What time do classes start? How long does a couple last at university?

Question for students! and got the best answer

Answer from Katya[guru]
Moscow, MGUIE.
First couple starts at 8:30
couple 90 minutes (no break)
10 minute breaks 🙁
Depending on the schedule, you may not even come to the first couple. On average, we finished around 16-40

Reply from Ђigrrr-Yulkaa..™[guru]
Classes start at 8:30.
They end differently, depending on the number of pairs.
The pair lasts an hour and a half.
From 1 to 6 pairs per day.

Reply from Vadim St[active]
Started at 8.15
Couple = 45 minutes + 5 minutes break + 45 second half
10 minutes between pairs
Accordingly, how many pairs - up to that many classes 😉

Reply from Puu..[expert]
city ​​of Surgut.. Surgut State Pedagogical University.. classes from 9.00.. 4th pair ends at 16.00.. and pairs are 1.30%) 5th pair is finally unrealistic.. finishes at almost half past five %)
and how are you?

Reply from Diablomy[expert]
Maykop MGGTK ASU starts 8.00 steam goes 1.20

Reply from *Sne)i(inc@* ![guru]
Polytech. Krasnodar. From 8 to 17.50 whenever possible. The older you are, the sooner you leave)

Reply from Alexandra Ermolaeva[master]
KHIRE - Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics. Tremble people pairs start at 7.45 or on the second menu (if you are very lucky then 11.15, 13.10 or around 15). Usually there are 4 pairs a day - that is, go home early if it’s the first shift or at six if it’s the second. Couple also 90 minutes with a break. In other universities there are no breaks between half-pairs (in some of the Lugansk ones it seems that the pair is shorter)

Reply from Imur Khusnutdinov[newbie]
Moscow, MGUIE.
First couple starts at 8:30
couple 90 minutes (no break)
10 minute breaks 🙁
Depending on the schedule, you may not even come to the first couple. On average, we finished around 16-40

Reply from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Question for students!

A student’s study time at a university is determined by the number of accounting units of study time allocated for the implementation of the training program at a given educational or educational qualification level. The accounting units are: academic hour, school day, week, semester, course, year.

An academic hour is the minimum accounting unit of teaching time. The duration of an academic hour is usually 45 minutes. A student's working week consists of 54 hours, of which: 36 hours of classroom work and 18 hours of extracurricular independent work.

Distribution of study time

The duration of a student’s stay on a training course includes the time of academic semesters, final control and vacations. The academic year lasts 12 months, begins, as a rule, on September 1 and for students consists of school days, days of final control, examination sessions, weekends, holidays and vacations.

The beginning and end of classes, as well as changes in the intervals between classes, taking into account the working curriculum and the schedule of the educational process, are regulated by the schedule of training sessions for courses and faculties. The academic schedule is drawn up for the semester and is brought to the attention of students no later than ten days before classes.


Recess is a short break between lessons. The small breaks that exist in school are usually 10 minutes. There are also long breaks, half-hour or twenty-minute breaks between lessons in the middle of the school day."

Classes at universities start differently, usually at 8-9 am. Classes are held in pairs: 2 lessons of 40 minutes each. Between lessons there are small breaks of 5 minutes. There are long breaks between pairs, which range from 15 to 20 minutes.

Big changes between pairs exist so that the student can not only relax, but also move to another classroom for the next lesson, go to the canteen or visit the university library. At the same time, after the start of classes, late students are prohibited from entering the classroom. Also at the university it is not allowed to interrupt classes, enter or leave the classroom during classes. You can only leave the classroom during a small or large break.

In some universities, longer one-time breaks are introduced during the school day, amounting to 30-40 minutes. Usually this is a lunch break after the third or fourth pair. A similar practice exists in many Moscow universities.

At the beginning of their studies at a university, freshmen are faced with many new realities, and almost the first of them is double classes, the duration of which is not always easy to navigate and understand how long a couple lasts.

How long does a couple go?

A pair in a university is a lesson lasting two academic hours, the duration of which is less than astronomical. One academic hour is a unit of measurement of teaching time in all educational organizations. It is used when drawing up plans and recording the work of teachers.

Each university has the right to independently set the time frame for an academic hour within 45-50 minutes and determine how long the class will last.

On average, a couple at a university or institute lasts about one hundred minutes, including a five-minute break between half-pairs; if it is not provided, then 90 minutes.

How many couples are there per day?

The maximum permissible daily number of pairs is calculated based on the standards prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 71 of February 14, 2008. It indicates the maximum volumes of the teaching load (hours allocated in total for classroom and extracurricular activities) for students of various forms of education:

  • full-time - 54 per week;
  • evening - 16 per week;
  • correspondence - 200 per year.

The maximum classroom load for full-time education is established by the Federal State Educational Standard for each specialty separately.

Study load means:

  • lectures;
  • workshops;
  • control, laboratory work;
  • self-training;
  • colloquiums;
  • production, pre-graduation practice;
  • internship;
  • consultations;
  • all types of research work;
  • course design and other types of classes established by the university.

Therefore, a 54-hour teaching load does not mean that during a five-day course there should be 10.4 academic hours of lectures, that is, approximately 5 classes per day. Universities set the maximum weekly volume of classroom teaching independently, but usually at inpatient facilities at institutes and universities it is approximately 27 hours per week.

When does the school year start and end?

Classes at all universities usually begin on September 1 and are completed according to the educational plan of each specialty. During the study period, vacations are provided, the total duration of which is at least seven weeks, two of which occur in the winter. The start date of training may be postponed by the management of the institution for no more than sixty days.

Question for STUDENTS or TEACHERS of universities, technical schools, etc.! and got the best answer

Answer from Zhenya :)[guru]
I study in the state. university in Moscow.

You can completely forget about some pairs. :)

Reply from Kazakh[guru]
So it’s different at every university.

Reply from Olga Ryabinina[guru]
The school day lasts 3-4 pairs. Each pair lasts 2 school hours, i.e. 80 minutes, after the pair there is a break. The couple can be with a break (after the first 40 minutes - a break of 5-10 minutes), or maybe without a break. In large universities there may be 2-3 shifts.

Reply from Irina Ezhova[guru]
Classes in all universities begin differently, usually at 8-9 o’clock. Usually 3-4 pairs, i.e. 6-8 lessons of 45 minutes between pairs, long breaks of 10-20 minutes between lessons, small 5 minutes, but in some universities there is no break between lessons, i.e. 1.5 hour lesson. It all depends on the educational institution

Reply from Rost[guru]
Studying at any university is difficult! The program is very dense, it’s hard to keep up! It is so difficult to learn that approximately 70-80% of graduates cannot find a job after studying. because they are simply unsuitable for the profession, and do not fit any of the requirements for vacancies, i.e., they were essentially just stuck for 5 years!
Classes usually start at 9-10 o'clock and last until 14-18 o'clock, depending on the situation. Classes are theoretical (Lectures) and practical (Seminars), lectures are usually group, in large audiences, several groups listen to them, and seminars are conducted for each group separately. There they go over everything in more detail and give you the opportunity to try it yourself in order to consolidate it in practice. During the semester, tests are carried out, and also such as course projects, they are issued after a certain number of lectures, and they must be done as you move forward, so that by the end of the semester they are completed, of course there are additional consultations for this, and teachers control the process. If you forget about this matter during the semester, then at the end you may not have time, or the teachers may refuse to accept you, because it is difficult to check everything at once, and it is not clear that you did it at all. Many of their Internet download analogues. In short, at the end of the semester, the defense of coursework, and those who completed all tests and other assignments during the semester are allowed to take exams, their number is always different. After passing the exams and receiving credits, the session is closed! There are 2 sessions per year. If you don’t complete it, you may be expelled, or at best, they will allow you to finish it in the next semester.
Usually classes are held in pairs, i.e. 2 lessons of 40 minutes each, with 5 minutes between them. break, a big break between pairs, 15 minutes or more.

Reply from Imur Khusnutdinov[newbie]
We have several pairs (lessons of 1.5 hours) per day.
The first pair starts at 9:00 am.
In the middle of the couple (at about 9:40) there is a break of 5-10 minutes (to go to the toilet, smoke, etc.). Then the pair continues until 10:30.
Then a break of 10-15 minutes, the second pair starts at 10:40-10:45 (depending on how the teacher arrives and how all the students gather) and also the pair lasts 1.5 hours with a 5-minute break in the middle.
There are up to 6 pairs per day (i.e. until 18:00 in the evening). After the 3rd pair (which ends at 14:05) we have a lunch break of 40 minutes, the 4th pair starts at 14:45 and ends at 16:20, and at 16:30 is the last pair, lasts until 6 evenings.
Of course, we don’t study like this every day; it happens that we come to the 1st pair and study only 2 pairs. (i.e. until 12:20)
And it happens that we come to the second (10:45) and study until the fourth (16:20).

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