Age norms for children's speech development. Speech development norms by age

One of the most common questions that parents ask me is what are the age standards for speech development in preschool children. In this article, I have prepared guidelines for speech development for each age.

Reason to turn to specialists:

  • there are no first words and a simple phrase;
  • no understanding of speech;
  • difficulties with contact and communication;

It is important to remember that everything takes time. If there is no contact or understanding of speech now, it takes time for them to appear, which means that the delay will only grow in the future. If a mother cannot occupy her child, find contact with him and do things together, it also takes time for these skills to appear.

At this age, if there are problems, we turn to a pediatrician or neurologist. You can contact early development specialists. We go to early development schools; kindergarten often gives an impetus to speech development. Teachers are beginning to play an important role in helping with speech development.

3 years - long phrases and answers to questions

The child’s speech becomes grammatically formalized. The skill of imitation at this age becomes stronger and stronger. Children begin to actively use prepositions and use endings correctly. Common sentences of three or more words appear.

The child uses phrases in play, in everyday life, with friends and strangers. Understanding of speech becomes so good that the child begins to understand the sequence of actions, the level of thinking and mental processes increases, and understanding not only of what is before the eyes and around, but also in the past and future becomes available. The child begins to understand the mood, learns to coordinate his actions with the opinions of others. Communication reaches the level of conversation. Children ask a lot of questions.

Mandatory skills at this age are good contact with loved ones, good understanding of speech, the use of sentences of several words, the ability to play and have a joyful time. .

4 years - story games

The child already speaks very well. In his speech there are sentences of three or more words consistent with each other.

This is a time of complex role-playing games, with an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships: hospital, store, hairdresser, etc. The child gladly takes on roles and follows them, for example, patient and doctor, seller and buyer, etc.

Speech therapists have a new goal - correction of sound pronunciation; the time has come to identify and correct disturbed sounds.

And if some of the previous skills (contact, understanding speech, playing with objects and toys) are still missing, this is a serious problem, since the emergence of skills takes time, and it is limited. By school, a child must not only develop speech, but also correct the pronunciation of sounds, develop memory, attention, and logical thinking. All this takes time.

Download the e-book - “Guide to Speech”. This book is written for parents of children who have difficulties with speech development or communication. If you have a child. And if something bothers you in his behavior, in his development, then this book is for you.

In conclusion, I would like to invite you to take part in the online speech development school “Circle of Communication”.

You will learn how to independently work professionally with your child. With the support of school specialists, you will develop an individual program and receive support for the entire duration of your studies. Choose the format of communication that is convenient for you – via Skype or through any of the instant messengers. All video recordings of consultations will remain with you forever. Join the online school using the link.

It has been established that speech is inextricably linked with processes such as memory, attention, and thinking. Only through speech can a person enter society. That is why its violations require timely and competent intervention of a specialist - speech therapist.

Stages of child speech development

The first year of a baby's life

Vocabulary. By the age of one year, an active (from 3 to 10 spoken words) and passive (up to 20 understood words) vocabulary is formed. The baby can relate 2-3 words to the situation: “bobo”, “yum-yum”.

Sound pronunciation. By 3-4 months, the child begins to make the first conscious sounds - humming, humming. While vowels predominate: a, ы, у, о; but there are already consonants: g, k, m, n. A combination of sounds is also possible, for example “g” and “u”: “gu-u”. From 8 to 11 months there is a repetition of two open syllables: “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”, yes-da.” Actively uses sounds: p, b, m, g, k, e, a.

Toddler age

Vocabulary. Vocabulary increases to 40-70 words by 1.5 years, mostly nouns: names, names of toys and familiar objects. At 2 years old, the baby already uses from 150 to 300 words.

Sound pronunciation: At 2 years old, the baby can hear the following sounds: o, n, t, d, k, g, x, v, f. He often replaces hissing sounds with soft whistling sounds: “zyuk” - “beetle”, “senok” - “puppy”.

Grammar: A child can use words in different forms: baba - baba - baboo.

Phrasal speech: Simple sentences appear in speech: “Mama di” - “Mom go”, “Mom, give.” Now the baby is able to understand and remember the content of fairy tales, answer simple questions about them, and ask questions about words that he does not know.

Junior preschool age

Vocabulary. At 3 years old, the vocabulary ranges from 400 to 800. By 4 years old, the active vocabulary ranges from 1300 to 2000 words. Not only nouns and verbs appear in speech, but also adverbs (hot, pure), numerals (one, two), pronouns (mine, yours).

Grammar. Active word creation begins: adding prefixes, suffixes, and endings to words. For example: “overtake” - “overtake”, “lose” - “lose”, “wheels” - “wheels”, “my doll”, “many balls”. Now the baby uses simple prepositions: on, under, in, over; and possessive adjectives: mother’s jacket, cat’s nose.

Sound pronunciation. At 3 years old the following sounds appear: th, l, s, e. At 3.5 years old, the following sounds should be added to the child’s speech: s, z, ts. By the age of 4.5-5 years, hissing sounds appear: sh, zh, ch, shch. He can replace sonorant sounds (r, r) with the sound “l”: “leka” - “river”, “lyba” - “fish” or sometimes with the sound “th”: “tired” - “tired”.

Coherent speech. The child composes reasonable and coherent sentences of more than 4-5 words. He can already coherently retell a simple text in his own words and learn a short poem.

Senior preschool age

Vocabulary. By the age of 5, the active vocabulary expands significantly, reaching 5000 words. At this time, involuntary memory reaches its peak: a word heard once sometimes immediately enters the active dictionary. The active vocabulary of a child at 7 years old cannot be accurately measured.

Grammar. The grammatical structure of speech becomes well developed, the child correctly changes words by numbers, cases, can even use complex, low-frequency prepositions (Example: because of, from under), complex adjectives (Example: three-story house, gooseberry jam).

Sound pronunciation. At 5 - 5.5 years old, all sounds are pronounced correctly, the softening of consonants disappears, and hissing and sonorant sounds are pronounced correctly. Normally, children of senior preschool age: 6-7 years old, should clearly pronounce all sounds in words and sentences.

Signs of speech delay

Warning factors for speech development that parents should pay attention to include:

  • If by 9 months the baby does not babble or pronounce basic syllables: “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”.
  • If at 1.5 years old the child does not respond to his name, does not say simple words: “mom”, “dad”, “give” and does not understand simple requests: “come to the arms”, “sit down”.
  • When at 2 years old a child uses only 2-3 simple words and does not try to learn new ones, although he understands adults well.
  • If at 3 years old a child speaks too quickly and unintelligibly or, conversely, draws out words and swallows endings.
  • If the child does not construct phrases himself, but repeats what he has heard from adults or on TV, from books or from cartoons.
  • When a child uses facial expressions and gestures, but not speech, as a way of communication (communication).
  • If the child distorts sounds: lisps, burrs.

If you have any doubts about your child’s speech development, then classes with a speech therapist or speech pathologist should begin as early as possible, since timely correction serves as insurance against problems in the future.

The age from 2 to 3 years is considered critical in terms of speech development and it is at this time that it is recommended to come to the first visit to a speech therapist to check if everything is fine with speech. In children under 2 years of age, vocal and pre-speech activity is monitored. If there are words, it is determined:

  • the time of their appearance,
  • active and passive vocabulary,
  • general speech activity of the child,
  • presence of phrasal and connected speech.

By the age of 2, the child should develop phrasal speech, consisting of two words: “Grandma, let’s go” - “Grandma, let’s go.”

The specialist will conduct a diagnostic examination of the child’s speech and determine whether the child’s speech is appropriate for his age.

If after 5 years a child pronounces words incorrectly, then this does not fit into the standards: a consultation with a speech therapist is required. Classes at this age are aimed at:

  • correct pronunciation of sounds,
  • ability to construct sentences,
  • competent retelling.

Uncorrected mispronunciation can last a lifetime.

We present to your attention several real stories from speech therapy practice.

At the age of 6, Nikita’s mother took him to a speech therapist. The boy's whistling sounds - "s", "ts", "z" and sonorant sounds - "l", "l", "r", "ry" were impaired; hissing sounds - "ch", "sch" were not automated. Within a month, the hissing ones were refined and partially automated. Overall, the work on the whistling sounds took two months. Then the lessons continued on the sounds “l”, “l”. For the next three months, the sounds “r” and “ry” were automated. Nikita attended classes 2 times a week, and also studied with his mother at home. Within a year, we managed to correct all the sounds. The child went to school with clear speech.

Two months before school, Elena Antonovna and her daughter Ira turned to a speech therapist to introduce the sounds “r” and “r”. The sounds were set, but the automation was not completed, since they went to the sea on vacation, and then stopped classes. They also did not contact another specialist, they simply left everything as it was. As a result, the child still has a throat distortion of sounds.

Anna Ivanovna brought her daughter Darina at the age of 3 for examination to a speech therapist, concerned that the girl did not speak much. The specialist noted that Darina really tries to communicate more using gestures than words. The girl had a poor active vocabulary, although the passive one was normal: that is, Darina understood everything, but did not speak. Over six months of intensive classes with a speech therapist (3 lessons per week) and doing exercises at home, the active vocabulary increased and began to correspond to the norm.

At the age of 5, Gordey came to a speech therapist with a violation of all groups of sounds. The teacher worked with the boy for six months. Classes were attended irregularly, Gordey was often sick, and after that he stopped going to classes altogether. During this time, we only managed to put in hissing sounds, but not to automate them. Currently, the child continues to attend kindergarten, the senior group, with the same disabilities that he had a year ago.

A child’s speech is an indicator of his mental development. The more clearly and accurately he pronounces syllables and words, the faster those around him respond to his requests. An active vocabulary helps to better understand the world, quickly assimilate social norms, and develop memory and thinking. Psychologists do not recommend leaving this process to chance: parents should help the child master speech skills. Initially, children learn to speak by imitation. But if you work on the development of speech in children from 1 to 2 years old, the process can be significantly accelerated.

Speech development is an important milestone in the mental development of children 1-2 years old. It is important for parents to help children master speech skills, creating favorable conditions for the child’s development.

Norms of speech development in children 1-2 years old

For a child of 1 year of age, it is typical to master the following skills:

  • repetition of open syllables. For example, a 1-year-old child cannot pronounce the word “no,” but reproduces it as “ne.” Or he says “yes”, “that”, etc.;
  • ability to repeat sounds and syllables: pronounces sounds characteristic of animals - “av-av”, “mau”, “ko-ko”;
  • expresses emotions with intonation;
  • denotes objects and actions with syllables;
  • perceives the names of objects, can point to them, understand what adults are talking about.

It is important not only what and how children 1-2 years old pronounce, but also the ability to remember the names of objects and their purpose.

What does speech development depend on?

The development of a child’s speech depends on many factors: characteristics of physical development, emotional connection with parents.

The development of a child’s speech depends on 4 factors, including anatomical, physiological, emotional and social components:

  1. Emotional connection with parents: For young children, the presence of mother and father, grandparents, is important. Safety, predictability, understanding and respect for needs - all this is fertile ground for overall development, including the conversational component.
  2. Satisfying the need to communicate with parents. First, nonverbal communication skills are formed - facial expressions, gestures, body movements, and then comes verbalization. Therefore, not only games are important for the development of speech - an emotional response to crying, fun, hugs, addressing the baby, calling him by name - all these are prerequisites for the child to begin learning to speak at the age of 1.
  3. . There is a direct connection between the development of the speech centers of the brain and fine motor skills of the hands. Knowing this physiological feature, you can start the development of conversational skills through finger games and tactile palm analyzers.
  4. Formation of the speech apparatus: the correct anatomical structure of the tongue, palate, larynx and vocal cords are important prerequisites for the development of speech in children of the first years of life. Sometimes the delay in speaking skills is associated with incorrect positioning of the frenulum of the tongue: it is larger than necessary, and it does not reach the palate. In such cases, an incision of the frenulum is made under stationary conditions. The development of the circular muscles of the mouth and cheeks is also taken into account. With one-year-old children, you need to do more than just repeat sounds - it is important to teach how to drink from a straw, blow soap bubbles and rubber balls.

Only a harmonious combination of these four components guarantees the timely development of speech in children from 1 to 2 years old. Therefore, classes should include a set of different games, taking into account the characteristics of a child one year old and older.

How to develop a child's speech

When developing a child’s speech, it is important to take into account his age characteristics, as well as the individual psychological factors that influence him.

Before starting to develop speech in a child aged 1 year, parents must take into account 3 important rules:

  • exercises must be selected so that they correspond to the age characteristics and mental development of each child individually. One child at 1 year and 10 months may not be able to do what is easy for another at 1 year and 5 months. Complex games will only do harm: the baby will lose interest in them or, even worse, will then resist everything related to such tasks;
  • taking into account the zone of proximal development: we teach to speak one- and two-syllable words after the baby has begun to pronounce closed and open syllables. We move on to phrases after learning to denote an object or action in words. A common mistake parents make is to maintain a conversation with syllables when simple words are not yet possible;
  • understanding the mental characteristics of children between one and three years: unstable attention lasting up to 10 minutes is normal for children of this age. Neural connections are just being formed in the brain, and overloading with educational games will lead to undesirable consequences. This can be either a headache, which the baby cannot yet talk about, but expresses it by crying, or a persistent rejection of developmental activities. Five to ten minutes is how long a developmental exercise should last according to age.

It is important for parents to remember that all children have different rates of development and the goal should not be for a child to speak in phrases at one and a half years old, but to systematically master speaking skills.

Not every mother has the opportunity to systematically prepare for classes, learn jokes, and learn finger games. Training that combines both prepared exercises and those that occur naturally for a child at 1 year and 3 months or at 2 years will be effective.

Daily Exercises: 6 Simple Exercises

Simple daily exercises will help your child actively develop speech skills. It is enough to devote 15-20 minutes a day to classes.

  1. Teach your child to express emotions with sounds: surprised “oh” and “wow”, dissatisfied “ah-ya-yay”, disappointed “eh” - all this will help him intuitively understand the function of speech.
  2. Sing together or practice adjusting your voice pitch in another way. If your baby imitates well, you can make calls to each other during household chores, constantly raising the pitch of the sound afterwards. He will quickly grasp the meaning of the game. This is especially interesting for children while playing with hair or when adults are in another room. The baby will understand that the pitch of the sound indicates desire, distance.
  3. Pronounce the names of objects, but only when they are in the child’s field of attention. Until two or three years old, children understand what they are talking about if they see them - visual and effective thinking. During feeding, we talk about a plate, a spoon, and name what the child is pointing at. When bathing, we list what the little one plays with. It is also important to communicate with a one and a half year old child about what is to come: the ritual of going to bed is called “sleep”, dressing for a walk on the street is called “walking”.
  4. Ask to blow on a toy spinner with blades, offer to blow up a dandelion. Also, let's drink from a straw more often - this helps develop the articulatory apparatus. Please note that there is a difference between drinking through a pacifier and a straw: in the first case, the baby does not need to work with his lips and cheeks to make the liquid flow - it flows by gravity. But drinking juice through a straw is more difficult - you need to suck it in. This is why breastfeeding experts say that breastfeeding children begin to speak earlier - the muscles of the lips and cheeks are prepared and the skill of putting the tongue to the roof of the mouth has been developed.
  5. Offer objects with different textures for play: wet and dry cereals, wet soft toys, bulk materials (under supervision). It is especially interesting for children to pick out interesting objects from the sorter.
  6. Encourage play with older children. Observe how they communicate with each other: the speech of a 1-year-old child does not yet allow him to express something understandable to a 3-year-old child, so the second provokes the first to search for different forms of expressing what he wants. Playing children can be offered fun activities to interact with: jointly building a pyramid, making Easter cakes, taking turns rolling a car.

What is important for parents is not so much the knowledge of how to teach a child to speak in terms of methodology, but rather the desire. Over 3-5 months, the development of speaking skills will advance only with an approach based on a careful and patient attitude towards the baby’s mistakes and trials.

Games to develop speaking skills

Use speech therapy exercises and games aimed at developing speech skills.

There are many speech therapy studies on how to develop a child’s speech in the period of 1-2 years. Here are a few of the most accessible ones:

  • For children from 1 year to 1 and 3 months: games with toys in the form of animals. Offer to feed them, but first the animal, for example, a dog, must ask to eat - “av-av”, etc. During this period, it is important that the baby actively imitates - repeats sounds and syllables.
  • For babies from 1 year and 3 months to 1 year and 6 months: games of building towers, rolling cars, loading the body. You need to name objects and actions. This will help your baby learn to distinguish processes from names.
  • Children from one and a half to two years old, for example, 1 year and 10 months, need to expand their vocabulary: explain the objects in the picture, and then ask them to find the same one among the toys or in the room.

Before you teach a child to speak, you need to determine his level of understanding. If a conceptual component is formed - it knows the meaning of words, but does not say them, then the parent’s task is to encourage speaking. To do this, it is not necessary to delve into psychology and speech therapy: observation and close contact with the baby are the best way to understand your child.

Elena Sonina
Norms of speech development for preschool children

Speech difficulties in children

1. The child does not speak at all.




It is necessary to contact a speech therapist for advice!

2. Delay at the naming stage.

The child names objects in a specific situation (as a rule, only under the influence of an adult’s example; he remains for a long time at the level of their designation; there are no sentences in speech. In real communication with people, instead of speech there are gestures, movements, demanding exclamations, etc.

3. Speaks like a little boy.

4. Slurred speech.

5. Doesn't want to talk.

6. There were hesitations in speech.

Adequate help is possible if the causes of the problems that have arisen are identified, that is, a diagnosis is made. Relatives and friends of the child can help specialists with this.

Child and speech

Speech– one of the most powerful factors and incentives for a child’s development. General intellectual development depends on the level of speech development. The development of speech has a great influence on the formation of personality, volitional qualities, character, views, and beliefs. A child's speech reflects the social environment in which he grows up. Children with speech impairments are at risk for adaptation at school.

For the normal development of speech activity, certain conditions of mental development are necessary. First of all, it is necessary that the child:

Various brain structures have reached a certain degree of maturity;

Hearing and vision, motor skills, and emotions were sufficiently developed;

The need for communication was formed.

Mastering speech activity involves:

Ability to speak;

Ability to understand what is said.

By older preschool age, the child masters:

Independent monologue speech, ability to maintain a conversation (ask and answer questions);

Sound form of words;

The meaning of the word;

The grammatical structure of speech.

In addition to proper formatting, the statement must be meaningful, understandable and emotionally expressive.

The child must have developed not only spoken oral speech, but also a readiness to learn written language - reading and writing.

How does a child learn to speak?

Listening to adults speak and repeating what he heard? This,

undoubtedly, a necessary condition: the child hears the speech of others, its rhythm, intonation, remembers in what situations certain words and expressions are used, and, by analogy, begins to use them in his speech. But the child is not only an imitator, he is a creative participant in language acquisition. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain how he not only uses ready-made memorized patterns in his speech, but discovers the laws by which he himself creates new unique statements.



After a year, speech development occurs rapidly. At this age, children often talk to toys, pictures, and pets. The language of facial expressions and gestures begins to gradually fade away. One-year-old children understand the meaning of many words, by the age of one and a half years they can show some parts of the body, follow simple instructions, understand the content of simple stories based on plot pictures. By the age of one and a half years, a child’s independent speech contains about 20 words, and at 2 years – 50 words. Between one and a half and two years, sentences consisting of two and three words appear. It is characteristic that most phrases are pronounced in the affirmative form.

In the third year of life, children look at pictures in books, listen (5-10 minutes) to stories, and understand the words big and small. Not only does their stock of commonly used words increase, but they also develop a desire for word creation: new words are invented. By the age of three, the need for independence arises, the desire to act independently of adults, and self-esteem develops. By this time, the child’s active vocabulary includes up to 1500 words. Instead of a simple two-syllable phrase, he begins to use extended sentences. With the mastery of phrasal speech, the assimilation of the grammatical system of the language improves.

By the age of three, the child uses all parts of speech and constructs complete, grammatical sentences. Based on communication, speech begins to perform the function of organizing his actions. The initial grammatical formation of speech in the third year of life prepares the formation of monologue speech, and a coherent utterance develops. The first patterns of word formation emerge. Characteristic signs of speech generalization appear, speech begins to become a regulator of behavior.



At 4 years old, a child’s phrasal speech already includes sentences consisting of 5–6 words. At this age, children begin to accompany their play with speech, which indicates the formation of a regulatory function. The vocabulary reaches approximately 2000 words by the age of four.

By the age of five, a child fully masters everyday vocabulary. His vocabulary is enriched with synonyms, antonyms, etc. The development of curiosity forces the child to pose increasingly complex questions that require an answer or an assessment of his thoughts by an adult. The leading form of communication becomes cognitive.

At 4.5–5 years of age, the formation of the phonetic system of the native language ends, which largely creates readiness to master written speech. By the end of the fifth year, the child’s statement is in the form of a short story. By the age of six, the meaning of derived words and word-formation activities are mastered. The intensity of word creation decreases, self-control skills and a critical attitude towards one’s speech develop. The derivative word is constructed on the basis of internal analysis, analysis “in the mind.” An analysis of messages and an attitude towards the speech of others and one’s own speech are formed. In the seventh year of life, a person begins to recognize himself as socially immature; he has a need for a new life position and socially significant activity. It becomes possible to establish cause-and-effect relationships in social, cognitive, linguistic and other processes. Language can be a subject of study.

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1 year - 1 year 6 months.

Speaks in separate words that have the meaning of sentences. At the end of the period, two-word sentences appear. Individual words and sentences are complemented by gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. Among the 30 words that a baby masters by the age of one and a half years, the names of objects and symbols of actions predominate. But if adults more often name not only objects, but also their qualities (round ball, hot tea, red flower), the child will quickly learn these concepts.

1 year 6 months – 2 years.

The stock of words used is growing rapidly. Lightened words are replaced with correct ones. Adjectives and pronouns appear. Begins to use simple two- or three-word sentences, and by the age of 2 – three- or four-word sentences. Grammatical changes appear in words. The speech is emotional and expressive.

2 years – 2 years 6 months.

Easily repeats phrases and short poems. The vocabulary continues to grow rapidly. Hearing unfamiliar words and entire phrases is quickly assimilated. Questions arise: “Where?”, “Why?”, “Where?”. Sentences become verbose, complex sentences appear, although not always grammatically correct, and the use of prepositions and conjunctions begins. Speech becomes the main means of communication not only with adults, but also with children.

2 years 6 months – 3 years.

The vocabulary is growing rapidly. Can understand the meaning of an adult’s speech about events and phenomena that were not directly in his personal experience, but individual elements of which were previously perceived by the child. An adult’s speech becomes a means of cognition for a child. He speaks in complex phrases, subordinate clauses appear, although the sentences continue to be grammatically not always correct. According to words, it can convey the content of a previously told fairy tale or story (using pictures or without showing pictures). Performs requests consisting of two actions. Uses some cases, begins to speak in the first person.

Understands the meaning of the prepositions on, under. Skips syllables in the middle of words to simplify, unstable pronunciation of sounds (sometimes correct, sometimes incorrect).

3 years – 4 years.

The pronunciation of hard sounds C, 3, C is added to the already existing sounds. He notices incorrect sound pronunciation in other children.

The child adequately uses the names of colors, the pronouns “I”, “you”, “me”, says his name, gender, age.

Understands the difference between the words “big” and “small”, masters cases, verb tenses, agrees past tense verbs with nouns in gender. Matches adjectives with feminine and masculine nouns. Understands generalization words (toys, dishes), begins to use them in active speech. Uses diminutive suffixes.

The number of words in a phrase increases, the child first uses the most significant words in the sentence, omitting, for example, minor members, so the sentence most often has a direct word order: “Kitty drinks milk” or reverse: “Give me a bear, mom.” The connection of words in a sentence is established with the help of endings and prepositions, conjunctions are used, and all the main parts of speech are used.

The vocabulary is characterized not only by words of purely everyday topics; there are generalizations of concepts, evaluative words (“good”, “bad”). A child's vocabulary is 1200-1300 words

He likes to listen to familiar fairy tales and poems over and over again, can memorize the text word for word, but still cannot retell it in his own words. Understands simple plot pictures.

Begins to select rhymes for words.

At this time, children become interested in playing with words and sounds. Words are created with a “subjective” rethinking of unclear words: kusariki (crackers), kolotok (hammer), mazelin (vaseline).

4 years – 5 years.

The vocabulary reaches 2000 words.
In active speech, words of the second or third degree of generalization appear: “Christmas tree - tree - plant.”
The vocabulary is enriched by adverbs denoting spatial and temporal characteristics: “soon, then, around.”

“Word creation” appears, which indicates the beginning of the assimilation of word-formation models. The child transfers grammatical features of the form of one word to the form of another word. This may be normative, it may be incorrect: “strong is stronger, painful is more painful, loud is louder.”
In speech there are fewer and fewer errors in inflection of the main parts of speech. By the age of 5, a child correctly masters all possible options for forming the plural of objects. When encountering a new word, he may change it incorrectly, but after an adult suggests the correct version, he quickly learns the grammatical norm for the new word: “table - tables, mirror - mirrors, ... mirrors”

In many children, sound pronunciation has returned to normal; in some children, there is a mixture of sibilants and sibilants, if they have recently appeared in speech, as well as the absence of vibrants R, R.”
Coherent speech has not yet developed; inconsistency is allowed in stories about events from one’s own life; a retelling of a famous fairy tale is possible.
Well-developed involuntary memory at this age allows you to remember a large number of poetic works by heart.

5 years – 6 years.

A qualitative leap in mastering coherent speech: children are able to compose a story based on a picture, retell the text in the required temporal and logical sequence.
Internal speech begins to form - a compressed, abbreviated form of speech, with the help of which upcoming activities are planned.
The vocabulary has been significantly enriched; children use words of the second and third degree of generalization.
There are no gross agrammatisms in speech; the child will no longer say “We’ll go to the park yesterday” or “Dad came home from work.” There may be errors when constructing complex sentences.
Sound pronunciation has completely returned to normal.
The ability to isolate the first sound from a word appears, that is, the skills of sound analysis of words are formed; after an adult’s explanation, the sound shell of the word ceases to be “transparent”, imperceptible to perception. “Sound” games appear: “if you take away the letter k from a mole, what word will you get - mouth!”
Children are able to change the volume of their voice at will and can reproduce different intonations.

6 years – 7 years.

Masters coherent speech, is able to compose a story based on a picture and a series of plot pictures, and retell the text in the required temporal and logical sequence.

The speech is correct, but errors are possible when constructing complex sentences, coordinating participial phrases: “we saw a cat catching a bird, followed by a dog.”

The pronunciation of all sounds is correct.

Vocabulary increases to 3500 words.

There are figurative words and expressions, set phrases (no light, no dawn, in a hurry, etc.)

Phonemic analysis (the decomposition of a word into its component elements) and phonemic synthesis continue to develop - composing words from a set of sounds, from syllables, by rearranging sounds and syllables.

The grammatical rules for changing words and combining them in a sentence are mastered. Language and speech attention, memory, logical thinking and other psychological prerequisites necessary for the further development of the child and his successful learning at school develop.

If your child needs speech development, you can always contact me,

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