Psychological testing by colors. Blue color in psychology

This test consists of stimulus material (eight color cards) and a methodological manual, which contains a description of the test, testing procedure, processing, and interpretation of results.

Using this test, you can determine the child’s emotional well-being not only at the moment, but also identify his preferred emotional state, as well as his evaluative attitude towards kindergarten, family, upcoming schooling, etc. (Appendices 1-8).

Diagnosis of the emotional state of a preschooler and his evaluative activity (attitude) towards:

ü level child’s comfort in kindergarten;

ü to the future schooling;

ü situations in the family;

to kindergarten during the adaptation period



E. D. Polyakova, educational psychologist

MBOU Primary school-kindergarten in Essentuki, Stavropol Territory. 2016.

Diagnosis of the emotional state of preschool children

M. Luscher color test

Areas of application.This technique can be used:

  1. when studying the level comfort child at home, in kindergarten;
  2. when identifying the emotional attitudes of preschoolersin relation to upcoming schooling;
  3. during diagnosis family situations;
  4. to identify the child’s relationship with kindergartenduring the adaptation period;
  5. to identify people prone todepressive states and affective reactions.

General description

This test consists of stimulus material (eight color cards) and a methodological manual, which contains a description of the test, testing procedure, numerical indicators and their calculation, processing, interpretation of results and applications (1-8). Interpretation tables make it possible to simplify the processing of test results as much as possible.

Time: 5-8 minutes.

The Luscher color test can be used individually. Along with individual examination, group examination is allowed.

Methodological recommendations. Test procedure:the experimenter shuffles the colored cards and places them with the color surface facing up in front of the subject, after which he asks him to choose the one he likes best out of eight colors, i.e., selectmost pleasantcolor out of eight. The experimenter puts the card with the selected color aside, turning the color side down, and writes down its number in the protocol table. The color selection procedure is repeated. If the subject cannot choose the most pleasant color, the experimenter suggests choosing the most pleasant one. unpleasant color and then suggests moving on to choosing nice colors.

After 2-3 minutes the experimenterrepeats the study: again lays out the cards with the color side up and invites the subject to choose their preferred colors again, explaining that the subject should not remember the order of the layout in the first choice or consciously change it.

To calculate the total deviation from the autogenic norm (SD)it is necessary to compare the order of places that colors occupy in the child’s choice with the “ideal” arrangement(34251607). First, the difference between the actual occupied space and the standard position of the color is calculated, then these differences (their absolute values, without taking into account the sign) are summed up. The CO value varies from 0 to 32 and can only be even . The CO value reflects a stable emotional background, i.e., the prevailing mood of the child.

The stimulus material for the test consists of standard multi-colored squares cut out of paper with sides ranging from 28 mm to 50 mm. In diagnosing children, an incomplete set of 8 colored squares is usually used. The main colors are considered (in order of the number assigned to them):

  1. blue
  2. green clearly preferred colors
  3. red preferred colors
  4. yellow
  5. violet neutral colors
  6. brown
  7. black negative colors
  8. gray (zero)

The first two colors are considered clearly preferred, the third and fourth are preferred, the fifth and sixth are neutral, and the seventh and eight cause antipathy and a negative attitude.

A simplified examination procedure (for eight colors) comes down to the simultaneous presentation of all colored squares on a white background to the subject with a proposal to choose the one he likes the most, which is pleasant. The selected square is turned over and set aside, then the procedure is repeated. A series of squares is formed in which the colors are arranged according to their attractiveness to the subject.

The psychological interpretation of the resulting series of subjective color preferences is based, firstly, on the assumption that each color has a certain symbolic meaning, for example: red - the desire for power, dominance, green - perseverance, perseverance, etc.

Secondly, it is believed thatrange of color preferencesreflects the individual characteristics of the subject. At the same time, it has functional significance position occupied by a specific color. For example, it is believed that the first two positions of the series determine the individual’s goals and ways of achieving them, and the last two are the suppressed needs symbolized by these colors. Selection in area primary colors is associated with conscious tendencies, and among additional - with the sphere of the unconscious.

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizesdesired state, second - real . Depending on the purpose of the study, you can interpret the results of the corresponding test and select an assessment system by comparing the results of the desired and actual state of the child.

1. Assessing the results of the emotional state.

4 points - at the beginning of the row, blue, yellow, purple colors. Black, gray, brown - at the end of the row.Favorable emotional state.

3 points - red and green colors are allowed in the first positions. Shifting gray and brown to the middle of the row.Satisfactory emotional state.

2 points - shifting black to the middle of the row. Blue, yellow, purple are in last positions.The emotional state of the child is unsatisfactory- the help of a psychologist or teacher is required.

1 point - black and gray at the beginning of the row; the child refuses to comply.The child is in crisis, the help of specialists (psychologist, psychotherapist) is required.

Appendix 1. Stimulus material. Color cards.

Appendix 2. Table of the protocol for studying the emotional state of the child. Luscher color test.

Procedure for presenting cards

Ordinal color number according to Wallneffor

(an indicator of psychological well-being)

Interpretation of positions. Emotional State Scores

Conclusion of a teacher-psychologist about the child’s emotional state


At the beginning of the row there are blue, yellow, purple colors. Black, gray, brown - at the end of the row

4 points

Red and green colors are in the first positions. Shifting gray and brown to the middle of the row

3 points

Shifts black to the middle of the row. Blue, yellow, purple - in last positions

2 points

Black and gray at the beginning of the row. The child refuses to complete the task

1 point

Serial number of the selected color(selected row positions)

Appendix 3. Table of functions of primary presentation colors.

The “+” function in Table 3 of the Luscher color test means an intensification of the need expressed by a given color, “x” - the experience of states associated with its satisfaction, “=” - the irrelevance of the need at the moment, “-” - the impossibility or undesirability of satisfying the need, negative attitude, and therefore her frustration.








The desire for peace. Intense need for pleasant communication and satisfaction, stable positive attachment, desire for harmony, sensitivity.

Tension of will. Self-affirmation, vanity, spontaneous desire to play a certain role, flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions.

The pursuit of emotions. Active participation and high activity, willpower and a sense of satisfaction in achieving the goal.

Perceiving arousal to relieve tension. Waiting for meetings, opening up, fussiness, running away from problems, illusory expectation of the future.

protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in activities.


Readiness for peace without tension, pleasant relationships and satisfaction of basic needs for communication

Self-determination, self-control.

Stagnation, frustration, irritability, conflict.

Readiness for contacts.


Superficial connections and relationships, the desire to isolate oneself, to step aside

Low level of aspirations, passive attitude towards the established order and regime.

Nervous irritability, needs careful handling, lack of desire for communication and activity.

A critical attitude towards the choice of contacts and hobbies.


Anxiety, fussiness, lack of deep “cordial” connections, dissatisfaction with relationships with peers and one’s activities.

Restricted self-expression, defensive tension, denied recognition. People around you are perceived as exerting cruel, heartless pressure, forcing you to do what you don’t want.

Over-irritability, feeling of weakness, feeling of helplessness. Offended, having difficulty coping with business. Tired and poorly oriented in the surrounding environment.

Restless waiting. Thematic fixation, limitation of self-disclosure. Stiffness, overexcitation, withdrawal.

Appendix 4. Functions of additional presentation colors.







Negative attitude towards the team, partial integration

Sensitization. Magical-erotic identification.

Physical needs of the body.


Fencing off, cautious restraint, isolation, secrecy, social isolation.

The desire to charm, sensuality, suggestibility.

Regression to physical needs, escape from problems.

Expression of protest, negativism, impulsive-aggressive behavior.


Limited emotional readiness for contacts. Shutdown.


Need for comfort and physical satisfaction.

Protest and withdrawal from a partner or situation


Emotional readiness to communicate. Interest in social relationships.

Holds back his feelings. Reflection of feelings. Scrupulousness. Sensitivity and touchiness.

Discharge of physical needs.

The ability to tolerate restrictions and make compromises. Agrees with the terms.


Emotional excitability, desire for social success.

Suppression of sensitivity, control of feelings. Aesthetic, ethical or logical desire for order.

Suppression, repression or inhibition of physical needs.

Rejecting interference and restrictions, ignoring threats, entrepreneurship.

Appendix 5. Questions to identify the emotional attitudes of preschoolers in relation to the upcoming schooling

  1. Do you want to go to school?
  2. Do you want to stay in kindergarten (at home) for another year?
  3. Do you like it when people read books to you?
  4. Do you ask yourself (yourself) to have a book read to you?
  5. Why do you want to go to school?
  6. Do you like school supplies?
  7. If you are allowed to use school supplies at home and not go to school, will that be okay with you? Why?
  8. Who would you like to be when playing school with the kids: a student or a teacher? Why?

Appendix 6. Questions when researching a child’s comfort level in kindergarten:

  1. Do you love going to kindergarten?
  2. Would you like to work in a kindergarten when you become an adult?
  3. Are you friends in the group? Who are you friends with?
  4. Do you often quarrel?
  5. Are you having a good time in the group today?
  6. Will you go to kindergarten tomorrow?

Appendix 7. Questions for diagnosing the situation in the family:

  1. What color would mom choose?
  2. What color would dad choose?
  3. Do you like it when guests come to you?
  4. Who would you go to the carousel with: mom? dad?
  5. Where do you like to play: at home? in kindergarten? visiting?
  6. What kind of apartment (house) do you have? What does it look like?
  7. Would you like someone from kindergarten to come visit you?

Appendix 8. Questions to identify the child’s relationship with kindergarten during the adaptation period:

  1. Do you like going to sex, why?
  2. Do you think the children in your group are good or bad?
  3. Could you give a friend a toy for good?
  4. When you are punished, what mood do you have, how do you feel?
  5. If the teacher praises you for something, what mood do you get in?
  6. You are expected in the group every morning, are you welcome?
  7. Do you choose your own toys?
  8. Will you also come to kindergarten tomorrow?

Luscher color test

How to pass the Luscher test correctly.

The Luscher color test is increasingly used by HR specialists of employers when hiring new employees. An unprepared candidate has every chance of failing his job attempt.

Despite the fact that the Luscher test and the well-known “Polygraph” (“lie detector”) are completely different entities, they show equally accurate results with untrained subjects. The point here is that without knowledge of the methodology, it is not clear how to behave and what answers to give. But if not everyone can fight the Polygraph, then the Luscher test is quite easy to bypass.

The test methodology is based on a person’s attitude to color and indeed, it has long been known that colors are divided into “cold” and “warm” and some of them bring us peace of mind, while others, on the contrary, irritate us. Max Lüscher devoted his entire life to researching this issue and perfecting his test.

You just need to spend a little time and study the meaning of colors, as well as the interpretation of color pairs. Perhaps someday you will be asked to put the color stripes of the Luscher test in order, and then you will be ready to show yourself as a morally stable, positive and promising person. Forgive me, because it is quite possible that you are exactly like this and are ready to prove it without prior preparation.

In short, the advice to a person taking the Luscher test can be formulated as follows: primary colors (such as blue - symbolizes calmness, contentment; blue-green - a sense of confidence, perseverance, sometimes stubbornness; orange-red - symbolizes willpower, aggressiveness, offensive tendencies, excitement ; light yellow - activity, desire to communicate, expansiveness, cheerfulness.) should occupy predominantly the first five positions, and additional colors: purple; brown, black, gray. (symbolizing negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief) should be distributed at the end of your choice.

Luscher test

  • Purple is characteristic of a person who has some shifts in thinking, oddities in character, and may also have problems in the sexual sphere;
  • Brown - means that the person has some unresolved internal conflicts, and also that the person may have severe, inappropriate negative behavior;
  • Black – speaks for itself and is characterized by fear, depression and hatred of everyone around.
  • Gray is a borderline color, when this color is placed in the first place, it will characterize a person as not wanting to open up, wanting to give himself away, protecting himself from others in order not to get excited. It is desirable that this color be located in the sixth to seventh position.

Three basic rules for how to pass the Luscher test correctly:

  1. The options should not exactly repeat each other, but they should not be radically different from each other;
  2. In the first four positions there should be four primary colors (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow); each person chooses, according to his character, which color is closer or more beautiful to him;
  3. Answer as you think is correct, even if you manage to pass all the tests positively, at a personal interview the psychologist will reveal all your positive and negative character traits and there will be no consistency, you will be suspected of insincerity in the answers in the test and will be rejected.

Luscher test - description and interpretation

The Luscher test is based on the assumption that the choice of color often reflects the subject’s focus on a certain activity, mood, functional state and the most stable personality traits.

Foreign psychologists sometimes use the Luscher test for career guidance purposes in personnel selection, staffing production teams, and in ethnic groups; gerontological studies, with recommendations on the choice of marriage partners. The meanings of colors in their psychological interpretation were determined during a comprehensive examination of a large contingent of different subjects.

Additional colors: 5) purple; 6) brown, 7) black, 8) zero(0). They symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief. The meaning of these colors (as well as the main ones) is determined to the greatest extent by their relative arrangement and distribution by position, which will be shown below.

Instructions (for a psychologist): “Shuffle the colored cards and place them with the color surface facing up. Ask the subject to choose from eight colors the one he likes best. In this case, it must be explained that he must choose the color as such, without trying to correlate it with his favorite color in clothes, eye color, etc. The test subject must select the most pleasant Color out of eight. The card with the selected color should be set aside, turning the colored side down. Ask to choose the most pleasant one from the remaining seven colors. The selected card should be placed with the colored side down to the right of the first one. Repeat the procedure. Rewrite the card numbers in laid out order. After 2-3 minutes, place the cards again with the color side up and do the same. At the same time, explain that the subject should not remember the order of the layout in the first choice and consciously change the previous order. He should choose colors as if for the first time.

In the Lüscher test, such cases are additionally marked with the letter A above the color number and the sign -, for example:

How to pass the Luscher color test?

Luscher Color Test

The Luscher color test is a psychological test that will allow you to find out your communication skills, basic personality traits, and also determine how susceptible you are to stress. The Luscher color test was developed in 1948. The peculiarity of the test is that you will be offered cards with different colors. Your assignment will be to arrange the colors in any order of your choice. Of course, it is better to take the test on your own and without prompting. Otherwise, the meaning of the test will be lost. If, for some reason, you want to achieve not a truthful, but an ideal result, then read the instructions.


1 step

Numerology +

8 color Luscher test

Luscher test. How to arrange colors correctly

The Luscher test is one of the most favorite tests among psychologists. However, employers often use it when recruiting personnel. This is not surprising, because it carries a lot of information about a person and takes little time.

Luscher divided colors into two categories, 4 colors in each:

  1. Primary colors - orange-red, yellow, dark blue, blue-green;
  2. Additional colors - brown, gray, black, purple.

How to correctly arrange the colors in the test? The “autogenic norm” (correct sequence) of colors is as follows: red, yellow, green, violet, blue, brown, gray, black. But it is better not to reproduce this sequence, since it is well known to all psychologists. It's better to swap the colors a little.

By what principle should the colors be arranged? Primary colors should come first, then additional ones. And yet, knowledgeable people recommend that you never choose blue as the sixth color.

you need to go to a mental health center from work, the whole test there is passing the Luscher test for color preference,

colors red, black, purple, gray, blue brown, green, yellow

Remember, the ideal sequential order of colors to pass the Luscher test is:

Before writing the test, listen to the instructions carefully. Pretend that you are a little worried. If you are asked if you know anything about the Luscher test, answer in the negative. Say, for example, you took IQ tests, a willpower test, a personality test and others.

To successfully pass the test and not arouse the suspicion of the examiners, be sure to change the arrangement of colors from the ideal sequence.

You can change adjacent colors, but not the location of the primary colors. For example, the arrangement of colors: red and yellow, blue and purple can be changed. But, the arrangement of the colors black and green is impossible.

Since the test procedure is performed twice, in the second option you will again have to arrange the colors in any order. When choosing colors, you can choose your first sequence or change the arrangement of colors. Never start arranging colors in the reverse order.

Luscher color test. Full version of the method.

The Luscher color test is based on an experimentally established relationship between a person’s preference for certain colors (shades) and his current psychological state. The Luscher test is also based on the assumption that the choice of color often reflects the subject’s focus on a certain activity, mood, functional state and the most stable personality traits.

Luscher's technique is characterized by the fact that it can, in a short time (less than 10 minutes), give a deep and extensive, and free from the conscious control of the subject, characterization of his psychological state.

Foreign psychologists use the Luscher test for career guidance in personnel selection, staffing production teams, and in ethnic groups; gerontological studies, with recommendations on the choice of marriage partners. The meanings of colors in their psychological interpretation were determined during a comprehensive examination of a large contingent of different test takers.

Luscher color test (Full version of the method):

Choose the color that is most pleasing to you now. We ask you not to associate the color of the card with the color of your clothes or car, to distract yourself from them. Then, from the remaining seven colors, choose the most pleasant one. Repeat the procedure with the remaining six colors, then five and so on until the end. Write down the colors in the order you chose them from most pleasing to least pleasing. After 2-3 minutes, return to the 8 color cards again and do the same. In this case, you do not need to focus on the layout order in the first choice; choose colors as if it were your first time.

Characteristics of colors (according to Max Luscher) include 4 primary and 4 additional colors.

1) blue - symbolizes calmness, contentment;

2) blue-green - a sense of confidence, perseverance, sometimes stubbornness;

3) orange-red - symbolizes willpower, aggressiveness, offensive tendencies, excitement;

4) light yellow - activity, desire to communicate, expansiveness, cheerfulness.

In the absence of conflict, in the optimal state, the primary colors should occupy predominantly the first five positions.

Additional colors: 5) purple; 6) brown, 7) black, 8) gray (0). They symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief. The meaning of these colors (as well as the main ones) is determined to the greatest extent by their relative arrangement and distribution by position, which will be shown below.

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizes the desired state, the second - the actual one. Depending on the purpose of the study, the results of the appropriate testing can be interpreted.”

As a result of testing, we get eight positions; the first and second are a clear preference (denoted by + +);

third and fourth - preference (denoted x x);

fifth and sixth - indifference to color (indicated by = =);

seventh and eighth - antipathy to color (indicated - -)

Based on an analysis of more research results, M. Luscher gave an approximate description of the selected positions:

The 1st position reflects the means of achieving the goal (for example, the choice of blue indicates the intention to act calmly, without undue tension);

The 2nd position shows the goal that the subject is striving for;

The 3rd and 4th positions characterize the preference for color and reflect the subject’s feeling of the true situation in which he finds himself, or the course of action that the situation suggests to him;

The 5th and 6th positions characterize indifference to color, a neutral attitude towards it. They seem to indicate that the subject does not connect his state, mood, motives with these colors. However, in a certain situation, this position may contain a reserve interpretation of color, for example, blue (the color of peace) is temporarily set aside as inappropriate in this situation;

The 7th and 8th positions characterize a negative attitude towards color, the desire to suppress any need, motive, mood reflected by this color.

The selected colors are recorded using a list of numbers in order of preference, indicating positions. For example, when choosing red, yellow, blue, gray, green, purple, brown and black, you write:

Zones (+ +; x x; = =; - -) form 4 functional groups.

Interpretation of test results

As noted, one of the methods for interpreting the results of a choice is to evaluate the position of the primary colors. If they occupy a position further than the fifth, it means that the properties and needs they characterize are not satisfied, therefore, there is anxiety and a negative state.

The relative position of the primary colors is considered. When, for example, No. 1 and 2 (blue and yellow) are located nearby (forming a functional group), their common feature is emphasized - the subjective orientation “inward”. The combined position of colors No. 2 and 3 (green and red) indicates autonomy, independence in decision-making, and initiative. The combination of colors No. 3 and 4 (red and yellow) emphasizes the “outward” direction. The combination of colors No. 1 and 4 (blue and yellow) enhances the representation of the subjects’ dependence on the environment. When colors No. 1 and 3 (blue and red) are combined in one functional group, a favorable balance of dependence on the environment and subjective orientation (blue) and autonomy, “outward” orientation (red) is emphasized. The combination of green and yellow colors (No. 2 and 4) is considered as a contrast between the subjective desire “inward”, autonomy, stubbornness and the desire “outward”, dependence on the environment.

Primary colors, according to Max Luscher, symbolize the following psychological needs:

No. 1 (blue) - the need for satisfaction, tranquility, stable positive attachment;

No. 2 (green) - the need for self-affirmation;

No. 3 (red) - the need to actively act and achieve success;

No. 4 (yellow) - the need for perspective, hopes for the best, dreams.

If the primary colors are in the 1st - 5th positions, it is believed that these needs are satisfied to a certain extent and are perceived as being satisfied; if they are in the 6th - 8th positions, there is some kind of conflict, anxiety, dissatisfaction due to unfavorable circumstances. A rejected color can be seen as a source of stress. For example, the rejected blue color means dissatisfaction with the lack of peace and affection.

Max Lüscher took into account the possibilities of assessing performance during the analysis of color choice based on the following premises.

Green color characterizes the flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions, which ensures the maintenance of performance.

Red color characterizes willpower and a feeling of satisfaction with the desire to achieve a goal, which also helps maintain performance.

Yellow color protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in an activity (sometimes without a clear understanding of its details), and orientation towards further work.

If all these three colors are at the beginning of the row and all together, then more productive activity and higher performance are likely. If they are in the second half of the row and separated from each other, the prognosis is less favorable.

Anxiety indicators. If the main color is in 6th place, it is indicated by the sign -, and all the others that are behind it (7th - 8th positions) are indicated by the same sign. They should be considered as rejected colors, as a cause of anxiety and a negative state.

In the Luscher test, such cases are additionally marked with the letter A above the color number and the sign -, for example:

Compensation indicators. If there is a source of stress or anxiety (expressed by any primary color placed in the 6th and 8th positions), the color placed in the 1st position is considered as an indicator of compensation (compensating motive, mood, behavior). In this case, the letter C is placed above the number occupying 1st place. It is considered a more or less normal phenomenon when compensation occurs due to one of the primary colors. At the same time, the very fact of the presence of an indicator of stress and compensation always indicates a suboptimal state.

In those cases where compensation occurs through additional colors, the test results are interpreted as indicators of a negative state, negative motives, and a negative attitude towards the surrounding situation.

Luscher test color interpretation

Nowadays, many have heard about the impact of colors on the human psyche. Correctly selected colors help solve many problems. Thus, a competent choice of color combinations allows restaurateurs to attract customers. For many people, the right shades help create cozy room interiors. For psychological assistance to people, in the selection of personnel, psychologists use the Luscher test, the interpretation and analysis of which gives good results.

Characteristics of primary colors

From a layman's point of view, colors have the following meanings:

  • blue - promotes calm, it is associated with the sky, with seascapes. This color in excess can lead to depression, as it creates the impression of coldness. The best option is to combine deep with another color or opt for intermediate shades between blue and green;
  • pink - associated with youth, tenderness, femininity. The color pink is present in both the clothes of little girls and teenage girls. It is firmly entrenched in the female gender and will create a romantic atmosphere;
  • red is the color of activity and success. Red color stimulates the psyche. It has been found that when surrounded by a red hue, people eat faster and more. Red is the most aggressive of the colors. It is associated with the carnal joys of life. The color red is loved by the “powers that be”;
  • black - many associate with the unknown and death. Those who prefer to look at life gloomily try to surround themselves with this color. However, black is the color of spirituality. This is the color of the monks' clothes. For almost all people, the color black evokes thoughts about eternity, about the meaning of life. It is also the color of confidence and formality;
  • white is the color of virtue and spiritual purity. White color is unique and can be combined with any color. Although white is the most easily soiled of colors, it is also the purest. Perhaps for this reason it is the color of medical gowns;
  • yellow is the color of the sun and spirituality, joy. The influence of yellow color on a person is very great. Hidden deep in the subconscious is the connection between earthly life and the yellow disk. But this color contains duality. One side of it is warmth, the other is heat, which can seriously burn;
  • green is undeniably the color of rebirth. It is associated with fertility and health. Therefore, it is recommended for people subject to significant mood swings.

Characteristics of colors according to Luscher

Max Luscher divided colors into 4 primary and 4 additional.

  • Blue - gives satisfaction and peace.
  • Blue-green is confidence, perseverance, stubbornness.
  • Orange-red - aggressiveness, excitement, willpower.
  • Light yellow - cheerfulness, activity.

Additional colors include: purple, brown, black, zero. Which respectively symbolize: anxiety, stress, worries and grief.

Luscher test and interpretation

According to the Luscher test, choosing one of the primary colors will indicate the state desired by the person, choosing one of the additional colors will show the actual position of the person being tested. The result is eight positions:

  • the first two will show a pronounced preference, their designation is: ++;
  • the third, fourth will give preference (xx);
  • the fifth, sixth will show indifference to color (==);
  • the seventh, eighth will give complete antipathy to color (-).

During testing, record the selected colors using a list of numbers, in order of preference, indicating positions. The Luscher test carried out and its interpretation give the necessary values. First, the position of the primary colors is assessed; if their position is further than the fifth, then the person’s needs are not satisfied and there is a state of anxiety. If colors occupy positions 1 to 5, needs are more satisfied. The assessment of a person’s performance is determined by the following premises: green and red - mean the manifestation of will and performance in different conditions, yellow - reduces the hope of success, which will affect future work. If these three colors are at the beginning of the row, then productivity is really high,

if they are found - the second half of the row and the colors are separated - this indicates a possible low performance.

As a result of the interpretation of Luscher tests compared with questionnaires and conversations with a person, one can judge the character traits and characteristics of a particular individual.

How to pass the Lusher test correctly

How to pass the Lusher test correctly

In the Psychology section, the question you need to go through from work is a mental health clinic, the whole test there is passing the Luscher test for color preference, asked by the author of Mercurius, the best answer is Well, it depends on how much an experienced and competent specialist will test you. It is possible that the test is just an excuse to create a working environment in which you will be observed. The Luscher test is an interesting thing and quite professional. Although it is more correct to use several different tests built on different principles. But direct communication with the subject is still crucial if we are talking about individual work, and not about “measuring the average temperature in the hospital.” One of the reasons is that the test results can be faked by learning the “correct” sequence. Psychologists and psychiatrists know about this and take various measures. For example, the very fact that you have learned the correct sequence may be a sign that you are more or less sane :)

In the same Luscher test, strictly speaking, there are no “correct” answers. But a specialist can easily notice discrepancies between your behavior and the test results and understand that he is being “led by the nose.” Depending on what goals are being pursued, this may prompt additional questions. 🙂

In short, if a psychologist or psychiatrist is an idiot, then it doesn’t matter what you write on the test - there will still be the possibility of “cutting off” you. If he is a professional, then it also doesn’t matter what you write - he will still see who you really are. But in this case, “forgery of documents” may not work in your favor. So I still recommend taking the test “from the heart.” Moreover, this can also be useful for the “patient” - both in order to learn something new about himself, and in order to have objective material for complaints if something happens :)


Recently, the M. Luscher test using the color range has gained wide popularity as a tool for identifying the emotional and characterological basis of a personality and the subtle nuances of its current state. The Luscher test is used in personnel selection, staffing production teams, in ethnic and gerontological studies, and in psychological diagnostics in pedagogical and medical institutions. The Luscher test belongs to the category of projective methods and is based on the assumption that preferences for some colors over others are associated with stable personal characteristics of the subject and the characteristics of his experience of the current situation.

The main advantages of this technique:

Simplicity of the task assigned to the subject;

Complete isolation from the psychological content recorded by the test;

Possibility of repeated testing of the same subject;

The test result does not depend on the accuracy of the subject’s self-assessment and his ability to verbalize his states.

It should be noted, however, that neither Luscher nor the authors of subsequent manuals on the use of the color test correctly carried out procedures for validating and checking the reliability of its work. Therefore, it is not recommended to base your judgment about the subject only on the interpretation of the color test, especially if there are discrepancies between its results and the results of other psychodiagnostic methods. The use of this test in a battery of techniques increases the reliability of the results obtained.

The full Luscher test consists of three subtests. In the first of them, the subject determines his attitude to shades of gray, in the second - to the four primary and four additional colors, and in the third - to the four primary colors, as well as their shades. In psychodiagnostic practice, the second subtest is most often used, which optimally combines the simplicity and speed of the testing procedure and the degree of information content of the results obtained. In this regard, it is the second subtest of the Luscher technique that is presented in this “Manual”.

Luscher proposed to distinguish between two points of view on color: the first - the objective meaning of color (by which he understood the physical characteristics of color and its symbolic meaning, common to all people, regardless of gender, age, social status and individual preferences) and the second - the subjective attitude of a particular the subject to this color.

Color and its objective meaning are called structure. The subjective attitude towards color (for example, sympathy, indifference, antipathy) is called a function. Structure as the objective meaning of color, like the appearance of color, is constant for each person. Luscher explained the origin of the color structure as follows.

Man has always lived surrounded by color, but for several thousand years of his history he was not able to control the colors around him. Color for a person was an external factor to which one had to react in a certain way. The dark blue color of the night sky signaled the onset of night - a time of rest, peace and security. The bright yellow color of the rising sun is the time of awakening - interest in the new day, hope. The red color of blood is the need to mobilize forces for attack or defense. Associations were formed between colors as elements of certain life situations and the psychophysiological states that were generated by these situations. The existence of such associations determined the perception of color as a signal to the nervous system about the need for a certain psychophysiological restructuring, preparing the body to face this situation. Experiments conducted by psychophysiologists confirmed that a number of physiological indicators of the subject’s state naturally change depending on what color he looks at.

Function, i.e. subjective attitude towards any color is individual for each person. One finds the color attractive, another is indifferent to it, a third dismisses it as boring, and a fourth considers it simply ugly. The function of color is formed during a person’s life and strongly depends on what a given color is associated with. So the same color can be highly rated as the color of a car and poorly rated as the color of skin, etc.

Luscher suggested that if a subject is asked to evaluate a color as such, without associating it with any things, then he will focus on the objective structure of the color, and if the signal value of a certain color coincides with the capabilities and leading attitude of his body, then this particular color will be rated as most pleasant. The color preference test is based on these two assumptions.

The test color set consists of four primary and four additional colors. Each color has its own serial number.

Note: Only the colors suggested by Luscher should be used as stimulus material. It should be borne in mind that the names “blue”, “gray”, etc. are very arbitrary, but the interpretation of color preferences is meaningful only when original stimuli are used. You cannot use cards made at home. In our country, the standard is considered to be stimulus material manufactured by Imaton. The products of the MP “Center for Applied Psychology” fully comply with this standard.

Primary colors and their symbolic meaning:

No. 1 - blue color. Symbolizes calm, contentment, tenderness and affection.

No. 2 - green color. Symbolizes perseverance, self-confidence, stubbornness, self-respect.

No. 3 - red. Symbolizes willpower, activity, aggressiveness, offensiveness, authority, sexuality.

No. 4 - yellow color. Symbolizes activity, desire for communication, curiosity, originality, cheerfulness, ambition.

Because the four primary colors symbolize basic psychological needs (the need for satisfaction and affection, the need for self-affirmation, the need to act and succeed, and the need to look ahead and hope), they have special meaning. And if the test is performed by a healthy, balanced person who is free from conflicts and depression, then the 4 primary colors should occupy the first five positions.

Additional colors and their symbolic meaning:

These colors symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief. Strictly speaking, black and gray cannot be called colors at all: black is the negation of color, and gray is completely neutral and colorless. Purple is a combination of blue and red, while brown is a combination of orange-red and black, resulting in a darkish and rather lifeless color. Neither brown nor violet are psychological primaries, and they were included in the test after much trial and error. These colors should normally be in the indifferent zone or rejected. But in practice, they are often highlighted and moved to the beginning of the row due to one or more primary colors.

Another reason why additional colors were included in the test was to increase the overall utility of the test. By adding additional colors, the scope of the primary colors expands. This allows you to more accurately determine the meaning attached to placing a color in one position or another in a row.

The Luscher color test is based on the assumption that the choice of color often reflects the subject’s focus on a certain activity, mood, functional state and the most stable personality traits. Developed by M. Lüscher, the first edition of the test was published in 1948. Also known as the Luscher Eight-Color Test.

Purpose of the technique

Luscher color diagnostics allows you to measure a person’s psychophysiological state, his resistance to stress, activity and communication abilities. The Luscher test allows you to determine the causes of psychological stress, which can lead to the appearance of physiological symptoms.

Advantages of the technique

Each of the eight colors of the test was carefully selected according to its special psychological and physiological meaning - its structure - for this purpose, preliminary experiments were carried out over five years with 4500 shades of colors. Their meaning is universal, it remains the same for different countries, does not depend on age, the same for men and women, educated and uneducated, or “civilized” and “uncivilized.” Many people are prejudiced against “psychological tests” primarily if they have to answer countless, time-consuming questions or if they are forced to sort through a lot of cards. Experience with the Luscher test shows that the number of those who do not accept it is very small. The test is attractive, can be completed quickly, and subjects do not feel that they are compromising their dignity by choosing colors. They might change their minds if they knew how revealing the test really is.

History of creation

The first edition of the test, which brought the author worldwide fame, was published in 1948. In 1970, M. Luscher released a voluminous manual for his test. The theory and practice of the method are also presented in such books by Luscher as “Personality Signals”, “The Four-Color Man”, etc.

The test colors were selected experimentally by Luscher from 4,500 color tones. The author specifically emphasizes that adequate diagnostics from the standpoint of his method is only possible when using a standard, patent-protected set of color stimuli.

Adaptations and Modifications

The color selection method proposed by L.N. Sobchik is an adapted version of the Luscher color test. The method is intended to study unconscious, deep-seated problems of personality, current state, basic needs, individual style of experience, type of response and degree of adaptation of the subject. In addition, it allows us to identify a person’s compensatory capabilities and assess the severity of painfully acute character traits and clinical manifestations.

Theoretical (methodological) foundations

The development of the Luscher test is based on a purely empirical approach and is initially associated with the aim of studying the emotional and physiological state of a person for the purpose of a differentiated psychotherapeutic approach and to assess the effectiveness of corrective action. The technique is devoid of any serious theoretical justification, hints of which appeared only in the later works of both Luscher himself and his followers. The interpretive approach of the methodology, which is very eclectic, is based on the socio-historical symbolism of flowers, elements of psychoanalysis and psychosomatics. The experience of using the Luscher eight-color test in domestic conditions not only confirmed its effectiveness, but also made it possible to comprehend its phenomenology in the context of the modern scientific worldview. Its advantage over many other personality tests is that it is devoid of cultural and ethnic basis and does not provoke (unlike most other, especially verbal tests) reactions of a defensive nature. The technique reveals not only the conscious, subjective attitude of the subject to color standards, but mainly his unconscious reactions, which allows us to consider the method as deep, projective.

Method structure

The Luscher test in the original is presented in two versions: a full study using 73 color tables and a short test using an eight-color series. The first of them is quite cumbersome and is most likely of value in cases where the color test is the only tool for psychodiagnostic research. At the same time, the final result of the research is not so extensive information compared to the time and effort spent. The brevity and ease of use of the eight-color range is a great advantage of the shortened version, especially since when applied to a battery of test methods, the reliability of the data obtained increases. Full version of the Luscher test

The full version of the CTL - “Clinical Color Test” consists of 7 color tables:

  1. "gray"
  2. "8 colors"
  3. "4 primary colors"
  4. "blue"
  5. "green"
  6. "red"
  7. "yellow"

To table 1“gray color” includes - medium gray (0; it is similar to gray from the 8-color table), dark gray (1), black (2; similar to 7 from the 8-color table), light gray (3) and white (4).

Table 2 The full version is similar to the 8-color table of the short version of the Luscher test.

Table 3: dark blue (I1), blue-green (D2), red-yellow (O3) and yellow-red (P4). Each color is presented in the table 3 times (as well as the colors of subsequent tables) for the purpose of pairwise comparison of colors by the subjects. The colors are similar to the 4 “primary” tones in Table 2.

Table 4: dark blue (I1), green-blue (D2), blue-red (O3), light blue (P4). In this table, the dark blue color (I1) is similar to the dark blue in tables 2 and 3. The use of the same color (“main”) in several CTL tables allows, from Luscher’s point of view, to more deeply study the subject’s attitude towards it .

Table 5: brown-green (I1), blue-green (D2), green (O3) and yellow-green (P4). Here, for the third time, blue-green (D2) is present.

Table 6: brown (I1), red-brown (D2), red-yellow (O3), orange (P4). The first of these colors is similar to 6 from Table 2, and red-yellow (O3) appears the 3rd time.

Table 7: light brown (I1), green-yellow (D2), orange with a greater proportion of red (O3) and yellow-red (P4). In the last CTL table, the yellow-red color (P4) is repeated for the third time.

CTL colors, starting in Table 4, refer to specific “color columns.” There are four of them - according to the number of “primary” colors. The “blue” column (I1) includes colors designated I1, the “green” (D2) column - D2; “red” (O3) - O3; “yellow” (P4) - P4. Short version of the Luscher test

The short version is a table of eight colors:

  • gray (conditional number - 0)
  • dark blue (1)
  • blue-green (2)
  • red-yellow (3)
  • yellow-red (4)
  • red-blue or purple (5)
  • brown (6)
  • black (7)


The examination procedure proceeds as follows: the subject is asked to choose the most pleasant color from the tables laid out in front of him, without correlating it with the color of the clothes (does it suit the face), or with the upholstery of the furniture, or with anything else, but only in accordance with the fact that how much we prefer this color in comparison with others for a given choice and at the moment.

When laying out color standards in front of the subject, you should use an indifferent background. The lighting should be uniform and bright enough (it is better to conduct the study in daylight). The distance between color tables must be at least 2 cm. The selected standard is removed from the table or turned face down. In this case, the psychologist writes down the number of each selected color standard. The recording goes from left to right. The numbers assigned to the color standards are as follows: dark blue - 1, blue-green - 2, orange-red - 3, yellow - 4, purple - 5, brown - 6, black - 7, gray - 0.

Each time the subject should be asked to choose the most pleasant color from the remaining ones until all colors have been selected. After two to five minutes, having first mixed them in a different order, the color tables must be laid out again in front of the subject and the selection procedure must be completely repeated, saying that the study is not aimed at studying memory and that he is free to choose again the colors he likes the way he likes. it will be whatever.

Instructions (for a psychologist)

Shuffle the colored cards and place them with the colored surface facing up. Ask the subject to choose from eight colors the one he likes best. In this case, it must be explained that he must choose the color as such, without trying to correlate it with his favorite color in clothes, eye color, etc. The test subject must select the most pleasant Color out of eight. The card with the selected color should be set aside, turning the colored side down. Ask to choose the most pleasant one from the remaining seven colors. The selected card should be placed with the colored side down to the right of the first one. Repeat the procedure. Rewrite the card numbers in laid out order. After 2-3 minutes, place the cards again with the color side up and do the same. At the same time, explain that the subject should not remember the order of the layout in the first choice and consciously change the previous order. He should choose colors as if for the first time.

Processing the results

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizes the desired state, the second - the actual one. Depending on the purpose of the study, the results of the relevant testing can be interpreted.

As a result of testing, we get eight positions:

  • the first and second are a clear preference (denoted by + +);
  • third and fourth - preference (denoted x x);
  • fifth and sixth - indifference to color (indicated by = =);
  • seventh and eighth - antipathy to color (indicated - -)

Based on an analysis of more than 36,000 research results, M. Luscher gave an approximate description of the selected positions:

  • 1st position - the color you like the most, indicates the main method of action, i.e. a means to achieve the goals facing the subject.
  • 2nd position - usually the color in this position is also indicated by a “+” sign, and in this case it means the goal that the subject is striving for.
  • 3rd and 4th positions - usually the colors in these positions are indicated by the sign “x” and indicate the true state of affairs, situation or course of action arising from this situation (for example, the blue color in this case will mean - the subject feels that he is in a calm environment or that the situation demands that he act calmly).
  • 5th and 6th positions - colors located in these positions and indicated by the “=” sign indicate specific features that do not cause hostility, are not associated with the existing state of affairs, currently unused reserves, personality traits.
  • 7th and 8th positions - the color in these positions, marked with a “-” sign, means the existence of a suppressed need or a need that should be suppressed because its implementation would lead to unfavorable results.

Election markings

When reselecting colors, if two or more colors change position, but still remain near the color that was their neighbor in the first choice, then the group exists, and it is this group of colors that should be circled and marked with the sign corresponding to the function. Very often these groups differ somewhat from simple grouping into pairs.


1st choice - 31542607

2nd choice - 35142670

Grouping is done as follows:

3 1 5 4 2 6 0 7
3 (5 1) (4 2 6) (7 0)
+ X X = = = - -

When making notes in the protocol of such a test, you should be guided by the following: rules:

  1. The first group (or one digit) is marked “+”.
  2. The second group (or one digit) is marked with an "x".
  3. The last group (or one digit) is marked “-”.
  4. All other colors are marked with a “=” sign.

Where there are pairs of colors, interpretation should be made using these rather than individual colours.

Sometimes the same colors will have different symbols on the 1st and 2nd choices. In this case, each choice should be marked separately:

+ + X = = - - -
5 1 3 4 2 6 0 7
3 5 1 4 2 7 6 0
+ X X = = = - -

Usually the second choice is more spontaneous and therefore more valid than the first, especially in cases of doubt. In this regard, when using tables, you should first take into account the grouping and notes made during the second choice.

It may turn out that some numbers are common to two functional groups and then both groups should be interpreted with the corresponding notes in the protocol:

+ + - -
+ X X = = = = -
5 1 3 4 0 6 2 7 1st choice
3 1 5 4 0 7 2 6 2nd choice
+ + X = = = = -

In this case, you need to look at the following groups in the tables: +3+1, x1x5, =4=0, -2-6 (there are also additional groups: +3-6 and +3-2).

Interpretation of results

One of the techniques for interpreting the selection results is to evaluate the position of the primary colors. If they occupy a position further than the fifth, it means that the properties and needs they characterize are not satisfied, therefore, there is anxiety and a negative state. .

The relative position of the primary colors is considered. When, for example, No. 1 and 2 (blue and yellow) are located nearby (forming a functional group), their common feature is emphasized - the subjective orientation “inward”. The combined position of colors No. 2 and 3 (green and red) indicates autonomy, independence in decision-making, and initiative. The combination of colors No. 3 and 4 (red and yellow) emphasizes the “outward” direction. The combination of colors No. 1 and 4 (blue and yellow) enhances the representation of the subjects’ dependence on the environment. When colors No. 1 and 3 (blue and red) are combined in one functional group, a favorable balance of dependence on the environment and subjective orientation (blue) and autonomy, “outward” orientation (red) is emphasized. The combination of green and yellow colors (No. 2 and 4) is considered as a contrast between the subjective desire “inward”, autonomy, stubbornness and the desire “outward”, dependence on the environment.

Primary colors, according to Max Luscher, symbolize the following psychological needs:

  • No. 1 (blue) - the need for satisfaction, tranquility, stable positive attachment;
  • No. 2 (green) - the need for self-affirmation;
  • No. 3 (red) - the need to actively act and achieve success;
  • No. 4 (yellow) - the need for perspective, hopes for the best, dreams.

If the primary colors are in the 1st - 5th positions, it is believed that these needs are satisfied to a certain extent and are perceived as being satisfied; if they are in the 6th - 8th positions, there is some kind of conflict, anxiety, dissatisfaction due to unfavorable circumstances. A rejected color can be seen as a source of stress. For example, the rejected blue color means dissatisfaction with the lack of peace and affection.

Max Lüscher took into account the possibilities of assessing performance during the analysis of color choice based on the following premises.

  • Green color characterizes the flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions, which ensures the maintenance of performance.
  • Red color characterizes willpower and a feeling of satisfaction with the desire to achieve a goal, which also helps maintain performance.
  • Yellow color protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in an activity (sometimes without a clear understanding of its details), and orientation towards further work.

If all these three colors are at the beginning of the row and all together, then more productive activity and higher performance are likely. If they are in the second half of the row and separated from each other, the prognosis is less favorable.

Anxiety indicators. If the main color is in 6th place, it is indicated by the sign -, and all the others that are behind it (7th - 8th positions) are indicated by the same sign. They should be considered as rejected colors, as a cause of anxiety and a negative state.

In the Luscher test, such cases are additionally marked with the letter A above the color number and the sign -, for example: Compensation indicators. If there is a source of stress or anxiety (expressed by any primary color placed in the 6th and 8th positions), the color placed in the 1st position is considered as an indicator of compensation (compensating motive, mood, behavior). In this case, the letter C is placed above the number occupying 1st place. It is considered a more or less normal phenomenon when compensation occurs due to one of the primary colors. At the same time, the very fact of the presence of an indicator of stress and compensation always indicates a suboptimal state. In those cases where compensation occurs through additional colors, the test results are interpreted as indicators of a negative state, negative motives, and a negative attitude towards the surrounding situation.

! !! !!!
2 1 4

Indicators of anxiety intensity are characterized by the position occupied by the primary colors. If the primary color is in 6th place, the factor causing anxiety is considered relatively weak (this is indicated by one exclamation point); if the color is in the 7th position, two exclamation marks are placed (!!); if the main color is in the 8th position, three signs (!!!) are placed. In this way, up to 6 signs can be placed characterizing sources of stress and anxiety, for example:

Similarly, the Luscher test evaluates cases of adverse compensation. If the compensation is any of the primary colors or purple, no marks are placed. If grey, brown or black occupy the 3rd position, one exclamation mark is placed; if the 2nd position, two marks (!!), if the first position, three marks (!!!). So there can be 6 of them, for example:

!!! !! !
+ + +
6 0 7

It is believed that the more “!” signs, the more unfavorable the prognosis. Taking into account the test results obtained, it is advisable to organize activities for the regulation and self-regulation of mental states and autogenic training. Repeated testing after such events (in combination with other methods) can provide information about reducing anxiety and tension.

Of particular importance when interpreting test results is the assessment of the color in the last 8th position (or in the 4th functional group if there are two colors with a “-” sign). If the colors in this position are marked with exclamation marks, then the likelihood of the subject developing a state of anxiety is quite high.

Pay attention to the ratio of the first and eighth positions, is there compensation, is it built according to a normal scheme?

The relationship of colors in the second and third positions (desired goal and actual situation) can also be analyzed. Is there a conflict between them? For example, red in the second and gray in the third position symbolize the conflict between goals, motives and self-esteem of one’s actual state. When analyzing and interpreting the results of the Luscher test, the obtained psychodiagnostic information should be compared with materials from questionnaires, observations, conversations, and study of documents about the subjects. Only with such a comprehensive study of personality can one make any serious conclusions about personality traits and its psychological characteristics.

The same should be said about the prospects for using test results to assess state, in particular emotional state, tension, and anxiety. However, the coincidence of the indicators of the color test (choice of colors No. 6, 7, 0 in the first position) and the data from the questionnaire and observation allows us to judge with greater confidence the development of various negative states in the subjects.

Stimulus material



  1. Lusher M. The color of your character. - M.: Veche, Perseus, AST, 1996.
  2. Luscher M. Personality assessment through color choice

The Luscher color test is one of the most popular projective techniques. Color psychodiagnostics, which the Luscher test allows, is aimed at effectively identifying the psycho-emotional state of people of different ages.

There is hardly a person who has not heard about the existence of a close relationship between mental state and color. Psychologists have long been looking for an effective method that would make it possible to correctly interpret the color choice of subjects, but the Swiss psychiatrist Max Lüscher was the first to do this in the middle of the last century. Today, the Luscher test is included in the arsenal of any practicing psychotherapist and is a high-quality psychodiagnostic tool. You can always take it online on our website, and also get a brief interpretation completely free of charge.

Tool for personal psychodiagnostics

The CTL (or Luscher Color Test) was first described in 1948. It immediately brought its author worldwide fame. The Luscher projective test gives an idea of ​​a person’s propensity for a certain activity, the predominance of a particular mood, and reveals the most stable personality traits.

Whatever the therapist's goal, the Luscher Color Test requires considerable experience in interpretation. When publishing this test, the author repeatedly emphasized that this method works perfectly only when using a standardized set of color stimuli.

Unfortunately, many modern specialists in the field of psychology neglect the instructions of the test author and engage in decoding on their own. As a result, the test interpretation is often unreliable and does not inspire confidence among clients. Therefore, you need to either find a specialist who can correctly diagnose you using CTL, or take this test online, limiting yourself to a short transcript.

Brief description

Specialists know two versions of the Luscher test: short and full. You can complete both of these options online on our website. CTL makes it possible to see the origins of intrapersonal conflicts and build an adequate system of psychotherapeutic influences.

Typically, this test is used to determine the psycho-emotional state of an individual. It is also effective:

The essence of testing is to rank the proposed colors based on the feeling of their pleasantness for yourself. A person must arrange all the colors one by one, starting with the most preferred one. Testing is carried out in daylight using standard stimulus material. Depending on the form of the test, a person has to choose from 8 or 48 colors. The eight-color test is the more common form, and the full version of the CTL is more often used in clinical psychotherapeutic practice.

Short version

Do you want to get results quickly, without a detailed analysis of your personality structure? Take the short (eight-color) version of this test! This form of CTL consists of stimulus material in the form of a set of 8 colors. Each stimulus is assigned a serial number: 0 for gray, 1 for blue, 2 for green, 3 for red, 4 for yellow, 5 for purple, 6 for brown, 7 for black. These colors are also divided into primary and secondary.

The main colors are: green, blue, red, yellow. They reflect a person’s most preferred behavior and tell about his inclinations. Most often, a person strives to place these colors in the first 5 positions, although there are a variety of options.

Additional colors include brown and purple, as well as black and gray. These colors are symbols of various negative manifestations: anxiety, fears, stress and grief. The meanings of these colors are also determined by their ranking. Usually their place (except for purple) is below position 4, but, of course, you are free to place them wherever you want.

Expanded version

If you want to get a detailed personality profile, then take the full version of the Luscher test. It consists of 48 stimuli in the form of various combinations of additional and primary colors. This allows us to study a person’s relationships in detail and conduct in-depth psychodiagnostics of his psycho-emotional state. The key to interpreting this variant of CTL lies in the human subconscious.

Meaning of color stimuli

Knowing what a particular color means to a particular person, you can say a lot about him. The basic psychological characteristics of different color types very accurately reflect the personality and preferences of the subject. The color type is determined by the main preferred color, that is, they talk about a “yellow” person or, say, a “blue” person. Each color type has its own characteristics, characteristics, preferred activities, and even favorite hobbies and clothing styles. Due to its simplicity and clarity, the Luscher color test is often used as the basis for many modern tests and techniques that allow one to work with the emotional sphere of a person. Knowing a person’s color type, you can easily choose a suitable work companion, marriage or sexual partner.

Luscher's typology of “color personality” has long surpassed the test itself in popularity. It turns out that our color preferences also directly affect motivation and behavior. It has been proven that young people under 25 prefer red and yellow colors, while older people like brown, gray and green tones. These colors are also chosen by young people if they are disappointed in life, or suffer from neurosis or physical illness. Today, CTL is successfully used in their work by both family and child psychologists and psychotherapists.

At different times, the Luscher color test received a variety of reviews: from complete delight to harsh criticism. However, according to most experts, this test is one of the most valuable and interesting projective techniques.

Alarm level:

First choice: 5
Second choice: 6
The anxiety level is rising!

Total deviation from the autogenic norm (CO):

First choice: 22
Second choice: 22


4-1 Tension caused by an unsatisfied need for love, warm relationships, a feeling of being misunderstood. Restless search for new relationships that could bring joy and peace.

7-1 The need for love and understanding is unsatisfied. Externally blaming reaction to stress, protest forms of behavior and statements.

4 The need for action, emotional involvement, change, communication. Optimism, emotional instability, easy adaptation to different social roles, demonstrativeness, the need to please others, dependence on environmental influences, the search for recognition and the desire for belonging in interpersonal interaction. Tendency to avoid responsibility. When choosing a type of activity, the greatest importance is attached to the fact that the process of activity itself brings pleasure. Any formal framework is cramped and poorly tolerated. Pronounced emotional switchability without depth of experience and inconstancy in attachments. Spontaneity of feelings, passion for fun, the play component in activities.

4+7 Need for action, emotional involvement, change, communication. Optimism, emotional instability, easy adaptation to different social roles, demonstrativeness, the need to please others, dependence on environmental influences, the search for recognition and the desire for belonging in interpersonal interaction. Tendency to avoid responsibility. When choosing a type of activity, the greatest importance is attached to the fact that the process of activity itself brings pleasure. Any formal framework is cramped and poorly tolerated. Pronounced emotional switchability without depth of experience and inconstancy in attachments. Spontaneity of feelings, passion for fun, the play component in activities. Pronounced emotional tension. The desire to escape from problems and responsibility faces a serious obstacle, causing a feeling of protest. The spontaneity of actions and statements can be hasty and ahead of their thoughtfulness. Active searches for a way out of the situation are excessively fussy, inconsistent, and unplanned.

7 Protest reaction to the current situation. Defending your own point of view. Subjective assessment of circumstances, irreconcilable attitude towards the position of others, intolerance to the opinions of others. Resistance to external pressure, environmental influences, protest against fate.

*6 Feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, physical overstrain. Fears, heightened suspiciousness, discomfort, need for rest and relaxation.

0 Known tension in contacts with others, the desire to avoid conflict and avoid unnecessary worries.

1 The desire to cope with depression, to master oneself, while remaining active. The need for warm interpersonal relationships and dependence on the object of deep affection are blocked. Worry and irritable incontinence can impair concentration. Restless dissatisfaction.

1-5 The lack of opportunity to fulfill the need for love and warm relationships is painfully experienced; desire to get rid of an oppressive state, impatience; the need for understanding and friendly relations is unsatisfied. Tension causes a feeling of irritation, a feeling of not being understood by significant others.

5 Tension associated with a tendency to restrain emotional expressions. Pronounced selectivity in interpersonal contacts, subtlety of taste and increased sensitivity to external influences dictate the need for increased self-control. Increased demands on others - as a protection against one’s own excessive gullibility.

4-5 The need for deep affection is not fully satisfied, there is no necessary mutual understanding, which leads to increased self-control.

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