Growling school. The most difficult sound

Learning to growl is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It can be performed by representatives of the stronger sex with a low natural voice, as well as by young people whose voice timbre is higher. And surprisingly, even girls!

How to learn to sing growling?

There are several types and subtypes of this direction:

  • traditional growling;
  • mixed;
  • more like a grunt;
  • growling

All these types are similar to each other in the technique of sound production. The mechanism of execution is no different from ordinary belching. And this suggests that you need to use the same parts of the throat, producing a specific sound change.

  1. It is important to practice regular vocals. Correctly open your mouth and control your breathing, air flow, and then make vibrating movements. It is necessary to produce sound without damaging the vocal cords, and therefore it is unsafe to learn only growling. To do this, it is important to listen to songs by famous performers, both vocal and growl, and understand the technique of performing speech.
  2. Breath. It must be special, that is, not breasts, and the diaphragm. You should also maintain correct posture, otherwise the task will become more complicated and you will not be able to achieve the desired result.
  3. During exercise you need to drink plenty of fluids, using plain water or green tea. The main thing is that the liquid is not hot or cold, but at room temperature. Juice will irritate the ligaments, milk will promote mucus production, and soda will dry out the throat. As for beer or other alcohol, this is also unacceptable while singing with a growl. They will make your voice uncontrollable, and you are unlikely to remember anything after such a “drunk” lesson.
  4. Be sure to do the chanting! It doesn’t matter how you rehearse, alone, together, as a whole group, and chanting is an important element before each artist goes on stage. This way, your voice will sound good and the ligaments will not be loaded with strong pressure when pronouncing “heavy” sounds.
  5. Successful repertoire.It is important not to imitate the public and the latest fashion in the musical world of growling, but to try to develop your own individual style, select a repertoire that will help reveal your talents. The main thing is that you like the song and like it. Then the teaching will be much more exciting and accessible.

Basic exercises from professionals

First you need to draw in lungs full of air, and then, not too abruptly, start squeezing it out with your diaphragm. At the same time, try to create certain sounds with the larynx that will be similar to growling or coughing. The result is a heavy sigh, and the output is a high-pitched sound.

Then you need to lower the tone until the sound turns into a roar or a terrifying scream. The larynx should be relaxed; it should not be difficult or painful for you to perform these exercises.

Now you need to imagine a flow of air that is exhaled with the help of a column going from the diaphragm through the chest to the sky. After this, you should start making a growl, it should come from the larynx, at the level of the collarbones, and not disturb the vocal cords.

Attention! The air will run out very quickly, and therefore after such lessons you may feel dizzy and feel weak throughout the body.

Now imagine that everything around you is annoying and make an angry “oof”, like an old pirate whose favorite treasure was stolen. With this movement, the back wall of the throat will begin to vibrate, and a sore throat sensation may appear. With this movement, you need to learn to push out more air to make the growl more powerful.

When performing this technique, the vibration of the vocal cords is important; here it is important to understand how the open larynx works; when you yawn, the Adam's apple goes down and the throat becomes wider. In this position, vibration of the ligaments is best achieved. If you add a “hrr” sound to this sound, you get a growl with splitting.

You won’t be able to practice quietly, it’s important to pronounce the sounds at full volume, it’s worth experimenting until you get the desired result.

Mixed growl

Growl with grunt

This is an ordinary grow, in which you need to raise your Adam's apple as high as possible. This manner will result in grunting; it is better to train to the sound of “ooey”. In this case, the lips should be extended forward.

  • Drink plenty of fluids all the time to avoid damaging the ligaments.
  • Conduct classes regularly, then the growling will become more and more brutal each time.
  • Practice such activities when no one is at home, because not everyone around you can adequately perceive this activity.
  • Don't copy someone else's style, but try to find your own, individual one.
  • Do not abuse bad habits, take care of your health and treat this style as a serious activity that requires maximum concentration and vocal knowledge.
  • Make an “open larynx” split when singing so as not to damage the ligaments.

Good luck with this style! Try, and you will certainly succeed!

Many young musicians who play heavy guitar music want learn growl singing technique . This style of singing is not traditional and therefore no one will teach you this art in music schools, and special courses cannot be found in every advanced city. Based on these factors, most modern metal singers are essentially self-taught. Well, if they succeeded, so can you!

So, first, let's figure out what growling is?

Growling in modern circles they have dubbed an aggressive style of singing, the sounds of which are produced, as a rule, by the method of splitting ligaments, and there is a chance to hear it in such movements of rock music as death metal, hardcore, deathcore and other heavy genres of music. This bass growl is not achieved by all beginners, but only by those who study hard and have the opportunity to practice their skills.


Among beginners, opinions are spreading that supposedly, in order to achieve a high-quality growl tone, you need to smoke more and drink heavy alcohol! Guys, do not confuse growl with the “vocals” of chanson performers! Ligaments need to be protected, as well as your health. It will be difficult for you to pull out long vocal parts with smoke-filled lungs and a swollen liver! Therefore, spend less time doing nonsense and spend more time on learning techniques!

Lesson #1.

The first step is to realize that any growl, like clean vocals, has its own individual shade, unique only to its owner! Therefore, you should not try to imitate famous vocalists who master the growl technique, but focus more on the originality and uniqueness of your personal style of performance! Of course, as an example, you can take the most successful examples of growls in musical history: Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death and other legends of the heavy scene.

Most beginners mistakenly think that singing with a growl is just screaming. No and no again! This is a whole art, but with an ordinary scream you will lose your voice and not only won’t be able to sing, but also won’t be able to talk!

Initially, the growl is very similar in the manner of execution to a human burp, where - in both cases - the same throat muscles are involved. Therefore, you can practice before starting classes to understand how to make “uterine” sounds and how the throat is used here.

Let's get started! We’ll start the lesson with the sounds that are easiest for beginners - the sounds “oooo” or “eeee”. During the first lesson, you are required to understand how to correctly make a sound, how exactly the throat is used in this process, and how to accurately breathe while doing this! The first times you should growl as quietly as possible, so as not to overstrain inexperienced ligaments. A little later, by increasing the air flow through the throat, you can increase the power of the growl!

To properly reproduce a roar technically, you will need to narrow your throat so that the air that is rapidly pushed out through the throat opening provides the heavy timbre of the roar that we need.

Initially, during training, you will not really succeed in anything, but over time you will bring everything to automaticity and you yourself will not notice how your throat and tongue will fall into their positions. Speaking of regulations!

Correct positions when growling:

  • the tongue is sealed to the palate;
  • lips with a tube;
  • chin down, and Adam's apple, on the contrary, up.

During the first lessons, do not harass your throat too much and give it more rest, as well as moisten it with water.

Lesson #2.

You should realize that proper growl singing is achieved without the help of the tongue. This is only in the initial stages, when you completely cannot control your face, you have the right to help yourself with your tongue, but your goal is to achieve exactly the throat production of sound!

During the second lesson, try to completely turn off your tongue and try to pronounce small words rather than individual sounds. Stay longer at this phase, as your throat will initially become quite sore, and you will also likely develop a cough. It is very important to develop your throat well and adapt it to a given singing style!

Lesson #3.

All that remains is to learn the most difficult thing: control and help yourself with your breathing during growling! Breathing plays an undeniable role in growling, as it allows the power of the growl to be kept at the same level throughout one breath, which allows the vocalist to sing a long phrase.

Breathing technique: the inhaled volume of air must be displaced not by the force of the lungs, but by the abdominal muscles. The movement of air, lifting the diaphragm, will quickly approach the unmistakably compressed throat and the required voltage will be obtained at the output. When growling, you should not breathe very deeply and with frequent repetitions of inhalation, but you should not fill the entire volume of your lungs with one big breath. Your goal is to correctly calculate the air as you inhale and exhale, so that you can pronounce a whole phrase while the air is moving inside you!

The outgoing growl should sound without interruption and at the same frequency. By the way, you can change the tone of the growl by narrowing and widening the throat opening, but this is a task for more experienced performers!

As you understand, good results can only be achieved through long-term training! So arm yourself with patience and take on these three key exercises that will allow you to further develop your growling technique!

Are you looking for how to learn growling? In that case, this article is for you. You will learn the basic principles of extreme vocals and how to master growling and screaming at home.

Let's first look at what growling is and what it is eaten with. This vocal technique came out of such styles as: Doom Metal\Black Metal, then it was picked up by previously mainstream trends - MetalCore \ DeathCore. In most cases, guys sing to them, but this does not mean that mastery of this vocal technique is available only to them. Women can also learn. As an example - and. No one argues that it is more difficult for girls to sing (due to a different structure of the larynx), but if you put in more effort, you can overcome this “small ailment.”
We continue the article “How to learn to growl.”

The emphasis is mainly on clefting of the vocal cords.
There are several ways to make a growling sound:
1) direction of air to the sky
2) directing air to the false ligaments
To understand how to properly cleave, try burping. The principle is the same.

You shouldn’t immediately start singing songs of your favorite bands, ala, and others. Incorrect splitting can damage the ligaments. Start with the simplest sounds, such as “eeee” or “eeee.” Learning to growl these sounds will create a good foundation for your potential growth as an extreme vocalist.
When there is a cleft, there should be tension in the lower jaw and the Adam's apple should rise.
The easiest way is to do it while inhaling, the most difficult (but professional) is to do it while exhaling.
*Do not start learning loudly, try to repeat the sounds quietly, gradually increasing the volume.
The “U” sound is made by lifting the corners of the lips.
The sound “I” when stretching them.
As with normal pronunciation of letters.

Let's move on. When singing fully, the tongue is practically not involved. After singing single vowels, move on to syllables, and only then to words. You need to study in exactly this sequence, you need to go in small steps, from small to large.
When learning to growl, you should breathe with your stomach, and not with your lungs, i.e. air is drawn into the stomach, and from there it is spent on splitting. This method will help you growl longer without taking extra breaths. You also need to help your abdominal muscles push out the air.
For quality growling, you need to follow a diet. Before vocals, you should not wear tight clothes or drink carbonated drinks (ala Coca-Cola). This puts extra tension on the ligaments.

Do not drink beer before singing, it does not soften, but rather dries out your throat.
People who smoke tend to growl better. So, if you smoke, this will be a small plus for you.

You can achieve this by smoking several packs a day and drinking a lot of alcohol. The opinion does not stand up to criticism, given that any injury to the ligaments, both (including tobacco smoke and ARVI), is equivalent to a ban on working with the voice.

Don't copy your idols. Just as no two are alike, there will be no identical roars. Trying to adapt to someone can only do harm, since the vocal apparatus, in an unnatural mode for it, experiences excessive stress. Look for your own timbre, different from everyone else.

Growling is not screaming at low frequencies. Trying to achieve a roaring sound in this way, you will only strain the ligaments - they are not designed for such a load, especially since the roar does not depend on the ones you are straining. Yours is to develop false connections.

The larynx at the time of growling should work as if burping. Recreate the same sensations as when burping, remember them. Then tense your abdominal muscles as if you were lifting something heavy. Without resorting to the main connectives, quietly pronounce the sound “and”. Keep the larynx in the same position as in the previous exercise, add to it the position of a yawn. You won't succeed the first time, so repeat until you get results. Don't turn up the volume. After the first, repeat the exercise on the vowel “u”. Make sure that the throat is open, the diaphragm is actively pushing air out of the lungs, and the abdominal muscles are supporting it. This position should be familiar to you if you have studied opera vocals: the requirements for the position of the vocal apparatus are the same, since it is optimal and requires the least tension from the ligaments.

Video on the topic

Please note

In the first months of training, pain in the larynx area is possible. This is due to the incorrect position of the vocal apparatus at the time of sound production. Contact a teacher for extreme types of vocals and ask for his advice on eliminating the cause. If you don't correct the defects now, your voice won't last long later.


  • how to sing growl correctly

The vocal technique of growling (melodic pronunciation of growling sounds) is quite common in the modern world and quite a lot of musicians want to learn it. When turning to professionals for help, they have no idea that they can master this technique on their own by performing some simple tasks (training). Practical tips on how to learn growling are presented in this article.


The first thing you should know when learning to growl on your own is that you must have absolutely healthy . If you are hoarse at the time of training or have any other disease of the larynx, you should forget about growling until complete recovery.

Squeeze your throat at a certain point so that the passing air flow creates the necessary vibration, and, consequently, the sound comes out.

Direct the air flow through the false ligaments, the location of which is slightly higher than the main ones, extracting the indicated sounds from the mouth.

Press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth.

Lower your chin. The tension in the lower jaw should be felt.

Form your lips into a tube and exhale. This should produce a kind of roar.

Pronounce according to the above pattern - “u”.

Also known as lycanthropes, werewolves are mythological creatures that appear to be normal humans in appearance but transform into wolf-like creatures under the light of the full moon. Popular in books, comics, and television, werewolves are fun to dress up and play with. If you want to know how to take your werewolf game to the next level, you can do it by spending time in the woods, using body language, and looking like a real werewolf.


Build a myth

    Start spending time in the forests at night. Werewolves are drawn to the forest, to nature, and they feel good in the open air. If you want to act like a werewolf, it's a good idea to spend significant periods of time outdoors, preferably at night. Familiarize yourself with plants, animal tracks, and other basic survival skills.

    • Find out when the moon will be full in the lunar cycle and plan to be outdoors to daydream in the werewolf habitat. Get permission before you leave home in the middle of the night.
    • Get a guide to the native plant life in your area and start learning to identify local flora. Since werewolves spend so much time in the forest, it's a good idea to learn more about your surroundings.
  1. Sleep with a blanket on the floor. Wolves are creatures that live in the open air; they are more comfortable and accustomed to being closer to the ground. Act as if for some reason you are uncomfortable sleeping in a soft bed and create a small sleeping area in your bedroom on the floor.

    • Since it's really uncomfortable to sleep on the floor, lay out sleeping bags, blankets and pillows to create a small mat on the ground, and then build walls of pillows outside as reinforcement. You can even get an inflatable camping sleeping mat if you want to invest the money.
    • When it's time to go to bed, walk three circles to snuggle into a comfortable space in the blankets, then curl up into a ball.
  2. Discover a strong connection with dogs. Start spending a lot of time with your dog relatives, this will help you learn about their behavior so you can imitate it better, and will also help you develop a strong emotional bond with your dogs. If other people see dogs approaching you safely, you will quickly gain a reputation as a dog lover.

    • If you don't know a dog, the Humane Society is always open to volunteers who want to shelter dogs for walks, baths and feedings. This can be a great way to bond with animals that need a little love.
    • Try and spend time with large, wolf-like dogs. Siberian huskies, German shepherds, and huskies make excellent observation pets to hone werewolf behavior.
  3. Take care of the territory. Define your territory and show it clearly. Whether it's your room, yard, or neighborhood, a good werewolf stakes a claim to territory. Patrol your territory regularly and question anyone who comes uninvited. Look after yours.

    • Make a sign for your room with a full moon and a howling wolf, clearly stating "Keep Away." Write a sign on the door that says "Beware of the Werewolf."
    • It's also a good idea to protect the people you care about. Your family and close friends should count on you whenever they need help most. A werewolf should be reliable.
  4. Give in to mood swings easily. Lurking along the edge of the forest, howling at the moon: the werewolf is connected to dark, lunar energy. This does not mean that a werewolf is "bad", but werewolves are connected to the unconscious feminine side of the psyche, opposite the conscious, thinking, controlling side. A werewolf needs to feel more and think less. Let your emotions rule your choices and decisions. Surrender to your instincts, your gut feeling, and trust yourself. Be an animal.

Use body language

    Face your enemies like a wolf. Anyone who has ever looked into a dog's eyes knows that this is not an easy competition to win. If you want to act like a werewolf, a good place to start is with the glare of an alpha wolf. If someone challenges you, never turn away or look down and break their gaze. Look directly, as if you were trying to look beyond their eyes, into their skull. Draw your eyebrows down to create a wolf-like furrow on your forehead.

    • Dip your chin toward your chest to highlight your eyes. Imagine wearing glasses and trying to look over them to give a wolfish expression to your fierce gaze.
  1. Move constantly. Wolves are restless, resourceful creatures. When you walk or sit, you should try and exude energy like a wolf. Make your movements flowing and smooth, walking on your toes rather than your heels.

    • Don't walk, just sneak. Pretend that a victim has just appeared on the horizon, even if you are just going to the Teremok.
    • Never stand still. If you are standing somewhere and waiting, for example at the motor vehicle inspection doctor's office, stand up and walk around. Be like an animal in a cage trying to get out. Let your head be low and your movements sliding. The wolf moves in circles like a hunter. Think secretly, hidden and quickly. Don't stomp like Frankenstein's monster.
  2. Regularly inhale through your nose. The olfactory receptors of wolves are hundreds of times more sensitive than those of humans. To act like a wolf, use your nose more actively as a way to perceive the world. Wolves use scent to track prey, mark territory, and as a way to identify other creatures.

    • Occasionally, when you are standing with friends and the wind is blowing, turn your nose towards it and sniff carefully, as if you sense approaching danger.
    • Become a connoisseur of smells, especially in natural varieties. Practice walking through the forest and distinguishing smells. Be able to tell the difference between jasmine, lilac and deer scat.
  3. Start running. Werewolves are skilled and fast runners, they conserve energy by breaking into a trot after hunting, making huge leaps while running until they are within range, at which point they shift to their highest speed. To look more like a wolf, start running and feel the wind on your skin. Uh, hair. Wind in your hair.

    • For a more wolf-like experience, head into the woods and run on a trail, and consider investing in spikeless running shoes to keep you closer to the ground.
  4. Growl. Werewolves don't talk, they growl. It's a good idea to start communicating with grunts, growls, and barks, especially when you're upset (or just nervous). Were you caught staring? Let the voice purr slowly from the throat, quietly, gradually becoming louder as the staring continues. When the enemy falters, shut up.

Look like a werewolf

    Start growing your hair. If there's one thing we know for sure about lycanthropes, it's that they are hairy. If you want to act like them, the game will be more believable if you have a nice set of big bushy sideburns and super hairy legs. Grow hair on your head and other places if you want to give yourself wolf energy.

    • Even if you are not the hairiest, it will help to work on your wolf appearance if you grow your hair and learn to ruffle it and tangle it. Go to bed after washing your hair and let it dry overnight. When you wake up, you will have a werewolf styling.
  1. Grow your nails. Long and sharp nails are a sure sign of a werewolf. Grow them out and strengthen them with clear or dark polish for strong nails, and take care that they don't grow sloppy. Let them be round or pointed, depending on how far you want to go in the game.

  2. Wear earthy and dark colors. Since werewolves tend to rip their clothes when transforming, you can cultivate a werewolf-like wardrobe by dressing in earthy colors, dark tones, and natural fabrics. Wear sizes that are slightly larger than you usually wear to allow room for conversion without shredding the garment. Plus, you can't go wrong with a good t-shirt that features a wolf howling at the moon.

    • Leafy green, black and brown are the color schemes of the werewolf. Avoid bright neon colors and pastels.
    • Cotton, wool, and natural hemp fabrics are good choices for clothing. Avoid silk shirts and non-natural fabrics such as polyester.
  3. Place a couple of patches of grass. The werewolf's clothing should look lived-in, well-worn, and as if already a little worn. Jeans with holes and scuffs at the knees? Wonderful. Old flannel work shirts with holes in the elbows? Even better. Hiking clothes should look beaten up, not like they've come off the loom.

    • It's much cheaper and more reliable to buy used clothes, so you don't have to worry about aging them yourself. Raid the thrift stores in your city to find good used work t-shirts for cheap. With grass stains.
    • If you want to take your werewolf game to the next level, roll around in the grass to leave dried dirt and grass stains on your jeans and shirt. Alternatively, stick a leaf and a sprig or two into your hair. You'll look like you slept outdoors and spent the night running through the woods.
  4. Wear hiking boots and outdoor shoes. No high heels or stupid flip-flops for a werewolf. You should look like you are ready to rush through forests, climb rocky cliffs and waterfalls. Wear reliable, practical shoes that will allow you to go off-road in the fresh air. Dark boots, hiking boots, and other waterproof footwear are great for a werewolf.

    • Chocos, Tevas, Birkenstocks, or other outdoor sandals are also suitable for the budding werewolf.
  • If there are dogs where you play, stay closer to them than to people. Only do this if you are not allergic to dogs.
  • Girls, wear little or no makeup, and if you wear jewelry, keep it to a minimum. Wood and leather work well, as do wolf decorations.
  • If it's a full moon, go out into the backyard and howl. Just don't do it in front of your parents.
  • Be an outdoor enthusiast.
  • Only do this with friends or family members that you feel comfortable with, unless it's Halloween or a similar event.
  • Try not to be ostentatious!


  • Only act this way when you are around friends. People may think you are crazy and may call the police.

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