Why does a child speak in a squeaky voice? How to make your voice sound more courageous

It is very important for the fair sex to hear words of love and support from your man, and it is even more pleasant if the man’s voice is truly beautiful. However, guys don’t suddenly or immediately develop a velvety baritone or a luxurious and courageous bass. This is preceded by months of restructuring of the vocal cords - a process that is irreversible and inevitable for every young man. Let's find out when boys' voices break, how long it lasts, and whether it is possible to somehow speed up this transformation.

Starting point

Usually everything happens very suddenly. One fine (and for some, perhaps not so good) morning, yesterday’s child begins to turn into a young man. For men, growing up is extremely difficult. Moreover, this concerns all aspects of their existence - from the inner world to external transformations.

From about 9-10 years old, boys begin the pre-pubertal period. This is not “it” yet - the most terrible time, when testosterone in tomboys goes off scale, pushing them to various reckless (and sometimes completely stupid) actions, but by this age their body begins its restructuring. Also, this is not yet the time when boys’ voices break. This process occurs a little later.

According to average parameters, “breaking” of the voice occurs at the age of 11-14 years, at the peak of puberty. It all depends on when the boys started. From the start of the first changes, which externally manifest themselves in the form of skin imperfections and constantly oily hair (often mixed with dandruff), until the time when the voice of boys begins to break, about three years pass. At the age of 15, guys are no longer considered children, their puberty is complete, but the process of becoming a man will not be completed until the age of 22-23.

What is happening de facto?

Thus, we found out at what age boys’ voices break. Most often this happens around age 13. The rate of puberty is influenced by many factors, including heredity and the child’s living conditions. Scientists have proven that an unhealthy lifestyle of a young man hinders his development as a man.

Surely readers are interested in what happens to the body when a boy’s voice breaks. This period in their life is marked by rapid physical growth. Guys become taller, stronger, gain muscle mass, and at the same time, the internal organs responsible for speech undergo changes.

The ability to reproduce sounds in humans depends on several systems and organs. The air accumulated in the lungs, when exhaled, forms a wave that exerts a force on the vocal cords located in the larynx. They are the main link in the chain of sound creation. The oral cavity, larynx, and nasopharynx also participate in this process.

Children's ligaments are thin and short, which is why they speak in gentle, melodious voices. During active activity, the ligaments themselves increase, as well as the muscles and cartilage located in the throat area, and the Adam’s apple is formed. A sharp change in physique causes the boys’ voice to change almost suddenly, preventing young men from smoothly adapting to the new manner of speech.

Hormones... Where would we be without them?

The time at which boys’ voice breaks directly depends on the state of their hormonal levels. Testosterone is responsible for this metamorphosis. If the endocrine system is in order, then by the time the boys’ voice begins to break, it will produce a sufficient amount of hormones for the growth of ligaments. Ultimately, the timbre of speech will become lower by 5-6 tones.

Due to the influence of special components of testosterone, a significant tightening and lengthening of the ligaments occurs, which provokes changes in the voice. It happens that the body does not have enough of the much-needed hormone during the active phase of its growth, then the boy’s voice remains quite high not only during the period of his transformation into a man, but also during the post-pubertal period, as well as maturity. It is curious that with age, representatives of the stronger sex often experience a deficiency of the “male hormone,” which is why their voices become higher in old age.

How can I help?

Regardless of what time the voice begins to break, boys will have some difficulties associated with this process. The child will never be one hundred percent ready for this, and given his changeable psycho-emotional state, which is influenced by the active phase of puberty, he really needs the help of loved ones, although he is unlikely to admit this to anyone.

Parents, and best of all the father, should have a conversation with their son about the fact that his voice will change in the near future, clarifying that this is not a matter of one day. It is impossible to say definitely at what age boys’ voices break, but it is better to start preparing them for this by the age of 12.

Also, loved ones need to try to ensure peace for the child, or rather his ligaments. This recommendation is quite broad in nature, because it concerns not only the elimination of possible overstrain of the vocal cords, but also the comprehensive prevention of colds. Why is this important?

During the growth of ligaments, special processes occur in the laryngeal cavity; mucus production is activated, blood circulation increases, the throat swells and turns red. It is during this period that it is most susceptible to attacks from viruses and bacterial infections. Tonsillitis can cause the formation of nodules on the ligaments, which makes the voice hoarse.

What should you not do during withdrawal?

  • during conversations in raised voices;
  • when a person sings;
  • The ligaments also become tense during screaming.

It is in singing boys that a change in voice can be “diagnosed” the earliest. When this process just begins, children's speech sounds like tenor, but when the ligaments are strained, the voice breaks down and may briefly rise or fall.

When does the voice change end?

Usually by the age of 15, the formation of the speech apparatus and vocal cords is completed. Losing his voice lasts on average about six months, it can happen faster - in 3-4 months, but sometimes it happens that a boy breaks down either squealing or playing bass for a whole year.

It is impossible to speed up this process or somehow productively influence it. Usually children do not notice changes and do not feel physical discomfort, but sometimes they may complain of a sore throat and a desire to cough.

What will it be like?

The timbre of the voice depends on the physiology of a particular child, or more precisely, on the thickness and length of his ligaments. His new speech may be unusual for the boy, but parents should tactfully explain to the young man that when the transformation is over, he should get used to the way he “sounds.”

Changing or copying someone’s voice means breaking the natural course of one’s own development; its tone is set by nature, and this must be taken for granted. Working too hard on your speaking style can cause your voice to break down. You can independently develop its strength, improve diction and expressiveness of speech.

A sensitive question

Voice breaking is especially difficult for those young men for whom the voice is an “instrument.” Many boys love to sing and study music not only as amateurs, but also quite professionally. The gentle voice that children under 10-11 years old have will change very soon, and the young singer needs to be prepared for this.

The growth of the ligaments will greatly affect the tone of the boy's voice. Moreover, at first it will be extremely difficult for him to control the sounds he makes while singing. If a teenager is ready for this, he will more easily endure the difficult period of voice mutation that occurs as a result of puberty and active growth.

Squeaky, rooster cry
The sooner parents worry about why their child needs to express himself by non-stop yelling, and consult a doctor, the sooner the young patient’s normal voice will be restored

The conversation with otorhinolaryngologist Yuri Soldatsky began quite unusually.
– Do you like my voice? – he asked.
“The glory of Kozlovsky and Chaliapin, of course, does not threaten you,” I tried not to offend my interlocutor.
But Yuri Lvovich easily cut off my diplomatic antics:
– Do you know why I have such an ugly voice? Spoiled by football. I was “raised” by Dynamo Moscow. As a boy, I never missed a single match. I rooted for my favorite team until I was hoarse and whispering. After the stadium, my mother always gave me hot milk and honey. So I got off easy...
The voice must be protected and nurtured. If a person cannot communicate in a normal voice, he feels inferior. I once read a story about an American teenager who was nicknamed “Robot” by his peers because of his ugly, unnatural voice. How happy he was when the doctors restored his ability to speak like everyone else!

A hoarse voice in a child is a serious symptom that parents should definitely pay attention to. Perhaps the cause was diseases requiring surgical intervention. Among small, hoarse patients there are those who suffer from congenital diseases of the larynx - papillomatosis, cysts. Hoarseness often occurs after intubation - when, during a narrowing of the larynx or during an operation for anesthesia, doctors are forced to insert a special tube into the patient’s larynx and trachea through which he can breathe.
Often, it is possible to determine the reason why a child’s normal voice has disappeared only with the help of a microscope. But parents, as soon as they hear that such a detailed examination must be carried out under general anesthesia, immediately leave the hospital with their child. And after some time, dad and mom may bitterly regret it. It’s good if the family lives in a big city and the parents have time to take the child to the hospital...
Soldatsky’s recent patient was a boy whom doctors treated for a long time, suspecting false croup. But it turned out that the fact that the child was choking and wheezing like a hoarse old man was to blame for the sunflower seed stuck in his throat. And it stayed there for a whole month! Another child lost his voice due to a pistachio shell lodged in his larynx.
Sometimes chronic hoarseness is associated with a disturbance in the child’s psycho-emotional state. The disease is explained by the fact that calluses appear on the vocal folds from the endless scream that their owner makes - the so-called singer's nodules (or screamers' nodules). First, tiny bubbles appear on vocal cords tired from screaming. If a child does not give his throat a break, the bubbles harden and turn into compactions, which greatly bother him. The throat is sore, the throat is hoarse, the child constantly wants to clear his throat. Calm children do not have this problem. But in many people who scream and cry loudly, the children's larynx cannot withstand such a heavy load. The child urgently needs to be shown to a neuropsychiatrist, because in order to restore a clear voice, he must first be calmed down.
An older child can already be taught to manage his emotions, and then shown how to use his vocal cords correctly. When such a child ends up in the 12th ENT department of the St. Vladimir Hospital, patients in all wards will find out about it within a couple of hours. The department is literally standing on ears. Such children are disinhibited, they have nowhere to put their remarkable energy, they want to run somewhere all the time, they have difficulty falling asleep. Therefore, before a voice specialist - a phoniatrist - gets down to business, a psychoneurologist will work with the child for a long time. The sooner parents worry about why their child needs to express himself by non-stop screaming, and the sooner the doctor begins to treat these psychoneuroses, the more successful the therapy will be and the sooner the patient’s normal voice will be restored.
What if the child has no visible anatomical changes in the larynx, but still no voice? Then doctors make a diagnosis of functional dysphonia. The child does not use his vocal apparatus correctly. There is only incomplete or insufficient closure of the vocal folds. During normal breathing, the vocal folds move apart. And when we start talking, they should close. It happens that a small patient once suffered from acute laryngitis, in which any spoken word was painful for him. And the child quickly formed a reflex. Paresis of the vocal cords - a violation of their mobility, which leads to a change in voice - can be compared to paresis of an arm or leg: the person seems to be walking normally, but if you look closely, there is a slight limp. In order for such a child to return to a normal voice, painstaking sessions with a phoniatrist are again needed.
Parents should be very attentive to teenagers who experience voice mutation. When a boy matures, his voice is not very beautiful. The teenager does not own it. He crows like a rooster or wheezes very much, he is embarrassed to say a word in company. Typically, age-related voice changes occur in a child at 12–13 years of age and last for about six months. If the mutation drags on, in order for the young man to develop a beautiful, strong voice, it must be shown to a specialist.
Vocal teachers often send their students to see Soldatsky because they are worried that the leading soloist of the choir is losing his voice at such an inopportune time. After classes with a phoniatrist, the young men leave the clinic no longer with a squeaky, broken treble, but with a pleasant baritone.
An adult - especially if he is a singer, actor or teacher - takes care of his ligaments. When it's cold, she covers her neck with a scarf and doesn't walk around with her neck open in winter. It wouldn’t occur to him to eat handfuls of snow in the yard or scream in the street, giving out a lot of decibels. And children in games of mischief scream like the trumpet of Jericho. Try to explain to your child that his voice needs to be protected.
Convince your teenager that singing and speaking “like Vysotsky” if he doesn’t have a natural bass voice with hoarseness is also not worth it. Violating his voice at such a young age, a boy can develop nodules on his vocal cords and remain hoarse for the rest of his life.


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"First of September"

Egor Kaznacheev

While working on the text, we consulted with a voice professional. Meet: Candidate of Medical Sciences, professor, doctor of the highest category, homeopath, ENT specialist at the Institute of Contemporary Art. Before you start looking for

If you know that some annoyance can be changed, you try to correct it. My vision began to deteriorate - I went to the ophthalmologist. I didn’t like my body and bought a fitness membership. I got tired of carrying a translator with me - I put him back in the storage room and learned twenty languages. Dissatisfaction with our own voice is one of those frustrations that many of us put up with without even trying to fix it. To most, this seems as unlikely as life on Mars or the victory of the Russian figure skating team in the World Football Championship. In fact, getting your voice to be something you like is not that difficult. All you need is a little free time, a little patience and a lot of this article.

Do you need it?

You've probably met girls who fanatically display freckles; people with minus seven vision who stubbornly refuse to wear glasses, and men who comb the meager head of remaining hair onto the back of their bald heads. But, you must admit, there are many people who look incredible on glasses, sparkling bald heads and girls with freckles. What are we talking about? Before you start improving your voice, you need to make sure that this is really necessary. We've compiled two lists of reasons that indicate something needs to be done about your voice. The first list lists external reasons, emanating from the surrounding reality. The second is your internal ones.

External reasons

1. You hear the phrase “Repeat, please” from others not much less often than “Hello!” or “How are you?” At the same time, you are absolutely sure that you speak clearly and loudly enough. “Whether a person will perceive what you say depends 30–40% on your voice,” says Natalya Olenchik. It's probably because of him that people are turning a deaf ear to your words.

2. Unexpectedly for yourself, you may begin or end a phrase in an unnatural voice: either too high or too low. In especially advanced cases, you, like a troll that has eaten too much sausage, squeal.

3. From time to time you come across honest people who tell you to your face that your voice does not match your appearance (age, social status, the number of hamburgers you can eat at one time) or is simply disgusting.

Local reasons

Below are the main characteristics of a voice that is worth working on. We will be happy if this list contains at least one epithet that characterizes the sounds you make, because in this case you will probably read this text to the end! The only reason you can stop reading is because of illness: to appreciate the sound of your own voice, you first need to be healthy (flat feet don’t count).

█ Too high.
█ Husky.
█ Nasal.
█ Trembling.
█ With hoarseness (rarely occurring “trademark” hoarseness does not count).
█ With shortness of breath.
█ Tense (strained, sharp - whatever you like).

Another section that will help you gain hope for a while that your own voice is tolerable. It is likely that you are making sounds incorrectly. “People who speak unnaturally are quite common,” says the expert. “Moreover, a person usually does not realize that his voice is unnatural; he is used to speaking this way.” To start speaking (singing, shouting, boiling potatoes) with your own voice, you need to go through three steps. Let's take a closer look at three of them.

1. Heal
As we have already said, chronic diseases and the consequences of injuries do not count. “But even treatable illnesses have a noticeable effect on the voice,” Natalya Olenchik encourages you to cure kleptomania.

█ Diseases of the cardiac and/or pulmonary system lead to shortness of breath and make the voice tremble.
█ Diseases of the nervous system and spine make the voice strained.
█ Mental disorders deprive the voice of emotionality and timbre colors.
█ Diseases of the reproductive system primarily affect the psyche. And already she, having curbed the weak-willed person, forces the voice to be deliberately courageous, which is audible to the naked ear.

It’s not worth mentioning separately about colds and sore throats (it’s better to cure them as soon as possible so you can start testing your voice) - except that our consultant advises not to whisper if you have a sore throat and ligaments. “To speak in a whisper, you need to have good speech training and trained vocal folds. To speak in a whisper during illness - even more so. When whispering, the vocal folds do not close and a lot of air passes unvoiced: the muscle fibers of the vocal folds are overstrained. That is, whispering increases the tension of the speech apparatus many times over, even compared to yelling or singing.”

2. Speak with comfort
█ Give a 15-minute speech in full voice. “If during this time discomfort or even pain appears in the larynx area, it means that you are speaking in an unnatural voice. Usually the cause is not so much possible illnesses as improper breathing and habits,” Natalya Olenchik is sure. The easiest way to discover your natural voice is through experimentation, by trying to speak with correct breathing (more on that later) and different pitches. And that's it. Even if you know exactly where your vocal folds are, and you are sure that they are not the ones that hurt during speech, stop rejoicing. “Pain around the folds directly relates to the muscles surrounding them. The folds themselves will never hurt, because there are no pain receptors there,” explains our consultant.

█ Try not to smoke for a couple of days. “Cigarette smoke causes aseptic inflammation of the folds,” says Natalya Olenchik. “This, of course, lowers the voice, but due to the loose closure of the vocal cords, smokers develop a hoarseness.” Alcohol, by the way, contrary to popular belief, does not have a significant effect on the ligaments.

█ The larynx is located at the level of the 4th–6th cervical vertebrae. Considering that you only have seven of them, it is no wonder that, even if they are healthy, the cervical vertebrae affect the quality of your voice. “If during a conversation you strain your neck or bend it unsuccessfully, your voice changes, and noticeably,” the expert assures. So relax your neck, keep it straight, put on your hat and take out the trash.

3. Find the key
█ “There are many ways to find your voice, and all of them become very controversial when trying to self-diagnose. Here is one simple and common technique. Believe him or not - it's up to you. But it’s better to make an appointment with a specialist to find your own voice,” warns Natalya Olenchik. The native pitch of the voice is revealed, in particular, by this exercise. Close your teeth and lips, take a full lungful of air and exhale evenly with the sound “mmmmmmmmm.” Since [m] is a consonant sound, the output you will get is something between “mmmmmmmmmm” and “muuuuuuuuu” - that’s how it should be. While making this sound, clasp your throat with your palm, as high as possible to the chin. Say the long “mmmmmmmmmmm” higher and lower. Notice the moment when the larynx vibrates the most (you will feel it with your palm). Most likely, this voice is your real one.

Action plan

This section includes three paragraphs with recommendations. We attributed one or another miraculous property to each of them (“will correct hoarseness”, “get rid of trembling”, “give an apartment”). Know that you can fully develop your voice only if you work on folds, breathing, and articulation at the same time. So try to find time for all types of exercise. And if we demand the impossible from you, at least honestly combine the necessary points (for example, to get rid of trembling you need not only to train your vocal folds, but also to practice proper breathing).

Train your folds What will you fix:
hoarseness, trembling, hoarseness, tension, make your voice lower.

“The vocal folds consist of special muscles,” says Natalya Olenchik. – These muscles, like all others, we can train and pump up. The thicker the vocal muscles become, the deeper the voice becomes.” Trained folds close more reliably, which will allow you not only to lower your sound, but also to get rid of the other shortcomings listed above. Faster to fitness for your voice! Bonus: you can set up a gym for vocal folds without leaving your home, without a club card or replacement shoes!

█ Talk as much as possible. When you run out of friends who are willing to endure so much chatter, get a deaf-mute cactus that will pretend to listen to you for days on end.

█ Think and read, pronouncing each word to yourself and mentally straining your vocal folds (at first, you can even move your tongue in your closed mouth for credibility). “The vocal folds fluctuate constantly, even in sleep,” explains the expert. – They rest not in a state of rest, but by changing their work mode. When we are silent, these vibrations practically do not help pump up muscles. But this can be corrected by starting to pronounce thoughts and texts in your mind.”

Breathing exercises

1. Remember the army, even if you only saw it in nightmares. Hands down! Bend over, bending your back, and take a short but noisy breath. The neck should be relaxed. Straighten up smoothly (but not completely), allowing the air to slowly escape. Bend over again and inhale sharply again. Well, you know the rest. Repeat everything 8-10 times, take a five-minute break and repeat again (there should be a total of 8 sets of 8-10 inhalations and exhalations). After a few days of training, you can double the number of inhalations and exhalations in one approach.
2. Stand up straight. And don't slouch! During a smooth inhalation, spread your arms to the sides and raise them up. Hold your hands and breath for a few seconds. Then bend down sharply and exhale noisily (lower your arms too). Repeat every day 2-3 times.

█ Scream and sing. “It’s better in the shower or toilet. There are good acoustics there, and you will have the opportunity to hear yourself,” says Natalya Olenchik. Don’t forget to sing long notes: the ability to hold them straight will make your voice more confident.

Put your breath on What will you fix:
nasal sound, trembling, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tension
█ Breathe with diaphragmatic (lower) breathing. “Inhale deeply so that your belly comes forward with each inhalation. At the same time, the chest and shoulders should remain motionless (many people raise them up), our consultant advises. “Speak as you exhale.”

█ Talk a lot. “The recommendations of some experts to practice breathing while reading passages from books do not work well, since they are not related to real speech situations. The exception is people who, due to their profession, have to read texts out loud (actors, presenters, etc.),” explains Natalya Olenchik and encourages you to speak during classes as you do in real life.

█ Start breathing while speaking English. This language treats the vocal apparatus much more carefully than Russian, and therefore it will be easier to get used to following the rules.

2. Alternately raise and lower your upper and lower lips, showing your teeth to everyone.
3. Move your lower jaw back and forth, and then open your mouth wide, as if you decided to use it to measure the distance from the refrigerator to the gas stove.
4. Stick your tongue out and make figure eights in the air. You can also draw other numbers with your tongue.
5. Pronounce the sounds [b], [m], [v] and [r] loudly and clearly, alternately.

There is also special articulation gymnastics for this. And don’t rush to pay for the Internet to find some exercises there. All of them are simpler than the Zhiguli and are aimed at developing the facial muscles, tongue and jaw. Rubbing your face in a circular motion with your fingertips, savory yawns while simultaneously trying to say something intelligible, wagging your tongue and spanking your lips in different ways will be enough. For greater clarity, we give you several exercises.

Well, did you remember everything? No? Then it’s better to re-read the article again and be careful. Of course, you can always take it easy and quickly solve your voice problem surgically. To do this, it is enough to submit a corresponding request to the ENT department of any medical university. But since operations on the vocal folds are extremely complex, they can only help you with little things - removing vocal nodules, fibroids and tumor-like formations. This will get rid of hoarseness in your voice, but, unfortunately, will not make it more courageous (that is, lower in sound). Oh yes, with the help of surgery you can make your voice much thinner and higher. But it seems to us that this will hardly interest you.

Various voice disorders are not only a problem for children, but also for adults. Practice shows that various voice disorders, which sometimes seem harmless, have a fairly strong impact on the overall development of children, on their neuropsychic state, and on the formation of speech. Listen to your child’s speech: is his voice even and calm? Or maybe it’s hoarse, gutturally harsh? Or, on the contrary, deaf, squeaky or croaking?

Often, voice disorder can be a consequence of vocal overexertion, for example, screaming in games, sports, or choral singing. This disorder is observed more often at the age of 5 and at the age of 8 to 10 years and mainly in children with increased activity who like to talk loudly and scream. In these cases, in the morning the voice is clear and pure, and in the evening hoarseness gradually increases. In such children, organic changes appear in the larynx - the mucous membrane thickens, and nodules appear in the middle of the length of the vocal cord, they are also called “screamer nodules.” If your children are very loud, such nodules may occur even if everything is fine with their voice. A sharp, loud cry is very harmful to delicate vocal cords. After several days of silence, fresh nodules may disappear.

Various voice disorders can occur in those children who have increased sensitivity to foods, medications, plants, and hypothermia. Voice and breathing disturbances in such cases may occur suddenly. Be attentive to your children. In this case, you just have to eliminate the irritant - your voice and breathing will return to normal. Chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, as well as operations on the larynx or its acute inflammation have an adverse effect on the voice: laryngitis and tracheitis, clefts of the hard and soft palate. It should be remembered that by adolescence a mutation of the voice occurs, because The larynx begins to grow rapidly due to the lengthening of the vocal cords and therefore coordination in the joint work of breathing and the larynx is disrupted.

In boys, the voice “let loose” or becomes low, rough, the intonation is uncertain, and they also experience strained breathing. In girls, the timbre, strength and character of their voice also changes: it acquires a chesty sound and becomes stronger. But more often the voice changes very slowly, imperceptibly, both for the children themselves and for those around them, only occasionally a slight hoarseness is observed. The mutation can last from several months to several years.

During this period, you should spare the child’s voice and not allow him to sing or scream, especially in damp or unventilated, smoky rooms. At this time, physical and psychological changes occur, so an attentive, sensitive attitude towards the teenager is required on the part of parents and teachers.

Sometimes it happens that already at a fairly mature age, a secondary mutation suddenly occurs. It always arises suddenly and unexpectedly for any person. The reasons for this may be a malfunction of the endocrine glands, smoking, and again, excessive strain on the voice. The voice may suddenly disappear, then the child or adult will speak silently or in a whisper. In this case, the cause of the disappearance of the voice may be some kind of stress or nervous mental shock.

Various voice disorders (voice fatigue or partial loss of voice) are often found in adults, usually in people of the speech profession - teachers, educators, music workers, tour guides. Voice disorder often occurs during hysterics. You, dear teachers and parents, should take special care of your voice, because... There are often cases when at this age you can lose your voice completely, without further restoration. Therefore, before you throw out your emotions and try to prove that you are right with the power of your, as it seems to you, powerful voice, think. Or maybe it would be better if your even and calm voice and friendly tone solve all the problems?
Dear parents and colleagues, REMEMBER:

What needs to be done?

  1. First of all, be sure to observe a regime of silence for several days (not talking at all or only in a whisper and little).
  2. A speech therapist has more than one correction method in his arsenal, depending on the degree of manifestation of voice disorders. For both children and adults whose profession requires long-term vocal stress, I recommend a special voice training that protects against overwork. This can be done by completing a course of speech therapy classes, which primarily includes articulatory gymnastics. It develops clarity and correctness of movements of all parts of the articulatory apparatus, and also coordinates its work with the respiratory and vocal organs.
  3. The complex also requires breathing exercises. You can easily cope with this at home, having received advice from a speech therapist, unless, of course, additional correction is required.
    Parents must monitor both their voice and the voice of their children - monitor its volume, regulate it, and constantly draw the child’s attention to it.
  4. It is necessary to treat tonsillitis and adenoids in a timely manner, periodically undergo examination by an otolaryngologist, if not everything is in order with the child’s voice and yours too. What specialists should you contact if you or your child have voice problems? This is, first of all: a speech therapist, an otolaryngologist, a phoniatrist.

Squeaky voice

Asked by: Alena, Novokuznetsk

Gender: Male

Age: 7

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, I'm not entirely sure that I'm contacting you correctly. The thing is that my son has a squeaky voice. Not always. He speaks normally, but if he calls or tells something quickly, he starts squeaking. Naturally, his classmates laugh at him. In kindergarten he worked with a speech therapist and was assigned the sound r. We didn't apply anywhere else. Tell me, maybe I need to do some exercises? Or who should I contact? My husband says that he will grow up and his voice will change, but I am very worried about ridicule. Even the teacher says it’s just terrible. I control him at home, I force him to control himself, but he is a child and still does as he pleases.

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A squeaky voice is a big problem for others and for the owner. It's good that you paid attention to this. The voice is an instrument, and of course you can change its pitch. But it's not easy. It is necessary to perform exercises for proper breathing. With a squeaky voice, a person does not breathe correctly. Breathing is shallow, not deep. First, try to teach your child to breathe not from the chest, but from the stomach (inflate the stomach). Of course, it’s not easy for me to explain this in words, I advise you to find a video (for example) of Anastasia Khmelnitskaya. I think she explains and shows all the voice training exercises very clearly. But do not forget that the process is quite long and requires constant monitoring. Exercises should be performed daily, or even several times a day. But don't overdo it, everything should be in moderation. There is an expression “beat off your hands”, you of course understand what this means. Praise your child more often and correct him tactfully. Children are happy to work only when they succeed. Therefore, there is less criticism. Good luck.

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