Unique matter with negative mass. Scientists have demonstrated a substance with a negative effective mass

Researchers from Washington State University (USA) have achieved the behavior of rubidium atoms as a substance with a negative effective mass. This means that these atoms, under external influence, did not fly towards the vector of this influence. In the experimental conditions, they behaved as if they were running into an invisible wall every time they approached the boundaries of an area with a very small volume. The corresponding one was published in Physical Review Letters. The experiment was misinterpreted by the media as "the creation of matter with negative mass" (in theory, this allows the creation of wormholes for long-distance space travel). In fact, obtaining a substance with a negative mass, if possible, is far beyond what is achievable by modern science and technology.

The rubidium atoms were forced to move in the direction opposite to the vector of force applied to them. The media misinterpreted this as the creation of a substance with "negative mass"

The authors of the work slowed down rubidium atoms with a laser (decreasing the particle's speed means cooling it). At the second stage of cooling, the most energetic atoms were allowed to leave the cooled volume. This cooled it even further, just as the evaporation of refrigerant atoms cools the contents of a household refrigerator. At the third stage, another set of lasers was used, the pulses of which changed the spin (in simplified terms - the direction of rotation around its own axis) of parts of the atoms.

Since some atoms in the cooled volume continued to have normal spin, while others received the opposite spin, their interaction with each other acquired an unusual character. Under normal behavior, rubidium atoms would collide and fly apart in different directions. The central atoms would push the outer atoms outward, accelerating them in the direction of the force applied (the motion vector of the first atom). Due to the discrepancy in spins, in practice, rubidium atoms, cooled to small fractions of a kelvin, did not fly apart after collisions, remaining in their original volume, equal to approximately a thousandth of a cubic millimeter. From the outside it looked as if they were running into an invisible wall.

A very distant analogy for a group of atoms with different spins is the collision of two or more soccer balls, which were previously twisted with a side impact until they rotate around their axis in different directions. It is clear that the directions and speeds of their movement after the collision will differ significantly from the same results for ordinary balls. But this does not mean that the balls have changed their physical mass. Only the nature of their interaction with each other has changed. Also in the experiment, the mass of atoms did not become negative. In a gravitational field they would still fall down. The only thing that really changed was where they moved after collisions with other similar atoms, but “rotating” around their axis in the other direction.

The way rubidium atoms behaved in experiment corresponds to the definition of negative effective mass in physics. It is used, for example, when describing the behavior of an electron in a crystal lattice. For him, the formal mass depends on the direction of movement relative to the crystal axes. Moving in one direction, it will show one dispersion (scattering), in the other - another. The concept of effective mass was introduced for them because otherwise, when describing their dispersion by formulas, the mass would begin to depend on energy, which is not very convenient for calculations. An example of a negative effective mass is the behavior of holes in semiconductors, which every user of modern electronics deals with.

Most media, including Russian ones, interpreted the experiment as the creation of a substance with negative mass. In theory, matter with similar properties can be used to keep wormholes in working order, allowing long-distance travel in space and time in near-zero time. The practical possibility of creating such a substance, as well as the wormholes themselves, has not yet been proven. Even if it is possible, obtaining it with the modern technical capabilities of mankind is unrealistic.

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"Technology for Youth", 1990, No. 10, p. 16-18.

Scanned by Igor Stepikin

Tribune of bold hypotheses

Ponkrat BORISOV, engineer
Negative mass: a free ride to infinity

  • Articles on this topic have appeared from time to time in foreign and Soviet physics journals for more than 30 years. But strangely enough, they still do not seem to have attracted the attention of popularizers. But the problem of negative mass, and even in a strictly scientific formulation, is an excellent gift both for lovers of the paradoxes of modern physics and for science fiction writers. But this is the property of specialized literature: the sensation in it can remain hidden for decades...
  • So, we are talking about a hypothetical form of matter, the mass of which is opposite in sign to the usual one. The question immediately arises: what does this actually mean? And it immediately becomes clear: correctly defining the concept of negative mass is not so simple.
  • Undoubtedly, it must have the property of gravitational repulsion. But it turns out that this alone is not enough. In modern physics, four types of mass are strictly distinguished:
  • gravitational active - the one that attracts (if it is positive, of course);
  • gravitational passive - the one that is attracted;
  • inert, which acquires a certain acceleration under the action of an applied force (a = F/m);
  • finally, the Einstein rest mass, which specifies the total energy of the body (E = mC 2).
  • According to generally accepted theories, they are all equal in size. But it is necessary to distinguish between them, and this becomes clear precisely when trying to determine the negative mass. The fact is that it will be completely opposite to the usual one only if all four of its types become negative.
  • Based on this approach, in the very first article on this topic, published back in 1957, the English physicist H. Bondi determined the basic properties of “minus mass” through rigorous proofs.
  • It may not even be very difficult to repeat them here, since they are based only on Newtonian mechanics. But this will clutter up our story, and then there are many physical and mathematical “subtleties” here. Therefore, let’s move straight to the results, especially since they are quite clear.
  • Firstly, “minus matter” must gravitationally repel any other bodies, that is, not only with negative, but also with positive mass (while ordinary matter, on the contrary, always attracts matter of both types). Further, under the influence of any force, up to the force of inertia, it must move in the direction opposite to the vector of this force. And finally, its total Einstein energy must also be negative.
  • Therefore, by the way, it must be emphasized that our amazing matter is not antimatter, the mass of which is still considered positive. For example, according to modern ideas, the “Anti-Earth” made of antimatter would revolve around the Sun in exactly the same orbit as our home planet.
  • All this is perhaps almost obvious. But then the incredible begins.
  • Let's take the same gravity. If two ordinary bodies attract and come closer, and two antimass repulse and scatter, then what will happen during the gravitational interaction of masses of different signs?
  • Let this be the simplest case: a body (let’s say a ball) made of matter with a negative mass -M is behind an object (let’s call it a “rocket” - we’ll find out why now) with an equal positive mass +M. It is clear that the gravitational field of the ball repels the rocket, while it itself attracts the ball. But it follows from this (this is again strictly proven) that the entire system will move along a straight line connecting the centers of two masses, with constant acceleration proportional to the force of gravitational interaction between them!
  • Of course, at first glance, this picture of spontaneous, causeless movement “proves” only one thing: antimass with the properties that we ascribed to it in the definition from the very beginning simply cannot exist. After all, we received what seemed like a whole bunch of violations of the most immutable laws.
  • Well, isn’t it completely openly flouted here, for example, the law of conservation of momentum? Both bodies, for no apparent reason, rush in one direction, but nothing moves in the opposite direction. But remember that one of the masses is negative! But this means that its impulse, regardless of speed, has a minus sign: (-M)V, and then the total impulse of the system of two bodies still remains zero!
  • The same is true for the total kinetic energy of the system. While the bodies are at rest, it is equal to zero. But no matter how fast they move, nothing changes: the negative mass of the ball, in full accordance with the formula (-M)V 2 /2, accumulates negative kinetic energy, which exactly compensates for the increase in the positive energy of the rocket.
  • If all this seems absurd, then maybe we’ll “knock it out with wedge” and try to confirm one absurdity with another? Since the sixth grade we have known that the center of equal point masses (positive, of course) is located in the middle between them. So - how do you like the next conclusion? The center of equal point masses of DIFFERENT SIGN lies, although on a straight line passing through them, but not inside, but OUTSIDE the segment connecting them, at the point ±Ґ?!
  • Well, is it easier?
  • By the way, this conclusion is already quite elementary, and anyone, if desired, can repeat it, knowing physics at the level of the same sixth grade.
  • Anyone who does not take his word for it and wants to make sure that all calculations are correct can turn to one of the latest publications on this topic - the article by the American physicist R. Forward “Rocket engine on negative mass matter,” published in the translated journal “Aerospace Engineering” No. 4 for 1990.
  • But perhaps the sophisticated reader thinks that without any calculations he understood where the “linden” was slipped to him? Indeed, in all these elegant arguments the question is silent: where did such a wonderful mass come from? After all, whatever its origin, energy will have to be spent on its “extraction”, “production” or, say, delivery to the scene of action, which means...
  • Alas, experienced reader! Energy, of course, will be needed, but again negative. There is nothing to be done: in Einstein’s formula for the total energy of a body E = Mc 2, our wonderful mass still has the same minus sign. This means that “making” a pair of bodies with EQUAL masses of DIFFERENT signs will require ZERO total energy. The same applies to delivery and any other manipulations.
  • No - no matter how paradoxical all these results are, strict conclusions assert that the presence of antimass does not contradict not only Newtonian mechanics, but also the general theory of relativity. It was not possible to find any logical prohibitions on its existence.
  • Well, if the theory “allows”, then let’s think, for example, what can happen during physical contact of two identical particles of matter with plus and minus mass? With “ordinary” antimatter everything is clear: annihilation will occur with the release of the full energy of both bodies. But if one of two equal masses is negative, then their total energy, as we just realized, is zero. But WHAT will happen to them in reality is a question that goes beyond theory.
  • The outcome of such an event can only be known through experience. It is impossible to “calculate” it - after all, we have no idea about the “mechanism of action” of the negative mass, its “internal structure” (as, incidentally, we do not know this about ordinary mass). Theoretically, one thing is clear: in any case, the total energy of the system will remain zero. We have the right to put forward only a HYPOTHESIS, as the same Forward does. According to his assumption, physical interaction here does not lead to annihilation, but to the so-called “nullification,” that is, the “silent” mutual annihilation of particles, their disappearance without any release of energy.
  • But, we repeat, only an experiment could confirm or refute this hypothesis.
  • For the same reasons, we know nothing about how to “make” negative mass (if this is even possible). The theory only states that two equal masses of opposite signs can, in principle, arise without any energy expenditure. And as soon as such a pair of bodies appears, it will fly, accelerating, in a straight line to infinity...
  • R. Forward in his article has already “designed” a negative mass engine, which can take us to any point in the Universe at any acceleration that we set. It turns out that all you need for this is... a pair of good springs (all interactions of the “minus mass” with the normal one through elastic forces, of course, are also calculated in detail).
  • So, let's place our wonderful mass, equal in size to the mass of the rocket, in the middle of its “engine compartment”. If you need to fly forward, stretch the spring from the back wall and hook it to a body of negative mass. Immediately, due to its “perverted” inertial properties, it will rush not to where it is being pulled, but in the exact opposite direction, dragging the rocket along with it with an acceleration proportional to the tension force of the spring.
  • To stop acceleration, simply unhook the spring. And to slow down and stop the ship you need to use a second spring attached to the front wall of the engine compartment.
  • And yet there is a partial refutation of the “free engine”! True, it comes from a completely unexpected direction. But more on that at the end.
  • In the meantime, let's look for places where large amounts of negative mass could be located. Such places are suggested by giant voids discovered on large-scale three-dimensional maps of the distribution of galaxies in the Universe - the most interesting phenomena in themselves. As can be seen from Fig. 2, the dimensions of these cavities, which are also simply called “bubbles,” are about 100 million light years (while the dimensions of our Galaxy are about 0.06 million light years). Thus, on the largest scale, the Universe has a “foamy” structure.
  • The boundaries of the bubbles are clearly marked by clusters of a large number of galaxies. There are practically no them inside the bubbles, and if they do occur there, then these are very unusual objects. They are characterized by spectra of powerful high-frequency radiation. It is now believed that the bubbles contain “failed” galaxies or gas clouds of ordinary hydrogen.
  • But is it not possible to assume that the “foamy” structure of the Universe is the result of its formation from the same number of particles of negative and positive mass? From this explanation, by the way, a very attractive consequence naturally follows: the total mass of the Universe has always been and remains equal to zero. Then bubbles are natural places for minus mass, the particles of which tend to move as far apart as possible. And the positive mass is pushed to the surface of the bubbles, where, under the influence of gravity, it forms galaxies and stars. Here we can recall the article by A. A. Baranov, which appeared back in 1971 in issue No. 11 of the journal “Izvestia of Universities. Physics". It considers a cosmological model of the Universe with particles having masses of both signs. Using this model, the author explains experimental estimates of the cosmological constant and the Hubble redshift, as well as some anomalous phenomena observed in interacting galaxies.
  • Another possible sign of large amounts of negative mass is the presence of very fast “currents” in the large-scale structures of the Universe. Thus, the supercluster containing our Galaxy “flows” at a speed of 600 km/s relative to the resting background of the cosmic microwave background radiation. This speed does not fit into the framework of theories of the formation of galaxies from cold dark matter. R. Forward suggests trying to explain this phenomenon taking into account the collective repulsion of superclusters from bubbles containing negative mass.
  • So, negative matter can only fly apart. But this, it turns out, is a partial refutation of many of the conclusions discussed. After all, the property of gravitational repulsion among particles of matter, whatever their nature, inevitably leads to the fact that these particles cannot come together under the influence of gravitational forces. Moreover: since a particle of negative mass under the influence of any force moves in the direction opposite to the vector of this force, then ordinary interatomic interactions cannot bind such particles into “normal” bodies.
  • But we hope that the reader still received pleasure from all these discussions...
  • Physicists at the University of Washington have created a liquid with negative mass. Push it, and unlike every physical object we know in the world, it will not accelerate in the direction of the push. It will accelerate in the opposite direction. The phenomenon is rarely created in a laboratory setting and could be used to study some of the more complex concepts about space, says Michael Forbes, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Washington. The study appears in Physical Review Letters.

    Hypothetically, a substance could have negative mass in the same sense that an electric charge could be either negative or positive. People rarely think about this, and our everyday world demonstrates only the positive aspects of Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states that the force acting on a body is equal to the product of the mass of the body and the acceleration imparted by that force, or F = ma.

    In other words, if you push an object, it will accelerate in the direction of your push. The mass will accelerate it in the direction of the force.

    “We are used to this state of affairs,” says Forbes, anticipating a surprise. “With negative mass, if you push something, it will accelerate towards you.”

    Conditions for negative mass

    Together with his colleagues, he created the conditions for negative mass by cooling rubidium atoms to near absolute zero, thereby creating a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this state, predicted by Shatyendranath Bose and Albert Einstein, particles move very slowly and, following the principles of quantum mechanics, behave like waves. They also synchronize and move in unison as a superfluid fluid that flows without loss of energy.

    Led by Peter Engels, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Washington, scientists on the sixth floor of Webster Hall created these conditions by using lasers to slow down particles, making them cooler and allowing hot, high-energy particles to escape like steam, further cooling the material.

    The lasers captured the atoms as if they were in a bowl less than a hundred microns in size. At this stage, superfluid rubidium had normal mass. The rupture of the bowl allowed the rubidium to escape, expanding as the rubidium in the center was pushed outward.

    To create negative mass, the scientists used a second set of lasers that pushed the atoms back and forth, changing their spin. Now, when rubidium runs out fast enough, it behaves as if it has negative mass. "Push it and it will accelerate in the opposite direction," says Forbes. “It’s like the rubidium is hitting an invisible wall.”

    Elimination of major defects

    The method used by the University of Washington scientists avoided some of the major flaws found in previous attempts to understand negative mass.

    "The first thing we realized was that we had careful control over the nature of this negative mass without any other complications," says Forbes. Their research explains, already from the perspective of negative mass, similar behavior in other systems. The increased control gives researchers a new tool to design experiments to study similar physics in astrophysics, such as neutron stars, and cosmological phenomena such as black holes and dark energy, where experiments are simply not possible.

    British astrophysicist Jamie Farnes has proposed a cosmological model in which negative mass is produced at a constant rate throughout the evolution of the Universe. This model contradicts the generally accepted view of the nature of matter, but it explains well most of the effects that are usually attributed to dark matter and dark energy, in particular, the expansion of the Universe, the formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe and the galactic halo, the rotation curves of galaxies and the observed spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Article published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, a preprint of the work is posted on arXiv.org.

    Currently, most cosmologists believe that the evolution of the Universe is described by the ΛCDM model. According to this model, about 70 percent of the mass of the Universe comes from dark energy, 25 percent from cold dark matter (that is, matter whose particles move slowly), and only the remaining 5 percent from the familiar baryonic matter. Scientists determined these relationships by analyzing the harmonics in the cosmic microwave background radiation pattern. You can read more about measuring the “composition” of the Universe in articles by Boris Stern about the WMAP and Planck satellites, which made the main contribution to this work.

    Unfortunately, scientists have a poor understanding of dark matter and dark energy. None of the ultra-precise experiments to search for dark matter particles, predicted by a number of theoretical models (for example, SUSY), has received a positive result. Currently, the scattering cross section for ordinary particles and “dark” particles with masses from 6 to 200 megaelectronvolts is on the order of 10 −47 square centimeters, which practically excludes particles in this mass range and forces physicists to develop alternative theories. However, dark matter still manifests itself through gravitational interaction, modifying the rotation curves of galaxies and the picture, and therefore scientists reject this hypothesis.

    With dark energy it's even worse. The only observation that directly confirms its existence, regardless of the analysis of the cosmic microwave background radiation, is the accelerated expansion of the Universe, measured by (indirectly, dark energy is confirmed by the ratio of chemical elements in the observable Universe). Moreover, physicists have little understanding of what dark energy is fundamental level . Certainly, qualitatively it can be described using the cosmological constant (lambda term) in , but this method does not provide new knowledge and does not allow us to establish what does it consist of dark energy. Einstein explained such additions using particles with negative mass - in this approach, the equations of motion become symmetrical, like the equations of electrodynamics, and the lambda term appears as a constant of integration, which does not contain any physical meaning.

    Matter with negative mass is matter that accelerates in the direction opposite to a force. A particle with negative mass repels particles with positive and negative mass, while "positive" particles attract "negative" particles. Unfortunately, within the framework of the ΛCDM model, this method of describing dark energy is obviously doomed to failure. The fact is that during the expansion of the Universe, the density of various components changes according to different laws: the density of cold matter falls, and the density of dark energy remains constant. Therefore, it is impossible to identify matter with negative mass and dark energy.

    Interaction of particles with negative mass: black arrows indicate forces, red arrows indicate accelerations

    Jamie Farnes / Astronomy & Astrophysics

    Interaction of particles with positive and negative mass: black arrows indicate forces, red arrows indicate accelerations

    Jamie Farnes / Astronomy & Astrophysics

    Interaction of particles with positive mass: black arrows indicate forces, red arrows indicate accelerations

    Jamie Farnes / Astronomy & Astrophysics

    However, astrophysicist Jamie Farnes claims that he was able to connect Einstein's idea with observational data. To do this, he combined the idea of ​​negative mass with another counterintuitive idea of ​​the continuous and uniform production of mass throughout the volume of the Universe. This idea is also far from new; it was first proposed back in the 40s of the last century.

    Theoretically, such processes can indeed occur against the background of a strong gravitational field (for example, due to ). Considering similar additions to the standard energy-momentum tensor for positive masses, the physicist wrote out and solved the Friedmann equation, and then calculated the law by which the Universe expands in this model. Scientists did not take into account the contributions of the usual dark matter and dark energy. As a result, it turned out that the known laws are reproduced if the negative mass is produced at a constant rate Γ = −3 H, Where H is the Hubble constant. In this case, the negative mass density will remain constant during the expansion, and it will effectively simulate the cosmological constant. In this case, the expansion rate and lifetime of the Universe are the same as in the ΛCDM model.

    The astrophysicist then calculated how negative mass would manifest itself on smaller scales. To do this, he simulated within the framework of his model the interaction of a large number of particles of positive and negative mass. Since all existing astrophysics packages do not take into account such unusual modifications, Farnes had to develop his own program. To avoid any approximations during the calculations, the researcher calculated the coordinates and velocities of each particle at each moment of time - this made it possible to increase the reliability of predictions, although the program's demands on computing resources grew as the square of the number of particles. In particular, because of this, the scientist had to limit himself to modeling 50 thousand particles.

    Using the developed program, Farnes saw several effects that are traditionally attributed to dark matter. First, he modeled the evolution of a dense group of positive-mass particles immersed in a “sea” of negative-mass particles. Such a system should qualitatively describe the evolution of galaxies in the late stages of the expansion of the Universe, when “negative” particles significantly predominate over “positive” ones. In this problem, the scientist chose the number of “positive” particles N+ = 5000, number of negative N− = 45000. As a result, he obtained a density distribution that agrees well with observational data - the particle density increases slowly as one approaches the center of the galaxy and coincides with the Burkert profile. This solves the cuspy halo problem that occurs in the ΛCDM model.

    Evolution of a “galaxy” of positive matter immersed in a “sea” of negative matter

    Jamie Farnes / Astronomy & Astrophysics

    Galaxy mass profile calculated by Farnes (blue) and observed in practice (pink dotted line)

    Jamie Farnes / Astronomy & Astrophysics

    Secondly, with the same initial data, the scientist calculated the rotation curve of the galaxy and found that it also coincides well with observational data. While in a model with purely “positive” particles the matter at the edge of the galaxy moves slower than in the center, in a model with a predominance of “negative” particles the speed is approximately constant.

    Rotation curve of a galaxy immersed in a “sea” of negative matter (red) and a “free” galaxy (black)

    Jamie Farnes / Astronomy & Astrophysics

    Thirdly, Farnes showed that in his model the filamentary large-scale structure of the Universe naturally arises: galaxies unite into clusters, clusters into superclusters, and superclusters into chains and walls. To do this, he calculated the evolution of a system that contains the same number of “positive” and “negative” particles. Due to limitations on available computing power, the scientist put the number of both types of particles N + = N− = 25000. As in the previous case, “negative” particles surrounded particles of ordinary matter and formed a halo, but this time the researcher was able to discern patterns on larger scales that resembled the structure of the observable Universe.

    Homogeneous structure of the Universe at the beginning of the simulation

    Jamie Farnes / Astronomy & Astrophysics

    Registered in practice. Unfortunately, he was unable to see this effect in simulations with 50,000 particles. However, the scientist hopes that in larger-scale simulations with a million particles such processes will be visible, and also suggests that they will confirm or refute the new theory.

    Finally, the scientist checked how strongly the proposed modification of the ΛCDM model would distort the actually observed effects - the expansion of the Universe measured by standard candles, the cosmic microwave background and observations of mergers of galaxy clusters. In all these cases, the astrophysicist found that his hypothesis was consistent with the observed data. However, quite a lot of questions still remain open - in particular, it is not clear how to connect such a hypothesis with the Standard Model (can the Higgs mechanism generate negative masses?), how to experimentally detect particles with a negative mass, and how to explain the contradictions between the repulsion of “negative” ones. particles and theory. However, the scientist believes that all these problems can be solved within the framework of the new model.

    Thus, the model with constant production of negative mass explains not only the observed expansion of the Universe, but also the formation of its large-scale structure, dark matter halos around galaxies and rotation curves - most of the effects that are usually attributed to dark energy and dark matter. Oddly enough, such intuitively unnatural a hypothesis that contradicts the generally accepted view of matter is completely agrees with observational data. Moreover, she proposes to explain them in a simpler way, involving fewer entities. As the author himself writes in the conclusion, “Although this proposal is apostate and heretical, [the paper] suggested that negative values ​​of these parameters could in principle explain cosmological observational data, which have always been interpreted within the reasonable assumption of positive mass.”

    Sometimes physicists come up with rather unusual ideas to explain observed discrepancies between theory and experiment. For example, last November, American theoretical physicist Hooman Davoudiasl introduced a new force that is carried by an ultra-light scalar particle and pushes dark matter away from the Earth. This assumption well explains the failures of all terrestrial experiments to search for dark matter - if such a force really exists, the detectors, in principle, could not register anything. Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify this statement at the current level of technology development.

    Dmitry Trunin

    Hypothetical wormhole in spacetime

    In theoretical physics, this is the concept of a hypothetical substance, the mass of which has the opposite value to the mass of a normal substance (just as an electric charge can be positive and negative). For example, −2 kg. Such a substance, if it existed, would violate one or more and exhibit some strange properties. According to some speculative theories, matter with negative mass can be used to create (wormholes) in space-time.

    It sounds like absolute science fiction, but now a group of physicists from Washington State University, University of Washington, OIST University (Okinawa, Japan) and Shanghai University is showing some of the properties of a hypothetical negative mass material. For example, if you push this substance, it will accelerate not in the direction of the force applied, but in the opposite direction. That is, it accelerates in the opposite direction.

    To create a substance with negative mass properties, scientists prepared a Bose-Einstein condensate by cooling rubidium atoms to almost absolute zero. In this state, particles move extremely slowly, and quantum effects begin to appear at the macroscopic level. That is, in accordance with the principles of quantum mechanics, particles begin to behave like waves. For example, they synchronize with each other and flow through capillaries without friction, that is, without losing energy - the effect of so-called superfluidity.

    In the laboratory of the University of Washington, conditions were created for the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a volume of less than 0.001 mm³. The particles were slowed down by a laser and waited until the most energetic of them left the volume, which further cooled the material. At this stage, the supercritical fluid still had a positive mass. If the seal of the vessel was broken, the rubidium atoms would fly apart in different directions, since the central atoms would push the outermost atoms out, and they would accelerate in the direction of the applied force.

    To create a negative effective mass, physicists used another set of lasers that changed the spin of some of the atoms. As the simulation predicts, in certain areas of the vessel the particles should acquire negative mass. This can be clearly seen by the sharp increase in the density of matter as a function of time in the simulations (in the bottom diagram).

    Figure 1. Anisotropic expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate with different cohesion force coefficients. Real experimental results are shown in red, simulation prediction results are shown in black.

    The bottom diagram is a close-up of the middle frame in the bottom row of Figure 1.

    The bottom diagram shows a one-dimensional simulation of total density as a function of time in the region where dynamic instability first appeared. Dotted lines separate three groups of atoms with velocities

    at a quasi-moment

    Where is the effective mass

    begins to become negative (top line). Shown is the point of minimum negative effective mass (middle) and the point where mass returns to positive values ​​(bottom line). The red dots indicate places where the local quasi-moment lies in the region of negative effective mass.

    The very first row of graphs shows that during the physical experiment, the substance behaved in exact accordance with the results of the simulation, which predicts the appearance of particles with a negative effective mass.

    In a Bose-Einstein condensate, the particles behave like waves and therefore do not propagate in the direction in which normal particles of positive effective mass should propagate.

    In fairness, it must be said that physicists have repeatedly recorded during experiments, but those experiments could be interpreted in different ways. Now the uncertainty has been largely eliminated.

    Scientific article April 10, 2017 in the journal Physical Review Letters(doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.155301, available by subscription). A copy of the article before submission to the journal on December 13, 2016 is freely available on the website arXiv.org (arXiv:1612.04055).

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