Psychology of organizational activity. Scientific approaches in management psychology


1. Management psychology as a branch of practical psychology. 2. The subject of modern management psychology.3. Methods of modern management psychology, their brief description.

1. Modern management psychology is a relatively young and fairly rapidly developing branch of applied psychology.

Management psychology as a specific branch of practical psychology arose almost simultaneously with the emergence of the profession manager and professional managers. It appeared in response to a specific social order of industrial society. This social order can be expressed in the form of the following questions:

    How to make management effective?

    How to make maximum use of human resources in production without coercion and pressure on people?

    What is the best way to build and organize a team management system?

We can say that the psychology of management arose in a free society (unfree societies with a harsh system of coercion in the form of carrots and sticks do not need it), for free people striving to fully reveal their own capabilities with maximum benefit for themselves and for the business.

Thus, management psychology from the very beginning was focused not on creating theory, but on solving specific practical problems. The same can be said another way - modern management psychology is built on the understanding that the use of the human factor in production, the human dimension in management, is economically beneficial. It doesn’t matter how it looks in theory, it is important that it works in practice and is beneficial - such a very pragmatic and, of course, not indisputable view predetermined the development of management psychology as a branch of practical psychology. The joke of professional psychologists: “We have many different means for solving problems - something helps someone from time to time” has acquired real meaning.

The very subject of psychology - man and his psyche, inner world, behavior, activity, communication - is an ambiguous and multifaceted phenomenon. Today we hardly understand human nature better (even despite attempts to artificially change it) than the ancient Greek philosophers. It remains as much a mystery as the origin of life. A person with his inner world is a very complex being, roughly speaking, one that does not fit into theoretical concepts and constructions. This deprives us of the opportunity to obtain any definitive answers to the questions posed. So the lack of a single view, a single concept of man in psychology is caused by completely objective reasons.

2. Subject of management psychology

Management psychology is a branch of practical psychology. The subject of practical psychology is problem of human relationships. Consequently, modern management psychology examines the problems of human relationships and interactions from the point of view of management situations, and this is the specificity of its subject. Let us reveal this position in more detail and consider which specific problems of the human dimension in management are in the field of view of management psychology.

Let's understand the basic concepts of this discipline and, first of all, the category of “management”, which is very ambiguously understood in everyday life. Management is the process of purposeful influence of the subject of management on the system (object of management) in the interests of its effective functioning and development. Management as a function of production: a special specific activity, a special function of production that arose in the process of division of labor. Management as a science is a specific independent area of ​​human knowledge about the laws of production organization with the aim of increasing its productivity. "Manage- means leading to the success of others” (Siegert V., Lang L.). "Control there is the motivation of other people to work” (Iacocca L.). "Manage- means leading employees to success and self-realization” (Woodcock M., Francis D.). "Control is doing something with the hands of other people" (Peters T., Waterman T. V)

Other important categories of this science are: organization, system. In management psychology, an organization is usually understood as an association of people who jointly implement a certain program or goal and act on the basis of certain procedures and rules. A system is a set of elements that are connected to each other, which forms a certain integrity, unity.

The main sections of management psychology are:

    The personality of a manager, his self-improvement and self-development.

    Organization of management activities from the point of view of its psychological effectiveness.

    Manager's communication skills.

    Conflicts in the production team and the role of the manager in overcoming them.

Management psychology examines these problems from a practical point of view. Let's get to know them better.

Managerial psychology is a field of psychological science that studies psychological patterns in managerial work. This is the structure, features and specificity, ways of using psychological aspects to solve various managerial problems. Every day a leader is faced with a variety of tasks, tasks, and problems. It’s not at all difficult to get lost in this whirlpool, but difficulties, as we know, often await you at the most inopportune moment, and you need to constantly be prepared to resolve them.

It is noteworthy that there is absolutely no system in the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances, however, if you set a goal, you can develop an algorithm of actions for the case when something goes wrong. Indirectly, this includes drawing up a work plan, keeping all current affairs in order, so that in the event of an undesirable situation, hitches do not arise that could be foreseen and prevented.

The difficulty of a manager’s job, by and large, lies in the fact that he constantly needs to organize and systematize the moments and actions that are necessary for the successful operation of the company. The manager understands that he has to make many decisions every day, and they must turn out to be correct. Psychologically it is very difficult.

Managerial psychology teaches one to master one’s activities and realize oneself as a part of it. The activity of each person consists of small components, and they need to be known perfectly, including their psychological structure. A leader who is well acquainted with the main components of psychology has a number of advantages. For example, he sees the main thing that needs to be done to achieve a particular goal. He also knows how close the goal is and how much time is left until it is reached. An experienced manager can adjust the course of solving a problem and get the desired result in the most beneficial way for himself and the company.

Psychology involves the following components:

  • Clearly setting clear goals, ideally for all employees. Each employee must clearly understand what specific contribution he must make to achieve the common goal.
  • Motivation is something without which ordinary employees will not make efforts to solve any problem. The fact is that usually any company is the business of the manager, his ambitions, and for most employees, a way to earn money.
  • Delegation of authority - transfer of control over the progress of task execution in each department.
  • Reflection.

Managerial psychology teaches how to create conditions for the subordination of the main components of a manager’s activity. Such conditions can be expressed in terms of requirements for the manager's skills.

Control is perhaps the main point that managerial psychology requires. Moreover, you need to control both the work of all employees and your own activities.

Goal setting is an understanding of the psychological weight of goals, the ability to clearly formulate and correctly convey upcoming goals to employees, the ability to effectively plan one’s activities and the implementation of this useful skill in the enterprise.

Motivation - ideally, you need to know the character and characteristics of your subordinates, be aware of their lives in order to determine what is interesting to everyone and what can captivate a group of workers.

Statement of the task - you need to know what is needed for fruitful work, what may be needed in the future and how much the previously completed tasks helped. It is also necessary to determine the stages of work and their time frames, to know how the achieved goal is consistent with other possible ones, and how it will fit into the work of the company.

Delegation involves transferring some authority to local managers, but not all authority can be entrusted to others.

Thus, the activities of a manager require a wide base of knowledge and skills and their constant improvement.

Psychology of management- the science of managing team activities, solving problems related to personnel and management. Management psychology has some specific differences. The object of management psychology is the organized activity of people working in a team, having a common goal of activity and performing joint work. Management psychology examines the problems of professional compliance of personnel with an enterprise and position.

Management psychology includes the following areas:

Psychology of activity and personality of a leader;
Psychological aspects of personnel selection;
Social and psychological issues of teams and groups in organizations;
Psychological and pedagogical problems of training or retraining of personnel.

The subject of management psychology is multifaceted. It includes mental relationships and phenomena in the organization, such as:

Functional and structural analysis of the manager’s activities;
psychological problems arising between the manager and subordinates,
Social and psychological analysis of teams and groups, as well as the relationships that arise in them, and much more.

The study of management psychology allows us to understand the essence of management processes; analyze and regulate the socio-psychological structure of the organization. The manager gains skills to express his own thoughts and knowledge in the field of personnel management. awareness of technology and communications.

Management psychology methods are divided into research, diagnostic, correctional, and consulting.

The main methods of management psychology are:

Observation– purposeful and organized perception and recording by the observer of what is happening. The difficulty of applying this method in management psychology lies in the impossibility of monitoring the activities of the entire organization.

Experiment– a method of confirming or refuting hypotheses. This is a purposeful modeling of the situation. allowing to identify and study a socio-psychological phenomenon. In management psychology, the result of an experiment makes it possible to verify the correctness of certain management decisions.

Tests- a standardized test where you need to answer questions or complete a task. In psychology, management is used to study the personal qualities of a leader. applicant for the position. Allows you to quickly identify professionally significant qualities.

The following tasks of management psychology for a manager can be identified:

Possess the principles of proper personnel management of an enterprise. This problem is solved at the time of teaching management psychology.
Know when and how to apply the fundamentals and principles of management psychology. This task is carried out in the specific activities of the manager.
Thus, the task of management by a leader is knowledge and competent use of methods of management psychology.
Objectives of management psychology as sciences are presented as follows:
Psychological analysis of management activities - in order to implement proper management of the team and successfully complete the production task, the manager must be aware of his actions, the correct analysis of which is the basis for making the right management decisions.
Study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of the activities of the work collective in normal and extraordinary conditions. Solving this problem allows you to correctly manage the enterprise and its team both in normal operating conditions and in extreme ones.
Study of leadership qualities and mental characteristics of a leader. The task is manifested in the study of the leadership process, during which an individual influences a team and determines the direction of its activities. Managers must have leadership qualities to organize management and adjust the activities of staff.
Development of psychological recommendations for the practical application of acquired knowledge in the field of team management, resolving conflict situations in groups, regulating the psychological microclimate in the team.
Study of group interaction processes. Frequently arising contradictions in work groups. disputes and conflicts harm the achievement of a common goal. The leader takes on the role of a regulator in group conflicts and must transfer the conflict into a productive direction or resolve it. In such a situation, it helps to set a common goal, clarify the degree of responsibility and area of ​​activity of each individual employee. It is the leader who must achieve a stable microclimate within the team.
Studying the mechanisms of motivation of team members. Motivation is a set of processes that generate and direct the behavior of a team. Stimulating the motivational component of an employee allows one to achieve higher performance results. Motivation is carried out taking into account specific personal characteristics and the specifics of the goal. One of the main indicators of attitude towards work is the indicator of job satisfaction. Properly created motivation can increase the feeling of satisfaction among employees.

To date management psychology occupies one of the most important places in modern society. It allows you to study the processes of management and leadership in a work team, provides knowledge about the processes within a team working towards one common goal. This branch of science contributes to the formation of competent management staff of the organization, the formation of a positive microclimate in the group and the creation

TOPIC 1. Subject and object of management psychology…………………………..3

The concept of management psychology……………………………………………………………..3

Levels of psychological and managerial problems……………………………5

TOPIC 2. Management and leadership as social phenomena……………7

The relationship between the concepts of “management”,

“management”, “leadership”……………………………………………………7

Basic theories of leadership………………………………………………………10

Main functions of management activities…………………………13

TOPIC 3.Motivation as a factor in personality management……………………16

Work motivation is the social basis of management…………………..16

Theories of motivation……………………………………………………………………………….17

Main factors of work motivation……………………………………...23

Reasons for employee passivity…………………………………………………25

TOPIC 4. Psychology of management in conditions

conflict activity………………………………………………………..27

Conflict as a social phenomenon……………………………………………...27

Features of managerial influence on conflicts………………29

Strategies for management behavior in conflict situations…………….31


TOPIC 1. Subject and object of management psychology

1. The concept of management psychology

2. Levels of psychological and managerial issues

1. Modern management science is consistently turning towards sociologization and psychologization. Profound changes in society at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries led to interest in social knowledge, attention to the problems of the relationship between society and the individual, the leader and the subordinate. Currently, the search for ways to enhance the human factor within an organization and take into account the socio-psychological characteristics of personnel is recognized as a decisive condition for increasing the efficiency of joint activities of any organization. Among the disciplines that study society and public relations, management psychology plays an important role. The need for a multilateral development of management psychology as a special, separate branch of psychological science, with its own object and subject of research, is increasingly emphasized.

It is designed to integrate knowledge about the psychological content of management decisions. After all, management as a social process that deals with living people does not always develop according to instructions and forms. In addition to formal relationships, in any organization there is a complex system of informal connections, dependencies and interpersonal relationships.

Under the influence of personal factors, an uncontrolled redistribution of management functions, rights and job responsibilities, responsibilities and powers often occurs. The actual functions of a particular official may differ significantly from those provided for in job descriptions. That is why measures to rationalize management activities do not always lead to success, since the individual characteristics of workers and the psychological aspects of their relationship to the assigned work and to themselves are not taken into account. Management psychology allows us to study and take into account these problems in management activities.

The term “management psychology” first began to be used in the USSR in the 20s. At the II All-Union Conference on the Scientific Organization of Labor (NOT) (March 1924), one of the reports was entirely devoted to the psychology of management and the problems associated with it. Management psychology was designed to solve two problems: “selection of employees to functions and to each other according to their individual characteristics; impact on the psyche of employees through stimulation...”

In numerous works on the scientific organization of labor (works by A.K. Gastev, V.V. Dobrynin, P.M. Kerzhentsev, S.S. Chakhotin, etc.), published in the 20s and 30s, there were many interesting approaches to solving psychological problems of management. However, the insufficient level of development of these problems did not allow management psychology to emerge as an independent field of knowledge. The period of increasingly active application of psychological knowledge to the theory and practice of management was the mid-60s.

One of the first researchers to raise the question of the need to develop management psychology as a science were E.E. Vendrov and L.I. Umansky. Among the main aspects of the psychology of production management, they named the socio-psychological problems of production groups and teams, the psychology of personality and activity of a manager, issues of training and selection of management personnel, etc. A different point of view was expressed by A. G. Kovalev, who included in the sphere of management psychology only socio-psychological problems.

Management psychology has two main sources of its origin and development:

* practice needs. Modern social development is characterized by the fact that a person acts as both an object and a subject of management. This requires studying and taking into account mental data about a person from these two points of view;

* development needs of psychological science. When psychology moved from a phenomenalistic description of mental phenomena to the direct study of mental mechanisms, the task of controlling mental processes, states, properties and, in general, human activity and behavior arose as a priority.

Gradually, in the sections on labor activity, an independent question about the psychology of managerial activity emerged. The development of management psychology has since followed two interrelated directions - in the depths of psychology and in related branches of knowledge.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, management psychology is experiencing particularly intensive development, its ideas and practical recommendations are becoming a fashionable fad. It was during this period that many books on psychological and managerial issues appeared. The period being experienced is characterized by a number of features:

* the applied nature of the problems being developed in management psychology. Most of the literature published during this period is essentially reference material for managers at various levels;

* integration of psychological and managerial knowledge, proceeding by combining the achievements of various branches of science. Figuratively speaking, a kind of “birth certificate” of management psychology is still being filled out and only the first entries have been made;

* the main emphasis is on considering the features of management in business and business relations, relatively less attention is paid to other branches of knowledge. Attempts are being made to reduce the psychology of management to the psychology of management.

To date, two points of view have emerged on the object of management psychology. Thus, in accordance with the first, its object is the “man - technology” and “man - person” systems, considered in order to optimize the management of these systems (functional and structural analysis of management activities; engineering and psychological analysis of the construction and use of automated control systems (ACS) ); socio-psychological analysis of production and management teams; the relationship between people; the study of the psychology of the leader, the relationship between the leader and the led, the psychological aspects of the selection and placement of management personnel, psychological and pedagogical issues in the training of managers).

In accordance with another point of view, only the “person - person” system can be classified as an object of management psychology, which is also considered in order to optimize the management of this system. Along with this system, a number of subsystems are considered: “person - group”, “person - organization”, “group - group”, “group - organization”, “organization - organization”.

As for the subject of management psychology, that is, what this science studies, in its most general form it represents the psychological aspects of the process of managing various types of joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, that is psychological aspects of managerial relations.

Thus, management psychology - This is a branch of psychological science that combines the achievements of various sciences in the field of studying the psychological aspects of the management process and is aimed at optimizing and increasing the efficiency of this process.

2. A specific manifestation of the subject of management psychology can be presented in the following levels of psychological and managerial issues.

1. Psychological aspects of a leader’s activity:

* psychological characteristics of managerial work in general, its specificity in various fields of activity;

* psychological analysis of the personality of a leader, psychological requirements for the personal qualities of a leader;

* psychological aspects of making management decisions;

* individual management style of the leader and problems of its correction.

2. Psychological aspects of the organization’s activities as a subject and object of management:

* the possibility of using psychological factors to solve management problems;

* patterns of formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization;

* patterns of formation of optimal interpersonal relationships in an organization, the problem of psychological compatibility;

* formal and informal structures of the organization;

* motivation of work of members of the organization;

* value orientations in the organization, managing the process of their formation.

3. Psychological aspects of leader interactionWith members of the organization:

* problems of creating and functioning of a communication system in the process of interaction;

* problems of management communication;

* optimization of relationships in the “manager - subordinate” link;

* awareness as a factor in increasing effective management.

In order to study these problems and make sound scientific recommendations, management psychology must use the achievements of a number of sciences. This implies the active use of knowledge and data from various branches of psychological science, including general, social, educational, engineering and occupational psychology.

Along with this, management psychology is also based on the relevant knowledge obtained by management science. Let us also note the close connection between management psychology and sociology (especially the sociology of organizations).

It is generally accepted that in modern conditions, consideration of psychological problems of management is impossible without an appropriate economic context, that is, without using knowledge of economic theory, ergonomics, management, ethics, culture and psychology of business communication, etc.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, management was not considered an independent field of scientific research. This was first discussed in connection with the appearance of F.W. Taylor's book “Principles of Scientific Management” in 1911, which outlined the basic principles of managerial work. A little later, in the 20s of the 20th century, the famous French engineer, manager of a giant mining and metallurgical company, A. Fayol, already described a consistent system of management principles. It was thanks to A. Fayol that management began to be considered a special specific activity.

By this time, psychology had already formed as a science in its theoretical and applied directions. Thanks to the merging of management and psychology, as well as in response to the demands of developing production, an applied interdisciplinary science emerged - “management psychology”.

Management is considered to be the totality of a system of coordinated activities aimed at achieving significant goals of the organization. These events relate primarily to people working in a given organization, each of whom needs to find a special approach, for which it is necessary to know their needs and character traits, abilities and characteristics of their perception of the world around them.

The current tendency to identify management psychology with management as a system of methods for managing personnel is incorrect. To some extent, the subject of management psychology overlaps with management, but nevertheless it has its own specifics. If management teaches us what to do, then management psychology explains why we need to do it this way and not otherwise, and how it works.

Consequently, the subject of management psychology is the psychological foundations of a manager’s activity: psychophysiological characteristics of work activity, psychological characteristics of information processing, mechanisms of human perception by a person and mechanisms of people’s influence on each other, psychological characteristics of the formation of a work team and interpersonal relationships in it, psychological characteristics of management decision-making and psychological factors of management activity in general.

Management psychology as a science and practice is aimed at the formation and development of the psychological management culture of managers, the creation of the necessary foundations for the theoretical understanding and practical application in management of knowledge of employee personality traits, interpersonal relationships and patterns of functioning of the work team.

The manager must understand the nature of management processes, know ways to improve management efficiency, know the information technologies and means of communication necessary for personnel management, etc., for which he needs to know the psychological characteristics of the functioning of the work team, making management decisions in various conditions and circumstances, working with people.

Psychological factors in the functioning of a work team include psychophysical compatibility in groups, phenomena of interpersonal interaction, labor motivation, socio-psychological climate and other psychological phenomena included in joint labor activity in the production of certain products or provision of services. Psychological factors in management decision-making include goal setting as a result of activity and the decision-making process. A person’s personality as a microcosm, on the one hand, and the perception of this personality by another person, the desire to dominate and obey, status, social expectations, emotional response and many others constitute the essence of the psychological factors of working with people.

Management psychology as a specific branch of practical psychology arose almost simultaneously with the emergence of the profession of manager and professional managers. Like any applied branch of psychology, it appeared in response to a specific social order of an industrialized society, which management researchers formulate as follows:
How to make management effective?
How to make maximum use of human resources in production without coercion and pressure on people?
What is the best way to build and organize a team management system?

Management psychology arose at a certain stage in the development of society, in which it is important not only to obtain the maximum result of work, but also to take into account the peculiarities of human self-expression in the process of work, the realization of needs achieved as a result of work. In other words, the manager addressed the personality of a freely working person who strives to fully reveal his own capabilities with maximum benefit for himself and for the business. Consequently, the subject of management psychology is the following problems of human relationships and interactions from the point of view of management situations:
1. Personality, its self-improvement and self-development in the process of work.
2. Managerial activity and its organization from the point of view of psychological effectiveness.
3. Group processes in the workforce, and their regulation.

Personality, its self-improvement and self-development play a vital role in the management process. At least two circumstances are important here. Firstly, among the many qualities, traits, and personality characteristics, management psychology identifies those that help to successfully carry out management activities. Secondly, when considering personality in the management process, psychology is not limited only to description, comparative analysis and statement of facts. In this branch of knowledge there is a fairly large amount of practical advice, recommendations and “recipes” that allow a manager of any rank and with any initial level of management abilities to develop the qualities of a leader.

Management activities are built according to certain rules, following which one can achieve success and, on the contrary, ignoring them will inevitably lead the organization to collapse even under the most favorable other conditions. Specialists in the field of psychology are developing rules and technical methods of communication that make it not just a form, but also a control factor.

Any team is, first of all, people pursuing their goals, solving their problems, striving to maintain or change their formal and informal status. Members of the work collective are connected to each other by a system of sometimes very complex relationships. Like any organism, a collective can experience both favorable and unfavorable periods in development. A crisis can occur at any time under the influence of a complex of external and internal causes and circumstances. Its consequences can be both positive (a further rise in the development of the team) and negative (the team, which until recently worked like a “clock,” becomes uncontrollable and disintegrates). The level of a leader and the degree of his professionalism are determined not only by how he manages the development of his team during relatively favorable periods of its existence and development, but also by how he acts in difficult moments, in times of crisis. A leader must manage in any, even the most seemingly uncontrollable situation. And this requires both knowledge and specific leadership skills in conditions of conflict and crisis. The art of conflict management is what distinguishes a professional leader from an amateur leader. Where the second one just throws up his hands, the first one gets down to business and acts with maximum benefit and minimal losses.

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