Top secret project "Bell". "Bell" - the secret miracle weapon of the Nazis? Project "bell" in popular culture

The leaders of Nazi Germany, until the last days of the war, believed that some kind of “miracle weapon” could save the Third Reich from a shameful military collapse. To some extent, we can say that this was just a propaganda ploy, but powerful research laboratories were actually created. And research there was carried out by leading scientists of the Reich, which means virtually all of Europe. It is no longer a secret that many successes in astronautics are based precisely on these studies. However, quite unusual experiments were carried out.

Polish researcher I. Witkowski has been trying for several years to lift the veil of secrecy that still shrouds one of the most secret projects of the fascists - “The Bell”. Research within the framework of this project began in 1944 at a top-secret SS facility located in the vicinity of Lublin. As Soviet troops advanced westward, the laboratory moved inland. But the work continued and was stopped only at the end of April - beginning of May 1945.
Based on the interrogation protocols of SS Gruppenführer J. Sporenberg, detained in Poland, as well as the director of the Skoda factories, V. Voss, captured by the Americans, the researcher talks about what this project was. In the underground galleries of secret German laboratories, scientists actually examined a certain object resembling a bell in shape. This object was made of a very hard and heavy metal. Inside it were two cylinders rotating in opposite directions. The cavities of the “bell” were filled with a certain technical liquid called “Xerum 525”. In terms of its parameters, the liquid was similar to mercury, but had a purple color. Xerum 525 supplies were stored with special care in a special lead can with walls three centimeters thick.
The testing process absorbed a huge amount of electricity and, according to the testimony of the participants, cut off power to the entire surrounding area. When in operation, the Bell emitted a faint light of a pale blue color. Experimental animals, plants and various instruments were placed in the area of ​​the object. Within a radius of up to two hundred meters, all electronic equipment failed. During the first tests, almost all experimental animals died. Moreover, all the liquids in their bodies, including blood, disintegrated into fractions. The plants became discolored and their chlorophyll disappeared. After a few hours, the plants exposed to the “Bell” completely disintegrated, and there was no smell of rotting.
All scientists involved in the experiments wore protective clothing and observed the progress of the research from a distance of 150 - 200 meters. After each minute-long experiment, the room was thoroughly washed with a special saline solution. The cleaning was done by concentration camp prisoners; of course, no one counted these victims. But the first group of scientists itself disintegrated when five of its seven employees died.
Nazi scientists created many means of exterminating people, including mass destruction. It seems that the result was “worthy”, but within the framework of the Bell project, the research directions followed a different path. But in this case, scientists, on the contrary, sought to reduce the negative effects on organisms to a minimum. This suggests that the final “product” of the laboratory must have been used in close proximity to people.
At the end of April 1945, a special SS evacuation team took the device and documentation to an unknown location. The scientists, 62 people in number, were shot and found their grave in the mines of the underground research center.
What did Nazi scientists try to create with such persistence until the last day? Vitkovsky is confident that the Nazis did not have enough months to make a breakthrough in the field of space technologies of a new direction. According to the scientist, Hitler's plans to continue the war were largely based on the mass production of aircraft based on completely new technologies. Devices of this type were supposed to move at unprecedented speeds and be armed with laser weapons. It is assumed that these devices, later called “flying saucers,” were supposed to strike from space, which made them inaccessible to air defense systems.
According to the interrogation materials of V. Voss, at the end of April 1945 the Nazis planned Operation “Spear of Satan”, during which, with the massive use of “flying saucers”, a simultaneous attack on Moscow, London and New York was planned. According to Vitkovsky, the Americans captured a thousand ready-made “flying saucers” in their occupation zone. The products and documentation for them were sent to the USA, information about this was classified. It was in 1947 and 1948 that the most frequent appearances of aircraft of this type were recorded in the skies over the United States.
Vitkovsky claims that Kolokol was supposed to produce a fundamentally new fuel for these aircraft.
Perhaps the fascists conducted research at the intersection of chemistry, nuclear physics, antigravity and high-energy physics, trying to urgently create the “miracle weapon” they needed so much. The device itself was taken by them to one of the Latin American countries with a Nazi-friendly regime.
In Argentine Air Force documents declassified in the mid-90s, Vitkovsky found indications that in May 1945 several Third Reich aircraft landed on the territory of this country. According to the scientist, equipment and documentation for the Bell project were delivered to them.
Whether this is true or not is unknown. However, in April 1951, Argentine President Juan Peron told reporters: “On February 16, 1951, Argentine scientists, using only local materials, carried out the controlled release of atomic energy, that is, an atomic explosion ... The successful experiment was carried out at a state nuclear power plant ... He did not require any uranium or plutonium." There is no further information about such developments by Argentine scientists.

After the end of World War II, Polish intelligence services became aware of the existence of the “General Plan - 1945” - a secret Nazi program for the evacuation of high technologies, behind which stood Hitler’s closest ally Martin Bormann. What was alarming was that the special SS teams operating within the framework of this plan, instead of eliminating documentation, specialists and enterprises for the development and production of jet technology, guidance systems, computers and much more, purposefully destroyed traces of other, more mysterious activities. In recent years, information about one of these top-secret German projects called “Bell” has leaked to the press.


The project involved experiments with a bell-shaped object made of solid heavy metal and filled with a violet-colored, mercury-like liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall, thin thermos, 1 m high, packed in a 3 cm thick lead shell. The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic cap, with two cylinders rotating rapidly in opposite directions. The mercury-like substance was conventionally called “xerum-525.” The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in an underground gallery. Its area was about 30 m2, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with saline solution for 45 minutes. The processing was carried out by prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, and the used ones were burned in a special oven. After approximately ten tests, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the “Bell” itself has survived. Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. When active, the Bell emitted a pale blue light; scientists kept their distance from it

150-200 m. Electrical equipment within this radius usually failed. Various plants, animals and living tissues were placed within the range of the Bell. During the first series of tests, carried out from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed - liquids, including blood, coagulated and were divided into purified fractions! The first team of researchers disbanded due to the death of five of the seven scientists. In a second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, harm to animals was somewhat reduced through various modifications to the equipment. Just before the end of the war, the SS evacuation team took the Bell and all the documentation to an unknown location. The scientists who took part in the project were shot by SS soldiers between April 28 and May 4, 1945.


What was the ultimate goal of the Bell project? According to Vitkovsky, the descriptions made by the scientists who worked with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves. Sporrenberg remembered the terms “vortex compression” and “separation of magnetic fields.” Some researchers suggest that experimenters tried to use twisting fields, now known as torsion fields (the “Lord of Light” project) to influence the fourth dimension - time (the “Chronos” project). That is, we are talking about nothing less than creating... a time machine? However, there are also assumptions that are more similar to the truth.


There are episodes in the activities of one of the participants in the project, Professor Gerlach, that give reason to classify him as a scientist who worked on gravity issues. In the 20-30s of the 20th century, Gerlach worked on problems of spin polarization, spin resonance and the properties of magnetic fields, which had little in common with nuclear physics, but related to some unexplored properties of gravity. Gerlach, together with Otto Stern, is responsible for the experimental proof of the existence of electron spin, dated 1922. And Gerlach’s student O. Gilgenberg published an article entitled “On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium.” But after the end of the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he had been forbidden to talk about it.

Now let’s remember the mysterious substance “Xerum-525”. The only thing we know is that it looked like mercury. The Indian text Samarangana Sutradhara, attributed to King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 CE), contains descriptions of aircraft that used mercury as fuel. Here is one such description: “His body, made of light material, should be strong and durable, like a large flying bird. A device containing mercury and an iron heating device underneath should be placed inside. By means of the power that lies hidden in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person located inside this chariot can fly distances across the sky in the most amazing way. Four strong containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated by controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to the mercury, and it will immediately turn into a pearl in the sky.”

Experts suggest that the flow of mercury, accelerated along the annular path to high speeds, excites a high-intensity gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot”, as a result of which the lifting force necessary for flight is generated. But why mercury? The whole point is that in order to obtain maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest volumetric density as a working fluid. It is mercury - or compounds based on it - that meets this condition. As soon as the speed of the mercury flow exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot” will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the “flying chariot”, which was previously hovering in the air, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a silvery shiny ball or pearl will appear. In this regard, it is worth remembering the light that the German “Bell” began to emit when it was in working condition. Indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar, in his book War in Ancient India, provides numerous evidence of the use of “flying chariots,” or vimanas, in ancient Indian wars and argues that vimanas were real flying vehicles.


Attempts to build an aircraft with a mercury-based propulsion system were made back in the 18th century. This is evidenced by the story of the Italian monk Andrea Grimaldi Wolande. The newspaper Leiden Gazette of October 21, 1751 describes the flying machine he built as follows: “In the machine on which Andrea Grimaldi Wolande can travel seven miles in one hour, a clock mechanism is installed; it is 22 feet wide and has the shape of a bird, the body of which consists of pieces of cork connected together by wire, covered with parchment and feathers. The wings are made from whalebone and intestines. Inside the machine there are thirty unique wheels and chains that serve to lower and raise weights. In addition, six copper pipes, partially filled with mercury, were used here. The balance is maintained by the experience of the inventor himself. In storm and in calm weather

he can fly equally fast. This wonderful machine is controlled by a tail seven feet long, attached by straps to the bird's legs. As soon as the car takes off, the tail points it to the left or right, as the inventor wishes. After about three hours, the bird falls smoothly to the ground, after which the clock mechanism starts up again. The inventor flies constantly at the height of the trees. Andrea Grimaldi Wolande flew once across the English Channel from Calais to Dover. From there he flew to London that same morning, where he spoke with famous mechanics about the design of his car. The mechanics were very surprised and proposed to build a car before Christmas that could fly at 30 miles per hour.”

After reading about “guts,” “wheels,” “chains,” and especially “tubes filled with mercury,” many scientists dismissed the story. But in addition to the article, there are two more documents testifying to the flights of the “Grimaldi bird”. In Italy there is a letter from London confirming the flight, and in the French city of Lyon there is a scientific study of this machine certified by three academicians, which records that in 1751 Grimaldi made a successful flight from Calais to Dover. Unfortunately, we know nothing about the further fate of the invention of the Italian monk.

Returning to the Bell project, it should be remembered that the Third Reich paid great attention to the historical heritage of ancient civilizations. Take, for example, the famous German institute “Ahnenerbe” (“German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and the Heritage of Ancestors”). The effectiveness of the work carried out there is clearly evidenced by the fact that in 1941 the institute was included in the personal headquarters of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and oversaw projects to create retaliatory weapons.

It is no secret that in 1938-1939, under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe and the SS, a successful expedition to Tibet was organized. A direct radio bridge was established between Lhasa and Berlin, which, according to available information, functioned until 1943. In addition to extensive information on the anthropology, geography and climatology of the region, the expedition members brought numerous ancient texts to Germany, including the complete collection of the Ganjur Buddhist corpus. It is possible that, thanks to the benevolent attitude of the Tibetan religious authorities, descriptions of devices similar to Indian vimanas, and perhaps even individual surviving examples of ancient technologies, could have ended up in the hands of German scientists.

In this light, the Bell project appears to be one segment of a larger scientific program to create a propulsion system for an aerospace system of a fundamentally new type, based on the technological heritage of ancient civilizations. The main task of the Kolokol project, apparently, was to create a system to protect pilots from the negative consequences that arise during the operation of new types of engines. It is unknown how far German scientists were able to advance in this direction, but the boom in observations of mysterious devices with unusual flight characteristics that began in the 40s of the 20th century suggests that their efforts were crowned with some success.

Alexey KOMOGORTSEV, Interdisciplinary research group “Origins of Civilizations”

After the end of World War II, Polish intelligence services became aware of the existence of the “General Plan - 1945” - a secret Nazi program for the evacuation of high technologies, behind which stood Hitler’s closest ally Martin Bormann. What was alarming was that the special SS teams operating within the framework of this plan, instead of eliminating documentation, specialists and enterprises for the development and production of jet technology, guidance systems, computers and much more, purposefully destroyed traces of other, more mysterious activities. In recent years, information about one of these top-secret German projects called “Bell” has leaked to the press.

The project involved experiments with a bell-shaped object made of solid heavy metal and filled with a violet-colored, mercury-like liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall, thin thermos, 1 m high, packed in a 3 cm thick lead shell. The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic cap, with two cylinders rotating rapidly in opposite directions. The mercury-like substance was conventionally called “xerum-525.”

The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in an underground gallery. Its area was about 30 m2, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with saline solution for 45 minutes. The processing was carried out by prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, and the used ones were burned in a special oven. After approximately ten tests, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the “Bell” itself has survived.

Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. When active, the Bell emitted a pale blue light; scientists kept a distance of 150-200 m from it. Electrical equipment within this radius usually failed. Various plants, animals and living tissues were placed within the range of the Bell. During the first series of tests, carried out from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed - liquids, including blood, coagulated and were divided into purified fractions! The first team of researchers disbanded due to the death of five of the seven scientists. In a second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, harm to animals was somewhat reduced through various modifications to the equipment. Just before the end of the war, the SS evacuation team took the Bell and all the documentation to an unknown location. The scientists who took part in the project were shot by SS soldiers between April 28 and May 4, 1945.

What was the ultimate goal of the Bell project? According to Vitkovsky, the descriptions made by the scientists working with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves. Sporrenberg remembered the terms “vortex compression” and “separation of magnetic fields.” Some researchers suggest that experimenters tried to use twisting fields, now known as torsion fields (the “Lord of Light” project) to influence the fourth dimension - time (the “Chronos” project). That is, we are talking about nothing less than creating... a time machine? However, there are also assumptions that are more similar to the truth.

There are episodes in the activities of one of the participants in the project, Professor Gerlach, that give reason to classify him as a scientist who has worked on issues of gravitation. In the 20-30s of the 20th century, Gerlach worked on problems of spin polarization, spin resonance and the properties of magnetic fields, which had little in common with nuclear physics, but related to some unexplored properties of gravity. Gerlach, together with Otto Stern, is responsible for the experimental proof of the existence of electron spin, dated 1922. And Gerlach’s student O. Gilgenberg published an article entitled “On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium.” But after the end of the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he had been forbidden to talk about it.

Now let’s remember the mysterious substance “Xerum-525”. The only thing we know is that it looked like mercury. The Indian text Samarangana Sutradhara, attributed to King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 CE), contains descriptions of aircraft that used mercury as fuel. Here is one such description: “His body, made of light material, should be strong and durable, like a large flying bird. A device containing mercury and an iron heating device underneath should be placed inside. By means of the power that lies hidden in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person located inside this chariot can fly distances across the sky in the most amazing way. Four strong containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated by controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to the mercury, and it will immediately turn into a pearl in the sky.”

Experts suggest that the flow of mercury, accelerated along the annular path to high speeds, excites a high-intensity gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot”, as a result of which the lifting force necessary for flight is generated. But why mercury? The whole point is that in order to obtain maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest volumetric density as a working fluid. It is mercury – or compounds based on it – that meets this condition.

As soon as the speed of the mercury flow exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot” will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the “flying chariot”, which was previously hovering in the air, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a silvery shiny ball or pearl will appear. In this regard, it is worth remembering the light that the German “Bell” began to emit when it was in working condition. Indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar, in his book “Warfare in Ancient India,” provides numerous evidence of the use of “flying chariots,” or vimanas, in ancient Indian wars and argues that vimanas were real flying vehicles.

Attempts to build an aircraft with a mercury-based propulsion system were made back in the 18th century. This is evidenced by the story of the Italian monk Andrea Grimaldi Wolande. The newspaper Leiden Gazette of October 21, 1751 describes the flying machine he built as follows: “In the machine on which Andrea Grimaldi Wolande can make seven miles in one hour, a clock mechanism is installed; it is 22 feet wide and has the shape of a bird, the body of which consists of pieces of cork connected together by wire, covered with parchment and feathers. The wings are made from whalebone and intestines. Inside the machine there are thirty unique wheels and chains that serve to lower and raise weights. In addition, six copper pipes, partially filled with mercury, were used here.

The balance is maintained by the experience of the inventor himself. It can fly equally fast in storms and calm weather. This wonderful machine is controlled by a tail seven feet long, attached by straps to the bird's legs. As soon as the car takes off, the tail points it to the left or right, as the inventor wishes. After about three hours, the bird falls smoothly to the ground, after which the clock mechanism starts up again. The inventor flies constantly at the height of the trees. Andrea Grimaldi Wolande flew once across the English Channel from Calais to Dover. From there he flew to London that same morning, where he spoke with famous mechanics about the design of his car. The mechanics were very surprised and proposed to build a car before Christmas that could fly at 30 miles per hour.”

After reading about “guts,” “wheels,” “chains,” and especially “tubes filled with mercury,” many scientists dismissed the story. But in addition to the article, there are two more documents testifying to the flights of the “Grimaldi bird”. In Italy there is a letter from London confirming the flight, and in the French city of Lyon there is a scientific study of this machine certified by three academicians, which records that in 1751 Grimaldi made a successful flight from Calais to Dover. Unfortunately, we know nothing about the further fate of the invention of the Italian monk.

Returning to the Bell project, it should be remembered that the Third Reich paid great attention to the historical heritage of ancient civilizations. Take, for example, the famous German institute “Ahnenerbe” (“German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and the Heritage of Ancestors”). The effectiveness of the work carried out there is clearly evidenced by the fact that in 1941 the institute was included in the personal headquarters of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and oversaw projects to create retaliatory weapons.

It is no secret that in 1938-1939, under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe and the SS, a successful expedition to Tibet was organized. A direct radio bridge was established between Lhasa and Berlin, which, according to available information, functioned until 1943. In addition to extensive information on the anthropology, geography and climatology of the region, the expedition members brought numerous ancient texts to Germany, including the complete collection of the Ganjur Buddhist corpus. It is possible that, thanks to the benevolent attitude of the Tibetan religious authorities, descriptions of devices similar to Indian vimanas, and perhaps even individual surviving examples of ancient technologies, could end up in the hands of German scientists.
In this light, the Bell project appears to be one segment of a larger scientific program to create a propulsion system for an aerospace system of a fundamentally new type, based on the technological heritage of ancient civilizations. The main task of the Bell project, apparently, was to create a system to protect pilots from the negative consequences that arise during the operation of new types of engines. It is unknown how far German scientists were able to advance in this direction, but the boom in observations of mysterious devices with unusual flight characteristics that began in the 40s of the 20th century suggests that their efforts were crowned with some success.

In a real time bomb
The explosive substance is time.
(Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Let’s try to analyze from a modern point of view some documents of the Third Reich, taken from open sources, which relate to scientific, technical and biological developments in the field of weapons in the troops of the Third Reich, and in particular the “Bell” project.

The emblem of the Ahnenerbe (German: Ahnenerbe - heritage of ancestors), the full name is “German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Heritage of Ancestors”.

The Ahnenerbe had in its structure departments that dealt with almost all world areas of science, including non-standard ones, here is just a small list: medicine, biology, archeology, history, astronomy, astrology, occult world knowledge, etc. There was even a “Scientific Society for the Study of Spiritual History.”

Among the priorities of the new institute was the creation of “weapons of retaliation” and participation in the “Uranium Project”. The highest level of secrecy and special rules of document flow available at that time, when research reports were periodically destroyed, still do not allow us to understand what exactly the individual divisions of the institute were doing.

Only indirect evidence and surviving fragments of financial reports indicate that, starting from the second half of 1943, significant financial resources were allocated to departments that designed some incomprehensible “miracle weapon” systems.

Among other sectors and departments that developed military equipment, the “R” department, which dealt with “non-nuclear methods of material fission,” is interesting. As can be seen from the very meager secondary information remaining from the “Reich Research Council”, Department “R” requested enormous quantities of enriched uranium, ultra-pure graphite and heavy water. The volumes of electricity released were impressive.

The created myth about the occult quackery of scientists from Ahnenerbe, that huge funds comparable to the total expenditures of Germany on waging the war, were wasted on the implementation of fantastic, delusional ideas during the most difficult war period in the history of Germany, does not stand up to any criticism. The promised miracle weapon was not created. The whole world knows German frugality and rationalism, bordering on pathological greed, the mentality of the nation has hardly changed over the centuries and we can safely conclude that neither the German people nor their leadership have ever spent or will spend a single pfennig or mark.

Now let’s try, one by one, to analyze information taken from open sources about well-known breakthrough technologies (implemented for the first time in the world) that were serially supplied to the troops of the Third Reich during the Second World War.

The presented documents clearly demonstrate Germany's huge technological gap from the advanced developments of that time, and the most interesting thing is that the breakthrough occurred in mid-1944.

The German leadership was well aware that the economies of the leading countries of the world that had entered the war with Germany were many times greater than its capabilities. This is where the idea of ​​a miracle weapon (wunderwaffe), based on other physical principles of operation of “future technologies,” arose.

The term “wunderwaffe” itself was invented not by weapons designers, but by propagandists of Goebbels’s Imperial Ministry of Propaganda. In 1943, Reich Minister of Armaments Albert Speer stated: “ A protracted war will be won through miracle weapons" Nazi propaganda talked about the Wunderwaffe right up to the very last days of the Third Reich.

Germany of that period did not have the opportunity to quickly increase the power of its troops with conventional weapons due to limited material, time and human resources, and this despite the captured territories.

The lack of time was especially evident in achieving the victory of the National Socialist idea in the country. The symbol of the national socialist idea is the Swastika. Initially, the Swastika is an ancient Buddhist symbol, but in Buddhism the swastika rotates clockwise, which symbolizes the acceleration of time, and in the Third Reich, on the contrary, counterclockwise, which means the braking of time (return to the past).

The actions of the leadership of the Third Reich clearly demonstrated a targeted search for means of influencing the space-time continuum, allowing time travel, as well as means of influencing people’s consciousness (psychotronic weapons).

The idea of ​​psychotronic weapons was most likely realized. There is a high probability that the many millions of people in Germany in a short period of time believed the propaganda of Hitler and Goebbels and became its ardent supporters, only if there was a technogenic influence on the consciousness of the masses.

Currently, such an impact on the masses of people is confirmed by modern political technologies and methods of media influence. There is fragmentary information about the development of a large-sized psychotronic installation and its use from the Kharkov region in the area where Operation Citadel was carried out - Battle of Kursk, July 1943 to influence Red Army soldiers in order to suppress the will to resist, but this experiment failed for certain reasons.

From the memoirs of Field Marshal Erich von Manstein (commander of the army group "South" of the southern front of the Battle of Kursk) it is clearly clear that, despite the opinion of the leadership of the Supreme High Command of the Wehrmacht (Oberkommando der Wehrmat (OKW)) and the commanders of the army groups "Center" (Heeresgruppe Mitte) and “South” (Heeresgruppe Sud) about Operation Citadel and its outcome, Adolf Hitler firmly believed in success and in some knowledge known only to him about the positive outcome of the operation, although he complained that only the thought of Operation Citadel his stomach began to ache.

Of particular interest is the Ahnenerbe project “Bell”. The Bell project is considered and indeed was top secret: « This work was given the highest level of secrecy existing in Nazi Germany, higher than the atomic bomb itself - “Kriegsendscheideidend”, or “determining the outcome of the war.”» . The research project itself began in January 1942 under the code name "Bell", although the first experiments appear to have been carried out in May and June 1944 at a closed SS facility near Lublin under the code name "Giant".

After Soviet troops entered Poland, the laboratory was moved to a castle near the village of Fuersteinstein (Kszac), near Waldenburg, and then to the Wenceslash underground mine near Ludwigsdorf, located on the northern spurs of the Sudetenland near the border with the Czech Republic. The project was conceived approximately two and a half years earlier, which means that it took exactly that long to translate the underlying theory into practice.

The Germans abandoned special Relativity (Albert Einstein) with its locally flat space and experimented with something like "hyperrelativity", or locally generated curvature of spacetime. The meaning of the code names indicates research into extremely radical and exotic physics (Nikola Tesla). Tesla designed a "World System" capable of pumping electricity through the ether of the "planetary atmosphere." At the same time, he argued that he would turn the entire Earth into one global resonator circuit, where the air layers would play the role of colossal capacitors, and “standing waves of energy” would appear in the places of the “antinodes of the electric ether.”

In his technological park, Tesla was going not only to “shock the ethereal distances,” but also to look deep into the atom, splitting it with super-powerful discharges. Unfortunately, the economic crisis, misunderstanding of shareholders and intrigues between Edison and G. Marconi did not allow the inventor’s dreams to come true.

In the twenties, need forced Tesla to contact a number of embassies with an offer to buy his patents and unrealized ideas. Among the interested parties were German diplomats...

It is possible that in this way part of Tesla’s work could have reached the director of the Ahnenerbe Institute, Walter Bust. In turn, being the scientific curator of defense projects, Bust handed over the materials to the head of the “R” department, Sigmund Rascher.

This is exactly how the “Bell” project could have been born...

The Bell apparatus is described as a device made of heavy and durable metal. The dimensions of the device were as follows: about 2.7 meters wide and about 4.5 meters high. A bell-shaped object that glowed when tested. The bell was made of solid, heavy metal and filled with a violet-colored, mercury-like liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall, thin thermos one meter high, packed in a lead shell three centimeters thick.

The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic hood, with two cylinders rapidly rotating in opposite directions. The mercury-like substance was conventionally called “Xerum 525.” Among other substances used were thorium and beryllium peroxides, which were conventionally called “light metal”.

The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in a gallery deep underground. Its area was about thirty square meters, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After approximately ten tests, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the “Bell” itself has survived. The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, and the used ones were burned in a special oven.

Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. When active, the Bell emitted a pale blue light; personnel were located at a distance of 150-200 meters. Electrical equipment within this radius usually failed or short-circuited. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with some kind of liquid, most likely a saline solution, for forty-five minutes.

During tests, scientists placed various plants, animals and living tissues within the Bell's range. During the first series of tests, carried out from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed. Crystalline structures formed inside living tissues, destroying them from the inside; liquids, including blood, were coagulated and separated into purified fractions. The Bells exposed mosses, ferns, fungi and animal tissues, including egg whites, blood, meat and milk, as well as animals themselves, from insects and snails to lizards, frogs, mice and rats.

Chlorophyll disintegrated or disappeared in plant tissues, and after four to five hours the plants turned white. After eight to fourteen hours, complete decomposition occurred, but unlike ordinary decomposition, it was not accompanied by a smell. By the end of this period, the plants usually turned into an ointment-like substance. These effects are entirely consistent with the anomalies that would be expected from “time-reversed” waves.

In a second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, harm to animals was reduced to approximately 12-15% through various modifications to the equipment. After the second stage of modifications, the degree of damage was reduced to two or three percent. People who participated in the experiments complained of feeling unwell, despite wearing protective clothing.

Sleep disturbances, memory loss and disorders of the vestibular system, muscle spasms, and the appearance of a constant unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth were noted. It is known that the first team of researchers disbanded due to the death of five out of seven scientists. What was the ultimate goal of the Bell project? The descriptions made by the scientists who worked with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves.

Scientists used the terms: “vortex compression” and “separation of magnetic fields.” Some researchers suggest that experimenters tried to use twisting fields, now known as torsion fields, to influence the fourth dimension - time, that is, we are talking about creating... a time machine!

This is what “The Bell” (“Die Glocke”) might have looked like

Reinforced concrete frame in the Wenceslash mine area, Poland

Part of a building in the Wenceslash mine area, Poland

On the issue of Vimanas

There are episodes in the activities of one of the participants in the project, Professor Gerlach, that give reason to classify him as a scientist who has worked on issues of gravitation. In the 20-30s of the 20th century, Gerlach worked on problems of spin polarization, spin resonance and the properties of magnetic fields, which had little in common with nuclear physics, but related to some unexplored properties of gravity.

Gerlach, together with Otto Stern, is responsible for the experimental proof of the existence of electron spin, dated 1922. And Gerlach’s student O. Gilgenberg published an article entitled “On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium.” But after the end of the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he had been forbidden to talk about it.

Now let’s remember the mysterious substance “Xerum-525”. The only thing we know is that it looked like mercury. The Indian text Samarangana Sutradhara, attributed to King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 CE), contains descriptions of aircraft that used mercury as fuel. Here is one such description: “His body, made of light material, should be strong and durable, like a large flying bird. A device containing mercury and an iron heating device underneath should be placed inside.

By means of the power which lies hidden in mercury, and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person within this chariot can fly distances across the sky in a most amazing manner. Four strong containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated by controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to the mercury, and it will immediately turn into a pearl in the sky.” Experts suggest that the flow of mercury, accelerated along the annular path to high speeds, excites a high-intensity gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot”, as a result of which the lifting force necessary for flight is generated. But why mercury?

The whole point is that in order to obtain maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest volumetric density as a working fluid. It is mercury – or compounds based on it – that meets this condition. As soon as the speed of the mercury flow exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot” will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the “flying chariot”, which was previously hovering in the air, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a silvery shiny ball or pearl will appear.

In this regard, it is worth remembering the light that the German “Bell” began to emit when it was in working condition. Indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar, in his book “Warfare in Ancient India,” provides numerous evidence of the use of “flying chariots,” or vimanas, in ancient Indian wars and argues that vimanas were real flying vehicles.

Many of the devices listed above may work if they are controlled by the “psychic energy” of a person with altered consciousness, as an example of already implemented devices controlled by the “power of thought” that read visual images directly from the human brain. (Elon Musk's program called Neuralink). And in general, it is only now that supercomputers have recently approached the capabilities of the human brain, which, according to research data, is used by 10% and consumes 20% of the energy of the human body. In the world, digital technologies (including Cryptocurrencies) consume hundreds of Gigawatts per year with a fairly low efficiency of energy extraction from the energy carrier. Biotechnology is definitely the future, with the human body's energy system being a prime example! A bowl of oatmeal and you can fly to Mars!

In any case, we come to the conclusion that whatever the Bell and Wiman were from a purely scientific point of view, from the point of view of esoteric history they represented an attempt to reconstruct an ancient lost technology, much more advanced than the technology of 1930 -x and 1940s, that is, the Germans were engaged in “reverse engineering and reproduced what was known a long time ago and described in ancient texts, which is why the “German Tibetan Expedition of Ernst Schaefer” was carried out in 1938-1939. It is no secret that in 1938-1939, under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe and the SS, a successful expedition to Tibet was organized. A direct radio bridge was established between Lhasa and Berlin, which, according to available information, functioned until 1943.

In addition to extensive information on the anthropology, geography and climatology of the region, the expedition members brought numerous ancient texts to Germany, including the complete collection of the Ganjur Buddhist corpus. It is possible that, thanks to the benevolent attitude of the Tibetan religious authorities, descriptions of devices similar to Indian vimanas, and perhaps even individual surviving examples of ancient technologies, could end up in the hands of German scientists.

In this light, the Bell project appears to be one segment of a larger scientific program to create a propulsion system for an aerospace system of a fundamentally new type, based on the technological heritage of ancient civilizations.

Since The Bell clearly corresponds in many respects to the paradigms of alternative physics, there can be no doubt that the Germans who worked on it under the direction of Gerlach, whose brilliant student Hilgenberg laid the foundations of the vortex theory, were interested not only in the energetic possibilities of the new physics, but also in its possibilities of exerting beneficial and harmful effects, as well as in its possibilities of creating weapons of terrible destructive power.

It was the prototype of the scalar device of the new, "unified" physics, and, without a doubt, the Nazis knew of its gigantic potential - both in terms of creation and in terms of destruction. The fact that the "Bell" and its owner Kammler disappeared "without a trace after the war", that Gerlach's diaries, no doubt containing a lot of information on this topic, remain classified to this day, that it was this and only this device, rather than fuel-air bombs, sarin gas and atomic bombs were classified as "decisive for the war" (Kriegsentscheidend), it is clear enough that the Germans were "working in areas of physics that are highly unusual in the concepts of everyday life."

This is not science fiction; this project is based on the principle of modern quantum physics, which allows us to achieve the effect of teleportation and material copying of objects at the microworld level. "Teleportation" is a term first coined in 1931 by Charles H. Fort and has since been used to refer to the process by which bodies and objects are transferred from one place to another without actually traveling the distance between them, for more information see official scientific world research institutes. In 2016, Chinese scientists managed to teleport ions to a record distance of 1200 km, then the transition from ions and atoms to DNA cells and viruses

The development of quantum physics will follow the path of transferring this effect (teleportation) from the microworld to the macroworld.

Very interesting fact. If you look closely at STP (Scientific and Technical Progress), a number of questions arise: how global, one might say tectonic, changes occur on planet Earth simultaneously in different countries and in a very short period of time of about 50 years: space exploration, the development of artificial intelligence, aircraft - and rocket science, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, microbiology, nuclear energy, laser technology, digital and telecommunication technologies, exploration of the depths of the oceans, etc.

But, as Darwin’s theory states, the age of man Home Sapiens is 400,000 -250,000 years, and in just 50 years such dramatic changes have occurred that further, with the development of mankind at such a pace, even the most fantastic films and fantasy books will lag very far behind objective reality technological development of people on planet Earth.

Estimated appearance of the object from the “Bell” program

There are many things that we are unable to understand. But they need to be used, including by amateurs.

Heinrich Himmler
From a letter to the Minister of Culture of Baden, Wacker, 1938

From the testimony of SS-Obergruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg, Polish and Soviet intelligence became aware of the existence of the Bell project, which was born as a result of the merger of the top secret Lantern and Chronos projects.
Work on the Bell project began in mid-1944 at a closed SS facility located near Leibus (Lublin). After the entry of Soviet troops into Poland, the project was moved to a castle near the village of Fuersteinstein (Kszac), not far from Waldenburg, and from there to a mine near Ludwigsdorf (Ludwikovichi), twenty kilometers from the other outskirts of Waldenburg, on the northern spurs of the Sudetenland (1) .
The Bell Project involved experiments with a bell-shaped object made of a hard, heavy metal and filled with a violet, mercury-like liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall, thin thermos one meter high, packed in a lead shell three centimeters thick. The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic hood, with two cylinders rapidly rotating in opposite directions. The mercury-like substance was conventionally called “Xerum-525”. Other substances used included thorium and beryl peroxides, which were conventionally called “light metal.”
The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in an underground gallery. Its area was about thirty square meters, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with a saline solution for forty-five minutes. The processing of the premises was carried out by prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, and the used ones were burned in a special oven. After approximately ten tests, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the “Bell” itself has survived.
Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. When active, the Bell emitted a pale blue light; scientists kept a distance of 150-200 meters from it. Electrical equipment within this radius usually broke down or short-circuited.
Various plants, animals and living tissues were placed within the range of the Bell. During the first series of tests, carried out from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed - liquids, including blood, were coagulated and separated into purified fractions. Chlorophyll disintegrated or disappeared in plant tissues; after four to five hours, the plants became completely white. After eight to fourteen hours, complete decomposition occurred, but unlike usual, it was not accompanied by a smell. By the end of this period, the plants usually turned into something similar in consistency to wheel ointment.
It is known that the first team of researchers disbanded due to the death of five out of seven scientists. In a second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, harm to animals was somewhat reduced through various modifications to the equipment. People who participated in the experiments complained of feeling unwell, despite wearing protective clothing. Sleep disturbances, loss of memory and balance, muscle spasms, and an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth were noted.
Just before the end of the war, a “special evacuation team” of the SS took the “Bell” and all the documentation to an unknown destination (2). The sixty-two scientists involved in the project were executed by SS soldiers between April 28 and May 4, 1945.
The documents, which the Polish researcher Igor Witkovsky had the opportunity to familiarize himself with, mentioned the participation in the Bell project of Professor Gerlach, the head of the German Uranium Club, who coordinated the efforts of scientific groups working in the field of the atomic project of the Third Reich. Also mentioned was Dr. Ernst Grawitz (06/08/1899-04/24/1945) (3), SS Obergruppenführer and General of the SS Troops, head of the SS Medical Service, head of the Main Directorate of the German Red Cross. It was Ernst Harwitz who oversaw research work at various SS institutes, including experiments in concentration camps (4).
However, according to Vitkovsky, the descriptions made by the scientists working with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves. Sporrenberg remembered the terms “vortex compression” and “separation of magnetic fields.”
Some light on this question is shed by the fact that there are episodes in the activities of Professor Gerlach that give grounds to classify him as a scientist who worked on issues ... of gravity, despite his main specialization. In the 20-30s, Gerlach worked on the problems of “spin polarization”, “spin resonance” and the properties of magnetic fields, which had little in common with nuclear physics, but related to some unexplored properties of gravity. Gerlach (together with Otto Stern) is responsible for the experimental proof of the existence of electron spin, dated 1922. Gerlach's student, O. Gilgenberg (Munich), published an article entitled “On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium.” However, after the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he had been forbidden to talk about it.

Professor Walter Gerlach

At the same time, in the mid-20s, on another continent, the talented American physicist and inventor Thomas Townsend Brown (1905-1985) discovered the relationship between electric charge and gravitational mass. The result of his experiments was the discovery now known as the Biefield-Brown Effect, which was that an electrical capacitor would move towards the positive pole and would maintain this movement until it discharged.
The main conclusion following from Brown's theory is as follows - there is an electromagnetic correlation factor between gravitational mass and inertial mass, which, under certain electromagnetic conditions, can be reduced, canceled, inverted or increased (5).
During his early experiments, Brown encountered the fact that a draft was observed in the Coolidge X-ray tube under the influence of high voltage. The movement was caused by electricity passing through the tube. Brown continued his experiments and developed a device he called a “gravitor” - an electrical capacitor sealed in a bakelite case, which, when connected to a power source of one hundred kilovolts, showed a weight loss of one percent.
In 1929, Brown described his experiments in an article entitled “How I Control Gravity”: “In reality, the gravitator is an unusually efficient engine. Unlike other engines, it operates not on the principles of electromagnetism, but on the principles of electrogravity. A simple “gravitator” has no moving parts, but is apparently capable of movement from the inside. It is extremely efficient for the reason that it does not require machinery, propeller axles, or wheels to generate motive power. It has no internal mechanical resistance and no noticeable heating. Contrary to the usual ideas that a gravitational engine must necessarily act vertically, I have proven that this engine acts equally well in any direction.”
The ability to manipulate energy on all axes opened the way for the “gravitator” to aviation. During his research, Brown came to the conclusion that the most effective shape for producing electrogravitational lift was the shape of an ideal disk or saucer (6).
Movement control was supposed to be done by dividing the disk into segments, each of which could be charged separately. Thus, by moving the charge along the edge of the disk, it is possible to make the device move in any direction (7).
Demonstration flights of Brown's experimental disks, 1 meter or more in diameter, around a tall mast powered by wires showed that a low-pressure region was created in front of the leading edge of the disk. This area, like a buffer wing, displaces air in front of the flying disk, which eliminates the formation of a supersonic barrier and heating of the disk body. Speaking to scientists and representatives of the aviation industry, Brown already noted that the electromagnetic processes accompanying flight cause not only the glow of the disk, but also a negative effect on animals and plants (8).

Thomas Townsend Brown

It is known that in 1932 Brown served as a staff physicist on a naval expedition to study... gravity in the West Indies. By 1940, Brown was appointed head of the Naval Bureau for the Research and Development of Ship Mine Sweeping Methods. During this period, he conducts experiments on destroying the magnetic field (“demagnetization”) of ships. In 1942, Brown was appointed head of the Military Technical School for Radar Research of the Atlantic Fleet and Gyroscopic Service (Norfolk, Virginia). It is not known for certain what exactly Brown was working on at that time, but the very next year he suffered a severe nervous breakdown and left the Navy. However, already in 1944, he returned to work as a radar consultant (Burrbank, California) in the Lockheed-Vega division. At the end of the war, Brown moved to Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), where he began intensive work in the field of electrogravity (9).
In 1945, in Hawaii, Brown demonstrated the operation of the “gravitator” and flying disks to Admiral Arthur W. Radford, Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet. At this time, Brown worked as a consultant at the Pearl Harbor naval base.

Thomas Townsend Brown, 1958

Apparently, the demonstration did not surprise the navy, although no official evidence of this has survived.
Immediately after the Pearl Harbor experiment, all records were stolen from Brown's room. However, a few days later they were returned.
From 1945 to 1952, almost nothing is known about Brown's activities, except that he returned to Los Angeles, where he founded the Townsend Brown Foundation. In 1952, the Foundation received an unscheduled visit from US Air Force Major General Victor E. Betrandias. Following his visit to the Townsend Brown Foundation, a telephone conversation took place between Betrandias and US Air Force General Craig. Nick Cook had a tape recording of this extremely interesting conversation at his disposal:
Betrandias: - It's incredible, but on Friday I went to the Townsend Brown Foundation with a man named Lehr, and you won't believe me, but I saw a model of a flying saucer.
Craig: - Can't be.
Betrandias: - I thought it would be worth reporting this. The Foundation staff objected to my visit for a long time, and this organization scared me because it is led by a group of private individuals. I stayed there from about half past two until five in the evening, saw two models that made such a tremendous impression on me that I decided that we needed to find out who these people were and whether their association was legal. Now these developments are at the same stage as the work on creating an atomic bomb was at the very beginning.
Craig: - Clear.
Betrandias: - They told me that I shouldn’t say anything about what I saw, but I’m afraid that I believed it all, because this Foundation is not filled with schoolchildren. They occupy a fairly well equipped facility in Los Angeles. I thought I should contact you.
Craig: - Yes, I'll look into it and see what I can find out.
Most likely, Major General Betrandias came across the Brown Foundation's "Winterhaven" project to create an electrogravitational combat vehicle in the form of a disk capable of reaching a speed of three mach (10), which was twice the speed the most powerful jet interceptor of that time. Apparently, at the time of Betrandias's visit, the project was in preparation for official transfer to the military department.
In the Winterhaven text, Brown describes his test disks as follows: “They contain no moving parts and may not rotate while in flight. In the atmosphere, they emit a bluish-red electric coronal glow and make a faint hissing sound.”
Brown formulated a method for generating the required high voltage for a free-flying disk by means of a “gas-jet generator.” It was a jet engine modified into an electrostatic generator capable of delivering up to fifteen million volts to the airframe. Thus, the project was ready to move from the drawing board to the technology demonstration phase.
A few days after Major General Betrandias' conversation with General Craig, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations became involved. The Office released a copy of the report prepared by the US Navy Office of Naval Research, “Investigation of the Townsend Brown Foundation.” The report was put on the desk of the Deputy Inspector General of the US Air Force, Major General Joseph F. Carroll (11). Based on it, the Air Force and its arch-rival, the US Navy, officially put an end to Brown's developments, citing the fact that the effect was due to “electric wind” (12).
However, there is reason to believe that Brown’s work was rejected not because of its scientific inconsistency, but because its principles and even the very subject of research activity were already well known!
In this light, the episode with the theft of Brown's notes becomes understandable. Probably someone wanted to make sure that Brown's developments were based solely on his own theoretical and practical material, and were not the result of the leak of some secret information.
This version is supported by the contents of a secret Memorandum from the Chief of the US Air Force Logistics Agency (AMS), Lieutenant General Nathan F. Twining, sent to the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force, Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, (copy to the head of the Air Intelligence Directorate, Brigadier General J. Schulgen).
In this document, Twining outlines the conclusion regarding numerous sightings of strange flying objects (so-called “flying discs”) over the territory of the United States:

09/23/1947 Secret
Headquarters, Air Force Materiel Command
Contents: AMC's opinion on “flying discs”
For the Chief of Staff of the Air Force
25 Washington, D.C.
Also: To Brigadier General J. Schulgen

1. In response to a request from AC/AS-2, we report the Department’s point of view regarding the so-called “flying discs”. This opinion is based on reports provided by AC/AS-2 and preliminary research by T-2 and the Aircraft Laboratory of the T-3 Technical Division. This opinion was reached at a meeting of employees of the Institute of Aviation Technology, the T-2 Technical Intelligence Unit, the head of the Mechanics Department and representatives of the Laboratory for the Study of Aircraft, Propeller and Propulsion Subjects of the T-3 Technical Unit.
2. The opinion is as follows:

a) The phenomenon in question is something real, and not an illusion or fiction.

c) The objects are probably disk-shaped and of such apparent size that they appear to be as large as human-made flying machines.

c) It is possible that some cases are due to natural causes, such as meteors.

d) The described characteristics of the actions, such as very high rate of climb, maneuverability (especially when moving in a circle), and actions that should be considered flight upon visual contact with friendly aircraft or radar, make it plausible that some objects are being controlled either manually, automatically, or remotely. The usual description of objects is as follows:

Metal or reflective surface.

No trace, except in those rare cases when the object performed complex maneuvers, demonstrating high flight performance.

Round or elliptical in shape, flat at the bottom and domed at the top.

Some reports indicated the presence of a clearly observed formation consisting of several (3-9) objects.

The objects are usually silent, except for three cases where a rumbling sound was noted.

The usual flight speed is within 550 km/h. Using modern knowledge, subject to the organization of detailed research, it is possible to create a manned vehicle that has a similar general description given in paragraphs. 1-6, which could have a range of up to 12,000 km and a speed close to the speed of sound.

3. Any research in this area with the aim of technically solving a problem requires a huge investment of time and finances, significantly exceeding the cost of existing projects, and therefore can only be started as an independent project not related to existing ones.

As a result of the review, the following can be stated:

1. There is a possibility that these objects were created in the USA and are the result of top-secret developments unknown to AC/AS and the Command.
2. As long as there is no physical evidence in the form of debris from the crashed objects, uncertainty about the reality of these objects continues to exist.
3. There is a possibility that a foreign power has propulsion systems, possibly nuclear, whose principles are unknown to the United States.
4. It is recommended that Headquarters Air Force issue a directive prioritizing, emphasizing, and code-naming a detailed research program on this subject to begin preparing a complete review of all available and relevant information that can then be made available to the major research units of the United States Armed Forces for issuing recommendations and comments on this issue. Within 15 days after receiving the data, a preliminary report and after 30 days - a final detailed report.

Pending development of instructions, the Air Force Materiel Command should, on its own initiative, continue to investigate this class of phenomena. A detailed information registration form will be developed shortly and sent out immediately through communication channels.

N.F. Tuining,
Lieutenant General, Commander

(Copy from the National Archives) (13)

Memorandum from the head of the US Air Force Logistics Directorate (AMS), Lieutenant General Twining, to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force outlining his opinion on “flying discs” dated 09/23/1947 (copy of the first page)

Thus, Twining officially recognized that in the skies of the United States there really are some controllable disk-shaped objects, approaching in size to a conventional aircraft, possessing great maneuverability, a characteristic absence of a trace in the sky and a silent engine. And also that the production of an aircraft with similar characteristics corresponds to the knowledge available to the United States.
The fact that 1947 was replete with reports of unusual aircraft is confirmed by a document released from the bowels of the US Air Force classified as “top secret”, entitled “Analysis of Incidents with Flying Objects in the United States,” dated December 10, 1948. The following noteworthy comment can be found in this document: “A number of reports concerning unidentified flying objects have been made by observation pilots. Because of their technical training and experience, they do not give the impression of being influenced by groundless sensationalism or having a tendency to report unexplained phenomena as new types of aerial vehicles” (14).

(To be continued)


1 Cook N. Hunting for the “zero” point. M., 2005. S. 264-265, 269.
2 According to available evidence, they were taken out by ship. (Ibid. p. 259)
3 Ibid. pp. 269-271.
5 Zabelyshensky V. UFO and antigravity. //
6 In his experiments, Brown used models of objects in the shape of a triangle, a square, a square truncated at the corners with edges, and a saucer itself (Ibid.).
7 Cook N. Hunting for the “zero” point. pp. 40-41.
8 Zabelyshensky V. UFO and antigravity.
9 Ibid. pp. 42-43, 48-49.
10 Mach One (Mach number) - the speed of sound propagation in air, 330 meters per second or 1200 km/h.
11 Cook N. Hunting for the “zero” point. pp. 49-55.
12 It is characteristic that the report “missed” the important fact that Brown insisted on using very high voltage to realize the electrogravitational effect. Thus, during the work on the Winterhaven project, he used disks with a diameter of ten feet, transmitting a voltage of 500 kilovolts to them, while the Air Force used no more than 19 kilovolts during tests. And even despite this obvious discrepancy, two experiments still showed “anomalous” results, but no attempt was made to explain them (Ibid., p. 204).
13 The document was prepared for N. Twining by Colonel Howard McCoy, who headed the T-2 Technical Intelligence Division. First published in: Condon, Edward U.: Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, New York 1969, pp. 894-895. Air Materiel Command (AMC) is one of the nine commands of the Army Air Forces. The Directorate included many different departments, including the T-2 Technical Intelligence Department, which was involved in the exploitation of German and Japanese technology and intelligence in the field of aviation technology. It was T-2 that participated in the “Overcast” and “Paperclip” projects to identify and capture German scientists and engineers. Since the fall of 1947, by order of the Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of intelligence (Assistant-Chief of Air Staff for Intelligence, abbreviated as AC/AS-2), the T-2 Department was engaged exclusively in reconnaissance. In 1948, T-2 became the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) and was transferred from the US Air Force Logistics Agency. In July 1961, ATIC was renamed the Foreign Technology Division and transferred to the A-2 Department (Directorate of Intelligence) of the US Air Force General Staff. (Shurinov B.A. The Mystery of Roswell. Smolensk, 1997. //
14 Redfern N. FBI Secret Files. Chelyabinsk, 1999. P. 17.

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