Download the numerical information analysis test. How to select professional staff? Pre-employment tests

Today, when working with personnel, in addition to questionnaires, it is common practice to conduct, by analogy with Western companies, various types of testing, interviews, and it is proposed to solve any problems to determine the adequacy of the applicant. And numerical tests, along with psychological, verbal, and logical tests, are often carried out in many well-known companies when hiring. For small companies, this approach is still new, but giant companies have been using this selection method for a long time.

The importance of testing is so high that all employees applying for work at Pyaterochka even undergo verbal and numerical tests. After the first testing, the number of applicants for the position decreases significantly. Significant difficulties are caused by verbal tests, which show the level and ability to perceive information, process it, understand the meaning of various words and the logic of language. And if working with quantitative information is still difficult for school-age children, then the simplest verbal testing tasks can be started from primary and secondary school age.

Number of completed: 5084 847 41

Verbal and numerical tests at Pyaterochka are used to test all applicants for any positions in the company. This is required to assess the basic skills and qualities of candidates.

Number of completed: 2728 455 22

The Numerical Elements test allows you to quickly assess the mathematical skills of candidates applying for a position in a company. The tasks do not require knowledge beyond the basics.

Number of completed: 4836 806 39

The Dynamic Test of Numerical Abilities and Skills asks you to evaluate your skills in solving simple math problems. Using simple calculations, you need to get unambiguous answers to the examples.

Number of completed: 4216 703 34

The numerical employment test is used to assess the numerical skills of people applying for positions in companies that require basic mathematical skills and knowledge.

Number of completed: 3844 641 31

The numerical information analysis test makes it possible to judge a person’s ability to interpret information expressed in the form of numbers. This requires minimal math skills.

Number of completed: 6324 1054 51

A test for the perception of verbal and numerical information will show which type of perception a person is prone to. Some people find it easier to analyze numerical data, while others find it easier to analyze data verbally.

Number of completed: 6324 1054 51

A dynamic test of verbal skills and abilities shows how effectively a person perceives information expressed verbally and what part of it he is able to reproduce again.

Number of completed: 8060 1343 65

The test for the ability to interpret and analyze numerical information characterizes a person’s tendency to understand information transmitted through numbers. A high result indicates a person’s mathematical mindset.

Number of completed: 5704 951 46

A numerical and mathematical aptitude test will determine whether you have an aptitude for solving mathematical problems. The assignments do not require advanced knowledge and analyze basic mathematics abilities.

Number of completed: 3348 558 27

It happens that a person works hard every day for 12-14 hours, reads professional literature, attends useful events and communicates with the right people. But the result does not justify the effort and time spent. What is the reason? In low efficiency. Take our psychological test and find out whether you organized the labor process correctly.



In this test, you will use numbers and other data contained in statistical tables to answer questions whose main purpose is to assess your ability to use numerical information.

You are presented with a series of questions and five or ten possible answers, one and only one of which is correct in each case. You must find this option and fill in the appropriate circle on your answer sheet. Keep in mind that when choosing from ten options, you can choose an answer that is coded not with one, but with two letters. In this case, you should fill in not one, but two circles in the corresponding line of your answer form. For example, if, in your opinion, the correct answer is “AC”, then you should fill in the circles “A” and “C”.

If necessary, you can use a calculator and drafts when answering questions in the text.

Below are examples that explain the nature of working with the test. Using the accompanying statistical tables, work through these examples at your own pace. Record your answers in the “Examples” section on side “A” of your answer sheet.


1. To what age can a five-year-old boy live, according to statistical forecasts?



Data for 1980


General level

inflation for

year (Jan-Dec)

Price index

for bananas

beginning of the year






Production costs


*) For one year (1983)

1. To what age, according to statistical forecasts, can a 50-year-old man live on average?

If banana prices had risen in 1955 only by the same amount as the general inflation rate, how much would bananas cost at the beginning of 1956 compared to the beginning of 1955 (as a percentage)?

The answer is not specified

Based on the results of the distribution of universities in 1983, more girls than boys started working in the following sectors of the economy: What was the approximate number of registered vehicles per resident of France in 1980?


Dear friends!

  • If you are soon to take “Verbal-Numeric” testing SHL, Talent-Q, Ontarget Genesys,
  • If you are afraid of failing and are looking for how to prepare
  • If there is little time left,

then I hasten to inform you that it is possible to prepare online professionally.

Quickly and simply, using effective online training, you will train your skills in 2-3 days and pass the tests the first time! A stable skill appears after solving 30-40 tests.

Listen to the 6-minute interview immediately after testing and training in our system.

In the interview, we talked about the online program Roboxtest V.8, which is a platform for versions of MAXIMUM 875, BIG4, FMCG, NGK.

Our team has developed a unique computer program Roboxtest V.8. It is as close as possible to real testing - the process itself takes place directly in the browser, with a limited amount of time. I invite you to take a trial verbal test and see everything with your own eyes. A complete database of tests (more than 100 tests at the moment - about 1500 questions) is also available. To do this, contact me. Contacts are below.

All preparation will take place online. Each test has correct answers and solutions without a time limit. The program works directly from the Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari browser.

Attention! At the moment, the program is not compatible with Internet Explorer (not all the functionality).

(Works with Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.)

At the end you will see a report similar to what employers see - in percentages and percentiles. This will allow you to soberly assess your strengths. Since the preparation takes place online, it is possible to compare yourself with other people who have taken this test - this is important, because this is how employers look at you.

The system will also identify your strengths and weaknesses and tell you what to pay more attention to.

Now the database contains more than a hundred different tests (more than 1,500 questions) - mainly ability tests - verbal, numerical, abstract-logical. But, most likely, you are not solving the entire database. Something else is important here - skill.

As experience shows, it is enough to achieve a level of 80-90 percent and at least 60 percentiles for each type of test in order to successfully pass real testing the first time.

People who prepared using our system solved an average of 30-40 tests. Here again, individually, one candidate really wanted to get the position - he solved 152 tests!!! And I passed the real test successfully!!!

There are also knowledge tests - English - 2 levels, RAS, IFRS - for preparation for the Big Four.

If you are interested in training in our system, please contact me. Without payment, the system will block you within a few hours after registration.

Sincerely, Panteleev Stanislav.

[email protected]

The tasks you will solve cannot be called difficult. These are not matrices and integrals, not complex mathematical logic. The purpose of testing is to measure your psychometric data.

The whole difficulty lies only in the time that you are given and the passing scores that are assigned by employers and testing companies. You don’t know anything about them, and you don’t know about the types of tasks. In this article we will lift the veil of secrecy and show you what will await you during testing.

An example of a testing company report for an employer

Your results will be compared with those of other candidates. This is what the test result looks like for an employer using the example of testing the Talent-Q system.

Draw conclusions. You will be compared with a normative group and, based on these results, you will be invited for an interview or not.

To get an interview, be sure to train hard! See what types of tasks exist, find your own materials or use ours. The formula here is simple: “Training = Success”

Numerical test and its varieties. Examples and solutions

Example of a problem with a graph

How many thousand more cars were imported in the second quarter of the second year than in the first year for the same period?
The graph shows that in the second quarter of the second year, 600 thousand cars were imported, in the second quarter of the first year – 425 thousand.
We calculate the difference 600-425=175 thousand cars
175 thousand cars

Example problem with diagram

It is no secret that the level of power of the financial system of any country is assessed based on the size of its gold and foreign exchange reserves. Of course, the greater the reserves, the higher the level of economic stability to various financial shocks.
The charts below show the change in the size of such reserves (in billions of US dollars) for the five largest economies in the world: China, the United States, Japan, the European Union collectively (EU) and the Russian Federation. Note that the data reviewed relate to the period 2010-2013.

How many times are China's gold and foreign exchange reserves in 2010 greater than Russia's in 2011?


The gold and foreign exchange reserves of China in 2010 amounted to $2,000 billion, the Russian Federation in 2011 - $400 billion.


Example of a problem with a table
At the 2004 Olympic Games, athletes from five countries won the most gold, silver and bronze medals: the USA, China, Russia, Australia, and Japan. Question: How many gold medals did the Russian team lack to take first place in the team standings in terms of the number of gold medals not counting silver?

Comment: places in the standings are distributed according to the total amount of awards


For Russia to take first place in gold medals, it needs to overtake the United States and collect 36 medals. That is, we lacked 36-27 = 9 medals


Example of a problem involving percentages

In January 2012, the price of a men's suit increased by 25%, and in March 2013, at a sale, it became 16% less than the increase and currently stands at $336. By what percentage overall did the price of a suit fall or rise during the period mentioned above?


Let us denote by x the initial price.

Then the price in January 2012 was 1.25*x;

Price in March (1-0.16)*1.25*x=$336



The price rose by 5%.

Example of a mixture problem

From two salt solutions - 10 percent and 15 percent, you need to create 40 grams of a 12 percent solution. How many grams of each solution should I take?


Let us denote by x the mass of the 10% solution, and by y the mass of the 15% solution.

Then we can create 2 equations:

The total mass of the solution is 40 grams, that is

The following equation will determine the salt content of solutions:


So, we have a system of 2 equations. We express x from the first equation and substitute it into the second.




10 percent 24 grams, 15 percent 16 grams.

Verbal logic test. Example and solution.

Example of a verbal logic task

There is an international classification of diseases (ICD-10) accepted throughout the world; it includes hundreds of different diseases. Many psychiatrists from different countries around the world (for example, American doctor Kimberly Young) demand the inclusion of cyber addiction (computer addiction) as a disease in the next edition of the ICD. At the moment, the closest existing diagnosis is gaming addiction, but the description of this disease refers exclusively to the use of slot machines, there is no talk about personal computers.

Question 1: Cyber ​​addiction is a disease recognized throughout the world.

Answer: False.

Explanation: since psychiatrists from different countries demand the inclusion of cyber addiction in the next edition of the ICD, we can conclude that this disease is not yet recognized throughout the world.

The story of Stanislav Panteleev. Tests at P&G

I will tell you about my experience, and you yourself will draw conclusions from this. In 2008, I graduated from the Ural State University with a degree in economics and management with a specialization in anti-crisis management. In our final courses, we had a powerful ad from the Big Four (E&Y KPMG Deloitte PwC). Many from my course went to work there. 90% left within the first year. I chose a different path for myself - sales. The first company I went to was P&G. I filled out the application form in the Taleo system, uploaded my resume, waited for the call, and now I’m testing at the P&G branch in Yekaterinburg. The first impression is that the tasks are easy, but time flows inexorably. There were three of us candidates for the Sales position at P&G. I worked through everything carefully and was stuck on some tasks. I remember there was some problem about how many and what kinds of objects of different sizes would fit into a warehouse - I sat on it for about 10 minutes and realized that I couldn’t solve it. At one point my rivals asked me, “Will you have time?” I said that I would have time, but for the rest of the time I was just running around with answers from the idiot. The results were in 20 minutes. Stanislav "No." I was very upset then. I’ve never had problems with such simple tasks, but here I’m going to fail and ruin my career. A few days later I came back to life and realized this simple thought - I’ll find textbooks, download tests, and start preparing. But that was not the case. There were virtually no online tutorials on how to prepare for such seemingly simple tasks. Tests too. As a result, there are scarce resources for preparation. And my career meant a lot to me at that time. This includes money, professional growth and social significance. There was a resource from Vadim Tikhonov, but I didn’t want to pay for tests at that moment. It seemed to me that everything could be downloaded. As a result, I spent a lot of time and began to compose my tasks based on what I remembered and what else I came across. I started asking my friends and acquaintances who also faced this problem. This is how I met Marina Tarasova, who greatly helped me in my preparation. At that time, she already had extensive experience in developing tests for assessing and qualifying personnel, including training tests for admission to international companies. Next were the companies Mars, KPMG, E&Y, Unilever. Everywhere I passed these tests with a bang! It was only necessary to master the principle. The training helped me, and it will help you too. Our tests are paid because we spend a lot of work to create them - work for the result. You have probably encountered the fact that there is very little information on the topic of preparing for testing. We are filling this gap. A lot of new things come from you, dear clients and readers. Every month we update the tests in accordance with new information and trends in the candidate testing market. These include new tasks, new types of tasks, examples of solutions and other updates. As a result, we have created a small but very useful resource for your test preparation. We are ready to hear your wishes, comments and reviews on our website. To do this, contact a “consultant” and we will contact you.

The tasks are created by specialized companies, but in recent years the largest corporations have been using Talent q, SHL numerical tests to select candidates. SHL tests are no more difficult than others; you will mainly have to solve problems on speed, segments, timing, area, productivity and economic components. These are the tasks of the last grades of school, or at most the first year of university, but without preparation they will not seem simple.

The system of multi-stage job selection is quite new for us, but, nevertheless, thousands of graduates have already found work in the Big Four companies, the FMCG sector, etc. It is these specialists who share their experience of passing tests with young “colleagues” - students and graduates, in including numbers. Such knowledge is priceless, since the tests themselves are the intellectual property of corporations and are not freely available. Applicants who have passed the tests also do not give away secrets; they share general principles and trends.

- Preparation. Practicing is important for any business, but test prep is a must for beginners. The main difficulty of Talent q, SHL tests is the “non-traditional” presentation of tasks for us, as well as the time limit. That is, a competent person will probably understand the tasks without problems, but it may take an excessive amount of time, which is very limited (about a minute for one example). When you see such examples of numerical tests for the first time, it is difficult to quickly find your bearings, but practice will help you get comfortable and solve them quickly in any conditions.

- Help from friends. In recent years, the numerical test can be taken on the Internet, and some applicants have the idea of ​​asking a neighbor, colleague or friend who is well versed in mathematics to help. It is likely that the help of a friend will be decisive, but over time it will “come out sideways” when you have to retake tests or confirm them, and there are no assistants nearby.

- Mock tests. There are plenty of different examples of math tests on the Internet. They are provided for money, however, there are also free trial options on employer websites. Thus, sample tests from Mars and others are considered useful and plausible. “Probe” problems are somewhat different from the original ones, and usually they are a little simpler, but at least they give an idea of ​​the essence and structure of the proposed questions. In any case, a numerical test with answers will help with your preparation.

- The decision is in the “mind”. Taking tests at home, via the Internet, allows you to use anything, although there is only enough time for simple calculations. But some companies conduct tests in offices, where even the use of calculators is sometimes prohibited. All tools are a pencil and a piece of paper, so it’s better to get used to doing without additional tools.

- Answers to remaining questions. Many test-takers do not have time to solve all problems with one hundred percent accuracy; what to do with those for which there is no exact answer? Accepted practice allows you to tick boxes at random, that is, there is no penalty for incorrect answers, and there is always a chance of an accidental hit.

- Repetition of knowledge. Every person, even those who are excellent at mathematics, get used to doing some operations using computer programs, a calculator, etc. Not because it won’t cope, but because it saves time, and this is logical. However, before taking numerical work tests, you should check whether the applicant can perform all mathematical operations in his head or on a rough draft. They are not complicated, but the slightest difficulty will take seconds, minutes, and these are several unsolved examples.

- “Traps.” Some examples are deliberately designed so that one answer seems correct, without any calculations, but this is a trap. The best way out is to double-check, quickly recalculate, and only then give an answer.

- Nerves of iron. Many test takers are confused by the time countdown on the screen. Roughly speaking, a person constantly looks at the time instead of making a decision. There is only one piece of advice - full concentration, possibly auto-training and other self-improvement practices.

A lot of literate people say that they underestimated the complexity of numerical tests, and if they had practiced at least a little, they would have solved not half of the problems, but two-thirds or more, so the most important advice is training and practice!

Best regards, worldcompanyjob team

Selection of qualified personnel is the key to the successful operation of every company, which is why recently, when hiring another employee, many employers are increasingly turning to the newfangled experience of Western countries - testing. After all, an education diploma does not give a complete picture of a worker’s work skills, but only determines his qualifications, which is clearly not enough in the modern economy.

What the law says

At the moment, in the Russian Federation, testing is not a mandatory condition for hiring; therefore, its use causes many controversial situations, especially when a person is refused employment.

After all, Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that refusal to hire a person not related to the business qualities of the applicant is prohibited. And an enterprise can determine the qualities of an employee only on the basis of the information that the applicant provides, and the list of which is approved by Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Of course, in some industries, the use of testing is established at the legislative level, for example, in law enforcement agencies, while other enterprises test applicants only based on the rules established in the company, which means that the results obtained may not always become a legal basis for refusal. That is why, when selecting certain tests, employers should select tasks in such a way that no applicant can accuse them of violating workers’ rights.

Purposes and purposes of preliminary tests

As a rule, when applying for a job, each applicant for a vacant position provides, in addition to identification documents, an education diploma, as well as. Based on the data reflected in the specified documents, it is difficult for the employer to draw a conclusion about additional skills at work, for example, communication skills or the ability to analyze a large amount of information. That is why some companies have now begun to use testing.

Initially, many data that were missing in the mandatory package of documents strived to get with the help, but again this document did not give a complete picture of the employee’s work skills; rather, on the contrary, it overloaded the HR manager with additional information not related to the duties expected to be performed in the future. That’s why testing has become so popular, because with its help you can determine many aspects of future cooperation.

Let's assume the same personal characteristics, are very important when building relationships in a team, because quarrels between colleagues will in any case have negative consequences on the work process. An equally important aspect is the priorities of the applicant, since perhaps for him the first place is rest or family, which involves performing duties not to the fullest, but only for the sake of.

Also, testing is carried out not only with the aim of identifying the strengths or weaknesses of the applicant, but also with the expectation that the applicant will work with a certain contingent, that is, these could be nervous or important clients, or future responsibilities associated with psychological load. In such a situation, it is very important to initially select a calm and psychologically balanced employee who will find a common language with clients and at the same time, for example, sign an important contract.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

What testing reveals

Every enterprise has your working conditions, which are naturally not reflected in local documents, let us assume the same unspoken rules of behavior between management and executive personnel, which presupposes the presence of discipline on the part of the applicant. Or working with a large number of clients, for example as a sales consultant or purchasing manager, requires communication skills.

Processing a large amount of information, analyzing the economic situation of an enterprise, preparing reports, diagrams, and calculations is possible only if the applicant has patience and perseverance. And working in a design studio or in the same is possible only if you have a creative approach.

In general, every enterprise is looking not just for a design specialist or an economist or a lawyer, but for a person who is able to do the job due to the presence of certain skills and character traits, which actually detected during testing. After all, the diploma will not indicate that the applicant’s level of stress tolerance is below the norm or that the skills in building interpersonal relationships are minimal, so some special requirements for the applicant can only be identified through testing.

In particular, it is tests can be used to find out:

And many other aspects of labor relations that cannot be provided for in any other local act, because in each situation, first of all, the leading role is played by the human factor.

Types and methods of testing

Logical thinking

Almost every person is familiar with the term logic, but not everyone understands how logical thinking can be applied in professional activities and how much a predisposition to logic affects the successful performance of job duties. For example, every driver should have logical thinking, since only with such a skill is it possible to build the correct route, which is important for taxi drivers or forwarders, because the correct route affects gasoline consumption and the time it takes to complete the assigned task.

Most popular logic test of course is the famous test of level of thinking IQ , because he is literally overloaded with logical problems about constructing certain logical chains.

Also quite often, ordinary problems are used, which could be called children's, if not for a serious reason for solving such tasks.

For example, how to measure 4 liters with a 5 and 3 liter bucket? Or why is the sewer manhole round? Is it possible how long can a car travel without gasoline, or is it really possible to encircle the entire earth with a rope? There may be many examples of problems, but they have one goal: to identify skills in solving problems of any complexity, and also to find the optimal option from several variables.

Mathematical thinking

But mathematical tests are used not only for mathematics teachers, because mathematical mind Engineers, technicians, accountants and even economists should have it, not to mention computer scientists who, without mathematics, will not be able to create an algorithm. Or the same engineer at the airport will not be able to build a flight path, and the economist will not be able to calculate the profit.

And again, the test is mainly used to determine the IQ level, since mathematical tests occupy an entire section, therefore, data on the level of thinking will be obtained in any case.

And of course, the applicant is given several mathematical problems of different levels of complexity, which will reveal ordinary knowledge in mathematics, the only difficulty of which is the minimum time to solve.

Verbal abilities

Another popular type of testing is to identify verbal abilities, that is, the presence skills for perception and analysis various information with subsequent output. As a rule, speakers of verbal thinking have competent speech, a large vocabulary and, of course, knowledge in a certain industry. Basically, such skills are required by psychotherapists, teachers, personnel officers and, of course, managers of various companies, because only through the analysis of information can the correct conclusions be drawn and conveyed to others.

To identify verbal thinking, as a rule, fairly simple tests are used with groups of questions where you need to choose the correct answer. For example, in small tasks you should determine which word is superfluous, which word is closer to “necessity”, is it a fruit or a vegetable, etc.

Intelligent testing

Intellectual tests, as a rule, are applicable to applicants for positions as lawyers or auditors, because it is impossible to explain to people the specifics of how legislation works without having certain knowledge and communication skills, as well as sufficient vocabulary. The auditor is required to know so much to understand not only the specifics of enterprises in many sectors of the economy, but also their mistakes, which again presupposes solid knowledge and, as a consequence, intelligence.

For these professions, the most popular test is the famous Isaac test to identify the IQ level, because only through multifaceted personality testing is it possible to identify high intelligence and analytical abilities, and logical thinking, which, as a rule, is always present in applicants for these positions.

Graphics tests

But this type of testing, despite the name, has nothing to do with drawings, since it is determined through graphic tests psychological state applicant, namely self-confidence and an adequate perception of one’s strengths and the environment.

The test is called a graphic test only because of the use of geometric shapes and arrows, which actually show a tendency towards calmness or imbalance, self-doubt or activity in certain cycles of life.

As a rule, this type of test is used for applicants for positions associated with psychological stress or with a huge amount of communication with people from different social strata of the population. Such tests are applicable to future employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to employees of the department of social protection of the population, to civil service employees or to firefighters, because constant stress and unusual situations need to be able to perceive, as well as respond adequately, accordingly, you need to have certain personal characteristics.

Analytical thinking

An analytical mindset usually involves the ability to work with large amounts of information, understand a phenomenon or the behavior of an individual, or predict a situation as a whole. By being able to analyze various variables, a person can achieve great success in almost any field from medicine to law, not to mention the most popular branch of computer technology.

With this type of thinking, you can work as a secretary-assistant, diagnostician, accountant, pharmacist, and also occupy prestigious leadership positions. Analytical skills can be identified using the same Eysenck test or by solving logical problems, which involve not so much a correct arithmetic solution, but an analysis of the situation as a whole with several possible answers.

An example of passing the Eysenck test is presented in this video:

Motivational tests

The basis of motivational tests is not the identification of certain work skills, but the desire of the applicant himself to work and achieve certain heights . After all, you cannot force a person to build a career if he wants to work as a mechanic all his life, but you can identify his ability to learn, as well as the desire for self-realization, by mastering additional skills.

In addition, this type of test will help to identify other aspects of the applicant, because many are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of a career, even personal principles, which in the future may result in some problems for the company, in particular lawsuits. That is why everyone should have reasonable motivation, but predatory careerism will only bring harm.

As a rule, motivational tests are based on the task of distributing priorities between certain aspects of life, that is, which job is considered the most acceptable, what working conditions would suit me, I will work well if there are... etc. That is, through tests the applicant's expectations are determined, and also degree of dedication upon achieving the set goals.

Attention tests

As a rule, attentiveness tests are used for all applicants, because each employee needs to be able to listen and hear the orders of the boss, be meticulous in their duties and complete all assigned tasks. But this type of test is more relevant specifically for those employees who work with documents, that is, these can be secretaries, personnel workers, lawyers and accountants.

Most often used to identify the level of attentiveness Munsterberg test , which is based on correcting errors in the text, highlighting certain words, general analysis of the text and its meaning, as well as many other aspects that are relevant when conducting office work.

Honesty tests

But as for honesty tests, almost any test contains the so-called lie detector , especially if the test consists of several levels. The fact is that the analysis of the applicant’s honesty is revealed during the analysis of answers to simple questions that are asked in different sequences, but also have a similar meaning.

As a rule, bank employees, as well as civil servants, are most subject to such testing, since it is not so much the face of the institution itself that depends on the honesty of workers in these industries, but rather the prestige of the state system.

How to answer different types of tests

It should be remembered that most companies do not always have a competent specialist who can adequately evaluate the results obtained. Moreover, most organizations approach the compilation of tests very formally, using the most well-known or the simplest, the same Luscher or Isaac color test .

In such a situation, before going to an interview, it is advisable to talk with future colleagues and find out about the nature of the questions, and then find the right answers via the Internet. As a rule, additional training to tests always brings tangible benefits.

Also desirable refresh general knowledge in the same mathematics or some programs that are used directly in the workplace, because in any case, such knowledge will be useful after signing an employment contract for successfully completing the probationary period.

And what you should not do during any testing is to panic, because not only the results obtained are assessed, but also the behavior of the applicant, as well as his emotional state, therefore you need to behave as collected and friendly as possible.

How to behave correctly when taking an interview test is described in the following video:

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