Study guides for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Social science

I managed to finish school even before the Unified State Exam was introduced. Of course, there are many more opponents of such an examination system than supporters, but this is our reality, which is much easier to put up with than to resist.

The Unified State Exam in English is a difficult exam. In 2017, it is unlikely that you will be able to enter a good university with a basic level of passing the English language exam. To get a high score, you need to start preparing for the exam as early as possible.

As we know, the written part consists of 40 tasks, for which students are allocated 3 hours, and includes:

  • listening test;
  • reading test;
  • lexical and grammatical tasks, also in the form of a test;
  • letter consisting of two stages.

It is worth saying that for the first part of the English language exam, a maximum of 80 points is given; if a student needs to increase his score, then he must come on the second day to pass the oral part.

If the written part can be trained by studying independently using all kinds of manuals, then for the oral part you need a teacher.

This post will be devoted to the most successful study guides for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English on your own.

1. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia

This is the only book to date for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which consists of 15 complete tests in the new Unified State Exam format, including the oral part. When working on the tests, all changes in the exam format were taken into account. The tests were created in collaboration with M.V. Verbitskaya, chairman of the subject commission on foreign languages ​​of the Unified State Examination. The website provides additional materials on the Unified State Exam for students and teachers: online tests, audio files, video tips, etc.

2. A.I. Nemykina, A.V. Pochepaeva - Unified State Exam. Oral part

The manual is a collection of tests for testing oral speech skills, as well as a simulator for practicing the skills of passing the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English on a computer. It is with this textbook that you should start preparing for the oral part if you study on your own. At the beginning, a complete analysis of the oral part tasks is given, and then 20 tests with explanatory materials.

3. Afanasyeva O., Evans V., Kopylova V. - Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam

This study guide with an audio application contains 20 versions of English language tests in the Unified State Exam format.
Distinctive features of the textbook are variable tasks corresponding to advanced and high levels of preparation for the Unified State Exam, as well as texts of various genres for listening and reading. It should be noted that there are excellent examples of completing tasks in all types of speech activity.

Download the 2010 manual from this link.

The 2007 textbooks are available along with audio.

4. Muzlanova E.S. - English language. Unified State Exam textbook

The manual is compiled on a thematic basis and consists of 16 thematic blocks that cover the entire range of topics provided for by the Unified State Examination codifier in English. The blocks consist of 5 sections: reading, listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary, writing. Each section includes exam-type tasks, as well as useful tips for completing them, which will allow students to successfully prepare for the exam. After completing all tasks, students will be able to check the answers with the keys.

5. Verbitskaya M.V. - Unified State Exam. English language. Typical exam options. 10 (30) options

This textbook is part of the “Unified State Exam” series, known to all graduates. FIPI - school", which was prepared by the developers of control measurement materials for the unified state exam. Available in 2 types: 10 test options and 30 options. The difference, as you understand, is only in the number of tests. The collection of 30 tests contains 15 thematic options for all sections of the Unified State Examination, 15 standard exam options, oral part tasks, instructions for completion, answers to all tasks, etc.

You can download a textbook from 2015 with 30 options.

6. Yuneva S.A. — Opening up the world with English. 150 essays for the Unified State Exam. Getting ready for the Unified State Exam

The manual is addressed to students independently preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, as well as to teachers who can use it in class and when preparing students for tests, exams or Olympiads. It includes 150 essays compiled in accordance with all the requirements for a written statement with elements of reasoning. The main purpose of this guide is to help students excel in essay writing.

A convenient catalog where we offer you all the books that can help you prepare for the Unified State Exam 2019. Here you will also find separate collections for all subjects for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015. Solver books, collections of assignments, tests - everything to prepare for exams after the 11th grade. With our books, you can get the best scores and successfully enter the university of your choice. For any training format, you will need manuals with options and correct answers; this section will be useful to every 11th grader, his parents and teachers. Every academic year we publish complete collections of tasks that were taken at the Unified State Exam in various disciplines this year, with their help you can test your knowledge and understand what additional classes you need and to what extent.

Official changes to exams

Information on changes in the KIM Unified State Exam 2019. In the KIM for all academic subjects, additional reminder instructions have been introduced for Unified State Exam participants to check the recording of answers on forms No. 1 and No. 2 under the corresponding task numbers. All changes are not fundamental. In most subjects, the wording of tasks is being clarified and the system of assessing tasks is being improved to increase the differentiating ability of examination work.

  • Mathematics Geography Physics Chemistry Computer Science and ICT - no changes
  • Russian language - The number of tasks in the examination paper has been increased from 26 to 27 due to the introduction of a new task (21), which tests the ability to conduct punctuation analysis of the text. The format of tasks 2, 9–12 has been changed. The range of tested spelling and punctuation skills has been expanded. The difficulty level of individual tasks has been clarified. The wording of task 27 with a detailed answer has been clarified. The assessment criteria for task 27 have been clarified.
  • Biology - The model of the task in line 2 has been changed (instead of a two-point task with multiple choice, a one-point task on working with a table is proposed). The maximum initial score for completing all work has been reduced from 59 to 58.
  • Foreign languages ​​- There are no changes in the structure and content of KIM. The criteria for assessing the performance of task 40 of the “Writing” section in the written part of the exam, as well as the wording of task 40, in which the exam participant is offered a choice of two topics of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning “My opinion,” have been clarified.
  • Literature - The criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer have been clarified: corrections have been made to the assessment of tasks 8 and 15 (the formulation of criterion 1 with a description of the requirements for an answer for 2 points, the rules for calculating factual errors in criterion 2), tasks 9 and 16 (in criteria 1 and 2, possible options for flaws in the answer are taken into account), tasks 17.1–17.4 (counting logical errors was added to criterion 4).
  • Social studies - The wording of task 25 has been detailed and the evaluation system has been redesigned. The maximum score for completing task 25 has been increased from 3 to 4. The wording of tasks 28, 29 has been detailed, and their evaluation systems have been improved. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 64 to 65.
  • History - There are no changes in the structure and content of CMM. An additional condition has been added to task 21 that defines the requirement for answer formatting. Accordingly, the assessment criteria for task 21 have been supplemented.

Approved schedule of the Unified State Exam 2018.
Project dated 10/10/2017. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated November 10, 2017.
Early period
March 21 (Wed) - geography, computer science.
March 23 (Fri) - Russian language.
March 26 (Mon) - history, chemistry.
March 28 (Wed) - foreign languages ​​(oral part).
March 30 (Fri) - mathematics base and profile.
April 2 (Mon) - foreign languages, biology, physics.
April 4 (Wed) - social studies, literature.
Reserve days
April 6 (Fri) - geography, chemistry, computer science, foreign languages ​​(oral part), history.
April 9 (Mon) - foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology.
April 11 (Wed) - Russian language, basic mathematics and profile. Main period
May 28 (Mon) - geography, computer science.
May 30 (Wed) - basic mathematics.
June 1 (Fri) - mathematics profile.
June 4 (Mon) - chemistry, history.
June 6 (Wed) - Russian language.
June 9 (Sat) - foreign languages ​​(oral part).
June 13 (Wed) - foreign languages ​​(oral part).
June 14 (Thu) - social studies.
June 18 (Mon) - biology, foreign languages.
June 20 (Wed) - literature, physics.
Reserve days
June 22 (Fri) - geography, computer science.
June 25 (Mon) - mathematics base and profile.
June 26 (Tue) - Russian language.
June 27 (Wed) - chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages.
June 28 (Thu) – literature, physics, social studies.
June 29 (Fri) - foreign languages ​​(oral part).
July 2 (Mon) – in all academic subjects.
Additional period (September)
September 4 (Tue) - Russian language.
September 7 (Fri) - basic mathematics.
Reserve day September 15 (Sat) - basic mathematics, Russian language.
For persons re-admitted to take exams this year

April 9 (Monday) – foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (except for the “Speaking” section), literature, physics, social studies, biology;
April 11 (Wednesday) – Russian language, Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, Unified State Examination in specialized level mathematics;

September 15 (Saturday) – Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, Russian language;
For graduates of past years
March 21 (Wednesday) – geography, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT);
March 23 (Friday) – Russian language; March 26 (Monday) – history, chemistry;
March 28 (Wednesday) – foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (section “Speaking”);
March 30 (Friday) – Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, Unified State Examination in specialized level mathematics;
April 2 (Monday) – foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (except for the “Speaking” section), biology, physics;
April 4 (Wednesday) – social studies, literature;
April 6 (Friday) – geography, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (section “Speaking”), history;
April 9 (Monday) – foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (except for the “Speaking” section), literature, physics, social studies, biology; April 11 (Wednesday) – Russian language, Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, Unified State Examination in specialized level mathematics;
June 22 (Friday) – geography, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT);
June 25 (Monday) – Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, Unified State Examination in specialized level mathematics;
June 26 (Tuesday) – Russian language;
June 27 (Wednesday) – chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (except for the “Speaking” section);
June 28 (Thursday) – literature, physics, social studies;
June 29 (Friday) – foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (section “Speaking”);
July 2 (Monday) – in all academic subjects;
For students who have not passed the Unified State Exam or received unsatisfactory results in more than one compulsory academic subject at the Unified State Exam
September 4 (Tuesday) – Russian language;
September 7 (Friday) – Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics.

Social science. A new complete guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Ed. Baranova P.A.

3rd ed. - M.: 2017. - 544 p. M.: 2016. - 544 p.

The reference book, addressed to high school graduates and applicants, provides the full content of the “Social Studies” course, which will be tested on the unified state exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks are compiled - testing and measuring materials of the Unified State Examination (KIM). The directory presents block modules “Man and Society”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”, which form the basis of the school course “Social Studies”. A brief and visual form of presentation - in the form of diagrams and tables - ensures maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam. Sample assignments and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Format: pdf ( 2017 , 3rd ed., 544 pp.)

Size: 2.6 MB


Format: pdf ( 2016 , 544 pp.; white)

Size: 8 MB


Format: pdf (2016 , 544 pp.; blue)

Size: 8.1 MB


Preface 6
Topic 1.1. Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution) 12
Topic 1.2. Worldview, its types and forms 17
Topic 1.3. Types of knowledge 20
Topic 1.4. The concept of truth, its criteria 26
Topic 1.5. Thinking and activity 30
Topic 1.6. Needs and interests 41
Topic 1.7. Freedom and necessity in human activity. Freedom and responsibility 45
Topic 1.8. System structure of society: elements and subsystems 50
Topic 1.9. Basic institutions of society 55
Topic 1.10. The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture 58
Topic 1.11. Science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences and humanities 65
Topic 1.12. Education, its significance for the individual and society 78
Topic 1.13. Religion 81
Topic 1.14. Art 89
Topic 1.15. Morale 95
Topic 1.16. Concept of Social Progress 101
Topic 1.17. Multivariate social development (types of societies) 106
Topic 1.18. Threats of the 21st century (global problems) 109
Topic 2.1. Economics and economic science 116
Topic 2.2. Factors of production and factor income 122
Topic 2.3. Economic systems 126
Topic 2.4. Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand 134
Topic 2.5. Fixed and variable costs 145
Topic 2.6. Financial institutions. Banking system 147
Topic 2.7. Main sources of business financing 154
Topic 2.8. Securities 160
Topic 2.9. Labor market. Unemployment 163
Topic 2.10. Types, causes and consequences of inflation 173
Topic 2.11. Economic growth and development. Concept of GDP 177
Topic 2.12. The role of the state in the economy 184
Topic 2.13. Taxes 191
Topic 2.14. State budget 195
Topic 2.15. World Economy 202
Topic 2.16. Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen 210
Topic 3.1. Social stratification and mobility 216
Topic 3.2. Social groups 227
Topic 3.3. Youth as a social group 232
Topic 3.4. Ethnic communities 235
Topic 3.5. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them 240
Topic 3.6. Constitutional principles (foundations) of national policy in the Russian Federation 249
Topic 3.7. Social conflict 252
Topic 3.8. Types of social norms 260
Topic 3.9. Social control 264
Topic 3.10. Family and marriage 267
Topic 3.11. Deviant behavior and its types 272
Topic 3.12. Social role 276
Topic 3.13. Socialization of the individual 280
Topic 4.1. The concept of power 283
Topic 4.2. The state, its functions 291
Topic 4.3. Political system 304
Topic 4.4. Typology of political regimes 307
Topic 4.5. Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics 310
Topic 4.6. Civil society and the state 314
Topic 4.7. Political elite 323
Topic 4.8. Political parties and movements 327
Topic 4.9. Mass media in the political system 336
Topic 4.10. Election campaign in the Russian Federation 342
Topic 4.11. Political process 351
Topic 4.12. Political participation 355
Topic 4.13. Political Leadership 360
Topic 4.14. Government bodies of the Russian Federation 364
Topic 4.15. Federal structure of Russia 374
Topic 5.1. Law in the system of social norms 381
Topic 5.2. System of Russian law. Legislative process in the Russian Federation 395
Topic 5.3. Concept and types of legal liability 401
Topic 5.4. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation 409
Topic 5.5. Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections 417
Topic 5.6. Subjects of civil law 421
Topic 5.7. Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial activity 428
Topic 5.8. Property and non-property rights 433
Topic 5.9. Hiring procedure. The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract 440
Topic 5.10. Legal regulation of relations between spouses. Procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage 448
Topic 5.11. Features of administrative jurisdiction 453
Topic 5.12. The right to a favorable environment and ways to protect it 460
Topic 5.13. International law (international protection of human rights in peacetime and war) 468
Topic 5.14. Disputes, procedure for their consideration 473
Topic 5.15. Basic rules and principles of civil procedure 476
Topic 5.16. Features of the criminal process 484
Topic 5.17. Citizenship of the Russian Federation 495
Topic 5.18. Conscription, alternative civilian service 501
Topic 5.19. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer 509
Topic 5.20. Law enforcement agencies. Judiciary 513
Training version of the examination paper in social studies 523
Evaluation system for examination work in social studies 536
Literature 540

The reference book includes material from the school course “Social Studies”, which is tested on the Unified State Exam (USE). The structure of the book corresponds to the Federal State Standard of Secondary (Complete) Education in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks are developed - control measuring materials (CMM), which make up the examination paper in social studies.
The directory presents the following content blocks-modules: “Man and Society”, “Economy”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”, which form the core of the content of school social studies education and correspond to the codifier of social studies content elements tested within Unified State Exam.

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