Educational and methodological manual (1st grade) on the topic: Assignment.

Russian language

1. Complete the letter to make a word:

d...m, p...t, p...l, m...l, s...n

lu..., ra..., ro..., so..., dy...

2. Place emphasis on words. If you find it difficult, look in the dictionary.

School, lamp, song, business, catalogue, shovel.

3. Underline the letters in the words that indicate the vowel sound.

Smile, shop, frost, frying pan, country.

4. Underline the letters in the words that indicate the consonant sound.

June, leaves, car, backpack, cash register, kettle.

5. Underline the words in which the second syllable is stressed:

Shop, sadness, city, ravine, salad, sugar, tomato.

6. Underline the letters denoting hard consonant sounds.

Table, chairs, plate, flowers, chamomile, calendar.

7. Underline the letters that represent soft consonants.

Day, month, cup, awl, album, boy.

8. Write down words in which all consonants are hard. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

Water, earth, our, faithful, friend, helper.


9. Write down words in which all consonant sounds are soft. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

They, we, loved and grew lilacs and lilies of the valley.


10. Read the text. Divide it into sentences. Write it down.

I'm walking through the forest, suddenly I hear the knocking of a woodpecker, they call him a forest nurse; a woodpecker treats trees for pests.




11. Divide the words into syllables.

Guys, lion cubs, gifts, horse, Olya, crane, stork, ice floe.

12. Perform arithmetic operations with letters and write the resulting word and put the emphasis:



On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Olympiad assignments in the Russian language in grade 3 (during the preparation, the methodological manual by G.I. Raitskaya “Olympiad assignments for grades 3-4” was used)

Olympiad tasks for 3rd grade in the Russian language (dictation, test tasks). Compiled based on the manual by G.V. Raitskaya "Olympiad assignments. Grades 3-4."...

UUD. An educational task in the Russian language, aimed at achieving a meta-subject and subject planned result. Task analysis.

An educational task in the Russian language, aimed at achieving a meta-subject and subject planned result. Task analysis....

18. Make a “ladder” of words starting with the letter M, so that each subsequent word is one letter more than the previous one.
M _ _ _
M _ _ _ _
M _ _ _ _ _

19. The letter got lost! What letters in words need to be replaced so that the sentences acquire the correct meaning?
A) The princess bent over the flower,
The cow fell off her head
B) At a fun carnival
Children danced in bowls

20. Write and underline a word with 5 letters and 4 sounds:

Dress, shoes and home should be as clean as possible.

21. Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stranded, coat, friends, joy, sea, fun, bumblebee.

22. Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Singing, airplane, apple, patience, daughter, raccoon, poplar

23. Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Hawk, train, guest, skill, oven, spruce, seal

Underline the consonant letters that represent hard consonant sounds.

Table, chairs, plate, flowers, chamomile, calendar

Underline the consonant letters that represent soft consonant sounds.

Day, month, cup, awl, album, boy

Write down words in which all consonants are hard. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

Water, earth, our, faithful, friend, helper

Write down words in which all consonants are soft. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

They, we, loved, raised, lilac, lily of the valley

28. In which word are all consonant sounds voiced? Emphasize.

rocket, flag, war, victory

Write two words in which all consonants are voiced.

29. Write down words that have fewer sounds than letters:

horses, beast, shadow, horse, spruce, door

Alphabet theme

Remember and write down the adjacent letters.

A B C.. .. .. Y.. .. .. O.. ..

L.. .. .. Ch.. .. .. .. .. .. .. E

2. Write the words in alphabetical order:

hat, sea, jelly, wave, yacht, pine

3. In which group are the letters not in alphabetical order? Sign this group out.

1). b, s, b, e 2). c, d, e, f 3). m, n, o, p 4). ts, h, sh, sch

4. Read and write down the names of the instruments in alphabetical order:

Yegor has wonderful things:

Planer, saw, hammer and pliers.

He also has an ax and a chisel.

Egorka can build a house.

Topic "Proposal"

Make sentences from words. Write in written letters. Draw sentence diagrams.

A) Marina, y, doll, was

The doll's name was Lara

B) tall, in, grow, spruce, forest

hole, ate, about, raccoon

Grammar tasks

A) The forest thicket whispers.

B) Snow fell only in January.

C) In the moonlight the snow turns silver.

1) Read the sentences

2) Write down the sentence stems (main members). Write the part of speech and the question the word answers:

3) Underline figurative expressions in the stems of sentences.

4) Which sentence evokes the most vivid picture of nature in your mind? Place a cross (+) in front of the sentence number.

  • Be part of the family. Knowing the life history of our parents gives us a sense of belonging to the family. And it clarifies the relationships of its members.
  • Get to know your parents. By knowing what their lives were like, we begin to better understand their relationship to ourselves.
  • Get to know yourself. By questioning our elders, we move forward in understanding who we ourselves are.

“For as long as I can remember, my mother simply bothered me with her care,” recalls 22-year-old Lada. “A lot of things became clear to me only when we talked about her childhood. My parents sent my mother to a boarding school when she was barely seven years old, and only took her home for the holidays. As an adult, she tried to give me all the love that she needed so much when she was little.” The history of our lives is largely determined by the circumstances of our parents' lives. And it’s better to know it in detail: this allows us to get an explanation for many events, find our place in the “family chronicle,” gain a sense of belonging to the family, and therefore feel safe.

Recognize the mystery

By learning the details of the past, we begin to see more clearly why our parents became the way they are and what guided them when making certain decisions. Including those that concerned us. “The realization that the mother and father were once children and that they could also have problems in the family makes our view of their personalities more comprehensive,” says psychotherapist Ekaterina Mikhailova.

34-year-old Sergei talks about how, as a teenager, he became close to his father thanks to an unexpected conflict. “I was 13 years old, I was interested in history, especially the period. On the cover of my school notebook I wrote: “For the Motherland! For Stalin! When my father saw this, he grabbed the notebook and, without saying a word, tore it up. I was terribly indignant and offended. I knew that his father, my grandfather, did not fight - he was in the camp, and I decided that my father was angry because of this. I even wanted to leave home, but my mother stopped me. She said that her grandfather was convicted in 1936: they found in his possession a handwritten letter from Lenin stating that Stalin should not be allowed to come to power. For this he spent ten years in Kolyma. A month later, on October 29, together with my parents I came to Lubyanka Square, where people gather to pronounce the names of those who were shot in the 1930s. I felt much closer to my father than before.”

Other people's letters

It happens that interest in the life of parents arises when they are no longer alive. And if they left personal letters and diaries, the question arises whether to read them. “Everyone, or almost everyone, reads,” Ekaterina Mikhailova shares her observations. – But someone who is categorically against it has various ways to prevent this (for example, get rid of personal papers). If a person did not do this during his lifetime, his children have the right to interpret such a sign in their own way. But when someone resolutely asserts that under no circumstances would he read his late mother’s letters, that he would, for example, simply burn them, I ask him a question: what exactly are you so afraid of finding out? Whatever decision is made, it is important to ask yourself: why am I doing this? Getting acquainted with parental letters or diaries can indeed be traumatic. “There is a risk of seeing another father or another mother,” adds Ekaterina Mikhailova. “But the temptation to get to know them differently is great. After all, we understand that we knew only part of their personality, that they had attachments, hobbies, activities, family relationships that we may not be aware of. And we strive to complete the holistic image of these people.” As a result, we see them as more multifaceted and thereby expand our understanding of ourselves and the world.

Gain independence

Getting to know the details of the lives of our parents, we begin to understand that they are not only our father and mother, that their mission is not limited to the fact that they gave us life. “If they had not become parents or had not even met each other, they would have been the same people, albeit with different experiences,” continues Ekaterina Mikhailova. – Interest in their past, in their childhood gives us the opportunity to get to know our parents again, to get to know them as individuals. This is also necessary in order to gain inner independence, to realize that we ourselves are not only a son or daughter, that our personality has other facets.” This knowledge allows us to take a fresh look at their behavior in the past, and at situations that are repeated in our lives to this day.

Nikolai is 39 years old. As a child, he suffered from beatings from his father. Like many people with difficult childhoods, he was very afraid that he would not be able to behave differently with his children. “I avoided my father for many years. But then we finally met – at my grandfather’s funeral. I simply didn’t recognize my father. As a child, he caused me unspeakable horror, but now - only pity. He couldn't help but sob, but it wasn't grief. The death of his father became a deliverance for him. Only after the funeral did he tell me how his grandfather tortured him as a child. I don’t excuse my father, but now that I know about his past, I at least understood that he beat me because he didn’t know how to do otherwise. This conversation with my father took place shortly before my daughter was born. My soul felt lighter. And I finally decided to see a psychotherapist.”

Remove the burden of silence

Even when a family secret is carefully hidden, our unconscious sends a signal: there is something that they want to hide from us. This signal can be vague anxiety (something is happening, but I don’t understand what) or low self-esteem (I am considered unworthy to know what others know)... Family secrets are often “inherited,” changing the lives of several generations. “If you have doubts, you should discuss them with your parents,” says Ekaterina Mikhailova. “Without blaming, without instilling feelings of guilt: perhaps they, too, became victims of a family secret.” And we must not forget that people tend to hide not only something shameful. Sometimes a secret protects us. “I’m my mother’s late child,” says 43-year-old Elena. “She was not married, and I saw my father only a few times in childhood. When my son was born, I wanted to tell my father that he had become a grandfather, and I asked my mother for his phone number - and she replied that his father had recently died! I was very upset: she didn’t even consider it necessary to tell me about it. My mother explained that during pregnancy she did not want to worry me. But the bitterness remained. Only 10 years later, after my mother’s death, I learned from a distant relative: it turns out that my father committed suicide. That's why mom was silent. I understood her. But now I myself don’t know what to tell my son about my grandfather...”

We are not always able to decide what we ourselves would do if we were in our parents’ shoes. That’s why it’s so important to try to understand them – and perhaps forgive them.

Have time to talk

Some situations are especially conducive to a confidential conversation. Emotional events can prompt frankness - when someone is born, dies, etc. Women often turn to during their pregnancy: they want to know the details of their own birth. But you don’t have to wait for a special occasion for such conversations. “The best conversations about life happen, as they say, just like that,” says Ekaterina Mikhailova. - “Tell me about the time, tell me about yourself. What were you like, what was your grandfather like? What made you happy then, what made you sad? What did you fear, what did you dream about?” There is simply no “perfect moment” to talk to your parents. But the conversation should not be shelved. By keeping silent about important issues that worry us, we complicate our lives. We must not forget that our parents are mortal and can leave us alone with our questions.”

Ask without accusations

To find your place in the chain of generations, it is important to find out what is being kept silent. Many topics remain closed, causing vague anxiety and feelings of guilt (about adoption, about biological father or mother, about children from first marriages, oh old ones, divorces, deaths, illnesses). It is important for us to know what concerns us personally: the conditions under which we were born, our first steps, the first years of life. Traits of the child we were will help us better understand the adult we are now. Psychologist Alexandra Suchkova advises asking parents about how they grew up, about their relationships with their own parents, sisters and brothers, as well as about the choice of a professional path - the one they found themselves or which they were forced to choose. “One question leads to another, and the answers we receive will not always satisfy us,” warns the psychologist. Moreover, we may begin to doubt their veracity. “Sometimes we feel that parents are hiding or distorting some important aspects of their biography,” adds Ekaterina Mikhailova. – And there is a temptation to take the position of an investigator. We should not follow this desire and insist that we be told “the whole truth”: a strict demand will not improve either their well-being or our relationship. And the chances of finding out the truth in this way are slim. In this case, it is much safer to work with a professional psychologist: not to “interrogate witnesses in the case” at all, but to proceed from what they said before. It’s not their problem—it’s something that’s bothering us, and we need to find out what it is. With the help of psychotherapy, you can find answers to many questions.”

The story of 35-year-old Nina confirms the words of the psychotherapist: “I had a prosperous childhood, and I always believed that I received as much parental love as I needed. Although nothing more. Mom and Dad were always very attentive to my school successes and predicted a great future for me. And I grew up... and for many years I couldn’t hold down a single job. Now I understood why - unconsciously I wanted to separate from my parents and for this I tried to leave the path that they “assigned” to me. I discovered all this during psychotherapy. But I didn’t ask my parents - they simply wouldn’t understand me.”

In pursuit of facts that could explain the cause of our failures and suffering, we risk turning into ruthless inquisitors.

According to psychoanalyst Gerard Decherf, the desire to know “everything” about our parents means that we “are in a fantasy of eternal fusion, of the continuation of our infancy, when we felt complete unity with our mother. By insisting on questioning, we maintain the illusion that we are still small.”

“Dad, mom, do you love me?”

“What question would you like to ask your parents?” – . And although each of those who answered formulated it differently, at the center of all the questions was love - the kind that parents gave to each other and their child... or the kind that they and their children lacked.

I was born when my mother was 20 years old. They separated from my father during my mother’s pregnancy. And I want to know: am I a wanted child or did it just happen that way? I have no doubt that my mother loves me, but did she want a child at such a young age? Maxim, 20 years old

Dad, mom, are you happy together? Next to you, I again feel like a little defenseless girl... Oksana, 28 years old

Why don't you let me choose how to live? Why do you want to control everything, even my wedding date? Annet-L, 21 years old

Mom, why did you treat me so cruelly as a child? Did you know that I live in constant fear? zapytannaya, 24 years old

Dad, have you ever wanted to meet me? Have you told your children about me? Irina, 46 years old

Mom, why do you always avoid talking? What did I do to deserve this attitude? lisovich, 17 years old

Dad, no matter what, you are the best. I love you, respect your words, your life. Can we become close people again? Do you love me? daxazazazu, 23 years old

Separate fact from fiction

Experts warn against another misconception: you should not confuse a real person with your fantasy of him. No matter how old we are, in relations with our parents we remain children, and the feelings that we experience for them prevent us from being objective. It seems to us that they are the same today as they were many years ago, we lose sight of the fact that they have changed. “Parents, as they have become today, can no longer answer many of our questions,” recalls Ekaterina Mikhailova. “Perhaps our problems today were really influenced by the personality of the mother or father - the way she was twenty-five or thirty years ago.” And in this case we need to work not with real people, but with their images, with their voices that sound inside us. When working with family history, we make an agreement with the group members: not to discuss this topic with our family for at least two days. A person must ask himself: “What is bothering me? Why this, why now?” – and answer these questions yourself, without involving the family in the conflict.”

Most often, we do not know our real parents, but those images that are imprinted in our inner world. The parental image we live with is never completely true. So should we throw all our energy into distinguishing fact from fiction, reality from fantasy, in order to finally know the true story of our parents? No, psychotherapists answer. There is absolutely no need to know everything. Children and parents, unlike friends, occupy a certain, permanent place in relation to each other and should not change it. So, if we are interested in questions about the sex life of our parents, it is better to tame our curiosity. In this case, the answers can only create a confusion of roles and generations, which will not calm us down, but unsettle us. Therefore, before you start asking questions, you should carefully consider what exactly we want to know and why we need it. “It is also important to take into account,” continues Ekaterina Mikhailova, “that by asking one “investigative” question (for example, asking the mother only why she and her father divorced), we narrow her life to one situation, to one problem (and at this this is our problem, not hers!). And in her life, besides the divorce from her father, a lot has happened since then. And if we don’t want to know about it, it won’t be fair to her.” A dialogue between two adults can only take place if they are sincerely interested in each other. Our parents will talk more easily and willingly about themselves if they don’t feel like they’re the target of accusations. And for those whose parents stubbornly refuse to share their secrets, Alexandra Suchkova reminds: “To get an answer, you don’t have to ask questions - often it’s enough just to start talking about yourself.”

Summer assignments in Russian for 1st grade.

1. Add a vowel to make the word:

D...m, p...t, p...l, m...l, s...n

2. Add the consonant to make the word:

Lu..., ra..., ro..., so..., dy...

3.Place emphasis on words. If you find it difficult, look in the dictionary.

School, lamp, song, business, catalogue, shovel.

4.Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stranded, coat, friends, joy, sea, fun, bumblebee.

5.Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Singing, airplane, apple, patience, daughter, raccoon, poplar

6. Insert the necessary words into the sentences.

Dill and ………… grow in the garden bed.

Ran along the path……………

Put emphasis on the words.

7. Underline the vowels in the words.

Acacia, smile, shop, frost,

frying pan, country.

8. Underline the consonants in the words.

June, leaves, car, backpack,

cash register, kettle

9. Place emphasis on words. If you find it difficult, look in the dictionary.

Riddle, wizard, leisure,

briefcase, sorrel, beets.

10. Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stump, family, night, jam, skates, trees, blizzard.

11. Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Hawk, train, guest, skill, oven, spruce, seal

12. Underline the words in which the second syllable is stressed:

Shop, sadness, city, ravine, salad, sugar, tomato.

Write two words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

13. Underline the consonant letters that represent hard consonant sounds.

Table, chairs, plate, flowers, chamomile, calendar

14. Underline the consonant letters that represent soft consonant sounds.

Day, month, cup, awl, album, boy


S...roka,, cla....., m...l...ko,

in...r...beat, d...row, d...daughter

16. Write down words in which all consonants are hard. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

Water, earth, our, faithful, friend, helper

17. Write down words in which all consonants are soft. If you wrote it down correctly, you have a proposal.

They, we, loved, raised, lilac, lily of the valley

18. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

D...zhurny, v...rona, r...bota, m...tire, k...r...ndash, student...

Write 5 more vocabulary words:

19. In which group are the letters not in alphabetical order? Emphasize.

1). b, s, b, e 2). c, d, d, f

3). m, n, o, p 4). ts, h, sh, sch

20. Write the words in alphabetical order:

hat, sea, jelly, wave, yacht, pine

21. In which word are all consonants voiced? Emphasize.

rocket, flag, war, victory

Write two words in which all consonants are voiced.

22. In which word are all consonants unvoiced? Emphasize.

glass, word, rainbow, cloud

Write two words in which all consonants are unvoiced.

23. Write down the proposal. Check it out.

The student took a notebook and pencil.

24. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Make up a sentence with one of the words and write it down.

m...dve, s...roka, d...zhurny, d...daughter, M...skva, for...ts

25. Perform arithmetic operations with letters and write the resulting word and put the emphasis:


26. Write down words that have fewer sounds than letters:

horses, beast, shadow, horse, spruce, door


fluff...nka, top...on, f...zn, sh...lo, embroidery...vka, press...vka

28. Read the text. Divide it into sentences.

I'm walking through the forest, suddenly I hear the knocking of a woodpecker, they call him a forest nurse; a woodpecker treats trees for pests.

How many sentences are there in the text? _____

Write down the second sentence.

29. Write the words according to the example:

light - light

funny - _____________________

Fine - ____________________

fast - _____________________

polite - ____________________

diligently - ___________________

Indicate the emphasis in words. Underline the syllables with the letter y.

30. Write down the proverbs without mistakes. Check it out. Explain their meaning.

Modesty suits everyone.

There are tears - there is also conscience.

31. Divide the words into syllables. What words cannot be hyphenated? Write them off..

guys, lion cubs, gifts, horse, Olya, crane, stork, ice floe

32. Write down words that consist of two syllables:

acacia, star, radio, kettle, dance, watermelon, glade, metro, pit

33. Fill in the missing letters and write two words for this rule:, ch...lok, sh...ka, ch...brow, sh...finger, ch...gun, drag...,

34. Fill in the missing letters and write two words for this rule:

ch...ynik, sh...vel, cloud..., grove..., ch...yka, farewell, seal...

35. Fill in the missing letters

There was a babbling stream in the forest. Birds are looking for food... The elk goes into the forest. A woodpecker knocked on a tree. Already... crawling into the reeds...

36. Underline the letters whose spelling needs to be checked:

rains, grass, fields, rain, nest, scarf, mushrooms, snow, flag, snow, swifts, mushroom, mountain, thrush, hedgehog

37. Fill in the missing words:

On the ice of the river the ___________ rings.

Buried in the snow _______________.

Going to end the year

and old _____________________.

Words for reference: December, skates, wood grouse, calendar.

38. Read:

Like on thin ice

A little white snow fell.

Write down the words with a soft sign, separating them with dashes.

39. Write it down, inserting a soft sign where necessary:

Girl, letter, cornflowers, dot, big, hospital, cloud

40. Fill in the missing letters:

M...dve, for...c, l...sitsa, student, d...zhurny, t...trad,

teaches...l, briefcase...,

41. Make sound patterns of words, for example: family-[s´ and m´ й´ a], tooth-[z y p]

Sew ______________________



Tea _________________________

42. Read it. Fill in the missing letters.

Nice...winter days! Snowflakes, like fluff, fall to the ground. I take a k...r...ndash and draw fluffy snow.

43. Read the words:

Sh...ka, k...r...ndash,;

h...right,, sp...hard. Match the words in the first line with words from the second line that are suitable in meaning and write them down.

44. Write down the sentence, emphasizing the soft consonants:

The brown bear is a fast, agile and very strong animal.

45. Fill in the missing letters

M...dved..., December..., primer..., t...trad..., los..., l...sitsa, for...c, briefcase...,, June..., September...

Write a sentence with one of the words:

46. ​​Insert the missing letters and divide the words into syllables with dashes:,, little...chik,,,,,, zhil...tsy, school...nicki

47. Read the words. Make a sentence out of them, write down:

In, spruce,, stood, tall.

48. Insert the missing letters orally selecting the test word:

gl...for, n...ha, l...shadka, h...lmy,, v...lna, zm...ya, st...would.

Write two words for this rule:

49. Choose a test word for each word and write down:

………-r…ka, ………….-r…sa

………-m…ha, ………..-z…blah

………-holy…cha, ………..-s…dy

………-st…na, ………..-d…ma

50. Write it down, indicate the emphasis in the words.

M...skva is the main city of our country.

51. Write it down, changing the words in brackets according to their meaning:

Beautiful (oaks), thin (ice), educational (years), fresh (bread)

52. Fill in the missing letters:

A clean tetra..., a brown bear..., a rubber boot..., a strong frost..., a green karanda..., a blooming tree..., a tractor factory..., a big city...

Underline the words that have more letters than sounds.

53. Write it down. Separate words with dashes for hyphenation.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great Russian poet.

54. Make a sentence from the words and write it down. Underline the main parts of the sentence.

Mom gave Vitalik an aquarium with a fish.

55. Add the appropriate words, for example: the doctor is treating.

Artist __________________

Teacher ____________________

Builder ___________________

What does he do? soldier ?

56. Answer the questions:

Who's tweeting? __________________

Who's croaking?___________________________

Who's mooing?____________________

Who's chirping? _________________

put emphasis in words. Check the correct spelling of words in a dictionary.

57. Write without mistakes.

A person must have a good heart, and a tree must have a good root.

58.Read and write down the names of the instruments in alphabetical order:

Yegor has wonderful things:

Planer, saw, hammer and pliers.

He also has an ax and a chisel.

Egorka can build a house.

59. Guess what this word is.

The first letter in the alphabet comes before the letter L, the second - before the letter P, the third - before the letter O, the fourth - before the letter E.

Write this word, count how many letters and sounds it contains.

60. Perform arithmetic operations with letters and write the resulting word and put the emphasis:


61. Think about which letter should be inserted into the words. Write.

Gr(o,a)za, n(o,a)ra, v(o,a)lna, z(e,i)mlya, l(e,i)tso, tr(a,o)va

62. Make a sentence from the words and write it down. Underline the main parts of the sentence.

The girl was treated to fragrant strawberries by her grandmother.

63. Choose a test for the words in each line, write it down, put the emphasis, insert the missing letters:, to

G...ra, g...ry, after

W...s, h...s

Sl...y, according to...dam

64. Using blue and green pencils, underline the letters representing hard and soft consonants:

Ze zhi bu zhe si chu scha tse

Tiny tiny crumble

65. Make sound diagrams of words:

Oaks ______________________



Hare _______________________

66. Find words that begin with a letter h, write it down, divided into syllables:


67. Write and underline a word with 5 letters and 4 sounds:

Dress, shoes and home should be as clean as possible.

68. Choose and complete the correct word:

Standing next to the bicycle was (fluff, fluff) _______________________

Our house is saved from enemies by a dog (baby, Baby)________________

69. Read the text, divide it into sentences. Write the second sentence:

I poured millet into the feeder, sparrows and tits immediately flocked to them and quickly pecked at the food.

70. Read the test words and insert the missing letters:

Teeth - teeth... shores - take...

Beaches - beach... oaks - du...

Treasures - treasures... trains - trains...

Eyes - eyes... frost - frost...

71. Write it down, changing the words in brackets according to their meaning:

Hard (labor)______________

Gentle (slopes)_______________

Cheerful (looks)______________

February (frost)___________

72. Read the words. Find new words in them, write them down and emphasize them

Duck, post, bison, crack, regiment, fishing rod

73. Read, make words from syllables, write, put emphasis:

ka, white nok, call, nickname, what

for, cha, yes ka, re re, ta, bya

74. Guess the word:

The first letter of the word appears in the alphabet after the letter O, the second - after the letter D, the third - before the letter U, the fourth - after T, the fifth - before the letter C.

Write down the word, put the emphasis.

75. Write down the words, divide them into syllables for transfer:

Grains, boy, seagull, shadow, cash register, singing, bunny, umbrella, magazine

76. Fill in the missing letters y or y:

Ch...lok, ut...g, ring...ha,, ch...desa, l...tiki, clap...

77. Make up and write a sentence using these words:

In, wonderful, lilies of the valley, bloomed in the forest

78. Write down the sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence:

Emma is reading an interesting book.

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