Cool experiments in physics. Elephant toothpaste

Physics surrounds us absolutely everywhere: in everyday life, on the street, on the road... Sometimes parents should draw the attention of their children to some interesting, still unknown moments. Early acquaintance with this school subject will allow some children to overcome fear, and for others to become seriously interested in this science and, perhaps, for some it will become destiny.

Today we propose to get acquainted with some simple experiments that can be done at home.

PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: See if the shape of an object affects its strength.
MATERIALS: three sheets of paper, tape, books (weighing up to half a kilogram), assistant.


    Fold the pieces of paper into three different shapes: Form A- fold the sheet in thirds and glue the ends together, Form B- fold the sheet of paper in four and glue the ends together, Form B- Roll the paper into a cylinder shape and glue the ends together.

    Place all the figures you have made on the table.

    Together with an assistant, place books on them one at a time and watch when the structures collapse.

    Remember how many books each figure can hold.

RESULTS: The cylinder can hold the largest number of books.
WHY? Gravity (attraction to the center of the Earth) pulls the books down, but the paper supports do not let them go. If the earth's gravity is greater than the resistance force of the support, the weight of the book will crush it. The open paper cylinder turned out to be the strongest of all the figures, because the weight of the books that lay on it was evenly distributed along its walls.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Charge an object with static electricity.
MATERIALS: scissors, napkin, ruler, comb.


    Measure and cut a strip of paper from the napkin (7cm x 25cm).

    Cut long thin strips on the paper, LEAVING the edge untouched (according to the drawing).

    Comb your hair quickly. Your hair should be clean and dry. Bring the comb closer to the paper strips, but do not touch them.

RESULTS: Paper strips are drawn to the comb.
WHY?“Static” means motionless. Static electricity is negative particles called electrons gathered together. Matter consists of atoms, where electrons rotate around a positive center - the nucleus. When we comb our hair, the electrons seem to be erased from the hair and end up on the comb The half of the comb that touched your hair received a negative charge. The paper strip consists of atoms. We bring the comb to them, as a result of which the positive part of the atoms is attracted to the comb. This attraction between the positive and negative particles is enough to lift the paper ones. stripes up.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Find the position of the center of gravity.
MATERIALS: plasticine, two metal forks, a toothpick, a tall glass or a wide-necked jar.


    Roll a ball of plasticine about 4 cm in diameter.

    Insert a fork into the ball.

    Insert the second fork into the ball at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the first fork.

    Insert a toothpick into the ball between the forks.

    Place the end of the toothpick on the edge of the glass and move it towards the center of the glass until equilibrium is achieved.

NOTE: If balance cannot be achieved, reduce the angle between them.
RESULTS: At a certain position, the toothpicks of the fork are balanced.
WHY? Since the forks are located at an angle to each other, their weight seems to be concentrated at a certain point on the stick located between them. This point is called the center of gravity.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Compare the speed of sound in solids and in air.
MATERIALS: plastic cup, ring-shaped rubber band.


    Place the rubber ring on the glass as shown in the picture.

    Place the glass upside down to your ear.

    String the stretched rubber band like a string.

RESULTS: A loud sound is heard.
WHY? An object sounds when it vibrates. While oscillating, he hits the air or another object if it is nearby. The vibrations begin to spread through the air filling everything around, their energy affects the ears, and we hear sound. Vibrations travel much more slowly through air—gas—than through solids or liquids. The vibrations of the rubber band are transmitted to both the air and the body of the glass, but the sound is heard louder when it comes to the ear directly from the walls of the glass.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Find out whether temperature affects the jumping ability of a rubber ball.
MATERIALS: tennis ball, meter stick, freezer.


    Place the bar vertically and, holding it with one hand, place the ball on its top end with the other hand.

    Release the ball and see how high it jumps when it hits the floor. Repeat this three times and estimate your average jump height.

    Place the ball in the freezer for half an hour.

    Measure your jump height again by releasing the ball from the top end of the pole.

RESULTS: After the freezer, the ball does not bounce as high.
WHY? Rubber is made up of a myriad of molecules in the form of chains. When warm, these chains easily move and move away from one another, and thanks to this, the rubber becomes elastic. When cooled, these chains become rigid. When the chains are elastic, the ball bounces well. When playing tennis in cold weather, you need to take into account that the ball will not be as bouncy.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: See how the image appears in the mirror.
MATERIALS: mirror, 4 books, pencil, paper.


    Stack the books and lean the mirror against it.

    Place a piece of paper under the edge of the mirror.

    Place your left hand in front of the piece of paper, and place your chin on your hand so that you can look in the mirror, but not see the sheet on which you will be writing.

    Looking only in the mirror, not at the paper, write your name on it.

    Look what you wrote.

RESULTS: Most, and maybe even all, of the letters were upside down.
WHY? Because you wrote while looking in the mirror, where they looked normal, but on the paper they were upside down. Most of the letters will be upside down, and only symmetrical letters (H, O, E, B) will be written correctly. They look the same in the mirror and on paper, although the image in the mirror is upside down.

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There are very simple experiments that children remember for the rest of their lives. The children may not fully understand why this is all happening, but when time passes and they find themselves in a physics or chemistry lesson, a very clear example will certainly emerge in their memory.

website I collected 7 interesting experiments that children will remember. Everything you need for these experiments is at your fingertips.

Fireproof ball

Will need: 2 balls, candle, matches, water.

Experience: Inflate a balloon and hold it over a lit candle to demonstrate to children that the fire will make the balloon burst. Then pour plain tap water into the second ball, tie it and bring it to the candle again. It turns out that with water the ball can easily withstand the flame of a candle.

Explanation: The water in the ball absorbs the heat generated by the candle. Therefore, the ball itself will not burn and, therefore, will not burst.


You will need: plastic bag, pencils, water.

Experience: Fill the plastic bag halfway with water. Use a pencil to pierce the bag through the place where it is filled with water.

Explanation: If you pierce a plastic bag and then pour water into it, it will pour out through the holes. But if you first fill the bag halfway with water and then pierce it with a sharp object so that the object remains stuck into the bag, then almost no water will flow out through these holes. This is due to the fact that when polyethylene breaks, its molecules are attracted closer to each other. In our case, the polyethylene is tightened around the pencils.

Unbreakable balloon

You will need: a balloon, a wooden skewer and some dishwashing liquid.

Experience: Coat the top and bottom with the product and pierce the ball, starting from the bottom.

Explanation: The secret of this trick is simple. In order to preserve the ball, you need to pierce it at the points of least tension, and they are located at the bottom and at the top of the ball.


Will need: 4 cups of water, food coloring, cabbage leaves or white flowers.

Experience: Add any color of food coloring to each glass and place one leaf or flower in the water. Leave them overnight. In the morning you will see that they have turned different colors.

Explanation: Plants absorb water and thereby nourish their flowers and leaves. This happens due to the capillary effect, in which water itself tends to fill the thin tubes inside the plants. This is how flowers, grass, and large trees feed. By sucking in tinted water, they change color.

floating egg

Will need: 2 eggs, 2 glasses of water, salt.

Experience: Carefully place the egg in a glass of plain, clean water. As expected, it will sink to the bottom (if not, the egg may be rotten and should not be returned to the refrigerator). Pour warm water into the second glass and stir 4-5 tablespoons of salt in it. For the purity of the experiment, you can wait until the water cools down. Then place the second egg in the water. It will float near the surface.

Explanation: It's all about density. The average density of an egg is much greater than that of plain water, so the egg sinks down. And the density of the salt solution is higher, and therefore the egg rises up.

Crystal lollipops

Will need: 2 cups of water, 5 cups of sugar, wooden sticks for mini kebabs, thick paper, transparent glasses, saucepan, food coloring.

Experience: In a quarter glass of water, boil sugar syrup with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Sprinkle some sugar onto the paper. Then you need to dip the stick in the syrup and collect the sugar with it. Next, distribute them evenly on the stick.

Leave the sticks to dry overnight. In the morning, dissolve 5 cups of sugar in 2 glasses of water over a fire. You can leave the syrup to cool for 15 minutes, but it should not cool too much, otherwise the crystals will not grow. Then pour it into jars and add different food colorings. Place the prepared sticks in a jar of syrup so that they do not touch the walls and bottom of the jar; a clothespin will help with this.

Explanation: As the water cools, the solubility of sugar decreases, and it begins to precipitate and settle on the walls of the vessel and on your stick seeded with sugar grains.

Lighted match

Will be needed: Matches, flashlight.

Experience: Light a match and hold it at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the wall. Shine a flashlight on the match and you will see that only your hand and the match itself are reflected on the wall. It would seem obvious, but I never thought about it.

Explanation: Fire does not cast shadows because it does not prevent light from passing through it.

Entertaining experiences.
Extracurricular activity for middle school.

Extracurricular event in physics for middle classes “Entertaining experiments”

Objectives of the event:

Develop cognitive interest, interest in physics;
- develop competent monologue speech using physical terms, develop attention, observation, and the ability to apply knowledge in a new situation;
- teach children to communicate in a friendly manner.

Teacher: Today we will show you interesting experiments. Watch carefully and try to explain them. Those who excel in their explanations will receive prizes - good and excellent grades in physics.

(9th grade students show experiments, and 7-8th grade students explain)

Experiment 1 “Without getting your hands wet”

Equipment: plate or saucer, coin, glass, paper, matches.

How to do it: Place a coin on the bottom of a plate or saucer and pour in some water. How to get a coin without even getting your fingertips wet?

Solution: Light the paper and place it in the glass for a while. Turn the heated glass upside down and place it on a saucer next to the coin.

As the air in the glass heats up, its pressure will increase and some of the air will escape. After some time, the remaining air will cool and the pressure will decrease. Under the influence of atmospheric pressure, the water will enter the glass, releasing the coin.

Experiment 2 “Lifting a plate of soap”

Equipment: plate, piece of laundry soap.

Procedure: Pour water into a plate and drain immediately. The surface of the plate will be damp. Then, pressing the bar of soap firmly against the plate, turn it several times and lift it up. At the same time, the plate will rise with soap. Why?

Explanation: The lifting of the dish with soap is explained by the attraction of the molecules of the dish and soap.

Experiment 3 “Magic water”

Equipment: glass of water, sheet of thick paper.

Conduct: This experiment is called “Magic Water”. Fill a glass with water to the brim and cover it with a sheet of paper. Let's turn the glass over. Why doesn't water pour out of an upside down glass?

Explanation: Water is held by atmospheric pressure, i.e. atmospheric pressure is greater than the pressure produced by water.

Notes: The experiment works better with a thick-walled vessel.
When turning the glass over, the sheet of paper must be held with your hand.

Experiment 4 “Untearable paper”

Equipment: two tripods with couplings and legs, two paper rings, a staff, a meter.

Carrying out: We hang the paper rings on tripods at the same level. We'll put a rail on them. When struck sharply with a meter or metal rod in the middle of the rack, it breaks, but the rings remain intact. Why?

Explanation: The interaction time is very short. Therefore, the rack does not have time to transfer the received impulse to the paper rings.

Notes: The width of the rings is 3 cm. The rail is 1 meter long, 15-20 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick.

Experience 5 “Heavy Newspaper”

Equipment: strip 50-70 cm long, newspaper, meter.

Conduct: Place a slate on the table and a fully unrolled newspaper on it. If you slowly apply pressure to the hanging end of the ruler, it goes down, and the opposite one rises along with the newspaper. If you sharply hit the end of the rail with a meter or a hammer, it breaks, and the opposite end with the newspaper does not even rise. How to explain this?

Explanation: Atmospheric air exerts pressure on the newspaper from above. By slowly pressing on the end of the ruler, air penetrates under the newspaper and partially balances the pressure on it. With a sharp impact, due to inertia, the air does not have time to instantly penetrate under the newspaper. The air pressure on the newspaper from above turns out to be greater than below, and the rail breaks.

Notes: The rail should be placed so that its end hangs 10 cm. The newspaper should fit snugly against the rail and table.

Experience 6

Equipment: tripod with two couplings and legs, two demonstration dynamometers.

Carrying out: Let's attach two dynamometers - devices for measuring force - on a tripod. Why are their readings the same? What does this mean?

Explanation: bodies act on each other with forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. (Newton's third law).

Experience 7

Equipment: two sheets of paper identical in size and weight (one of them is crumpled).

Carrying out: Let's release both sheets at the same time from the same height. Why does a crumpled piece of paper fall faster?

Explanation: A crumpled piece of paper falls faster because there is less air resistance acting on it.

But in a vacuum they would fall simultaneously.

Experiment 8 “How quickly a candle goes out”

Equipment: glass vessel with water, stearin candle, nail, matches.

Conduct: Light a candle and lower it into a vessel with water. How quickly will the candle go out?

Explanation: The flame appears to be filled with water as soon as the section of the candle protruding above the water burns and the candle goes out.

But, as it burns, the candle decreases in weight and floats up under the influence of Archimedean force.

Note: Attach a small weight (nail) to the end of the candle from below so that it floats in the water.

Experiment 9 “Fireproof paper”

Equipment: metal rod, strip of paper, matches, candle (alcohol lamp)

How to carry out: Wrap the rod tightly with a strip of paper and place it in the flame of a candle or alcohol lamp. Why doesn't the paper burn?

Explanation: Iron, having good thermal conductivity, removes heat from the paper, so it does not catch fire.

Experiment 10 “Fireproof scarf”

Equipment: tripod with clutch and foot, alcohol, handkerchief, matches.

How to do it: Hold a handkerchief (previously moistened with water and wrung out) in the tripod foot, pour alcohol on it and set it on fire. Despite the flames engulfing the scarf, it will not burn. Why?

Explanation: The heat released during the combustion of alcohol was completely used to evaporate the water, so it cannot ignite the fabric.

Experiment 11 “Fireproof thread”

Equipment: tripod with coupling and foot, feather, regular thread and thread soaked in a saturated solution of table salt.

How to do it: Hang a feather on a thread and set it on fire. The thread burns and the feather falls. Now let’s hang a feather on a magic thread and set it on fire. As you can see, the magic thread burns out, but the feather remains hanging. Explain the secret of the magic thread.

Explanation: The magic thread was soaked in a solution of table salt. When the thread is burned, the feather is held on by fused crystals of table salt.

Note: The thread should be soaked 3-4 times in a saturated salt solution.

Experiment 12 “Water is boiling in a paper pan”

Equipment: tripod with coupling and foot, paper pan on strings, alcohol lamp, matches.

How to do it: Hang the paper pan on a tripod.

Is it possible to boil water in this pan?

Explanation: All the heat released during combustion is used to heat the water. In addition, the temperature of the paper pan does not reach the ignition temperature.

Interesting questions.

Teacher: While the water is boiling, you can ask the audience questions:

    What grows upside down? (icicle)

    I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose, duck)

    Why don't waterfowl get wet in water? (The surface of their feathers is covered with a thin layer of fat, and water does not wet the fatty surface.)

    Even a child can lift him from the ground, but not even a strong man can throw him over a fence. (Pushinka)

    The window is broken during the day and put back in place at night. (Ice hole)

The results of the experiments are summed up.




Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experiments.
(Kant Emmanuel. German philosopher 1724-1804)

Physics experiments introduce students to the diverse applications of the laws of physics in a fun way. Experiments can be used in lessons to attract students’ attention to the phenomenon being studied, when repeating and consolidating educational material, and at physical evenings. Entertaining experiences deepen and expand students' knowledge, promote the development of logical thinking, and instill interest in the subject.

This work describes 10 entertaining experiments, 5 demonstration experiments using school equipment. The authors of the works are students of the 10th grade of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 in the village of Zabaikalsk, Transbaikal Territory - Chuguevsky Artyom, Lavrentyev Arkady, Chipizubov Dmitry. The guys independently carried out these experiments, summarized the results and presented them in the form of this work.

The role of experiment in the science of physics

The fact that physics is a young science
It’s impossible to say for sure here.
And in ancient times, learning science,
We always strived to comprehend it.

The purpose of teaching physics is specific,
Be able to apply all knowledge in practice.
And it’s important to remember – the role of experiment
Must stand in the first place.

Be able to plan an experiment and carry it out.
Analyze and bring to life.
Build a model, put forward a hypothesis,
Striving to reach new heights

The laws of physics are based on facts established empirically. Moreover, the interpretation of the same facts often changes in the course of the historical development of physics. Facts accumulate through observation. But you can’t limit yourself to them only. This is only the first step towards knowledge. Next comes the experiment, the development of concepts that allow for qualitative characteristics. In order to draw general conclusions from observations and find out the causes of phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between quantities. If such a dependence is obtained, then a physical law has been found. If a physical law is found, then there is no need to experiment in each individual case; it is enough to perform the appropriate calculations. By experimentally studying quantitative relationships between quantities, patterns can be identified. Based on these laws, a general theory of phenomena is developed.

Therefore, without experiment there can be no rational teaching of physics. The study of physics involves the widespread use of experiments, discussion of the features of its setting and the observed results.

Entertaining experiments in physics

The description of the experiments was carried out using the following algorithm:

  1. Experience name
  2. Equipment and materials required for the experiment
  3. Stages of the experiment
  4. Explanation of experience

Experiment No. 1 Four floors

Equipment and materials: glass, paper, scissors, water, salt, red wine, sunflower oil, colored alcohol.

Stages of the experiment

Let's try to pour four different liquids into a glass so that they do not mix and stand five levels above each other. However, it will be more convenient for us to take not a glass, but a narrow glass that widens towards the top.

  1. Pour salted tinted water into the bottom of the glass.
  2. Roll up a “Funtik” from paper and bend its end at a right angle; cut off the tip. The hole in the Funtik should be the size of a pinhead. Pour red wine into this cone; a thin stream should flow out of it horizontally, break against the walls of the glass and flow down it onto the salt water.
    When the height of the layer of red wine is equal to the height of the layer of colored water, stop pouring the wine.
  3. From the second cone, pour sunflower oil into a glass in the same way.
  4. From the third horn, pour a layer of colored alcohol.

Figure 1

So we have four floors of liquids in one glass. All different colors and different densities.

Explanation of experience

The liquids in the grocery store were arranged in the following order: colored water, red wine, sunflower oil, colored alcohol. The heaviest ones are at the bottom, the lightest ones are at the top. Salt water has the highest density, tinted alcohol has the lowest density.

Experience No. 2 Amazing candlestick

Equipment and materials: candle, nail, glass, matches, water.

Stages of the experiment

Isn't it an amazing candlestick - a glass of water? And this candlestick is not bad at all.

Figure 2

  1. Weight the end of the candle with a nail.
  2. Calculate the size of the nail so that the entire candle is immersed in water, only the wick and the very tip of the paraffin should protrude above the water.
  3. Light the wick.

Explanation of experience

Let them, they will tell you, because in a minute the candle will burn down to the water and go out!

That’s the point,” you will answer, “that the candle is getting shorter every minute.” And if it’s shorter, it means it’s easier. If it’s easier, it means it will float up.

And, true, the candle will float up little by little, and the water-cooled paraffin at the edge of the candle will melt more slowly than the paraffin surrounding the wick. Therefore, a rather deep funnel is formed around the wick. This emptiness, in turn, makes the candle lighter, which is why our candle will burn out to the end.

Experiment No. 3 Candle by bottle

Equipment and materials: candle, bottle, matches

Stages of the experiment

  1. Place a lit candle behind the bottle, and stand so that your face is 20-30 cm away from the bottle.
  2. Now you just need to blow and the candle will go out, as if there were no barrier between you and the candle.

Figure 3

Explanation of experience

The candle goes out because the bottle is “flown around” with air: the stream of air is broken by the bottle into two streams; one flows around it on the right, and the other on the left; and they meet approximately where the candle flame stands.

Experiment No. 4 Spinning snake

Equipment and materials: thick paper, candle, scissors.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Cut a spiral out of thick paper, stretch it a little and place it on the end of a curved wire.
  2. Hold this spiral over the candle in the upward air flow, the snake will rotate.

Explanation of experience

The snake rotates because air expands under the influence of heat and warm energy is converted into movement.

Figure 4

Experiment No. 5 Eruption of Vesuvius

Equipment and materials: glass vessel, vial, stopper, alcohol ink, water.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Place a bottle of alcohol ink in a wide glass vessel filled with water.
  2. There should be a small hole in the bottle cap.

Figure 5

Explanation of experience

Water has a higher density than alcohol; it will gradually enter the bottle, displacing the mascara from there. Red, blue or black liquid will rise upward from the bubble in a thin stream.

Experiment No. 6 Fifteen matches on one

Equipment and materials: 15 matches.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Place one match on the table, and 14 matches across it so that their heads stick up and their ends touch the table.
  2. How to lift the first match, holding it by one end, and all the other matches along with it?

Explanation of experience

To do this, you just need to put another fifteenth match on top of all the matches, in the hollow between them.

Figure 6

Experiment No. 7 Pot stand

Equipment and materials: plate, 3 forks, napkin ring, saucepan.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Place three forks in a ring.
  2. Place a plate on this structure.
  3. Place a pan of water on the stand.

Figure 7

Figure 8

Explanation of experience

This experience is explained by the rule of leverage and stable equilibrium.

Figure 9

Experience No. 8 Paraffin motor

Equipment and materials: candle, knitting needle, 2 glasses, 2 plates, matches.

Stages of the experiment

To make this motor, we don't need either electricity or gasoline. For this we only need... a candle.

  1. Heat the knitting needle and stick it with their heads into the candle. This will be the axis of our engine.
  2. Place a candle with a knitting needle on the edges of two glasses and balance.
  3. Light the candle at both ends.

Explanation of experience

A drop of paraffin will fall into one of the plates placed under the ends of the candle. The balance will be disrupted, the other end of the candle will tighten and fall; at the same time, a few drops of paraffin will drain from it, and it will become lighter than the first end; it rises to the top, the first end will go down, drop a drop, it will become lighter, and our motor will start working with all its might; gradually the candle's vibrations will increase more and more.

Figure 10

Experience No. 9 Free exchange of fluids

Equipment and materials: orange, glass, red wine or milk, water, 2 toothpicks.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Carefully cut the orange in half, peel so that the whole skin comes off.
  2. Poke two holes side by side in the bottom of this cup and place it in a glass. The diameter of the cup should be slightly larger than the diameter of the central part of the glass, then the cup will stay on the walls without falling to the bottom.
  3. Lower the orange cup into the vessel to one third of the height.
  4. Pour red wine or colored alcohol into the orange peel. It will pass through the hole until the wine level reaches the bottom of the cup.
  5. Then pour water almost to the edge. You can see how the stream of wine rises through one of the holes to the water level, while the heavier water passes through the other hole and begins to sink to the bottom of the glass. In a few moments the wine will be at the top and the water at the bottom.

Experiment No. 10 Singing glass

Equipment and materials: thin glass, water.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Fill a glass with water and wipe the edges of the glass.
  2. Rub a moistened finger anywhere on the glass, she will start singing.

Figure 11

Demonstration experiments

1. Diffusion of liquids and gases

Diffusion (from Latin diflusio - spreading, spreading, scattering), the transfer of particles of different nature, caused by the chaotic thermal movement of molecules (atoms). Distinguish between diffusion in liquids, gases and solids

Demonstration experiment “Observation of diffusion”

Equipment and materials: cotton wool, ammonia, phenolphthalein, installation for diffusion observation.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Let's take two pieces of cotton wool.
  2. We moisten one piece of cotton wool with phenolphthalein, the other with ammonia.
  3. Let's bring the branches into contact.
  4. The fleeces are observed to turn pink due to the phenomenon of diffusion.

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

The phenomenon of diffusion can be observed using a special installation

  1. Pour ammonia into one of the flasks.
  2. Moisten a piece of cotton wool with phenolphthalein and place it on top of the flask.
  3. After some time, we observe the coloring of the fleece. This experiment demonstrates the phenomenon of diffusion at a distance.

Figure 15

Let us prove that the phenomenon of diffusion depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster diffusion occurs.

Figure 16

To demonstrate this experiment, let’s take two identical glasses. Pour cold water into one glass, hot water into the other. Let's add copper sulfate to the glasses and observe that copper sulfate dissolves faster in hot water, which proves the dependence of diffusion on temperature.

Figure 17

Figure 18

2. Communicating vessels

To demonstrate communicating vessels, let us take a number of vessels of various shapes, connected at the bottom by tubes.

Figure 19

Figure 20

Let us pour liquid into one of them: we will immediately find that the liquid will flow through the tubes into the remaining vessels and settle in all vessels at the same level.

The explanation for this experience is as follows. The pressure on the free surfaces of the liquid in the vessels is the same; it is equal to atmospheric pressure. Thus, all free surfaces belong to the same surface of the level and, therefore, must be in the same horizontal plane and the upper edge of the vessel itself: otherwise the kettle cannot be filled to the top.

Figure 21

3.Pascal's ball

Pascal's ball is a device designed to demonstrate the uniform transfer of pressure exerted on a liquid or gas in a closed vessel, as well as the rise of the liquid behind the piston under the influence of atmospheric pressure.

To demonstrate the uniform transfer of pressure exerted on a liquid in a closed vessel, it is necessary to use a piston to draw water into the vessel and place the ball tightly on the nozzle. By pushing the piston into the vessel, demonstrate the flow of liquid from the holes in the ball, paying attention to the uniform flow of liquid in all directions.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

Plastovsky technological branch

GBPOU SPO "Kopeysk Polytechnic College named after. S.V. Khokhryakova"




Educational and research work

"Entertaining physical experiments

from scrap materials"

Head: Yu.V. Timofeeva, physics teacher

Performers: OPI group students - 15


Physical experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, and teach students to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around them.

Unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments

With the help of experiments, observations and measurements, dependencies between various physical quantities can be studied.

All phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation; for this purpose, the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us were used.



Main content

Organization of research work

Methodology for conducting various experiments

Research results


List of used literature



Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experiments.

(Kant Emmanuel - German philosopher 1724-1804)

Physics is not only scientific books and complex laws, not only huge laboratories. Physics is also about interesting experiments and entertaining experiments. Physics is about magic tricks performed among friends, funny stories and funny homemade toys.

Most importantly, you can use any available material for physical experiments.

Physical experiments can be done with balls, glasses, syringes, pencils, straws, coins, needles, etc.

Experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, and teach students to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around them.

When conducting experiments, you not only have to draw up a plan for its implementation, but also determine ways to obtain certain data, assemble installations yourself, and even design the necessary instruments to reproduce a particular phenomenon.

But, unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments; much attention is paid to theory and problem solving.

Therefore, it was decided to conduct research work on the topic “Entertaining experiments in physics using scrap materials.”

The objectives of the research work are as follows:

  1. Master the methods of physical research, master the skills of correct observation and the technique of physical experiment.

    Organization of independent work with various literature and other sources of information, collection, analysis and synthesis of material on the topic of research work.

    Teach students to apply scientific knowledge to explain physical phenomena.

    To instill in students a love for physics, to increase their concentration on understanding the laws of nature, and not on their mechanical memorization.

When choosing a research topic, we proceeded from the following principles:

Subjectivity - the chosen topic corresponds to our interests.

Objectivity - the topic we have chosen is relevant and important in scientific and practical terms.

Feasibility - the tasks and goals we set in our work are real and feasible.


The research work was carried out according to the following scheme:

Statement of the problem.

Studying information from various sources on this issue.

Selection of research methods and practical mastery of them.

Collecting your own material - collecting available materials, conducting experiments.

Analysis and synthesis.

Formulation of conclusions.

During the research work, the following physical research methods were used:

1. Physical experience

The experiment consisted of the following stages:

Clarification of the experimental conditions.

This stage involves familiarization with the conditions of the experiment, determination of the list of necessary available instruments and materials and safe conditions during the experiment.

Drawing up a sequence of actions.

At this stage, the procedure for conducting the experiment was outlined, and new materials were added if necessary.

Conducting the experiment.

2. Observation

When observing phenomena occurring in experience, we paid special attention to changes in physical characteristics, while we were able to detect regular connections between various physical quantities.

3. Modeling.

Modeling is the basis of any physical research. When conducting experiments, we simulated various situational experiments.

In total, we have modeled, conducted and scientifically explained several interesting physical experiments.

2.Organization of research work:

2.1 Methodology for conducting various experiments:

Experience No. 1 Candle by bottle

Devices and materials: candle, bottle, matches

Stages of the experiment

Place a lit candle behind the bottle, and stand so that your face is 20-30 cm away from the bottle.

Now you just need to blow and the candle will go out, as if there were no barrier between you and the candle.

Experiment No. 2 Spinning snake

Equipment and materials: thick paper, candle, scissors.

Stages of the experiment

Cut a spiral out of thick paper, stretch it a little and place it on the end of a curved wire.

Hold this spiral above the candle in the rising air flow, the snake will rotate.

Devices and materials: 15 matches.

Stages of the experiment

Place one match on the table, and 14 matches across it so that their heads stick up and their ends touch the table.

How to lift the first match, holding it by one end, and all the other matches along with it?

Experience No. 4 Paraffin motor

Devices and materials:candle, knitting needle, 2 glasses, 2 plates, matches.

Stages of the experiment

To make this motor, we don't need either electricity or gasoline. For this we only need... a candle.

Heat the knitting needle and stick it with their heads into the candle. This will be the axis of our engine.

Place a candle with a knitting needle on the edges of two glasses and balance.

Light the candle at both ends.

Experiment No. 5 Thick air

We live thanks to the air we breathe. If you don't think that's magical enough, try this experiment to find out what other magic air can do.


Safety glasses

Pine board 0.3x2.5x60 cm (can be purchased at any lumber store)

Newspaper sheet



Let's begin the scientific magic!

Wear safety glasses. Announce to the audience: “There are two types of air in the world. One of them is skinny and the other is fat. Now, with the help of fatty air, I will perform magic.”

Place the board on the table so that about 6 inches (15 cm) extends over the edge of the table.

Say: “Thick air, sit on the plank.” Hit the end of the board that protrudes beyond the edge of the table. The plank will jump into the air.

Tell the audience that it must have been thin air that sat on the plank. Place the board on the table again as in step 2.

Place a sheet of newspaper on the board, as shown in the picture, so that the board is in the middle of the sheet. Flatten the newspaper so that there is no air between it and the table.

Say again: “Thick air, sit on the plank.”

Hit the protruding end with the edge of your palm.

Experiment No. 6 Waterproof paper


Paper towel


A plastic bowl or bucket into which you can pour enough water to completely cover the glass


Lay out everything you need on the table

Let's begin the scientific magic!

Announce to the audience: “Using my magical skill, I can make a piece of paper remain dry.”

Wrinkle up a paper towel and place it in the bottom of the glass.

Turn the glass over and make sure the wad of paper remains in place.

Say some magic words over the glass, for example: “magic powers, protect the paper from water.” Then slowly lower the upside down glass into a bowl of water. Try to hold the glass as level as possible until it completely disappears under the water.

Take the glass out of the water and shake off the water. Turn the glass upside down and take out the paper. Let the audience touch it and make sure it remains dry.

Experiment No. 7 Flying ball

Have you ever seen a man rise into the air during a magician's performance? Try a similar experiment.

Please note: This experiment requires a hairdryer and adult assistance.


Hairdryer (to be used only by an adult assistant)

2 thick books or other heavy objects

Ping pong ball


Adult assistant


Place the hairdryer on the table with the hole facing up where the hot air is blowing.

To install it in this position, use books. Make sure that they do not block the hole on the side where air is sucked into the hair dryer.

Plug in the hair dryer.

Let's begin the scientific magic!

Ask one of the adult spectators to become your assistant.

Announce to the audience: “Now I will make an ordinary ping-pong ball fly through the air.”

Take the ball in your hand and release it so that it falls on the table. Tell the audience: “Oh! I forgot to say the magic words!”

Say magic words over the ball. Have your assistant turn on the hair dryer at full power.

Carefully place the ball over the hair dryer in the air stream, approximately 45 cm from the blowing hole.

Tips for a learned wizard

Depending on the blowing force, you may have to place the balloon a little higher or lower than indicated.

What else can you do

Try to do the same with a ball of different sizes and weights. Will the experience be equally good?


1) Experience No. 1 Candle by bottle


The candle will float up little by little, and the water-cooled paraffin at the edge of the candle will melt more slowly than the paraffin surrounding the wick. Therefore, a rather deep funnel is formed around the wick. This emptiness, in turn, makes the candle lighter, which is why our candle will burn out to the end.

2) Experiment No. 2 Spinning snake


The snake rotates because air expands under the influence of heat and warm energy is converted into movement.

3) Experiment No. 3 Fifteen matches on one


In order to lift all the matches, you only need to put another fifteenth match on top of all the matches, in the hollow between them.

4) Experiment No. 4 Paraffin motor


A drop of paraffin will fall into one of the plates placed under the ends of the candle. The balance will be disrupted, the other end of the candle will tighten and fall; at the same time, a few drops of paraffin will drain from it, and it will become lighter than the first end; it rises to the top, the first end will go down, drop a drop, it will become lighter, and our motor will start working with all its might; gradually the candle's vibrations will increase more and more.

5) Experience No. 5 thick air

When you hit the board for the first time, it bounces. But if you hit the board on which the newspaper is lying, the board breaks.


When you smooth out the newspaper, you remove almost all the air from underneath it. At the same time, a large amount of air on top of the newspaper presses on it with great force. When you hit the board, it breaks because the air pressure on the newspaper prevents the board from rising up in response to the force you apply.

6) Experience No. 6 Waterproof paper


Air occupies a certain volume. There is air in the glass, no matter what position it is in. When you turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the water, air remains in the glass. Water cannot get into the glass due to air. The air pressure turns out to be greater than the pressure of the water trying to penetrate inside the glass. The towel at the bottom of the glass remains dry. If a glass is turned on its side under water, air will come out in the form of bubbles. Then he can get into the glass.

8) Experiment No. 7 Flying ball


This trick doesn't actually defy gravity. It demonstrates an important ability of air called Bernoulli's principle. Bernoulli's principle is a law of nature, according to which any pressure of any fluid substance, including air, decreases with increasing speed of its movement. In other words, when the air flow rate is low, it has high pressure.

The air coming out of the hair dryer moves very quickly and therefore its pressure is low. The ball is surrounded on all sides by an area of ​​low pressure, which forms a cone at the hole of the hair dryer. The air around this cone has a higher pressure, and prevents the ball from falling out of the low pressure zone. The force of gravity pulls it down, and the force of air pulls it up. Thanks to the combined action of these forces, the ball hangs in the air above the hair dryer.


Analyzing the results of entertaining experiments, we were convinced that the knowledge acquired in physics classes is quite applicable to solving practical issues.

Using experiments, observations and measurements, the relationships between various physical quantities were studied.

All phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation; for this we used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us.

The laws of physics are based on facts established experimentally. Moreover, the interpretation of the same facts often changes in the course of the historical development of physics. Facts accumulate through observation. But you can’t limit yourself to them only. This is only the first step towards knowledge. Next comes the experiment, the development of concepts that allow for qualitative characteristics. In order to draw general conclusions from observations and find out the causes of phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between quantities. If such a dependence is obtained, then a physical law has been found. If a physical law is found, then there is no need to experiment in each individual case; it is enough to perform the appropriate calculations. By experimentally studying quantitative relationships between quantities, patterns can be identified. Based on these laws, a general theory of phenomena is developed.

Therefore, without experiment there can be no rational teaching of physics. The study of physics and other technical disciplines involves the widespread use of experiments, discussion of the features of its setting and the observed results.

In accordance with the task, all experiments were carried out using only cheap, small-sized available materials.

Based on the results of educational and research work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In various sources of information you can find and come up with many interesting physical experiments performed using available equipment.

    Entertaining experiments and homemade physics devices increase the range of demonstrations of physical phenomena.

    Entertaining experiments allow you to test the laws of physics and theoretical hypotheses.


M. Di Spezio “Entertaining experiences”, Astrel LLC, 2004.

F.V. Rabiz “Funny Physics”, Moscow, 2000.

L. Galpershtein “Hello, physics”, Moscow, 1967.

A. Tomilin “I want to know everything”, Moscow, 1981.

M.I. Bludov “Conversations on Physics”, Moscow, 1974.

Ya.I. Perelman “Entertaining tasks and experiments”, Moscow, 1972.



1. Presentation “Entertaining physical experiments using scrap materials”

2. Video “Entertaining physical experiments using scrap materials”

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