“Technique for making wishes come true”, Igor Bibin: reviews. Igor Bibin

Dear friends, I receive requests to tell you about the Technique of Fulfillment of Desires, with the help of which I attracted Love, money and all the benefits resulting from this into my life.

I will be happy to share this information with you. Despite the fact that at the age of 30 I was a poor man who had neither a job (I left work), nor a family (we separated), nor my own home (I lived in a friend’s apartment), but I had a lot debts after a failed business attempt.

After just one year, my whole life changed beyond recognition.

Now I run my own business, which brings me very good income. I have 5 business projects in different niches. Specially hired staff who help me develop my business. Friends are millionaires. I have a new family. I live a full and free life. We travel to different countries and villages of our vast homeland. Etc.

And the point is not at all that many people who took my training began to earn several times more or found their soul mates, and the point is not at all that I was able to positively influence the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world (and I I’m not exaggerating), and it’s not at all that for many years many businessmen have been using the business tools I created, but the fact is that this information has now fallen into the hands of EXACTLY YOU!

And this is not just like that. You understand that information comes on time.

That is why this information came into my hands. And I, as a reasonable person, took advantage of it. And thank God that I had the wisdom not to brush it aside, but to take it and use it.

Now it's your turn! And I congratulate you on this new stage of your life. Now you will be fine!

TED1.RU I receive requests to talk about the Technique of Desire Fulfillment, with the help of which I attracted Love, money and all the benefits that flow from this into my life.

So. To bring you up to speed, we need you to accept and understand some VERY important things! Namely...

There are materialists who believe only in what they see and can touch. There are materialists who believe only in what they themselves understand. Everything else for them is nonsense and not true. This is one extreme.

It will be difficult for such people to understand the material that I will give in this book.

How can a person, a material and at the same time spiritual being, use his energy and the energy of the Universe to receive material and non-material rewards?

The second extreme is that there are people who call themselves spiritual and claim that they do not need money and that money is evil. But remember what the ancients said - Our head is in heaven, but our feet are on Earth.

We are in a material body that needs care. They entrusted him to us. This is a temple that we can ruin, or we can make a masterpiece out of it. By the way, according to the Vedas, our purpose is self-improvement. Both spirit and body.

So we are material. We eat, drink, poop and poop. We sleep, walk, play sports. We take care of our physical, material body.

At the same time, our spiritual world also develops. Everything is interconnected. Do you agree with me? Each of you can begin today to use the power of the Universe to fulfill your desires. How many of you are familiar with Reiki? Has anyone heard of what this is or who uses it?

Reiki is the use of the power of the Universe for the benefit of another person, but also of yourself. A Reiki master does not transmit his energy, he is a conductor of Universal energy.

He passes it through himself and directs it to another person and the Universe, which, in essence, loves all people, is ready to help you, it itself selects sore spots in the human body and directs healing power there.

This is amazing! But it works and has been used in Japan for a long time. And now we have it in European countries. People are recovering. How many of you believe in this?

:) Certainly! This really brings results and this has been proven by practice. Because the Universe is ready to help each of us. You just need to know HOW to ask her!

That is why I held two amazing meetings with my subscribers and readers on this topic. And now you can sign up for free live training: http://www.ted1.ru/2-day-online/

If you are a materialist and do not believe in the technique of wish fulfillment, I will show you some scientific facts.

The creator of psychoprobing technology was Professor Igor Smirnov. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He developed his unique method under the watchful eye of Lyubyanka. This was in the 90s. Until now, 90% of the copyright certificates issued to him are only numbered. Even the names of his discoveries are classified.

Shortly before his death, the professor admitted that he had created a terrible weapon that can be called controlled personality change.

Managed personality change is a change in a person’s entire life. To bring out the genius in him and give him the opportunity to live a different, fuller and richer life. Achieve your dreams. Be able to live in unison with the Universe.

This means that a person can remove bad habits, some diseases, complexes and fears! And this technique can be used for the benefit of millions of people. This can be taught to people. But this information is hidden from people. By the way, you can learn about this in great detail from video webinars that you can get right now. (Under this article)

Then in the 90s people were limited from special knowledge. This has always been done. This is what they are doing now. And not only in the sphere of human abilities.

There is a huge number of patented and ready-to-use unique developments from the production of various types of energy to training technology. I received only a small part of this information and only it has already greatly changed both me and my life.

But instead of introducing all these technologies, we continue to pump oil out of the ground, and concern for the quality of education comes down to just raising teachers’ salaries and introducing the notorious Unified State Exam.

Those. a person is deliberately led away from worldview motivation and imposed with banal monetary interest. Unique technologies are hidden, and people's attention is directed towards the philistine. Overshadowing people's consciousness with TV series like DOM-2 and others.

Today, especially Russian society is being corrupted from within. Back in his time, Hitler said that Russians cannot be taken by force; they can be destroyed only by debauchery and alcohol.

This is what is happening.

Therefore, all technologies that can affect human life have always been hidden. Maybe that's right. But still, some of this information leaked out and helped many people change their standard of living.

So. What should you take?

Each of us has great potential for managing the Universal energy! This sounds scary and implausible, but each of us has this opportunity and everything necessary to do it. This must be accepted. This is a given! If you don't believe in this, it's unlikely that anything will change for you.

Your brain and my brain, as well as the brain of geniuses, are the same. Your brain is a unique creation. It processes millions, maybe billions of requests simultaneously!

This is the most powerful computer in the world. And it’s the same for everyone. And you and the monks of Tibet, who can overcome the force of gravity and rise into the air. It is the same for you and for Donald Trump, the US multi-billionaire.

The one who created our brain put the maximum into it in order for a person to be happy. The Creator did not choose people according to the principle “I’ll make this brain like this, and this one like that.” No. Everyone's brain is the same. This must be accepted.

The only difference is in the software. What are you programmed to do? What programs are loaded on you.

At birth, you were loaded with a program called “Talent” and after leaving school, another program called “Mediocrity” was installed in you. But that's not really important. Because you will have technology that will allow you, with your brain software, to get what you want.

Using its potential, we can, for example, communicate with each other. This is called telepathy. But you and I are created in the image and likeness. What does it mean? This means that every person has truly magical qualities and skills. We can communicate not only with each other but with the Universe too! Which means we can ask her.

So, before I give you the practical steps to follow, I will tell you in a nutshell what you will get in the video lessons “Technique of Making Desires Come True”

I will give you two techniques at once.

1. This is a technique for communicating with the Universe. You will learn how and in what language you need to ask the Universe for what you want. The universe is ready to help anyone

to a person. You will learn how this is done. It's a practical technique. It will be very interesting.

And a truly magical technique awaits everyone, which I provide as a bonus.

2. Second technique. This is the entrance to the alpha state. This is communication with your subconscious. In this state you will be able to look into yourself. And with some practice you can reprogram your brain. Remove restrictions, fears and complexes. Change your personality. I'll show you how it's done and take you through this magical world once.

Today I will tell you the first practical part. That is, the first practical exercises for the Fulfillment of Desires.

What does it mean?

Watch people on the street, in the subway, in shops. Watch their facial expressions.

Look at people's faces. They may remind you of the faces of murderers. They are not happy with life! And they show it with all their appearance. Look at their expression. What do they express? They express dissatisfaction!

Think! If you gave a person a lollipop, he licked it and made a “face”, would you give him another lollipop?

I doubt it! So the Universe will not give if a person is not happy with his life. But someone still gave him life!!! :) Let them achieve their dreams themselves in torment. They were born in torment, and live in torment.

So what should we start doing now?

Thank the Universe!

So, practical tasks!

Write down what you already have. Material things, and non-material ones - life, the love of someone, a daughter, a son. Feel like a rewarded person and thank the Universe for what you already have.

Understand your dreams. Do you have what you are striving for? Or you just want to take this technique out of curiosity. Dreams should concern ONLY YOU. Not children, not relatives, not “world peace,” but you.

The Universe loves those who are determined. Do something exciting! Get out

out of your comfort zone. Do something that will bring joy to someone. You may not be able to do this because you have never done this. But the person will be pleased!

Start noticing the gifts of the Universe. Good cases and moments. Smiles, gratitude, compliments. The Universe has no arms, legs, or tongue. She communicates with you through other people. If someone said a kind word to you, the Universe did it; if someone was rude to you, the Universe is transmitting information to you.

Don't be offended by the person, it's not him. This is the Universe reminding you that you did something wrong! And vice versa. If someone gave you a seat, smiled, gave you a compliment, gave you money:) the Universe did it!

Watch your one day of life and you will see how she communicates with you!

You've probably heard about the concept of gifts of fate. This is how people usually express themselves. But in reality these are gifts from the UNIVERSE.

You've probably noticed that there are people who are lucky all the time. And for others it's the opposite. And sometimes people themselves don’t understand why they are lucky. But in fact, they simply intuitively fulfill certain laws of the Universe.

Most of them are probably familiar to you.

And that’s why I won’t write about everyone. I will write only about the key points that will greatly affect the fulfillment of your Desires.

And now we will remove with you some BARRIERS that prevent the Universe from giving you more than you have or deserve.

If you remain with these barriers, then the technique that I reveal in my classes “Technique of Fulfillment of Desires” is unlikely to help you.

By the way, you can download them and watch them right now. Just enter your email address at the bottom of this article and we will send you the entries. Well, let's start with the key concept and that is ENERGY EXCHANGE.

Remember, I already wrote in previous publications that you need to learn to be grateful?

Thank the Universe.

Thank People.

Thank the Children.

Thank the Parents.

Give thanks to Nature.

What does it mean?

For example, they did something good to you, which means you need to return it well back (thank you). Otherwise, if you don’t return it yourself, they will take it away by force. And not this person, but any life situation. And in any way.

Your car breaks down, someone steals something from you, or, God forbid, something happens to your health. In any case, you will have to pay, but not in a way that is comfortable for you. It's better not to let this happen!

Everyone knows this.

Now comes the key point.

In order for the Universe to start giving gifts, you need to try to give MORE than you received. :)

This is what LEADERS do, this is what CHARISMATIC people do. This is a trick! Give back a little more than you received.

Let's remember how ordinary people behave. The statistical average is 90% of people. What's most important in their head? TAKE or GIVE?

How do you think?

Do you remember the joke about two men?

Two men are sitting, drinking, and they have two cucumbers on their plate. One is big and the other is very small. They drink a glass and the owner of the apartment takes a large cucumber and eats it. The guest looks at the owner with surprise.

Why did you take a big cucumber? I'm your guest.

He asks him - which one would you take?

I would take the small one!!! - answered the guest.

Well, take it!

So the philosophy of the majority is to take and not give in return. This is precisely one of the main reasons why the Universe will not give these people more than they have now. This is what happens.

The poor get poorer, the rich get richer!

You need to go beyond the poor person at the beginning in your head! Then the Universe will see that you are ready to receive abundance and will begin to give you gifts of Fate!

Who are mediocre people? And what is their philosophy? They love freebies. If it's free, why not take it? Is it true? This is the problem. There is no such thing as free energy!

A successful person is successful because he is used to paying for everything. And even a little more.

A successful person will not take something for nothing. Especially with thoughts - wow. Class. That would be more. And this idiot paid!!!

How do you think a successful and an unsuccessful person will behave in a restaurant after eating?

A successful person will definitely pay more than necessary. He'll leave a tip. A person who is not successful will pay what is written on the bill and also take toothpicks and napkins with him. Those. will take more than you paid. So much for the difference.

If the energy of abundance comes from you, the Universe will give you more than others. She sees you and understands that you are not a miser. That you can improve the world, society. And if she sees that you are not going to improve anything except your stomach, no matter how much you ask, she will not give it.

When a person buys something for money, this is a normal exchange of energy.

He gives money (and this is energy), because money is the physical effort you expended multiplied by your mental effort and multiplied by time. This is pure energy. You give energy and receive energy in the form of goods. This is fine.

I will give you an example of the behavior of mediocre people. We recently launched a sale on our website. It was called - “Buy at your own price.” It was very revealing.

On the page where all the products were displayed, we also showed them an example of how they could place an order. So in this video, we showed as an example that a person can order any product at a price of 500 rubles. So that's what most people did. They indicated the minimum price they were shown. Namely 500 rubles.

People are not used to giving, so they will not receive from the Universe. I am telling you this so that you do not make serious mistakes. Before you start putting into practice the technique that I reveal in my video webinars, you should learn these very important things.

Many of my students complain that they cannot take money.

If you are selling something to someone and he gives you money for it, take it without a twinge of conscience. You are doing this for him. If you don't take the money, you will violate the law of conservation of energy.

You did good to the person, but he gave you nothing in return. In this case, the Universe will punish him later. She will take something else from him. Remember I wrote about this in previous publications?

Therefore, in order not to harm the person, take his money. And then the balance will be maintained.

We had this story

We hired a girl. She worked at the post office, and we just needed an employee who could send orders. And we asked her to work part-time for us. They brought her packages with orders, and she sent them across the country and abroad. So, when it came to paying for her work, she flatly refused to take money for her work.

I had to have a 15 minute conversation with her for her to understand everything.

The point is that you have to pay for everything. And it’s better to do it yourself. I explained to her that if she did not take the money, she would do us very bad. Because the balance will be disrupted and we will begin to lose.

She does good to us, but we do nothing in return. Thus we become debtors to the Universe. And the Universe will begin to take away from us. Therefore, I managed to convince her that she would take money for our sake. :) That's how it is.

Therefore, do not hesitate to take money for your work, for your services, EVEN IF IT WAS NOT DIFFICULT FOR YOU! What difference does it make - difficult or not difficult? The person needed it and it was important, and that means he had to pay. Otherwise, the Universe will take something else from him later! Don't allow this if you care about the person!

They ask for little

When you buy something and it seems to you that they are asking little, for example 1 ruble. Don't worry. Give 5 and don't ask for change. If he refuses to take it, it’s not he who refuses, it’s the Universe saying - okay, okay. Enough.

And if you didn’t refuse, it means the Universe tested you - will it give you more or not? :)

If they ask a lot

There's no arguing here. If you really need what you want to buy, then there is no need to argue. The universe knows the price.

The question is: how do I know for sure whether I really need to buy this or not? I give you the answer - intuition. If the first reaction in my soul is - yes, I need this right now - then I need to buy it. If the first thought flashed through your mind - I don’t need this now - and then logically you convinced yourself that you still need it, then it’s better not to buy it.

If you want the Universe to give you more than you currently have, you need to learn to give more into the world than you currently have. This is not difficult to do if you understand everything I told you.


You also cannot throw candy wrappers, spit on the ground, etc. ... It's a different exchange of energy. This is an exchange of negative energies. You go there and you go back. What can we say about the fulfillment of desires?

People who are lucky all the time intuitively adhere to certain rules. They live in harmony with the Universe. When you live in harmony with your husband, he gives you flowers and gives you compliments and can cook dinner and shows signs of attention and forgives you women’s hysterics.

When a woman sits on an asphalt paver and starts rolling down the hill and cannot be stopped. He will correctly step aside and listen to her. He will forget everything that she said to him in this state, hug him and tell him how much he loves her.

If the Wife sees that her husband is trying and she lives in harmony with him, she praises him for his masculine actions and always trusts him to solve complex problems, saying at the same time how proud she is of him and thanks the Universe for giving her such a good husband. Then the husband will begin to try to do even more than is required of him. Right? We are all like children. And we need to be treated like children.

So is the Universe. If you live in harmony with it, it begins to give you more.

So. IMAGINAL TECHNIQUES are distractions.

Instead of giving people a truly effective technique. And a simple one. So that even a schoolchild can cope with it, we are fed with foreign generally accepted laws of success. In a vague way, without explaining the real essence.

Here are some of them. I’ll tell you right away - they are needed. They're good. But not to make wishes come true.


Have you all seen the film THE SECRET? Are there a lot of rich people? Did everyone say goodbye to their loans at once?

Visualization gives you a feeling of high and a sense of ownership of the item. But in real life you don’t have it and it won’t appear quickly. This is where stress and abandonment of technology comes from. And most importantly, self-denial. I don't believe in myself.

If a person is explained how to visualize correctly and what to do next

This is a good technique. But millions of people sit like zombies in front of

collage of dreams and waiting. Just like the song says. “Don’t be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead - hope and wait.” So they are WAITING.

But no one told them that this is just one gear of the whole big mechanism. What lies behind the collage is drawing up an action plan and the actions themselves. Then analysis. Then adjustment. And again action. Better yet, find a mentor and work with him.

Therefore, visualization is something that will prevent you and many people from fulfilling their desires.

People want it that way - they dreamed it and got it. Without effort or tension. And so the visualization technique is very suitable. After all, you can visualize even while lying on your bed and dreaming about a new car.

But no one told us about the action. In the film "The Secret" nothing was said about this.

Therefore, if you want your desires to begin to come true, throw all these imaginary techniques out of your head for a while. I will tell you about other imaginary techniques in the next article.

And now you can watch video webinars “Techniques for Fulfilling Desires.” Right now, enter your email address in the form below and receive recordings of my video webinars.

“I am a confident person. I cope with any tasks with ease"


The big disadvantage of this technique is that it was not explained to people that affirmations are only effective when your brain is at the alpha level. While he is awake, no affirmations will fall into your subconscious and change your life.

And in order for your brain to start working at alpha frequencies, you need to learn to meditate and already in this state try to pronounce affirmations. There's no need to even pronounce them. You can imagine yourself as who you want to become.

Or even more, you can go into your past and remove from it the negative aspects of life that affected your future and present life. By removing it from the past, you greatly change your present. This technique works. But it's not simple. To learn it, it will take more than one month of work on yourself.

By the way, you have the opportunity to receive my recording, where I will introduce you to the alpha state and you will be able to fill yourself with energy, improve your body, and with some training, even remove your complexes and fears. To access this post, enter your e-mail in the form below this article and get the opportunity to use the entire “Wish Fulfillment Technique”.

Remember the movie “The Butterfly Effect?” When a young man began to travel through time and change his past. Changed one detail, returned to the present, oops! And his girlfriend is with someone else! He's back again, back to the present - oops, but he's disabled, and so on.


Positive thinking.

Yes. I agree. Thoughts are material. They shape our future as they influence our actions. Actions give results. Then we analyze whether we like the result or not. Then we change something in our thoughts, and therefore in our faith. Because without faith it is impossible to change thoughts, and if we are not satisfied with the result again, we change faith again...

How long can this go on? How many times can you change your faith and worldview? Positive thinking is good. But this alone will not help you fulfill your desire.

This is what I read in one of the sources that teaches people to attract desires - “Believe in yourself, believe that you will succeed. You must firmly believe and repeat to yourself over and over again that you deserve only good things to happen to you and your wishes to come true.”

Believe in yourself - great! But how? If I tried 43 times and didn’t succeed, I must believe and say - 43 times is nothing compared to the experiments of Thomas Edison, I believe in myself and will do 44 times.

How many people do you know who behave this way? After what attempt do you usually give up? I would have given up after the third one. Maybe the fourth, maximum!

Believe that you can do it. Great! It didn’t work 43 times, but now it will work? It didn’t work out until I was 40, but now it will work?

Why? Why are we being brainwashed?

You need to think positively. But behind this there is action again. But we don’t like to act. Because you will have to cope with the negativity of the environment, difficulties, etc. Here are the Russian people! Ready to do everything, but not act. Dream, think positively, say affirmations, etc.

All this is good, but it has nothing to do with the fulfillment of desires!

My life did not change until I came across one very interesting technique. As it turned out later, it was classified by our security services. That's how!

In one sentence, all technology is contained in

consonance with the vibrations of luck, evil, good, money, debts, abundance, etc.

Scientists have proven that everything in the Universe has its own vibration. Any object, any word (especially a word, right?) A word is generally a vibration of a certain energy. Any thought. Any energy.

There is, for example, the energy of debt. Do you know people who are always in debt?

There is the energy of luck! So, if you tune your body and your soul in such a way that they transmit vibrations of luck to the Universe, then the Universe will respond to you with luck.

If you tune your body and soul to the vibrations of money, then the Universe will begin to give you opportunities to receive money. In my case, these were constant calls from clients asking me to bring them goods and 15 different BUSINESSES for several years.

Have you ever tuned a guitar? One string sounds - the other begins to vibrate. This is the physics we see. Resonance. And there is something that we cannot see, but it works.

There are mantras in India. These are words with certain vibrations that attract certain energy into your life. Health, peace of mind, luck, etc. But these are general concepts. Mantras are universal. But all people are different. Do you agree?

In part, we are all the same, but we are also all different.

Therefore, it is better if we use individual mantras. Those. we need individual sounds, individual vibrations.

All you need is:

1. Create individual vibrations. Identify them more accurately. Because every person already has them.

2. Be able to reproduce them at any moment in life.

3. At the physical level, fix them in your body

4. It is correct to send it to the Universe so that it understands and accepts.

5. See and take what you asked for

6. It’s right to thank the Universe for a gift.

There are people who will say - I don’t believe in this!

It is not a matter of belief or unbelief. This is a fact.

Otherwise, you can say - I don’t believe in the force of gravity and jump out the window. But the Universe doesn’t care whether we believe it or not. We will fall to the ground and it will hurt.


You have at your disposal one of the most powerful techniques for fulfilling desires.

And now you can either believe it and promise yourself to act accordingly, or continue your life, being content with those half-hearted successes to which you are probably already accustomed.

I'm going to give you a technique that has been used by the most successful people and which has brought them and me closer to our deepest dreams.

You can either believe in this technique and start using it, or abandon it. Every time you are asked to believe in something, including yourself, you are faced with the same choice: You agree and begin to act, or you refuse and remain in your previous positions.

If you are determined to change your life, you will make the right choice: believe that this technique is truly as effective as I claim, and begin to use it in your daily life.

Once I passed it physically through myself, through my soul, through my body, and what we pass physically through ourselves, we never forget. It's like a physical skill, the same as, for example, riding a bike. If a person learns to ride a bicycle, then this skill remains with him for life. You know that physical memory lasts much longer inside us than the memory that is in our head, that is, when we remember something.

The only thing I will warn you about is one mistake that I made at one time, this is such an insidious little thing that I was not warned about at the time. But I made this mistake and now, ironically, I can tell this technique to other people, but now, for example, I cannot apply it in relation to money and in relation to love. Personally, I can't apply this now.

I can apply this to something else, for example, to health, because this technique has a very good and positive effect on health, recovery is progressing by leaps and bounds, it will help you a lot in life.

This technique is always used, but in my case it was once because I made this mistake. I will warn you and show you what mistake you should not make, so that you can use it all the time, for the rest of your life, until you get tired of it.

I can’t, because I made this mistake once in my life and now I can’t ask for love and money. This is such an insidious little thing that I was not warned about and that’s why it happened. But, thank God, I went through it and you don’t have to make the same mistakes that I made in my time.

At the time when I made requests for love and money, the hair on my head actually moved a little, figuratively speaking. Because I was very surprised by the results I was getting. It was simply amazing and the echoes of what I made requests to the Universe, these echoes are still present in my life.

You know that I am constantly given different business opportunities. There have been more than 15 businesses in my life, that is, the Universe constantly gives me the opportunity

making money in different ways, I'm just amazed. There were ways in which I didn’t earn very much, there were ways in which I earned a lot, and there were different ones. It felt like she laid out a menu in front of me and said: “Choose and eat what you want today.”

And so I eat one dish and then another in order, experiencing and feeling the taste of each of them. Perhaps the same thing awaits you, although I don’t know about your goals, dreams and plans. I will show you the technique itself and you can already apply it wherever you want.

The second point I wanted to say is about those people who wanted to contribute to this. Remember, at the second webinar there were people who offered to buy together: “We’ll all chip in 16 rubles and one person from us, a delegate, will go to the online seminar, listen, record it and then give it to us all.”

So, in this case, the technique of the Universe will not work. If there is a delegate from this group of people today, then neither he nor the people to whom he gives it will succeed and will not work. Because I already told you yesterday that there is a mindset of a successful person, I don’t mean rich, but successful in life.

This is the person who is lucky, to whom the Universe gives various opportunities and helps him. You know how a thousand invisible hands help a person who intends to do something good.

And the same thing - if a person’s intentions are not very good: to take, steal, take away, then the Universe will not give anything to this person. Because she sees his beggarliness, not in terms of money, but in terms of his soul and brains, his beggarly attitude towards life, towards people, towards himself, unfortunately. And that's why this technique won't work for him.

Therefore, if this person is among you (I hope that he is not among you), then let him know that nothing will work out for him. Or it will be necessary to do something so that these people themselves then acquire a full-fledged system, and so that they don’t have this in their heads - take without giving in return. This is the worst thing when people try to take something without giving anything in return. This is the philosophy of an unsuccessful person. A successful person is the opposite - he gives without demanding anything in return.

Again, there are certain extremes here; you cannot take all this literally. Therefore, there are things in life that you need to pay for, not only money, I mean, but you know, there are even more valuable things - time, health, relationships with loved ones.

All this is the price we pay for the success we want to achieve. And there’s no escape from this either, again, the law of conservation of energy. That's why I told you that try to give more than you take - so as not to break this law.

But many successful people who achieve beyond success both in life and in business, they also put in extra effort into all this. That is, they pay a price for the success they receive.

Well, let's start slowly. I won’t occupy myself all the time with my personality, I don’t like one-sided presentation, so we will discuss together and share experiences. But let us raise as many questions as possible.

Our task is to come to a result and not just chat, but talk about the topic that we raised today. And don’t forget that I am a businessman, so I am result-oriented, the main thing is that there is a result. Let's get down to business and move a little away from the magical component of our technique.

Because you know that there are two components in this technique: one is magical, that is, inexplicable, as it seems to us, we cannot explain to ourselves, the Universe has made it so that we cannot fully understand what the Universe is, otherwise we ourselves will become it, although we seem to be it, it is inside us. However, there is a safety net in the head to prevent us from crossing a certain line.

And there are two physical components. The physical component is easy to explain. For example, from the point of view of physics, the technique of making wishes come true is some anchors, which I will tell and show you. That is, you will experience certain sensations and they will be anchored in your body, your body will respond to some specific messages and you will need to remember how your body responds.

Because the body is very important, this is exactly the anchor we will need. The body may tremble, contract, relax, shake, it may want to jump, tumble. That is, you will not be able to order it at this moment; it will act for you. Naturally, it will act within the limits; it will never harm itself.

My body is already starting to respond right now, a trembling went through my body. I just know what this condition is and as soon as I start talking about it, my body reacts. This is a physical anchor I made once. He is already showing himself, and the same will happen to you.

This will always happen when you think and make a request to the Universe about your dream, about your goal that you want. This is a very interesting feeling, cheerful.

I immediately remember my childhood, when as a child I was given some kind of gift or candy, in general, some kind of joyful event, I always remember raising my hands, clenching my fists, bending my arms at the elbows, holding my fists in front of my chest and starting slightly shaking my fists and my body shaking along with them. And inside I felt a great feeling of happiness and joy that I was finally lucky.

I don’t remember now what I said at that moment, but the physical sensation remains. And in the adult period of my life, when I tried to produce (now I’m talking about the “Flash of Happiness”).

All this will need to be done in practice either today or tomorrow, when no one will bother you. This is from a physical point of view, so I need to calm down, let her go so that she relaxes me. While I don’t need to call her now, I’ll tell you later what it is.

On a physical level, you will feel your body responding. This is a must, you can’t escape it. It's a wonderful feeling. I can compare it to an orgasm, that is, it is something that you cannot explain, but your body

responds to this dream in an extraordinary way, and in such a way that you don’t know what it is, but the body itself knows what needs to be done.

A feeling of greatest joy and happiness, it rolls throughout the body. For example, for me personally it concentrates somewhere in my chest, radiates to my legs, radiates into my arms, and my body begins to tremble. Inside, in my chest, I begin to experience a huge beam of energy of happiness and joy. This bundle of happiness and joy does not allow my body to sit or stand calmly; everything begins to shake inside me from this happiness.

There are people who at one time bought the course “In the Language of the Universe” from me, they did not fully understand what a “flash of happiness” is, which is why I decided to hold a live meeting today to answer these questions. Because, unfortunately, people were left alone with this course.

They never understood how to cause a “flash of happiness”, what it is. Therefore, they were unable to go further than this step. This is the first moment - a physical anchor.

The second point is that while performing this technique you will always have your dream before your eyes. Even if a person doesn’t understand anything, doesn’t know anything, but he always has a dream before his eyes, it’s always in front of him, drawn, written, printed, hung on the wall, or it’s in his head all the time every day, whatever one may say , he will already attract this dream to himself. This, of course, is weak if it is only in the head.

I’m now taking everything apart, piece by piece, so that you know all the components. One of the components is when the dream is always in front of you. That is, you will need to know what you want. Because if you don’t know what you want, then you yourself understand how you will ask: “give me something to make me feel good.”

You can't make a request like that. I will tell you how to determine the truth of desires a little later. Another thing is that you will always have your eyes open to opportunities. The fact is that the Universe will not give you, as I said in the last lesson, it will not give you a loved one, it will not throw him off the roof on your head. She will give you opportunities and you will need to open your eyes.

Most people have their eyes closed because they have a pattern of life. They have a plan that was forced on them. This plan does not suit their happiness. It corresponds to the happiness of those people who imposed it on it. A person goes, for example, to work, he has a plan: he needs to get up in the morning, have breakfast, get the children ready for school, and get to his work.

Moreover, a person practically does not remember the road from home to work, because it all happens at the level of a biorobot, he walked and passed. I don’t want to bring up this topic now, but mostly people have their eyes closed. So, in your case, they will need to be opened.

You will need to turn your head left and right, up and down, back and forth and look much further and deeper than all other people. That is, you will need to look not in flat reality, but in 3D reality, look a little deeper and look at this opportunity.

Because the Universe will constantly give you these opportunities, you will simply choose: I want this one, I don’t want that one. Maybe she will be a little upset if you say that I don’t want this, but, nevertheless, she will give you the opportunity. People are in an unconscious state.

The hardest thing is to open your eyes. In fact, for each person there are different difficulties - for some it will be difficult to enter into a “flash of happiness”, for others it may be difficult to open their eyes. For some it will be difficult to always have a dream before their eyes. The main thing here is not to force yourself.

You don’t need to do it so that it’s a burden for you, you need to do it so that it’s a joy for you. It should put a smile on your face, it should be interesting. Make a game out of it. Don't bet your whole life on it. It’s clear that you don’t need to bet your whole life on this, make a game out of it, smile, look, analyze and you will see how the Universe also gives you interesting gifts with a smile, and it will amuse you even more and make you feel even more more interest.

I really like it when we have people from different countries at our webinars. As usual, there are many countries. There is another physical component - this is constancy in actions, that is, it is self-discipline, supported by a dream. This is very important.

Even those people who do not use the wish fulfillment technique itself, but use all these four physical components, then they are already acting on the basis of their dream and are already moving towards it. Consistency in action, because why you will constantly do it, because you will like it.

Happiness always pleases a person. And while performing this technique, you will feel happiness, moreover, you will heal your body, you will like it.

This gives you consistency in your actions. Consistency causes and develops self-discipline in you, and self-discipline is a very important factor in a person’s success and development.

And if this is self-discipline, supported by a dream, then this is such a certain closed, but very good circle, let’s even say that it is not a circle, but a spiral, because a circle is something not very good, but development will go along a spiral. You will love it and you will rise higher and higher, it is very beautiful.

Let us think about the first step of this technique. The first step is quite simple. On the one hand it is simple, on the other it is not very simple. So, this step cannot be done without it: you need to determine what you generally need, that is, what you want, what your dream is, what your goal is, what your requests are.

There are certain points here that I must tell you and discuss with you. It is clear that all people have different goals and different dreams. One person wants to buy himself some kind of phone, for example, an iPhone 5. Now the fifth iPhone has come out, for example, I have a fourth, I’m not really chasing the fifth right now.

I don't need him, I'm not that kind of person. But, for example, there are people who need a telephone. And others, for example, want love in their life. Such two completely different things: on the one hand, material and mundane, and on the other hand

Spiritual and something very valuable and global. You need to understand what you need.

And I’ll immediately go over three main things - love, health and money. This is no joke, you understand. Love, health and money - these three things are no joke, so it’s worth discussing all three of these positions right away so that you understand how and what. If suddenly your orders concern these three sectors, these three directions, then you need to know what to do.

You can forget about medium-term, long-term, short-term now - this is a slightly different technique. It is clear that if, for example, you think to yourself “I want to buy Donald Trump’s skyscraper,” you will get his tower there for free.

The Universe will begin to prepare various events for you to make this happen, but it may take a long time, and secondly, you may miss this opportunity. There are few such opportunities and you may miss this opportunity.

Let's start in order, and I wanted to talk about love first. If suddenly there are people among you who want to order love, that is, a relationship with a person, this is what happened to me.

This happened when my family was destroyed. Apparently, I couldn’t cope with that situation, I couldn’t create certain conditions for my first family to survive. Of course, the responsibility lay with me and I cannot say that that person was to blame, no.

But at that moment I walked and just asked the Universe for love. I knew what kind of person I needed. For some reason, at that moment I didn’t talk about the need to change me. I did not say to the Universe: “Please help me correct myself, help me understand myself, what I want, how I should live, how I should act with people, what I need to do in order to save my family.” At that moment, for some reason, apparently I had not yet matured enough to take responsibility.

Now I understand this and therefore I want to warn you about something. When you order love, you don't need to just say "love", you need to feel this person you want to have next to you.

You have to feel it, that is, not just say: “I want her to have such and such qualities,” if about men: “So that he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, so that he doesn’t go out on the side, so that he always does things to me.” compliments, so that he is very attentive” and such things are not worth listing, because the Universe will not understand it.

That's not the point. You don't need to talk like that, you need to feel inside, exactly feel the person with whom you want to spend all your remaining time. Do not list any of his technical actions, but rather feel them. Imagine inside what he is like externally, what he is like internally, how you feel next to him. How he feels next to you.

As for love, this is the following correction: you don’t need to be a techie who says “I want a slim, tall wife with beautiful eyes” and so on, “so that she doesn’t talk a lot, doesn’t get hysterical, so that she doesn’t have emotions like a woman.” , but like a man’s.”

Of course, you don’t need to do such things, you just need to feel what kind of person you want, that’s all. This is about love. The heart feels without sound. Here you need to relax, here you don’t need to strain yourself: I want it with sound, I want it without sound, I want it in color, I want it without color, no.

You let go, let everything happen by itself, let it flow, you just need to imagine and feel this person next to you. Maybe you'll feel the sounds

maybe you will see this person - easily. If you have a good imagination, you will do better. Maybe on an energetic level you will feel warm. Everyone feels it differently.

You see, if I tell you now, you must definitely feel it on an energy level, but another person, for example, does not feel it on an energy level, he feels it with his imagination - he sees it somehow, some situations play out in his head and so on.

I can't tell you specifically: just do this. Then I will limit everyone else. Do what pleases you, how you feel. The most important word here is “feel,” and not present a list of qualities, that is, feel the person. You connect several channels at once: you imagine him, maybe his appearance, and plus you begin to feel him in your heart.

Now I feel Lyuba and immediately smile. When I introduced her, I immediately had a smile on my face. The kind of person I wanted is the kind of person I got. And, you know, in fact, the irony of fate, when I asked for love, I pronounced this word, and it’s necessary that her name is also Lyuba.

And all the qualities, despite the fact that at the moment when I found these techniques, there were two techniques, I connected them together, they were slightly different, but when I connected them, and when they merged, I walked, and I already knew what kind of person I would have.

I walked, I was already in seventh heaven, I already felt this man. And when I met Lyuba, I saw what an amazing person she was: she had interesting views on life, and they were similar to mine, she was purposeful, she was developing as a person.

When I showed her this whole thing and opened it, she was surprised that she didn’t know this before and that she used to live in some kind of cave, like most people, but it turns out that the world is the most beautiful and colorful, more interesting than everyone thinks other people. She got hooked on it, it took off for her, a certain vision opened up, it can’t be called anything other than a miracle. But then I understand how it happens.

I then told her about the Universe. She says: “Yes, it’s interesting and good that it happened that they brought us together.” Sometimes there are certain moments when we quarrel a little, and then we make up again and everything is fine. We talk about this topic and build relationships.

We are, after all, earthly people and this matter is not alien to us. We need to respect the Universe. She will already organize various events, arrange them in such a way as to lead you to this dream, this goal, your desired object, so you cannot set any deadlines.

I had money right away, that is, today or tomorrow money appeared and then over the course of several years I was given business opportunities. And, for example, Lyuba was given to me six months later, about 6-8 months, I don’t remember exactly now, somewhere around that. Maybe they gave me the opportunity to meet her earlier, but it only happened six months later.

You see, you can’t set deadlines here. I didn’t try to fix the relationship, but if the Universe gives the opportunity to find new relationships, then I think it’s possible to fix the old ones too. If the Universe fulfills different desires and absolutely everything is possible for it, then I think it’s possible, why not.

The Universe does not look at your images, it looks at how you feel at the same time. The Universe will still give you a different image. For example, you think about the body or appearance of Brad Pitt or someone else, no, it will not give you the appearance.

She will give you what you feel, she will give you a person whom you will love with your soul. The question is what do you want, if you want love - this is the soul, if you want some physical things - this is a little different. We'll get to that. There is some question that needs to be answered before making a guess. And when we complete the course with you, many questions will disappear by themselves.

We've finished talking about love, now about health.

Look, if something hurts you, for example, the kidneys, the heart, whatever, you can’t guess about the treatment of this particular part of the body, this organ. That is, for example, your kidneys hurt, you say “I want to cure my kidneys” - it won’t work. The Universe itself knows what you need to heal first. If you want health, just ask for health and the Universe itself knows what comes first.

Because maybe you feel your kidneys, they hurt, you feel them, but there is something, for example, the pancreas. Have you ever paid attention to the fact that you feel nauseous after eating fatty or smoked foods, especially men do this, they don’t pay much attention to health.

And suddenly you start asking for your kidneys to be cured - the Universe will not understand this. She will begin to treat your pancreas, and you will begin to say: “somehow my kidneys are still the same.”

If something is related to health, you need to order health, the improvement of the body, not some specific organ. Although, in a state of “flash of happiness” you can feel the improvement of certain organs. You can ask wherever you want, it doesn’t matter where you ask, the connection with the Universe is everywhere.

Wherever you are, there is still a connection. Okay, next is the money.

In general, I’ll tell you right away, they just don’t order money, it’s impossible. You cannot order money by itself. There was a certain loophole through which I climbed and yet I ordered money, so, you know: it works or it doesn’t work, I’ll try.

Again, everything will depend on your intentions, why you need money. If you feel why you need it, if the Universe sees that you don’t want money in order to buy a gun and shoot someone, then everything is fine.

And if you have evil intentions, you need money, for example, to buy drugs or alcohol, cigarettes, something like that, to build a brothel, then it is clear that she will not give you any money. Therefore, here, when you ask for money, you must know why you need this money - this is the first thing, and the second is whether it will harm people. That is, these two main things are why you need money.

In order to understand all the main dreams and all the desires, you need to seriously work on this step. That is, you need to sit and ask yourself a few questions. What kind of questions, I’ll tell you now. If you start to feel what I'm telling you, that's great.

About the first step, about the dream. I said you need to write them because you will need to analyze them. There may be many of them, there may be several of them, there may be just one desire. If you have several of them, for example, you wrote about ten, then you need to choose the three most important ones from these ten.

Sit and think about the three most important things in my life at the moment. Those are also important, but now, by priority, at this moment in my life, these three are important to me.

For example, I had two. More than three is not advisable, because you will get a little lost in your feelings. I had two wishes, if you can boil it down to one, boil it down to one. If there are two, you can do two, if there are three, it will be a little more difficult.

When I had two, and I imagine if I had a third, that’s probably the maximum, it’s not even worth climbing anymore. Just really get lost in your feelings, thoughts, and it will be difficult to open your eyes and see possibilities.

For example, you can see opportunities in money and in love at the same time, but if you add a third, it will be difficult. You need to be the kind of person who not only opened his eyes, but also inserted matches into them so that they never close and his head is on hinges, like a robot: he walks, and his head rotates 360 degrees on its own.

And he constantly looks, analyzes, and in his head there is such a table in his eyes, like the Terminator’s, analysis: I take this, I don’t take this. No, it will probably be difficult. So take one or two to start.

Next, you will need to look at your dream from all sides, thoroughly from all sides. Imagine that you will have a dialogue with the Universe. You came to see her, you came and she came as an investigator. For example, you say: “I want money.”

And she starts asking you various leading questions. These are the questions that will help you understand both yourself and what you really want. The questions are very simple, three questions to which you will answer: “Why do I need this?”, “Why do I need this?”, “What will this give me?”

Let's talk about money, because many people will wish for money. Money is a fairly important component of our life. It’s difficult to do without them, they provide a certain comfort in life, although some people say “no,” but nevertheless

less so, that's true. When you ask for money, immediately ask yourself: “Why do I need money?”

For example, let's play out this moment. You say, “I need money.”

She asks you: “Why do you need money?” You say: “I want to buy myself a dacha, that’s my desire.” She asks you: “Why do you need a dacha?”

You say: “I want to have a good rest” - “You want to have a good rest, why do you need to have a good rest, what will it give you, why do you need to have a good rest?”

“I get very tired at work, so I want to have a good rest” - “Okay, okay, you get very tired at work, and you want to have a good rest, but why a dacha and not something else?”

“Because I love nature, I love the earth, I like to plant something, flowers, for example. I like to then watch how it all grows, I am distracted from work, from thoughts” - “Okay, what will this give you, that you will have a dacha?”

“I will be happy, I will experience happiness” - “Okay, you want to be happy, you want to take a break from work”

This dialogue results in the fact that the Universe can give you not a dacha, but something that will allow you to relax in nature, and at the same time make you happy, although at the same time you will ask for a dacha, there is such a little irony here. When you feel your dream and physically consolidate it in your body, this is the best materialization that can be.

It may not even be written on paper, it will be written in your body, inside, in your consciousness, in your subconscious. Therefore, here we need a dialogue like the one given above.

Be sure to ask yourself questions: “Why do I need this?”, “Why?” and “What will this ultimately give me?”

And here you will come to a certain conclusion: what if I don’t need this, but what if I really need something else. The Universe will not fulfill your direct request, but will provide you with a comfortable life, which is what you ultimately want to get from it.

It’s better to immediately carry out the analysis yourself, rather than have her pick your head and see why you need all this. Conduct your own analysis

and give it to her in such a ready-made form, it will be much simpler and easier for her. She will say:

“Oh, that’s what it turns out to be, please, no problem, I’ll do it for you, here it is.”

You cannot completely surrender to her, say: “Pick me up in your arms and carry me to my dream.” No, she will give you the opportunity, and then you will go on your own. You need to come to some specific result.

In my case then, I was confused. “Why do I need money?” - well, because I need everything, I don’t earn enough, I feel like I need money. So that it would be good for the family, so that the man would finally bring money into the house, plus for his own satisfaction, and so on.

I was a little confused then, and I just asked for money. She says: “Okay, you need money - here’s the money” - and once the clients started calling. I remember that I was even afraid to abuse it, I thought, “I won’t ask today, I’ll ask tomorrow.”

Tomorrow I start asking - again clients are calling, what are you going to do, that’s just how it is. And it was interesting that clients called and asked me to bring them a certain product in double size. This completely surprised me. It’s enough to buy a certain set, a set, and they asked me to bring it to them in double size and this surprised me very much.

They asked about love. You can, of course, ask yourself why love is needed. Here you need to listen to your heart. A person cannot live without love. Moreover, I do not mean the love of a person for a person, for something else, for people, for life, for his work, for himself. Love comes in different forms.

And if, for example, love for a person, then perhaps you can answer the question

Why do you need it? To soothe your soul there, for example, to take care of someone or feel cared for by someone.

That is, questions like these, I think it’s worth sitting down and talking to yourself a little about this topic. In any case, you understand that if you ask the Universe for love, then this cannot have any bad continuation.

It is clear that if a person asks for love, why, to mock her - this is impossible, right. If you feel this love in your soul, then the Universe will see it in you. The intention is clear, pure and transparent as a tear, so you won’t really confuse yourself here.

I said that the purpose of any person is to self-improvement of soul and body. This is everyone's only purpose

person - self-improvement. When you were conceived, a program called talent was installed in your brain. You don't need to look for a destiny, you need to develop yourself.

Every person has certain qualities: good and bad. Bad qualities need to be eradicated, good qualities need to be strengthened. You must recognize your talent, what your talent is and improve yourself.

This is the only purpose of any person. If you spend your whole life looking for your purpose and thinking that it is somehow unique, then you will live your whole life unhappy, there will be no happiness in your life.

You will always go towards something and think that happiness is somewhere ahead. And since it is somewhere ahead, my destiny is somewhere there and I still cannot find it, then your whole life will be unhappy. Here's the thing.

And then you need to answer the question “How will I know that this is my purpose?” If you don’t answer this question for yourself, then you will never find your purpose. The purpose of any person is self-improvement of soul and body.

So you can stop looking for it and start getting better at what you are good at. You need to find the path where your heart lies, feel with your heart what you want to do, what your strengths are.

Why do they come to you, for what advice, what do you do well? Try to improve this in yourself, and you will see how you will begin to change your life and that of other people. This is the most important thing, when you bring some positivity into the world and begin to change people by changing your life and improving yourself - that’s your whole purpose.

Maybe I will disappoint someone, maybe I will open the eyes of someone, but this is precisely the purpose of any person.

I have already said about love. I also already told you about my love, there was such a story that they didn’t actually dump Lyuba on my head, I had to approach a stranger. Lena pushed me to approach a stranger, I didn’t know him at all, his name is Andrey.

I needed to talk to him, make him a certain proposal, then I needed to go to Moscow with him and, thus, then he introduced

me with Any. Although he was in a quarrel with her. They used to be friends, but they quarreled a long time ago and did not communicate.

Nevertheless, “through thorns to the stars” we met Lyuba and then we had the same dream. When we were already dancing with her, we ended up in the same holiday home, I saw her, invited her to dance, and we started talking, and she told me her dream, I told her my dream. It turns out that this dream was one and the same. Everything is as it were. As they say, the “ding” happened. That is, we understood something.

There are people who dream, they write down their dreams, think about them, but how many of you have done anything to get closer to these dreams? That is, you started doing something, not just dreaming, but real actions that you started, for example, you said, send pluses, tomorrow I’m doing this, the day after tomorrow I’m doing this. That is, it means that your dreams are translated into goals, and you begin to do something. There are people who just dream and then do nothing.

  • Chapter 1. If you want to get honey, don't knock over the hive!

  • How did it all start? Success story and biography of Igor Bibin.

    Creator of "Techniques for fulfilling desires" Bibin Igor Vladimirovich is currently a true expert in the field of luck, achieving goals and fulfilling desires. During his life, he experienced a lot, visited different situations: he was a beggar, but became a dollar millionaire, he was alone, and became a family man and the father of 3 daughters, he was an ordinary hired worker, and became a company leader.

    For about 30 years, Igor has been studying human capabilities and personal development. It all started when Igor was 14 years old, and he was given the book “Aphorisms of Worldly Wisdom” by Arthur Schopenhauer. It was then that the path he is on now began, helping thousands of people around the world.

    Of course, it took the businessman many years to form TIZH as it is now. And at first, although he had a lot of knowledge, it did not bring him much success in life. If we turn to the biography of Igor Bibin, then his life proceeded like that of many people: work, boss, vacation, weekend, home, wife, child, weekend again... Rare meetings with friends, relatives, holidays with alcohol consumption, and again a robot, etc.

    Igor constantly had thoughts in his head that this should not be the case and that he deserves more than he has now. He was depressed that he could not afford to buy what he wanted, that he was forced to constantly work and live in a vicious circle. He studied the works of the ancients, the works of scientists and found a technique that is many thousands of years old and which only special people know and use. Then he decided to put into practice a technique that he had been eyeing for a long time and which he had thoroughly studied.

    When wish fulfillment technique Igor Bibin I used it for the first time in my life, it gave results the very next day. It was money. He just found a banknote on the street, and then for some reason he started receiving calls from past clients whom he had long forgotten about. He supplied them with the required goods in large quantities, and thereby earned good money.

    Then there was a lull. Igor Bibin used TIZH (wish fulfillment technique) again, and again events began to occur that contributed to making money. Then he realized that technology does not provide money, but the opportunity to earn it, and he began to work diligently on his life and all its areas.

    In search of ways to improve the quality of life and reveal the inner potential of the individual, Igor studied a lot. He studied spiritual practices in a Tibetan monastery, business practices in Europe, studied the use of an altered state of consciousness, as well as the unconscious at the Moscow Institute of NLP and Hypnosis, studied psychology and coaching at the International Erickson University of Coaching.

    The life of Igor Vladimirovich Bibin has changed dramatically. Love appeared, a new family, he left work, started his own business, bought a car, real estate, and began to allow himself and his family to travel a lot.

    The first work he presented to the public sold in huge numbers. And not because he had already become a recognized sales trainer, a millionaire, and was able to explain complex things in simple terms, but because he created a tool that can change a person’s life. This was in 2006, and since then Igor Vladimirovich has conducted a huge number of seminars, webinars, trainings, and recorded audio and video courses. A businessman conducts more than 420 hours of classes per year, which is comparable to the workload of the average professor in Russia and America.

    At the moment, Igor Bibin is a well-known business coach and personal growth coach. Film by Igor Bibin "Winners Strategy" became a real bestseller, he also made 2 more educational films for businessmen - "A View from the Inside" And "Health is the fee of the wise." For more than 20 years, the businessman has been professionally coaching in the field of improving the quality of life.

    Technique of wish fulfillment (TIZ) by Igor Bibin made him truly successful and useful to the world. He founded projects such as business company "Chance" and also project "TED1.ru" - company "TIZH" which, already in the first year of its existence, has become one of the best and largest projects in Russia on the topic of self-realization. TED1 specializes in practical training to make your dreams come true, achieve your dreams and change your quality of life.

    Of course, in addition to live seminars and trainings, Igor Bibin’s courses are very popular. - this is Bibin’s most important and famous practical course, which will teach you to use your subconscious, talk to the Universe and stop missing the chances that life gives. Also very popular audio course “Money Attraction Technique: How to attract money”, whose goal is to help you achieve financial independence. These and many other materials can be found .

    Does the Wish Fulfillment Technique work? Any reviews?

    On some forums on the Internet you can see negative reviews about Igor Bibin, as well as comments that he and his wish-fulfillment technique do not work, But as a rule, these comments are not justified. People simply write that they tried, but it didn’t work out. But the businessman always says that for TIZH to work, all criteria must be met, and at least the person must have the diligence and desire to change something in life.

    Those who really tried, followed all the author’s advice, followed his instructions, were able to ensure that their lives changed. After all, the technique of making wishes come true is not some kind of “magic pill”, but a technique that requires diligence. People who understand this write only grateful and enthusiastic comments, I leave .

    How can an ordinary person start using TIL in their life to achieve their goals?

    If anyone doubts, then first you can , After all, Igor Bibin fills even such materials with useful information and working techniques. The businessman mentors 260,000 followers worldwide, and these numbers speak for themselves. More than 1.5 million people have completed distance learning with him. Today everyone involved in personal development knows about the “Technique of Desires Fulfillment” program. And anyone can begin to change lives and achieve any goals they set with the help of TIL.

    Now Igor Bibin has everything he needs for a happy life - family, favorite job, hobbies. In addition to business coaching, he is a philanthropist, widely involved in social activities, his company helps orphanages, and every month they hold charity events, helping children left without parents or suffering from serious illnesses. Igor went through a difficult journey from poverty and complete collapse to creating a happy family, a company that helps people change their lives, and other types of business.

    If you want to get your hands on practical techniques that will improve your life in any direction, for example, money, relationships, love, achievements in sports, science, business, etc., then feel free to contact Igor Vladimirovich, take training, study his courses and books. Every day, new students join the TED1 project and experience life-changing experiences! We wish the same for you!

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    Igor Bibin is the founder of the TED1.Ru project, a trainer with 20 years of experience. Author of books, films, audio and video courses about psychology, techniques for making wishes come true, and achieving financial freedom. He launched a number of successful projects and has more than 260 thousand followers and students.

    • About the Expert

    Igor Binin who is this?

    When it comes to which person to entrust their training to, everyone is looking for an educated and multifaceted person with a sense of humor, vast experience and brilliant results. After all, only such a person can explain how to improve the quality of life. When you study the biography of Igor Binin, you can see a versatile person.

    Lived in Tibet, where he studied spiritual practices. Attended many European business seminars, including training at the Moscow Institute of NLP and Hypnosis. Also graduated from Erickson University of Coaching. He made three educational films for entrepreneurs. Now he runs a parallel YouTube channel, where he periodically publishes videos with new technologies.

    Currently, Igor Binin annually conducts more than 420 hours of practical training. Over 260 thousand students around the world have taken the millionaire’s courses, and his experience in coaching spans decades. Igor’s students leave their positive reviews on many Internet resources.

    Technique of wish fulfillment by Igor Bibin

    After achieving financial freedom and success in all areas of life, Bibin created the “TED1.Ru” project, which won a serious audience in the first year of its existence. And its scale continues to confirm its status as “leading” in this market in Russia.

    One of the popular courses of this author is called “Technique of wish fulfillment.” The audience for such trainings includes people from 25 to 80 years old. Here you can meet a variety of people: from housewives to public figures, from the unemployed to business owners. Igor Bibin is convinced that trainings should be practical in nature, and above all, confirmed by the specific results of students. To ensure that the effectiveness of learning continues to grow, he uses different methods of presenting knowledge, including books, audio and video seminars

    A technique called “wish fulfillment” has long been known. Igor Bibin (author of the method) offers to take a three-day training course completely free of charge.

    A very interesting proposal, especially since it doesn’t cost a penny. After you subscribe to the mailing list, messages begin to arrive to your email address, informing you about online seminars with Igor, and also sending you theoretical material. Classes are held at 20.00, but these are some kind of recordings of classes from YouTube; Igor himself is not visible on the screen, only a screensaver with his photo.

    Igor Bibin. Technique of wish fulfillment

    A little about the seminars themselves. It so happened that during the lesson Igor Vladimirovich Bibin does not say anything new, but tells the same thing as in the theoretical material, especially after the lesson the next day you receive a link to the recording of the seminar, so you don’t have to go to your personal account at exactly 20.00, but just watch the recording later. The material is really interesting. During the lesson, Igor advises choosing one mentor (teacher) and following his advice, and not subscribing to thousands of useless newsletters, as this only creates a “mess” in your head. He also advises communicating more with successful people, and not listening to those who do not believe in your success and do not want to develop themselves.

    Practical tasks

    In addition to advice, there are very interesting tasks, for example, you need to write down your salary in y in a notebook. That is, and double it every day, and also write down what you would like to buy with this money. This exercise expands boundaries and raises the personality’s monetary thermostat.

    It goes on to say that the magic of wish fulfillment depends on whether what you want is really important, or whether it is just, as Igor puts it, a “want.” It’s hard to disagree, if the desire is not real, does not come from a pure heart, then you really won’t find the strength and time to fulfill it, but if the desire is a priority, then the Universe itself will help in its implementation.

    Also interesting is the advice that you need to get closer to your dream, for example, if you want a luxury car, then you need to come to the salon and order a test drive, if you want to become richer, then you can just come to an expensive restaurant and just have a drink there coffee, in general, the main thing is to just get closer to your dream. The fact is that when you see the object of your desire, you understand that it is achievable, then an incentive and desire to create and work appears.

    Also, the magic of wish fulfillment depends on the technique of thanksgiving; to fulfill it, you need to thank God and loved ones every day for something. Thanks to those around us, we understand that life is wonderful, we begin to switch from negativity to positivity, and we also begin to see opportunities. All that remains is not to miss them.

    Opinion about the seminars

    Indeed, the seminars are not bad, of course, there is a lot of water and stretching of what can be told in 20 minutes for 1.5 hours, and at the end of the lesson there is an imposition of payment for the course - a more advanced one.

    Igor says that if you don’t sign up to purchase the course within a few hours, then it will cost more. Indeed, each lesson the course became more expensive, but this does not matter at all, because after the end of the free seminars you can sign up for the same seminars again and buy the same advanced course at a discount.

    Naturally, a person needs to earn money, and he conducts free classes in order to attract people to the main courses, but the fact that all three free seminars tell the same thing, only in different words, gives rise to doubts in the soul. One gets the impression that even if you buy a full course of classes, the situation will repeat itself, so you don’t want to continue training.

    Igor Bibin. Reviews of his technique

    It should be noted that there are many techniques for fulfilling desires from different authors, but in the article we will only describe Bibin’s technique. Many people like the author of the technique, Igor Bibin, and the reviews about him are positive. Many write that they were really able to fulfill their desires almost after the first lesson.

    Indeed, Igor has a pleasant voice, he is friendly, and can instill self-confidence in a person. There is no doubt that the technique works, of course, it’s not about otherworldly help, but it seems that all his affirmations and mantras brought from Tibet (he found spiritual mentors there) simply help to believe in yourself, thanks to which you confidently begin to look for ways to achieve your goal and move towards the desired happiness. The great phrase “the one who walks can master the road” is entirely applicable to technology. Thus, one girl describes that she had long dreamed of a stage career, but believed that it was unattainable, she set this block for herself, but when she heard from Igor that we only dream of what we can achieve, she decided to try.


    Having no special education, she searched various sites for possible paths to a star career and found an advertisement for an open casting for the main role in the film. After she filled out the form, sent a test video, passed the preliminary casting, she was invited to audition. She hasn't been finalized at the moment, but the casting manager thinks she has a good chance.

    Filming will take place in the summer of 2015, with all actors finally confirmed in the spring. She also decided not to stop and try herself on television. She still found an advertisement on the Internet for recruiting reporters for a fairly popular program, sent her resume with a photo, and already at 9.00 am the next day they called her back and invited her to undergo free training.

    At the moment, she starred as a lawyer in this program (having education and work experience in this specialty) and is considering whether to remain as a reporter. The fact is that when she found herself in front of the camera, she did not feel happy, it seemed as if her desire began to be partially fulfilled, but she did not receive pleasure from it.

    Perhaps her twenty-year-old dream was just a “want”, but the girl does not regret that she tried, because now she will be able to work in her specialty and develop in the legal field without regrets. But, despite the internal conflicts, the girl was not disappointed by Igor Bibin, the wish-fulfillment technique really works, you just need to believe in yourself and know exactly what you want.


    We almost forgot to talk about the magazine “Fulfillment of Desires”. The author of the magazine is Igor Bibin, reviews about the magazine are as positive as about the technology itself. The electronic publication contains a lot of useful information.

    The magazine is published personally by Igor Bibin. Reviews from readers inspire him to new achievements. Some write that they took a risk and opened their own business, others met the love of their life. So, happiness is different for everyone, the main thing is to believe that everything will work out, then the result will not be long in coming.

    New “Technique of Desires Fulfillment”

    6 practical steps. Understandable. Simple ones. Fast.

    – You are tired... You want to change something in life, to get out of the everyday flow of boredom and monotony, you want something new from life... More joy, more happiness, more pleasant changes!

    – You have a desire... it’s one thing... very important for you... it warms your soul, gives you hope. You really want it to come true. Such a desire that will change your life for the better, and you have long dreamed of this happening, perhaps looking through pictures, visualizing your intentions.

    – You have been waiting for the desired changes for a long time, it seems to you that everything is about to happen, that your life is about to change. But how much time has already passed? How long have you been waiting for the desired changes? Month? Six months? Year? 2 years? 5 years? More than 10 years?!

    Three ways to solve these problems

    1. Do nothing and hope that somehow everything will go away on its own.

    The advantage is that this does not require any funds. The downside is that another 10 years may pass and as a result nothing will change. Very risky, no guarantees. You can live in search and disappointment for many more years.

    Life will remain the same, and you will not escape the feeling of chasing a shadow, the feeling that your dreams are running away from you. The same thing, the same thing, over and over again. Time passes, but no real and visible changes occur. Like some kind of race.

    2. Use “self-help” courses and psychological techniques.

    The upside is that they are inspiring. Yes, they help and work. The downside is that it is not a fact that they will work specifically for you. You probably thought when you came across such a course that it was taught by a person, telling his experience regarding his personality and his life.

    And you are a completely different person, you have an individual problem that requires not a template approach, but one as individual and unique as you, as your life and your situation in life. And if you have a question, you will have no one to ask it to.

    There is a chance that everything will work out, but there is also a high chance that you will only have inspiration. Perhaps you've already experienced this phenomenon: you light up, you have hope, and then everyday life drags you down again and you fade away. And also many questions arise. Everything seems to sound beautiful, but it’s not clear what to do.

    3. Get to use individual equipment created specifically for you and your situation.

    Thanks to the development of individual techniques, you have a greater chance of achieving the desired result.

    It can't work! Because the technique is unique, created taking into account your current situation in life and taking into account the characteristics of your personality. You don't use template methods, you get step-by-step recommendations.

    The downside is that this option and approach requires money and time for training, but the investment is worth it and pays for all expenses. In addition, such activities provide a guarantee and eliminate the risk of chaos in life.

    What this course will give you:

    • - You will receive a unique “Wish Fulfillment Technique”, taking into account your individuality, which will work only in your hands and in your life situation.
      - You will learn how the process of realizing your desire occurs after you make a request to the Universe. What is required of you, what to do and how to act so that the desire comes true and does not disappear.
      - You will learn how to make a wish correctly so that the Universe hears you and you instantly start the process of making your wish come true, rather than waiting for it forever. You will have in your hands a system for monitoring the realization of desires.
      - You will learn how to use the internal reserves and capabilities of your subconscious, extracting those ways of realizing desires that give immediate results!
      - You will no longer be an ordinary dreamer, but will become a skilled creator of your life, attracting money, love, happiness, success, luck and much more that you want to receive today.
      - You will learn how to instantly start attracting money from various sources and opportunities that you never even dared to think about. And how to start the process of enriching your financial life.
      - You will learn how to attract a soulmate full of love for you, a person who will love you for who you are right now - love you passionately, passionately and forever!
      - You will learn how to step from a boring and monotonous life into another world filled with joy, meaning, happiness and love. About how to quickly move onto the bright side of life and stop the series of problems, dullness and failures.
      - You will learn how to gain control over your life and future by living in unison with the gifts of the Universe, using its direct support. You will never be a needy person again.
      - You will learn how to get out of the dead end in your life, find peace and faith in your strength, faith in yourself, your success, your endeavors. How to move through life confidently and boldly without fear of failure or fear in general.
      - Ways to request your desires into the Universe and methods of accelerating the embodiment of desires into your life. Pleasant techniques that will excite you and charge you with the energy of the Universe.

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