Project for learning English in kindergarten. Regional project "Early teaching children English"

Irina Cheredanova
Project for senior preschool children “Getting to know English”


The great social changes that have occurred in Russia in recent decades have led to a significant expansion of international contacts, therefore increased the need to speak foreign languages. It is impossible for a modern person to do without knowledge of foreign languages. Changed and age of students. If so far English studied only by schoolchildren, now parents strive to start studying as early as possible children foreign language, already with preschool age.

Preschool age traditionally considered the most favorable period for mastering a foreign language. And interaction with the teacher, sounding text, pictures arouses interest and encourages a response.

The process of cognition is different originality: it happens in an emotional-practical way. The child strives for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away. It is necessary to promote its further development and realize its potential opportunities.

Early education develops the child’s mental functions, satisfies his cognitive needs, creates excellent opportunities to arouse interest in the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world, respect for the languages ​​and cultures of other peoples, and promotes the development of communicative speech tact.


Preschoolers have good speech hearing and tenacious language memory. They also have a highly developed emotional and figurative perception of language. Preschoolers are quite sociable and devoid of those numerous complexes and pressures that become a psychological barrier for many adults in mastering a foreign language as a means of communication (for example, an adult is much more afraid of making a mistake); they are inquisitive and strive for active knowledge of the world.

Interests and abilities need to be developed preschoolers, promote general development, the manifestation of curiosity, the desire to learn new things, develop speech children, which will greatly benefit from training in English language.

Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge when they go to school school: they will have accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, which will greatly facilitate the development of any training program English language in primary school.

Target project

The goal is to promote the development of cognitive and social activity, speech and thinking activity, independence preschoolers and self-confidence in the classroom English language.

Formation of primary communication skills in a foreign language.

Development of listening skills (listening comprehension).

Development of speaking skills (i.e., developing a child’s understanding of a foreign language as a means of communication).

Awakening interest in the life and culture of other countries.

The development of each child and his personal qualities in the process of learning a foreign language (mutual assistance, perseverance in overcoming difficulties).

Creating a positive attitude towards further learning foreign languages.

Concept project

The positive role of early learning of foreign languages ​​lies in next:

An interest in other cultures and languages ​​is formed; emotional responsiveness to foreign language speech;

Mental health develops processes: attention, memory, thinking;

Communication skills are being formed children: all aspects of native speech are improved, vocabulary and speech hearing are expanded, the child’s dialogical and monologue speech develops;

Socialization of the individual occurs baby: achieving mutual understanding, the ability to interact with peers;

Emotional and volitional qualities develop baby: the ability to overcome obstacles in achieving a goal, the ability to correctly evaluate the results of one’s achievements;

Creativity develops children, fantasy.

Description project

Long-term project(academic year).

Type project: Informational, practice-oriented, educational.

Participants project: teacher, children senior preschool age.

Methods and techniques:

o Practical method (work children with pictures, slides of educational presentations).

o Visual method (use of pictures, handouts, examination of individual objects, observation of objects and phenomena).

o Verbal method (explanation, questions, conversation, use of a word model).

Predicted results

By the end of the training period, children should have the following skills and skills:

isolate English speech in the general speech stream;

Say hello, say goodbye to English;

Use conversational expressions:

Happy birthday to you! – Happy birthday! Hello - Hello. Good-bye! - Goodbye. What is your name? - What is your name? How old are you? - How old are you? What is it? - What is this? Thank you! - Thank you! What color is it? -What color is this? Do you have a sister (brother? – Do you have a sister (brother?

Understand the teacher’s questions;

Express agreement and disagreement at an elementary level;

Speak individual words; name objects;

Be able to construct simple sentences independently;

Children also acquire a certain understanding of the culture and traditions of the country of the language they are learning, and broaden their horizons.

Implementation stages project

Stage 1: goal setting

Involves the selection of necessary literature, illustrations, visual aids, electronic educational presentations, audio material, and pictures.

Stage 2: preparatory

Determining the duration of the lesson - 30 minutes. It is only important to change the type of activity every five minutes, move from an outdoor game to a conversation at a round table; then - to work with pictures, questions; after that to physical education, etc.

Determining the frequency of classes - once a week.

Definition of teaching methods preschoolers foreign language - subject pictures and electronic educational presentations.

Determination of methods for teaching sound pronunciation. You need to introduce sounds gradually, going from simpler to more complex.

Work with each sound is built in three stage:

a) presentation of sound with a detailed description of the actions of the tongue, the work of the speech organs;

b) consolidation, sound practice, during which the children themselves talk about the work of the speech organs, answering the teacher’s questions;

c) repetition, when only the sound itself is played and the game situation is commented on, but the work of the speech organs is not mentioned.

Working with sound based on onomatopoeia.

At this stage, the teacher carries out the following events:

Preparation of documentation and materials project,

Determining the topic and material of each lesson,

Determination of the final event,

Determining the order of GCD for studying English language.

Stage 3: formative, practical (execution project)

Implementation of the main activities provided for project. According to plan project There is 1 lesson per week, lasting 30 minutes, taking into account individual and age characteristics, based on an individually differentiated approach, interest and desire children. The use of illustrations, pictures, electronic educational presentations, questions and game material allows you to make classes accessible, interesting, meaningful and educational. The classes have not only practical significance, but also educational value, which in general allows for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

Topic Goal Vocabulary and speech patterns

Greetings Introduce with new lexical units. Promote a desire to engage English.

Learn children greet the interlocutor and say goodbye to him. Hello I am… Good morning! Hi!

Good night Goodbye

How do you do? What's your name?

Family Teach tell children about themselves. Introduce with lexical units on this topic. Learn to name your family members I have a family A mother A father

A sister A brother

I have a mother I have a father

I have a sister I have a brother

Counting from 1 to 5 Introduce with counting skills from 1 to 5, develop logical thinking One Two Three Four

Five How old are you?

I'm four. I'm five.

Color Learn children name the colors Red Yellow Black

Green Blue Pink White

Orange Gray Brown

Seasons Introduce with lexical units on the topic, learn to use this material in speech Season Spring Summer

Animals Learn to name animals, answer questions A cat A dog A frog A bear A hare A lion A monkey A snake A zebra

Food Expand vocabulary A Breakfast A Fish A Juice A Lemon

A Milk A Soup A Chocolate A Coffee

A Tea ice cream

Fruits and vegetables Promote the use of lexical units in speech An apple A banana A lemon A tomato

A carrot A potato A kiwi

Transport Introduce with lexical units denoting transport. Activate previously learned units A car A tram A train A plane

A trolleybus A bus

Electronic educational presentations on topics:

1. Pets.

2. Wild animals.

3. Seasons.

4. My body.

5. English alphabet in pictures.

Subject pictures on topics: "House", "Animals", "Body", "Transport".

Stage 4: final (summarizing)

The final event - gaming KVN at topic: « English KVN» .

Products project

1. Electronic educational presentations.

2. Thematic pictures.

3. KVN presentation.

4. GCD notes.


Tasks project are implemented through the use of informational information in classes technologies: demonstration of presentations, pictures, active work with audio materials, participation children in conversations.

Implementation of content project passes through the joint activities of the teacher and children, in integration across five educational areas.

The classes have not only practical significance, but also educational value, which in general allows for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. As a result of joint activities, children acquire skills and cognitive skills English language, knowledge about new subjects and much more.

List of literature and Internet resources

Zemchenkova E. V. « English for preschoolers» , M., 2008.

Dictionary of Foreign Words, M., 1988.

Shishkova I. A. « English for little ones» , M., "ROSMAN", 2012

Belokurova A., Ruban T. "We teach English"playing", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2011

Astafieva M. D. “Holidays for children, studying English language", a collection of holiday scripts for children 6-7 years old, M., "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2006

Shishkova I. A. " English for kids 4-6 years old: a guide for teachers and parents", M., "Rosman - Press", 2004

Steineprice M. V. « English language and preschooler» , M., Sfera shopping center, 2007

Soroka O. “Determining the level of language proficiency”[Electronic resource], Mode access:

Innovation activity

22.05.2018 kindergarten teachers Sidorova A.I., Sukhova Yu.L. took part inII Regional Forum of Teachers Teaching English to Preschool Children " EnglishKaleidoscope " Educator Sidorova A.I. gave a master class "Yes, I CAN . Both teachers received diplomas from the Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory.

March 20, 2018teacher Sidorova A.I. As part of the city creative group of teachers of preschool educational institutions, she made a presentation of the report “Cultivating tolerance in older preschoolers through learning English”

In December, teacher Sidorova A.I. conducted entertainment "Traditions of New Year's celebrations in England"

In October 2017, teacher Sidorova A.I. Together with her students, she took part in the city presentation platform “From Idea to Result.” The teacher presented the lesson

In October 2017, Teacher Sidorova A.I. took 1st place in the IX International Competition RUSOLIMP, nomination "Methodological development" (summaries of English classes“Welcome to letter-sounds’ Kingdom!”)

In October 2017, the kindergarten relaunched the additional educational service “English for preschoolers.”

English language teacher A.I. Sidorova and deputy. head according to VMR Sukhova Yu.L. An organizational meeting and first consultations with parents of pupils receiving this additional service were held, and didactic aids for classes with preschoolers were also produced.

06/06/2017 kindergarten teachers Sukhova Yu.L., Sidorova A.I. spoke at the regional meeting "Organization and support of the program for early teaching of English to children" with a presentation of a report on the topic "Psychological and pedagogical support of the program "Early teaching of English"

Final lesson of the "English for preschoolers" club

Participation of kindergarten teachers /Sidorova A.I., Sukhova Yu.L./

in the All-Russian competition "Teacher in Education"

Analytical report on the results of the project implementation for the period from November 2015 to January 2017

November 16, 2016 The final meeting on the implementation of the project “Early teaching children English” was held.

The kindergarten will broadcast its experience to preschool institutions in the Berezniki urban district. Thanks to teacher Anastasia Ivanovna Sidorova and Yulia Leonidovna Sukhova, deputy head of VMR, for their competent and professional work within the framework of the project. All project participants were presented with letters of gratitude signed by the Minister of Education of the Perm Territory R.A. Kassina. Two clubs have been opened at the institution as part of an additional service for preschoolers learning English!

Letter of thanks also awarded to the head of the institution Tamakova N.A.

Round table "Specifics of teaching English using the Jjlly Phonics method"

June 17, 2016 A round table meeting was held at the kindergarten, in which representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory, as well as representatives of the territories of the Perm Territory, took part. Participants in the "Early English Language Teaching" project shared their experience of working within the framework of this project. The kindergarten presented the Program of psychological and pedagogical support for the project “Early learning of the English language”. Teacher A.I. Sidorova showed an open lesson in English “Journey to a forest clearing”.

In February 2016, as part of the regional project "Early Learning of the English Language", an open lesson of the "English for Kids" club was held.

In November 2015, our Institution took part in the regional project for early learning of the English language. As part of participation in this project, the kindergarten was equipped with a full set of necessary methodological support. Kindergarten teacher Anastasia Ivanovna Sidorova, who implements an early English language learning program with children, took part in a regional training seminar

Participation in the round table "Model for organizing English language teaching using the Jolli Phonics method"

March 22, 2016 kindergarten teachers Sidorova A.I., Sukhova Yu.L. and KVO specialist Baklanova S.E. took an active part in the round table meeting in Solikamsk, where they presented a presentation of the work program "English for preschoolers", which is being implemented in kindergarten as part of the project "Early teaching of English"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 5 "Teremok" s. Pogorelovka"

Korochansky district, Belgorod region

Pedagogical project for the senior group

"I paint this world..."



Relevance of the project…………………………………………………………….3

Goals, objectives, implementation period, project participants, educational areas and programs, the content of which is included in the project………………………..4

Expected results……………………………………………………….7

Literature, Internet resources, dictionary of terms……………………………8


Relevance:The possibilities of a foreign language as an academic subject in implementing the strategic focus of a kindergarten on personal development are truly unique. It is known that preschool age is favorable for learning a foreign language, since a young child has well-developed long-term memory.

But teaching children is a very difficult task, which requires a completely different methodological approach than teaching schoolchildren and adults. If an adult speaks a foreign language, this does not mean at all that he can teach others. Faced with methodically helpless lessons, children can develop a long-term aversion to a foreign language and lose faith in their capabilities.

A game is both a form of organization and a method of conducting classes in which children accumulate a certain stock of English vocabulary, memorize many poems, songs, counting rhymes, etc. And one of the varieties of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and raising children is didactic game. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities is manifested.

This form of conducting classes creates favorable conditions for mastering language and speech skills. The possibility of relying on gaming activities makes it possible to provide natural motivation for speech in a foreign language, making even the most basic statements interesting and meaningful. Play in teaching a foreign language is not opposed to learning activities, but is organically connected with it. First of all, for children the game is an exciting activity. Everyone is equal in the game. An atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a feeling of the feasibility of tasks - all this gives students the opportunity to overcome shyness, which prevents them from freely using words in a foreign language, and has a beneficial effect on learning results.

Therefore, this project is an attempt to reveal the possibilities of didactic games in the process of studying the topic “ Colors » (Colors).

Hypothesis:I proceeded from the assumption that the use of didactic games in the process of learning vocabulary on the topic " Colors "(Colors) will be effective if the following pedagogical conditions are met:

· Forming a sustainable interest in learning and relieving stress associated with speaking a foreign language;

· Formation of an active position of children;

· Implementation of an individual approach to children.

Project goals and objectives:

Project goal:To promote the development of the child’s linguistic abilities, interest, desire to communicate in English, while receiving pleasure and joy.

Project objectives:

1. Develop notes on educational activities for the use of didactic games in the process of studying the topic “Colors”;

2. Use an individual approach to children in the learning process;

3. Creating children’s psychological readiness for verbal communication;

4. Communicating the natural need for repeated repetition of language material;

5. Training students in choosing the desired speech option, which is preparation for situational spontaneity of speech in general;

6. facilitating the transition to educational tasks, making it gradual;

7. promote listening comprehension of English speech.

Project implementation period: short; 4 GCD.

Project participants: senior group students, preschool teachers.

Educational areas of the program, the content of which is included in the project: Communication, Reading fiction, Physical education.

Project implementation stages

The first stage is preparatory .

Target:determine the main areas of work.

Tasks:prepare the material and technical base, study similar experience of other preschool educational institutions.

The second stage is organizational and practical.

Target:to test the methodology of using didactic games when learning a foreign language for children of the senior group in the process of studying the topic “Colors”.

Tasks:To test pedagogical conditions that ensure the use of didactic games for preschoolers in the process of learning English vocabulary.

The third stage is the final one .

Target:generalization of the experience gained.

Tasks:using didactic games to stimulate children's interest in learning a foreign language.

The game is both a form of organization and a method of conducting classes in which children accumulate a certain stock of English vocabulary, memorize many poems, songs, counting rhymes, etc.

This form of conducting classes creates favorable conditions for mastering language and speech skills. The possibility of relying on gaming activities makes it possible to provide natural motivation for speech in a foreign language, making even the most basic statements interesting and meaningful. Play in teaching a foreign language is not opposed to learning activities, but is organically connected with it.

Preliminary work:

· Working with methodological literature;

· Conversations with children about the need to learn a foreign language, about the opportunity to play in English;

· Selection of didactic games;

· Production of didactic material, educational cards;

· Learning English games, poems.

Blocks of work for the implementation of a pedagogical project

The first block is informational and analytical.

Collection and analysis of didactic games, material on the topic« Colors » identifying children’s readiness to learn English and play in a foreign language.

To solve this problem, appropriate forms of interaction were selected: games, conversations.

The second block is practical.

Aimed at solving specific problems related to the study of new lexical units on a new topic.

As part of this block, a long-term GCD plan was developed on the topic"Colors".

In accordance with the long-term work plan, the following content of the work was implemented, which involved the introduction of the following forms of interaction with children and teachers.

· GCD;

· Conversations with children;

· Didactic games;

· Production of handouts;

· Creation of a card index of didactic games in English.

The third block is control and evaluation.

Aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of the activities that were carried out.

During the implementation of the project, 4 abstracts of educational activities in English for children of senior preschool age were developed on the topic “ Color "("Color").

GCD No. 1

Subject:Country Flowerland

Target:implement communication as an element of game modeling, the formation of communicative competence in children.

GCD No. 2

Subject:Seven-flowered flower

Target:mastering and activating the English dictionary, instilling oral speech skills in a foreign language, demonstrating the features of the game method of teaching English.

GCD No. 3

Subject:Visiting the Rainbow

Target:With the help of games and creative tasks, stimulate children's interest in learning a foreign language and develop children's linguistic abilities.

GCD No. 4

Subject:Colorful game

Target:generalize knowledge, automate children’s speech skills in naming words on the topic “ Colors "using didactic games, creating a desire to communicate in a foreign language, while experiencing joy and pleasure.

Use of health-saving technologies:

Physical education minute

Touch your shoulders
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
Hands up
Hands down
Hands on hips,
And sit down!

While working on a project, children:

· cognitive activity is activated at all stages of learning new material;

· the child’s linguistic abilities develop;

· speech is activated;

· interest in the activities of peers and the spirit of competition are maintained;

· Speech patterns and lexical units on the topic: “Color” are consolidated.

Expected results of the project

In children

1. automation of children’s speech skills in naming words on the topic “Color”;

2. mastering, consolidating and activating the English vocabulary;

3. Developing a desire to communicate in English while experiencing joy and pleasure.

4. Reflection of interest in learning a foreign language in the game.

For teachers

1. Replenishing your pedagogical arsenal with knowledge about the possibilities of using didactic games when teaching preschoolers a foreign language;

2. Development of methodological material for the project “I draw this world...”;

3. Creating conditions for project implementation.


1. Gusev, we teach, we master - we want to know English. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2009

2. Ivanova for kids. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2009

3. Vronskaya language in kindergarten. St. Petersburg, 2001

4. Konysheva for kids, Minsk, 2004.

Internet resources


www. maaam. ru

Glossary of terms

· A hypothesis is a scientifically substantiated, quite probable assumption, which, however, requires special evidence for its final approval as a theoretical position.

· A hypothesis is tested for truth in experimental or empirical scientific research.


Long-term GCD plan on the topic « Colors».



Lexical material

Grammar material

Listening material

Country Flowerland

Color, red, green, yellow, blue


I see…


Visiting the Rainbow

White, black, orange, violet, a rainbow

What color is it?

It is...

“Red and yellow”

Seven-flowered flower

Brown, pink, light blue, gray, a flower

Do you like?

I like...

“Spring is green”

Colorful game

Color, a flower, a rainbow, red, green, yellow, blue, white, black, orange, violet, brown, pink, light-blue, grey.

My name is...

What color is it?

It is...

I like...

“Do I see green? I see yellow"



I started learning colors

Color in English… color.

I have no doubts

The color red is of course… red.

The cat licked its lips and ate it

The yolk is yellow. Yellow...yellow.

I'm drowning, I'm going down

The color blue is of

Very black Negro Jack,

Black in English... black.

This Frau bought a brown dress,

We know very precisely, brown... brown.

Oh, not ripe tangerine.

It's green,

Little gray mouse, run away quickly!

Gray in English...grey.

Mouse – … mouse, cat – … cat

White... white, and black... black.

Pink roses fall into the ring.

The color is beautiful pink, in

I'm sure you'll remember:

Orange color... orange.

Anna Khodeeva
Pedagogical project in English “Creative journey to Britain”

Khodeeva A. M.,

teacher additional education

MBDOU kindergarten No. 63 "Mashenka"

Stage I project«»

The goal of working with children at the first stage project is to form in children an idea of ​​the country being studied language English, through creative activity.


- educational « United Kingdom» ;

- educational language

- developing (applique).

Material and equipment: map UK, world map, template sheet with a picture of a world map without an island United Kingdom island template sheet

Lexical units: Great Britain, island, country, the world.

At the first stage project children are introduced to the main character who accompanies children in the process of studying linguistic and regional studies material - Winnie the Pooh. The teacher introduces the hero, talks about the author of works about "Winnie the Pooh", about a real prototype of a bear cub. Briefly touches on the topic of London and the London Zoo. Reminds children of the capital of our homeland - Moscow. Teacher tells children about United Kingdom is an island state consisting of "historical provinces" which are called England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Under the leadership teacher children study the world map, looking at the map in detail UK, mark the color palette of the map.

In the process of realizing the main goal project at the first stage it is carried out creative activity – application. Children draw on a template sheet depicting a map of the world without an island. United Kingdom island-shaped template sheet.

During the lesson, children's activities change regularly. Just before creative activity teacher conducts finger play with children to help children remove tension from their hands. It is known that finger games, just like creative activity, develop the child’s brain and promote speech development. Thanks to finger games, the pronunciation of sounds improves. No wonder the famous one said teacher B. A. Sukhomlinsky that a child’s mind is at his fingertips.

Physical education is also an important point in the work. Children take a break from their work.

As a result of the work done, children acquire lexical units such as Great Britain, island, country, the world.

Stage I pedagogical project« Creative trip to Britain» for children of senior preschool age

The goal of working with children at the second stage project is to introduce children to the flag UK, formation of basic communication skills in English, through creative activity.

At this stage the following are being implemented tasks:

- educational: introduce children to new lexical units on the topic flag UK;

- educational: to cultivate interest in the country being studied language, create an atmosphere of friendliness towards the culture of another country;

- developing: develop speaking skills, develop the ability to rhythmically arrange shapes, depending on the shape of the sheet and the images on it (applique) .

Material and equipment: flag illustration UK England

Lexical units: a flag, Union Jack, United Kingdom, color, red, blue, white

At the second stage project with the help of the hero Winnie the Pooh teacher introduces children to the flag UK, noting its historical significance and detailing its history. Children are offered a story that this flag symbolizes the unification of three countries England, Scotland and Wales, British children call their flag the Union Jack, which means "Uniting Flags".

Children look at each part (cross) flag, they learn that a straight red cross on a white background is called "Cross of St. George" and is a symbol England. White oblique cross on a blue background – "St. Andrew's cross", patron saint of Scotland. And the red cross diagonally on a white background is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

After the annexation of Ireland in 1801, the red cross of St. Patrick appeared on the flag. The result was a very beautiful flag of the United Kingdom. UK.

As creative activity, children are invited to draw a flag UK using simple pencils and colored pencils.

Just before creative The activity involves finger gymnastics.

In the process of assimilation of new linguistic and cultural material, as well as creative activity, children remember words such as a flag, Union Jack, United Kingdom, colour. Repeat vocabulary on the topic "Colors" (red, blue, white).

As a result, the result of the second stage project Children’s vocabulary is enriched and new lexical units are acquired.

Stage III pedagogical project« Creative trip to Britain» for children of senior preschool age

The goal of working with children at the third stage project is to introduce children to the capital and the royal family UK, formation of basic communication skills in English, through creative activity.

At this stage the following are being implemented tasks:

- educational: introduce children to new lexical units on the topic of capital and royal family UK;

- educational: to cultivate interest in the country being studied language, create an atmosphere of friendliness towards the culture of another country;

- developing: develop speaking skills, develop the ability to rhythmically arrange shapes, depending on the shape of the sheet and the images on it (applique) .

Material and equipment: illustrations of London sights, Buckingham Palace, photographs of members of the royal family, paper crowns.

Lexical units: a palace, royal family, queen, king, prince, princess, give me, please, stand up, sit down, I am… .

In the process of educational and gaming activities, the hero Winnie the Pooh invites children to go to the capital of the United Kingdom UK London. Children look at a slide show with photographs of socially significant places in the city. They dwell on Buckingham Palace in detail.

Teacher in the person of the hero, he tells the children that the royal family is currently headed by Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is already in old age. The queen's husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, is not, contrary to all expectations, a king. But their children are real princes and princesses. Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Princes Andrew and Edward.

Children are shown slides with photographs of the royal family and are briefly told about the order of succession to the throne. Children get acquainted with the residence of the royal family - Buckingham Palace, and look at illustrations of its external and internal decoration.

As creative activities, children are offered a game - dramatization, staging scenes from the life of the royal family.

The result of the end of the third stage is the assimilation by children of new words: a palace, royal family, queen, king, prince, princess. And also speech rpm: give me, please, stand up, sit down, I am… .

Stage IV pedagogical project« Creative trip to Britain» for children of senior preschool age

The goal of working with children at stage 4 project is to introduce children to holidays UK, formation of basic communication skills in English, through creative activity.

At this stage the following are being implemented tasks:

- educational: introduce children to new lexical units on the topic "Holidays UK» ;

- educational: to cultivate interest in the country being studied language, create an atmosphere of friendliness towards the culture of another country;

- developing: develop speaking skills, develop the ability to rhythmically arrange shapes, depending on the shape of the sheet and the images on it (applique) .

Material and equipment: flag illustration UK, in some parts - the flag England, Scotland, Ireland, album sheets, pencils.

Lexical units

This stage is divided into two substages. In the process of implementing the fourth stage project, children are offered linguistic and cultural material on the topic "Holidays UK» .

At the beginning, children tell Winnie the Pooh about traditional Russian holidays. Then Winnie the Pooh invites the children to learn about the holidays of the people living in Britain. First of all, we are talking about Valentine's Day. Children are provided with information about the history of this holiday. The guys learn that there are several versions of its origin. Winnie the Pooh talks about two of them. During the story, he shows a slide show with historical illustrations.

As creative children are encouraged to do activities on their own "Valentines" from colored paper using applique.

At the second stage, Winnie the Pooh pays attention to another popular UK holiday"Halloween". Children will learn about the reasons for celebrating this holiday on October 31, about how it is customary to celebrate it in Western countries.

Creative activity - modeling. Children make a Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin.

As a result, by the end of the first stage, children own the following vocabulary: holidays, St Valentine Day, festival, cards, to love, I love you, Halloween, witch, ghost.

One of the leading principles of the updated educational process is the principle of cultural conformity. This means that education is based on universal human values ​​and is built in accordance with the characteristics of the traditional culture of the nation. Therefore, teaching English occupies a special place in preschool education. It not only introduces the culture of the countries of the language being studied, but also, through comparison, highlights the features of the national culture. In other words, it promotes the education of preschool children in the context of a dialogue of cultures.

The English language, being an essential element of the culture of native speakers and a means of transmitting it to others, helps to familiarize children with the culture of the country of the language being studied, familiarize them with holidays, traditions, literary works, symbols of states, contributes to the formation of a culture of communication, and promotes the overall development and upbringing of children.

Based on the above, I propose to create “English Language Corners” in groups of preschool educational institutions. with the following sections:

· Symbols of the state (flag, coat of arms, anthem, queen (Great Britain), president (USA))

· Clendar-ritual holidays

· Literary and cartoon characters from English-speaking countries

· Sights of capitals (London, Washington, etc.)

· Traditional toys of English-speaking countries (Mickey Mouse, teddy bear, yo-yo, etc.)

· “We are learning English” - “We are learning English” to reflect the current educational material.

Plan for working with teachers




1.Acquaintance with older children and teachers.

2. Familiarization with the group schedule in order to avoid duplication of children’s artistic activities (modeling, drawing, appliqué) on the same day in combined English classes.

1. Organization of a corner of English culture and educational material in the group. (Consultations for educators, selection of necessary material, both cognitive and educational, assistance in mastering basic knowledge of the English language - greetings, commands, etc.)

1.Organization of leisure time for children of preparatory groups “Meeting by the fireplace” (consultations with teachers on the distribution of roles, assistance from teachers in preparing and conducting the event)

1. Joint preparation for New Year's matinees.

2. Conversation with teachers about the peculiarities of winter holidays in English-speaking countries.

3. Joint production of decorations for the English classroom.

1. “Speech training” - consultation for teachers.

1. Regional studies quiz “Prize”

2. Report at the pedagogical council “Introducing children to the culture of other countries when teaching English”

1. Joint preparation for matinees dedicated to March 8th (learning poems and songs about mother and grandmother with children).

1. Organization of Easter leisure (distribution of roles, learning lines, poems)

2. A conversation about the features of celebrating this day in English-speaking countries.

1. Joint preparation for graduation.

2. Speech at a parent meeting on the topic “How to help a child master a foreign language when studying in primary school.”

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