Working hours of a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution. Standards for the professional workload of a psychologist The work week of a psychologist at school

Duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work per wage rate) of teaching staff

With changes and additions from:

1. The length of working time (standard hours of teaching work per wage rate) for teaching staff is established on the basis of a reduced working time of no more than 36 hours per week.

2. Depending on the position and (or) specialty of teaching staff, the following working hours or standard hours of teaching work are established for the wage rate.

2.1. The working hours of 36 hours per week are determined by:

teaching staff classified as teaching staff;

senior educators of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of preschool education and additional general education programs, and children's homes carrying out educational activities as an additional type of activity;

educational psychologists;

social educators;


industrial training masters;

senior counselor;

labor instructors;


methodologists and senior methodologists of organizations carrying out educational activities;

tutors of organizations carrying out educational activities, with the exception of organizations carrying out educational activities under educational programs of higher education;

heads of physical education of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education;

teachers-organizers of the basics of life safety;

instructors-methodologists, senior instructors-methodologists of organizations carrying out educational activities.

2.2. The working time of 30 hours per week is established for senior educators (with the exception of senior educators specified in paragraph 2.1 of this Appendix).

2.3. The standard hours of teaching work are 20 hours per week for the wage rate is established:


speech therapist teachers.

2.4. The standard hours of teaching work 24 hours a week for the wage rate is established:

music directors;


2.5. The standard hours of teaching work of 25 hours per week per wage rate is established for educators who directly provide training, education, supervision and care for students (pupils) with disabilities.

2.6. The standard hours of teaching work 30 hours per week for the wage rate is established:

physical education instructors;

educators of organizations carrying out educational activities in basic general education programs, in which conditions have been created for the accommodation of pupils in a boarding school, as well as for the supervision and care of children in after-school groups, organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, organizations ( groups), including sanatoriums, for students (pupils) with tuberculosis intoxication, medical organizations, social service organizations carrying out educational activities as an additional type of activity (hereinafter referred to as medical organizations and social service organizations), (with the exception of educators provided for in paragraphs 2.5 and 2.7 of this Appendix).

2.7. The standard hours of teaching work of 36 hours per week per wage rate is established for educators of organizations carrying out educational activities in additional general education programs, educational programs of preschool education, educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as those providing supervision and care for children (with the exception of educators for whom the norms of hours of teaching work for the wage rate are provided for in paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 of this Appendix).

2.8. The standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate of teaching staff listed in subclauses 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 of this paragraph is taken to be the standard hours of educational (teaching) work, which is a standardized part of their teaching work (hereinafter referred to as the standard hours of educational (teaching) work ).

2.8.1. The standard hours of educational (teaching) work are 18 hours per week for the wage rate is established:

teachers of organizations carrying out educational activities in basic general education programs (including adapted ones);

teachers of organizations carrying out educational activities in additional general education programs in the field of arts, physical culture and sports;

teachers of additional education and senior teachers of additional education;

trainers-teachers and senior trainers-teachers of organizations carrying out educational activities under educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports;

speech therapists of medical organizations and social service organizations;

foreign language teachers of preschool educational organizations;

teachers of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education of a pedagogical orientation (with the exception of teachers of these organizations who apply the norm of hours of educational (teaching) work of 720 hours per year for the wage rate).

2.8.2. The standard hours of educational (teaching) work of 720 hours per year per wage rate is established for teachers of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education, including integrated educational programs in the field of arts (with the exception of teachers specified in subclause 2.8.1 of this point), and for basic vocational training programs.


1. Depending on the position held, the working hours of teaching staff include educational (teaching) and educational work, including practical training of students, individual work with students, scientific, creative and research work, as well as other pedagogical work provided for by labor (official ) responsibilities and (or) an individual plan - methodological, preparatory, organizational, diagnostic, monitoring work, work provided for by plans for educational, physical education, sports, creative and other events carried out with students.

For teaching work, teaching staff who, by decision of the authorized executive authorities, participate in conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education during working hours and are released from their main work for the period of conducting state final certification of students, are paid compensation in the manner established by part 9 of Article 47 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.

2. Standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate of teaching staff, provided for in paragraphs 2.3 - 2.7 of this Appendix, are established in astronomical hours. The norms for hours of educational (teaching) work provided for in paragraph 2.8 of this Appendix are established in astronomical hours, including short breaks (recesses), dynamic pause.

3. Standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate provided for in paragraphs 2.5 - 2.7 of this Appendix, and norms for hours of educational (teaching) work provided for in paragraph 2.8 of this Appendix are calculated values ​​for calculating wages for teaching staff for the month, taking into account what is established by the organization, carrying out educational activities, the volume of teaching work or educational (teaching) work per week (per year).

4. For pedagogical work or educational (teaching) work performed by a teaching worker with his written consent in excess of the established norm of hours for the wage rate or below the established norm of hours for the wage rate, payment is made from the established wage rate in proportion to the actually determined volume of teaching work or educational (teaching) work, with the exception of cases of payment of wage rates in full, guaranteed in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of Appendix 2 to this order for teachers who cannot be provided with a teaching load in the amount corresponding to the standard hours of educational (teaching) work established for weekly wage rate.


* Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the nomenclature of positions for teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2013 N 678 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 33, Art. 4381).

IN In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the working time of a psychologist (in agreement with the director) is divided into present hours and hours that do not require presence at school, making a total of 36-hour working week. The educational psychologist is recommended to be present in the educational institution for at least 18 hours.

During office hours, the following types of work are performed: individual and group work with students, pupils, advisory work with teachers, educators and parents of students.

Types of activities that do not require the presence of a teacher-psychologist at the workplace are preparation for individual and group work, processing, analysis, summarizing the results of activities, interpreting the data obtained and filling out reporting documentation, increasing the professional competence of the teacher-psychologist.

This division of activities requires clarification. The following types of work are not taken into account here.

Firstly, presence at school-wide events, production meetings, assemblies, participation in the work of the psychological and pedagogical council, prevention council, pedagogical councils, methodological associations of subject teachers.

Secondly, the control room, organizational activities (coordination of issues, drawing up schedules, contacts with students’ parents and agreeing on meeting times with them, distributing documents and collecting them from members of the teaching staff, resolving organizational issues with non-school institutions, signing relevant agreements, etc.). In secondary schools, the volume of labor costs may be slightly less, but for a correctional school this is an acute problem.

Thirdly, development, repair, production, preparation, packaging of stimulus material, because in our country all stimulus material is purchased or prepared by the psychologist himself; in a correctional institution of the VIII type there is no computer equipment, since there is no computer science in the curriculum.

Fourthly, managing the office, maintaining the office (room renovation, decoration, purchasing stationery), office work (putting documents in order, structuring materials, maintaining and repairing equipment and furniture). A psychologist’s office should be an interactive space (developing search activity), a developmental space (presenting “sensory stimulus material”: cubes, pyramids, cut-out pictures, etc.), a relaxation room, a psychologist’s “office” and a workshop at the same time. Therefore, a psychologist has to turn his office into one space or another, which entails a lot of labor and time.

A Now a few words about the type of activity that is included in the official list. In my opinion, the term “teacher consultation” does not accurately reflect the essence of work in school. The “consultation” of a school psychologist is woven into the process of interaction, communication with the teacher, and can be extended over time, when information is provided to the teacher in doses. Therefore, a classic long-term consultation is carried out in exceptional cases, not counting the “initial interview”, which, in fact, is also not really a consultation. When determining the types of activities of a school psychologist, it is more correct to highlight “interaction with teachers.”

My suggestions for optimizing the work of an educational psychologist:

1. Give the psychologist the right to choose: work 18 hours of presence or 36 hours a week. At the same time, it is not necessary to develop “hours of presence”, since the processing and analysis of results and paperwork takes more time than diagnostics, on average 1.4 times (almost everything is done manually). By the way, the indicative standards “Duration of various types of work of a practical educational psychologist”, recommended by the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (dated March 29, 1995), do not separate the time of work and the time for its preparation.

2. Introduce an hourly system, like at a university, that is, if you worked more in the first half of the year (as necessary), then in the second half of the year this is compensated by fewer working hours.

3. To clarify the list of types of work, taking into account the characteristics of the work of a school psychologist, in contrast to psychologists working in centers.

4. Give the psychologist the right to draw up a list of documentation and break it down into forms. The recommendations simply indicate a list of necessary information. In the current situation, information is duplicated in different documents. After all, at school there are personal files, class registers, medical records, so it makes no sense to rewrite all this information many times.

5. Consider the importance of free interaction between the psychologist and students and teachers during breaks. In order for the educational psychologist to be able to implement his professional functions at this time, the administration should not force him to be on duty during recess.

6. Indicate a list of types of correctional and developmental activities that do not require the development of a program, for example: independent classes of students with stimulus material and equipment of a psychologist’s office at their own request. In addition, there comes a time when a specialist masters the material so well that he can very effectively apply its individual parts in another problem situation and generally work according to the situation. In this case, for example, specialists of the highest category can be exempted from writing a detailed HRH plan.

7. Officially indicate the right and opportunity to conduct diagnostics of cognitive mental processes in the first half of the day within the framework of the official schedule.

WITH Nowadays, many school psychologists have moved from their educational institutions to centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction. The center, in my opinion, should not just unite psychologists, but ensure the performance of functions that psychologists can more effectively perform without being subordinates to the school director.

“A block (stone) stands more steadily when buried in sand,” the Japanese say about a large corporation that cooperates with small businesses. In our country, this is a center with local psychologists. Until now, the psychologists on staff at the school and the center are more like “sand surrounded by a barrier.” It’s good, of course, that this “barrier” exists; it’s much worse when you work alone. Perhaps, increasing the significance and weight of the center should be realized not only through the coordination of plans, but also by establishing a quota of time (30 or 50%) for which the school psychologist works according to the center’s plan.

The center should have specialists working there permanently, and psychologists can use programs and stimulus material that are difficult for them to acquire alone, and too labor-intensive to compile and produce. The center can develop correctional and developmental programs that can be carried out in more than one institution. The city center has more opportunities to collaborate with organizations.

Removing psychologists from the subordination of school directors has its pros and cons.

1. Directors who do not have sufficient knowledge to supervise psychologists and are aware of this will be happy, since they do not need to understand their work plans or rely entirely on the professionalism of the psychologist.

2. It is easier for a psychologist to comply with the rules of professional ethics, in particular the rule of confidentiality, when he has the right not to disclose some information to the director. However, the director, in turn, strives to have all the information, thus a contradiction or potential conflict situation arises.

3. The psychologist can talk about the shortcomings of management without fear. But most directors, like most people, have a hard time taking criticism or even advice. A situation in which a psychologist advises the director, and the director listens, can lead to dissatisfaction among the team because the director does not lead, but obeys.

4. The opinion of a person from the outside is perceived by many members of the teaching staff as more authoritative than that of their colleague at school.

5. The level of professionalism of a psychologist will be more adequately assessed, since, taking into account the peculiarities of his functionality, a quantitative assessment cannot reliably confirm this. Decent wages are the most effective and reliable basis for the growth of professionalism in any field.

6. At the moment, educational psychologists have too wide a field of activity; it is very difficult for one person to cover all this, and in conditions where the administration does not understand the complexity of his work, it is especially difficult. In new circumstances, it becomes possible to narrow the range of issues to be resolved and transfer some of the tasks to a psychologist assigned to the center.

IN In the 2008/2009 academic year, I carried out “timing of working hours” - filling out a diary. Some of the information was recorded approximately, since it was not always convenient to look at the clock during communication or it was not possible to immediately record how much time was spent on this or that task. A deviation of a few minutes is not significant for understanding the overall picture. The results of the analysis of these materials are presented in the table below.

It does not indicate the time spent scanning various teaching materials (to create in electronic form an “Workstation of a school psychologist” or an educational and methodological complex), since this was done at home and was not recorded.

Planning the work of a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution(Used working materials of the All-Russian meeting “Service of Practical Psychology in the Russian Education System. Results and Prospects” dated June 6-7, 2002 (Moscow).
The amount of total working time of a preschool educational psychologist per year with a 36-hour work week is approximately 1800 hours, 150 hours per month, according to Resolution No. 65 of the Russian Ministry of Labor dated December 29, 1992.
Initially, there was a special Instruction Letter from the Ministry of General and Vocational Education regarding the distribution of the working time of a teacher-psychologist.

The Ministry of Education of Russia, as a result of the exchange of information both with educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and with the heads of state and municipal educational institutions of the general vocational education system, has established:

· ineffective use of the working time of a teacher-psychologist under existing regulatory documents regulating activities;

· lack of opportunity to improve one’s professional competence, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the activities of a teacher-psychologist in educational institutions of various types and types;

· with the current organization of the activities of a teacher-psychologist, there is a rapid professional disqualification of him as a specialist, as a result of which in certain regions of the Russian Federation there is a noticeable turnover of psychological

Based on the foregoing, heads of state and municipal educational institutions should be guided by the fact that the workload of a teacher-psychologist in educational institutions is 36 hours per week, like all categories of teaching staff in educational institutions (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 55, paragraph 5 ), of which:

· individual group work with students
we, advisory work with teachers, educators and parents of students is 24 hours a week;

· preparation for individual and group work, processing, analysis, summarizing the results of activities, interpreting the data obtained and filling out reporting documentation (see Appendix), the time spent on improving the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist is 12 hours a week, which
does not require the mandatory presence of a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution.

When carrying out inspections, heads of educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to use the established distribution of working time of a teacher-psychologist as a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of his activities.
Deputy Minister E. E. Chepurnykh.
Today, this letter of instruction has been canceled, although in some preschool educational institutions they are trying to adhere to exactly this ratio of mandatory (attendance) and optional hours of work for a psychologist in a preschool educational institution. However, in the internal regulations today it is advisable to take into account the recommendations presented in the instruction letter No. 29/1886-6 dated December 24. 2001.
According to this document, the total working time of a psychologist is 36 hours per week, of which:

· 18 o'clock intended to be used for direct individual, group, preventive, diagnostic, correctional and developmental work with children, expert consulting and preventive work
with parents and teachers (I);

18 o'clock- to prepare for individual and group
working with students, processing, analysis, summarizing the results obtained, preparing for export-consulting and preventive work with teachers and parents, filling out analytical and reporting documentation, etc. (II)

Planning the entire scope of work by a psychologist is determined by the goals and objectives of the practical psychology service in the education system of the Russian Federation, the type and requests of the administration of a given educational institution.
Approximate indicative indicators of the activity of a teacher-psychologist for the main types of activities during the academic year are:

1. individual examination (100-150 people);

2. group examination (10-20 groups);

3. individual consultation (100-150 consultations);

4. individual lesson (100-150 lessons);

5. group lesson (200 lessons);

6. educational work with adults (40 lessons);

7. participation in consultations, commissions, administrative
broadcasts (10 meetings).

Approximate distribution of working time of an educational psychologist (per month)

Group psychological (screening) examination 1-1.5 hours 3 hours 3-3.5 hours 7 o'clock
Individual consultation 1-1.5 hours 15 hours 0.3 hours 3 hours
Individual developmental and correctional lessons 0.5-1.5 hours 15 hours 0.3 hours 3 hours
Group developmental and correctional lesson 1-1.5 hours 20 hours 1 hour 20 hours
Educational work 0.5-1.5 hours 4 hours 0.5 hours 2 hours
Expert work 2.5-3 hours 3 hours 0.5 hours 2 hours
Organizational and methodological work 7 hours a week 28 hours
Total 75 hours 75 hours

The time spent on performing a particular type of work may also vary depending on the reasons for contacting a psychologist, the primary or repeated application, age, condition and other characteristics of those applying.
In addition, in accordance with the requests of the administration of the educational institution, the combination of types of work and the amount of working time for their implementation may change. If there is no request for some of the above types of work in the educational institution, then the time allotted for their implementation is distributed to other types of work and agreed with the administration of the educational institution.
Let us now dwell on the features of drawing up an annual work plan for an educational psychologist.

Requirements for the work plan of a teacher-psychologist at an educational institution

Requirements (Appendix to the instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/01/99 No. 3 “Forms for recording the activities and reporting of educational psychologists.”) to the work plan of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution
1. When drawing up a plan, you must take into account:

· goals and objectives of the educational activities of your educational institution;

· priority of the rights and interests of the child in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law
of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia, orders and directives of constituent entities
Russian Federation;

norms of time spent on each type of activity (see.
materials of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 1995 “On the state and prospects for the development of the service of practical psychology of education in Russia”).

2. The work plan must include the following columns:

Point 2 may contain both the name of a one-time event (meeting, consultation, conversation, lesson...) and the name of a program of activities in a certain area (for example, conducting a diagnostic examination or accompanying a correction class, etc.). In the second case, there must be subparagraphs of paragraph 2, each of which has its own deadline and result.
Clause 6 should be stated in the form of specific results, allowing for monitoring of implementation. In paragraph 4, if responsibility for execution is distributed among several performers, the content of responsibility must be indicated (for example, decorating the premises, selecting participants, conducting training, etc.). A long-term work plan, including the goals and directions of work of the psychological blog in a given institution, should be drawn up for a year.
In any case, the annual work plan must be approved by the administration of the educational institution. An approximate long-term work plan for a teacher-psychologist for the academic year may look like this (compiled by senior teacher of the Moscow School of Art Gladkikh L. P. see p. 60-61).
In educational institutions where the educational psychologist is the only representative of the psychological service, design schemes for both annual and monthly plans can be presented with the distribution of main activities by type of activity:

Month Working with children Work with teachers Working with parents Working with documents
September Adaptation period in I and II ml. gr. Providing assistance in conducting diagnostics according to the educational program, participation in the teachers’ council: “Collective planning” Conversations with parents, formulating a request for psychological diagnostics of children Selection of didactic games for diagnosing the level of adaptation of children; preparation of questionnaires for diagnosing psychological climate
October Adaptation period in I and II ml. gr.; diagnostics of psychological difficulties of children, selection of children for subgroup correctional work Completion of diagnostics of children according to the program, conducting diagnostics on the topic: “Identification of creative potential and professionalism” Organization of "Mom's School" for parents of pupils Analysis of diagnostic results, selection of material for diagnosing teachers’ abilities
November Individual consultations, assessment of the psychological climate in the team Individual counseling, organization of work in “problem groups” Preparation of material for “Mom’s School”, for a workshop
December Working with correctional groups, identifying children requiring individual lessons Workshop “The influence of movement on the mental development of a child” Mom’s school: “The relationship between family and kindergarten in the development of children’s abilities” Report to the teachers' council - discussions, recommendations for teachers with different levels of development of abilities
January Working with correction Teachers' council-discussion: Individual The program was carried out
ny groups; for- "Children with disabilities consulting group classes
classes in the senior group mi in behavior" nie; classes in in the senior group
not for correction "Mom's school" ne
management of children le"; training for children
February Subgroup classes Open classes with Open front Script for "Psycho"
age in middle and old age children for correction tal classes logical living room"
neck group; participation behavior; their psi- with children
in PMPC chological ana-
March Diagnostics ready- Psychological Individual Conclusion on the
get children ready for school, living room" on the topic: consulting diagnostics
participation in PMPC “The situation may be due to nie; seminar for teachers
change for the better- parents for you
mu" out of stress
new states
April Diagnostics ready- Training for children Individual Preparation for scientific
getting children ready for school parental relations consulting for practical purposes
(continuation); participation ny minara
ties in PMPC
Month Working with children Work with teachers Working with parents Working with documents
May." Diagnostics of mastering the program for the year, control sections; working with the school preparatory group to adapt children to school; participation in PMPC Scientific and practical seminar on the topic: “The child and the world around him (knowledge, feelings, relationships)” Frontal exercises Processing the results of control tests, preparing recommendations, making a conclusion about children’s readiness for school
June Working with “Development Maps” of pupils Participation in the teachers' council: “Results of work for the year” Consulting on the results of control sections Prepare a report for the teachers' council on the work done for the year
July-August Providing assistance in the formation of united groups of different ages Recommendations for equipping the pedagogical process in the new academic year Consultation; “Creating optimal conditions for maintaining mental health during the summer holidays” Preparing for the new school year

The work plan for the week is drawn up according to a simpler scheme. The schedule (schedule) for the upcoming work week is drawn up at the end of the work week as follows:

Work planning is carried out based on the following standards for the time spent on performing certain types of work.

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Important! At the end of the article, a video seminar is presented on the topic “Implementation of labor rights and social guarantees of teaching staff”

Working hours

For educational psychologists, a 36-hour working time has been established (clause 1 of the appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 No. 191 “On the working hours (standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of teaching staff of educational institutions”). At the same time, no time relationships have been defined for the performance of certain types of work within the limits of their job responsibilities, including in the job description of a teacher psychologist.

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Each educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the educational institution), taking into account the specifics of its activities, has the right to independently determine the mode of fulfillment of the duties assigned to the teacher-psychologist, including the duration of work directly with students and pupils (Regulation on the peculiarities of the working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 27, 2006 No. 69; hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

Thus, the working hours of educational psychologists within a 36-hour work week are regulated by the Internal Labor Regulations of the educational institution, taking into account:

  • performing individual and group advisory work with participants in the educational process within at least half of the weekly duration of their working time;
  • preparing for individual and group advisory work, processing, analyzing and summarizing the results obtained, filling out reporting documentation, as well as improving one’s qualifications. This work can be carried out by educational psychologists both directly at the educational institution and outside it. (clause 8.1. Regulations).

The internal labor regulations, which, among other things, determine the working hours of employees, are approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees of the institution (Article 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the local level, the interests of workers who are members of the trade union, and during collective bargaining (including when adopting internal labor regulations), the interests of all workers, regardless of their membership in the trade union, are represented by the elected body of the primary trade union organization.

Position "educator-psychologist"

The vacation of educational psychologists lasting 56 calendar days is provided for:

  • in general educational institutions, general education boarding schools, educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, including those that have groups for preschool children;
  • special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with developmental disabilities;
  • Preschool educational institution for pupils with developmental disabilities;
  • sanatorium-type health institutions for children in need of long-term treatment;
  • Preschool educational institutions for children in need of long-term treatment;
  • special educational institutions of open and closed type;
  • Educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age;
  • Educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance;
  • interschool training centers; training and production workshops;
  • institutions of primary and secondary vocational education;
  • institutions of higher professional education and additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists;
  • psychological services of the education system;
  • health and social service institutions.

In preschool educational institutions (including preschool institutions that have separate groups of pupils with speech impairments or other disabilities), in institutions of additional education for children, in educational, teaching and methodological rooms (centers), leave of educational psychologists is granted for the duration 42 calendar days.

Early retirement pension

Currently, the bodies providing pension provision, when making appointments in connection with teaching activities, are guided by the procedure and conditions determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2002 No. 781 (“On the Lists of works, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which early appointment old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, and on the approval of the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” Federation"").

Despite the fact that the position of “educator-psychologist” is included in the List approved by this resolution, periods of work in this position in the length of service giving the right to early retirement pension are included only in cases where educational psychologists work in institutions provided for in paragraph 11 Rules approved by the same resolution.

It has been established that working as a “teacher-psychologist” in educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, special (correctional) educational institutions for students (pupils) with developmental disabilities, special educational institutions of open and closed type, Educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, and in social service institutions (clauses 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.11, 1.13 of the section “Name of institutions” of the List).

Time of work in other institutions for children, for example, in general educational institutions, preschool institutions, institutions of additional education for children and some others not mentioned in paragraph 11 of the Rules, as part of the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension in connection with teaching activities during periods of work in the position The educational psychologist is not included in the school. Such a restriction can be considered a violation of the principle of fairness and equality in pension rights, which can be challenged in court.

Standards for introducing the position of “educator-psychologist”

Letter No. 16 of the USSR State Education Department dated April 27, 1989, in accordance with which it was proposed to introduce positions of psychologists into the staff of educational institutions, did not propose any centralized standard.

At the same time, in some institutions for which standard staffing levels or staffing standards were adopted after 1989, the standard for introduction was already provided for.

Thus, in the standards for determining the number of personnel engaged in servicing preschool educational institutions (nurseries, nurseries, kindergartens) (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 21, 1993 No. 88), the position of “educator-psychologist” is provided for every 3 groups of 0.25 units positions.

Approximate staffing standards (approved by order of the State Education of the USSR dated May 15, 1991 No. 227) for kindergarten schools stipulate that the position of a psychologist in the staff of an institution consisting of grades I-XI (XII) and preschool groups is established in the presence of a specialist with a special psychological education and characteristics of a social teacher.

Standard states or staffing standards adopted in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide for different standards for the position of “educator-psychologist”. For example, one position of “teacher-psychologist” in a preschool educational institution is provided for 4 groups.

At the same time, whatever the established staffing standard for the position of “teacher-psychologist”, this does not mean that educational institutions cannot change it, since approval of the structure and staffing table falls within the competence of the institution itself, and therefore it has the right to act according to this the issue independently within the limits of the existing wage fund (Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

V.N. Ponkratova,
expert of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education

Implementation of labor rights and social guarantees for teaching staff

Vera Ponkratova, expert of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, Sergey Khmelkov, deputy. head Legal Department, Chief Legal Labor Inspector of the Central Council of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education

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