Monday is the best day of your life. What day of the week is the best? Monday is the best day cartoon

Good day, friends! We are glad to welcome you to Andrey and Dasha’s blog – Thebizfromscratch. And today we will not talk about making money on the Internet, we will not torment the blogosphere and the information business. And let us allow ourselves to write an article in the “life” section; besides, we simply cannot keep silent about what happened to us yesterday... We even began to suspect that Monday is the best day of the week! Intrigued? Then we don’t dare rant anymore in vain, let’s get straight to the point)

Words cannot express how worried my family and I were all night: our palms were sweating, our arms/legs were shaking. We constantly moved around the rooms, tried to watch TV, drank tea heavily, did as many as 3 laundry (and this was all late at night!), cut off the phone number of the maternity hospital reception room in the hope of finding out at least something! In short, as best we could, we tried to occupy ourselves and switch our thoughts. And suddenly, we heard the sound characteristic of an SMS and... HURRAY! Our little sister gave birth to a healthy daughter! Happiness was simply bursting, smiles from ear to ear! Immediately there was such relief, such inspiration! We spent the rest of the night trying to get some sleep, but we managed to close our eyes for literally 1.5 hours. What kind of dream is this when there is such a stream of thoughts in your head as if a pipeline has burst)

And before we had time to recover from such an emotional night, we were informed that a train with our warrior was arriving in the afternoon! At the appointed time, we arrived at the station and saw... our Shurochka in uniform was coming. So mature, stately... we saw off a boy, but we met a real man! Again, it’s difficult to express feelings in words, it’s an indescribable feeling to meet a brother who has finally returned home! And even deeper emotions when you see a mother’s eyes looking at her son after a long separation. In short, guys, this is all so cool! At such moments you realize that you are truly living and this is what life is like!

So, don’t scold us too much because yesterday we gave ourselves the will to relax and, as they say, went all out. They completely forgot to write and post an article, check other projects, answer emails. In general, we completely dropped out of the Internet, but what’s more, we also disconnected from reality... Be healthy with all the ensuing consequences. We promise to get in shape as quickly as possible and again tell you about all the usefulness of the Internet.

In a week, from the point of view of an ordinary working person, there are working days and weekends. The first, of course, are considered not very good, but the second are the best in the world. Is this true? What day of the week is actually the best? We need to find out.

Perhaps one of the most famous works of mass culture dedicated to the days of the week is the popular song “Island of Bad Luck” from the immortal Soviet comedy “The Diamond Arm.” Remember how the poor aborigines suffered from the fact that “it seems their mother gave birth on Monday”? And indeed, Monday is popularly considered one of the worst days of the week. Why such dislike?

Once upon a time it was invented to divide the week into 5 working days and 2 weekends. Since then, it has become a tradition that Monday is considered the worst day of the week: there are still 4 whole working days ahead, getting up early after the weekend is especially difficult, and the mood can’t be worse.

However, there are people who consider Monday a good day, even more - the best. After all, Monday is not only the beginning of the work week. Various other undertakings are often timed to coincide with Monday. From Monday they go to work and go on vacation, from Monday they go on diets, start attending courses and trainings, and going to the gym. Even if you want to start life over with a new leaf, that’s also on Monday.

By the way, according to astrological data, Monday is ruled by Moon, and therefore this day is considered nervous. It is not recommended to make difficult decisions or perform some very important work.

Tuesday, unlike Monday, leaves many indifferent. On the one hand, the end of the working week is already a whole day closer, and on the other, there are still 3 days until the long-awaited weekend. We can say that Tuesday is one of the quietest days of the week, when all workers finally adjust to the working rhythm. This is a fairly neutral day.

Tuesday, according to astrological teachings, is ruled by Mars, and therefore his qualities are aggressiveness, strength, energy. On the day of Mars, astrologers recommend showing maximum initiative, being persistent and active.

Wednesday- this is the middle of the working week, it is on this day that everyone begins to slowly perk up, anticipating the approaching vacation. But at the same time, Wednesday is the height of work activity, the time to carry out plans for the entire week. Usually optimists are happy about the environment, but pessimists are not very fond of the environment.

Astrologers believe that the environment is controlled by Mercury, and therefore such qualities as logic, communication, and intelligence are attributed to this day of the week. On Wednesday, astrologers recommend making business trips, making acquaintances, and making transactions.

Thursday makes workers one more day closer to the weekend, so this day of the week is more loved by the people than Wednesday. Thursday is practically Friday, and everyone loves Friday and looks forward to it. However, Thursday is often disliked for this same quality: the closer Friday is, the more difficult it is to wait for it.

In astrology it is believed that Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, and therefore this day of the week is characterized by luck, wisdom, and happiness. On Thursday you can engage in education and shopping, but you should avoid business trips and new acquaintances on this day.

Friday almost unanimously recognized as the best day of the week. On Friday, the work bustle ends, and the approach of the long-awaited weekend is felt especially acutely. On Friday, everyone feels more relaxed, friendly and peaceful.

Astrologers say that Friday is ruled by Venus, and therefore this day of the week is a day of luxury, beauty, pleasure and comfort. On Friday, it is recommended to engage in creativity, communicate with the opposite sex, visit and receive guests.

Saturday. If any day of the week is loved more than Friday, then that day of the week is Saturday. Saturday is favored because it is not just a day off, but only the first of two days off, which means there is also Sunday ahead. It is on Saturday that, as a rule, there is the most riotous fun, the noisiest and longest parties. And how wonderful it is in the morning to realize that there is no need to rush anywhere!

Saturday, according to astrologers, is ruled by the planet Saturn, and therefore this day of the week is endowed with such qualities as stability, reliability, perseverance. Saturday is a good day to end a different day, to take stock. There is no point in starting new beginnings on this day.

Sunday marks the end of the weekend and the whole week in general. This is another day off, which means you can afford to relax to the fullest, but it is also the day before the start of the work week, and therefore you have to go to bed early. Sunday is both loved and disliked at the same time for these qualities.

As astrologers say, Sunday is ruled by Sun, in connection with which this day of the week is considered a day of joy in life, a holiday. On Sunday it is recommended to be as close to nature as possible and, for example, go to the beach or for a walk in the forest. You should not make commercial transactions on Sunday.

Today, when many people work not only on a 5/2 schedule, but also on other schedules (2/2, 1/3, etc.), the attitude towards the days of the week is changing, and completely different days of the week are considered the best. We should not forget about those who do not work for various reasons - they also have their own rating scale for different days of the week.

2. If you like it, tell me.
3. Live today, because yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may not be.
4. It’s not clear - ask.

5. If you want to meet, invite.
6. If you want something, ask.
7. Never argue.
8. If you want to be understood, explain.
9. If you are guilty, say so right away and don’t look for an excuse.

10. Always remember that everyone has their own truth and it often does not coincide with yours.
11. Don't communicate with fools.
12. The main thing in life is love, everything else is vanity.
13. A person’s problems are only in his head.

14. The world around you is neither evil nor good, it doesn’t care whether you exist or not.
15. Try to take pleasure from every event.
16. Always remember that you will not have another life.
17. Don't be boring.
18. Don’t watch TV, otherwise you’ll become a little goat.
19. Remember that you don’t owe anyone anything.
20. Remember that no one owes you anything.

21. Don’t get involved in politics, politics makes people angry.
22. In life, always rely only on yourself.
23. Trust not promises, but your feelings.
24. With women, as with children, be patient and a little forgiving.

25. Feel sorry for all women - life is more difficult for them.
26. If you are in a bad mood, think that when you die, you won’t have this either.
27. Know that today is the best day of your life.

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