Learning Chinese: from hieroglyph to word = 学习汉语:从字到词. Original title: Learning Chinese - from hieroglyph to word

Angel Station  Sergeant Major

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And without explaining the reason. Meanness and cowardice. And not the first. In this vile way, madam, if she is madam, tries to prove her superiority. This is not superiority. This is meanness, cowardice. And lies, heartless, cynical, vile. This is fascism. Fascism is always a lie, a total lie and its justification, a substitution of concepts.
Fascism (Italian fascismo, from fascio “union, bundle, bundle, association”) is a generalized name for political movements and ideologies that preach a form of dictatorial government(VV Putin is 20 years old, he will only leave feet first), the characteristic features of which are called militaristic nationalism (in the broad sense) (“nuclear ash”, “Iskanders are laughing”, “we can repeat”...), illiberalism, xenophobia, revanchism (monuments Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, aggression towards neighboring states, military invasion and occupation of foreign territories in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova) and chauvinism (maydowns, jumpers), anti-communism, leaderism (Putin is Russia, if there is no Putin, there will be no Russia), contempt for electoral democracy and liberalism, belief in the dominance of elites and natural social hierarchy, statism and, in some cases, syndicalism, racism and genocidal policies (mass electoral searches, detentions, arrests and imprisonments in Crimea by nationality, Aksenov's statements to the indigenous people of Crimea: “If you don’t like living in Russian Crimea, get out)

Quote: NewYorick

It's Putin's.

NewYorick  Sailor

Quote: BozMozzis

And what about Russia?

If all else fails, every “devout Ukrainian” is obliged to sing his own mantra: “Lord, make sure that your neighbor’s cow dies!” Of course, without forgetting to jump correctly:

Quote: BozMozzis

How will they get to heaven if their enemies don’t die?

Everything was mixed up in the house of the “angels”. Such a paradise is destined for Muslim jihadist martyrs. At the same time, they are still promised 72 virgin Gurias. So join us. All that remains is to change your faith. You have already successfully changed everything else. For 30 Pindos silver... cookies.

Quote: Angel Station Russia, hello...


Quote: Angel Station

Russia, hello from the nineties

And what about Russia?

Quote: Angel Station

The commander-in-chief will not even be able to give an order for a retaliatory strike, and the Russians have cut off the Internet themselves. How will they get to heaven if their enemies don’t die?

You wouldn't rely so heavily on psychotropics...

Quote: BozMozzis In the Dnieper, residents of cha...

Angel Station  Sergeant Major

Quote: BozMozzis

In the Dnieper, residents of the private sector stole new garbage cans,

In Moscow, a fragment of a government communications cable was stolen from a technological sewer near the Kremlin. RBC reports this with reference to a source in the capital's department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and an interlocutor in the territorial police department.

The theft was discovered on March 25. A 34-year-old resident of Moscow wrote a statement about the loss of the cable. According to him, a fragment of the cable was stolen from a sewer on Vasilyevsky Spusk near the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge.

The police are checking and establishing the amount of damage. Police officers interviewed workers at the construction company and looked at CCTV cameras. RBC's source notes that there is no video surveillance in the place where the cable was stolen.

Russia, hello from the nineties
This is how a nuclear war will happen, and the commander-in-chief will not even be able to give an order for a retaliatory strike, and the Russians have cut off the Internet to themselves. How will they get to heaven if their enemies don’t die?

Underground party cell...

Leader of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation...


The leader of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Pyotr Medvedev, decided to refuse the mandate offered to him by physicist Zhores Alferov. He stated this himself, TASS reports.

Medvedev believes that former presidential candidate Pavel Grudinin should become a deputy instead. “The Central Election Commission, in my opinion, was biased towards Grudinin’s candidacy; I categorically refuse the mandate of a State Duma deputy and express my protest,” he said. Medvedev stressed that the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not put pressure on him.

The book presents a new concept of working with the Chinese language. The author introduces the reader to the ancient styles and original meanings of the most common Chinese characters. For each hieroglyph, lists of words and phrases of the modern language are given. Analysis of polysyllabic words by components and a large number of examples contribute to the rapid learning of the Chinese language. Useful apps will help you learn to read and pronounce Chinese words correctly. The publication will be of interest not only to those who are starting to study Chinese, but also to general linguists and Chinese language specialists.

The work belongs to the genre of educational literature. It was published in 2017 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the "Chinese Language School" series. On our website you can download the book "Learning Chinese: from hieroglyph to word = 学习汉语:从字到词" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 5 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

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The book presents a new concept of working with the Chinese language. The author introduces the reader to the ancient styles and original meanings of the most common Chinese characters. For each hieroglyph, lists of words and phrases of the modern language are given. Analysis of polysyllabic words by components and a large number of examples contribute to the rapid learning of the Chinese language. Useful apps will help you learn to read and pronounce Chinese words correctly. The publication will be of interest not only to those who are starting to study Chinese, but also to general linguists and Chinese language specialists.

From the author.
First of all, about why the book has such a title.
Chinese characters are written characters of the Chinese language. In Chinese, the word character is represented by the character zi. This designation more implies monosyllabic (consisting of one hieroglyph/syllable/syllabic morpheme) words of an ancient or written language.
In ancient Chinese, words were overwhelmingly monosyllabic. However, with the beginning of the pre-Qin era (the Chunqiu [Spring and Autumn] and Zhanguo [Warring States] periods), social development led to the need to generate a large amount of new vocabulary and then in order to avoid an increase in the number of homonyms and in order to eliminate the phenomenon of ambiguity that influenced linguistic communication, the process of increasing the number of syllables in a word began in the Chinese language.

According to scientific statistics, in the eight major literary works of the pre-Qin era, the total number of polysyllabic words was already 3432 words (not counting people's names and place names). If we exclude reduplicated monosyllables, then the number of polysyllabic words was 2772 words, which is equal to 20% of the number of monosyllables (calculation was made from an approximate number of monosyllables in 10,000 words). These polysyllabic words were mainly represented by bisyllables. In the Mengzi Qidian dictionary, monosyllabic words account for about 66%, and polysyllabic words account for about 34%. However, over the many hundreds of years of the existence and development of the Chinese language, fundamental changes have occurred in it.

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