Ways to relieve emotional stress. Psycho-emotional tension and muscle tension

Each person experiences different emotions that can make his life as full, varied and interesting as possible. We can feel joy, frustration, love, hatred, surprise, and boredom. However, it just so happens that people share their joys with others with pleasure, and experience negative ones within themselves. The inability to throw out negative emotions is the first step to the emergence of serious health problems. The first alarming phenomenon that should not be ignored is emotional stress, the symptoms and treatment of which we will consider now, and we will also talk on www.site whether it is possible to eliminate emotional tension and relieve stress without medications.

Many people tend to confuse emotional tension and stress, however, these are different concepts. We can confidently say that emotional tension is the cause, and stress is the consequence.

Symptoms of emotional stress

In a state of emotional stress, a person feels helpless and useless, loses interest in work, performing it formally. Many people complain of increased anxiety and restlessness. Also, with emotional stress, apathy and boredom often occur, as well as feelings of uncertainty, suspicion and excessive irritability. The person feels disappointed and lonely.

With such a disorder, many people refuse any physical activity, they lose their appetite, and they may abuse alcohol or drugs. Those who have fallen into this state need help. Let's talk about how emotional stress is corrected and what treatment will help.

Treatment of emotional stress

Constant emotional stress is fraught with the development of stress, depression, emotional states, etc. Therefore, such a disorder must be corrected, or better yet, its development must be prevented altogether. With constant emotional stress, it is better to seek help from a qualified psychotherapist.

It is best for patients with this problem to slow down, allowing themselves significant breaks between individual tasks. During your vacation, it is advisable to do something that brings real pleasure. If your job does not allow you to relax, it is better to go on vacation or take sick leave. This will help calm your nerves.

As for drug therapy, in cases of emotional stress, doctors usually give preference to herbal remedies that have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. The drugs of choice are often sedative compounds with valerian, motherwort, etc. In more serious cases, doctors may decide to provide more specific therapy, such as antidepressants and tranquilizers.

How to cope with emotional stress without medications?

In fact, getting rid of all factors that can cause emotional stress is simply not realistic. However, you can learn to accept life as it is and not focus on troubles and stress. You should also try to avoid situations that lead to an increase in tension and the development of neurotic disorders.

Psychologists strongly recommend that their clients suffering from emotional overstrain stop keeping everything to themselves. Of course, a person can cope with many difficulties alone. However, prolonged experiences can cause serious problems in life and work, as well as long-term depression, etc. Therefore, you must definitely throw out your emotions, especially negative ones, for example, with close friends. Sports, active spending time, art therapy, etc. are also great for this.

In order to prevent and eliminate emotional stress, it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​​​constant control over the life of yourself and, especially, those around you. You need to accept yourself and your loved ones as they are.

Also, in order to correct this problem, psychologists strongly advise not to forget about the need for constant self-development, which may include learning new skills, commitment to a favorite hobby, and even raising children.

You need to learn to relax, for this purpose you can resort to various exercises and meditation. So, to eliminate emotional stress, you need to sit in the most comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe as measuredly as possible and eliminate all thoughts from your head. Of course, you are unlikely to achieve such relaxation the first time, but over time you will learn to fully disconnect from emotions.

Breathing exercises also have a remarkable effect: measured and fairly deep inhalations and exhalations, delayed breathing, etc.

In addition, relieving emotional stress without medications will come faster if you start changing yourself. Try to take into account all unfinished matters and deal with them in a timely manner, setting only achievable goals. You should also be more positive: stop criticizing other people, start praising others, and also focus on your own positive characteristics. Learn patience, forgiveness and acceptance.

If you cannot cope with emotional stress on your own, seek medical help. Otherwise, accumulated emotions can cause disruption of the nervous system, as well as cause quite serious diseases of the internal organs.

Although these concepts should be separated. It can be said that emotional tension is the cause, but the state of stress is the consequence. In addition, stress is the body's reaction to both psychological and physical stress. And in this article we will talk only about the emotional component of our life.

Emotions, undoubtedly, decorate our lives and make it more complete. Joy, love, surprise, gratitude - all these are emotions that we experience constantly. And if we share positive emotions willingly, we often keep negative ones to ourselves.

It’s good if a person knows how to throw out his emotions from time to time. Someone goes to a psychologist to talk about their difficulties, about what is “boiling.” Someone shares their problems, fears and grievances with friends and loved ones. Maybe this is why true female friendship is so valued. A man, even a loved one, will not always be able to understand. But the best friend will always listen, feel sorry for you and even give good advice.

Causes of emotional stress

There is only one reason for emotional stress– inability to throw out negative emotions and get rid of them. They accumulate, and gradually a person may develop various neurotic disorders - from mild depression to serious mental illness. Physical health also suffers. It's no secret that constant psychological stress negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. Why, when a person is very worried about something, do they say “the heart is torn to pieces”? Because during times of severe stress, the load on this organ is truly colossal. What can the long term lead to? emotional stress, it's not hard to guess.

Of course, in addition to internal reasons, there are also external ones. These are so-called stress factors - situations that cause negative emotions in us. It could be an unloved job, problems in the family, unfulfilled dreams and much more. And while it is possible to fight internal manifestations, it is quite difficult to change external factors.

How to prevent emotional stress

Feeling the state of emotional tension is very easy. In such cases, people say “it’s hard for me” or “I feel bad.” If you feel this way, then it’s time to relieve the tension. But what can be done to prevent it from arising at all? Of course, you can get rid of all stress factors - an unloved job or a husband who causes nothing but problems. But you must admit, you won’t be able to endlessly run away from problems. There are always things we can change. But in most cases we have to accept the facts as they are. Therefore, you need to learn to prevent situations when emotional stress increases and can lead to neurotic disorders. To avoid it, you just need to adhere to some rules - the so-called mental hygiene.

Secondly, you shouldn’t try to control everything around you, including your loved ones. Unfortunately, we often try to teach our loved ones, to remake them for ourselves. This is what causes many conflicts. We simply cannot get used to the idea that each person is individual, he lives as he knows how, as he understands life itself. Remaking it is not only pointless, but also cruel. Accept all people as they are. This will help you maintain a state of calm and complacency.

Thirdly, constantly develop. often appears seemingly out of nowhere. It seems that everything is there - a favorite job, family, friends, what more could you want? And my heart feels heavy and irritation accumulates. Sometimes a person simply lacks development. You need to constantly set goals and develop, no matter whether it concerns your profession, hobby, raising children, or even banal cleaning of the house. New achievements will help you avoid an inferiority complex and feelings of internal aggression and self-rejection.

Ways to deal with emotional stress

Even using all the rules of mental hygiene, sometimes it is simply impossible to avoid emotional stress. It's no secret that our world is full of stress - transport, problems at work, lack of money and time. All this constantly puts pressure on modern man. But you can fight this stress too. Of course, it would be useful to try to get rid of the factors leading to emotional stress. If your work evokes a feeling of persistent disgust in you, you should think about whether it is worth such worries? If you have not loved your spouse for a long time, but live in a marriage out of habit or out of fear of being alone, you again need to ask yourself - do you want to live like this all your life, in eternal sorrow and discontent?

However, in most cases, it is enough to change not the stress factors, but the attitude towards them. The following methods will help you remain calm and in a state of harmony even in moments when difficulties surround you from all sides.

  • Break the task into parts. This method helps when it seems that the problem simply cannot be solved. But if you break it down into several small parts, it turns out that everything is not as scary as it seemed at first. The main thing is not to let your emotions take over you, not to fall into hysterics. Try to think about what you can do first, what next, etc.
  • Develop an Action Plan. Often emotional tension increases due to the lack of a clear action plan. A person is tormented by the unknown - what will happen and how, how to prepare for possible situations. Try to find as much information as possible about the expected event, this will calm you down and set you up for a constructive perception of the surrounding reality.
  • Consider all possible scenarios. Sometimes it is simply impossible to make a plan due to lack of information. It also happens that fear of failure paralyzes a person and pushes him to rash actions. Try to consider all the options - what you will do in this or that case. Think about what will happen if your business really fails miserably? Is it that scary? Most often it turns out that there are no unsolvable situations; you can always find a way out. Understanding this simple thing is calming and helps relieve stress.
  • Play some sports. Most people do not connect their physical state with their emotional state. Meanwhile, depression is often caused by a banal lack of endorphins - “hormones of happiness”. Our body produces them itself, under the influence of physical activity. In addition, sport helps to take your mind off sad thoughts for a while and focus on how your body works.
  • Don't let yourself be sad. There are many ways to get rid of negative thoughts - from sitting in a cafe with friends to watching a comedy. As soon as you feel that negative emotions are accumulating, try to replace them with positive ones.

All these recommendations will help you get out of the endless circle of problems and stress, and will allow you to look at the world from a different perspective. Don't let your emotions rule your life. Remember that it depends only on you whether your life will be a continuous holiday or a series of failures.

There are three degrees of severity of emotional stress.

The first degree is a state of attention, mobilization, activity, characterized by increased performance, strengthened function of organs and systems that provide the solution to this problem. It occurs whenever the task facing the body is unconventional and requires concentration and mobilization of intellectual and physical resources. This state is very useful, it trains the body and increases performance.

The second degree is the appearance of sthenic negative emotions. Psychologically, this is a familiar state of rage (anger, indignation), accompanied by an extremely significant (marginal) increase in the activity of organs and systems, ensuring the interaction of the body with the environment. The performance of skeletal muscles increases significantly, attention is concentrated, the work of the heart increases, blood pressure rises, breathing, oxidative and energy processes increase, vasospasm of the abdominal organs appears and blood flows intensely to the muscles, brain, lungs and heart. The goal of such a reaction is to maximize the body’s resources and thereby achieve a solution to the problem that has arisen.

The third degree, asthenic negative emotion, occurs if the task requires resources much greater than those available to the body even with maximum mobilization of forces. It is psychologically experienced as a state of fear (horror, melancholy). There is a sharp decrease in intellectual and energy resources (from fear, one’s hands “give up”, “legs give way”, “mental abilities” are paralyzed, a “vegetative storm” can turn into “chaos”).

The considered three degrees of stress state in “pure” form are rare. Often there are degrees of emotional stress that can be characterized as intermediate (transitional) stages. So, for example, in the intermediate stage between II and III, suppression of only intellectual functions may occur with complete preservation (and even increase) of energy resources. In this case, a person overcome with fear and losing his mind with enormous energy commits senseless acts (panic).

ъTransitional situations of another kind are also observed, when only energy resources are reduced: a person paralyzed by horror is aware of the approaching danger, but is unable to make a single movement to avoid it.

The degree of tension that arises in a given situation is, among other things, determined by previous life experiences. The insufficiency of this experience, the lack of skills necessary to overcome difficulties, contribute to the emergence of a state of tension of a higher degree.

- this is a consequence of not only emotional, but also physical stress, but emotional stress - this is one of the causes of stress. A person experiences different emotions in his life, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of humanity, and life without emotions cannot be called complete. Some emotions make us happy, others, on the contrary, carry negativity, forming the basis of our actions and inducing them, determining stage of emotional stress . affects not only a person’s mental health, it can cause a number of somatic diseases and aggravate existing chronic ones. Therefore it is very important to be able to With relieve emotional stress to maintain mental and somatic health.

Emotional stress- this is a mechanism that can activate and mobilize all the intellectual and physical resources of the body, aimed at solving certain problems with minimal information and a short time frame. In accordance with a particular situation, arousal is transformed into emotions, which in turn are transformed into sensory (sensitive) and motor (motor) actions. The difference between the means of achieving the task and real methods (availability of information, time and energy) depends on how high the motivation of certain motives is. .

Emotional stress goes through several stages of development:

Stage 1– mobilization of activity. At this stage, physical and mental performance increases significantly, allowing one to solve complex and non-standard problems with significant time constraints. If such mobilization of the body turns out to be deficient for the body, then emotional stress moves into the second stage.

Stage 2– sthenic negative emotion. For the second stages of emotional stress characterized by extreme mobilization of all internal resources of the body, manifested in anger, anger, obsession and rage. If the body feels a lack of internal resource, then the third stage of emotional stress.

Stage 3 – asthenic negative emotion expressed by a state fear and anxiety , horror and melancholy, a feeling of hopelessness. At this stage, the body gives a signal of danger, indicating that all internal reserves have been exhausted and you need to look for other ways to achieve your goal, or abandon it, otherwise the fourth stage begins. stage of emotional stress.

Emotional stress Having reached its apogee, it threatens not only with mental and neurotic disorders, but also causes a number of dangerous somatic diseases or seriously aggravates existing chronic diseases. First of all, the nervous system suffers, cardiovascular And digestive systems.

Knowing the consequences of emotional stress, you need to learn to manage this condition in a timely manner before it reaches the dangerous fourth stage - neurosis.

How to relieve emotional stress?

If you feel like you're slowly turning into a ball of nerves, then it's time . First of all, physical activity will help you, and you don’t have to be an athlete or torture yourself with grueling trips to the gym. A light morning jog or performing a special complex is quite enough. physical therapy , having accustomed ourselves to which we will receive a sufficient dose of the “happiness hormone” endorphin, the effect of which in the body will help reduce state of emotional tension and prevent development burnout syndrome which is most often experienced by people who are in a state of constant stress . Emotional stress Water removes perfectly, regardless of whether you take a contrast shower or choose the time to go to the pool. Relieve emotional stress Walking helps a lot, walks in the fresh air away from the city are especially good.

If you are ready to “explode” right at your workplace, then try to relax and lean back in your chair, remember the most pleasant moments of life, or dream about the upcoming vacation, distract yourself with any thoughts not related to the source emotional stress.

Manage your time rationally, combining work and rest, and at home after a difficult day at work, make the most of various relaxation techniques: meditation, yoga, arrange for yourself sessions of psycho-emotional relief under calm music, inhaling the aromas mint, sandalwood, pine forest or lavender. Avoid conflict situations Houses and in labor team, solve work issues as they arise, without taking on the entire load at the same time, rationally distributing it, look for other ways to solve certain work problems.

State of emotional tension often deprives healthy sleep, thereby accelerating the development process of the fourth stages of emotional stress– neurosis. If you felt difficulty falling asleep , frequent waking up at night, early awakening or shallow sleep, which does not give morning vigor, making it impossible to restore energy and strength, use decoctions of sedative medicinal plants to combat any manifestations of insomnia. Relieve emotional stress tea from the leaves will help protect the cardiovascular system sage, fruits hawthorn And rosehip, herbs oregano, flowers daisies, mint, lemon balm, valerian officinalis , motherwort herbs . If you don’t have time to prepare decoctions, take herbal preparations based on sedative herbs, which allow you to restore quality sleep, maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and protect against depressed or hysterical neurosis, to prevent malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, leading to the development autonomic neurosis .
Drugs Valeriana P And Motherwort P, which contain plant raw materials, the effect of which is enhanced by vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect and increases level of stress resistance , produced in an easy-to-take tablet form. Innovative drugs Motherwort P and Valerian P are produced using technology cryominding at ultra-low temperatures, which gives them a significant advantage over other herbal preparations produced using high-temperature processing of plant raw materials, which significantly reduces the medicinal properties of medicinal herbs, including when preparing infusions or decoctions.
Thanks to these advantages, the innovative drug Valerian P was awarded gold medal at the “Medicine and Health” exhibition in Perm and the quality mark “Penza Brand”.

If you feel that emotional stress is growing, then a biologically active innovative complex will come to your aid Nervo-Vit, who became one of 100 best products of 2012 , manufactured using cryoprocessing, including the collection best sedative herbs , produced on the basis cyanosis blue, the sedative effect of which is 10 times higher than that of valerian.
In addition, blue cyanosis is a powerful anxiolytic that allows you to relieve fear, anxiety, horror and melancholy, which are signs of the fourth stages of emotional stress. To achieve faster anxiolytic and the sedative effect of cyanosis blue in the composition of Nervo-Vit, motherwort and lemon balm , and a longer-lasting sedative effect is provided by valerian officinalis, which has the ability to prolong the effect of other sedative medicinal herbs when combined. The effect of plant components in Nervo-Vit enhances vitamin C.

Relieve emotional stress, overwork when performing complex tasks mental tasks or muscle tension An innovative vitamin complex will help with high physical activity Apitonus P, produced on the basis royal jelly (contains about 120 useful substances) and pollen (the richest source of enzyme complexes, nonessential and essential amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins of the main groups),
the action of which is enhanced by a powerful antioxidant complex: dihydroquercetin (a natural reference antioxidant derived from pine bark), vitamin C and vitamin E, protecting our body from premature aging and preventing the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases.

For those who prefer traditional technologies for the production of herbal preparations, herbal remedies produced in the usual pill form are recommended - Dragee Sage P, Dragee Valerian P , Dragee Motherwort P and dragees of the “Evening” series: Dragees of the “Evening” series, which include a collection of sedative medicinal herbs: Dragee Evening VHM (valerian, hop, mint), Evening Dragee Plus (valerian and motherwort) and

In previous articles, I talked about methods for eliminating physical and emotional tension.

It is not always possible to relieve psycho-emotional stress with the help. In such cases, it is necessary to master deep meditation, as well as relax while lying in shavasana and reprogram your thoughts, achieving a state of awareness.
Thus, it is considered the best way to combat stress and relieve psycho-emotional tension.

Thanks to relaxation, the body regains strength, reboots and is able to function effectively.

Relaxation is achieved in meditation, in shavasana and in changing your outlook on life, in the ability to control the lower part of consciousness - the ego.

Remember. Relaxation is the subsidence and then the complete stop of our ego.

And you need to learn to stop it both during meditation, lying in shavassan, and in everyday life. Let me remind those who are not yet aware that the ego is the lowest part of our consciousness: memory, mind, the entire psyche, emotions and feelings. And the highest part of consciousness is our real Self, real awareness.

Methods of relaxation and relieving psycho-emotional stress can improve your life, make it happier, more successful and joyful.

Mechanisms of the relaxation technique

To properly understand how you can achieve mental and physical relaxation, pay attention to the behavior of children. The child does not have established psychological patterns that prevent adults from being relaxed. Children interact harmoniously with the world and people around them and do not accumulate stress. They sleep, play, study without unnecessary emotional stress. The child physically and mentally switches from one type of activity to another, without being burdened by problems and negative experiences. Notice that when children fall asleep, their muscles are completely relaxed. The body seems to adapt to the topography of the bed. This is an example of true relaxation.

The older we get, the more stressed we become, the less able we are to relax on a physical and mental level. Even after completing a task, we constantly replay thoughts in our heads: what was the best thing to do, why we didn’t achieve what we wanted, what others thought. This is all the work of the ego. Over time, such thoughts accumulate so much that our brain does not rest even at night during sleep. This leads to tension, and subsequently to emotional exhaustion and physical illness.

The first step to relaxation is to prohibit yourself from thinking about completed tasks. Even if the situation is not the best and the problem has not been completely solved, stop the flow of thoughts.

Trust your mind. After the brain collects the necessary information about your problem, it will produce the correct solution. This process occurs unconsciously. You just need to let go of the situation, stop consciously trying to find a solution, which in most cases does not lead to a positive result, but only causes tension. At the right time, you will receive an answer to all your questions, you can be sure.

The essence of the relaxation technique

Relaxation methods are based on the ability to distract yourself from negatively charged thoughts and transfer your attention to emotionally neutral activities.

In this case, the ego stops.

You need to learn to be aware of your breath or body parts. One of the simple ways to relax is to look at some part of the body for a long time and not think about anything else. Surprisingly, such meditation leads to rapid physical relaxation and clearing of the mind from disturbing thoughts.

But here lies one problem. If you force yourself to look at the area of ​​your chosen body by force of will, then instead of relaxation you will come to even greater tension. What to do? You need to learn to be in a special state called not doing yourself. Non-doing is a shutdown of the ego, and it begins with the fact that you stop doing anything at all. After you completely relax and do nothing, you will awaken real conscious attention, which can already be directed to any part of the body. You can read in detail about not doing in my article: and in my book: “Correct and complete instructions for meditation.”

During relaxation, it is also necessary to consciously force your muscles to relax. It's not as simple as it seems at first glance. This suggests that you need to learn to relax. During meditation or while relaxing while lying in shavasana, walk throughout your body and see which areas remain tense. To relax any part of the body, you need to step away from it and detachedly observe the area of ​​tension. Usually this is enough, if not, consciously, with an effort of will, relax the source of tension.

With each meditation session, your relaxation skills will improve, and you will immediately notice it. Your head will become clearer, pressing problems will seem less serious, and a new positive outlook on life will appear.

This comes from the fact that more and more you begin to look at the world not through the prism of feelings and emotions of the ego, which usually distorts our view of things, but with the sober, correct view of true awareness.

When muscles relax, sensory nerve fibers stop transmitting the flow of information to the brain. The brain, in turn, stops sending signals to the muscles along the motor nerves. There is a conditional separation of the body and the brain, while the muscles, organs, skeletal bones and nervous system rest. This helps the body regain strength and function properly. The body will rest from the excessive work of the ego.

Once you learn to relax, you will be able to understand your mind. Studying your psyche helps you get rid of psychological attitudes and patterns that have been ingrained in us since childhood. Often, psychological distortions prevent one from coexisting correctly with the surrounding reality and people, which leads to constant psycho-emotional tension.

Psychological programming

Mastering relaxation skills, unfortunately, does not guarantee complete relief from physical and mental tension. For example, you relaxed and achieved peace of mind, but when you went outside, you met an unpleasant person or found yourself in a difficult situation. Your brain will immediately react according to its inherent “negative” pattern, which will throw you off balance and lead to the same level of anxiety. What should I do? The answer is simple, you need to learn to reprogram your negative psychological attitudes.

Yes, of course, meditation gradually changes our psyche, and we begin to react differently to the environment. We are no longer afraid of stress.

But we are all different. For some people, the psyche will take a very long time to rebuild, and to speed up this process, you need to consciously transfer the awareness gained in meditation into everyday life. We must learn to control the ego not only during meditation, but everywhere and always.

The root cause of chronic tension is an emotional response to a situation or person's behavior that is not in harmony with our psychological patterns. This causes an emotional hyperreaction, which contributes to tension, prolonged experience, and mental replay of the situation and ways to resolve it in the head.

Such psycho-emotional attitudes are consolidated from childhood on the basis of experience and upbringing. The main task of the relaxation technique is to reprogram or completely get rid (if possible) of those patterns that interfere with a happy life without emotional stress.

The real reason for the tension

Physical and emotional tension arises as a result of incorrect perception of the environment. Interaction with people introduces too many negative impressions into our reality, which “poison” life and lead to the occurrence of diseases. This is facilitated by fears and complexes that are embedded on a subconscious level.

Most of the time, people don't even understand what is causing the tension. They only see and feel the result - chronic stress, nervous tension, deterioration of relationships with loved ones, troubles at work, illness.

To permanently eliminate disharmony from life, you need to study your mind and the true reasons for such behavior. To do this, you need to meditate, relax your muscles, and “clear” your head of negative thoughts. During meditation and deep relaxation, all negativity will come out, but only if certain conditions are created. Not doing yourself, stopping the ego and detached observation of any manifestations of the psyche, this is what is needed for this.

Gradually, thanks to meditation, clarity of thinking arises and the correct attitude towards situations and people is developed, without excessive emotional reactions, which cause tension.

The brain is a mental computer

Our brain is a collection of more than 10 trillion nerve cells (neurons) that communicate with both the external and internal environment. Neurons receive, process, analyze, store and use the information received. This is how a person accumulates knowledge and experience throughout his life. In addition, since childhood, we develop many psychological patterns that help us react quickly in various life situations.

Psychological stereotypes are produced by the limbic system of the brain. It is one of the first to react to an external stimulus and gives the body's response an emotional coloring. The limbic system compares the current situation with previous experiences stored in formed templates and produces a standard result.

Evolutionarily, the limbic system helped people survive in difficult environmental conditions, when life-threatening circumstances awaited people at every step. When a person was faced with an unfamiliar situation, it caused physical and mental stress to solve the problem in the most successful way. In the modern world, the function of the limbic system is justified in critical life situations. In practice, any problem, even a minor one, causes stress and psycho-emotional tension.

Those. we live like robots, according to certain programs embedded in us.

The world around us rarely matches the psychological template that is embedded in our brains. Therefore, the only way to get rid of tension is to eradicate negative emotional attitudes. You need to teach yourself to perceive any situation as positive or neutral. In every problem, it is right to look for positive and instructive moments that will subsequently help us get away with it in more difficult life situations.

All spiritual teachings of antiquity, be it yoga or others, essentially teach the same thing - to be open to the world around us, to love all manifestations of life, to respect people. This helps to get rid of tension, gives a state of calm and joy. A positive attitude towards reality creates harmony between the soul, body and society.

Any thought should bring only good, any action should be perceived calmly. By getting to know your mind, a person forever gets rid of negativity in life: not the external one, we cannot influence the circumstances, but the internal state. You have the power to change your attitude towards situations, circumstances and people, and meditation is an excellent helper on the way to this.

As they say, to change the world around you, you must first change yourself.

Let's sum it up

All of the above can be explained in a few words.

The only correct method of relaxation is that we stop, disidentify and control our entire psyche, our entire mind, i.e. our ego. And this is achieved in meditation, lying in savasana and in mindfulness in everyday life.

Why so? Very simple. Relaxation, relaxation is subsidence, or a complete stop of the ego. The one who is more relaxed in life has less restless thoughts and emotions rummaging around in his head, i.e. the ego works correctly (not strenuously, with strain).

And the more you stop the ego during meditation and in shavasana, the more correct and better it will work at any other time, everywhere and always.

I think he was convincing.

So, you already know how to meditate. If not yet, read my article: and also ask questions.

All that remains is to learn to relax and learn to control the ego in everyday life.

In the next article we will talk about.

Be healthy and happy. And relaxation will help you with this.

And finally, listen to the wonderful music of Ennio Morricone, which makes you think about the eternal. It is this kind of music that can stop the ego well and expose our beautiful and eternal soul.

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