Leap years list for the 21st century. Superstitions about leap year

An additional day, in lunisolar calendars - an additional month to synchronize with the astronomical or seasonal year. A year that is not a leap year is called a non-leap year.

Introduction history

Caesar was assassinated two years after the introduction of the new calendar, and the second leap year began after his death. This may explain the fact that the priests in charge of the calendar did not understand the principle of introducing an extra day every fourth year, and instead began introducing an extra day in February every third year (it is assumed that they were counting the fourth from the year preceding the leap year). . For 36 years after Caesar, every third year was a leap year, and only then did Emperor Augustus restore the correct order of leap years (and also abolish several subsequent leap years to remove the accumulated shift). From a comparison of Roman and Egyptian dating according to the Oxyrhynchus papyrus, published in 1999, it was established that leap years in Rome were , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , BC. e., 12 years and every fourth year thereafter.

Gregorian calendar

To compensate for the accumulated error and avoid such a shift in the future, in 1582 Pope Gregory XIII carried out a calendar reform. To make the average calendar year more consistent with the solar year, it was decided to change the rule of leap years. As before, a year whose number was a multiple of four remained a leap year, but an exception was made for those that were a multiple of 100. Such years were leap years only when they were also divisible by 400.

This follows the distribution of leap years:

  • a year whose number is a multiple of 400 is a leap year;
  • other years, the number of which is a multiple of 100, are non-leap years;
  • other years, the number of which is a multiple of 4, are leap years.

The last years of centuries ending in two zeros are not leap years in three cases out of four. Yes, years

03/25/2013 at 16:04

Why on earth is 1900 not a leap year? A leap year occurs every 4 years, i.e. If it is divisible by 4, it is a leap year. And no more divisions by 100 or 400 are needed.

It’s normal to ask questions, but before you assert anything, study the hardware. The Earth revolves around the sun in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. As you can see, the remainder is not exactly 6 hours, but 11 minutes 14 seconds less. This means that by making a leap year we add extra time. Somewhere over 128 years, extra days accumulate. Therefore, every 128 years in one of the 4-year cycles there is no need to make a leap year in order to get rid of these extra days. But to simplify things, every 100th year is not a leap year. Is the idea clear? Fine. What then should we do next, since an extra day is added every 128 years, and we cut it off every 100 years? Yes, we cut off more than we should, and this needs to be returned at some point.

If the first paragraph is clear and still interesting, then read on, but it will be more difficult.

So, in 100 years, 100/128 = 25/32 days of excess time accumulates (that’s 18 hours 45 minutes). We do not make a leap year, that is, we subtract one day: we get 25/32-32/32 = -7/32 days (that’s 5 hours 15 minutes), that is, we subtract the excess. After four cycles of 100 years (after 400 years), we will subtract an extra 4 * (-7/32) = -28/32 days (this is minus 21 hours). For the 400th year we make a leap year, that is, we add a day (24 hours): -28/32+32/32=4/32=1/8 (that’s 3 hours).
We make every 4th year a leap year, but at the same time every 100th year is not a leap year, and at the same time every 400th year is a leap year, but still every 400 years an extra 3 hours are added. After 8 cycles of 400 years, that is, after 3200 years, an extra 24 hours will accumulate, that is, one day. Then another mandatory condition is added: every 3200th year should not be a leap year. 3200 years can be rounded up to 4000, but then you will again have to play with added or trimmed days.
3200 years have not passed, so this condition, if it is made this way, is not yet talked about. But 400 years have already passed since the approval of the Gregorian calendar.
Years that are multiples of 400 are always leap years (for now), other years that are multiples of 100 are not leap years, and other years that are multiples of 4 are leap years.

The calculation I gave shows that in the current state, an error in one day will accumulate over 3200 years, but here’s what Wikipedia writes about it:
“An error of one day compared to the year of the equinoxes in the Gregorian calendar will accumulate in approximately 10,000 years (in the Julian calendar - approximately in 128 years). A frequently encountered estimate, leading to a value of the order of 3000 years, is obtained if one does not take into account that the number of days in the tropical year changes over time and, in addition, the relationship between the lengths of the seasons changes.” From the same Wikipedia, the formula for the length of a year in days with fractions paints a good picture:


The year 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 was, and special, because such a leap year happens once every 400 years.

The Salem witch hunt began.

Peter issues a decree on the foundation of the Biysk fortress

Leo von Klenze, the founder of architectural movements based on the principle of “new - slightly rebuilt antique”, was born. And the Marquis de Sade was transferred to the Bastille, where in five years he would write three of his most famous and shocking novels.

Gioachino Rossini is born.

Napoleon appoints commanders in his army. Alexander I is considering a gas lighting project in the capital of his empire.

The Grand Duchess marries - of course, to the prince. The Russian emperor takes care of widows and the country's legislation.

The premiere of Ober's opera “The Mute of Portici” (or “Fenella”) took place.

Charles Darwin explores the Brazilian jungle during the Beagle expedition.

The Crimean War is over.

Herman Cholerite was born.

The St. Gotthard Tunnel was completed.

The Russian Empire is full of cultural events. Performances are performed, writers write letters. In Europe, Engels writes something of little interest to Liebknecht. In America, there is another round of court cases that ultimately dragged on for a quarter of a century and led to changes in the rules of judicial evidence.

An international commission has been created to regulate fur seal fishing. This was one of the first examples of international cooperation in animal conservation.

Talented organizers and creative personalities were born all over the world on this year and day.

According to the Gregorian calendar, 1900 is a non-leap year, and according to the Julian calendar, it is a leap year.

The Russo-Japanese War is one of the first in the 20th century. And in Europe they dance and sing.

Liquid helium was obtained at the Leiden laboratory. The Oryol Central Center has been created in Russia. They play football in Brazil.

Joseph Stalin escapes from exile. Russia is helping to conclude the Serbian-Bulgarian treaty. Workers go on strike in Bodaibo.

Strikes, pogroms, sunken ships, orders and everything that accompanies a world war. In Moscow, poets are self-elected to the Chairmen of the Globe.

The Red Army is pushing back the atamans of Denikin and Annenkov. The first constitution was approved in the Czech Republic. The Kapp putsch began in Germany.

After the civil war, culture revives. Surrogate money is prohibited. Vladimir Kryukov, chairman of the KGB and member of the State Emergency Committee, is born.

The Central Election Commission and the Council of People's Commissars of all levels produce documents. Writers write letters. The artists perform. The ships are being built. Celebrities are born.

There is an armed rebellion of fascists in Finland. The last emperor of China is still trying to lead the state.

Niels Bohr proposed a planetary model of the structure of the atom.

Hitler is fooling the American diplomat. Black Hattie McDaniel wins an Oscar.

Soviet troops are successfully advancing in all directions.

The President of Peru criticizes his opponents. Irina Kupchenko was born.

The USSR sends notes to America because of the Katyn affair. A letter is sent to Stalin about Paulus. The Academy of Arts thinks about talented children. Aircraft testing ends and begins. Raisa Smetanina is born in the village of Mokhcha.

Planes are flying. Unfairly accused and executed generals have been rehabilitated. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was created. The President of Finland resigned. In Korea, articles are published that fully support the opinion of the country's leader.

Largest earthquake in Morocco. Flights of cruise missiles and new aircraft. Film premieres. Writers and at least one serial killer were born.

Launching of a Soviet nuclear submarine. A message from the Americans about the existence of a new strategic fighter aircraft. The Pact of Arab Cultural Unity is signed.

Ships and submarines have been launched. The Il-18D plane crashed.

V. Vysotsky sings in Moscow. In the USA, John Lennon begins to fight for an American visa.

Every person has heard about the existence of a leap year. But few people know where this name came from, and how humanity has a certain limit of time, which in the future could be a whole year. Why leap years of the 21st century are considered unlucky and how they can be determined will be described in this review.

The generally accepted unit of time is the year.

During this period of time, the full seasonal cycle goes through:

  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • winter.

It is during this period of time that the Earth makes a complete revolution around the star the Sun. This action takes 365 full days and 6 hours. This time period is called the astronomical year. One day contains 24 hours. From the “extra” 6 hours of each year, an additional day is accumulated, falling every fourth year. This day falls on February 29th.

Important! Having a 29th day in February makes the year a leap year.

The unusual year owes its name to the Latin language, from which “Bicsextus” is literally translated as “second sixth.” In the Julian calendar, the “extra” number was the second 24. And since February was the last month of the year according to Caesar’s calendar, the extra day was added to it.

Julian and Gregorian calendars

Since the beginning of world history, humanity has known two types of calendars:

  • Julian;
  • Gregorian.

Starting from January 1, 45 BC, civilized humanity lived according to the Julian calendar, which was founded by Gaius Julius Caesar. According to this calendar, every third year was followed by a long year with 366 days.

The Romans believed that it took 365.25 days to complete a revolution of the planet around a celestial body, while the exact date is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. It turns out that every year between the two equinoxes there is a difference of 11 minutes and 14 seconds.

Thus, over 128 years, one day has accumulated from these minutes, and over 16 centuries this figure has increased to 10. Under the Julian calendar, a leap year was considered to be any that was divisible by 100 or 200.

This continued until 1582, when the then-current Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar, where not only every fourth year is a leap year, but even one that is a multiple of 400. This, for example, was 2000.

One of the reasons why it was decided to change the calendar was Christian holidays, which were required to be celebrated at a certain time without shifting. Thus, Catholic Pope Gregory XIII proposed his own calendar, which was approved and adopted during the Ecumenical Council.

When answering the question of how to determine a leap year without having a table at hand, every second even year of the Gregorian calendar should be considered as such.

Since 1918, residents of our country began to use the Gregorian calendar. Since the transition to the Gregorian style, there has been a confusion of dates by 10 days, although still, the difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars increases by 3 days every four centuries.

Leap years calendar

To know for sure and not wonder how to determine a leap year, you need to take into account this sign - the number of the year is divisible by 4, 100 and 400 without a remainder. If the number is divisible by 4,100, but not divisible by 400, then the year is not a leap year. Taking this information into account, you can easily determine the required years.

The reason for the bad fame of leap year

It must be admitted that if we did not have leap years, the seasons would regularly shift. Therefore, they help synchronize the Gregorian and astrological calendars, and prevent the seasons from shifting to other months.

But why a leap year is considered bad, you need to figure it out. Slavic culture has long had a negative attitude towards such years. An extra day in February was considered the cause of disasters and troubles.

Perhaps the reason for such dislike was that this time, February 29, according to Slavic beliefs, is subject to Kashchei-Chernobog, who commanded dark forces, sowing evil, death, disease and madness.

Often the ancient Russians associated leap day with Cassian, who was born on February 29th. Based on the legends, where he was assigned the role of a guard at the gates of Hell, a traitor cherub, a pupil of demons, etc., one can understand why this character was greatly feared and strongly cursed. The Russians were sure that Cassian had a negative influence on the whole year. There was a pestilence of livestock and poultry, crops in the fields were destroyed, and famine set in.

On February 29, people tried not to go out into the yard and keep their livestock and poultry locked up.

It is difficult to definitively answer why a leap year is considered bad. Some scientists claim that during this period of time natural disasters and man-made disasters become more frequent. Many individuals also rush to write off their individual troubles as just over a year later.

Historical facts are the following tragic events:

  • the collapse of the Byzantine Empire and the city of Constantinople occurs in the leap year 1204;
  • in 1232 the bloody Spanish Inquisition began;
  • the plague of the inhabitants of medieval Europe, which killed 1/3 of the population in 1400;
  • the terrible events of St. Bartholomew's Night in 1572;
  • the terrible tsunami in Japan in 1896 and the earthquake in China in 1556;
  • in 1908 everyone knew about the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, etc.

This list can be continued for a long time. These are the statistics that support most popular beliefs, superstitions and omens.

Good to know! Those newlyweds who dared to celebrate their wedding in a leap year were predicted to have a difficult family life.

List of leap years in the 21st century

In order to plan important events in your life, such as marriage, birth of children, change of profession, place of residence, etc., information about which leap years are in this century will be useful.

Leap years, list in the 20th century: 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996.

Leap years in our century: 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044, 2048, 2052, 2056, 2060, 2064, 2068, 2076, 2080, 2084, 2088, 2092, 2096, 2100.

It is generally accepted that all years from February 29th bring troubles and are marked by tragic events. But, taking into account the information received, we can conclude that you should not pay too much attention to signs. Bad events and disasters happened at different times.

Some people, on the contrary, endow the leap year with mystical properties, and wonder why it is considered bad.

People born on February 29 consider themselves to be certain lucky and original people. They can celebrate their birthday only once every 4 years.

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Let's sum it up

A positive attitude and self-confidence form a powerful basis for important achievements in a person’s life, and small superstitions should not become an obstacle to achieving goals.

Is 2019 a leap year or not? 2019 will not be a leap year. From year to year, the approach of the New Year causes excitement among superstitious people. Will the coming 2019 Year of the Pig be a leap year or a non-leap year?

The interest is based on folk signs and superstitions associated with the addition of an additional February 29th. One day, February 29, is added to the calendar every four years. The previous leap year was 2016. When is the next leap year? The next one will be in 2020, in four years.

Razgadamus considers it educational. How many days are there in a Leap Year? A leap year (or popularly called High Year) occurs every fourth year. Its duration is 366 days, one more than the duration of a non-leap year, thanks to the additional day - February 29. In normal, non-leap years, February has 28 days.

What are leap years: calendar

Horoscope for every day

1 hour ago

Table of past years until 2000

Table after 2000

How many days in 2019

You can get an answer to the question of how many days there will be in 2019, 365 or 366, by looking. If 2019 is not a leap year, therefore, the duration of 2019 will be 365 days.

2019 Leap year or not, causes concern among superstitious people and is of interest primarily to those people whose birthday falls on February 29. It turns out that those born on Leap Year on February 29th have to celebrate their birthday once every four years or postpone the celebration to March 1st.

A leap year differs from a regular year in duration; it is 1 day longer. But since ancient times, people have been afraid of the onset of such a four-year anniversary, which instills fear of impending misfortune.

There are folk signs according to which the arrival of a Leap Year means the onset of an unlucky period of time in the life of every person for four years.

Signs for Leap Year: what you can and cannot do

To believe in omens or not? February 29 is popularly called Kasyan's day (or Kasyanov's day), and it is considered unlucky for the birth of a child.

  • It is not advisable to plan the birth of a baby, but if pregnancy has occurred, then the expectant mother will have to refrain from cutting her hair until the birth.
  • If a child was born in a Leap Year, it is necessary to speed up the baptismal ceremony so that the baby receives protection.
  • You cannot start new businesses; any financial investment in a business is doomed to failure.
  • People who believe in omens are advised not to sell or buy real estate or change their place of residence during Leap Year.
  • According to signs, it is not recommended to have a pet.
  • It is better to postpone the trip until better times.
  • It is very bad luck to plan a wedding on a Leap Year. The sign says that a marriage concluded in an unhappy period of time will fall apart, the family will be haunted by misfortunes, illnesses, betrayal of spouses, and evil fate.
  • It is not recommended to change jobs or start renovating the house.

Our ancestors adhered to the rule that an unlucky year for marriage follows immediately after Leap Year and the ban on marriage remains for another year. If you believe it, then after 2016 (it was a Leap Year), the next year is 2017 - the year of the widow, the year of the widower - 2018.

2019 is the year of the widow or widower

The years of the widow and widower are considered to be the first and second years after Leap Year, the previous one was 2016. If you believe the superstition, then 2017 is the year of the widow, the year of the widower is 2018, both dates are not suitable for a wedding. And married couples planning a wedding in 2019 will experience prosperity and well-being.

Our grandmothers did not get married, they were afraid of receiving a mystical curse on their family from the Higher Powers and being left a widow or being among the dead.

Astrologers consider folk signs to be prejudices and relics of the past; they recommend not to believe in such forecasts and not to follow them.

Priests advise following your heart, starting a family, getting married according to church canons and setting a wedding date for 2019 without any doubt. According to - the year of the Pig - an animal symbolizing calm and harmony.

The Widow Years (list): 2001; 2005; 2009; 2013; 2017; 2021; 2025; 2029; 2033; 2037; 2041; 2045; 2049; 2053; 2057; 2061; 2065.

Widower Years (list): 2002; 2006; 2010; 2014; 2018; 2022; 2026; 2030; 2034; 2038; 2042; 2046; 2050; 2054; 2058; 2062; 2066.

Is it possible to get married or get married in 2019? Can. Signs and superstitions are usually based on popular rumors, but in fact there is no confirmed data or real statistics about the years of a widow or widower.

How to determine Leap Year: calculation

  1. It is easier to determine whether a leap year is or not if the date of the previous one is known. The leap year occurs every four years.
  2. You can calculate the viscosity by knowing how many days there are in a year - 365 or 366.
  3. A leap year is divisible by 4 without a remainder; if it can be divided by 100 without a remainder, it is a non-leap year. But if it is divisible by 400 without a remainder, then it is a leap year.

What to expect from 2019

Due to the fact that 2019 will not be a leap year and will be led by the Yellow Earth Pig, astrologers give a peaceful forecast for all 365 days of 2019. The pig is a symbol of the future in 2019. This patient animal symbolizes well-being, peace, tranquility and wisdom.

The personal life of many lonely people will change in 2019, loneliness will end and there will be a happy opportunity to find a friend, meet a loved one. A favorable period is coming for the birth of children and the creation of a family union. Persistent and purposeful will be accompanied by.

Astrologers say that you will have a chance to become happy in your personal life, achieve success at work, move up the career ladder, or open your own business.

The pig, as you know, is one of the animals with enviable tenacity, and those who show perseverance, hard work, take responsibility in difficult circumstances, and are not afraid of difficulties will be able to achieve what they want.

Folk signs for 2019, beliefs and forecasts of various astrologers agree on one thing - the year of the Pig, the beginning, middle, end and all 365 days - a favorable and successful period. No matter how many days there are in 2019, every day you need to strive for your goal, think positively, not paying attention to bad omens.

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