Russian ranks in the army in order. How to quickly understand military ranks

Army ranks and ranks in Russia are divided into two subcategories, namely ranks in the Navy (Navy) and military (VS). These two subcategories can be assigned to military personnel of the Russian naval fleet:

  • submarine and surface military forces of the Navy;
  • naval units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Coast Guard Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Military ranks are also awarded to other military personnel who serve in the army:

  1. In the Russian Armed Forces.
  2. In the Federal Security Service.
  3. In the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  4. In the FSB.
  5. In the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  6. In the Foreign Intelligence Service.
  7. In other troops, military formations and bodies.

Now let's look at the titles and ranks from lowest to highest on the career ladder and divide them into subcategories:

Military rank - Navy rank

  • 8th level: private - sailor;
  • 7th level: corporal - senior sailor;
  • 6th level: junior sergeant - sergeant major of the second class;
  • 5th level: sergeant - foreman of the first class;
  • 4th level: senior sergeant - chief petty officer;
  • 3rd stage: petty officer - chief ship's foreman;
  • 2nd level: warrant officer - midshipman;
  • 1st level: senior warrant officer - senior midshipman.
  • 3rd level: junior officers;
  • 2nd level: senior officers;
  • 1st level: senior officers.

Junior officers

Military rank - Navy rank

  • 4th level: junior lieutenant – junior lieutenant;
  • 3rd level: lieutenant - lieutenant;
  • 2nd level: senior lieutenant - senior lieutenant;
  • 1st stage: captain – captain-lieutenant.

Senior officers

Military rank - Navy rank

  • 3rd level: major – captain of the 3rd rank;
  • 2nd level: lieutenant colonel - captain of the 2nd rank;
  • 1st level: colonel - captain of the 1st rank.

Senior officers:

Military rank - rank in the navy

  • 5th level: major general - rear admiral;
  • 4th level: lieutenant general - vice admiral;
  • 3rd level: Colonel General - Admiral;
  • 2nd level: army general - fleet admiral;
  • 1st level: Marshal of the Russian Federation - absent.

As can be seen from the above, there are one less level of military ranks in the Navy than military ranks. Therefore, in the Russian Army the highest military rank is called Marshal of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the highest rank in the Navy is fleet admiral.

In addition, the highest rank - Marshal of Russia - was awarded to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Igor Sergeev. This title was entrusted to him in 1997 by the head of state. However, after the death of Sergeev in 2006, the duties of marshal in the Russian Federation were not granted to anyone.

The post of fleet admiral is the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. As a result, the highest military positions in the Russian Army are two - Marshal of Russia and Admiral of the Fleet, but this does not take into account the position of Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and this can be considered the highest military position in the world.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the highest position is considered to be a police colonel general. The colonel general's shoulder straps have three large stars, which are placed in a row. An ignorant person is capable of confusing the shoulder straps of a police colonel general with the shoulder straps assigned to the position of police colonel. The police colonel's shoulder straps also have three stars, but their size is smaller and they are placed in the form of a triangle.

In addition, military ranks can be awarded upon completion of service for a certain period of time, as well as for personal merit. So how long does it take to serve in order for a person to be awarded a specific rank? In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 22 of the “Regulations on the procedure for military service,” specific deadlines are established for military service in military ranks:

  • after 5 months of service - private, sailor;
  • after 12 months of service - junior sergeant, sergeant major of the 2nd article;
  • after 2 years of service - sergeant, sergeant major 1st article;
  • after 3 years of service - senior sergeant, chief petty officer;
  • after 3 years of service - warrant officer, midshipman;
  • after 2 years of service - junior lieutenant;
  • after 3 years of service - lieutenant;
  • after 3 years of service - senior lieutenant;
  • after 4 years of service - captain, captain-lieutenant;
  • after 4 years of service - major, captain of the 3rd rank;
  • after 5 years of service - lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - five years, other ranks are awarded after 5 years.

Let's add some facts:

  1. Such ranks as foreman and chief petty officer have not existed since 2012, but they are still present in the documents.
  2. Each military rank - from private to marshal of the Russian Federation - should be written with a small letter.
  3. A major is higher in rank than a lieutenant, but a major general is lower in rank than a lieutenant general.
  4. In Russia, the highest rank that can be awarded to a soldier for a year of military service is currently sergeant.

Assigned to a serviceman in accordance with his official position, belonging to a particular branch of the armed forces.

The history of military ranks

In Rus', the emergence of permanent military formations was associated with the beginning of the use of firearms. Indeed, in order to learn how to use this type of weapon, frequent and regular training, as well as specific knowledge, were necessary. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Streltsy hundreds appeared in Russia, and military ranks appeared in them. The first military ranks of the Russian army were: archer, foreman, centurion. However, they were an amalgamation of military rank and position held in a military formation. Later, under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, two more titles appeared - Pentecostal and Head. After this, the hierarchy of military ranks began to look like this:

1. Sagittarius.

2. Foreman.

3. Pentecostal.

4. Centurion.

5. Head.

By modern standards, a foreman can be equated to the rank of sergeant or foreman, a pentecostal to a lieutenant, a centurion, respectively, to a captain, but a head is the same as a colonel. By the way, under Boris Godunov, foreign military units - companies - already had the ranks of “captain” - captain and “lieutenant” - lieutenant, but these ranks were not used in Russian units. And by the end of the 17th century, during the reign of Peter the Great, the military ranks of the Russian army were replenished with the rank of half-head and colonel, the latter is still used to this day. During the same period, regiments of a foreign system were formed. Both Russians and foreign mercenaries served in them. The system of these units almost corresponded to the European ones, and the hierarchy of ranks was formed from the following ranks:

I. Soldier.

II. Cpl.

III. Ensign.

IV. Lieutenant (lieutenant).

V. Captain (captain).

VI. Quartermaster.

VII. Major.

VIII. Lieutenant colonel.

IX. Colonel.

Until 1654, the military ranks of the Tsarist Russian Army did not include the rank of general. This title was first awarded to Avram Leslie by Peter the Great for the return of the city of Smolensk. It was this king who introduced this title as an addition to the highest ranks of the state. This is how ranks appeared, etc.

Hierarchy of ranks in the early twentieth century

General (the highest military ranks of the Russian army):

General - (field marshal; lieutenant; major);

General of infantry, cavalry, etc.

Staff officers (highest military ranks of the Russian army):


Lieutenant colonel;

Chief officers (middle officer ranks):

Captain (captain);

Staff Captain;


Second lieutenant (cornet).

Ensigns (lower officer ranks):

Ensign, sub-ensign and ordinary ensign.

Non-commissioned officers:


Non-commissioned officer (senior, junior).

  • corporal;
  • private.

Military ranks in the modern Russian army (ground forces)

After the October Revolution, the establishment of Soviet power on the territory of the Russian Empire and the birth of the Soviet Army, the military regulations underwent some changes. A new hierarchy of ranks was created, which, in principle, is no different from the modern one. Below is a list including military ranks of the Russian army.

  • Private and Corporal.

Junior command staff:

  • Sergeant (junior, senior).
  • Sergeant major.
  • Ensign (senior).


  • Lieutenant (junior, senior).
  • Captain.
  • Major.

Officer commanding staff:

  • Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel.
  • General- (-major, -lieutenant, -colonel, army).

Here is a complete list, including all military ranks corresponding to each rank; these are shoulder insignia, by which you can determine the rank of a particular serviceman.

    Both on land and on water there are military ranks, some of them are similar, but still there is a difference.

    So, on land, military ranks are in the following order:

    On the water, that is, in the navy, ranks are structured like this:

    Sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the second class, petty officer of the first class, chief ship's officer, midshipman, senior midshipman, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant captain, captain of the third rank, captain of the second rank, captain of the first rank, rear admiral, vice admiral , admiral.

    Private, in the navy this rank corresponds to a sailor, then corporal, in the navy - senior sailor; junior sergeant, in the navy, foreman of the second article; sergeant-sergeant major of the first article, senior sergeant-sergeant-sergeant; foreman - chief ship foreman; next come warrant officer, in the navy midshipman, senior warrant officers, senior midshipman. Officers: junior lieutenant - same in the navy; lieutenant - the same in the navy; senior lieutenant - the same in the navy; captain, in the navy - captain lieutenant; then follows the senior officers: major - in the navy, captain of the third rank; lieutenant colonel - in the navy, captain of the second rank; colonel - in the navy, captain of the first rank. Next comes the senior officers: major general - rear admiral in the navy; lieutenant general, vice in the navy - admiral; general - colonel-admiral, and the final rank is army general. There were marshals in the USSR, but now, in my opinion, they have been abolished. Only two people had the highest rank of generallisimo: Suvorov and Stalin.

    To begin with, I will say that in different countries there are very different ranks, it is also worth noting that the Navy and conventional ground forces also have different ranks, for example the Navy:

    And now a few countries to compare ranks. The first will be military ranks of Russia

    Military ranks of France

    Military ranks of China

    Military ranks of Germany

    Military ranks of Turkey

    The Army and Navy each have their own military ranks. Of course, they have a number of similarities, but they differ both in name and in the number of stars and stripes. One more difference that should be added is the guards regiments.

    Private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.

    Military ranks should be separated for navy and land.

    So, as for the ground forces, military ranks are arranged in exactly this order:

    As for the distribution of ranks in order in the navy, it looks like this, from lowest to lowest:

    As for the Russian Federation. Ranks are military and naval.

    Warrant officers and midshipmen:

    Junior officers:

    Senior officers;

    Marshal of the Russian Federation is the highest military rank.

    A specialty is added to military ranks, if available;

    Who is studying at a military institution:

    In the Russian Armed Forces, military ranks are divided into military and naval. For military personnel of guards units, the prefix “guards” is added to the military rank...

    Soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen...

    Junior, middle, senior officers. Marshal of the Russian Federation...

    In the Navy, in addition to naval military ranks, there may also be military military ranks, for example, in the Marine Corps, Naval Aviation, and Coastal Fleet Forces. Ship military ranks are expressed by a white or yellow stripe on a black shoulder strap (clearance) or black gaps on a white shoulder strap, on shoulder straps with military military ranks - the gaps will be red or blue. By the way, in the Marine Corps the ship ranks are sailor and senior sailor, then military ranks...

    There are military ranks and ranks for those who serve in the navy, the ranks in order in the Russian army are as follows:

    Rank and file:

    Military ranks: private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major.

    Ship ranks: sailor, senior sailor, 2nd class petty officer, 1st class petty officer, chief petty officer, chief ship sergeant major.

    Warrant officers and midshipmen:

    Military ranks: warrant officer, senior warrant officer

    Ship ranks: midshipman, senior midshipman


    Junior officers:

    Military ranks: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain;

    Ship ranks: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant commander.

    Senior officers:

    Military ranks: major, lieutenant colonel, colonel;

    Ship ranks: captain 3rd rank, captain 2nd rank, captain 1st rank.

    Senior officers:

    Military ranks: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general; Ship ranks: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, fleet admiral.

    And of course, Marshal of the Russian Federation.

    In the Army and Navy there are military ranks that are similar, but it seems to me that the ranks in the Navy are still more difficult to remember and pronounce. Military ranks on land.

    Military ranks in the navy.

    It should be noted that in addition to rank in the Army and Navy, position plays a big role. It happens that an officer with a higher rank is subordinate to an officer with a lower rank.

    Military ranks are as follows, starting from small:

    On land: private, corporal, junior sergeant, senior sergeant, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.

    In the navy: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the second class, foreman of the first class, chief naval officer, midshipman, senior midshipman, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant captain, captain of the third rank, captain of the second rank, captain of the first rank, rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral.

    In the old days there was also the title of Marshal, but it was abolished.

Military ranks

1. Article 46 of the Federal Law establishes the following composition of military personnel and military ranks:

Compositions of military personnel

Military ranks



Soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen


junior sergeant

senior sergeant


senior sailor

foreman 2 articles

petty officer 1st article

chief petty officer

chief petty officer

Ensigns and midshipmen


senior warrant officer

senior midshipman

junior officers

junior lieutenant


senior lieutenant

junior lieutenant


senior lieutenant


senior officers

lieutenant colonel


captain 3rd rank

captain 2nd rank

captain 1st rank

senior officers

major general

lieutenant general

Colonel General

army general

rear admiral

vice admiral

fleet admiral

Marshal of the Russian Federation

2. Before the military rank of a serviceman serving in a guards military unit, on a guards ship, the word “guards” is added.

The words “justice” or “medical service” are added to the military rank of a serviceman or a citizen in the reserve who has a military registration specialty of a legal or medical profile, respectively.

To the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or retired, the words “reserve” or “retired” are added, respectively.

3. The seniority of military ranks and compositions of military personnel is determined by the sequence of their listing in Article 46 of the Federal Law: from the military rank of “private” (“sailor”) to a higher one and from the composition of “soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen” to a higher one.

Military and naval military ranks corresponding to each other are considered equal.

4. Military ranks are assigned to military personnel personally.

Military rank can be first or second.

5. The form and content of submissions, forms of other documents and orders for the conferment of military ranks, as well as the procedure for their execution and submission (with the exception of senior officers) are established by the head of the federal executive body or the federal state body in which military service is provided.

The procedure for assigning the first military rank

1. The first military ranks are considered:

a) for “officers” - junior lieutenant, lieutenant;

b) for the composition “ensigns and midshipmen” - warrant officer, midshipman;

c) for the composition of “soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen” - private, sailor, sergeant, foreman 1st article.

2. The military rank of lieutenant is awarded to:

a) a serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, or a serviceman who has the military rank of junior lieutenant, regardless of the length of military service in this military rank, who has graduated from a higher or secondary military educational institution - upon graduation from the said educational institution;

a.1) to a citizen who graduated from a federal state educational organization of higher education and completed training in a military training program at a military training center at this educational organization - on the day following the day of issuance of the order on graduation from the specified educational organization;

b) a citizen who has successfully completed training in the military training program for reserve officers at the military department at the federal state educational organization of higher education and graduated from the specified educational organization - when enlisting in the reserve;

c) a citizen (soldier) who does not have the military rank of officer, who has a higher education related to the relevant military specialty, and who entered military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position ;

d) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, who is undergoing military service under a contract, who has a higher education related to the relevant military specialty, and who is appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

e) a citizen who is in the reserve, does not have the military rank of officer, and has a higher education - at the end of military training and after passing the relevant tests;

f) a military personnel who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies , upon completion of training under a training program as part of a training group or simultaneously with entry into military service, subject to subsequent training during the first year of service.

3. The military rank of junior lieutenant is awarded to:

a) a military man who has completed training courses for junior officers and has a secondary general education - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;

b) a citizen (military soldier) who does not have the military rank of officer, who has a secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and who entered military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position job title;

c) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract, having a secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

d) a citizen who is in the reserve, does not have the military rank of officer, and has a secondary vocational education - at the end of military training and after passing the relevant tests;

e) a military personnel who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies , upon completion of training under a training program as part of a training group or simultaneously with entry into military service, subject to subsequent training during the first year of service.

4. The military rank of warrant officer (midshipman) is awarded to:

a) a military personnel who has graduated from a military educational institution that trains military personnel in the military specialties of warrant officers (midshipmen) and who has a secondary general education - upon graduation from the said educational institution;

b) a citizen (military officer) who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who has a higher or secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and who entered military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman) ), - upon appointment to the appropriate military position;

c) a military personnel who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who is undergoing military service under a contract, has a higher or secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and is appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

d) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who is serving under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President Russian Federation, - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies, upon completion of training under the training program as part of a training group or simultaneously with entry into military service, subject to subsequent training during the first year of service.

4.1. The military rank of sergeant (sergeant major 1st article) is awarded to:

a) a citizen who has successfully completed training in the military training program for sergeants, reserve foremen at the military department at the federal state educational organization of higher education and graduated from the federal state educational organization of higher education - when enlisting in the reserve;

b) a citizen who has successfully completed training in the military training program for sergeants, reserve foremen in a military educational organization of higher education and graduated from a federal state educational organization of higher education - when enlisting in the reserve.

5. The military rank of private is assigned to:

a) a citizen who does not have a military rank, called up for military service - upon departure from the military commissariat to the place of military service;

b) a citizen who does not have a military rank and is enlisted in the reserve - upon enlistment in the reserve;

c) a citizen who does not have a military rank and entered military service under a contract - when enrolled in the lists of personnel of a military unit;

d) a citizen who does not have a military rank, enrolled in a military educational institution - upon enrollment in the specified educational institution;

e) a citizen who has successfully completed training in the military training program for reserve soldiers at the military department at the federal state educational organization of higher education and graduated from the federal state educational organization of higher education - when enlisting in the reserve;

f) a citizen who has successfully completed training in the military training program for reserve soldiers in a military educational organization of higher education and graduated from a federal state educational organization of higher education - when enlisting in the reserve.

6. The military rank of a sailor is assigned to:

a) a serviceman called up for military service - when enlisted in the lists of personnel of a military unit where the state provides for the military rank of sailor;

b) a citizen who entered military service under a contract and does not have a military rank - when enrolled in the lists of personnel of a military unit where the state provides for the military rank of sailor;

c) a citizen who does not have a military rank, enrolled in a military educational institution - upon enrollment in the specified educational institution, where the state provides for the military rank of sailor;

d) a citizen who has successfully completed training in the military training program for reserve sailors at the military department at the federal state educational organization of higher education and graduated from the federal state educational organization of higher education - when enlisting in the reserve;

e) a citizen who has successfully completed training in the military training program for reserve sailors in a military educational organization of higher education and graduated from a federal state educational organization of higher education - when enlisting in the reserve.

7. Upon entering military service, a citizen who is serving or has served in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, other law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation or in the federal fire service and has a special rank (class rank of prosecutor), he may be assigned a military rank equal to his special rank (class rank of a prosecutor) in the order of re-certification (certification) determined by the head of the federal executive body or the federal state body in which military service is provided.

The procedure for assigning the next military rank

1. The next military rank is assigned to a serviceman on the day of expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, if he occupies a military position (position) for which the state provides for a military rank equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to the serviceman.

1.1. The next military rank is not assigned to a serviceman:

a) at the disposal of the commander (chief);

b) if he is brought as an accused in a criminal case or a criminal case is initiated against him - until the termination of the criminal prosecution;

c) during the period of investigation into the fact of committing a gross disciplinary offense - before applying disciplinary action to the serviceman;

d) during the period of verification of the accuracy and completeness of information on income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature, compliance with the requirements for official conduct - before applying a penalty to the serviceman;

e) submitted for early dismissal from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "e" - "h", "l", "m" of paragraph 1 and subparagraphs "c" - "e.2", "h" - "l" paragraph 2 of article 51 of the Federal Law;

f) before the expiration of the period during which he is considered to have:

  • disciplinary action in the form of a warning about incomplete service compliance, reduction in military position, reduction in military rank by one step, reduction in military rank by one step with a reduction in military position;
  • disciplinary sanction applied for committing a gross disciplinary offense;

g) until the end of his criminal sentence in the form of restrictions on military service or arrest;

h) until his criminal record is expunged or expunged;

i) before the end of the probationary period upon his entry into military service under a contract;

j) whose military service has been suspended.

1.2. If, in accordance with the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the right to rehabilitation is recognized for a serviceman, or if the disciplinary sanction applied to a serviceman, specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 1.1 of this article, was canceled (except if after the cancellation commander (chief) of the specified disciplinary sanction, he applied another disciplinary sanction from those specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 1.1 of this article), or if, after the investigation or inspection specified in subparagraph "c" or "d" of paragraph 1.1 of this article, the military man was not brought to justice, a military rank is assigned to a serviceman from the date of expiration of his military service in the previous military rank.

1.3. If the disciplinary sanction specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 1.1 of this article is withdrawn or the criminal record is cleared or expunged, the military rank is assigned to the serviceman from the day the disciplinary sanction is lifted or the criminal record is cleared or expunged.

1.4. The period of military service in the assigned military rank does not include the time of serving a criminal sentence in the form of a restriction on military service or arrest, as well as time (periods) that, in accordance with the Federal Law, is not counted in the period of military service (during the period of probation upon admission to military service). contract service).

2. Time limits are established for military service in the following military ranks:

  • private, sailor - five months;
  • junior sergeant, sergeant major 2 articles - one year;
  • sergeant, foreman 1st article - two years;
  • senior sergeant, chief petty officer - three years;
  • ensign, midshipman - three years;
  • junior lieutenant - two years;
  • lieutenant - three years;
  • senior lieutenant - three years;
  • captain, captain-lieutenant - four years;
  • major, captain 3rd rank - four years;
  • lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - five years.

3. The military rank of a senior officer may be assigned to a military personnel after at least two years of military service in the previous military rank and at least one year in the military position (position) to be filled by senior officers.

The terms of military service in the military rank of colonel general (admiral) and army general (fleet admiral) are not established.

4. The term of military service in the military rank of lieutenant for military personnel performing military service under a contract who have graduated from a full-time military educational institution with a period of five years or more is set at two years.

5. The period of military service of military personnel in the assigned military rank is calculated from the date of assignment of the military rank.

6. The period of military service in the assigned military rank includes the time spent in military service.

The following is counted within the specified period:

a) the time of break in military service in the event of unjustified prosecution of a serviceman, illegal dismissal of a serviceman from military service and his subsequent reinstatement in military service;

b) the time of suspension of military service;

c) time spent in reserve.

7. When a serviceman is appointed to the highest military position (position), at the same time, and if simultaneous registration is not possible, from the date of appointment to the highest military position (position), he is assigned the next military rank if his term of service in the previous military rank has expired, provided that that for this military position (position) the state provides a military rank equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to the military member.

In this case, the military rank of a senior officer is assigned taking into account the requirements of paragraph 3 of this article.

8. A military serviceman who has the military rank of officer and is successfully studying full-time at a military educational institution, postgraduate course, military doctoral program, the next military rank up to lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank inclusive, is assigned on the day of expiration of his military service in the assigned military rank, regardless of military position (position) that he held before entering the specified educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies.

9. A serviceman who has the military rank of officer, who, before entering a military educational institution, postgraduate course, or military doctoral program, held a military position (position) for which the state provides for the military rank of colonel, captain 1st rank or senior officer, the next military rank up to colonel, captain 1st rank inclusive is assigned in accordance with the military position (position) held before entering the specified educational institution, postgraduate study, military doctoral studies, after the expiration of the length of service in the assigned military rank.

10. A serviceman may be awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule for special personal merits, but not higher than the military rank provided for by the state for the military position (position) he occupies.

11. A military serviceman whose period of military service in the assigned military rank has expired, for special personal merits, may be awarded a military rank one step higher than the military rank provided by the state for the military position he occupies, but not higher than the military rank of major or captain of the 3rd rank, and a military personnel with an academic degree and (or) academic rank, holding a military position as a teacher in a military professional educational organization or a military educational organization of higher education or a researcher in a military professional educational organization, a military educational organization of higher education or a scientific organization - not higher than military rank of colonel or captain 1st rank.

12. The military rank of corporal (senior sailor) may be awarded as an incentive for special personal merit to a military personnel holding a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of private (sailor).

13. The military rank of junior sergeant (sergeant major, article 2) is assigned to a private (sailor) holding a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of junior sergeant (sergeant major, article 2) and above, upon expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, as well as a serviceman who has successfully completed training in a military training unit under the sergeant (sergeant major) training program.

Rights of officials in conferring military ranks

1. Military ranks are assigned to military personnel:

a) senior officers - by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the federal executive body or the federal government body that provides for military service;

b) colonel, captain 1st rank - the head of the federal executive body or federal government body that provides for military service;

c) other military ranks - by officials determined by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided.

The military commissar assigns to citizens called up for military service the military rank of private, and to citizens in the reserve - from private (sailor) to senior warrant officer (senior midshipman), inclusive.

The powers of officials of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation to confer military ranks, with the exception of military ranks of senior officers, are established by the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

1.1. The powers of officials of the military prosecutor's office and military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to assign military ranks are established by the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 403-FZ "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation".

2. Officials have the right to assign military ranks to military personnel under their direct subordination.

A superior official enjoys all the rights to assign military ranks granted to subordinate commanders (chiefs).

3. Assignment of the first military rank of officer, military rank of officer ahead of schedule, one step higher than the military rank provided by the state for the military position held, as well as military rank to military personnel successfully studying full-time at a military educational institution, postgraduate study, military doctoral studies, up to and including colonel (captain 1st rank) is carried out by the head of the federal executive body or federal government body in which military service is provided.

Assignment of the first military rank of private (sailor) or sergeant (sergeant major 1st article) to citizens who have successfully completed training in the relevant military training programs at military departments at federal state educational organizations of higher education or in military educational organizations of higher education and who have graduated from federal state educational organizations of higher education , is carried out by the military commissar upon enrollment in the reserve.

4. Assignment of military ranks to warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants (foremen) ahead of schedule, as well as assignment of regular military ranks one step higher than the military rank provided for the occupied full-time military position: warrant officers (midshipmen) - not higher than the military rank of senior warrant officer (senior warrant officer) ), sergeants (foremen) - not higher than the military rank of sergeant major (chief ship sergeant major), - is carried out by officials who have the right to assign these military ranks.

Terms of stay in military ranks, the rights of officials to assign military ranks and the procedure for assigning military ranks to citizens in reserve

1. Citizens in the reserves may be awarded the first and subsequent military ranks, but not higher than the military rank of colonel or captain 1st rank.

2. A citizen who is in the reserve may be assigned a military rank if the specified citizen is assigned or may be assigned to a military unit (intended or may be assigned to a special formation) for conscription for military service upon mobilization to a position for which the wartime staff a military rank is provided that is equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to a citizen who is in the reserve, and the next military rank, in addition, after the expiration of the established period of stay in the previous military rank. In this case, a citizen who is in the reserve can be assigned a military rank after he has completed military training and passed the relevant tests or in the certification procedure.

3. Time limits are established for being in the reserve in the following military ranks:

a) private or sailor - five months;

b) junior sergeant or sergeant major 2 articles - one year;

c) sergeant or sergeant major 1st article - two years;

d) senior sergeant or chief sergeant - three years;

e) warrant officer or midshipman - three years;

f) junior lieutenant - two years;

g) lieutenant - three years;

h) senior lieutenant - three years;

i) captain or captain-lieutenant - four years;

j) major or captain 3rd rank - five years;

k) lieutenant colonel or captain 2nd rank - six years.

4. By decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation), a citizen who is in the reserve, with high professional training and extensive experience in a specialty applicable in military service, who has the military rank of officer, the period of stay in a military rank may be shortened.

5. A citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, if he has work experience in a specialty related to military registration, the first military rank of an officer may be awarded by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the certification procedure:

a) having a higher education - lieutenant;

b) having secondary vocational education - junior lieutenant.

6. The next military rank of a citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be assigned to:

a) soldier, sailor, sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer and midshipman:

  • up to the foreman or chief petty officer inclusive - by military commissar;
  • up to senior warrant officer or senior midshipman inclusive - military commissar;

b) officer:

  • The paragraph became invalid on November 29, 2009. - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2009 N 1363;
  • up to colonel or captain 1st rank inclusive - by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

7. The next military rank can be assigned to a citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

a) up to and including senior lieutenant - with positive certification;

b) from captain or captain-lieutenant to colonel or captain of the 1st rank inclusive - when he undergoes military training in a position corresponding to the next military rank, and passes the corresponding tests or in the certification procedure if he has work experience in a specialty related to military registration (military service in the corresponding officer positions).

8. The procedure for conducting certification for assigning military ranks to citizens in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

9. A citizen deprived of a military rank is assigned the military rank of private by the military commissar, simultaneously with registration for military service.

10. Citizens who are in the reserves of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation are assigned regular military ranks in the certification procedure, taking into account the possibility of their further use in military positions.

The rights of officials to assign military ranks, the procedure for assigning military ranks and conducting certification of these citizens are determined respectively by the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for reinstatement in military rank

1. A citizen who has been deprived of a military rank, after the removal or expungement of a criminal record, can be restored to his previous military rank by an official who has the right to assign this military rank, at the request of the citizen, in the presence of a positive review from the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation and a decision of the commission of the military commissariat.

2. A citizen’s application for reinstatement in military rank is considered by the military commissar no later than one month from the date of its receipt by the military commissariat.

If there are grounds for reinstating a citizen to his previous military rank, the military commissar draws up a proposal for reinstating the citizen to his military rank.

In this case, the restoration of a citizen to a military rank can be carried out by order of an official who has the right to assign this military rank, in relation to the procedure for its assignment.

3. A citizen deprived of his military rank due to an illegal conviction is restored to his previous military rank after the decision on his rehabilitation comes into force from the date of deprivation of his military rank.

A citizen whose military rank has been restored enjoys the rights and benefits established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in accordance with the restored military rank.

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in government and law enforcement agencies, there is a specially created system of military ranks and class ranks, ensuring the order of subordination and subordination in intrastructural relationships. Military ranks in the army and navy characterize the level of professional training, official position and degree of responsibility of a serviceman. Class rank determines the status of a government official, employee of the justice system, qualifies their competence, position and place on the career ladder. With the help of military ranks and ranks, you can get an idea of ​​the existing service hierarchy, who in the civil service is responsible for what and what powers are vested in them.

Military ranks for military personnel and class ranks

The army at all times has been a complex social mechanism, which is necessarily based on strict discipline, subordination and subordination. A person located inside this complex structure must, in accordance with his abilities, level of professional knowledge and training, occupy the place allocated to him. This situation has always existed, from ancient times and the Middle Ages to modern times. The modern armed forces of the Russian Federation are a striking example of how important the system of military ranks is for managing a huge mechanism.

It should be noted that a certain order continues to be preserved with military ranks, inherited by the Russian armed forces over the time of Peter I. As in the old days, this order implies the presence of a horizontal and vertical structure that determines the social position of a military man, his professional affiliation and competence . The order is as follows:

  • The horizontal structure is military and naval ranks, which are assigned to military personnel depending on their length of service and position;
  • Vertical structure - demonstrating a service hierarchy, i.e. who reports to whom in order of correspondence.

It is important to note that this principle applies to other government departments, organizations and services, ensuring the necessary controllability of the civil service system and the efficiency of its work. The instrument for implementing the principle of subordination in this case is military ranks and shoulder straps. Titles, classes and ranks are rather internal, psychological factors that determine the personal status of a soldier and official in military and civil service. Shoulder straps and other insignia allow you to approve this status at the social and everyday level, taking into account the existing hierarchy.

Military service presupposes a certain amount of official and power powers and outlines a range of rights and responsibilities. At each stage of a military career, a person in uniform occupies a specific post or position, which is distributed in conditions of strict subordination. For the armed forces, military ranks and positions are decisive in the chain of command. For civilian structures, the determining factor of subordination is the position held. Title, class or rank means the level of qualification of a civil service employee and is part of the information about the professional affiliation of the official and his experience.

Civilian public services, paramilitary institutions and law enforcement organizations in Russia are guided by a system of specialized knowledge. A system of special ranks has been introduced in the prosecutor's office and in the investigative bodies that are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Federal Customs Service, in the Federal Migration Service and in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The hierarchical table of ranks, which provides for the presence of special titles, ranks and classes, determines the employee’s place in the system, the scope of his administrative powers and the level of professionalism.

In addition to military ranks assigned in order to employees of paramilitary departments, in some civilian departments there is a class rank, which is determined by the work experience, professional skills and competence of the official. This mechanism simplifies the ranking of officials, identifying the most worthy personnel. Class rank also determines the size of civil servants’ salaries, differentiates the system of benefits, provision of material benefits and remuneration.

What are military ranks for military personnel?

The main difference between military ranks and the ranks and classes that exist in the hierarchy of the civil public service is the determination of subordination. Each person in military service is assigned a military rank. This could be a conscript soldier or sailor, a civilian serving on a contract basis, or command staff.

In the army and navy, each serviceman has certain powers, responsibilities and rights, the scope of which is largely determined by military rank. Shoulder straps and other insignia are carte blanche for a military man, indicating his powers, rights and responsibilities. The assignment of military ranks occurs from the moment a person’s social status changes and is associated with conscription for compulsory military service. The first military ranks - soldier or sailor - are assigned to a person from the moment he takes the military oath. Subsequent promotions are determined by length of service and level of professional training. For privates and sailors, the career ladder is limited by length of service. For officers, subsequent promotions are related to length of service, service compliance, experience and professional skills.

For persons who have chosen a military career and are studying at higher military educational institutions, they are awarded the rank of cadet.

In accordance with the horizontal structure, the existing military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation clearly follow an ascending line. The military hierarchy presupposes the following subordination, from a lower rank to a higher officer rank, from privates to the officer class. The main contingent of any armed forces (Russia is no exception) is the rank and file and sailors who hold non-officer ranks. In this regard, the picture looks like this:

  • for the army it is a private, for the navy it is a sailor;
  • non-commissioned officers for the army, senior officers for the navy;
  • warrant officers for the army; for the navy this rank corresponds to midshipman.

All of the listed non-officer military ranks have their own insignia, which indicate a higher level, determined by length of service and position held. Promotion in rank is carried out by Order of the immediate superior in accordance with the Regulations on military service. The same trend in rank and distinction continues among officer ranks, but this structure is more complex and hierarchical.

The assignment of the very first or next rank is within the competence of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation. You can receive another military rank based on length of service. In this case, the personal and professional qualities of the serviceman are taken into account. In addition, the next rank is assigned to an officer only if the corresponding position is available. This may be the same unit or another military unit or ship where there is a vacant position.

Since 2016, amendments to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” come into force, which provide for re-certification for compliance with the new position before assigning the next military rank. Similar measures are being introduced in relation to officials and civil servants of other departments and structures.

Military officer ranks depend on the branch of service, however, in the table of ranks for all Russian armed forces, for the army and navy, a single trend for promotion remains.

The rank of lieutenants in the army corresponds to the ranks of lieutenants in the navy. Starting with the rank of captain, the division in the system of military ranks begins:

  • for the army, captain, for the navy, captain-lieutenant;
  • major in the army, captain 3rd rank in the navy;
  • a lieutenant colonel in the army corresponds to the rank of captain 2nd rank;
  • An army colonel is a captain of 1st rank in the navy.

In order for a captain to become a major, he must serve for four years with a creditable record of service. A major can only become a lieutenant colonel after four years, who only after five years of impeccable service has a chance to wear the shoulder straps and insignia of a colonel.

The ranks of generals in the army correspond to the ranks of admiral in the navy. So an army major general is equal in rank to a rear admiral. An army lieutenant general has a similar position in the navy - vice admiral. Colonel General and Army General correspond to the highest naval ranks, admiral and admiral of the Fleet.

To achieve high regalia and receive the highest military rank - Marshal of the Russian Federation, you need to go through the entire career ladder from beginning to end. This title is awarded only for great services to the Motherland. Persons who are applicants for promotion to the highest officer rank must not only have the required length of service, but also meet a non-service qualification. The only Marshal in the new history of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was and remains Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1997-2001.

Procedure for deprivation of military rank

The assignment of a military rank is an integral procedure that is based on clearly established regulations and procedures. Traditionally, thousands of soldiers, sailors and officers receive new ranks in Russia every year. Persons undergoing military service become soldiers, corporals and sergeants. After a certain time, sailors become foremen. Every year, graduates of higher military educational institutions wear lieutenant shoulder straps. Senior officers receive promotions based on length of service and in recognition of services to the army and navy.

Like assignment, deprivation of military rank, deprivation of a special rank is also regulated by law. A military man, like a civilian, has his rights and obligations and bears the same degree of responsibility before the law. For committed unlawful acts, which fall under the articles of the Criminal Code, military personnel are brought to trial. Yes, you can only lose your military rank in the army and navy by a court decision!

This measure of influence is an additional, psychological factor to the main punishment. Deprivation of military ranks, achievements and merits in the military field can be used in exceptional cases when it comes to the commission of grave and especially grave crimes by a person liable for military service. The procedure for depriving a special title, class rank or honorary awards looks similar.

In conclusion

It should be noted that the system of military ranks, ranks, ranks and classes used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in other paramilitary departments and government structures makes it possible to maintain the order of management and organization of the most complex government mechanisms. Subordination, clear subordination and service hierarchy are the three pillars on which modern army, navy and government structures rest.

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