It was an ancient city. The most ancient Russian city

The data is still controversial, but at the moment this information is official.

The current population is 602,000 people.

Judging by the date of the first mention in the chronicle, Yaroslavl is the oldest existing city on the Volga. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise during his Rostov reign (988-1010) on a cape above Strelka on the site or near the pagan settlement of Medvezhiy Ugol. On a site naturally protected on three sides (by the steep high banks of the Volga and Kotorosl and the Medveditsky ravine through which the stream flowed) the Yaroslavl Kremlin was built. The first mention of Yaroslavl - the “revolt of the Magi” caused by famine in the Rostov land - dates back to 1071. The name of the city is traditionally associated with the name of its founder: “Yaroslavl” is a possessive form meaning “Yaroslavov”.

In the 12th century, the Yaroslavl Peter and Paul and Spassky monasteries already existed - then they were located outside the city. During the first two centuries of its existence, Yaroslavl remained a small border city of the Rostov-Suzdal land.

Kazan - Regional center, capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Founded in 1005. (The data is still not accurate, there is a version that the city was founded much earlier)

The current population is 1,206,100 people.

There are several versions and legends about the origin of the name Kazan. Most often they appeal to the version of a boiling cauldron: the sorcerer advised the Bulgars to build a city where a cauldron of water dug into the ground would boil without any fire. As a result, a similar place was found on the shore of Lake Kaban. This is where the name of the city of Kazan came from - kazan in ancient Bulgarian, as well as in modern Bulgarian and Tatar, means “cauldron”. Other versions connect the name of the city with the landscape, the Tatar words kaen (“birch”) or kaz (“goose”), Prince Hassan and other options. The version of I. G. Dobrodomov is presented: “the primary one was the reconstructed Alan-Burtass name Khadzang, associated with the location of the city at a sharp bend in the Volga riverbed. On Chuvash soil it became Khuzan, and in Russian usage it became Kazan.”

Suzdal is a small city that is part of the Vladimir region. Founding date: 999 or 1024.

The current population is 10,061 people.

Suzdal is first mentioned in the chronicles when it talks about the uprising of the Magi in 1024. According to A. A. Zaliznyak, Suzdal is mentioned in the oldest known Russian book, called the Novgorod Codex. The so-called “hidden texts” say that in 999 a certain monk Isaac was made a priest in Suzdal in the church of St. Alexander the Armenian.

Vladimir - Regional center. Founding date (one version) is 990.

The current population is 350,087 people.

In the ancient form (used in oral speech to this day) - Volodymyr - the princely name Volodymyr is combined with the possessive suffix -јь-, that is, “the city of Vladimir”. Toponyms starting with -јь- are the most ancient types characteristic of the names of Slavic cities. Over time, the name of the city, first in sound and then in spelling, coincided with the personal name Vladimir.

In the past, the variants Vladimir-on-Klyazma and Vladimir-Zalessky were also used, which was associated with the existence of the city of the same name in Southwestern Rus' - this is Vladimir-Volynsky in modern Ukraine, in the Volyn region. (The first mention of the southwestern city in the chronicle dates back to 988; the founder is considered to be Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Unlike Vladimir-on-Klyazma, the second component of the name Vladimir-Volynsky was officially established.)

Bryansk is a regional center. The city was founded in 985.

The current population is 408,472 people.

The city was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle as “Dybryansk” in 1146, and later in the Resurrection, Laurentian, Trinity Chronicles and other sources. The name of the city of Bryansk comes from the Old Russian word "D'bryansk", derived from the word deb'. The Old Russian word deb'r/deb' means "a mountain slope, gorge, ditch, valley or lowland, overgrown with dense forest and bushes." According to the law of the fall of weak elements, the line between d and b fell out, and the complex combination db was simplified to b.

Trubchevsk is a small city in terms of population, Bryansk region. Founded in 975.

The current population is 14,073 people.

In early sources the city is called Trubech, Trubezh, Trubetskoy, Trubchesky or Trubezhskoy. Initially, the settlement was located 10 km downstream of the Desna, near the modern village of Kvetun. The thickness of the cultural layer at the settlement was 60–80 cm. The lower layers belong to the Yukhnovskaya archaeological culture of the Early Iron Age. Dwellings and metallurgical forges have been studied in the Old Russian layers. Among the finds of the Old Russian period are brooches, glass bracelets and beads, coins (including Byzantine Constantine VII). Judging by the finds of thin plinths and fragments of a voice box, at the settlement in the 11th - 12th centuries. there was a stone temple.

Uglich - First mentioned in the chronicle in 1148, but some local sources also report other information: 937, 947, 952 and other years.

Uglich is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Uglich district of the Yaroslavl region.

The current population is 32,766 people.

It got its name, in all likelihood, because the Volga makes a corner here. In addition, there are two possible versions: because coals were burned in this place, and because, solely according to this hypothesis, the Uglichi people were resettled from the Ugly River, a tributary of the Dnieper.

According to archaeological research, a settlement on the site of the Uglich Kremlin existed approximately from the beginning of our era with a short break in the region of the 5th-6th centuries.

Pskov is a small regional center. Founded in 859.

The current population is 206,730 people.

The name of the city is associated with the hydronym - the Pskova River. There are different versions of the origin of the name of the city and river. According to one of them - of Slavic origin - the name Pskov (Pleskov, Plskov) comes from the Old Russian word “ples” - part of the river between two bends, or from the word “sand”. According to another version - of Baltic-Finnish origin - the name comes from the words piskava (in Livonian), piskva, pihkva (in Estonian), meaning “resinous water” and reflects the multi-ethnicity of the early population of the city. Other interpretations of the hydronym are “splash”, “shine”, “fish river”, “sand”. Archaeologists have established that in Pskov in the 10th-11th centuries. lived the ancestors of the Slavs - the Pskov Krivichi, representatives of the Baltic-Finnish, Baltic and Scandinavian tribes

Smolensk is a large city, the regional center of the Smolensk region. Founded in 863.

The current population is 330,961 people.

There are several versions of the origin of the city's name. So, for example, there are versions that it goes back to the name of the Smolnya River (Old Slavonic “smol” - black soil), or to the ethnonym Smolyans. The most common version of the origin mentions the “path from the Varangians to the Greeks.” The city was located at the end of the place where ships were transported from the Western Dvina to the Dnieper. This portage passed through the original site of Smolensk (now Gnezdovo), where local artisans tarred merchant boats.

Belozersk (First name - Beloozero). The same age as Rostov the Great. A small city. Year of foundation - 862. Volgograd region.

The current population is 9,380 people.

Belozersk is one of the oldest cities in Russia. It was first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in 862 as the city of Beloozero, which participated in the calling of the Varangians. Archaeological evidence of the existence of the city at that time has not yet been found, although there are suggestions that it could have been located on the northern shore of White Lake.

Rostov the Great is the same age as the city of Murom, a small city included in the Yaroslavl region. In 1995, the Rostov Kremlin Museum-Reserve was included in the list of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.

The current population is 30,923 people.

The name of the city is traditionally, although not very confidently, associated with the Slavic personal name Rost (cf. Rostislav), from which a possessive adjective is formed using the suffix -ov.

Rostov is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. The entry for 862 speaks of it as an existing city, which was owned by Rurik and where the “first inhabitants” belonged to the Merya tribe

Murom is a medium-sized city. It is part of the Vladimir region. Year of foundation: 862.

The current population is 111,474 people.

Murom was first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years under 862 among the cities subject to Prince Rurik after the calling of the Varangians.

Gleb Vladimirovich is considered the first appanage prince of Murom. In 1088 the city was captured by the Volga Bulgars.

Veliky Novgorod is a regional center with a small population. Founded in 859.

The current population is 219,971 people.

Veliky Novgorod is one of the oldest and most famous cities in Russia (in 2009 it officially celebrated its 1150th anniversary). The place of the calling of the chronicle Rurik and the birth of Russian statehood. In the Middle Ages - the center of Novgorod Rus', and then the center of the Novgorod land as part of the Old Russian and Russian states. At the same time, in 1136, it became the first free republic on the territory of feudal Rus' (from that moment, when, after the battle at Zhdana Gora, Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich fled from the battlefield, the powers of the Novgorod prince were sharply limited). For the period of time starting from 1136 and ending in 1478, when Novgorod lost (as a result of the victory of the Moscow prince Ivan III the Great over the Novgorodians in the Moscow-Novgorod war of 1477-1478) political independence, in relation to the Novgorod land it is customary to apply the term “Novgorod republic" (the government of the latter used the designation Mister Veliky Novgorod).

Derbent is a medium-sized city, part of the Republic of Dagestan, the Russian Federation. Founded at the end of the 4th millennium BC. e.

The current population is 120,470 people.

Derbent is considered one of the oldest “living” cities in the world. The first settlements arose here in the Early Bronze Age - at the end of the 4th millennium BC. e.. The first mention of the Caspian Gate - the most ancient name of Derbent - dates back to the 6th century. BC e., it is cited by the famous ancient Greek geographer Hecataeus of Miletus.

The modern city was founded in 438 AD. e. like a Persian fortress, consisting of a citadel located on a hill (Naryn-kala) and two stone walls going from it to the sea, which blocked a narrow (3 km) passage between the sea and the Caucasus mountains and fenced off the territory of the city from the north and south. Thus, Derbent is the oldest city in Russia[

Russia is a country with an ancient history, and although it cannot compete with such patriarchs as Greece or India, there are also cities here that date back more than one century.

The age of this city is determined only approximately - about 5 thousand years, it is impossible to say more precisely. But even such an approximate calculation makes us respect this city. It was also mentioned by ancient Greek scientists, in particular by the geographer Hectius of Miletus, calling the city the Caspian Gate. The city really is located on a unique section of the mountain road, blocking the only passage.

It is located on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan, which today belongs to Russia. This causes a lot of controversy on the question of whether Derbent can be classified as an ancient city of Russia, because when it appeared and became famous, Russia did not yet exist at all, and it is difficult to call it Russian. However, it must be recognized that it is indeed the oldest settlement within the borders of modern Russia.

But this city does not cause any controversy. This is truly one of the first cities to appear on the territory of Russia; in many ways, its history began with this city. Even the date of its foundation is known - 859 AD. Of course, there were settlements before this, but only Veliky Novgorod became large enough to be called a city, and it has also been preserved to this day not only in the form of a mound.

Today Veliky Novgorod is a real open-air museum city. Ancient cathedrals, churches, ancient museums, houses and buildings - coming here without a camera is a real crime.

This is the case when the name perfectly matches the essence; Ladoga is not just old, it is very old. It is believed that there were settlements in this place even longer, but they united into a city in 753. The location of the city was extremely favorable - on a difficult rift between two lakes, so it quickly grew into an important trading center of ancient Rus'. True, historians consider the year of the city’s founding to be 862, at the time of its first mention, which immediately throws it back in the ranking of the country’s ancient cities.

Now Staraya Ladoga is a village with a relatively small number of inhabitants, only about two thousand people, but it holds the proud title of the ancient capital of Northern Rus'.

This ancient city belongs to a whole galaxy of settlements, the foundation of which dates back to the same year 862. It was a fruitful year. Sometimes it is called Old Izborsk to emphasize its venerable age, as well as to distinguish it from New Izborsk.

Despite this status, today it does not even reach the city. Less than a thousand people live here and rely on tourists to survive. But they don’t leave Izborsk with their attention.

Most often, this city is called Rostov the Great, firstly, to emphasize its unique historical value, and secondly, to distinguish it from Rostov-on-Don - a much larger, but also younger city.

It was founded in the same year 862, but, unlike many, it did not degenerate into a village-museum, but remains a living and active city, albeit with a small population - only 31 thousand people.

And another representative of the glorious year 862, Murom, is one of the ten oldest cities in Russia. Initially, representatives of the Finno-Ugric tribe Muroma lived here, who gave the name to the city. Or they began to be called that after the settlement. There are other versions of the origin of the name, but one thing is certain: Murom is an important city for the history of Russia.

Now more than 100 thousand satisfied Russians live in it. Not surprising, because Murom is considered one of the most comfortable and comfortable cities to live in.

There is still debate about when Belozersk appeared, but official sources place it in the already familiar year 862. Questions may arise as to why so many ancient cities date from the same year. The reason is in the “Tale of Bygone Years” - it was in this chronicle that these settlements were first mentioned. Accordingly, the date to which this work refers is considered the official date of their foundation.

Not all old cities in Russia date back to 862, and Smolensk is the best confirmation. This is not just a hero city and the center of the Smolensk region, it is also one of the oldest in Russia. The official date of its foundation is 863. Thus, it is only slightly behind Izborsk, Ladoga and company.

The city stood on the famous route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” It is believed that shipbuilders pitched their boats here, which was the reason for its name.

Pskov was quite large when it was founded, and it remains a large (relatively) city today. This is the administrative center of the Pskov region, and by local standards, quite a lot of people live here - 200 thousand. They are lucky: they already live in a place where thousands of tourists come every year to admire its sights and historical monuments.

The founding of Uglich dates back to 937, which allowed it to be included in the top ten oldest cities in the country, albeit in the last number. Like many ancient settlements, it is based on the Volga, at the place where it turns. Apparently, this was the reason for the appearance of this name - the corner - Uglich. There is another version: many believe that coals were burned here. There is a third version that many representatives of the Uglichi people lived here. It’s difficult to say which one is correct, but it doesn’t matter.

Now you know what the oldest city in Russia is and how long ago it was founded. Perhaps our rating will tell you where to go on vacation next time instead of banal Egypt or Turkey. In Russia there is also something to see.

Video about Derbent:

Over the entire history of human existence, the world has seen both the rise and fall of millions of cities, many of which, during periods of special glory and prosperity, were captured, destroyed or abandoned. Thanks to new technologies, archaeologists are looking for and finding them. Buried under sand, ice or mud are former glory and former greatness. But many of the rare cities passed the time test, and so did their residents. We offer an overview of cities that have existed for centuries and continue to live.

Ancient cities withstood and survived, despite various difficulties - wars, natural disasters, population migration, modern standards. They have changed a little thanks to progress, but have not lost their originality, preserving both the architecture and the memory of people.

15. Balkh, Afghanistan: 1500 BC

The city, which in Greek sounded like Bactra, was founded in 1500 BC, when the first people settled in this area. The "Mother of Arab Cities" has stood the test of time. And indeed, from the moment of its foundation, the history of many cities and empires began, including the Persian kingdom. The era of prosperity is considered to be the heyday of the Silk Road. Since then, the city has experienced both ups and downs, but is still a center of the textile industry. Today, the former greatness is gone, but the mysterious atmosphere and timelessness have been preserved.

14. Kirkuk, Iraq: 2,200 BC

The first settlement appeared here in 2200 BC. The city was controlled by both the Babylonians and the Medes - everyone appreciated its advantageous location. And today you can see the fortress, which is already 5,000 years old. Although it is only a ruin, it is an outstanding part of the landscape. The city is located 240 km from Baghdad and is one of the centers of the oil industry.

13. Erbil, Iraq: 2300 BC

This mysterious city appeared in 2300 BC. It was the main center of trade and concentration of wealth. For centuries it was controlled by various peoples, including the Persians and Turks. During the existence of the Silk Road, the city became one of the main caravan stops. One of its fortresses is still a symbol of the ancient and glorious past.

12. Tire, Lebanon: 2750 BC

The first settlement appeared here in 2750 BC. Since that time, the city has survived many conquests, many rulers and generals. At one time, Alexander the Great conquered the city and ruled for several years. In 64 AD. it became part of the Roman Empire. Today it is a beautiful tourist city. There is a mention of it in the Bible: “Who determined this to Tire, who distributed crowns, whose merchants [were] princes, whose merchants were celebrities of the earth?”

11. Jerusalem, Middle East: 2800 BC

Jerusalem is probably the most famous of the cities mentioned in the review in the Middle East, if not the world. It was founded in 2800 BC. and played an important role in human history. In addition to being a world religious center, the city has many historical buildings and artifacts, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Al-Aqsa Mosque. The city has a rich history - it was besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times. In addition, it was destroyed and rebuilt twice.

10. Beirut, Lebanon: 3000 BC

Beirut was founded in 3000 BC. and became the main city of Lebanon. Today it is a capital city renowned for its cultural and economic heritage. Beirut has been a tourist city for many years. It existed for 5,000 years, despite the fact that it passed from hand to hand of the Romans, Arabs and Turks.

9. Gaziantep, Türkiye: 3,650 BC

Like many ancient cities, Gaziantep has survived the rule of many nations. Since its foundation, which is 3650 BC, it has been in the hands of the Babylonians, Persians, Romans and Arabs. The Turkish city is proud of its multinational historical and cultural heritage.

8. Plovdiv, Bulgaria: 4000 BC

The Bulgarian city of Plovdiv has existed for more than 6,000 years. It was founded in 4000 BC. Before the control of the Roman Empire, the city belonged to the Thracians, and was later under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Different peoples have left their cultural and historical mark on its history, for example, Turkish baths or the Roman style of architecture.

7. Sidon, Lebanon: 4000 BC

This unique city was founded in 4000 BC. At one time, Sidon was captured by Alexander the Great, and Jesus Christ and St. Paul were there. Thanks to its glorious and rich past, the city is valued in archaeological circles. It is the oldest and most important Phoenician settlement that still exists today.

6. El Fayoum, Egypt: 4,000 BC

The ancient city of Faiyum, founded in 4000 BC, is a historical part of the ancient Egyptian city of Crocodilopolis, an almost forgotten city where people worshiped the sacred crocodile Petsuchus. Nearby are the pyramids and the large center. Everywhere in the city and beyond there are signs of antiquity and cultural heritage.

5. Susa, Iran: 4200 BC

In 4200 B.C. the ancient city of Susa, which is now called Shush, was founded. Today it is home to 65,000 inhabitants, although there were once more. At one time it belonged to the Assyrians and Persians and was the capital of the Elamite Empire. The city has experienced a long and tragic history, but remains one of the most ancient cities in the world.

4. Damascus, Syria: 4300 BC

The history of Russia is almost intangible. Despite the many facts and reliable sources, it is almost impossible to fully study all important dates. However, the history covers many interesting events, cultural heritage and architectural heritage due to various cities. We suggest you consider the oldest cities in Russia. In this list you will see settlements that existed before the advent of our era. Many of these cities ceased to exist. Others received new names.

TOP 10 Oldest cities in Russia


Currently, the city's population is 532 thousand people. The name appeared at the beginning of the 11th century in connection with the name of the principality, which was located on the right bank of the Oka River. Nowadays, this city attracts many tourists due to its cultural heritage, history and land. The most ancient territory of the Russian Federation contains the St. John the Theologian monasteries. There is the Trinity Monastery and, in fact, the Ryazan Monastery. In addition there are many museums and a nature reserve.

The population of this, one of the oldest cities in Russia, is 603 thousand people. The history of the city dates back to 1010. In the past, the city of Yaroslavl was called “the city of a hundred churches” translated from Latin. At the moment, the settlement includes 30 churches. But this does not reduce its cultural and historical value. To this day, this place has preserved many interesting cathedrals and amazing architecture. In 1516, the Transfiguration Cathedral was built here, which still attracts tourists to this day.

The population of this wonderful city is 1.2 million people. This settlement was founded in 1005. It stands on the border of the Volga region. We are talking about a unique cultural property and heritage of Russia. Actually, for this reason the city is included in the UNESCO heritage list. One of the main assets is the Kazan Kremlin, which was built of white brick. At the same time, the main asset of the Republic of Tatarstan to this day is the Kul Sharif mosque.

Another oldest city in the Russian Federation is Vladimir, which consists of over 362 thousand people. We are talking about a city-museum, a ring city of the Russian Federation. In this place you can find a huge number of different monuments and shops. For these reasons, tourists from all over the world love this place. This city also made it into the top 10 due to the presence of old houses. Some buildings are more than three hundred years old. The property includes the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, the Assumption Church and much more.

Currently, the population of this settlement reaches 110 thousand people. Legends and various epics are composed about this place to this day. In addition, this city is even mentioned in the story “Seasons”. It is from this work that we can learn about the former greatness of the city. In ancient times, tribes of Finno-Ugric origin lived here. The first ruler of the city is Prince Vladimir. Later the throne went to his son.

The next five in the Top 10 oldest cities in Russia is Suzdal. Currently, the population reaches only 10 thousand people. It should be noted that different sources interpret the founding date of the city differently. Some inscriptions date back to 1024, others say the city was founded in 987. It is known for sure that the city appeared as a result of the merger of two settlements. Today the city is considered part of the Golden Ring of the Russian Federation.

The population of the city is 330 thousand people. This settlement was first mentioned in 946. The city is discussed in the story “Seasons”. It is believed that the settlement appeared thanks to the Krivichi tribe. And it all started like this. Prince Oleg acquired Smolensk and annexed it to Ancient Rus'. Later he made his son Igor the ruler of this city. He immediately could not cope with the management of the territory, which is why control over the city was carried out from Kyiv. The main attractions include the Boris and Gleb Monastery and the Church of the Theologian.

The number is 221 thousand people. We are talking about one of the oldest cities in the Russian Federation, which is rightfully considered unique. This is due to the presence of a huge number of architectural objects. There are many monuments and amazing structures that are over 300 years old. For tourists, it should be said that this place has St. Sophia Cathedral. We are talking about the heritage of an entire nation. In addition, the city is considered religious, because the center of the country includes many churches. At the same time, all buildings attract with exquisite design.

In scientific circles, to this day they argue about which are the most ancient, and which one comes first. The championship is divided between three cities of the Russian Federation: Derbent, Veliky Novgorod and Staraya Ladoga. Understanding this is quite difficult, because each version has undeniable arguments. In the most ancient cities of Russia, excavations are still ongoing in order to find evidence of the birth of the city. Staraya Ladoga is a city whose exploration began relatively recently, and therefore it is too early to draw an end to the definition of the oldest city in Russia.


It is located in the south of Dagestan and is part of the Russian Federation. The very first handwritten mentions, on the basis of which we can conclude that Derbent is the oldest city in Russia, were recorded by Hecataeus of Miletus, the most famous geographer of antiquity. They date back to the end of the fourth millennium BC, when the first settlements arose here.

The name “Derbent” comes from the word “Darband”, which means “narrow gate” in Persian. After all, the city is located in a place that connects the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, through a narrow corridor, which was called the “Dagestan corridor.” In ancient times, this was a very significant part of the Great Silk Road, the importance of which is simply impossible to overestimate.

Bloody wars were always fought over the ownership of this tasty morsel of the trade route, and throughout its existence the city was destroyed many times almost to the ground, and was reborn again just as many times. But despite all the destruction that Derbent suffered, many historical and architectural monuments of antiquity have been preserved.


A historical architectural museum has been created here, located in a protected area. It includes the famous Naryn-Kala fortress, which for many centuries defended the city from enemy invasions. The fortress stretches for forty kilometers and is the only such monument that has survived to this day.

Veliky Novgorod

Residents of Novgorod and some historians believe that it is the oldest city in Russia. And this version has every reason, because he began his history in 859. Here, from Kievan Rus, Christianity was brought to Russian lands and became the state religion. Here, in the tenth century, the wooden church of St. Sophia of the Wisdom of God was built, which was crowned with thirteen domes. This unusual phenomenon is explained by the fact that the construction of the church was superimposed on a pre-Christian idolatrous worldview.

Novgorod then became the center of Christianity in Rus' and a gathering place for clergy of all ranks.

The oldest and largest Kremlin in Russia is located right there. Compared to Derbent, Veliky Novgorod has a clear and specific date of appearance, and not just the century in which chronology began is known. And of course, the indisputable fact is that Novgorod has always been Russian, unlike Derbent, which was annexed to the Russian Federation, and has a population of about 5% Russians.

Staraya Ladoga

This is the most unexplored city by historians and archaeologists, but it also claims to be the oldest in Russia. Recently, an increasing number of historians have been leaning towards this version. Tombstones were found here with the date 921 on them. But the first mentions are found in chronicles from 862. From the beginning of the ninth century, a port was founded here, where the Slavs and Scandinavian peoples conducted brisk trade. Large-scale excavations are currently underway to confirm the status of the oldest city in Russia.


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