Eternal light of black matter. The most likely option

Time flows differently in the world: in a powerful gravitational field it moves slower, away from large objects, faster. It can change not only the speed of its movement, but also its direction.

Let's imagine a black hole (collapsar) only with the reverse flow of time. Let's call it a white hole. Perhaps she is the exact opposite of black. Let's try to give some facts:

  • black holes, with their powerful gravity, collect all the matter around them in space, while white holes should theoretically push it away from themselves.
  • if it is impossible to exit the collapsar event horizon, then it is also impossible to enter the white event horizon.
  • the collapsar absorbs matter and thereby releases energy, while the former hole releases matter and absorbs energy, etc.

In the universe, the existence of collapsars is no longer a discovery. But the formation of the universe of white holes remains a hypothetical.

However, a group of Israeli scientists claim that they were able to capture a white hole in the form of a flash in the photo. The characteristics of the hypothetical white hole flare differ from the various stellar flares previously known. Scientists believe that the instantaneous disintegration of a white hole is similar to the Big Bang, but many times smaller. This explosion was given the name Small Explosion. It is characterized by the fact that when it happens, a lot of energy and matter appears out of nowhere. It is as if he throws out everything that has been accumulated inside.

By studying these features, we can state that the mysteries of the existence of white holes can only exist until some specific objects are discovered by astronauts. It is also worth noting that a white hole can only be a reality if there are no particles of matter within its framework. Because if at least one alpha particle hits it, the white hole will instantly collapse.

Of course, as in any hypothetical theory, there are also people here who are 100% sure of the existence of white holes. At the Aix-Marseille University in France, there is a group of scientists who are persistently trying to explain to humanity that the theory of black and white regions of space-time has long been based on physics, in which there is a theory of quantum gravity loops.

The connection between black and white holes

There is a theory that white and black holes are connected by a certain tunnel.

Matter that falls beyond the event horizon of the collapsar emerges from the event horizon of the white hole. Between the entrance and exit there may be not only huge distances of billions of light years, which you will cover in an instant, but also a large amount of time. This makes it possible to travel in it! However, not every collapsar will be associated with a white hole.

There is another similar theory, which involves not only travel between individual parts of the Universe, but also travel between the universes themselves.

It is even theoretically impossible to get from one universe to another by ordinary routes, because... they are in different spaces. The only way to get from one universe to another is a space-time tunnel consisting of white and black holes.

If a person manages to harness and recreate the nature of space-time tunnels, or, simply put, wormholes, then it will be possible to move vast distances and travel through time.

Another option for scientists is the theory of glued holes. That is, white holes can be glued to black ones. In this case, the theory is called a wormhole. It is under this name that it is often remembered in science fiction stories. But, like other theories, there is an inconsistency. If matter falls into this wormhole, the result will be its collapse, since the passage between the regions of space-time will be closed.

Another part of scientists argue that since collapsars can be not only black, but also white, then the possibility arises that if we fall into a black hole, we will lose our singularity and end up in another Universe. In turn, this black hole is white, but in some other universe. All these Universes are completely different in nature. From this we can conclude that if one body falls into a black hole, it will never return to the previous Universe.

Having raised all these theories and thoughts, an obvious logical question may arise: why did people start talking about such phenomena not so long ago, although the facts confirming the existence of various holes were known thousands of years ago? This could arise because modern scientists use complex mathematics in their calculations that are much more complex than the conventional topology used before.

Research into the existence of white holes

There is also information that scientists from the United States, using the VLA radio telescope, discovered a huge void, in the middle of which there is no substance or matter known to astronomers. It is also known that this region of space-time is much larger than those previously found and known in outer space.

In addition, a spot was discovered near the constellation Eridanus, in which there is 45% less energy than it should be. It was also revealed that after the Big Bang, the temperature there became much lower than the average by millionths of a degree. These phenomena cannot leave scientists alone, since there was no clear explanation for them, and without clear evidence they remain something inexplicable.

While it has long been proven that there is a gravitational field around collapsars, with the help of which they are detected, this does not happen with white holes. There are suggestions about the existence of a galactic cluster that was able to pump out the gravitational field from them.

Since white holes are called flares, some scientists divide them into long, long and short. Long ones are those that last more than two seconds, but short ones are those whose duration was less than two seconds. There are also flashes that, according to their parameters, may not fall into any of the categories, and it is these that receive much more attention. After all, studying everything non-standard always makes the discovery more significant.

Experts believe that long-lasting gamma-ray bursts often arise as a consequence of the collapse of huge stars, which then turn into black holes. While short gamma-ray bursts are a consequence of the connection of neutron stars, which leads to the creation of a new collapsar.

It is worth mentioning here the Schwarzschild solution, which deals with white and black holes. The global scientific community believes that white Schwarzschild holes do not exist. But Kerr’s solution states that a white hole is a formation that resulted from the combination of two collapsars.

Remembering the theory of quantum gravity - black holes can turn into white holes over time.

Today, we mainly talked about adherents of the theory of the existence of white holes, but we should not forget about skeptics, because as practice shows, it is thanks to them that most theories are proven.

Thus, many believe that there is no connection at all between black and white holes in the Universe. Scientists think so, because if any matter that got into the collapsar then came out somewhere else, the collapsar would instantly disappear, since the matter would have flown out of the white hole (given the opposite direction of time in them).

In any case, from a mathematical point of view, white holes are still something unusual, and therefore not fully studied. But as history shows us, everything unusual in the mathematical field is quite rarely embodied in real life.

Many mysteries have still not been solved even by scientists who are constantly engaged in research in this area.

In conclusion, I can say one thing: each person decides for himself what to believe in and what not. Therefore, read, study, research, believe, analyze and destroy the stereotypes created by reality.

The Standard Model, which describes the fundamental interactions (electromagnetic, weak and strong) of the elementary particles we know (leptons, quarks and bosons), is an excellent theory confirmed by experiment. However, it describes only about 5% of the existing substance, while the remaining 95% are of a completely unknown nature. All we know is that this 95%, called hidden mass or “dark matter,” participates in gravitational interactions with ordinary matter.

But are we not following the lead of the name itself? Maybe there is no dark matter, but the theory of gravity simply does not work on such scales? And if it exists, in what particles is it hidden? And how to look for “that, I don’t know what”? To do this, modern science uses the principle formulated by Sherlock Holmes: “Discard all the impossible, and what remains will be the answer, no matter how incredible it turns out to be.” The phenomenon of the hidden mass can be explained by a huge number of probable and incredible hypotheses that fit into modern theory and that contradict it. However, the judges who weed out all the impossible options are observation and experimentation.

Candidate dark matter particles. Currently, many dark matter hypotheses (faint massive objects, modified gravity) are rejected by observations, and weakly interacting particles are the main candidates.

The mystery of the “hidden mass”

In 1933, American astronomer Fritz Zwicky explored the Coma galaxy cluster. Zwicky made an estimate of its mass by calculating the approximate number of galaxies in the cluster and the number of stars in the galaxy, and arrived at a value of approximately 10 13 solar masses. He also decided to test this estimate in another way, by measuring the speeds of the galaxies: the higher the speed, the greater the gravitational force acting on the galaxy, and the greater the total mass of the cluster. The mass calculated by Zwicky using this method turned out to be equal to 5x10 14 solar masses, that is, 50 times more. Such a discrepancy was not taken too seriously at that time, since astronomers had very little information about interstellar dust, gas, and dwarf stars. Then it was believed that this additional mass could be hidden in them.

Hypothesis 1: interstellar dust and gas. In 1970, Vera Rubin and Kent Ford studied the dependence of the speed of stars on their distance from the center of the Andromeda galaxy (the so-called rotation curve). Since the bulk of the stars are concentrated near the center of the galaxy, it is logical to assume that the further the star is from the center, the less should be the gravitational force acting on it, and the less should be its speed. However, it turned out that for stars on the periphery this law does not hold and the curve reaches a plateau.

The search for WIMPs is based on the fact that they, although very weakly, still interact with ordinary matter. When colliding with nuclei of the working fluid, photons (scintillation) can be emitted in the detector, which can be recorded using photomultipliers. In addition, WIMPs can ionize atoms of the working fluid, which can also be detected. These two methods are usually combined to filter out noise - interactions with other particles, cosmic rays, etc. - and isolate only events that resemble collisions with dark matter particles. Liquid xenon is usually used as a working fluid. An attempt to detect weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the LUX experiment using a pool filled with 400 kg of liquid xenon was unsuccessful, but preparations are now underway for a new DARWIN experiment. It will use 25 tons of xenon to detect WIMP.

This meant that the bulk of the mass that influences the rotation of stars is not only hidden, but also distributed all the way to the periphery or even further. Later, similar curves were drawn for various galaxies with absolutely the same result. For many elliptical galaxies, these curves not only did not decrease, but also increased. It turns out that most of the mass (on average more than 90%) is not contained in stars, and this hidden mass is distributed far beyond the region of the galactic disk in the form of a spherical halo.

Interstellar dust and gas clouds could no longer explain the presence of hidden mass: dust particles or gas molecules, due to interaction with each other, friction and radiation, would lose energy and gradually flow from the periphery to the center. Therefore, the hypothesis of a gas and dust nature had to be rejected.

Hypothesis 2: weakly emitting astrophysical objects. The next simple and obvious hypothesis suggested that the hidden mass could be contained in some astrophysical objects (MACHO - MAssive Compact Halo Object), such as white, red or brown dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes or even massive planets like Jupiter. Due to their small size and low luminosity, these objects are not visible through a telescope, and it is quite possible that there are so many of them that they provide the presence of this hidden mass.

But if they are not visible through a telescope, how can they be detected? When a faintly luminous massive object (MACHO) comes between an observer on Earth and a bright visible object, it acts as a gravitational lens and the observed object becomes brighter. This phenomenon is called gravitational microlensing. The presence of MACHO would lead to a huge number of microlensing events. However, observations from the Hubble telescope showed that there are very few such events and if such objects exist, then their mass is less than 20% of the mass of galaxies, but not 95%.

Moreover, observations of the cosmic relict background make it possible to fairly accurately estimate the number of baryons (protons and neutrons) that could have been born in the early Universe during the period of nucleosynthesis. The estimates obtained allow us to assert that the baryonic matter we see (stars, gas, dust clouds) is the majority of all baryonic matter in our Universe. Therefore, the hidden mass cannot consist of baryons.

Hypothesis 3: Modified gravity. What if there is no hidden mass at all? This is quite possible if, for example, the theory of gravity that we apply is incorrect at such scales.

The greater the gravitational force acting on an object (in this case, a galaxy or an individual star), the greater its acceleration (Newton’s second law, known to everyone since school) and, accordingly, the speed, since centripetal acceleration is proportional to the square of the speed. What if we correct Newton's law? In 1983, Israeli physicist Mordechai Milgrom proposed the MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) hypothesis, in which Newton's law was slightly adjusted for the case when the accelerations are quite small (10 -8 cm/s 2). This approach explained well the rotation curves obtained by Rubin and Ford and the increasing rotation curves for elliptical galaxies. However, in clusters where the acceleration of galaxies is much greater than the acceleration of individual stars, MOND did not make any corrections for dark matter, and the question remained open.

A galaxy's rotation curve is a graph of the orbital speed of stars and gas in a galaxy as a function of the distance to its center. Observations show that as you move away from the center, the graph reaches a plateau.

There were other attempts to modify the theory of gravity. There is now a broad class of such theories called parameterized post-Newtonian formalism. Each individual theory is described by its own set of ten standard parameters that determine the deviation from “ordinary” gravity. Some of these theories actually explain the problem of hidden mass, but other problems arise - for example, massive photons or chromaticity of a gravitational lens (the dependence of the angle of deflection of light on frequency), which is not observed. In any case, none of these theories have yet been confirmed by observations.

Thus, of the numerous hypotheses that do not contradict experiment, only one remains possible, albeit exotic: dark matter is some kind of particles of a non-baryonic nature. In theory, there are a lot of such candidates, but they are divided into two main groups - cold and hot dark matter.

Hypothesis 4: Hot dark matter. Hot dark matter is light particles moving at speeds close to the speed of light. The most obvious candidate for this role is the most ordinary neutrino. These particles have very small masses (previously it was believed that the mass was zero), are born in the interiors of stars and star formation regions during various thermonuclear processes and almost do not interact with baryonic matter. However, with the number of neutrinos that we have in the Universe, to explain dark matter with their help, it is necessary that their mass be about 10 eV. But experimental data show that the neutrino mass does not exceed fractions of one electronvolt, which is hundreds of times less, so this option apparently disappears. Another likely candidate for dark matter is the so-called sterile neutrino, a hypothetical massive fourth variant of the neutrino that does not participate in the weak interaction. However, such particles have not yet been detected in experiments, and the fact of their existence is still in question.

Cosmological observations in recent years indicate that hot dark matter (if it exists) may account for no more than 10% of all dark matter. The fact is that different types of dark matter suggest different scenarios for the formation of galaxies. In the hot dark matter scenario (top-down), as a result of evolution, large regions filled with matter are first formed, which then collapse into individual small clusters and eventually turn into galaxies. In the cold dark matter scenario (bottom-up), small dwarf galaxies and clusters form first, which then form larger structures. Observations and computer simulations show that this is exactly the scenario that is happening in our Universe, indicating a clear dominance of cold dark matter.

The famous film “The Magicians” describes the recipe for passing through a wall: “See the goal, believe in yourself and not notice obstacles.” Using a similar scheme, it is planned to search for an axion, a light uncharged particle predicted within the framework of quantum chromodynamics. The axion interacts weakly with baryonic matter, so scientists place their main hopes on its behavior in very strong magnetic fields. If you direct laser radiation at an opaque wall, in the area of ​​which a very powerful magnetic field (tens of Tesla) is created using superconducting magnets, a photon in this field can turn into an axion, which will pass through this wall literally “without noticing it,” and behind it again will turn into a photon. It is clear that such events will occur rarely, but with the help of sensitive detectors they can be detected. In 2007, the German accelerator laboratory DESY began a three-year experiment, Any Light Particle Search, ALPS-I, and three years ago the ALPS-IIa experiment was launched, the continuation of which (ALPS-IIc) is planned for the coming years. The ADMX (Axion Dark Matter eXperiment) experiment and its current continuation ADMX-HF (High Frequency) at the Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (CENPA) at Washington State University also use the strong magnetic field of a superconducting magnet, in which axions must be converted into photons.

Hypothesis 5: Cold dark matter. The cold dark matter hypothesis is currently considered the most probable. Hypothetical cold dark matter particles are slow (nonrelativistic), they interact very weakly with each other and with ordinary matter, and do not emit photons. They are divided into weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP - weakly interacting massive particles) and weakly interacting light particles (WISP - weakly interacting slim particles).

WIMPs are basically supersymmetry particles (supersymmetric partners of ordinary Standard Model particles) with masses greater than a few kiloelectronvolts, such as photino (superpartner of the photon), gravitino (superpartner of the hypothetical graviton), etc. The best candidate for being a dark matter particle Among WIMPs, scientists now consider neutralinos to be a quantum “mixture” of superpartners Z-boson, photon and Higgs boson.

The main candidate from the WISP group is the axion, which arises in the theory of the strong interaction and has a very small mass. This very light (millionths of an electronvolt), stable and electrically neutral particle is capable of turning into a photon-photon pair in very strong magnetic fields, which gives a hint as to how one might try to detect it experimentally.

However, despite numerous attempts, it has not yet been possible to detect WIMPs, axions or sterile neutrinos. However, a negative result in science is also an important result, since it allows one to filter out certain parameters of particles, for example, limit the range of possible masses. From year to year, more and more new observations and experiments in accelerators provide new, more stringent restrictions on the mass and other parameters of dark matter particles. Thus, having rejected all impossible options and narrowed the scope of searches, we are becoming closer to understanding what 95% of the matter in our Universe consists of.

What came first: the egg or the chicken? Scientists around the world have been struggling with this simple question for decades. A similar question arises about what happened at the very beginning, at the moment of the creation of the Universe. Did it happen, this creation, or are the Universes cyclical or infinite? What is black matter in space and how does it differ from white matter? Putting aside various kinds of religions, let's try to approach the answers to these questions from a scientific point of view. Over the past few years, scientists have accomplished something incredible. Probably, for the first time in history, the calculations of theoretical physicists agreed with the calculations of experimental physicists. Several different theories have been presented to the scientific community over the years. More or less accurately, empirically, sometimes quasi-scientifically, however, the theoretical calculated data were confirmed by experiments, some even with a delay of several decades (the Higgs boson, for example).

- black energy

There are many such theories, for example: the Big Bang, the theory of cyclic Universes, the theory of parallel Universes, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), F. Hoyle’s theory of a stationary Universe and others. However, the theory of a constantly expanding and evolving Universe, the theses of which fit well within the framework of the Big Bang concept, is currently considered generally accepted. At the same time, quasi-empirically (that is, experimentally, but with large tolerances and based on existing modern theories of the structure of the microworld), data were obtained that all microparticles known to us constitute only 4.02% of the total volume of the entire composition of the Universe. This is the so-called “baryon cocktail”, or baryonic matter. However, the main part of our Universe (more than 95%) is substances of a different type, with a different composition and properties. This is the so-called black matter and black energy. They behave differently: they react differently to various kinds of reactions, are not detected by existing technical means, and exhibit previously unstudied properties. From this we can conclude that either these substances obey other laws of physics (Non-Newtonian physics, the verbal analogue of Non-Euclidean geometry), or our level of development of science and technology is only at the initial stage of its formation.

What are baryons?

According to the currently existing quark-gluon model of strong interactions, there are only sixteen elementary particles (and the recent discovery of the Higgs boson confirms this): six types (flavors) of quarks, eight gluons and two bosons. Baryons are heavy elementary particles with strong interactions. The most famous of them are quarks, proton and neutron. Families of such substances, differing in spin, mass, their “color”, as well as “fascination” and “strangeness” numbers, are precisely the building blocks of what we call baryonic matter. Black (dark) matter, which makes up 21.8% of the total composition of the Universe, consists of other particles that do not emit electromagnetic radiation and do not react with it in any way. Therefore, for direct observation at a minimum, and even more so for registration of such substances, it is necessary to first understand their physics and agree on the laws to which they obey. Many modern scientists are currently working on this matter in research institutes in different countries.

The most likely option

What substances are considered possible? To begin with, it should be noted that there are only two possible options. According to GTR and STR (General and Special Theory of Relativity), in composition this substance can be both baryonic and non-baryonic dark matter (black). According to the basic Big Bang theory, all existing matter is represented in the form of baryons. This thesis has been proven with extremely high accuracy. Currently, scientists have learned to detect particles formed a minute after the rupture of the singularity, that is, after the explosion of a superdense state of matter, with a body mass tending to infinity and body dimensions tending to zero. The scenario with baryonic particles is the most likely, since it is from them that our Universe consists and through them continues its expansion. Black matter, according to this assumption, consists of basic particles generally accepted by Newtonian physics, but for some reason weakly interacting electromagnetically. That is why detectors do not detect them.

Not everything is so smooth

This scenario suits many scientists, but there are still more questions than answers. If both black and white matter are represented only by baryons, then the concentration of light baryons as a percentage of heavy ones, as a result of primary nucleosynthesis, should be different in the original astronomical objects of the Universe. And the presence in our galaxy of an equilibrium sufficient number of large gravitational objects, such as black holes or neutron stars, has not been experimentally revealed to balance the mass of the halo of our Milky Way. However, the same neutron stars, dark galactic halos, blacks and blacks (stars in various stages of their life cycle) are most likely part of the dark matter that makes up dark matter. Black energy can also fill them, including in predicted hypothetical objects such as preon, quark and Q stars.

Nonbaryonic candidates

The second scenario implies a nonbaryonic beginning. Here, several types of particles can act as candidates. For example, light neutrinos, the existence of which has already been proven by scientists. However, their mass, on the order of one hundredth to one ten-thousandth of an eV (electron-Volt), practically excludes them from possible particles due to the unattainability of the required critical density. But heavy neutrinos, paired with heavy leptons, practically do not manifest themselves under ordinary conditions. Such neutrinos are called sterile; with their maximum mass of up to one-tenth of an eV, they are more likely to be candidate dark matter particles. Axions and cosmions were artificially introduced into physical equations to solve problems in quantum chromodynamics and the standard model. Together with another stable supersymmetric particle (SUSY-LSP), they may well be candidates, since they do not take part in electromagnetic and strong interactions. However, unlike neutrinos, they are still hypothetical; their existence still needs to be proven.

Black matter theory

The lack of mass in the Universe gives rise to various theories on this matter, some of which are quite valid. For example, the theory that ordinary gravity is not able to explain the strange and extremely fast rotation of stars in spiral galaxies. At such speeds, they would simply fly beyond its limits if not for some holding force, which is not yet possible to register. Other theories explain the impossibility of obtaining WIMPs (massive electroweakly interacting partner particles of elementary subparticles, supersymmetric and superheavy - that is, ideal candidates) in terrestrial conditions, since they live in the n-dimension, which is more different from our three-dimensional one. According to the Kaluza-Klein theory, such measurements are not available to us.

Changeable stars

Another theory describes how variable stars and black matter interact with each other. The brightness of such a star can change not only due to metaphysical processes occurring inside (pulsation, chromospheric activity, ejection of prominences, flows and eclipses in double star systems, supernova explosion), but also due to the anomalous properties of dark matter.

WARP engine

According to one theory, dark matter can be used as fuel for subspace engines of spaceships operating using hypothetical WARP Engine technology. Potentially, such engines allow the ship to move at speeds exceeding the speed of light. Theoretically, they are capable of bending the space in front of and behind the ship and moving it in it even faster than an electromagnetic wave accelerates in a vacuum. The ship itself is not locally accelerated - only the spatial field in front of it is bent. Many science fiction stories use this technology, such as the Star Trek saga.

Production in terrestrial conditions

Attempts to generate and obtain black matter on earth have still not led to success. Currently, experiments are being carried out at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), exactly where the Higgs boson was first detected, as well as at other, less powerful, including linear colliders, in search of stable, but electromagnetically weakly interacting partners of elementary particles. However, neither photino, nor gravitino, nor higsino, nor sneutrino (neutralino), as well as other WIMPs (WIMPs) have yet been obtained. According to a preliminary cautious estimate by scientists, to produce one milligram of dark matter under terrestrial conditions requires the equivalent of the energy consumed in the United States for a year.

Chapter 242. Secrets of the Black Matter.

Concept: 12 is constantly hiding under the table.
Queen 13: That's it, Kolya, don't. And I constantly have cramps and cramps.
And Queen 13 is dragged to the point by convulsions.
Concept: Redness is the reverse side of the number 13.
2016-06-29: The number 12 is like the boundary of the development of everything in this world. Within the number 12, feelings and mind develop. That is, no matter how smart a person is (within the limits of Involution), he usually does not go beyond this figure. It was the twelve apostles that Jesus Christ had as disciples. He himself was the thirteenth, which means that he himself went beyond everything understood in this world.
In the old world it was impossible to go beyond the limits, since a person within these limits began, roughly speaking, to have convulsions. These spasms are from the Matter from which all human clothing is cut. For each type of clothing, I repeat, there is its own matter, and this matter has its own vibrational limits. In the third book, we were shown three types of matter that vibrate in space sinusoidally out of time with each other, sometimes touching each other. These three types of matter (astral, mental and ether-physics) make up human clothing.
People of one level of development do not understand people of another level: the lower ones do not understand the higher ones. Those who develop within the number 12 do not understand those who develop within the number 13. The apostles of Jesus do not understand and ask each other what he is talking about. Those who develop within the number 6 do not understand, for example, those who develop within the number 12 somewhere under the ceiling. Actor Romashin says to his nineteen-year-old wife Yulia, who asked him for protection, who are you? He's sixty years old, he's an elite actor, and he understands that elite roles are only for elite actors. In the language of clothing, anyone from the elite who dresses in expensive, perfect clothes immediately sees a person dressed in simple clothes. But the person who is simply dressing does not see what the difference is between him and the elite. And if an elite person speaks about this directly, as Romashin told his wife, it offends those who do not understand.
The elite get married once, twice and three times, because they have charisma, that is, they are energetically capable of attracting a young girl even at sixty years old. Julia Orren marries Romashin for love. She asks her parents for permission. They are shocked. They dissuade her: they say that life in Moscow is not at all the same as in Kyiv (they are Kyivians). Indeed, the elite mainly gather in Moscow, and Kyiv and even Leningrad are provinces in relation to Moscow. Yulia's parents understand something or are simply dissuading their daughter from an unequal marriage. Yulia is still young to understand something, or her Soul’s clothes are simply not yet cut according to the same patterns as elite Souls. If she lives in Moscow among the elite and strives to match this public with her qualities, then perhaps she will later become an elite. In the meantime, she’s just a sweet girl who was betrothed by an old elite male for his own pleasure.
Serge Zha has a lot of articles in his section about victims. He has a Soul from the former elite. And he understands that in life, wherever you look, there is a wedge (victim) everywhere. We must sacrifice something everywhere in all directions of life. Such truths of this life within the number 12 can only be understood by subceiling Souls (elite). Romashin would have to sacrifice his pleasure if he followed the accepted rules of marrying someone his own age and living with this one wife all his life, as religion requires.
The number 12 is good only when it hides under the table, that is, when a person hides his true intentions (the desire for pleasure). Royal souls do not want to sacrifice their pleasures. King John not only does not deny himself pleasures, but also creates the conditions for receiving them. Tsar Peter, it seems, certainly could not surpass his former father in pleasure, but he also died early, around the same years (53-54), and with very severe headaches.
The number 13 is called the queen here, since only royal Souls have the opportunity to overcome the limits set by the number 12. And they overcome them. Why? Because in the Black Matter itself, of which their Souls are composed, there is such a property as overcoming. The need to overcome is necessary for any Soul in this world, since in this world something must always be overcome in order to achieve something. But overcoming, like everything else in this world, has its own degrees of development, which are limited to 50%. Future royal Souls usually quickly overcome the number 50 (5), become sixes, then nines and, as if by inertia, further when they find themselves under the ceiling and begin to understand a lot, they cannot deny themselves pleasures, for example, marrying a young, sweet, pure girl . Romashin looked for and found such a sweet, pure nun for the role of a nun in his film.
However, when the royal Soul ascends to the very top and higher in its pleasures, the Black Matter, into which appropriate restrictions are introduced, begins to protest with what is here called convulsions. How these internal convulsions are expressed externally can be judged by the severe headaches of Peter, the illnesses of John and the death of Romashin, who at the age of 69 was killed by a pine tree in his dacha, which he was cutting down to show off the view from his dacha to his students. And, according to the gypsy’s prediction, he was supposed to live eighty-three years.
The number 13 appears here before us in two versions. Jesus Christ, the 13th in his group, sacrifices his body to save humanity, the royal Soul sacrifices, on the contrary, all the norms established by humanity, for the sake of its pleasure, which aggravates universal karma.
Here this sacrifice is called redness. This means that there is also a black prey, which is quite moderate in relation to the redness. I would, says the famous film critic Mark Rudinshtein on TV, marry, like Romashin, for the fourth time, but I won’t, he strokes his belly: I understand that I am of little use to my young wife. So he somewhat humiliates himself in order to justify the sacrifice with his pleasure, which he can give himself, but does not give, because he feels that it is better for him not to cross the border between black and red. The material of clothing in one way or another lets a person know what awaits him if he overcomes it: convulsions in one form or another, I repeat, kill a person.
And it is in no way possible to come to an agreement with Black Matter so that it does not kill, although it has its own personification with which you can talk on the subtle plane. This is how a man can talk to any earthly woman, but just as an earthly woman has her own “shaven” for every “cut,” so the Black Mother has the same identical position. Its position is to always contradict the Spirit in order to ultimately drive it into the grave with its contradictions. She can say that it is possible to come to an agreement with her, and will talk very intelligently, and that there is no woman more faithful, obedient and dutiful, but she will still do it in her own way. Forces Black Matter to make its state of Black Matter, which it is not aware of, which at certain moments seems to be convulsed. People experience muscle cramps from overexertion or from uncomfortable temperatures. Experienced swimmers usually take a pin with them: it sometimes cramps their muscles. The injection returns the muscles to working condition. This is exactly how you need to hit a woman so that she returns to her normal state. But who knows about this? Only pagan people knew about this. Then this knowledge went away - and the woman began to stick to her line to the end. All this can end badly for the man, even death, but you can’t beat a woman now, but you can divorce her.
Is it Black Matter's fault that it is so bad? It seems that if it were good, would it be possible for a man looking for happiness in a family to look for and find it? However, happiness in the family is not planned. Therefore, Black Matter is programmed not for happiness, but for misfortune. And if a woman with her consciousness tries to overcome the program embedded in her, she is immediately seized by a vibrational spasm on the subtle plane. Physically (outwardly) this may not be expressed in any way, but circumstances will begin to develop in such a way that all roads to happiness will be blocked and will open to misfortune (to a quarrel for suddenly revealed reasons that will actually arise).


My soul rejoiced greatly at the mention of Ser. Zha, whose date of birth, for the record, was 12/12/1960. That's what I'm thinking. You yourself, Valery Yakovlevich, guessed about this coincidence. or read on the author’s page of this person. Well, whatever it is. and it’s very nice! Therefore, I remain a reader of your conjectures and a writer of personal tsiduleks.

Black matter and its role in the formation of the universe- one of the greatest mysteries of cosmology. No one has ever seen a black hole and no one can see it. The film hypothesizes that it is a collapsed star of such density and gravity that it draws in everything that comes close to it, including light. But light can be refracted. The angle of deflection of light allows us to find black holes. Gravitational lenses can measure the size of a black hole.

90 percent of our universe is invisible, just like black holes, astronomers call it dark matter. This hidden mass is not detected by gamma rays, radio waves, or anything. When 9/10 of our universe is invisible, our beliefs about the universe may well be false.

Undoubtedly involved in the development and formation of the universe, the problem is that we cannot observe it. All theories about the structure of space are based on observations of the behavior of the visible 1/10th of the universe.

Dark matter should not be confused with the dark clouds that cover galaxies; dark clouds are just dust and can be seen. Dark matter is present quietly in every galaxy and around every star. The observed gravitational interaction of galaxies and stars suggests hundreds of times more matter than can be seen. One can only wonder what dark or black matter is - a black hole or unusual subatomic particles. The nature of black matter remains a mystery.

A large star pulls matter from a small star nearby. The big star died as a supernova, and the star next door continues to rotate and lose matter. The superstar has become a black hole that continues to suck matter from the small star. A star that orbits a void and the rate at which it loses mass is a clue for astronomers in calculating the size of a black hole.

For a black hole to form, the mass of the core of the exploding star must be at least three times that of our Sun.

Ours is a ring of gas covered with stars that cluster in the center of the galaxy. The mass of the ring is equal to the mass of 30 thousand suns. The vortex at the center of the galaxy is a black hole that absorbs matter.

It is believed that the collision of galaxies produces giant black holes. When the nuclei of galaxies merge, huge black holes are created. For example, Centauri A is the result of the merger of two galaxies with a huge black hole in the center. The black hole at the center of Centaurus A is thousands of times more massive than the hole at the center of the Milky Way.

Huge black holes are surrounded by a growing disk that is subject to an irresistible gravity, matter is constantly being pulled into the black hole. But it turned out that black holes also eject a small amount of matter at right angles to the disk. And as a result, you can observe an interesting picture. A large column of matter that is ejected into space from the center of the Virgo A galaxy can be observed through a telescope from Earth.

The most surprising observations of black holes involve quasars. Quasars are some of the brightest and most powerful objects in the Universe. They are so hot and bright that they illuminate galaxies. There is a theory that quasars are fueled by black holes.

Black holes distort space so much in space, that we have no idea what is happening inside the black hole. Maybe it's a window to another part of space or even another universe.

Watch video Black holes and dark matter

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