Examples for description. Functional and semantic types of speech (description, narration, reasoning)

The formation of connected human speech has been going on for many millennia. At later stages, the written form of speech developed. In modern language, there are three main types of texts: narration, description, reasoning. Texts differ in their functionality, carry different meanings, and have a certain structure.

their use

Any text is spoken or written for some purpose. Its content largely depends on this. There is a certain set of tools for formatting speech; their use depends on the type of text.

Narration, description, reasoning are the texts that are most often used in oral and written speech.

Description text

The text is created with the purpose of indicating that an object belongs to a certain group. For this purpose, as a rule, its characteristic features, functionality, and area of ​​use are described.

To give an idea of ​​the subject, one of the parts of the text must provide its general description. Most often this is done at the beginning or end.
A complete description of an item is impossible without detail. The most important features are described in detail, taking into account the meaning that needs to be conveyed through the text. To the description you can easily ask the questions “what?”, “what?”. This type of text is easy to illustrate. In this case, one picture is enough, which will depict both the general characteristics of an object or phenomenon, and all its important details. The action takes place in a certain place in a specific time period. Among the expressive means of language, comparison, contrast, and analogies are used. Simple and are constructions included in the descriptive text.

Narration. Purposes of creating text

The purpose of this text is to describe an event in which the interconnection of individual facts is visible. The reader should understand the development of one or more interrelated stories.

For the most complete understanding of the purpose for which a text of this type is created, it will be useful to consider the chain of narration - story - news. From here it becomes clear that to narrate means to tell.

Characteristic features of the text

If the reader, after familiarizing himself with the content of the text, can answer some questions for himself: “what happened,” “what happened from the very beginning,” “how the story ended,” “what was the culminating moment in the development of events.” This indicates that he is dealing with a type of speech called narration.

Here verbs play a huge role, which can be included in narrative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.
The narrative story emphasizes the change of events and their logical sequence. In texts of this type, chronology can be traced. Simple and complex basis of texts belonging to this type.

Narration: Example

As an example, you can take a text from a collection of exercises intended for working with children of primary school age. The story is called "On the Seashore".

"At night there was a strong storm. The wind blew fiercely. The whole house shook from the storm. The sea waves howled menacingly. By morning the storm gradually subsided. Natasha and Seryozha went for a walk to the sea. The girl picked up a small helpless crustacean from the sand. At night the waves threw it onto the seashore The crustacean weakly moved its paws. Natasha threw the poor thing into the water and quickly swam away. The boy caught it on its side and quickly released it into the sea. needed help. On this day, Seryozha and Natasha saved many sea inhabitants."

Russian folk tales can also serve as examples of narrative texts. In their structure, the plot, plot development, climax and denouement of the action are clearly visible. Narration is found in fiction and non-fiction, as well as in all genres of conversational style.

Definition of types of speech. Working methods

After children have read the narrative text, an example of which is given above, they can be asked to determine its topic and main idea. Having collectively discussed the proposed task, it is appropriate to answer the question “what did Seryozha and Natasha do?” Students list all the actions performed by the characters in the story. It will be useful to evaluate the actions of the characters. In addition, you need to ask the children to talk about the events that preceded the actions of the heroes. The plot is very important in a narrative text.

One of the techniques that helps determine whether a text belongs to a particular type of speech is verbal drawing. To do this, you need to ask the children to determine how many frames of the filmstrip they can compose to convey the content of the text. Schoolchildren discover that one frame cannot convey the entire sequence of events; a series of pictures is needed. After such work, children easily determine that the given story is a narrative. Children can compose an example of this type of text on their own. Moreover, at a certain stage of training they can indicate all its essential features.


This type of speech is intended not only to indicate the characteristics of an object, but also to explore them. In addition, it is necessary to prove and justify the existence of relationships, which the narrative does not require at all.

An example of a reasoning text will necessarily contain a thought intended for proof, as well as inferences, explanations, reasoning, thanks to which the assumption will be proven.

Logic is very important in the text, so the line of reasoning should be clearly structured. Everything that does not relate to the proof of the thesis is excluded from the article. The design most often uses simple and complex goals, causes, and effects.

The most suitable questions for a reasoning text are “why?”, “why?”, “why?”

Observing speech types

The general education program in the Russian language should give schoolchildren knowledge of what a text is and its type. Narrations, reasoning, descriptions are given as examples. But the main thing that needs to be taught to children is the ability to prove that a text belongs to one type or another and to independently compose them on a topic given by the teacher.

To master these skills, students must:

  • distinguish a text from a set of sentences;
  • know the structure of the text, its main parts;
  • be able to pose one of the questions to the content of the work, by which it is easy to determine whether it belongs to the type of speech;
  • be able to assess the life situation in which a certain type of speech should be used.

When working on a text, it is easy to notice that there is such a thing as a combination of its various types in one work. Fragments are included in the presentation not in isolation from each other, but in close connection. Therefore, it is very important not only to learn to distinguish between types of speech, but also to skillfully connect them with each other.

A primary school graduate, provided that the work on speech development was carried out systematically, can easily determine the type of text: narration, description, reasoning. Work on the ability to compose and combine them with each other continues at subsequent stages of training.

Main types of speech are description , narration And reasoning .

Description- this is a type of speech with the help of which any phenomenon of reality is depicted by listing its constant or simultaneously present signs or actions (the content of the description can be conveyed in one frame of the camera).

In the description, words denoting qualities and properties of objects (nouns, adjectives, adverbs) are most often used.

Verbs are often used in the form of the imperfect past tense, and for special clarity and descriptiveness of the description - in the form of the present tense. Synonyms are widely used - definitions (agreed and uncoordinated) and denominative sentences.

For example:

The sky was clear, clean, pale blue. Light white clouds, illuminated on one side by a pink shine, floated lazily in transparent silence. The East was red and flaming, shimmering in some places with mother-of-pearl and silver. From beyond the horizon, like giant outstretched fingers, golden stripes stretched up the sky from the rays of the sun that had not yet risen. (A.I. Kuprin)

Description helps to see the object, to imagine it in the mind.

Description- This peace at peace(one photo)

Typical composition descriptive texts include:
1) general idea of ​​the subject;
2) individual characteristics of the object;
3) author’s assessment, conclusion, conclusion

Types of description:
1) description of an object, person (its characteristics)

What is he like?

2) description of the place

Where is what? (On the left, near, nearby, standing, located)

3) description of the state of the environment

What's it like here? ( It's getting dark, cold, silence, sky, air etc.)

4) description of the state of the person (person)

How does he feel? What are his feelings and sensations? ( Bad, happy, sad, uncomfortable etc.)

Narration- this is a type of speech that talks about any events in their time sequence; sequential actions or events are reported (the content of the narrative can be conveyed only in a few frames of the camera).

In narrative texts, a special role belongs to verbs, especially in the imperfective past tense form ( I came, I saw, I developed etc.).

For example:

And suddenly... something inexplicable, almost supernatural, happened. The mousey Great Dane suddenly fell onto his back, and some invisible force pulled him off the sidewalk. Following this, the same invisible force tightly engulfed the astonished Jack's throat... Jack planted his front legs and shook his head furiously. But an invisible “something” squeezed his neck so tightly that the brown pointer lost consciousness. (A.I. Kuprin)

Narration helps to visualize the actions, movements of people and phenomena in time and space.

Reasoning- this is a type of speech with the help of which a position or thought is proven or explained; talks about the causes and consequences of events and phenomena, assessments and feelings (about what cannot be photographed).

Reasoning - This thoughts about the world, not the world itself

Typical composition texts-reasonings include:
1) thesis (a thought that requires proof or refutation);
2) justification (arguments, reasons, evidence, examples);
3) conclusion

Types of reasoning:
1) reasoning-proof

Why is this and not otherwise? What follows from this?

2) reasoning - explanation

What is it? (Interpretation of the concept, explanation of the essence of the phenomenon)

3) reasoning - reflection

What should I do? What to do? (Thinking about various life situations)

In reasoning texts, a special role belongs to introductory words, indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation ( firstly, secondly, so, thus, therefore, on the one hand, on the other hand), as well as subordinating conjunctions with the meaning of cause, effect, concession ( in order to, in order that, since, although, despite the fact that etc.)

For example:

If a writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he is writing about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.

But if the writer sees well what he is writing about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire newness, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him.K. G. Paustovsky)

The boundaries between description, narration and reasoning are quite arbitrary. At the same time, the text does not always represent any one type of speech. Much more often there are cases of their combination in various versions: description and narration; description and reasoning; description, narration and reasoning; description with elements of reasoning; narration with elements of reasoning, etc.

Speech styles

Style- this is a historically established system of linguistic means and methods of their organization, which is used in a certain sphere of human communication (public life): the sphere of science, official business relations, propaganda and mass activities, verbal and artistic creativity, the sphere of everyday communication.

Each functional style is characterized by:

a) scope of application;

b) main functions;

c) leading style features;

d) linguistic features;

e) specific forms (genres).

Speech styles are divided into




Official business



Scientific style

Scope of application (where?)

Field of science (scientific works, textbooks, speeches at scientific conferences, etc.)

Functions (why?)

Message, scientific explanation

Scientific topics, semantic accuracy, strict logic, generalized abstract nature of information, lack of emotionality

Basic language tools

Terminological and professional vocabulary and phraseology ( classification, hypotenuse, valence, vacuole, X-ray, magnetic storm, efficiency etc.);
abstract (abstract) vocabulary ( extension, combustion, romanticism, matriarchy);
words in their literal meaning;
widespread use of derivative prepositions and conjunctions ( during, as a result, due to, in connection with, in contrast etc.);
significant in volume simple and complicated sentences with participial phrases and introductory words ( firstly, secondly, finally, apparently, probably, as stated..., according to theory..., so, so, thus, therefore, in addition);
complex sentences with subordinate clauses of cause, effect, etc.


Article, review, review, annotation, abstract, dissertation, textbook, dictionary, scientific report, lecture

Scientific style divided into three substyles: actually scientific , scientific and educational And popular science .

Each of the named substyles has its own characteristics. In scientific, educational and popular science substyles, it is allowed to use some (separate) linguistic means characteristic of colloquial speech and journalism, including means of linguistic expressiveness (metaphors, comparisons, rhetorical questions, rhetorical exclamations, parcellation and some others).

All types of speech can be presented in scientific style texts: description, narration and reasoning (most often: reasoning-proof and reasoning-explanation).

Formal business style

Scope of application (where?)

Sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities

Functions (why?)

Message, informing

Main style features

Extremely informative focus, accuracy, standardization, lack of emotionality and judgment

Basic language tools

Official business vocabulary and business terminology ( plaintiff, defendant, powers, allowance);
clericalisms (i.e., non-terminological words used primarily in an official business style, primarily in the official business (clerical) style itself, and are practically not found outside of business speech: following(placed below) given, real(this), forward(send, transmit), proper(as follows, necessary, appropriate);
language clichés and stamps( bring to the attention of the established control, according to the order, after the expiration of the period, as an exception);
complex denominative prepositions ( for the purposes of, by virtue of, as a consequence of, for the purpose of, for lack of etc.);
significant in volume complex and complicated sentences


Laws, orders, instructions, announcements, business papers

In formal business style texts, two types of speech are usually presented: description and narration.

Journalistic style

Scope of application (where?)

Social and political life: newspapers, magazines, television, radio, rallies

Functions (why?)

Influence and persuasion in order to form a position; encouragement to action; message to draw attention to an important issue

Main style features

Documentary accuracy (talks about real, not fictitious persons, events);
open evaluativeness and emotionality;
combination of expressiveness and standard

Basic language tools

A combination of bookish, including high, and colloquial, including low, vocabulary ( sons, Fatherland, power, hype, let loose, showdown, fan, mayhem);
expressive syntactic constructions (exclamatory and interrogative sentences, parcellation, rhetorical questions);
figurative and expressive means of language (metaphors, comparisons, allegories, etc.)


Article, essay (including portrait sketch, problem essay, essay (thoughts, reflections on life, literature, art, etc.), reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory, speech at a meeting)

Journalistic style is divided into two substyles: journalistic proper and artistic-journalistic.

Actually journalistic substyle characterized by the topicality of the topic, the use of socio-political vocabulary and terminology ( deputy, government, patriot, parliament, conservatism), specific journalistic vocabulary and phraseology ( reporting, peacekeeping, corridors of power, conflict resolution), frequency of use of borrowed words naming new economic, political, everyday, scientific and technical phenomena ( distributor, investment, inauguration, killer, croupier, rating etc.).

The artistic and journalistic substyle in its linguistic characteristics is close to the style of fiction and is characterized by a combination of the functions of influence and persuasion with an aesthetic function, as well as the widespread use of figurative and expressive means of language, including tropes and figures.

In the texts journalistic style All types of speech can occur: description, narration and reasoning.

For artistic and journalistic substyle reasoning and reflection are especially characteristic.

Artistic style

Scope of application (where?)


Functions (why?)

Image and impact on the imagination, feelings, thoughts of the reader or listener (aesthetic function)

Main style features

Artistic imagery and emotionality; hidden value

Basic language tools

Words in a figurative meaning;
figurative and expressive means of language;
using elements of different styles of speech as a means of creating artistic images


Novel, story, story, poem, poem

In artistic texts, as in journalism, all types of speech are widely used: description, narration and reasoning. Reasoning in works of art appears in the form of reasoning-reflection and is one of the most important means of revealing the internal state of the hero, the psychological characteristics of the character.

Conversational style

Scope of application (where?)

Household (informal setting)

Functions (why?)

Direct everyday communication;
exchange of information on everyday issues

Main style features

Ease, simplicity of speech, specificity, emotionality, imagery

Basic language tools

Conversational, including emotional-evaluative and expressive, vocabulary and phraseology ( potato, book, daughter, baby, long, flop, cat cried, headlong); incomplete sentences; the use of expressive syntactic constructions characteristic of colloquial speech (interrogative and exclamatory sentences, word-sentences, including interjections, sentences with parcellation ( Will you come tomorrow? Be silent! I wish I could get some sleep! - Are you at the cinema? - No. Here's more! Oh! Oh you!);
absence of polynomial complex sentences, as well as sentences complicated by participial and participial phrases


Friendly conversation, private conversation, everyday story, argument, notes, private letters

AND ) - this is a set of speech elements (words and ways of constructing sentences that are special for each style of speech).

A type of speech it is a way of presentation, constructing words and sentences in a logical order.

Depending on the content of the text, the following types of speech are distinguished: narration, description, reasoning.

Have you assigned an essay or coursework on literature or other subjects? Now you don’t have to suffer yourself, but simply order the work. We recommend contacting >>here, they do it quickly and cheaply. Moreover, you can even bargain here
By the way, they do homework there too 😉

Let's look at the features of each type of speech.

Narration is a story about an event that occurs in a certain period of time. The actions reflected in the event are sequential and logically related to each other. The narration can come from both the third person and the first, and it is characterized by such elements as the beginning (the beginning of the event), the development of the action and the denouement (the outcome of the event being described).

Since the narrative is an event-based text, its speech feature is a large number of verbs and a chain development of action. The text answers the questions “what? Where? When?" - What's happened? where and with whom did it happen? when did it happen?

Narration happens figurative(emphasis is on changing images that “show” the event) and informative(the text not only talks about the event, but also explains it and includes interesting facts).

Example of narration text:

“At night a strong wind rose and it began to rain. It quietly drummed on the roof and flowed down the glass, turning the world outside the window into a blur. Streams of water washed away dust from trees and sidewalks, gurgled in gutters, and cooled the city scorching from the summer heat. And those who were not sleeping opened the windows, inhaled the damp coolness and exposed their faces to the icy drops. The city had been waiting for rain for two months, and now that it came, people smiled silently, blessing the crying sky...”

An example text—a pictorial description—answers the following questions:

  1. What's happened? – it started to rain in the city;
  2. where and with whom did it happen? – city residents waited for the rain;
  3. when did it happen? - It started to rain in the summer.

Description is a verbal image of an object, phenomenon, event. The description lists and reveals the main features of the selected item. The goal is to present the reader of the text with an image that is easy to imagine in color. The unity of time and place of manifestation of signs is important.

The description text consists of the following parts:

  1. general characteristics of the item, general impression;
  2. signs, details;
  3. overall assessment of the subject.

For example, the description can be portrait, landscape; the object of writing can be anything - a person, his emotional state, an animal, a plant, a place (city, hotel house, park, village), and the weather. Speech feature - predominance of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, minimum action and static text.

Descriptive text answers the questions “which one?” which?" (what object is being described? what does it look like? what are its qualities and properties?).

Example description text:

“It rained for three days. Gray, small and harmful. Unpredictable, like a low gray sky. Endless. Endless. He restlessly knocked on the windows and quietly rustled on the roof. Sullen and carefree. Annoying. Bored."

Sample text answers descriptive questions:

  1. what object is being described? - rain;
  2. what is the subject? – sulphurous, small, harmful, unpredictable, endless, etc.

Reasoning – this is the development and confirmation of thought, an explanation of a phenomenon (properties of an object) and the expression of one’s own opinion. Reasoning answers the questions “why?” For what?".

The reasoning consists of the following parts:

  1. thesis - an idea that needs to be proven;
  2. justification of the thesis, supporting argumentation with examples, evidence;
  3. summary – results, conclusions.

The text of the argument is aimed at convincing, explaining, proving. Reasoning is characterized by the active use of rhetorical questions and introductory words - connectives: firstly... secondly... thirdly... therefore (thus accordingly); meanwhile, because, so.

The reasoning is as follows:

  1. reasoning-proof (why is this and not otherwise? What follows from this?);
  2. reasoning-explanation (what is it? where did it come from? Why is the subject exactly like this?);
  3. reasoning-reflection (what to do? To be or not to be? What to do?).

Example of a reasoning text:

“So, the night will pass, and the rain will stop making noise, the thunder will die down. So what next? Again – the sweltering heat of the stuffy summer? Again – hot asphalt? Again - a city choking in dust? Or will the weather have mercy on tired city dwellers and give at least a week of coolness? Since the weather forecasters' predictions are vague and vague, we can only wait and watch."

An example text – reasoning-reflection – answers the following questions:

  1. Why? – because the rain will stop and the heat that everyone is tired of will return;
  2. For what? - to imagine what to expect from the capricious nature.

Types of speech are methods of presentation that solve the following author’s tasks:

  • narration – dynamically reflects reality, tells about its events; narration is a clip, a movie, a change of frames;
  • description – depicts a static reality, studies the object of interest from all sides; the description is a photograph, a frozen frame;
  • reasoning – looks for cause-and-effect relationships between events and phenomena, expresses the author’s opinion, “because...”; This is a diagram with blocks of theses and evidence and arrows - logical questions.

And finally, a reminder: do not confuse functional styles of speech and types of speech. 😉 After all, for example, a newspaper article in a journalistic style of speech can be narrative (reporting from the scene), descriptive (a note about a missing person; advertising a new building), and reasoning (analytical article).

Narration, along with description, is one of the types of monologue speech. Narration reveals closely related events, phenomena, and actions. Most often these are actions that objectively happened in the past. Sentences in narrative texts do not describe actions, but narrate about them. Therefore, the main linguistic means that organize the narrative are verbal forms, which, closely intertwined, create the aspect-temporal pattern of the narrative.

In narration, verbs of the past tense of the perfect form are most often used, which express the sequence of actions, the replacement of one integral, completed action by another, which is precisely characteristic of narration as opposed to description.

Other linguistic features of the narrative should be noted:

1) often predicate verbs with the meaning of sequential actions refer to the same person, especially in official business texts: born, raised, grew up, studied, entered, graduated, began to work;

2) adverbial words can be used that establish the sequence of actions: then, then, after that, finally, etc.;

3) the action can be detailed, divided into component parts through various dependent words indicating the time and place of the action: last year, in 1987, currently; in Almaty, at the university, at the Faculty of Philology.

Narration is characterized by chain communication as a common way of connecting sentences in parts of the text. The main composition of the extended narrative involves three interconnected parts:

1) exposition to the narrative (the beginning of the event);

2) the middle part of the story (its development);

3) conclusion (end of the event).

Narration as a type of monologue speech is used in all functional styles of speech: official business, scientific, journalistic, colloquial, and artistic speech.

9. Reasoning as a type of monologue speech. Types of reasoning.

Reasoning is a type of speech whose purpose is to clarify a concept, prove or refute a thought. From a logical point of view, reasoning is a chain of conclusions on any topic, presented in a sequential form.

Reasoning is a series of judgments related to any issue. In this case, the judgments follow one after another in such a way that the second necessarily follows from the first judgment, and as a result we get an answer to the question posed. One of the judgments contains a general rule (major premise), the other contains a special case (minor premise).

Types of reasoning

There are three types of reasoning: reasoning-explanation, reasoning-proof, reasoning-reflection.

Reasoning-proof is built according to the following scheme: exposition (summarizing the question) - question - answer to the question (thesis) - proof of the thesis - conclusions.

The proof of the truth of the thesis becomes the main part of the text-reasoning.

Explanatory reasoning assumes that the main statement of the text is true, so there is no need to prove the truth or falsity of the thesis. The main task of the text is to reveal the content of the thesis.

When constructing argumentative texts, you should rely on the following rules:

1. Proof and explanation are built according to the same scheme: exposition - question - answer to the question (thesis) - proof of the thesis - conclusions.

2. After the thesis in the proof, the natural question is why?, after the thesis in the explanation, the question is why? seems artificial and out of place.

3. After the thesis, the explanation usually uses words and expressions like: it turned out..., the thing is..., that..., that's why..., that's..., for example..., this is evidenced by facts such as..., as it turned out...

4. The scheme of reasoning-proof and reasoning-explanation in practice is quite often implemented in an abbreviated form: sometimes the question is omitted, often there are no conclusions, often there is no exposition. In all cases, the omission is explained by the fact that the reasoning is understandable without the missing components of the “ideal” reasoning, since all these missing components are easily conjectured or implied. Thus, the obligatory parts of the argument are the thesis and its proof. Exposition, problematic issue, conclusions can either be present in the text or absent.


Reflection is one of the types of reasoning texts and is constructed, as a rule, in question-and-answer form. In such reasoning, questions can be reflected in the text. Or they may not receive it.

Reasoning-reflection includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc.

A reflection text is constructed according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other:

1) exposition (leading to a problematic issue);

2) a system of problematic questions and answers to them;

Depending on the content of what we say, philologists divide our speech into three types of functional-semantic speech: reasoning, description, narration. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

In our external speech shell, in its unique structure, much depends on the task that we set for ourselves when expressing our thoughts. It’s one thing to talk about something, quite another thing to describe an object or area, and a third thing to explain something. Of course, in each of the above cases, the system will constantly change. For many centuries now, scientists have been trying to develop the great and powerful language of Mother Rus'. Over all these centuries, the most expressive methods, schemes for certain literary tasks, as well as a variety of verbal structures have been developed.

Actually, because of this, the following functional and semantic types of speech stand out from the crowd: description, narration, reasoning. In the field of linguistics they are called functional-semantic types of Russian speech.

Linguists explain the identification of only three types by the fact that all studies were carried out purely for literary and artistic speech. If we take into account absolutely all diverse texts, the list of such functional-semantic types can increase significantly. This was done by V.V. Odintsov, who added a definition (in other words, an explanation) to the narration, reasoning, and description. It’s hard to call his actions wrong or anything like that, because, in essence, he is right. But now we will not talk about Odintsov, but about functional and semantic types of speech.


Description in linguistics is a functional-semantic type of speech that describes any image, action, object or appearance of a character (face, eyes, etc.). Take, for example, the case when we are describing a portrait. Our attention focuses on the following signs: posture and gait, height, eye and hair color, age, clothing, smile, etc. When describing a room, we indicate its size, appearance, wall design, furniture features, number of doors and windows, and much more. If we describe a landscape, the main features will be trees, grass, rivers, sky, lakes and so on. The common and main thing for all types of description, which will be discussed in more detail a little later, is the simultaneity of all features. It is important to know that the role of description, as a functional-semantic type of speech, is to ensure that a person reading a particular work can imagine the object being described in the text.

As you know, description is used in all speech styles of the Russian language, but not everything is so simple. In a scientific style, the description of an object must be extremely complete and specific, but in an artistic text the emphasis is on the brightest details. It is because of this that the linguistic means of artistic and scientific styles are very different. In a literary text you can find not only nouns and adjectives, but also adverbs, verbs, common comparisons and words used in a figurative meaning.


Reasoning, as a functional-semantic type of speech, is a verbal explanation or presentation that confirms or refutes a certain thought (guess).

The composition of this type of functional-semantic speech, such as reasoning, is very simple. In the first part of the text there is a thesis - a certain thought, which needs to be proven or refuted by the end of the text. In the second part of such a text, the author must substantiate the idea expressed in the first part, provide arguments and evidence, supported by some examples. In the last (third) part of the text, the author draws a conclusion and completely completes his thought.

The thesis of this type of text must be clearly proven (so that no questions arise), clearly formulated, and the arguments and evidence are convincing in order to refute or prove the previously put forward thesis. The thesis and its arguments are connected both logically and grammatically. For the correct grammatical connection between the evidence (arguments) and the main thesis, authors most often use introductory words: finally, therefore, firstly, secondly, thirdly, thus and others. In argumentative texts, sentences containing the following conjunctions are often used: despite the fact that, although, however, since and others.


Narration is a functional-semantic type of speech, a story or message about a particular event with all time sequences. The narration has its own peculiarity, which is that each subsequent event follows from the previous one. All narrative texts (stories) are united by a common scheme: the beginning of a certain event (in other words, the beginning of the story), the development of the plot, the ending (denouement). The uniqueness of the narration is that it can be told from both the first and third person.

Most often in narrative texts, the author uses a variety of perfective verbs in the past tense. However, in order to give the text expressiveness, others are used along with those verbs. The imperfective verb, also in the past tense, allows the author to highlight one specific action, while indicating its exact duration. Verbs in the present tense make it possible to present all the actions of the story in the form that everything is happening in reality (right before the reader’s eyes). Forms of verbs with the particle “how” give the text a special surprise of a certain moment. Narration, as a functional and semantic type of speech, is most often used in genres such as letters and memoirs.

Description examples

To fully understand what a description is and to find out how to recognize it in a text, we need examples, which we will now give. Example number 1 (description of the estate):

“The Kochanovskaya estate is located on the river, opposite a small village. The estate is not at all rich, rather, even poor - the building is covered with wood chips, a gate connects the house with several outbuildings. The kitchen is on the left; the barn, barn and cowshed are on the right. The largest window faces the river, but the river is not visible. Near the house there are beautiful trees and bushes..."

It is worth noting that the description may also include a sequence of so-called elliptical and nominative constructions. This creates a nominative style of presenting text that has become so popular recently, in which various scenes from films, dramatic works and entries that are similar to a diary are most clearly presented. An example is the following text:

“A huge room, corner of the building; Our heroine lived here for more than ten years, and now spends most of her day in this place. A rather large table for work; in front of it there is a light armchair with an incredibly hard seat. A very large wardrobe, a bright map and some other portrait are on the left side of the room...”

Types of description

As mentioned above, a description is used to tell a detailed story about a phenomenon, a portrait, and, if necessary, to give a certain characteristic in order to show a holistic image of a particular hero. As you already know, functional-semantic types of speech (description, reasoning and narration) are an integral part of the Russian language, and now more about the types of description speech types.

In all texts of this type, the authors almost always present readers with static pictures that take shape in our heads in small pieces. The author always lists objects, some of their characteristics, and a detailed description, due to which we imagine this or that situation (picture, landscape, etc.) in our heads while reading. If you think a little, you can understand that in each subsequent sentence of the text some features of what was discussed in the previous one are clarified - this, by the way, is the main feature of a descriptive text. When writing them, you must strictly adhere to the following structure:

  1. Introduction (first impression).
  2. Description of all the details around.
  3. Conclusion (evaluation of events, final conclusion).

For several years now, there have been several specific types of descriptive text:

  • description of the surrounding nature;
  • environment;
  • a description characterizing the personality of a particular person;
  • portrait description.

This type is used in a variety of areas of our lives, and its parameters depend on the point of view of the author or narrator, writing style, genre of text, and much more.

Example reasoning

Reasoning, as a functional-semantic type of speech in the Russian language, plays an important role in such a popular communicative-cognitive process. The type of speech that is being discussed now is a pure derivation of the latest knowledge, and also simply demonstrates both the author’s train of thought and the way to solve the problem that has arisen. If you pay attention to the structure of such texts, you can understand that the story is a kind of chain of sequentially interconnected sentences. Example:

“Under the influence of various electromagnetic waves, an atom can go into a reduced energy state or vice versa, and the probability of one or the other outcome is equal. In the second case, the magnetic waves themselves will begin to weaken, and in the first situation, they will strengthen. In the case when the so-called paramagnetic is located in warm equilibrium, atomic particles slowly begin to be distributed over certain sublevels. This happens in accordance with the world-famous Boltzmann law. From all of the above it follows that the number of atomic units that are there in less energy is simply significantly greater than the number of those atoms that have more energy."

Narration Example

Narrative texts reveal certain events that are connected to each other. Sentences in narrative texts tell about a particular action, phenomenon, event, etc., but do not in any way describe what is happening. For example:

“In the Moscow region, a special interdepartmental operation called “Help the Child” was launched not long ago. Based on the plans, it can be understood that the creators (organizers) want to help children who cannot obtain a certificate or passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In addition, specialists from regions throughout the state agreed with great pleasure to help the children’s parents obtain the necessary documents...”

In short, a narrative is considered a specific story about something—a kind of news story presented in a magazine or book.

It is important to note that the narrative is considered the main (main) part of the entire text. Many philosophers argue that narration plays the most important role in literature; narration is the soul of all Russian literature. A writer is considered only that person who is able to present material to the reader in an exciting and interesting way, and with the help of a narrative mood this can be done much better.

Narrative texts always accurately indicate the date of what is happening, and sometimes also the time, which makes reading such texts much more interesting, because it seems that everything happened exactly as it is told in the book.


Taking absolutely any work, and then flipping through several dozen pages, you will encounter only three currently known types of Russian speech. This is especially true for novels. No one will be able to write such a work without such functional and semantic types of speech as narration, reasoning and, of course, description. One way or another, in one of its forms, each type is found in any text. However, some authors try to write a work using only one functional-semantic type of speech, which, of course, sometimes they still succeed, but it is simply impossible to read the text in this spirit. Even if you think about it, who would want to read 200 pages of a story that makes no sense and is about some building. The author describes one building in 200 pages - it's terribly boring. Only a few will want to read this, because most readers love dynamic stories with elements of character description, with certain suspicions and guesses that are revealed only at the end of the work.

The works, based only on the description, can easily be called “booklets” that are handed out on every corner of your town. It is simply impossible to build an interesting and intriguing text on a description of something, and even if something works, it is unlikely that anyone will like it. Therefore, functional-semantic types of speech are distinguished in the Russian literary language. We discussed which ones exactly in the article.

Functional and semantic types of speech - description, narration, reasoning - are used by authors when writing works. Some creators consider the description the most “inconvenient”, because it is impossible to create a masterpiece using only it. But, for example, it is possible to write an interesting text about something in the style of a narrative or argument, and it is quite likely that many will like it. Functional-semantic types of speech are distinguished according to certain criteria, which were discussed in the article.

If you still want to read a work in a certain style, no one can forbid you from doing so, but it is better not to waste time on this, but to find a text in which the author used all three types of speech; you will really like such a work.


It is worth noting that the problem of the Russian language, which was raised in the article, is of great importance in the lives of people who speak their native language. Many people do not even know what functional-semantic types of speech are, but this is the basis of the Russian language.

Now let’s talk a little more about the development of a person’s personality. Any process, including the development of a person’s personality, the development of the ability to communicate with other people, is simply impossible when a person does not know the styles and functional and semantic types of speech. If people do not know how to analyze what they read, cannot determine the type of a particular text, then what kind of development of humanity can we talk about? Everyone should be able to write texts using all three types of speech: description, narration and reasoning.

Well, now we can repeat that the functional-semantic types of monologue speech, expressed by some linguistic means, are divided into three types: description, narration and reasoning. You can find detailed information about each type in this article.

The functional-semantic types of speech and their examples, as well as the types into which they are divided, were listed above.

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