Positive statuses about goals in life. Statuses about achieving a goal

It’s not scary when you feel sad because of temporary problems. It’s scary when life is empty and nothing exists in it – not even minor troubles. Then it's hard to find a reason to start a new day.

Any desire is already a small goal. Even if it’s the desire to not take off your robe all day and crunch on chips. Chandler, "Friends"

In life, don’t try to seem like someone to others. Strive to show yourself who you really are.

Not only great love can fill the emptiness in life, but passionate hatred will do it just as well.

Best status:
If life is devoid of purpose, then it is just an extended moment of death that lasts a lifetime.

Happiness is like a butterfly: if you chase it, you will never catch it, but if you forget about it, it will immediately settle in your soul. Orwell J.

Misfortune will always exist, no matter how much we fight it. But everyone's goal should be to make him just a small particle among the ocean of happiness.

Luck always accompanies determination.

Goals can be different: for example, getting out of a crowded bus alive during rush hour is already a success.

On New Year's Eve, the State Drug Control Service will conduct a raid in order to identify citizens for whom it was not the Christmas tree that brought “a lot of joy”!

Life must be lived in such a way that when you look back you can see a mountain of drunk bottles and a crowd of deceived women.

call to home - Hey, where did I end up? - Where were you aiming?

If you find a worthy goal, go straight to it, without looking back...

Set high goals for yourself, let them stand - they look beautiful.

It's better to aim for perfection and miss than to aim for imperfection and miss.

The goal justifies contraception

...and the goal of your life is to find and destroy...

give me either your heart or a sedative and a bottle of vodka

I give smiles to everyone, a glance to not many, but a heart to only one

It’s a mystery to me where you are now And everything is as if for the first time And thoughts are like sand I’m pouring the wrong salt from my eyes Dropping from my eyelashes at the same hour You’re aiming at your temple

A cupid flew nearby and aimed at the heart, nailed it! Tapcom))

A person thinks about the purpose of his existence; perhaps the oysters are thinking about the same thing, unless some waiter revealed this to them... Lec S.E.

Today is the day when the sun rises solely for the purpose of humiliating you.

Aim for the moon...even if you don't hit...you'll be among the stars anyway...

I don't swear!!! I only use profanity in order to more fully express my emotions!!!

if a girl sets a goal for herself, she achieves it; if a girl did not achieve you, then you were not her goal.

I would like to be the goal that you would achieve...

You need to live in such a way that others experience depression.

Makeup is an attempt to paint on your face the face of another, much more beautiful woman.

People waste time on vanity instead of just living.

If you don't dance, it means you have no goal (c)

You're tired, you fell, you forgot about happiness. You see nothing but bad weather around you. But wait, there’s no need to remove goals, be an icebreaker, it’s time to break down barriers.

“Life without a goal is like a slow death...” (c).Johnny Depp

“People can only be happy if they do not consider happiness as the goal of life.”

I set a goal: if I don’t get there, I’ll crawl, but if I don’t get there, I’ll crawl.

I don't have a goal to be loved by everyone. Don't you like what I do? I don’t know whose problem this is, but it’s certainly not mine. (c)

Girls, drink actimel... your *oops is our goal!

[The most annoying thing is that when remembering our favorite song in order to download it from someone, all we say is “Toot-toot-toot”))]

And even if my heart barely beats, I will fight and achieve my goal!

Living without a purpose is tantamount to a slow death.

There is no complete happiness, without admixtures of suffering (Shakespeare)

– What is the purpose of your visit to Holland? -Smoke some grass. – So let’s write it down: sightseeing.

To achieve your goal, first of all you have to go!

Obstacles are those scary things we see when we take our eyes off the goal (c) Churchill

You shouldn’t look for meaning in life, you need to look for purpose in life...

The saleswoman from the stall, on her way home from work, gets a little scared at the sight of all the people...))

If you have a dream, protect it; set a goal - achieve it.

The New Year was celebrated, according to established tradition, by the three of us. Me, Nemiroff and Celsius...

Wealth cannot be a worthy goal of human existence.

I believe that we are all on this earth with one goal - to find love (c)

Girls, don’t forget that every prince has a queen mother!

“Life without goals is energy down the drain” (c)

Every time I buy a pack of pistachios, I’m scared that they will all be without a gap - whole ones that you can’t bite through horseradish!

It’s not enough to have a goal in life, you need to be able to shoot accurately

when you achieve a goal, it becomes unnecessary. I’m convinced again. damn(

I am the goal, everything else is a means

To meet a prince, you need to be at least a little princess yourself!

A single man will meet a single woman with the goal of creating a single child.

Your goals are your dreams with an approximate deadline for their implementation.

Listen, you winged one, if you take aim at me again, I’ll tear off my wings and shove the bow up my ass!

Tips for a bad darts player: to hit the target accurately, imagine that the wall is your target, not the target

Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything has stopped. The goal is lost, and the strength is gone.

Always treat a person as an end and never as a means.

You just need a goal and what you want to show people, and everything will work out... (c) RPPR

Happiness is when you have a job, a loved one and a goal in life!

Well, why - as soon as I set a goal for myself, something happens that makes further attempts to achieve it absolutely pointless.

The earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal.

life becomes more beautiful and easier when we find the One who is the source of life and who can explain its purpose and mystery))

Don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t do something. If you set a goal, achieve it. And period.

The purpose of life is the search for perfection, and the task of each of us is to bring its manifestation in ourselves as close as possible...

Today is just such a day when the sun rises solely for the purpose of humiliating you

Forget once and for all that the road is a way to get to the goal; in fact, the goal is achieved with every step.

The goal of life is to survive until death!

No one can go back in time and change their start, but you can start now and change your finish!!!

In China, in order to combat the large population, they allowed to cross the road at a red light.))

Goal No. 1. Change yourself without changing yourself.

The bra is tearing the heart apart - where is it, women's happiness?

Remember that your goal is to lose weight, not die (from) a group of people losing weight

Goal -> CHOCOLATE!!!

There is no secret to life. The purpose of life, if there is one, is to always look for temptations.

Where there is no community of interests, there cannot be unity of goals, not to mention unity of actions. Engels F.

Happiness is the internal state of an integral personality. You cannot strive for an effect without desiring its cause.

Everything a person hunts for in his life will surely escape.

You have a piece of ice in your heart, like from Kai’s fairy tale, only I’m not Gerda, I’m a little different...

When a woman gets in the way of her intended goal, this is not a hindrance. But when she lies down...

Only when a person achieves his goal does he realize that the best thing in his life is the path he took for this goal.

There should be one goal in life, so that you and the people around you are happy...

crazy, but smart, not evil... and confident, damn her... the girl is one of those who knows... and who has defined her goal...

Please don't hold me when I'm leaving. After all, I belong entirely to you...

Hello, did I get there?! – it depends on where you were aiming!

Do you want to see your future? So you need to move on with your life!

You need to live your life in such a way that in hell they tell you: “Sorry, we have decent people here.”

To reach the goal, you have to go

I live at random, I walk aimlessly, Tell me who I'm in love with So deadly... (c)

As I will be a legal wife, I will go to bed with you, well, but just like that, for fornication, your wick is not the goal in me!

The potion will not help us, Cupid's arrows hit the target!

In order to relieve passenger traffic in the Moscow metro, it was decided to increase the speed of the escalator to 80 km/h.

It’s difficult to choose a goal for your whole life, and probably few people do it.

The most worthy status in depression is its absence; do not show your weakness to others, they can use it for selfish purposes.

A person who has taken even a step towards the goal immediately becomes a target for all those who are lagging behind.

You need to live your day in such a way that in the morning you don’t have a headache from wasted time!

If you want to reach your destination as quickly as possible, ask more politely about the road you have lost your way.

they say that all guys are the same... no shit... some set themselves a goal and stubbornly go towards it, while others give up at the slightest difficulty and go drinking..

You need to achieve your goal, and not be killed by it.

Gain experience and human wisdom by reading and comprehending Statuses about the purpose in life, let's start our list: Many people talk about love on VK, but only a few have seen it...

Love, and not German philosophy, serves as an explanation of this world. Oscar Wilde

All ages are submissive to love. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

If every night decorous, respectable spouses turn into passionate lovers, they truly love each other. Jean Rostand.

Cruelty is characteristic of laws dictated by cowardice, for cowardice can only be energetic when it is cruel. Karl Marx

Love is a man’s attempt to be satisfied with one, the only woman.

The sorrow of one who cries in secret is sincere. George Byron

Exupery: Necessary and important are an almost invisible line. Food, water, shelter are necessary for the body, the meaning of truth, love are important for God and the Soul.

Statesman and politician. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Love is the desire to achieve the friendship of someone who attracts with their beauty. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Wake me only if there is bad news; and if they are good, by no means. Napoleon I Bonaparte

Making mistakes is an inherent property of love. A love affair is not made for crawling on your knees and driving yourself to the point of stupor, like an English maid who rubs calluses on her knees from constantly scrubbing the floors. This is not what it was created for, and it merrily falls into mistakes, this is a sweet love adventure! Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

The grass is looking for crowds of its own kind on the earth; the tree looks for its loneliness in the sky. Rabindranath Tagore

Love is the image of God, and not His lifeless likeness, but the living essence of the divine nature, radiating with kindness. Martin Luther King

When the good moralize, they cause disgust; When the wicked moralize, they cause fear. Friedrich Nietzsche

Nothing can be loved except eternity, and no love can be loved except eternal love. If there is no eternity, then there is nothing. A moment is complete only if it is attached to eternity. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev

Two or three is already Society. One will become God, the other will become the devil, one will speak from the pulpit, the other will dangle under the crossbar. Thomas Carlyle

It is not difficult to imagine a European converting to the Buddhist faith, for this provides him with life after death, which the Buddha considers an irreparable evil, but which man desires with all his might. Albert Camus

For some reason, cats usually say you, although not a single cat has ever drunk with anyone in brotherhood. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

If you ever find it while chasing happiness, you, like the old woman looking for her glasses, will find that happiness was right on your nose all along. George Bernard Shaw

Effort is a necessary condition for moral improvement. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

True greatness lies in self-control. Jean de Lafontaine

Submission to the law is required by right, and not begged for as a favor. Theodore Roosevelt

Try to be at least a little kinder - and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act.

A lazy hand makes you poor, but the hand of the diligent makes you rich. He who gathers during the summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during the harvest is a dissolute son. Book of proverbs

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. Maxim Gorky

It is not difficult to despise the judgment of people, but it is impossible to despise your own court. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to awaken. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

By the name of morality we mean not only external decency, but also the entire internal basis of motives. Jan Amos Comenius

It is most difficult to speak precisely when it is a shame to remain silent. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Endure and stay strong for times to come. Marcus Tullius Cicero

In the army there will always be warriors as brave as tigers; there will be strong ones who can easily lift a heavy tripod; there will be walkers who go faster than war horses; There will always be people who can take away the banner and stab the commander. These need to be selected, separated from others, loved and appreciated. They contain the fate of the army. Wu Tzu

Smart people are not learned; scientists are not smart.

I love betrayal, but not traitors. Marcus Tullius Cicero

The best praise is the one that comes from someone to whom you have done nothing good. Abul Faraj

It is dangerous to give a raging man a sharp knife, and to a treacherous one - power and might.

Keep all your things in their place, have your own time for each activity. Benjamin Franklin

If all people cared only about the well-being of others, they would be even more likely to fight among themselves. Jaroslav Hasek

Don't throw pearls before swine.

Flattery is like a weapon depicted in a painting: it brings pleasure, but no benefit. Pythagoras

True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Nothing hinders a romance more than a woman's sense of humor or a man's lack of it. Oscar Wilde

Friends find pleasure in communicating with each other because they have the same view of a person’s moral duties. Jean La Bruyère

We ourselves perish by condemning the clergy. Without the clergy, the people perished. The clergy watches over his soul. Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov

Do not eat food from an envious person and do not be tempted by his delicious dishes. Book of proverbs

Echo seeks to imitate its original source in order to prove that it is original. Rabindranath Tagore

The human soul develops until death. Hippocrates

Nothing makes life more bearable than activity directed towards one goal. Friedrich Schiller

There are too many screws, wheels and valves in each of us for us to judge each other by a first impression or by two or three external signs. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Size is the most unreliable criterion of the greatness of a person or a country. Jawaharlal Nehru

The pursuit of truth is the only activity worthy of a hero. Giordano Bruno

The enemy can be fought in two ways: firstly, by laws, and secondly, by force. The first method is inherent in man, the second - in beasts. Niccolo Machiavelli

Whether life events are good or bad largely depends on how we perceive them. Michel de

My best friend is the one who gave me a book that I haven't read yet. Abraham Lincoln

Such is the power of truth: you try to refute it, but your very attacks elevate it and give it greater value. Galileo Galilei

Let us praise the woman-Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breasts fed the whole world! Maxim Gorky

The tragedy of old age is not that you are old, but that you are not young. Oscar Wilde

A wonderful thing is communication with a sage. Aristophanes

Cheating and flattery are blood relatives. Abraham Lincoln

Ancient Persian collection of sacred books of Zoroastrianism, a religion widespread in ancient times and the early Middle Ages in Iran, Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan.

People hate each other because they fear each other; they are afraid because they don’t know anything about each other; they don’t know because they don’t communicate, and they can’t communicate because they are separated. Martin Luther King

Some are gloomy from ambition, and some are from love of money. Quintus Horace Flaccus

Only a few, whose vile well-being depends on the people's grief, make war. Erasmus of Rotterdam

Having won without risk, you triumph without glory. Pierre Corneille

We become different from our ancestors. Titus Livy

By insulting others, you are not taking care of yourself. Leonardo da Vinci

A limited, honest person often sees through all the tricks of the subtlest businessmen. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

We rarely regret saying too little, but we often regret saying too much: a hackneyed and banal truth that everyone knows and never follows. Jean La Bruyère

The teacher himself must be educated. Karl Marx

With every extraordinary act we make an enemy for ourselves. To gain popularity, you have to be mediocre. Oscar Wilde

Friends exist to help each other. Romain Rolland

The liar's punishment is not that no one believes him anymore, but that he himself can no longer trust anyone. George Bernard Shaw

If you fall in love, then love someone who is worth it. There is no need for the beloved to be Ptolemy and Plato, but he needs to have a little reason. Kay-Kavus

Power always attracts people of low moral character. Albert Einstein

A good friend should come when called to have fun, but come to a friend’s misfortune without being called. Democritus

Instead of exalting the sky and reflecting on it, isn’t it better to ourselves, by multiplying things, to subjugate the sky? Sun Tzu

Trump! Kozma Prutkov

In a democracy, the ignorance of one voter can harm everyone else. John Kennedy

All the most wonderful things come to an end, so this collection of Statuses about the purpose in life has come to an end, the final conclusion remains: The evil one does not see that he is evil. Basil the Great, Saint

Path to the sea

In one poor village a boy was born. He spent his days meaninglessly, mechanically and monotonously, just like the rest of the inhabitants of this dying village, having no idea what to do with his own life. And one fine night he dreamed of the sea. None of the villagers had ever seen the sea, so no one could confirm that such endless water existed somewhere in the world.

And when the young man announced that he was going to go in search of the sea from his dream, everyone twisted their finger at their temple and called him a madman. But, in spite of everything, he set out on a journey and wandered for a long time until he found himself at a fork in the road. Here he chose the road that led straight, and a few days later he reached a village whose inhabitants led a calm, prosperous life. When the young man told them that he was traveling, dreaming of finding the sea, they began to convince him that he was wasting his time and it would be better for him to stay in this village and live as happily as everyone else.

For several years the young man lived in abundance. But one night he dreamed of the sea again, and he remembered his unfulfilled dream. The young man decided to leave the village and hit the road again. After saying goodbye to everyone, he returned to the fork and this time went in a different direction. He walked for a long time until he reached a big city. I admired its hubbub and diversity and decided to stay there. I studied, worked, had fun, and over time completely forgot about the purpose of my journey.

However, a few years later he again saw the sea in a dream and thought that if he did not fulfill the dream of his youth, he would waste his life. Therefore, he again returned to the fork and chose the third road, which led him into the forest. In a small clearing, the man saw a hut, and next to it, a not too young, but beautiful woman who was hanging out the washed laundry. She invited him to stay with her, since her husband went to war and did not return. The man agreed.

They lived happily for many years, raised children, but one day our hero, who was already old, was again visited by a dream about the sea. And he left everything with which he had been associated for many years, returned to the fork and set off along the last path, hitherto unknown to him, very steep and rocky. He walked with difficulty and began to fear that he would soon be completely exhausted.

Finding himself at the foot of a large mountain, the old man decided to climb it in the hope of seeing the sea from his dreams at least from afar. A few hours later, at the end of his strength, he reached the top of the mountain. Vast expanses stretched out before him: the old man saw a fork in the road and a village in which the inhabitants led a prosperous life, and a big city, and the hut of a woman with whom he spent many happy years. And in the distance, on the horizon, I saw the blue, endless sea.

And before his tormented heart stopped, the touched old man, through tears of regret, also noticed that all the roads along which he walked led to the sea, but he did not go through any of them to the end.

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