “Entry prohibited”, “Pedestrian crossing” “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Underground passage”, “Hospital”, “Bus stop”

Underground passage "tunnel"

Flooring with road markings.

Preliminary work

Conversations: “Traffic signals”, “Road signs”, “Rules of behavior on the road”, “Rules of behavior in public transport”, etc.

Examination of illustrations “Dangerous situations”; “ABC of traffic rules”, cards with images of road signs, transport.

Reading poems, riddles, works of art according to traffic rules, such as: S. Marshak “Traffic Light”, S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa the Policeman”, A. Ivanov “How Inseparable Friends Crossed the Road”, “encyclopedia of well-mannered children”, etc. .d.

Didactic games: Workbook “The ABC of traffic”, “The fourth wheel”, “Geometric transport”, “Assemble a picture from parts”, “Who can find and name the most road signs”.

Expected outcome of the lesson: as a result of studying the rules of the road, the child should know/understand: Where pedestrians should walk. Why can't you walk on the roadway? Parts of streets and roads.

How to cross the street. Purpose of traffic lights, traffic signals. Public transport waiting areas. What are road signs used for? Groups of road signs.

Be able to: Apply acquired knowledge in practice.

"Journey to the Land of Road Signs"

Lesson plan

Road traffic accidents and their causes. Problem situation: “What will happen on a city street if traffic rules are not followed? Traffic rules are the law of streets and roads. Basic terms and concepts. Road elements: “Street”, “Road”, “Sidewalk”, “Traffic Lane”, “Divider”, “Pedestrian Crossing”, “Pedestrian”, “Traffic Controller”. Traffic lights for pedestrians. Responsibilities of a pedestrian. Where are you allowed to walk? Places where it is allowed to cross the roadway. Responsibilities of passengers. Where should you wait for the vehicle upon boarding? Road signs. The meaning of road signs. Classification of road signs: warning, prohibitory, information signs.

Progress of the lesson:

An audio recording of “Traffic Rules” is played.

To the music, the children, together with the teacher, enter the group. Stand along the perimeter of the flooring.(3X3)


Guys, today I invite you to a country where all people, adults and children, know and follow the rules of the road. (Sounds of accidents and sirens sound)

Oh, a letter. Let's read it: “We, the inhabitants of the country of Road Signs, are in trouble. We have been bewitched by an evil wizard. He stole all the road signs. And all the people of our city stopped following traffic rules. The chaos on the streets has made our life difficult and dangerous: cars constantly create traffic jams, run over pedestrians, and collide with each other. Please help us!”

Guys, it seems to me that we definitely need to help. Shall we help? Then we hit the road, the road will not be easy. We'll go on foot first. (Children stand in a column and follow the teacher)

Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Stay where you are! (Children stand in a line)

Guys, do you know the rules of the road? (Yes) What are the people called who walk down the street? (Pedestrians). Which part of the road should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk) Absolutely right! It seems that we have come to the main street! (Children look at the floor canvas)

Let's find a sidewalk and stand on it. (Children stand on the sidewalk)

Guys, what is the name of the part of the street along which vehicles travel? (roadway) Have you noticed that the roadway is divided by a white line?

When cars move in both directions, what kind of motion is it? (two-way traffic).

The teacher throws up his hands.

Yes! The evil wizard did a good job. Removed all road signs. Where should we cross the road? (at the pedestrian crossing)

Right! Here is a pedestrian crossing. It is also called "Zebra". Where is the pedestrian crossing sign?

Misha, please help me find the “Pedestrian crossing” sign. (The child finds the “Pedestrian crossing” sign, the teacher puts the sign in its place).

Guys, pedestrians have assistants when crossing the street. And what kind of helpers these are, you will find out by guessing the riddles.

No one in the world can do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass.


That's right guys! I suggest you turn into a policeman - a traffic controller. Please take a step back. Repeat everything after me.

Physical education minute.

The guard stands stubborn (we walk in place)

He waves to people: Don't go!

(movements with arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)

Here the cars drive straight (hands in front of you)

Pedestrian, you wait! (arms to the sides)

Look: smiled (hands on belt)

Invites us to go (we walk in place)

You machines, don't rush (hand clapping)

Let pedestrians pass! (jumping in place)

Well done guys. We've done our warm-up, adventures await us. Here's your next riddle.

Day and night I'm burning

I give signals to everyone

I have three colors

What's my name, friends?

(Traffic light)

Come on guys, show us at what traffic light you need to cross the street.

(Expand “Pedestrian crossing”)

Game "Traffic Light"

The teacher shows the traffic lights one by one. Children cross the street when given a signal.

Red light - no way!

Yellow light - ready to go!

And the green light - GO!


Well done guys, you are all exemplary pedestrians. You know how to cross the road correctly. Tell me, what other pedestrian crossings do you know? (underground and above ground). Let's find the Underpass sign and put it back in place. (Children find the road sign “Underpass”)

And now we will play with you. I suggest all the guys go through the underground pedestrian crossing. But please don’t forget, guys, that we are pedestrians, so when leaving the underground passage, stand on the sidewalk.

Outdoor game "Underpass"

The teacher lays out a tunnel. Children go through the “tunnel” one by one

(Children return to the sidewalk)


You are probably tired of walking, I suggest you go further by bus. How do you know where he stops? A! I know! We need to disenchant the road sign. Guess the riddle.

If you're going with a friend

To the zoo or to the cinema,

Make friends with this sign

You'll have to anyway

He will take you quickly, deftly

Sign…. (Bus stop)

Sasha, help me find the “Bus Stop” sign (The child finds the “Bus Stop” road sign; the teacher puts the sign in place)

Outdoor game. "Bus" disc "Music with Mom."

The teacher takes a model of the bus, the children stand one after another and perform movements to the music. The teacher takes the children away and places them at the tables.


We got on the bus with you and became who? (Passengers)


We've arrived. Stop "Road Signs". (Children sit at tables). (There are road signs on the floor) Warning signs: “Attention children”, “Road works”, “Slippery road”. "Railway Crossing"

Prohibition signs. Sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”, “Entry is prohibited”, “traffic is prohibited”

Information signs: “Pedestrian crossing”. "Underpass" "Food station", "Hospital"


This is where the evil wizard hid the road signs! Now we will break their spell by showing our knowledge! We all need to know the signs. So that there is no trouble.

In the red triangle

Warning signs

They warn

They are calling for attention!

These are warning signs.

How many of you know

What does this sign warn about?

Prohibit signs

Different movement

And in red circles

People circle them

How many of you know

What does this sign prohibit?

And there are also signs

Good friends.

They will indicate the direction

Your movement.

Where to eat? Sleep?

And how can I get to my grandmother’s village?

What does this sign tell us?

The teacher reads each poem and introduces the children to prohibitory, informational, and warning signs. Invite the children to explain each sign; if the children find it difficult, the teacher helps them.

Game “Where the road sign is hidden”

The reverse side of the road signs is attached to the board. “Pedestrian crossing” “Underpass” “Bus stop” “Hospital” “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”

The teacher reads a poem for each sign, the children find this sign on their tables and take it to the board, where they attach it. Then the teacher turns over the main sign and compares whether everyone completed the task correctly. (The children have the same road signs on their tables.) (For each child)


The wizard has clearly enchanted the road signs and doesn’t want to give them back. Let's find out, guys, what road signs are hidden from us? I will ask riddles, and you will find the answers on your table and bring the desired sign to the board. Guys, look at your pictures. These are our friends, road signs.

Well, shall we begin?

The teacher reads a quatrain for each sign.

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You, driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrian pass!

Pedestrian crossing sign:

Every pedestrian knows

About this underground passage.

He doesn't decorate the city,

But it doesn’t interfere with cars!

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing":

There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger.

Sign "Bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi stop":

If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is.

One Hundred Serious Doctors

There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”

"Children" sign:

Hospital sign:

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

"You are not allowed to go!"

Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited":

Lesson summary:

Well done guys! You know the rules of the road well. Thanks to your knowledge, you helped the inhabitants of the country of Road Signs get rid of the evil wizard. And peace and order returned to the city, because the city residents again began to comply with the Traffic Rules. Will you guys follow the traffic rules? (Yes)

As a souvenir, I want to give you a book about traffic rules.

Rules from this book

You need to know firsthand.

And teaching them is not easy.

But seriously, for sure.

And also, your friends from the city of Road Signs give you these magic wands. When our walk around the city is over, these sticks will glow with multi-colored lights. Don't believe me? Follow me. (No. 1) (The teacher, to the music, takes the children out of the hall)

Lesson analysis.

The chosen topic is devoted to a current problem - teaching preschool children safe behavior skills on city streets.

I formulated my pedagogical credo as follows: “The safety of children on the roads is a responsibility that requires great responsibility from adults, parents and teachers.”

Often, the culprits of road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles. However, preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same standards as adults.

The purpose of this lesson is to form in children the idea that traffic rules are aimed at preserving the life and health of people, therefore everyone is obliged to comply with them. And this means behaving competently, wisely, and responsibly wherever risks and dangers exist.

How can we make the streets and roads safe for our children?

Of course, tell them about the rules of the road, road signs and other subtleties, holding events in various forms, including didactic, outdoor games, physical education, riddles, poems.

I structured my lesson in the form of a road tale, where children became direct participants in the development of events. In this way, they will quickly understand and assimilate the Rules of the Road and develop positive road behavior habits. The habit of walking on the sidewalk, crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing at a traffic light. The habit of stopping in front of the roadway. All these positive habits are skills for safe behavior on the road. And it is not at all necessary to lead the child to the roadway. By studying the rules not only theoretically, but also during practical classes, children will achieve undoubted success in learning the “Road ABC”. I hope that, with the help of this lesson, I was able to develop safe behavior skills on the road in children.

Summary of direct educational activities within the framework of the project on patriotic education of children in the preparatory group for school

Topic: “State symbols of Russia - flag, anthem, coat of arms”


1. To consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the state symbols of Russia - the flag, anthem and their distinctive features.

2. To acquaint children with the history of the coat of arms, its meaning in the past and present of Russia, to develop cognitive interest in the history of the state.

3. Foster patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, and respect for the symbols of our country.

Preliminary work: creating a center for patriotic education in the group, conducting educational classes on getting to know the Russian flag and the meaning of the flag’s colors; conversations about friendship; reading fiction and historical literature about Russia; visual activities, watching videos and presentations on the topic of the project.

Vocabulary work: Russians, symbols, peace-loving people, double-headed eagle, St. George the Victorious, banners, emblem, scepter, orb.

Material: Map of Russia, political map of the world, globe, illustrations of nature, folk costume, image of the coat of arms and flag of the Russian Federation, symbolic images of flags of other countries, audio recording of the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Progress of direct educational activities

The teacher reads a poem (Ya. Abidov “Mother Earth”).

Tell me what is the correct name for the land? Is the land expensive? Is the land golden?

No, it’s better to tell her: “Dear!” The earth is our sweet, kind mother!

It will sound more affectionate and truer, because everything we love

Everything was created by her - mountains, rivers, forests, flowers, autumn, and summer, and the rain and you...


Guys, tell me, what country do we live in? (Children's answers).

Russia is the largest and most beautiful country in the world. Russia is our native country. But a country is not only nature, cities and villages in which people live, Russia is a state, with its own laws, traditions, and government. Countries are visible on this map. The black dots are cities. You see, the country on the map is huge, but the city is small. Each country has many cities, but there is a main city - the capital.

What is the name of the capital of our state? (Children's answers).

The government of the Russian Federation and our president work in Moscow. What is the name of the President of the Russian Federation? (Children's answers).

Each country, each state has its own distinctive signs, state symbols. What are these symbols? (flag, coat of arms and anthem). Russia also has state symbols, and today we will talk about them.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the slides

Slide 1. Many centuries ago, instead of a flag, people used a pole with a bunch of grass tied to its top, painted with bright paint. It was called banner What do you think was the main purpose of the banners? (Children's answers).

Slide 2. Then the banners began to be made from fabric. For the first time, the familiar arrangement of white-blue-red stripes was introduced by Tsar Peter 1.

Slide 3. Stripes on flag located horizontally. Colors are associated with folk ideas of beauty. These colors have long been considered the most beautiful in Rus', and were even used to decorate festive clothing.

Slide 4. Look at Russian folk costume. What colors do you see? (Children's answers).

Slide 5. People attached great importance to the colors of the flag, so they were not chosen by chance.

Remember what the white color of the flag means? What does the blue color of the flag mean? What does the red color of the flag mean? (children's answers).

What can you tell from the colors of the flag? (About what kind of people live in our country?). So what kind of people live in Russia? (Children's answers).

The Russian flag is a symbol of valor and honor of the Russian people. Tell me, please, where can I see the Russian flag?

Didactic game “Recognize our flag”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the national flag, teach them to recognize the Russian flag among the flags of other countries.

Progress of the game:

Large images of flags of different countries (about 10) are displayed on a magnetic board. The teacher invites the children to find the Russian flag and name the location on the magnetic board.

Then the teacher invites the children to close their eyes, while changing the location of the Russian flag. Having opened their eyes, the children again try to find our flag among the others and name its location.

Well done, you will recognize your Russian flag well. Each country also has a special, solemn song. What kind of song is this? (Hymn).

The national anthem is also a state symbol. When is the national anthem performed? (Children give examples).

The Russian anthem is very beautiful and majestic. The author of the verses of the anthem is S. Mikhalkov, the music was written by A. Alexandrova.

What is the anthem dedicated to? (Children's suggestions).

The anthem is dedicated to our country, its endless expanses, wonderful brave people, great history; the anthem speaks about the past and future of the country, about the ardent love of citizens for their Motherland. Every citizen of Russia should know the words of the anthem. Guys, why do you need to listen while standing and not talk? (Children's suggestions).

An audio recording of the anthem of the Russian Federation is played

Slide 6. Let's take a closer look at what is depicted on our coat of arms? Who is depicted in the very center? Why does the eagle have two heads? The eagle clutches the scepter with its right paw. Do you know what this is? (a rod is a staff, usually decorated with gold and precious stones, serves as a symbol of power and honorable position). In his left paw is a power (state). The orb is a golden ball with a cross on top. Above the eagle's heads we see crowns - the eagle's wings look like the rays of the sun, and the golden bird itself is in the sun. In ancient times, crowns, scepters and orbs served as symbols of royal power. Today they remind us of the historical past of our Motherland.

What's on the eagle's chest? What color is the shield? Who is depicted on the shield? What color is the horse? What color is the rider's cloak? What do these three colors remind you of: white, blue, red.

What is the rider's name? He has long been revered in Rus' as the patron saint of warriors, defender of the Fatherland! What is in the hands of St. George the Victorious?

Why does he need it? The black serpent symbolizes evil, and the brave warrior St. George the Victorious defeats the evil serpent. Remember, guys, which fairy tales mention the Serpent Gorynych? (Children's answers). How do these fairy tales always end? Good conquers evil! So our coat of arms symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil!

Didactic game “Collect a coat of arms”

Educator: A country is a big friendly family that differs from other countries in its people, traditions and customs. So why, guys, do we need symbols of the country? (Children's answers).

Our group is also a big family. What kind of children do we have? (Children's answers).

How will everyone around you know about this? What can you come up with to be different from other kindergarten groups? (Children's suggestions).

You can come up with your own emblem, your own symbol, which others will look at and immediately determine what kind of children we have in our group.

At home, together with your parents, think about how we can depict the emblem of our group and we will all create it together.

Literature used:

1. We live in Russia. Civic-patriotic education of preschool children. N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova. - M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2007.

2. E.A. Pozdnyakova “Civic education in a preschool educational institution.

Compiled by Yu.A.Kortunova, teacher

Direct educational activities

“State symbols” (senior and preparatory group)

Program content:

1. Consolidate knowledge about the names of different countries, about the name of your native country.

2. Introduce children to the symbols of Russia - the anthem and coat of arms.

3. Repetition of knowledge about the coat of arms of the city of Arkhangelsk, familiarization with the coat of arms of another state - Ukraine.

4. Formation of initial ideas about the origin of the modern state emblem and its functional purpose.

5. Fostering an aesthetic attitude towards the colors of the Russian flag; repetition of knowledge about the symbolic meaning of the color of the Russian flag.

6. Develop attention, thinking, speech.

7. Enrich children's vocabulary (banner, anthem, flag, standard, spear).

8. Foster love and respect for the Motherland


globe, world map, pointer;

portraits of the composer Alexandrov and the poet S. Mikhalkov;

tape recorder, audio recordings of the Russian national anthem and N. Rastorguev’s song “Birches”;

coat of arms of the USSR, coat of arms of Russia;

coins with the coat of arms of Russia for each child;

sheets of paper with three types of coat of arms - the coat of arms of Russia, the coat of arms of the city of Arkhangelsk and the coat of arms of another state (Ukraine);

flag of Russia, illustrations depicting the first banners;

portrait of Russian President D. A. Medvedev;

illustration depicting the Presidential standard;

colored paper, glue, scissors, napkin for applique.

^ Vocabulary work:



symbol of St. George the Victorious;




^ Preliminary work:

conversation about the countries of the world;

looking at a world map and globe;

working with a map of Russia;

classes “Coat of arms of the city of Arkhangelsk”, “Flag of Russia”.

Children are sitting at the table.

The teacher spins the globe and says:

Look how many different countries there are on our globe. What countries do you know? (Children's answers.) But there is only one country on it, which we love, which we call our Motherland. Guys, what is this country called? (Children's answers.)

That's right, this is Russia. Who wants to show our country on the map? (Demonstration by a child.)

Every country on earth, every state has its own symbols. Who knows what they are? Why are they needed? How do you think? (Children's answers.)

Today we will talk to you again about our anthem, coat of arms and flag.

Guys, the anthem is the most important music in our country. This is a song about our country, about how we love it. When the Russian anthem plays, you need to stand up and listen to it while standing. When we stand during the playing of the anthem, we express our respect for our state, our country. Listen to the words of our anthem. Our anthem was written by composer Alexandrov and poet Sergei Mikhalkov.

^ The words of the anthem are read.

Russia is our sacred power,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, great glory -

Your treasure for all time!

From the southern seas to the polar edge

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! You are the only one -

God-protected native land!

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

Wide scope for dreams and for life

The years to come reveal to us.

Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.

So it was, so it is and so it will always be!

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

Now I suggest you listen to the Russian anthem.

(Anthem plays.)

What feelings did you have when you listened to the Russian anthem? Where else have you heard it? (Children's answers.)

The anthem is played at special events and competitions.

And now I want to tell you about our other symbol - the coat of arms of Russia. Previously, our country had such a coat of arms (display). Our country was called the USSR. What is our country called now? (Russia.) And our country’s coat of arms is like this. Look what you see on the coat of arms of Russia, let's look at it. (Examination.) On our coat of arms you see a bird - it’s an eagle, an eagle with two heads, which means that we are an independent state, that people of different nationalities live in our country. For example, like in our group. What nationalities do the children in our group have? That's right, Russians and Tatars. But we are all connected by one Motherland, we have a common homeland. This tape just talks about this, connects two different heads. Pay attention to the icon in the center of the eagles - this rider is called St. George the Victorious. He sits on a white horse, holding a spear in his hands. With this spear he kills the snake. This whole picture symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Our coat of arms is an emblem, a symbol of Russia. The state emblem is installed on special border posts and in places intended for passage into the territory of our country. The country's coat of arms is printed on Russian coins. Why do you think? You have coins on your tables, look at them carefully, what is printed on them? The double-headed eagle symbolizes the power and might of our state. What does horseman mean? Put the coins in place and take square sheets of paper. What do you see on them? (Children's answers.) What coats of arms did you recognize? That's right, this is the coat of arms of Arkhangelsk, this is the coat of arms of Russia. And this is the coat of arms of another state – Ukraine. The coat of arms of our country is used on seals that confirm the authenticity of documents.

Let's play a little. I'll see how attentive you are:

pick up the seal that shows the coat of arms of Arkhangelsk;

pick up the seal that shows the coat of arms of Russia.

Well done! Everyone completed the task correctly.

Look what a beautiful flag our country has. We have already talked about the flag. Let's remember where we often see the flag? (They are hung at serious government events, on buildings, at competitions.) Let us also become athletes for a while and do some exercises.

^ Physical education minute “Exercise”.

“And now everything is in order

Let's get together to exercise.

Arms to the sides, bent,

Raised up, waved,

They hid them behind their backs.

Looked back

Over the right shoulder

Through the left again,

We sat down together

Heels touched

Rising on tiptoes

They put their hands down."

And now we will continue the conversation about our flag. The flag of our country is also a distinctive sign. Many years, centuries ago, instead of a flag, they used a pole and tied a bunch of grass and a horse's tail to it. Troops were drawn to this flag - and they were called banners. Then they began to make banners from fabric, most often red. And under Tsar Peter I, this tricolor flag appeared. What do the colors on our flag mean? (Listen to the children's answers.) Let's repeat: white color means peace and purity of conscience; blue – sky, fidelity and truth; red – fire and courage. The flag is a sign of power. The head of our state also has it. Who is the head of our state? (President.) What is the name of our president? The flag carried by the president is called a standard. Let's repeat this name. The standard has a square shape, in the center there is a double-headed eagle, the edges are decorated with gold fringe.

Now I suggest you make an applique of our Russian flag. (Independent activity of children.)

Show us what flags you have made. You can take them home and tell your parents what you know about the flag.

^ Reading a poem about the Motherland.

A. Dementyev

What is Russia?

This is a hot summer...

When there are many flowers

On a green meadow,

When the sea splashes

Pearl color,

When the bread is ripe

And they mow the grass.

What is Russia?

This is a wonderful autumn...

When in the sky, curling

The cranes are flying

When the buds are ripe

Falling from the pines

When the leaves are spinning

All the way to the ground.

What is Russia?

This is a winter fairy tale...

When the snow is silver

Lying on the ground

When the boys rush

From the mountain on a sled,

When the pattern is visible

On frosty glass.

What is Russia?

It's full of life

Happiness, vigor, joy, light spring,

When the rain is cool

It suddenly splashes on the ground,

When the forest rustles,

Awakened from sleep

When the wind stirs the young grass,

When the birds sing

Again in our region...

I am my Russia,

My native land,

Like a dear mother,

I love you very dearly!

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