Multiple sclerosis. Forecast

A medical prognosis is a prediction of the likely development and outcome of a disease, based on knowledge of the patterns of pathological processes and the course of the disease.

Forms of prognosis: 1) whether the disease threatens the patient’s life (prognosis quoad vitam); 2) whether the patient will fully recover (prognosis quoad sanationem); 3) how long he will live (prognosis quoad longitudinem vitae); 4) how the disease will progress (prognosis quoad decursum morbi). An assessment of the general condition from the point of view of prognosis is usually expressed in the following formulations: prognosis bona (good), dubia (doubtful), mala (bad), pessima (very bad).

Statistics allow us to substantiate to some extent the expected outcome, as well as the frequency and nature of complications (for example, perforation of the small intestine, etc.).

The average duration of the disease is essential for the prognosis: the longer the acute disease, the more unfavorable the prognosis becomes.

The prognosis of the disease depends primarily on the correct diagnosis (see), correct assessment of the patient’s age characteristics, his metabolism (exhaustion, obesity), emotional mood (calm, irritable, prone to anger), the nature of work, concomitant diseases, bad habits and etc.

The prognosis of a chronic disease is more difficult than that of an acute one. Some diseases that are incurable at the current level of medical science inevitably lead to death within a few months or years, such as leukemia. Other diseases are curable if diagnosed early, for example in the initial stages with surgery or radiation therapy.

For chronic diseases that are less severe and completely curable (, etc.), the prognosis may depend on the timing of the start of treatment, for example, complex therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis.

The ability to compensate for damage or defect is often significant for prognosis.

Prognosis and patient. Usually the patient is primarily interested in the prognosis, and not the diagnosis of the disease. He also asks about the diagnosis from the point of view of prognosis. The healthcare professional should always be prepared to respond. With patients suffering from malignant neoplasms, the conversation should be conducted more carefully and carefully to prevent the patient from accidentally informing the patient about the severity of the prognosis. If patients with operable malignant tumors stubbornly refuse the recommended operation, then in these cases the prognosis communicated to the patient should only contain an indication that delaying the operation may threaten the transition, for example, to cancer.

The exact timing and chances of recovery should not be determined. A prognostic assessment is usually expressed in a conditional mood (“if there are no complications” or “the situation is serious, but recovery should occur”).

It is generally accepted to draw the patient’s attention to favorable symptoms of recovery and divert attention from severe manifestations of the disease. If the patient's condition is serious, the patient's relatives should be informed of the unfavorable prognosis. The methods of therapeutic foresight have changed along with the development of medicine.

At the dawn of medical science, the only method of prognosis was empirical. The modern forecast is justified by a large amount of factual data obtained as a result of monitoring the patient, studying the functional state of organs and systems, and treating the patient. Anamnestic data and the development of the disease are also taken into account. Prognosis as a scientific discipline that studies the methods of medical prediction is constantly being improved.

Forecast (Greek prognosis - foresight, prognosis) medical - prediction of the occurrence, development and outcome of a disease, based on knowledge of the patterns of pathological processes and the course of diseases; prognosis is also defined as a diagnosis of the future.

General questions of prognosis represent the most necessary, but also the most difficult area of ​​clinical medicine. The importance of prognosis in the clinic is determined by the main goals of practical medicine - disease prevention and treatment of patients. In this respect, the work of a doctor is similar to that of a scientist: to investigate laws in order to provide for phenomena, and to provide for phenomena in order to master them. Knowledge of the etiology of diseases, harmful factors at work and in everyday life that worsen health, allows us to predict under what conditions an individual or a group may fall ill. Prevention measures in public and personal life are based on such foresight. Broad preventive measures against epidemic diseases are based on timely recognition of diseases and anticipation of the possibility of their occurrence, as well as knowledge of the ways of spreading a contagious disease. For example, the discovery of a case of diphtheria or typhus forces a number of extensive sanitary and preventive measures to be taken; the anticipation of a seasonal outbreak of influenza forces vaccination against it at a certain time. If there is a possibility of exacerbation or return of the disease, preventive treatment is carried out, for example, to prevent the relapse of rheumatism, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, etc. Planning of the work of health authorities is based on the forecast of the frequency of individual forms of diseases and the general morbidity of the population.

Forecast forms. The first and most important question of interest to the doctor and the patient is whether the disease is fatal, whether the patient will remain alive (prognosis quoad vitam), then whether the patient will fully recover (prognosis quoad sanationem), how long he will live (prognosis quoad longitudinem vitae), how will the course of the disease at first and in the future (prognosis quoad decursum morbi). It is also important to know what effect the treatment will have, how dangerous surgery is, whether health defects will remain after the disease, whether the patient will be able to work, what is the amount of his residual ability to work, what form of work is harmless for him. An assessment of the general condition from the point of view of prognosis is usually expressed in the following formulations: prognosis bona, dubia, mala, pessima. It is impossible to list all the questions about the nature of the course of the disease and the future of the patient that arise in medical practice. Each advice and action of a doctor is preceded by a prediction or assumption about the results of his measures.

Disease prognosis. In modern medicine, the prognosis depends primarily on the accurate diagnosis of the disease. A forecast of the danger of a disease can be based on statistics, i.e., a quantitative pattern in a mass study of disease cases (frequency of complete recovery, residual effects, mortality percentage). Statistics make it possible, to some extent, to justify the expectation of a particular outcome, but it serves only as one of the guidelines for constructing an individual prognosis, i.e., predicting the course of the disease of a particular patient. No less significant are statistical data on the frequency and nature of complications in a particular disease, for example, perforation of the small intestine in typhoid fever, gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

The age of the patient determines the entire nature of the disease; at a young age the prognosis is generally always better; youth is the patient's best friend. However, in infants and especially in newborns, the prognosis should be made with great caution. Constitution, hereditary characteristics and exogenous conditions (previous diseases, living conditions) influence the course of diseases, as well as the general condition of the body before the disease.

The heavy prognostic significance of individual symptoms established long ago, such as coldness of the extremities after surgery or in infectious diseases or pericardial friction rub during uremia, etc., is justified in most cases, but at present they are not considered as simple empirical signs, but as manifestations of the degree or quality underlying their pathological process.

Prognosis of practically healthy. The life expectancy of a practically healthy person, barring accidents such as a car accident, depends on the characteristics of the human body and numerous environmental conditions. Determining the (approximate) life expectancy of a healthy person is always a challenge for life insurance companies.

These organizations, using a number of indicators and statistical processing of mass surveys, can give average life expectancy forecasts for people of different ages; these statistical patterns are justified on a mass scale.

Finding out the life expectancy of the parents is sometimes essential for the prognosis; as they say, “the wise choice of ancestors” often determines a long life. Directly related to the question of heredity (see) is the definition of the constitution (see) and its significance for the life of a given person.

The role of labor in maintaining health is revealed, for example, in some cases of decreased nervous and somatic tone, resistance to a number of diseases in elderly people who have retired. It is well known that living conditions (housing, food, etc.) and habits that do not meet hygienic standards predispose to the development of various diseases; excessive eating, smoking, and alcohol consumption should be considered as real diseases, and not just bad habits, often leading to serious consequences in the near or distant future.

General forecast closely related to treatment success; the mortality rate from most diseases decreases every year as a result of new discoveries in scientific medicine and improved healthcare organization. It is necessary to note the importance of determining the stage of the disease, the pattern of its course, since each period of the disease is fraught with its own dangers; deviations in the flow pattern are alarming. The value of the average duration of the disease is important for the prognosis: the longer the acute disease continues, the grimmer the prognosis becomes. The body's reaction to an etiological factor can be so excessive that it leads to death.

Prognosis of chronic disease causes more difficulties than acute ones. Some diseases that are incurable at the current level of medical science inevitably lead to death within a few months or years, such as leukemia. Other diseases are, in principle, curable, such as cancer in the early stages with timely surgery or the use of radiation therapy. In such cases, the prognosis is not absolutely hopeless and is based on determining the possibility of cure. The condition of vital organs and the degree of exhaustion make it possible to partially assess the severity of the patient’s situation.

The third group consists of chronic diseases, less malignant and completely curable, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, with greater or lesser defects due to the illness or treatment used (for example, pneumonectomy, amputation of a limb). The duration and outcome of diseases in this group and, therefore, prognoses largely depend on the results of treatment.

The ability to compensate for damage or defect is often significant for prognosis. When solving this problem, one must take into account, in particular, the time factor or the rate of progression of damage.

The body's adaptability to changing environmental conditions is the basis for prognosis in chronic diseases. As you know, adaptability - the main quality of all living things - is far from the same among different people. To predict the course of the disease and the patient’s ability to work, his temperament and characterological characteristics are also essential.

Prognosis and patient. Usually the patient is primarily interested in the prognosis, and not the diagnosis of the disease (the patient lives mainly in the future); He also asks about the diagnosis from the point of view of prognosis: is the disease severe or curable? The doctor is obliged to immediately answer the patient’s questions about the future, so he should always be prepared to answer. The relationship between the doctor and the patient is entirely subordinate to the goals of medicine (prevention and treatment of diseases, alleviation of the patient’s suffering), therefore, informing the patient of the prognosis should not contradict medical goals. A fatal prognosis is always excluded from conversations with the patient, as well as with others, if there is a possibility of transmitting the latter to the patient. The exception is patients with operable malignant tumors who stubbornly refuse recommended surgery. But even in these cases, the prognosis communicated to the patient should only contain an indication that a delay in the operation may threaten the disease (for example, an alleged stomach ulcer) turning into cancer. The same warning may be required in the case of a truly precancerous disease, which the patient treats lightly. The doctor should be wary of accidentally informing the patient about the severity of the prognosis (careless word, gesture, etc.). The doctor should communicate the prognosis in terms that the patient understands, without going into details. An uncertain prognosis, as well as the absence of a diagnosis, can only increase the patient’s anxiety and doubts, but the words “never” or “always” should not be used, and the exact timing or chances of recovery should not be determined. A prognostic assessment is usually expressed in a conditional mood, for example, the prospects are quite favorable if there are no complications, or the situation is serious, but recovery should occur if therapeutic prescriptions are followed, etc. In some cases, patients are afraid to find out the true state of the matter, fearing that the doctor will deprive them of hope by confirming the incurability of suffering; in other cases, truly severe ones, neither the patient nor the doctor talks about the prognosis; It is not uncommon for patients, even sick doctors, to deceive themselves with the hope of recovery, despite the obvious severity of the disease, such as cancer. This peculiar protective reaction of the psyche, a protective illusion, should be maintained if it does not cause the patient’s categorical refusal to undergo vital surgical measures, for example, amputation of a limb, etc.

It is generally accepted to draw the patient's attention to favorable symptoms, or signs, of recovery and to divert attention from severe manifestations of the disease. The doctor is forced to hide a difficult prediction from the patient, but a true assessment of the condition should be communicated to one of the family members, if there is confidence that this will remain a secret, and also recorded in the medical history. A good prognosis is useful both for the patient’s well-being and for the success of treatment; if the forecast calms and gives cheerfulness to the patient, then “the prediction coincides with the treatment” (G. A. Zakharyin).

Methods Medical foresight changed along with the development of medicine. At the dawn of medical science, the only method of prognosis was empirical, which still has some significance today.

A sharp deviation of individual body functions from the norm indicates a threatening situation, but does not allow one to reliably determine the outcome of the disease, since changes in functions are not only due to damage, but often represent the body’s reaction to this damage (and often a useful reaction), for example, severe vomiting or diarrhea for some poisonings, etc., followed by recovery. The second technique of the empirical method of prognosis is based on the assumption of recurrence of painful phenomena if symptoms that usually precede nm are detected, i.e., prediction is based on signs of the disease. Prognostic signs of this kind were of great value in the time of Hippocrates, but they do not have the force of obligation or necessity that appears only in cause-and-effect relationships. Therefore, the evidence of such signs is relative. The third way to determine the forecast is based on the summation of a large number of individual phenomena (i.e., statistical patterns), but for the forecast of individual cases it has only a roughly approximate value. Statistical patterns by themselves do not reveal causal relationships, but can only contribute to their discovery. Statistical data for disease prognosis are important only for a certain time, since with the success of treatment, mortality from any disease can decrease several times. One of the most important reasons for determining the prognosis is medical experience. Prognostic judgments are usually based on analogies, on memories of the course and outcome of similar cases. Monitoring the patient from the beginning to the end of the disease is valuable for gaining experience in predicting the course of the disease. Along with medical experience, scientific data on the characteristics of the course and outcome of a particular disease, which make it possible to predict what can or should happen to the patient in the future, is of utmost importance. Scientific research not only contains descriptions of the possible course of the disease depending on its form and stage, the constitution of the patient, etc., but also illuminates the causes of a particular course, mechanisms of damage to the body, the nature of the recovery processes and their signs. Knowledge of the etiological factors, pathogenesis of the disease and the currently observed consequences of pathological processes in a given patient allows us to make the prognosis more reliable and convincing. The disease occurs as a result of damage to the body (as a whole or part of it) and the body’s reaction to damage; an example would be an inflammatory response resulting from the introduction of a microbe or injury. In the simplest case, with the simultaneous action of a cause, for example a burn, a biological chain reaction develops at the site of damage (inflammation, reparative processes) and a general reaction of the body (increase in temperature, changes in blood composition, etc.), which proceed over a certain period of time, i.e. That is, self-development of the pathological process occurs, and local and general changes can be used to judge the severity of the protective reaction, the possibility of recovery and the timing of the outcome of the disease. The prognosis of the course of a particular disease depends on the accuracy and completeness of the diagnosis, taking into account local changes and the general condition.

Thus, to determine the prognosis, more facts about the patient’s condition are used than for diagnosis, and the results of treatment are also added. The reasoning process is more complex than when ascertaining the current state of the body.

The logical basis of prognosis differs significantly from diagnostic knowledge. To recognize the patient’s present condition, the doctor examines it, looks for and records manifestations (symptoms) of the disease and, based on their combination, sequence of occurrence and other features, comes to a conclusion about the nature of the pathological process (i.e., moves from the phenomenon to the essence) and then clarifies the etiology and the conditions under which the disease occurred. Based on the present condition and anamnesis, the doctor can reconstruct the picture of the previous development of the disease, i.e. the past.

In prognosis, the task of reasoning is to derive consequences from the presence of a cause or conditions and the condition of a particular patient, which corresponds to the deductive method of inference. Due to the complexity of life processes, it is rarely possible to take into account all trends or patterns, and foresight must be based on the main ones.

It is known that any pathological process cannot but change, that it always causes the opposite process and is combined with it and, thus, as a result of the combination of both processes, the disease moves to the next stage of its development or to a qualitatively new stage; the final outcome is recovery or death. The body's response to damage is not instantaneous, but represents a process that occurs over time and passes through certain phases, which can be considered as the self-development of the pathological process and the prognosis can be based on its patterns. In reality, the situation is more complicated, since the doctor intervenes in the natural course of the disease; therefore, treatment must also be taken into account when establishing prognosis.

Based on factual data, through their synthesis, i.e. establishing the relationship of all phenomena, an idea is created about the dynamics and direction of development of the disease of the body as a whole, and not a simple addition of signs (Lao Tzu also said that the sum of the parts is not the whole) . Therefore, before an answer is formulated, it is necessary to discuss options for the future course of the disease, weigh all the arguments for and against one or another option and determine the degree of likelihood of each. This part of medical conclusions is the subject of differential prognosis, which has not yet been developed; it can be based on the type of differential diagnosis. Prognostication as a scientific discipline that studies the methods of medical prediction is still very imperfect, although it was started by Hippocrates. An essential indicator of the most complete understanding and explanation of the patient’s condition, in addition to diagnosis (see), is the correct prognosis.

Anastasia Nikolaevna Semenova

Big Book of the Moon. Favorable forecast for every day


Do you love looking at the moon?

Maybe the mysterious night luminary awakens romantic dreams in you? Or maybe, on the contrary, it makes you sad and melancholy?

In any case, our closest neighbor, the Moon, does not leave anyone indifferent. And this is natural: it is not for nothing that they say that we live in a sublunary world. This means that the Moon greatly influences all of us, earthlings, even if we do not notice this influence. We depend on the Moon, and there is no escape from it.

We all feel this dependence in one way or another, although we are not always aware of it. We are very familiar with strange and incomprehensible mood swings: everything seems to be fine, and there is nothing to be sad about, but suddenly the blues come over for no reason at all. Or irritability will arise such that you just want to tear everyone around. Or tears will suddenly flow by themselves, although there is no apparent reason. Not to mention all sorts of ailments, causeless fatigue, weakness, headaches, when doctors do not find any diseases. Any woman knows that something like this can happen: yesterday she looked great, but today it’s unclear what’s happening to her face, even though she slept and rested... Familiar conditions, isn’t it? What is their reason?

There is only one reason: something has subtly changed in the world around us, the rhythms of the Universe have changed (and something is constantly changing in the Universe, because it is a living organism), but we did not have time to rebuild, our body was not able to fit into the harmony of the universe in time and suffers from this . After all, the human body is exhausted and confused by the eternal bustle, the pursuit of solving momentary problems. He is cut off from nature and calls on us for help, signals with pain, ailments, and asks to return his true natural essence. But we don’t hear it, we separate it even more from nature, drowning out the pain with pills or other harsh influences. And by doing this we completely violate our natural rhythms.

If we want to be healthy and happy, we just need to return the body to the ability to live in harmony with nature. That's all. How to do this? Very simple. The rhythms of the Moon for us, earthlings, are a reflection of the rhythms of the Universe. By building your life in accordance with the rhythms of the Moon, you will see how you and your whole life will change beyond recognition.

How and why does the Moon affect us? How do our health, mood, behavior and emotions, and the success of our daily affairs depend on the Moon? How can the Moon help maintain health, youth and beauty? How can you hear the Moon’s hints and advice when working in your garden or in your own kitchen? How to determine what program the Moon laid in you from birth and how karma and fate depend on it? You will learn about all this by reading this book.

General characteristics of the Moon

Our distant ancestors, who lived in harmony with nature, placed the Moon in a special place in the life of all things. Indeed, in those ancient times, when there were no benefits of modern civilization, the only thing that helped a person survive was knowledge of the laws of nature. The study of lunar influence was not dictated by simple curiosity. This was a vital necessity.

Centuries-old observations have allowed man to confirm that many significant processes on Earth are associated precisely with this mysterious celestial body and its closest satellite - the Moon. People managed to establish a relationship between the rhythm of the Moon and the ebb and flow of the tide, natural disasters, the monthly cycle in women, conception and birth, animal behavior (for example, birds collect material for nests in certain time).

It turned out that the harvest depends on the lunar rhythm, food tastes better if you know when to cook it, and household chores can bring joy if you do them on time. Herbs collected on some days have a strong healing effect, while on others they will not bring any benefit or even harm. A later discovery was the conclusion that medical treatment and surgical operations on certain days are more successful, without side effects or complications. And much, much more.


If the Sun is considered a symbol of life, then the Moon is the image of our soul. It symbolizes the human “I”, his personality, the nature of his destiny.

Since ancient times, people have seen the Moon as a kind of treasury of mystical knowledge, which conceals the hidden mysteries of life, death and fate. She governs change, ebb and flow, fertility and infertility, conception and pregnancy.

Let's say a few words about what qualities the Moon has. And to make it easier for us, let’s compare the properties of the Sun and the Moon: this way the fundamental features of the latter will become most obvious.

Sun in the horoscope

The Sun in the horoscope represents human individuality, personality and willpower. These are the qualities of a person that are visible to others. It governs principles, life positions, authority, power, and leadership positions. By the position of the Sun we judge how proud a person is, how great his sense of self-esteem is, how strong his energy and physical health are.

The Sun is self-expression, reputation, energy and fame, selfishness and influence.

This is a male planet. Professions acquired under the sign of this star are leadership ones. These are rulers, ministers, priests, philosophers, artists, biologists. In the human body, the Sun rules the heart, spleen, upper back, spinal cord, anterior pituitary gland, right eye in men and left eye in women.

Moon in the horoscope

The moon in the horoscope symbolizes mood, adaptation, attachment to home and mother, and fertility. The Moon represents woman, wife, mother, small children, family, nation. The Moon influences the following professions: sailors, gardeners, travelers, actors, traveling salesmen, fishermen, service personnel, intermediaries.

In the human body, the Moon rules the lymph, blood plasma, lungs, stomach, cerebellum, right hemisphere of the brain, mucous membranes, mammary glands, uterus, left eye in men and right eye in women.


The moon in the horoscope represents a person as he sees and feels himself. It is responsible for the subconscious, emotions, instincts, intuition - in a word, for the entire inner world, what our soul lives by.

This is the soul's response to external events and what governs our feelings. Adults often try to hide the “lunar” qualities of their character. And no wonder, because in our society instinctive actions are considered primitive, and the primacy of emotions is considered stupidity. People follow stereotypes and as a result we live in a world where everyone complains about being insincere and unnatural.

In a way, the Moon is that side of our personality that gives us moral discomfort. It is she who gives birth to fears, heavy forebodings, suspicions, sadness, despair, hatred. But this is not the only way the Moon can influence human nature. It also gives us the ability to see the future, comprehend the true meaning of things and events, lifts our spirits for no apparent reason, gives us emotions and feelings of joy, calmness, contentment, and tranquility. It is thanks to the Moon that we are so sensitive to the emotional situation. And they are able to subtly perceive odors: it is no coincidence that women ruled by the Moon are much more receptive to aromas and love perfume more than men ruled by the Sun!

Living in accordance with lunar rhythms means harmony with nature and yourself.

It is enough to plan at least one month taking into account the lunar days - and things will quietly improve, your well-being will improve, and chronic fatigue will disappear. The book you are holding in your hands is entirely dedicated to the Moon. From it you will learn how it affects everything that exists on Earth; how our health, feelings, success, mood, work, travel depend on the Moon; how to use it to preserve youth and beauty; how the Moon helps in everyday affairs, everyday life, housekeeping, and at the dacha; how the planet shapes our character. Don't be surprised: all this is really under the control of the Moon.

Astrological characteristics of the moon

Day and night house of the Moon in Cancer.

Spirit of the Planet: Gabriel.

Angel of the Planet: Fil.

Genius of the planet: Gabriel.

Day: Monday.

Element: water, cold, damp.

Colors: white, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea green).

Numbers: 2, 9, 81, 369, 3321.

Periods: week, month, 4 years, 19 years. February 2 -12; April 29 – May 8; June 8-11; September 16–25; November 25 – December 4.

Side of the world: west.

Taste: salty.

Metal: silver.

Minerals: rock crystal, diamond, marcasite, selenite, beryl, white coral.

Do you love looking at the moon?

Maybe the mysterious night luminary awakens romantic dreams in you? Or maybe, on the contrary, it makes you sad and melancholy?

In any case, our closest neighbor, the Moon, does not leave anyone indifferent. And this is natural: it is not for nothing that they say that we live in a sublunary world. This means that the Moon greatly influences all of us, earthlings, even if we do not notice this influence. We depend on the Moon, and there is no escape from it.

We all feel this dependence in one way or another, although we are not always aware of it. We are very familiar with strange and incomprehensible mood swings: everything seems to be fine, and there is nothing to be sad about, but suddenly the blues come over for no reason at all. Or irritability will arise such that you just want to tear everyone around. Or tears will suddenly flow by themselves, although there is no apparent reason. Not to mention all sorts of ailments, causeless fatigue, weakness, headaches, when doctors do not find any diseases. Any woman knows that something like this can happen: yesterday she looked great, but today it’s unclear what’s happening to her face, even though she slept and rested... Familiar conditions, isn’t it? What is their reason?

There is only one reason: something has subtly changed in the world around us, the rhythms of the Universe have changed (and something is constantly changing in the Universe, because it is a living organism), but we did not have time to rebuild, our body was not able to fit into the harmony of the universe in time and suffers from this . After all, the human body is exhausted and confused by the eternal bustle, the pursuit of solving momentary problems. He is cut off from nature and calls on us for help, signals with pain, ailments, and asks to return his true natural essence. But we don’t hear it, we separate it even more from nature, drowning out the pain with pills or other harsh influences. And by doing this we completely violate our natural rhythms.

If we want to be healthy and happy, we just need to return the body to the ability to live in harmony with nature. That's all. How to do this? Very simple. The rhythms of the Moon for us, earthlings, are a reflection of the rhythms of the Universe. By building your life in accordance with the rhythms of the Moon, you will see how you and your whole life will change beyond recognition.

How and why does the Moon affect us? How do our health, mood, behavior and emotions, and the success of our daily affairs depend on the Moon? How can the Moon help maintain health, youth and beauty? How can you hear the Moon’s hints and advice when working in your garden or in your own kitchen? How to determine what program the Moon laid in you from birth and how karma and fate depend on it?

You will learn about all this by reading this book.

General characteristics of the Moon

Our distant ancestors, who lived in harmony with nature, placed the Moon in a special place in the life of all things. Indeed, in those ancient times, when there were no benefits of modern civilization, the only thing that helped a person survive was knowledge of the laws of nature. The study of lunar influence was not dictated by simple curiosity. This was a vital necessity.

Centuries-old observations have allowed man to confirm that many significant processes on Earth are connected precisely with this mysterious celestial body and its closest satellite - the Moon. People managed to establish a relationship between the rhythm of the Moon and the ebb and flow of the tide, natural disasters, the monthly cycle in women, conception and birth, and animal behavior (for example, birds collect material for nests at a certain time).

It turned out that the harvest depends on the lunar rhythm, food tastes better if you know when to cook it, and household chores can bring joy if you do them on time. Herbs collected on some days have a strong healing effect, while on others they will not bring any benefit or even harm. A later discovery was the conclusion that medical treatment and surgical operations on certain days are more successful, without side effects or complications. And much, much more.

If the Sun is considered a symbol of life, then the Moon is the image of our soul. It symbolizes the human “I”, his personality, the nature of his destiny.

Since ancient times, people have seen the Moon as a kind of treasury of mystical knowledge, which conceals the hidden mysteries of life, death and fate. She governs change, ebb and flow, fertility and infertility, conception and pregnancy.

Let's say a few words about what qualities the Moon has. And to make it easier for us, let’s compare the properties of the Sun and the Moon: this way the fundamental features of the latter will become most obvious.

Sun in the horoscope

The Sun in the horoscope represents human individuality, personality and willpower. These are the qualities of a person that are visible to others. It governs principles, life positions, authority, power, and leadership positions. By the position of the Sun we judge how proud a person is, how great his sense of self-esteem is, how strong his energy and physical health are.

The Sun is self-expression, reputation, energy and fame, selfishness and influence.

This is a male planet. Professions acquired under the sign of this star are leadership ones. These are rulers, ministers, priests, philosophers, artists, biologists. In the human body, the Sun rules the heart, spleen, upper back, spinal cord, anterior pituitary gland, right eye in men and left eye in women.

Moon in the horoscope

The moon in the horoscope symbolizes mood, adaptation, attachment to home and mother, and fertility. The Moon represents woman, wife, mother, small children, family, nation. The Moon influences the following professions: sailors, gardeners, travelers, actors, traveling salesmen, fishermen, service personnel, intermediaries.

In the human body, the Moon rules the lymph, blood plasma, lungs, stomach, cerebellum, right hemisphere of the brain, mucous membranes, mammary glands, uterus, left eye in men and right eye in women.

The moon in the horoscope represents a person as he sees and feels himself. It is responsible for the subconscious, emotions, instincts, intuition - in a word, for the entire inner world, what our soul lives by.

This is the soul's response to external events and what governs our feelings. Adults often try to hide the “lunar” qualities of their character. And no wonder, because in our society instinctive actions are considered primitive, and the primacy of emotions is considered stupidity. People follow stereotypes and as a result we live in a world where everyone complains about being insincere and unnatural.

In a way, the Moon is that side of our personality that gives us moral discomfort. It is she who gives birth to fears, heavy forebodings, suspicions, sadness, despair, hatred. But this is not the only way the Moon can influence human nature. It also gives us the ability to see the future, comprehend the true meaning of things and events, lifts our spirits for no apparent reason, gives us emotions and feelings of joy, calmness, contentment, and tranquility. It is thanks to the Moon that we are so sensitive to the emotional situation. And they are able to subtly perceive odors: it is no coincidence that women ruled by the Moon are much more receptive to aromas and love perfume more than men ruled by the Sun!

Living in accordance with lunar rhythms means harmony with nature and yourself.

It is enough to plan at least one month taking into account the lunar days - and things will quietly improve, your well-being will improve, and chronic fatigue will disappear. The book you are holding in your hands is entirely dedicated to the Moon. From it you will learn how it affects everything that exists on Earth; how our health, feelings, success, mood, work, travel depend on the Moon; how to use it to preserve youth and beauty; how the Moon helps in everyday affairs, everyday life, housekeeping, and at the dacha; how the planet shapes our character. Don't be surprised: all this is really under the control of the Moon.

The meaning of DISEASE PROGNOSIS FAVORABLE in Medical terms


(p. bona) P. b., according to which a complete recovery or a benign course of the disease is expected.

Medical terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is FAVORABLE DISEASE PROGNOSIS in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    a probabilistic judgment about the state of a phenomenon in the future, based on a special scientific study (forecasting). Depending on the nature of the relationship in...
  • FORECAST in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (Greek prognosis - foresight, prediction) - a scientifically based hypothesis about the probable future state of the system and objects and characterizing this state ...
  • DISEASES in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • FORECAST in the Medical Dictionary:
  • FORECAST in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    The histological type of carcinoma significantly influences the prognosis. Carcinomas are divided according to the ability of cells to metastasize. - Non-metastatic carcinomas are non-invasive and constitute...
  • FORECAST in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek prognosis - foresight, prediction), initially a prediction of the course of the disease, then in general any specific prediction, a judgment about the state of any phenomenon ...
  • FORECAST in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    name of the owl series specialized artificial Earth satellites (AES) - solar observatories designed to study the processes of solar activity, their influence on ...
  • FORECAST in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Prognosis) - prediction of the development and outcome of the disease, based on the accuracy of recognition (see Diagnosis). When P. take into account the constitution of the patient, ...
    [Greek] foresight, prediction based on certain data (for example, weather forecast, forecast of course and outcome...
  • FORECAST in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. A conclusion about the upcoming development and outcome of something based on some data. P. weather. P. events.||Wed. HYPOTHESIS...
  • FORECAST in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PROGNO3, -a, m. A conclusion based on a special study about the upcoming development and outcome of something. P. weather. P. diseases. P. events. ...
  • FAVORABLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -th, -oe; -ten, -tna. Contributing to something, good. Favorable conditions. B. result. II noun auspiciousness, -and...
    WEATHER FORECAST, scientifically based assumptions about future weather conditions; short-term P.p. - for 1-3 days and long-term - from 5 days...
  • FORECAST in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PROGNOSIS OF DISEASE, medical prediction of the further course and outcome of the disease (in relation to life, health and ability to work) based on diagnosis, assessment of general ...
  • FORECAST in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "PROGNOZ", satellites for studying solar activity, its influence on the Earth's magnetosphere, etc. In 1972-85, 10 satellites "P" were launched in the USSR. ...
  • FORECAST in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PROGNOSIS (from the Greek prognosis - foresight, prediction), initially prediction of the course of the disease, then in general any specific prediction, judgment about the state of someone. ...
  • FORECAST in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (Prognosis) ? prediction of the development and outcome of the disease, based on the accuracy of recognition (see Diagnosis). When P. take into account the constitution of the patient, ...
    prognoz, prognoz, prognoz, prognozom, prognoz, prognoz, prognoz, prognoz, prognoz, prognozom, prognozami, prognoz, ...
  • FAVORABLE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, favorable, ...
  • FORECAST in the Dictionary of the Great Russian Language of Business Communication:
    a guessed numerical value that later turns out to be incorrect due to objective reasons. (Schwarzkopf Business Slang Dictionary...
  • FAVORABLE in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -aya, -oe; -ten, -tna 1) Contributing, helping something, convenient for something. Take advantage of favorable conditions. Favorable conclusion of negotiations. [Sorrini:] Our experience...
  • FAVORABLE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: useful Ant: ...
  • FORECAST in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. progrtfsis) foresight, prediction about the development of something, based on certain data, for example. n. weather, n. flow and outcome...
  • FORECAST in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. progrtfsis] foresight, prediction about the development of something, based on certain data, for example. n. weather, n. flow and outcome...
  • FORECAST in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: prediction, prophecy (amplified), ...
  • FAVORABLE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: useful Ant: ...
  • FAVORABLE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    prosperous, happy, successful, convenient, suitable, favorable; supportive, approving. A favorable occasion. Favorable wind. Favorable review. Wed. . See prosperous, friendly, approving, ...
    Syn: prediction, prophecy (amplified), ...
  • FAVORABLE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: useful Ant: ...
    m. Foreseeing the development and outcome of smb. events, phenomena based on available...
  • FAVORABLE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Contributing, helping someone, something. 2) a) Good, positive, pleasant. b) Containing a positive assessment of something, agreement with ...
    forecast, ...
  • FAVORABLE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • FORECAST in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • FORECAST in the Spelling Dictionary:
    forecast, ...
  • FAVORABLE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    favorable; cr. f. -ten,...
    a conclusion based on a special study about the upcoming development and outcome of something P. weather. P. diseases. P....
  • FAVORABLE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    conducive to something, good Favorable conditions. B. ...
    (from the Greek prognosis - foresight, prediction), initially prediction of the course of the disease, then in general any specific prediction, judgment about the state of any phenomenon...
  • "FORECAST" in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    an artificial Earth satellite for studying solar activity, its influence on the Earth’s magnetosphere, etc. In 1972-85, 10 ...
    forecast, m. (Greek prognosis - foreknowledge) (book). Prediction about the development and outcome of something. events, phenomena based on available data. Forecast...
  • FAVORABLE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    favorable, favorable; auspicious, auspicious, auspicious. 1. Contributing, helping something. A favorable occasion. Under favorable circumstances. Favorable weather. 2. Approving, good, desirable. ...
    forecast m. Foreseeing the development and outcome of something. events, phenomena based on available...
  • FAVORABLE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    auspicious adj. 1) Contributing, helping someone, something. 2) a) Good, positive, pleasant. b) Containing a positive assessment of something, agreement with ...
  • FAVORABLE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. Contributing, helping someone, something. 2. Good, positive, pleasant. Ott. Containing a positive assessment of something, agreement with...

A tragic, but, alas, not uncommon case -
A businessman died suddenly.
Although he was seen at the best clinic,
No one turned away the last day.
Examining a varicose node.
The doctor often said to the patient:
-Your prognosis is very, very serious,
If I were you, I wouldn't joke...
“It’s never too late to get treatment, doctor,”
The patient answered the doctor as usual.
-I feel tolerable for now,
That’s why I’m running around like a clockwork -
To a company, to a bank, to a meeting, abroad...
I closed my eyes - it’s time to get up.
Well what can I say? We only dream of peace,
But the doctor did not even think of falling behind.
He convinced, begged, frightened - in vain...
“I’ll make it,” the patient laughed.
An accident happened to him on the road -
The blood clot came off. There is no businessman...
Let them build hundreds of thousands of clinics,
Millions of doctors will be taught
The cheerful sanguine man will go to his grave,
Mistakenly believing that you are healthy.
There is a day of salvation, it is not endless.
Health and death are the outcome.
The prognosis is favorable,
But only to what comes on time.


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