Media: Russia is gathering troops to the border with the DPRK (video). Special forces in North Korean style: what special tactical troops of the DPRK are capable of

On Thursday, April 20, it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order to send troops and armored vehicles to the border with North Korea. Its length is small - about 20 kilometers, but three trains with military personnel, tanks and armored personnel carriers have already been sent there. In addition, a helicopter unit was suddenly transferred there.

Residents of the Primorsky Territory saw trains with military equipment with their own eyes. The representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Alexander Gordeev, did not deny the movement of troops to the brink. True, he did not explain the reasons, only emphasized that this is a common thing after large-scale exercises. And these took place the other day in Transbaikalia.

Expert Stanislav Sinitsyn, whom the British newspaper The Daily Mail contacted for comments, believes that the redeployment is directly related to the worsening situation on the Korean Peninsula. He called sending troops to the border with North Korea “a preventive but necessary measure.” The expert emphasized that China has already resorted to the same actions, sending at least 150 thousand soldiers and officers to its southern border.

If the situation worsens and it comes to the point that the United States launches a missile attack on North Korea, then we should expect a mass exodus of the population from the DPRK to its neighboring countries.

Moscow takes seriously the threat of the United States using force against North Korea. This was recently stated by political scientist Konstantin Asmolov, an employee of the Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He recalled that US President Donald Trump ordered a squadron led by a nuclear aircraft carrier to be sent to the Korean Peninsula. Washington has already launched a missile attack on Bashar al-Assad's air base in Syria. And now it may well launch missiles at Pyongyang’s supposed nuclear facilities. And Vladivostok is located only 150 kilometers from the border with the DPRK. “The nuclear cloud will reach a Russian city in just two hours,” Asmolov said.

Apparently, fears that the United States could launch a missile attack on North Korea forced Russia on April 19 to block the adoption of a resolution on the DPRK at a meeting of the UN Security Council. Moscow demanded that words about “political dialogue” with the DPRK be added to the draft resolution, as well as the remark about the international community’s determination to take “further serious measures” be removed.

“The truck driver saw columns of military equipment, they are driving towards Vladivostok towards the border with Korea,” the man says in the audio recording.

“I saw jeeps with military license plates - a column with flashing lights, some generals, apparently they drove off. From Khabarovsk towards Vladivostok, missile launchers, armored personnel carriers, and Grads are traveling, and all this is accompanied by helicopters. I talked with the soldiers, they say there is some kind of twist in North Korea, they are pulling us closer there,” says a male voice in another audio recording.

Meanwhile, PrimaMedia news agency has acquired a video recording of the passage of a train of military equipment moving through Khabarovsk towards Primorye. Officially, the press service of the Eastern Military District calls the movement of equipment to the areas of control checks after the winter training period and back.

“I can’t speak specifically for each train, but today the equipment, in principle, is moving around the regions in connection with scheduled control checks based on the results of the winter training period. Military units travel to unfamiliar training grounds and practice tasks in new areas. We recently completed such a check in the Trans-Baikal Territory. With a high probability, the train will return the equipment to its permanent deployment point,” said Alexander Gordeev, head of the press service of the Eastern Military District.

Meanwhile, according to PrimaMedia, retired military officers and experts are seriously discussing the possible strengthening of the army presence on the border with the DPRK in connection with a possible Korean-American conflict.

“This is a common practice: when neighbors fight, our country strengthens its borders. This has always been the case, and I think it is still the case today. Although I should note that this is just my opinion. I don’t yet know exactly how it really is,” one of the experts emphasized.

Retired officer Stanislav Sinitsyn notes that drawing forces to the borders is a preventive necessity in this situation.

“Over the last week, in the Primorsky Territory there has been a movement of military equipment by various types of delivery to the southern regions of the region. Many associate this with the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Judging by the footage, they are carrying artillery systems that either support and accompany the infantry on the offensive, or meet the aggressor with heavy fire. Since the movement of other military units is not visible, it remains, most likely, as an option to use these artillery systems to prevent massive impact from the outside. In case of a land invasion, if the North Koreans flee towards the border with Russia,” notes the former soldier.

According to him, the DPRK's repeated actions related to launching missiles and declaring the presence of nuclear weapons cannot remain without the closest attention of all nearby countries, including Russia. Therefore, being prepared for military surprises is one of the most important tasks of the armed forces of any country.

“Such troop transfers, as a rule, take place strictly according to the orders of the highest-level military leadership, so the movement of military equipment indicates that the leadership of our country is monitoring the situation and taking appropriate measures. Moreover, transported equipment can often be used on its own to a limited extent, so talking about “some kind of war” is inappropriate. This is a preventative need in this situation.

The bitter experience of 1941 showed the extent to which advance preparation was underestimated. In practice, when an aggravation of the situation arises, especially one initiated by the military component, the armed forces of all neighboring countries, of course, increase their vigilance, and our country is no exception. This is not the first time that North Korea has disturbed peace in the region, so this situation deserves attention,” the interlocutor concluded.

To begin with, we will create some kind of “information grain”, which we will then begin to gradually “germinate”. North Korea borders on two geopolitical enemies of the United States. There are a lot of armed, hungry people in the DPRK. Many hungry people were brought to Europe from other territories. Now let's move on...

A small digression. I have a rather specific way of presenting material. We will not go into details why I chose this method. I write some articles myself on my own behalf. Others do it as follows: I create a mental image of a future article, then I search on the Internet for material written by other authors, but which is, as it were, part of the image that I had in mind.

If the material does not quite fit into the desired outline, then I slightly “tweak” the workpiece. Sometimes I divide a mental image into several parts and write it out in separate articles. In this case, in each such article I provide a link to other articles that complement the intended image. That is, I put together an information matrix from several puzzles that together make up the intended image. Although, each puzzle carries an independent information load.

Today is the same case. I bring to your attention three puzzles from a certain image, which I will add later. Therefore, this article will continue...


“...ISIS initially emerged in Iraq, which was controlled by the United States and its allies for several years after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

ISIS found initial weapons in military warehouses created by the US for the Iraqi army and police.

ISIS captured cities where they found money (start-up capital) in banks.

The Iraqi army surrendered in entire units or went over to the side of ISIS. The same army that the United States trained and armed after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

The United States actually trained ISIS personnel when it trained the Iraqi army and police, some of which later joined the ranks of ISIS.

The United States continues to train personnel for ISIS, training some volunteers supposedly to fight ISIS, but in fact, fighters trained by American instructors then join ISIS.

The United States gave ISIS part of Iraqi territory with military warehouses, banks and oil wells, which became ISIS’s starting weapons, capital and source of constant income.

The United States supplies ISIS with weapons, equipment and ammunition, addressing all this to the Syrian opposition, which then transfers a significant part of the supplies to ISIS.

The United States turns a blind eye to the financing of ISIS by Saudi Arabia, and maybe even actively contributes to this financing..."


“...Friends, it turns out that the Germans still pay their money for a refugee to live in their city. That is, he takes money from his family and pays the family of a future or former terrorist. At the same time, the courts side with the authorities, obliging the Germans to support refugees...

…These people simply wanted to help those who sought protection in Germany from war, persecution and discrimination. That is why so many Germans in the last year and a half have extended invitations to relatives of refugees who have already arrived in Germany. The procedure is quite simple: the inviter signs an official document stating that he undertakes all financial expenses associated with providing housing and food for the invitees (Verpflichtungserklärung, in common parlance the document is called an invitation).

The average amount was about 800 euros per person. In this case, the costs of hospital insurance would be borne by the land authorities. After family members of refugees who arrived in Germany received the appropriate legal status, that is, official permission to stay, the guarantee should have automatically ended. At least that's what the local authorities promised. In reality, everything turned out differently...

Absolutely unexpectedly, it turned out that guarantors must continue to financially support refugees if they receive social benefits from the state! “There can be no talk of any termination of the guarantee here,” says the Federal Ministry of Labor, referring to the current legislation. It is clear that the people who volunteered to help the refugees are in shock. After all, they are now entrusted with huge financial obligations.

For example, according to data provided by Klaus-Dieter Grothe, a member of the city administration of the Hessian city of Giessen, one of the guarantors is forced to pay 13 thousand euros for a family of four Syrian refugees. And if family members cannot find work, this amount grows to 52 thousand! In any case, such invoices are sent to the guarantors by the Hessian social departments and branches of the Labor Agency. “Many guarantors are now on the verge of bankruptcy, because they don’t know where to get so much money,” the “green” politician, who himself gave financial guarantees for a family of refugees from Syria, is indignant.

...I will say a bad thing, but a truthful one, which I heard from the Syrians. These are not refugees. For the most part, refugees return to their homes or wait out the war in Jordan or Lebanon, close to their country. These are cowards who surrendered their country without a fight, betrayed the graves of their ancestors, or murderers who go to Europe for a better life. And they are the ones who get the money. And not those who suffer from hunger and without a roof over their heads. And, by the way, I’m sure that these guys will settle down and have their say in Germany.”

THIRD PUZZLE - Reading English The SUN:

...In France, Spain and Belgium, well-concealed caches of weapons, including anti-aircraft guns, howitzers and grenades, are accidentally discovered. Some weapons have been described as powerful enough to shoot down an airplane.

The Spanish police have also found a factory in Bilbao to repair old guns so they can be reused...


The Greek Coast Guard detained the Haddad 1 ship with declared humanitarian aid for refugees from the Middle East. The ship under the Bolivian flag, with an international crew on board, was coming from Turkey, CretaPost reports.

Officially, the ship was carrying 14 containers with “humanitarian cargo in the form of plastic furniture.” In fact, they were filled with ammunition and weapons. Also a kind of help. But who and why?

Almost immediately after the arrest, information appeared that the sender of the cargo was ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation). The question remains open as to who should have been the recipient.

By a strange coincidence, the cargo was detained off the coast of Greece at the same time when the refugee situation had become so acute that a decision was made to strengthen border controls throughout almost all of Europe. The second, no less important strange fact was that it was Greece that became one of the European countries that became a huge transshipment base for migrants from the Middle East.

P.S. I caught a certain image (17:00 04/25/2017). It is quite possible that the recipient of the Tomahawk launch was North Korean generals. This blow was timed to coincide with Xi's trip to the United States. He seemed to be saying: “No one will protect you from us. Neither Russia nor China. Look, it will happen to you the same way as that Syrian general!” This matrix was tested in Iraq, when the country's top military leadership was bought out and abandoned troops without control, fleeing abroad, where large funds were transferred to their accounts. Then the DPRK is destined to play the role of Iraq. Kim Jong-un - the role of Saddam Hussein. Nothing personal - just business...

Media: Russia is massing troops to the border with North Korea (video)

© Photo from the website of the Ministry of Defense.rf

Russia began strengthening the 17-kilometer border with North Korea, fearing that the United States would strike the DPRK and a stream of refugees would pour into Russian territory. The Daily Mail writes about this (translation by

A video has also appeared on the Internet in which three trains loaded with military equipment are heading towards the Primorsky Territory through Khabarovsk. Military helicopters and armored vehicle maneuvers also arrive there. The press service of the Eastern Military District (EMD) called the movement of equipment a transfer to control areas after the winter training period and back. However, experts associate the increased presence of the army on the border with the DPRK with a possible Korean-American conflict.

“This is a common practice: when neighbors fight, our country strengthens its borders. This has always been the case and, I think, this is still happening today,” emphasized one of the military experts who wished not to disclose their names, as quoted by PrimaMedia news agency.

“They bring artillery systems to the border, which either support and accompany the infantry on the offensive, or meet the aggressor with heavy fire,” notes another expert. “Since the movement of other military units is not visible, it remains, most likely, as an option, to use these artillery systems to prevent massive impact from the outside. In case of a land invasion, if the North Koreans flee towards the border with Russia,” the former serviceman suggests.

According to him, such transfers of troops, as a rule, take place strictly according to the orders of the highest-level military leadership, so the movement of military equipment indicates that the leadership of our country is monitoring the situation and taking appropriate measures.

“If the United States launches missiles at North Korean nuclear facilities, the radioactive cloud will reach Vladivostok within two hours,” warned Konstantin Asmolov, an employee of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, recalling that the city is located less than 150 km from the North Korean border.

Meanwhile, military expert Alexey Sukonkin has a different point of view. In an interview with the Deita.Ru agency, he said that there is nothing extraordinary in the fact that military equipment is transported by rail. Commenting on the video that appeared online, he noted that, “firstly, it is not clear where and when it was filmed, and where the train is moving.”

“Secondly, the military equipment on the platforms are combat vehicles of the short-range anti-aircraft missile system of military air defense. Live-fire exercises using such equipment cannot be carried out at any training ground, but only at a specialized one, where safety is ensured when launching anti-aircraft missiles. In the Eastern Military District, such a training ground is the Telemba training ground in Buryatia. Therefore, it is not surprising that such equipment is periodically moved by rail from permanent deployment points to the training ground and back,” the expert concluded.

Previously, China sent 150 thousand people to the southern border. US President Donald Trump, in turn, said that the Chinese authorities agreed to cooperate with the White House to resolve the North Korea problem. At the same time, Russia blocked a US-initiated UN Security Council resolution condemning Pyongyang's latest missile tests and demanding a ban on North Korea's further nuclear experiments.

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