Extracurricular activities "entertaining Russian language". Phonetic dialogues “Who is more important?”

    Envelope No. 3.

    First dictionary of foreign words

    Envelope No. 4.

    explanatory dictionary Slide No. 5

    Exercise according to the explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova.

    3) Very big. (Huge)

    Envelope No. 5.

    Exercise according to the etymological dictionary N.M. Shansky.

    What do giving and gifts have in common? (They give.)

    Are the words swan and quinoa related?

    Envelope No. 6.

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“Extracurricular activity of the circle “Riddles of the Russian language.” "A Journey Through the Pages of Dictionaries"

Municipal educational budgetary institution basic secondary school No. 23 named after. Nadezhda Shabatko, Novokubansk municipal formation, Novokubansky district

"A Journey Through the Pages of Dictionaries"

Sarkisova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature



Club lesson “Riddles of the Russian language”.

"A Journey Through the Pages of Dictionaries"

Teacher: Sarkisova E.V. . Item: Russian language

Class: 5 Target: introduce students to a variety of dictionaries.


educational: create conditions for students to be able to use lexicographic sources.

developing: development of attention, memory, reaction speed, logical thinking.


nurturing an active interest in studying existing information and creating your own.

UUD: PersonalUUD: formation of value guidelines and meanings of educational activities based on the development of cognitive interests and educational motives, formation of the boundaries of one’s own “knowledge-ignorance”, objective assessment of one’s contribution to joint activities.

Regulatory UUD: developing the ability to set a goal and plan one’s activities to achieve it, the ability to work in a group.

Communication UUD: developing the ability to construct logical, complete answers to questions posed, and listen to the answers of classmates.

Cognitive UUD: developing the ability to search for the necessary information to solve a learning task, structure new information, and compose a product of one’s own activities.


Know the types of dictionaries and the principles of their construction.

Be able to work with dictionaries and compose dictionary entries yourself.

Personal: the desire to actively participate in any type of activity, the desire to develop, learn everything new, not be afraid of difficulties, look for non-standard ways to solve proposed problems.

Metasubject: developed skills of observation, comparison, analysis, information retrieval.

Basic concepts: dictionary, dictionary entry, lexicography.

Interdisciplinary connections: can be anything if you give the task to find a dictionary entry for words from any scientific field or field of art.


Dictionaries: explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, S.I. Ozhegov, spelling, etymology, foreign words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, etc.

Lesson forms

G - group.


Technology – search and research.


Exhibition of dictionaries.

Map of the fairy forest of dictionaries.


Envelopes of different colors with tasks.

Poster depicting a landscape.

Progress of the lesson.

Uch. Guys, Good afternoon. In our lesson we will work in groups (Appendix 1). I wish you a creative spirit, be active, attentive, friendly, tolerant of the statements of your classmates. Slide No. 1

Uch. Let's remember the rules for working in groups (Appendix 2).

Activity rule.

Everyone should be active

The group will become very strong.

Rule of correctness.

No judgment.

Talk about what we are

It's still exciting here.

Rule of constructiveness.

The situation is simple:

Everyone should speak

and discuss the problem.

Uch. While reading a book, newspaper, magazine, listening to the radio, watching TV, talking with friends, you probably came across unfamiliar words and expressions that you do not understand.

And, of course, there is a need to understand their meaning. What books do you turn to in such cases? (To dictionaries)

And when you make a mistake in a dictation and need to figure out the spelling, which book do you turn to? (To dictionaries)

Are you learning English when you don't know how a word is translated, which book do you turn to for help? (To the dictionary)

Indeed, in all of the above cases we turn to dictionaries. This is a necessary book, the first assistant in studying.

A dictionary is a collection of words in alphabetical order with explanation, interpretation or translation into another language. Dictionaries are our assistants, they help us learn. Dictionaries help you write words correctly, explain their meaning, provide information about a wide variety of subjects, and tell you about everything in the world.

Therefore, what are we going to talk about today? That's right, about dictionaries Slide No. 2.

The topic of the lesson is announced.

Uch. Today we will take you on a journey through the pages of dictionaries. Our road will run through a fairytale forest.

We will get acquainted with different dictionaries, learn to use them, expand our vocabulary, and develop our sense of words.

Epigraph:"A dictionary is the universe in alphabetical order"

A. France

Motivation for extracurricular activities.

Uch. Guys, look how many dictionaries we have here. Look at them carefully. What do they have in common? (They teach, give knowledge, broaden horizons) What is their difference? (Different purposes, different authors.)

Who are the authors and compilers of dictionaries? Name them. This is a huge, titanic work - compiling a dictionary. Let's, guys, today please the dictionary compilers by completing the tasks they sent us. Want to read them?

I hope you will learn how to make a dictionary yourself today. And when you become adults, maybe someone will publish their own dictionary.

All words in the dictionaries are arranged in alphabetical order. Why do you think? For convenience.


You and I are going on a journey, and along the way we will admire lawns with grass, shrubs, and trees (Poster with landscape). Pay attention to the board, poster with grass, bush, tree. Your little books - dictionaries - at the end of the trip, if your expectations come true, place them on a tree, if they partially come true - on a bush, if they don’t come true at all - on the grass.

The students are divided into three groups.

Group 1 - “Erudites”

Group 2 – “Experts”

Group 3 – “Uniques”

Signs with the names of the groups are placed on the tables.

For a correctly completed task, the team is given a key with a letter on it. From the keys received, the teams must eventually form a seven-letter word. The more clues the team earns, the easier it will be to compose a word.

So, in front of each team there are envelopes of different colors. Do we take turns opening the envelopes and completing the tasks? Each team opens two envelopes.

Envelope No. 1 Dear fifth graders, you need to complete the assignment. according to the spelling dictionary of D.N. Ushakov, S.E. Kryuchkova. Here is the simplest and most common of all dictionaries - spelling. But in order to quickly find the right word in the dictionary and find out how it is written, you need to know the alphabet.

Place the words in alphabetical order.

master march haze (haze, march, master)

Place last names in alphabetical order.

Ivanova, Ivanov, Igonina

Kulaeva, Krivosheev, Kulagina, Kislyakova

Fill in the missing letters in the words:

black..cold, black..rnila, r..men, v..n..heat;

sp..rtakiada, r..bloom, s..lute, pi..nino.

Check your answer using the spelling dictionary I compiled. I think it will be useful for you to know that a spelling dictionary is also allowed to be used in the State Academic Examination in the Russian language.

Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Envelope No. 2.

Phraseological dictionaries include phraseological units - stable combinations of words that have a figurative meaning.

The most popular and well-known phraseological dictionaries are the collections of S.V. Maksimova "Winged words", N.S. Ashukin and M.G. Ashukina “Winged words”,

“Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by A.I. Molotkov.

“School Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” was compiled by Vlas Platonovich and Anatoly Vlasovich Zhukov. Phraseological dictionaries explain the meaning and pronunciation standards.

Exercise: determine the meaning of phraseological units by replacing them with one word.

    There is no room for the apple to fall (crowded);

    At least poke out your eyes (it’s dark);

    At least a dime a dozen (many);

    The cat cried (a little);

    I didn’t have time to look back (quickly);

    At a snail's pace (slowly);

    Neither light nor dawn (early);

    Just a stone's throw (close);

    Out of hand (bad).

Envelope No. 3.

First dictionary of foreign words dates back to the 19th century. It was handwritten. The three-volume dictionary by N.M. stands out. Yanovsky. The most complete at present is the “Dictionary of Foreign Words” edited by I.V. Lekhin and F.N. Petrova.

"School Dictionary of Foreign Words" compiled for us by Viktor Vasilyevich Odintsov, Galina Petrovna Smolitskaya, Elena Ivanovna Golanova and Inna Aleksandrovna Vasilevskaya. From this dictionary you can find out the origin of words, their meaning, grammatical features, pronunciation and stress.

You need to determine what borrowed words we are talking about.

1. An institution engaged in collecting and storing rare monuments of history and art. (Museum, Greek)

2. Soft bedding for lying and sleeping. (Mattress, Arabic)

3. Upholstered furniture for sitting and lying. (Sofa, pers.)

Envelope No. 4.

Dahl was a surgeon by training. He was also a famous writer (under the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky) and had a talent for technology. But the main work of his life was the compilation explanatory dictionary. This is a scientific feat of a scientist. Slide No. 5

When Vladimir Ivanovich was preparing his work for publication, he had to work a lot, sometimes to the point of fainting. V. Dahl was simultaneously the author of the dictionary, an editor, and a proofreader.

The linguist managed to reveal the inexhaustible vocabulary wealth of the Russian language.

Exercise according to the explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova.

To find out the lexical meaning of a word, you need to consult a dictionary.

Now try to define the word by its lexical meaning.

1) A pre-planned path. (Route).

2) Mentally imagine something. (Imagine).

3) Very big. (Huge)

4) Yellow, with a reddish tint. (Orange).

5) Signs to indicate speech sounds. (Letters).

6) Pale purple. (Lilac).

Envelope No. 5.

Exercise according to the etymological dictionary N.M. Shansky.

To find out the origin of a particular word or expression, we must turn to an etymological dictionary.

What do they have in common? dacha And a gift? (They give.)

Are words related? swan And quinoa?

(Yes. Both names come from the Latin word for "white": the swan has white plumage, and the quinoa has white flowers.)

What do the city and the garden have in common? (City - fence, fence, garden - fenced place).

Envelope No. 6.

These dictionaries contain words - friends and words - enemies, this “School dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language” I.R. Lvov, which contains over 500 pairs of antonyms, and “A Brief Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language” by V.N. Klyuevoy, containing about 3000 words, which are placed in synonymous nests.

In the dictionary of antonyms, words are arranged in pairs, and in synonym dictionary- synonymous rows.

Complete tasks in the dictionary of synonyms and antonyms . Find synonyms in the poem and antonyms in the riddles.

There's so much fuss with him,
“Blizzards, blizzards and blizzards -
So much noise, hustle and bustle,
How tired I am of them!” -
Thus grumbled the sullen Frost

And frozen the river with ice without noise,
The trees were covered with gray hair,
And it came...

I am the antonym of the word “summer”
Dressed in a snow coat,
Although I love frost myself,
Because I...

I am the antonym for the word "laughter"
Not from joy, pleasure, -
I happen involuntarily
From misfortune and from pain,
From resentment, failures,
Did you guess it? This …

I am the antonym of noise, knocking,
Without me you will suffer at night,
I am for rest, for sleep
I call myself...

Task No. 7 Team Captains Competition – compiling a syncwine.

Repetition of the syncwine genre (Appendix 3).


Sinkwine - “blank verse” requiring the synthesis of information in concise terms.Slide No. 3

Sinkwine (from French Five) – 5 lines


Adjective Adjective

(topic description)

Verb VerbVerb

(action description)


(relation to the topic)


(a synonym that defines the essence of the topic)

Compiling a syncwine- a work of 5 lines (blank verse).


Smart, big.

Teaches, helps, advises.

Dictionaries are our friends.


The word DICTIONARY is made from the keys.

And now, guys, let's please the dictionaries: write down the expected associations for the word "DICTIONARY"Slide No. 5

What is a dictionary? Your supposed associations.







b – SEARCH, etc.


Well, at the end of the trip, I suggest that everyone take your dictionaries and attach them to a tree, bush or grass. If your expectations have come true, place them on a tree, if they have partially come true - on a bush, if they have not come true at all - on the grass.

Let's look at our fairy forest plants.

What a beautiful tree we have made.

A gorgeous bush that still needs to grow.

And luxurious grass, who still has to learn how to work with dictionaries. Slide No. 6

List of used literature:

    Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. - M: OLMA Media Group, 2009.

    Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M: Onyx, 2009.

    Shansky N. M. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Bustard, 2004.

    Ushakov D.I., Kryuchkov S.E. - M: Bustard, 2013

    Lvov M.R. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. – M: Bustard, 2010

    Phraseological dictionary edited by A.I. Molotkova.- M: Bustard, 1998

Municipal budgetary non-standard educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 18"

Entertaining Russian language

Extracurricular activities for 3rd grade students

Compiled by: Snegireva Tatyana Yurievna,

primary school teacher,

MBNOU "Gymnasium No. 18"


Kemerovo region

Leninsk - Kuznetsky

Explanatory note

Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. On the one hand, knowledge of the native language is given to a child from childhood; he masters it as naturally as he breathes and grows. On the other hand, it is a discipline that requires a lot of work. Studying is serious work. That is why learning should be interesting and entertaining, since interest evokes surprise, awakens thought, and evokes a desire to understand the phenomenon.

What can you do to cultivate true love and interest in learning your native language?

The elective course “Entertaining Russian Language” promotes the development of children’s language abilities, provokes students’ independent search, and develops the activity of their inquisitive, searching mind. Entertaining is by no means synonymous with entertainment, but, on the contrary, hard work and constant search. Genuine knowledge and skills are acquired in the process of active mastery of educational material. The child’s interest helps him remember the material in the best possible way, increases his performance and activates his mental activity.

Target elective course “Entertaining Russian Language” is defined as development of the child’s personality based on the activation of his cognitive activity. In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are set:

    Expanding, deepening and enriching knowledge of the Russian language.

    Fostering the need to learn the native language.

In the extracurricular classes “Entertaining Russian Language”, concepts from the field of phonetics and word formation are consolidated and expanded. At the same time, observations are made purposefully on the lexical meaning of the word. Morphology is the most difficult section for a child, since its study presupposes the formation of certain mental operations, the ability to generalize, and to abstract. Studying parts of speech requires knowledge of word composition and word formation, as well as knowledge of vocabulary (the meaning of a word). It must also be borne in mind that morphology is studied not for the sake of morphology, but as a means of developing children’s thinking, understanding of language as a system and increasing spelling vigilance.

In order to enhance cognitive activity in the classes of this course, one should practice various types of educational tasks using didactic games, and more often introduce entertaining exercises.

Thematic planning

Lesson topic

Number of hours

Orthoepy. Phonetics.

The kingdom of sounds and letters.

His Majesty the Alphabet.

Wizard Accent.

Speak correctly.

Tests on the topic: “Orthoepy. Phonetics"


"Words are brothers." Synonyms.



Composition of the word. Word formation.

Families of cognate words.

Fluent vowels.

Alternation of consonants in the root.

New friends of the roots. Consoles.

New friends of the roots. Suffixes.

A conversation about endings.

Morphological riddles and charades.

Tests on the topic: “Word composition”


Words are parts of speech.



Functional parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions.

Tests on the topic: “Parts of speech.”


Spelling zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-chu.

Oh, yeah, yeah after the hissing ones.

Tested unstressed vowels.

Unchecked unstressed vowels.

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

Double consonants.

Tests on the topic: “Spelling”

What have we learned in a year? Olympics.

Material for teachers


Phonetics is a branch of the science of language in which the sounds of a language, stress, and syllables are studied.

    Put emphasis on the words.

Pamper, gate, dialogue, spark, catalog, quarter, whooping cough, intention, begin, oil pipeline, embittered, loop, statue, shop, conscript, hate, tool, sorrel, cement, approve, put, alphabet, partner, means, driver, put, document, kilometer, case, owners, August, birch bark, fir, carpenter, phonetics, linguistic, cakes, more beautiful, cottage cheese (cottage cheese), pine needles, marmalade, abyss (abyss), ski track, purple, capricious, handwriting, dispensary, rust (rust), nonsense, modern, boundary, cleaner, import, medicines, meatballs, hyphen, sting, dry, overcoat, ringing, contract, invention, pamper, pullover, pamper, quarter, Ukrainian, lived, newborn, carpenter, by Wednesdays, sorrel, combiner, you're right, flint, spelling, spoil, flyleaf, atlas (atlas), foil (foil), beets.

    Place emphasis on pairs of words that have the same spelling.

I have the floor wonderful

It's easy to change:

Let's put emphasis on ABOUT

Disappeared wonderful.

born wonderful.

The clay is dry,

Nina got angry:

Not flour, but flour,

Science for cooks.

The mower mows,

And the bunny mows,

The coward is cowardly

And the donkey is a coward.

The needle goes up and down

The leaves have appeared.

Alyonushka sucks iris,

And the iris embroiders.

The cook gasped in surprise

And scratched the back of his head:

Cabbage rushed forks

Jump from the knives and forks.

On the castle door

No lock.

The goldfinch lives here -

The first dandy.

And in the morning squirrel from squirrel

He gets knocked down by eggnog.

Hurry, sister, look at the fish,

They were hooked.

Dip your hand into the bucket,

Don't worry, it's a grouper.

Y. Kozlovsky

3. Read the poem, putting the correct emphasis on the words.

Fulfilling contracts

Engineers and drivers

Joiners and painters –

Everyone worked hard,

So that during the months of winter

Build blocks of houses...

4. Place an accent mark in the highlighted words.

a) All drank spring water. Take a saw and drank. I mine hands. my The doctor took his hand. Child costs on your feet. Costs watch this movie. Natasha came out from the hall. Mother came out sick child.

b) I'm sitting under blue canopy on the hill canopy. Sun village for village. Lock was closed to the castle. Seeds carnations similar to carnations. Ogorodnoe scarecrow everyone scarecrow.

5. Come up with sentences with words in which stress serves as a means of distinguishing the meaning of words.

Atlas - atlas already - already

Flour - torment abyss - abyss

6. Charades

(Should be homonyms)

I am a herbaceous plant

With a lilac flower,

But change the emphasis

And I will turn into candy.

(iris – iris)

I am a collection of cards; from stress

My two values ​​depend.

I want - I will transform into a name

Shiny, silky fabric.

(atlas - atlas)

We are a stand for sawyers,

We are a seat for the coachman.

But try it, put it on

We have a different emphasis.

Be careful with us:

We gore with our horns.

(goats - goats)

7. Game "School"

On a certain topic, for example, “School,” the participants in the game first write down words with stress on the first syllable (school, desk, pen), then on the second syllable (textbook, pencil case), then on the third (student, recess).

Game against the clock: whoever wrote down the most words and did not make a mistake in the accent wins.


Synonyms- these are words with similar meanings that call the same thing differently, for example: house, hut, building, structure, dwelling.

    Find synonyms for the highlighted words.

Mowing is the most difficult And cheerful it's time for summer.

When the sun rises at noon, it never leaves, so scalds that it seems that the earth should shrink from such fire. IN red-hot the air rings with twang. Day after day no falls silent dry chatter grasshoppers. (V. Shukshin)

    Choose the desired synonym.

Even on the most ... (hot, hot, burning, sultry, scorching) day, if you put a leaf of linden or birch, maple or oak to your cheek, you will feel that it is cool.

If you lay out the leaves of just one tree on the ground, they will occupy ... (great, large, huge, enormous) area.

(Yu. Dmitriev)

    Find synonyms.

Match the words from the left column with their synonyms from the right.

    Choose synonyms with double consonants.

Sick leave - ... (bulletin)

Specialty - ... (profession)

Animal training - ... (training)

Fast train - ... (express)

Asphalt road - ... (highway)

A small room in the apartment - ... (bathroom)

A popular ice game is ... (hockey)

School premises - ... (classroom)

Type of swimming - ... (breaststroke)

Country extension - ... (terrace)

One of the most important school subjects is ... (Russian language)

    Come up with and select at least four names for the bear. Remember what the bear is called in stories and fables.

In what fairy tales and stories does the bear act?

What is he like: good or evil, smart or stupid?


ABC - alphabet, primer

Diamond - diamond

Battle - fight, battle, fight, carnage

Storm - hurricane, typhoon, gale

Throw - throw, throw, throw

Polite - courteous, kind, affable

Loyal - reliable, devoted

Wind - whirlwind, hurricane

Type (1) – appearance, appearance, appearance

View (2) – painting, landscape, landscape, panorama

Warrior - fighter, soldier, warrior, warrior, knight

Wizard - sorcerer, sorcerer, mage, sorcerer

Delight - admiration, jubilation, fun, joy

Enemy - adversary, adversary, foe

Doctor - doctor, doctor

Everywhere - everywhere, everywhere, wherever you look, at every step

Eyes - eyes

Anger - fury, rage, anger, irritation

Cargo - luggage, burden

Conscientious - decent, honest

Road - path, line, track

Dear – valuable, precious

Income – profit, benefit, profit

Tremble - tremble, tremble

Friend - buddy, comrade

Fragrant – fragrant, fragrant

To wish - to want

Cruelty - merciless, merciless, ferocious, fierce, bloodthirsty, cruel, unmerciful

To pollute - to dirty, to stain

to ignite - to flare up, to ignite, to ignite

Bully - bully, brawler

Shy – shy, bashful

Costs – costs, expenses

Chill - freeze, become cold, become numb

News - message, message, news

Famous – famous, illustrious

Sometimes - sometimes, from time to time, sometimes, occasionally

Foreign - foreign, foreign, foreign, overseas

Use – use, use

Spend – spend up

Cavalry - cavalry

Dwarf - midget

To boast - to put on airs, to be arrogant, to be conceited, to be arrogant, to be presumptuous

Room - small room, small room, upper room, closet

Peasant - farmer, plowman, grain grower

Dexterous - agile, nimble, nimble, resourceful

Trap - trap, trap

To love - to adore

Moon - month

Blizzard - blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, hurricane, storm

World (1) – universe, space

Peace (2) – calm, friendship

Multitude – mass, darkness, heap, abyss, abyss.

Wet – damp, damp

Insolent - shameless, unscrupulous, shameless, impudent, cheeky

Unprecedented - unprecedented, unheard of, incredible, extraordinary

Flaw - flaw, shortcoming, defect, vice

Rainy - bad weather, cloudy, gloomy

Clumsy - awkward, baggy, awkward

To become impoverished - to become impoverished, to go broke

To preserve - to preserve, to preserve, to protect

Fire - flame, flame

Neat – neat, neat

Father - dad, daddy, father, father, uncle

Frank – sincere, sincere, direct

Error - miscalculation, blunder, oversight

Fetters - chains, shackles, bonds

Order - order, command, order, command, instruction

Space - vastness, distance, freedom, expanse

Beg - beg, beg, whine

Food – food, food, nutrition, feed

Send – send, send

Holiday - celebration, triumph

To predict - to prophesy, prophesy, portend, predict

Pretend - pretend, hide, dissemble, cunning, pretend, play, play a role

Cool - freshness, chill

Traveler - wanderer, wayfarer, tourist

Work - labor, business, occupation, service

Scout - agent, spy, infiltrator, resident

Entertainment - fun, fun, game

Talkative - talkative, talkative, talkative

Child - child, baby, cub, toddler, little one, little one

Motherland - Fatherland, Fatherland

Spring - key, source

Entertain - amuse, amuse, amuse

To talk - to talk, to interpret, to chat

Funny - amusing, comical, amusing, hilarious

Laugh - giggle, laugh

Look - look, glance, gawk, stare, keep your eyes on

Thank you - thank you, thank you, merci

Diligent – ​​diligent, diligent, zealous

Old - aged, elderly, decrepit

Shame - disgrace, disgrace, disgrace

Fear - fear, fright, horror, panic, trepidation

To suffer - to suffer

Secret - secret, secret

Darkness - gloom, gloom, darkness, gloom, haze

Anxiety - worry, worry

Difficult – complex, difficult, tricky, cunning

Treat - treat

Luck - happiness, luck, fortune

Amazing - amazing, unusual, unprecedented, fabulous, amazing

Mind - reason, reason

To die - to die, to perish, to fade away, to fall asleep in eternal sleep, to pass away from life, to go to the grave

Destroy – destroy, exterminate

to get tired - to get tired, to become exhausted, to become exhausted

Boast – boast, brag, brag

Braggart - self-praise

Praise - approve, praise, laud, shower with praise, lift to heaven, pat on the head

Thin - thin, skinny, lean, emaciated, skinny, emaciated

Play naughty - play pranks, play naughty, play around, mischief, fool around

Poison - poison

Antonyms- these are words that are opposite to one another in their meaning, for example: high - low, big - small.

Didactic games and exercises.

    Choose antonyms for the words. The first letters of the missing words, if read vertically, will form two more good words.

a) dirty -...

artificial - …

cowardly -...

soft - …

rude - …

closed -...

weak - …

light - …

(Answer: pure, natural, bold, firm, gentle, open, strong, dark - HONESTY)

b) wide - ...

solid - …

old - …

boring - …

useless - …

sloppy - ...

(Answer: narrow, soft, new, interesting, valuable, neat - CLEAR)

    Write it down, emphasizing the antonyms.

A coward dies a hundred times, a brave man lives forever. A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old. In a smart conversation you will gain intelligence, but in a stupid conversation you will lose yours. Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. Better the bitter truth than a beautiful lie. It is better to drink water in joy than honey in sorrow.

3. Make up an oral or written story about white or black: for example, white paper and a black pencil; the bird is white and black (stork) or black and white (magpie). Draw a picture to go with your story.


White – black

To turn pale - to blush

Close - far

Rich man - poor man

Big – small, tiny, microscopic

Fast - slow

High – low

Cheerful - sad, sad, boring

Deep - shallow

Bitter - sweet

Day - night

Good - evil

Expensive - cheap

Friend - enemy

Yes - no

Heat - cold

Healthy - sick

Winter - summer

Easy - hard

Go to bed - get up

Love - hate

Peace - war, quarrel

New - old

Sharp - dull

Dress - undress

Lower - raise

Subtract - add

Useful - harmful

Full - empty

Help - hinder

Truth is a lie

Profit – loss

Straight - curved

Joy - sadness, sadness

Homeland - foreign land

Light - darkness, darkness

Freedom - slavery, bondage

Laugh - cry

Dry – wet

Full - hungry

Thick – thin

Difficult - easy

Moving away - getting closer

Success - failure

Brave - Cowardly

Frequent - rare

Honest - dishonest, mean

Wide - narrow, narrow

Generous - stingy

Young man - old man

Clear – cloudy, stormy

Bright - dim


Didactic games, exercises

    Instead of dots, insert the names of animals

Hungry like...; resourceful like...; stubborn as...; cunning like...; inflated like...; wet like...; cowardly like...; dumb, like...; chatty as...; healthy as...; dirty like...; prickly like...

(Answers: wolf, fox, hare, bull, snake, turkey, fish, pig (pig), donkey, chicken, magpie, hedgehog)

    Fairytale phraseological units

Complete the catchphrases taken from fairy tales.

Go there - I don’t know where,...; soon the fairy tale will tell...; this is all a saying...

...bring something, I don’t know what.

... but it won’t be done soon.

... the fairy tale will be ahead.)

    Competition "Who is bigger?"

You can play this game alone, but it's even better with friends. For a certain time (but no more than 10 minutes), everyone playing on a piece of paper must write down as many stable phrases as possible with the words: head, nose, eyes, ear, tooth, tongue, hand, leg.


A man with a head out of the blue

Fool your head, your head is spinning

Turn your head From a sick head to a healthy one

Lose your head at breakneck speed

Don't lose your head Answer with your head


Turn up your nose Nod off

Hang your nose Keep your nose in the wind

Lead by the nose Stay by the nose

Hack on the nose Meet nose to nose


An eyesore, a show off

Blink your eyes Don't blink your eyes

Talk to your eyes, face to face

At least poke out an eye like an eyesore

Open your eyes See through someone else's eyes


Keep your ears sharp Keep your ears sharp

Skip the ears Hear out of the corner of the ear

Blush up to your ears Buzz all your ears

The bear stepped on the ear Ears on the top of the head

Hanging ears Ears withering


Tooth does not touch tooth Put teeth on shelf

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, not even a kick

Talk through your teeth Show your teeth

To have a grudge (against someone) To speak with one’s teeth

It’s stuck in the teeth To get on someone’s tooth


A tongue without bones Find a common language

Sharp tongue Tongue does not turn

Pull your tongue Keep your tongue shut

Evil tongues Language will bring to Kyiv

Swallow tongue Do not leave tongue


Fall out of your hands Jack of all trades

Give your hand to be cut off Wash your hands

Very bad Get your hands on it

How to pull yourself together without hands

Light hand sit back


As fast as you can Get off your feet

Get on your feet Keep up

Stand on your left foot Get underfoot

Falling off your feet Can't feel your feet underneath you

Losing your footing One foot here, the other there

    Riddles-folds “Say a word”

More friendly than these two guys, your comrade asks furtively

You won't find it in the world. Copy the answers from your notebook.

They usually say about them: Don’t! After all, with this you are a friend

With water... (you can’t spill it) You will do... (a disservice).

We left the town They are falsifying, they are confusing the words,

Literally along and... (across), Some sing into the forest... (some for firewood)

And we are so tired on the road, The guys won’t listen to them:

What barely... (drag their feet). About that song my ears... (wither).

Anika the warrior is a braggart, brave only in words, far from danger

Achilles heel - weak point, weak point

Grandmother's tales are fiction, nonsense

to beat the knuckles - to mess around

To cut without a knife is to put someone in an extremely difficult position.

A white crow is a person who stands out sharply from the environment due to certain qualities

White flies - falling snow

To overeat henbane means to go berserk (applies to people who do stupid things)

Living like a Biryuk means being gloomy, not communicating with anyone

Fighting like a fish against ice - unsuccessfully trying to improve your financial situation, enduring extreme poverty, living in poverty

Side by side - in close proximity, very close

Big heart - about someone who is capable of strong and sincere feeling

Throw down the gauntlet - challenge someone to an argument

Get into trouble - get confused, find yourself in a difficult situation

A wolf in sheep's clothing - evil people pretending to be good, hiding under the guise of meekness

Head in the clouds - blissfully dreaming, fantasizing about who knows what

The soul sank to the ground - a man who was afraid, afraid

The soul hurts - someone is very worried, worried about someone

Dote on someone - to love someone very much, deeply respect someone

Waiting for weather by the sea - passively waiting for something, inaction

Notch it on the nose - remember it firmly

Give a head wash (bath), soap your neck - strongly scold

Making a molehill out of a molehill - turning a small fact into a whole event

Under force - to do something under duress

Just like in a pharmacy - very accurate

How to give it - for sure, without a doubt

To rush headlong - to act recklessly, with desperate determination

To trump, to play trump - to put on airs, to take advantage

Cats scratch - experience severe anxiety, anxiety

Out of the corner of the eye - for a short moment, to catch a glimpse

Out of the ear - to hear briefly about something

Biting your elbows - bitterly regretting, worrying

A piece does not go down the throat - someone is tired, worried, etc. can't eat

Get into trouble - “run into trouble” of your own free will

On a silver platter - get what you want with honor, without much effort

Ears pricked up - listen intently and carefully

At the edge of the earth - somewhere very far away

In seventh heaven - to be in complete delight, to be in a state of supreme bliss

Having not had enough of a sip - to remain dissatisfied, to be disappointed, not to get what you expected

You can’t see anything - it’s so dark that you can’t see the paths, paths

Neither fish nor fowl - an undistinguished, ordinary person

Neither cold nor hot - it doesn't matter

To wash the bones - to gossip, slander, gossip about someone

After the rain on Thursday - never

Work with your sleeves rolled up - work hard, diligently

Eat a pound of salt - get to know each other well

Good riddance - go away, we can do without you

Topsy-turvy - on the contrary, to confuse


Word formation is a branch of the science of language that studies the laws of word formation and the composition of words (what parts they consist of)

Cognates words

1. After listening to fairy tales, write down related words.

In a dense green spruce forest lived a little Christmas tree. Like all little ones, she was very curious and often asked questions.

“Why,” asked Yolka to Yolka’s mother, “do pine cones grow on your branches, but not on mine?”

“Don’t be upset,” my mother answered. – As you grow up, beautiful hard cones will appear on your branches.

“Why,” asked Elochka of her grandmother, old Elya, “do red squirrels often come to visit you and woodpeckers and crossbills fly in?”

“And birds will come to visit you, squirrels will come running to you,” Grandmother El reassured Yelochka. – Spruce seeds are hidden in the cones. For squirrels, woodpeckers, and crossbills, this is the most delicious food.

2. Write out words with the same root from the poem.

The Truant went for a walk,

He walked and whistled a song.

Truant wanted a bun

And he wanted a steering wheel.

He wanted chocolate

I'd like to suck some lollipops...

But the barman was skipping

And there are no sellers in sight.

And the projectionist was walking -

Didn't show the movie

Footballers and artists

We walked together.

And the Truant was offended!

And the Truant did not remain silent

And truants

“You are truants!” - shouted.

(E. Moshkovskaya)

    Determine whether the words are related:

No freckles demolition,

Don't disappear from nose

I have no regrets soap,

Nose patiently soap

It would depend on soap,

Freckles I would laundered!

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

    Is the Caterpillar related to Goose?

Who are you?

I am Goose, this is Goose, these are our goslings.

Who are you?

And I’m your aunt – the Caterpillar.

Are there “relatives” in this story?

Petya wrote down: goose, goose, goslings, caterpillar.

Alyosha said that caterpillar- not a related word.

And Petya objected:

After all, the caterpillar itself said that it was a relative, which means it’s a related word.

Who is right? Why?

Identify the endings, stems and common parts in related words.

Fluent vowels

Didactic games and exercises

    Find words that contain fluent vowels in the root and write them down.

...Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

The whole room is illuminated with amber light.

Ruslan lies down on soft moss

Before the dying fire...

Balda sat astride the filly,

Yes, I rode a mile,

So there's a lot of dust.

For me you are all equal

Everyone is daring and smart.

Jumped up merrily

Because of the spinning wheel, mother,

And grandfather has strength

Suddenly I found myself running.

Learn to listen to the silence of the gardens,

The breath of herbs and the smell of flowers.

    "Exile" of a fluent vowel (game)

The presenter writes the words below on the board, emphasizes the fluent vowels in them, and suggests for each word one or two nouns of the same root in which these vowels disappear. The one who correctly selects the largest number of necessary words wins.

End (ending, ending), lion (lioness, lion cub), sand (grain of sand, sandy), earth (earth, countryman, dugout), day (diary, orderly), sleep (dream, sleeping pill).

You can suggest a selection of adjectives with a vanishing fluent vowel: shooter (strelkovy), father (fatherly), lion (lion's). Piece (lumpy), fungus (fungal), wind (windless), sand (sandy0, fire (fiery), corner (angular), root (root), kindle (burning), etc.

    "Return" of the fluent vowel.

The presenter reads the words below, offering to choose similar nouns and adjectives for them.

Wait (waiting), take (selection, recruitment, collection), drive (messenger, race), tear (disruption, breakthrough, break, separation), whisper (whisper), window (window sill), glass (glazier), flatter (flattery ), take revenge (revenge), liar (lie), hundred (hundred), windmill (wind), find fault (nit-picking), sheep (lamb), fall asleep (sleepy), bottom (bottomless, flat-bottomed), collect (prefabricated), wait (unexpected), earth (land), oar (oaring), sun (solar).


Morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies the grouping of words into parts of speech.


I've been living in this world for a long time,

I give names to objects.

Didactic games and exercises

    "The fourth is odd."

Eliminate the extra word from each group.

Notebook, magazine, notepad, pen.

Doctor, ambulance, medicine, trolleybus.

Portrait, watercolor, brush, curtain.

Wardrobe, carpet, sofa, shelves.

Nephew, sister, schoolboy, stepmother.

Envelope, telegram, money, stamp.

Audience, students, banners, teacher.

    Put the following nouns in the correct form.

The store sells leather (belts, sashes).

The club held a send-off ceremony for the new recruits.

There are (accounts, bills) on the table on which we learn to count.

    Determine in which cases the word is used spring.

Birds singing in the groves,

And there is silence in the class.

We are going through declination,

Leans spring.

We bow out loud spring, spring

And outside the window you can hear streams.

I don’t fit on the desk,

And here spring, spring, spring

Spring, spring, spring, spring.

In spring, oh spring...

A bunny walks along the window,

Like the sun on a wall.


I define objects

They are very noticeable to me.

I decorate your speech

You need to know me, take care of me!

Didactic games, exercises, puzzles

    Compose and write phrases of nouns with adjectives clean. Highlight the endings in adjectives, indicate gender and number.

    Match the names of objects with suitable names of attributes. Write the words in pairs with questions. Highlight the endings in adjectives.

    Choose a word.

Gray, predatory, greedy...

Red-haired, cunning, dexterous...

Oblique, weak, cowardly...

Big, club-footed...

Dry, fresh, fragrant...

Sunny, cheerful...

Clear, cold...

Gray, gloomy...


What are objects without me?

Only names.

And I will come -

Everything will come into action.

A rocket is flying.

People build buildings.

Gardens are blooming

And grain grows in the fields.

Educational games, puzzles

    Determine the tense of the verbs. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words.

I'm a water horse I sing

A song to the sun I sing;

You shine, shine, light,

I want you light

Until the time when under the ears

The white ones will lie down pillows.

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

    Determine the number of verbs.

The larks are ringing, the woodpecker is screaming, the mosquito is squeaking, the chickens are cackling, the snakes are hissing, the nightingale is singing, the magpies are chattering.

    Who is bigger?

Within a certain time, write down as many proverbs, sayings, lines of poetry, etc. as possible. with verbs in the 2nd person singular of the present (or future) tense.

    Story based on the picture.

Make up the pictures and write sentences about the rules of behavior in public places. Use verbs with when necessary in sentences Not.

    Write it down, opening the parentheses.

He who knows how to have fun is (not) afraid of grief. (Don’t) spit in the well: it’s time to drink some water. He who loves to work should (not) sit idle. (Don't) brag about being thin. The bad soldier is the one who (doesn’t) hope to become a general. The one who (doesn’t) do anything is (not) mistaken.

    Who is bigger?

Write down as many verbs as possible in impersonal form, meaning:

a) natural phenomena (it is dawning, dawning, evening, darkening, brightening, clearing, colder, frozen, blowing, blowing, draughty, melting, soaring, thundering, dry, etc.)

b) the physical and mental state of a person (chills, fever, shakes, nausea, tickles, aches, buzzes, dries, dries out, jars, stuffy, etc.)

c) natural phenomena (washed out, torn off, clouded, skidded, caught fire, broke, etc.)


Spelling is spelling, that is, a system of rules that establish a uniform spelling of words, their forms and combinations.

Spelling of the hissing words ZHI-SHI, CHA-SHCHA, CHU-SHCHU.

Didactic games and exercises

    Make words from syllables.


    Replace with one word.

A ruminant with a very long neck. (Giraffe)

What is a person's most valuable possession? (Life)

What animals carry food on their backs? (Hedgehogs)

A winter sport and a favorite pastime for children. (Skis)

Sixty minutes. (Hour)

Dense frequent forest. (Thicket)

A vessel with a handle and spout for boiling water or brewing tea. (Kettle)

Tool for making holes. (Awl)

Wild rose with bright red berries. (Rose hip)

Predatory fish with sharp teeth. (Pike)

What are heavy frying pans made of? (Cast iron)


Rearrange the letters to form new words.

Onion (stocking)

Net (hour)

Handle (chock)

Niche (tire)

Dickey (typewriter)

O, E, E after the hissing ones

Didactic games and exercises

    Arrange the words in two columns:

On the left - with the letter O in the root, on the right - with E or E

Rustle, yellow, abacus, lattice, heartburn, gooseberry, bangs, cheap, chocolate, big, shirt, liver, soaked, little pebble, brocade, seam, highway, cheek, dried, abacus, slums.

The glutton climbed into the gooseberry bushes. Suddenly he hears: rustling, knocking and rattles. He'll rush into the thicket of the forest! The glutton's jacket crackled, the seam on the hood burst, and he barely managed to get away with his legs.

    In a word.

A dull noise from friction (rustle), the place where old pieces join (seam), made of canvas (canvas), a baby jackdaw (daw), a harness maker (saddle maker), a rod for cleaning the barrel of a weapon (ramrod), a burning sensation in esophagus (heartburn), prickly bush with sweet and sour berries (gooseberry), car driver (chauffeur), gravel or asphalt road (highway), made and reed (reed), contemptuous name for an insatiable person (glutton), circus performer (juggler ), rider at horse races, races (jockey).

    Explain spellings.

There are very quiet words

They barely rustle,

Well, for example, a hut, reeds,

Or, say, a rustle, a tire, a mouse.

Unstressed vowels

If the letter is a vowel

Raised doubts

You her immediately

Put it under emphasis.

Didactic games and exercises

    Remember the rules and correct mistakes.

a) Boy rinsed dog. Huge oxen They threw our boat and sides to the side. Everyone came down from the mountain, and Vitya licked it off. Mother boiled door.

b) A letter came to me.

From the camp, from Mishka...


Written in a letter.

Is the onion licking? What kind of miracles?


THE other day, in the forest, I found sadness and was very pleased.”

No, no, he's not joking! Afraid,

My friend is seriously ill.

If he comes back, he needs treatment:

Make the rules learn...

(A. Shibaev)

Unchecked unstressed vowels

Didactic games and exercises

    Replace descriptive phrases with one word.

Collection of dried plants. (herbarium)

A collection of similar objects. (collection)

Fast, frequent shooting. (firing)

Drawer for pens and pencils. (pencil case)

A room where books are stored and given out for reading. (library)

Collective trip, visiting something. (excursion)

    Write the answers without mistakes.

It's dark in both houses

But it’s really hot,

And if the window lights up,

Mom will fix it. (mitten)

A sheet of paper in the morning

They bring it to our apartment.

On one such sheet

Lots of different news. (newspaper)

White in winter,

In summer it is gray,

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots. (hare)

Not a rider, but with spurs,

Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up. (rooster)

If you give her a job -

The pencil was in vain. (rubber)

Born in a field

Brewed at the factory

Dissolved in tea. (sugar)

He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarding

Lives under the porch

Ponytail in a ring. (dog)

From one end of the city to another

The house walks under the arc. (tram)

Two legs conspired

Make arcs and circles. (compass)

    Ten birds.

Remember ten birds whose names have two O’s, and one of them even has three O’s.

O – O – - O – O - - - - -

O – O - - - O – O - - - - -

O – O - - - O – O - - - - - -

O – O - - - - - - O – O - - -

O – O - - - - - - O – O – O -

(Answer: falcon, magpie, crow, nightingale, sparrow, corncrake, nuthatch, linnet, flycatcher, lark)

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants

If you hear a pair of sounds,

Be careful, my friend.

Double check immediately

Feel free to change the word:

Tooth - on teeth, ice - on ice -

You too will be literate.

Didactic games and exercises

    From a poetic passage, first write down all the voiced consonants, and then the voiceless ones.

The autumn wind rises in the forests,

It's noisy more often.

Dead leaves are plucked and having fun

Carries in a mad dance.

    Choose the right words.

What is the name of the hut where the watchman lives? (gatehouse)

Decoration in the ears. (earrings)

Solid clasp on the belt. (buckle)

Part of a table or chair. (leg)

    Transformation of words.

Change one letter in the words. Select a test item for each and write it down.

Forest - ( lion), God - ( Great Dane), fairy tale - ( pointer), spoon - ( boat), turnip – ( sliver), circle - ( Friend), bread - ( barn), bite – ( beak), boat – ( hat).

Double consonants

Conversation about double consonants

We Russians are not too inclined to double our consonants; This is a feature of the phonetics of our language.

But the fact that we still write “double Russian letters” in place of borrowed double consonants is not a law, but a spelling rule.

The law cannot be changed, but the spelling rules can be changed, and this will probably happen (except, probably, NN).

Why do we have to write words with two consonants when we pronounce them with one?

However, so far there is no such “order” - we will write “the old fashioned way.” Well, if only for the reason that the rules must be followed so that chaos and disorder do not reign.

Therefore, you need to try to learn as many words as possible with these double consonants.

Alley. This word is spelled with two "l". This must be remembered. Writing alley conveys the spelling of its French source – allee “alley” (and literally “passage”, “road”), which inherited two “l” from its “parent” - the verb aller “to go, cross”. So two "l"s in alley are just as legal as, say, O (not A) in the word passage(from pass, cf. slot).

Many borrowed Russian words contain the word gress, meaning “movement” in Latin, for example:

Progress– moving forward, moving to a higher level of development, regression- vice versa.

Congress– congress (mainly international).

Aggression- armed attack, invasion with the aim of seizing someone else's territory.

In Latin there is a word collo(connecting, uniting). In this regard, the meaning and spelling of words such as:

Team– a set of people united by common goals in joint activities.

Collection– a collection of homogeneous objects (minerals, insects, postage stamps, etc.)

Collegium- an association, a group of people forming some kind of advisory or administrative body.

There is such a word - program, which even among the ancient Greeks meant “announcement”, “instruction”.

In the Russian language, a whole family was formed from it: programmer, programmer, programming, program.

Word terra– means “earth” in Latin. This is where the words come from terratium (terrarium) - a special box with earth and sand for keeping small animals, lizards, snakes.

Terrace- a platform on an inclined surface of the ground or a summer open room in a house in the form of an extension.

Territory- land space with defined boundaries.

waste heap– a dump of waste rock (earth, stones) near the mine.

Didactic games and exercises

    Replace the following phrases with one word.

Sick leave. (Bulletin)

Workmate. (Colleague)

Type of urban transport. (Trolleybus)

Popular ice game. (Hockey)

Sports running. (Cross)

Employee of a newspaper, magazine. (Correspondent)

One of the types of ball games. (Tennis)

Animal training. (Training)

Drawings in a newspaper, magazine, book. (Illustrations)

School premises. (Class)

A through passage dug underground. (Tunnel)

Certificate of completion of high school. (Certificate)

Day of the week. (Saturday)

Women's names. (Alla, Anna, Rimma, Zhanna, Inna)

A short work of fiction in prose. (Story)

A condition when a person cannot sleep. (Insomnia)

Salt water for pickling vegetables. (Brine)

Young plants grown in greenhouses for transplanting into the ground. (Seedling)

    Identify words with double consonants by ear.

Ask without raising your tone:

What is larger, a quintal or a ton?

Salt and grains required

To cook porridge for the group.

Who gets the lowest score?

Won't come to the school test.

If there is a lot of litter in the house,

A quarrel may break out in the house.

It’s more pleasant to find a mushroom under the tree,

How to get a sore throat or flu.

Subject: The great, mighty Russian language
Target: developing interest in the native language; show the beauty and greatness of the Russian language; cultivate a sense of respect for the native language; develop conversation skills; awaken interest in research activities.
Design: poster with the words “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my Motherland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty and free Russian language” (I.S. Turgenev)
Tape recorder
Audio recording “I look into the blue lakes”
Teacher: Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. We are proud. That we can speak the language of A.S. Pushkina, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky. The Russian language is studied outside our homeland. Love for one’s native language is inseparable from love for the Motherland, for one’s people.

(recording of the song “I look into the blue lakes” sounds)

It has all the roots of the ancient epic, He, young, reminds me of the swing and flutter of swan wings, and the take-off of a rocket in thunder and fire, in its sound the bitter juice of the rowan tree and the ringing icy dew, which the nightingales drink eagerly at dawn, casting silver voices. The oath and happy laughter of a child, The credentials of ambassadors - Everything will be reflected and passed on to descendants by the living connection of his lofty words. It passes through the centuries like a mountain ridge, endowed with magical power. The language of Russia is golden yarn, and the spindle of times weaves it. I wouldn’t even be sorry to give my life For a song that goes back centuries Strands, strands of the soul of the people’s spinning wheel, The immortal basis of language.

(B. Zakharov)

Teacher: What sayings about the Russian language do you know?

(students name statements about the Russian language)

Teacher: Many poets and writers expressed their love for the Russian language. :

We live in a Russian country, we recognize the Turkish language. Italian, Danish, Swedish, And Japanese, and French, But in our native land we write in Russian, we think, we live.
Then we can only breathe freely, If we hear our native speech, Speech in Russian. And in its ancient capital. And in the village, and in the village, And far from home.

Suvorov encouraged the soldiers in Russian, the Immortal Pushkin composed in Russian.
Touch with reverence what you are armed with, create lightly and revel in the boundless Russian language.
“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with respect; in skillful hands it is capable of performing miracles.” said I.S. Turgenev

What proverbs and sayings have you prepared for our matinee? (children name proverbs and sayings about the Russian language)

Teacher: Learn Russian -
Years in a row
With soul, with zeal,
A great reward awaits you,
And that reward is in him.

Today you will receive a reward for your knowledge of the Russian language and words. Now we will solve riddles, puzzles and charades.

Our language is being enriched with new words that sound the same in many languages ​​of the world. There are words. Lost their meaning. They leave the language (plow, spinning wheel, zipun, kichka) or receive a new meaning (satellite, citizen). Knowledge of the history of a language helps to understand the origin of words and expressions. Let's find out the history of the words grammar and ruble.
The word grammar arose a long time ago, even among the ancient Greeks, and got its name from the word gram-letter. Hence it is clear why in Ancient Rus' a written document was called a letter. Literacy is also called the ability to write and count.
In the days of ancient Rus', silver bars were the measure of price. If a thing cost less than a block, then such part of it was chopped off as was needed. These small parts, cut off from the whole, began to be called rubles.

^ 1. Solving charades:

Charades are riddle words. in which several letters, syllables or part of a word are highlighted or described independently. Based on these descriptions, you need to create a whole word.

Dwelling is the first syllable. Then comes the preposition. But in general I am huge and I call myself…..(blast furnace)

My first syllable is a number with zeros, All people have the last two, And together, guess for yourself, She is the head of all cities (the capital)

The root is related to the “road” In the collection the prefix is ​​hidden, The suffix is ​​like in the word “diary”, The whole penetrated into space (satellite)

2. Interesting questions:

    What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (ABC)

    What stones can't you find in the sea? (dry)

    What fabric cannot be used to make shirts? (railway)

    What kind of horse is it when you buy it? (raw)

    What are we talking about? - Is it black?

- - No, it's red! _ - Why is she white? - Because it's green.


Metagrams are puzzles based on changing one letter in a word.

    With K in the fields you will find me. With G you will sing romances, with V you will braid your hair. (hair-voice-hair)

    S H I fly over the wave, S L I won’t give the wolves peace, S M sleeveless shirt, S W I jump in the forest on the grass, S G fasten me to a piece made of iron or steel (seagull-husky-shirt-bunny-nut)

4. Anagram

Anagram - rearranging the letters in a word in a different order to form a new word

    I blow air into the tires, I bring life to the wheel. If we mix the syllables, I will be a tree in the forest (pump-pine)

    I'm lying on the ground

Nailed to iron

But rearrange the letters -

I'll get into the pan. (sleeper noodles)

    This bird is flying in the sky.

And swap the letters,

Full of grains bends to the ground. (Falcon-Ear)

    I used to serve as shoes,

The peasant valued me.

But if you rearrange the letters,

You will force me to be clothes. (bast coat)

Final words from the teacher:

Today we heard many wonderful words about the Russian language.

Which ones do you remember and which ones made an impression on you? What do these sayings teach?

The Russian literary language is the greatest achievement of the speech culture of our people. What could be more beautiful, more elegant and more meaningful than the Russian language? Let's learn Russian, take care of every word in class, at home, on the street! Let's love the Russian language.

Outline of the extracurricular lesson “Entertaining Russian language” in 1st grade

Topic: Magic words

Goals: 1. Enrichment of vocabulary.

2. Development of speech, thinking, memory, attention, cognitive activity.

3. Cultivating politeness.

Universal learning activities: 1) formation of the foundations of socially valuable personal and moral qualities: respect and polite attitude towards others;

2) developing the ability to reason orally;

3) development of ethical feelings: shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior;

4) educational and cognitive interest in the subject.

Equipment: poster “Polite words”, proverbs “Whatever comes around, so it will respond”, “What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do to someone else”, “The tongue is sharper than a sword”.

Venue: study room.

Time: 30 minutes.

Lesson outline:

I . Org moment.

Look at the board, read the proverbs, words on the poster. What words do you think we will talk about today?

II . Progress of the lesson.

1. Games

"Say the word"

(Children insert “magic” words in unison as they read the text)

Uncle Styopa is upset.

This is what he said:

Nastya is a nice girl.

Nastya goes to first grade.

But long ago from Nastya

I can't hear the words... ( Hello).

I met my neighbor Vitya.

The meeting was sad:

He came like a torpedo

It came from around the corner.

But imagine!

In vain I waited for a word from Vitya... ( Sorry).

And what a word - very expensive!

He said about his granddaughter:

What a shame! I gave her a briefcase

I see - I’m very happy!

But you can’t be silent like a fish.

Well, I would say... (Thank you).

What a word - very expensive!

(Shkatova L.A.)

"Polite guys"

(If necessary, “magic words” are inserted into the story in chorus)

One day Petya went on a bus to the cinema. Entering the bus, the boy sat down in an empty seat and began to look with interest at the streets and shop windows from the window.

At the bus stop, an old grandmother got on the bus. Petya stood up and told her ...(Sit down Please). Grandma was very polite and told him... (Thank you).

Suddenly the driver suddenly slammed on the brakes as a dog was running across the road. Petya almost fell and pushed the young man hard. The guy was about to get angry, but the boy quickly said... ( Excuse me, please). The young man smiled and said: “It’s okay. Happens".

"Polite word"

Even a block of ice breaks up from a warm word... ( Thank you).

The old tree stump will turn green when it hears …(Good afternoon).

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (Thank you).

When we are scolded for pranks, we say …(sorry, please).

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye...( Goodbye).

2. Conversation.

(Children give detailed answers)

What “magic” words do you know? (Polite Words Poster)

How should you pronounce “magic” words? (“Magic” words must be pronounced friendly, looking at the person you are addressing).

What does a polite person never do? (A polite person is not rude, does not make fun of people and does not tease his comrades).

Why do they say this: “As it comes back, so it will respond”, “What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do that to someone else”, “The tongue is sharper than a sword”?

3. Role-playing games.

(Children show what they would do in small scenes with classmates)

(Two people participate in the skit. Alyosha forgot his math textbook at home). The boy asks Vika for a textbook for one lesson: “Vika, give me Please, textbook for one lesson."

Vika: “Take it, don’t mind.”

Alyosha: " Thank you, you helped me out."

(Up to 10 people participate in the skit, depicting a stampede on a bus)

Danil “accidentally” steps on Zhenya’s foot and says: “Please excuse me. I accidentally".

Zhenya smiles and is not angry.

Class. The bell rings. The children sat down in their seats and prepared for the lesson. The teacher at the blackboard explains the new rule. Suddenly out of breath, Sasha enters the class and says: “ Excuse me please, for being late, I overslept because my alarm clock broke.”

Teacher: “Go to your place and quietly prepare for the lesson. Try not to disturb your classmates"

4. Sketch “Magic Word”

(A skit based on the story of the same name by V. Oseeva is prepared by 5th grade students)

Characters: Pavlik, old man, Lena, grandmother, brother.

(An old man sits on a bench and draws something in the sand with an umbrella. A disheveled, flushed, angry boy sits next to him).

Old man. Yes, you just screamed and cried. Angry.

Pavlik. What about you? I will soon run away from home completely because of Lenka alone. It doesn’t give paint on one, but there’s so much paint on it! And my grandmother chased me out of the kitchen with a rag because of one carrot... No one loves me or feels sorry for me...

Old man. I want to help you. There is such a magic word... I will tell you this word. But remember: you need to say it in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to.

Pavlik. What word?

Old man.(Leaned over to the boy and whispered something)

Don't forget how to say the magic word...

Pavlik(Runs up to sister)

Lena, please give me one paint...please...


Which one do you want?


Blue one for me. (Holding the paint in his hand, he gives it to his sister.)

I'll go to my grandmother. (Pavlik went up to his grandmother and hugged her)

Give me a piece of pie... please...

Grandmother(Smiling widely)

I wanted something hot...something hot, my darling!


Wizard! Wizard!

Pavlik(Addressing his older brother at the table)

Take me for a boat ride...please...


Take it. What is it worth to you?


Of course, take it!

Older brother.

Oh, you traveler! Okay, get ready!

Pavlik(Jumping up from the table)

It helped! Helped again!

5. Summary of the lesson.

What polite words did we remember today?

How should these words be pronounced?

Goals: to form students’ interest in the Russian language, expand and deepen knowledge, and increase activity.

Recommendations: At the stage of preparation for the holiday, 2 teams should be formed. Preliminary preparation also includes: fan tasks, familiarizing participants with proverbs, sayings, riddles, learning songs, preparing team greetings, and the presenter.

I. Greetings.

Team "Word".

Victory, not defeat

We wish you, “Proposal!”

Team "Proposal".

We have a greeting ready

To the guys from the Slovo team:

“Our rival, don’t forget:

The path to victory is very difficult!”

Greetings from the jury teams.

Glory and honor to you!

We all love accurate counting!

II. Captains' competition "In the land of unverifiable spellings."

I dictate words with uncheckable spellings, and the captains write them down in houses drawn on the board.

1. Birch, tomato, Saturday, apple.

2. Aspen, weather, cleanup, berries.

III. Competition “Snake words”.

One representative from each team is called to the board. They need to write down a word - a noun - on the board or on their piece of paper, then come up with a word that should start with the last letter of the previous word. After 2 minutes, participants read the snake words out loud (team members do this task on their pieces of paper).

IV. Competition “Remember and Write Down”.

Guys, remember the last words of each line of any poem and write it without mistakes.

Then the opposing team will have to reconstruct the entire poem, writing it down correctly. For example:



(The wind blows in an open field,

He howls like a wolf in the wild.)

V. Competition “Checking homework.”

A representative of the “Word” team reads “The Tale about Zhi and Shi”, compiled in preparation for the holiday, and a representative of the “Proposal” team reads “The Tale about Anna from the second grade and double consonants.” Both tales are presented in book form.

“One day many animals gathered in the forest. The bear came forward and said:

Now there will be competitions for knowledge live And shi .

A little squirrel, a little hare and a little fox started.

Here is the first obstacle: they cost ly ...And then the dots. You need to insert some syllable. The little fox finished writing wow . Skis are not moving. The little hare shouted: "Ski" . The skis are standing. Little squirrel finished writing live . It worked skis ! And the skis started.

Here is the second obstacle: ahead - halo. .. And then? Little Fox and Little Hare left the race, and the little squirrel gave the correct answer: galoshes ! He received the main prize - skis and galoshes.”

“Once upon a time there was a girl, Anna. She was in second grade. The teacher gave home a rule about double consonants. Anna forgot to learn this rule and got a bad mark.

When night fell, she had a dream. The double consonants were chasing her, Anna tripped and fell. The letters circled above her and shouted indignantly: “Why didn’t you learn the rule about us? After all, now you will not be able to write very many words in which we meet, and they are so important for a literate and educated person. As punishment, we will disappear from your name.” And Anna forgot how to write her name...

At the Russian language lesson, the children began to write the word Anna, but the girl could not do it and began to cry.

Why are you crying? - asked the teacher.

I don't know how to spell my name.

The teacher looked at the second-grader with a smile and said: “You didn’t remember the rule about double consonants. It's never too late to do this. Learn it and your name will come back to you.”

The girl agreed with the teacher, and since then she knows how to spell her name, and at the same time she learned how to spell the words bath, cash register, class, collective.

VI. Competition “Remember any rule and confirm it with an example.”

Team representatives recall some of the rules learned in 2nd grade and write examples on the board.

VII. Competition “Can we write dictation in “4” and “5”.

The teacher dictates the text. On a separate piece of paper, each team member writes down only one word. For example, the first team member writes a word and passes the sheet to the second team member to write the next word. It turns out to be a kind of relay race. After the entire text of the dictation is written down, the teams check it together and submit it to the jury for evaluation.

Dictation text. The guys gathered at a friend’s apartment. On Friday there will be a dictation competition in class. Lena Druzhinina reads words and sentences. The guys write it down in a notebook, then together they check each student’s work.

The children analyze the highlighted word according to its composition. In the word they highlight the root - reb, suffix - at, ending - A.

VIII. Fan competition “Support your team, help them win.”

The fans greet both teams in unison:

We “cheer” for the team

And we can help our friends!

Then they raise posters: “Know and love your native language!”, “You are our friend, native language!”, “Forward to victory!”, “We are rooting for you!”, “Hurray, we will win!”.

IX. Competition "Learning to write poetry."

Teams are offered supporting rhyming words with which they must compose a poem.

I'm not in a hurry - I'm writing.

Five in the notebook.

After the teams read their poems, a physical education session is held for the teams and fans using the poetic text of the intended answer.

I'm not in a hurry in class,

I write carefully.

And so in the notebook

The teacher gives me a “5”!

X. Competition “Distinguish between parts of speech and members of a sentence.”

Teams are given cards with two sentences written on them:

1) At the Russian language lesson, the children write correctly, beautifully and quickly.

2) If you look in your neighbor’s notebook, you will bring the mistakes to yours.

The first sentence must be parsed into sentence parts, and the parts of speech must be indicated in the second sentence. You can't understand the highlighted word.

XI. Competition "Friendship with a capital letter."

Team members and fans take part in the competition. They are given tasks:

Come up with and write down a funny last name starting with the letter “B”.

Come up with the name of a city that isn't on the map, but you'll build one when you grow up.

Come up with animal names:

I have three puppies.

They don't have nicknames yet.

Guys, help me -

Find nicknames for puppies!

While the jury sums up the results, everyone listens to the recorded song “Game” (poems by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by V. Shainsky).

Awarding the winners.

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