Time is an honest man (Jen). Time honest man

Cold winds are replacing the autumn calm. A severe winter thunderstorm is raging outside the window, beating furiously against the window and howling in the chimney. A blizzard from the dark, gaping abyss of the sky sweeps the entire area with a prickly white blanket of sharp snowflakes and icy raindrops. The drifting snow swirling along the pavement with a terrible snake hiss clogs into the cracks between the cobblestones. Not a single living soul dares to challenge the snow madness.

Pierre sits on his bed, wrapped in a blanket, and listens, closing his eyes. The floorboards in the attic creak under the pressure of a sudden storm, and Linda thinks that someone is walking there. Sometimes strange sounds are heard from above, similar to groans. The boy knows that this is not a ghost, but a roof, it has recently become leaky, but still he clings to the warm chimney, closing his eyes and praying that the groaning will stop as soon as possible. They drive him into an irrational and inexplicable primal horror. He wants to go to a warm and cozy living room, to his sisters, brother and mother, but Pierre does not go downstairs. The fear of the father is stronger than the fear of the unknown.

Besides, he is sick. I don’t want to get up once again and feel how the floor floats away from under my feet and changes places with the ceiling. The room is cold, and Pierre presses even harder into the brickwork of the chimney, trying to warm up. It is gradually cooling down, which means everyone has already gone to bed and the fire in the living room fireplace has been put out. Only the coals smolder and do not allow it to cool completely. Pierre's mother has long been asking her husband to finally finish the fireplace in her youngest son's room, but he constantly finds excuses. Pierre himself will never ask for this: it is better to endure the physical cold than the moral one.

Quiet creaking and groaning can be heard again. Pierre raises his head in fear and listens. This is no longer from the attic, but from the corridor. “The window opened,” he reassures himself. “Probably a branch was broken by the wind, it hit the frame, and the frame is old...” The creaking is repeated, and the boy, exhaling convulsively, falls back onto the pillows. This is not a window, but a staircase.

Are you already asleep, my boy? - asks a gentle gentle voice.

Mother. Pierre opens his eyes slightly and smiles at her, shaking his head. He really wanted to call her in the morning, but his father was on leave from the regiment, and the boy was afraid to even cough again.

“You need to sleep more,” mother sits down next to him and strokes his forehead with a soft, warm hand. - Do you remember what the doctor said?

“I remember,” the boy quietly agrees, sighing. He would happily fall asleep if it weren't for the howling wind.

“How it was raging outside the window,” mother says, as if guessing his thoughts, looking at the snow whirlwinds. - I've never seen anything like this before.

Of course I didn't see it. In Persia there is snow only at the very tops of Elburz. Pierre and his brother sometimes tried to get there, but the boys did not have the strength to cover such a distance in a day. The first year in France, my mother was sick all winter. Her father told her: “It’s all because you still pray to Allah when I’m not looking. Forget him, he is no longer your God.” He even called old Blanche to her, who celebrated Mass in any weather. The old man talked to her about something for a long time, and after the conversation, mother began to respond to her Christian name, Maria. The next winter she was not ill. “So God has stopped punishing you,” the father concluded. It sounds convincing, but several years have passed since then, mother again offers prayers in her native language, and illnesses do not touch her.

Sleep, my dear boy,” mother leans over and kisses him on the forehead with her rough, dry lips. - I'll sing for you.

Pierre smiles, obediently closing his eyes. He loves when she sings. Mother has a beautiful voice, and the beautiful folk songs she performs transport him back to the warm and native Tehran. Her father scolds her when she sings in Persian, but her mother still does it in secret.

I was a slender “alef”*, I am now hunched over the “distance”,

Like sugar is sweet, now it is bitterer than wormwood,

Was a rose among roses - Allah did not give happiness,

I'm drying up like a thorn in the city desert.

“In the urban desert…. “Fontainebleau is like a desert,” Pierre thinks, squeezing the corner of the bedspread with his fingers. - Mother is sick here. Me too. Why did we leave?..”

Where are you, dear Shahab, and who will I cry to?

You left me, who am I going to cry to?

You flew from the sky like a star to preserve time,

So speed up my years, I will cry to Azrael.

Pierre knows who Azrael is. Mother told him about the angel of death. He hears Shahab's name for the first time. There's a good chance it's one of her relatives. It seems to Pierre that way, he is sure that she will compose a song on the fly. Imagine his surprise when his mother answers his question:

Shahab maintains order on earth. He determines when the sun rises and when the moon rises; when winter comes, when summer comes; when to be born and when to die. Shahab judges all living things, and his name means “a star that fell from the sky.” He lives in everything: in the watch, in the breath, in the beating of the heart. When we say: “The time has come,” it means: “Shahab has come.” He is an honest man, my boy. Don't rush him, and he will distribute everything according to his conscience.

“Shahab will distribute everything according to his conscience,” Pierre’s head flashes through his drowsiness. “Shahab is an honest man... Is time an honest man?..”

* - Letter of the Arabic alphabet, ﺍ.

** - Letter of the Arabic alphabet, ﺩ.

The aphorisms published below about time will enable the reader to understand the essence of time and how to use it. After all, time is an important detail in our lives. There is no time as such in eternity. Essentially it is our perception. An hour of happiness seems like a minute, a minute of unhappiness seems like an hour. Differences in the speed of time in childhood and old age.

And in a critical situation - in a state of passion, in general, such a slowdown occurs that everything around begins to move slowly. From this it follows that one can also learn to control its flow. However, be that as it may, everything in the manifested universe is subject to time, it changes constantly, every moment, just like us. The body ages, although everyone has it differently and for different lengths, again at the same time.

After all, the moment of perception immediately becomes the past, time, as it were, constantly flows and under its influence everything changes. And the future is approaching, coming, and few people are facing this future. People, for the most part, at best, have their backs to future events. A person who is in the moment of complete perception can go face to face with life. Keeping up with the times, so to speak! After all, walking backwards is not comfortable both physiologically and internally. And the person will naturally turn around. Time is sacred and more deeply studied for all true schools leading to the evolution of awareness. Every perception of the past, present and future is the result of attunement. Any waste of time should be unthinkable; to do this means to miss the opportunity that arises to be in the universal, every second creation of the world, which just as it once began and continues to be created in this moment, which how can you measure? This is a broader topic.

These aphorisms, as well as sayings on other topics in our lives, contain deep meaning and wisdom. Explanation of the laws and patterns of life, in all its breadth. You will learn the essence of time and its patterns, for wise use...

♦ Truly great is the man who has managed to master his time!


♦ Time does not like to be wasted.

Henry Ford

♦ When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little.


♦ A person who decides to waste even one hour of his time has not yet matured enough to understand the full value of life.

Darwin Ch.

♦ There is nothing a person can control to a greater extent than time.

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

♦ The average person is concerned with how to kill time, but a talented person strives to use it.

Arthur Schopenhauer

♦ The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time.

Dante Alighieri

♦ Time is an honest man.

Beaumarchais P.

♦ Time is the wisest thing, for it reveals everything.


♦ Alas, time does not pass, we pass.

Pierre de Ronsard

♦ Wise management of time is the basis for activity.

Komensky Ya.

♦ The point is not to run fast, but to run out early.

Francois Rabelais

About the difference in the perception of time...

♦ The days are so long and the years are so short!

Alphonse Daudet

♦ ...The happy count time in minutes, while for the unhappy it lasts for months.

Cooper F.

♦ Time is such an uncertain thing. For some it seems very long. For others it’s the opposite.

Agatha Christie

♦ Time is the mother and nurse of all good things.

Shakespeare W.

♦ To choose time means to save time, and what is done untimely is done in vain.

Francis Bacon

♦ Moments always follow each other.

♦ Youth flies quickly: seize the passing time. The past day is always better than the present day.


♦ Use the current tense so that in old age you don’t reproach yourself for wasting your youth.

Boccaccio Giovanni

♦ Time is the most precious of all resources.


♦ Good use of time makes time even more precious.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

♦ He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

♦ If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the biggest waste.

Benjamin Franklin

♦ There is time for everything: your time for conversation, your time for peace.


♦ In life, every minute is fraught with miracle and eternal youth.

Camus A.

♦ With every new minute a new life begins for us.

Jerome Klapka Jerome

♦ Time is the enemy of people who love a quiet life...

Maxim Gorky

♦ Time passes differently for different people.

Shakespeare W.

♦ Very few people know how to properly manage their wealth, even fewer who know how to manage their time, and of these two things, the last is the most important.

Chesterfield F.

♦ How scary it is to feel that the passage of time is taking away everything you owned.

Pascal Blaise

♦ The proximity of the beloved shortens time.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Time heals lovesickness.


♦ Time will always respect and support what is strong, but will turn into dust what is fragile.

Anatole France

♦ Time is the doctor of all inevitable evils.


♦ Time is endless movement, without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be conceived otherwise.

Tolstoy L. N.

♦ The duration of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is calm, one day will be compared to a thousand centuries, and if one’s thoughts are broad, a tiny hut will contain the whole world.

Hong Zichen

♦ All savings ultimately come down to saving time.

Marks K.

♦ You cannot kill time without harming eternity!

Henry David Thoreau

♦ A millennium is a shorter period compared to eternity than the blink of an eye is compared to the movement of the slowest celestial body rotating in infinite space.

Dante Alighieri

♦ A thousand years are barely enough to create a state; one hour is enough for it to disintegrate into dust.

George Gordon Byron

♦ Those who are not in a hurry succeed everywhere.

Mikhail Bulgakov

♦ What is time? If no one asks me about it, I know what time is; if I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don’t know.

Aurelius Augustine

♦ Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.

Hector Berlioz

♦ Time even crumbles a stone.

Sergey Yesenin

♦ The loss of time is heaviest for those who know more.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Everything that is hidden now will once be revealed by time.

Quintus Horace Flaccus

♦ Time moves slowly when you are following it... It feels being watched. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

Camus A.

♦ Never be afraid of moments - this is how the voice of eternity sings.

Rabindranath Tagore

♦ Of all critics, the greatest, the most brilliant, the most infallible is time.

Belinsky V. G.

♦ He who is attacked by his time is not yet sufficiently ahead of it or behind him.

Nietzsche F.

♦ No matter how fast time flies, it moves extremely slowly for those who only observe its movement.

Samuel Johnson

♦ Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

Balzac O.

♦ Time is a mirage, it contracts in moments of happiness and stretches in hours of suffering.

Aldington R.

♦ Keep track of every day, take into account every minute spent! Time is the only thing where stinginess is commendable.

Mann T.

♦ Whoever wins time wins everything in the end.


♦ A rainbow that is visible for a quarter of an hour is no longer looked at.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Every lost moment is a lost cause, a lost benefit.

Chesterfield F.

♦ The time is quite long for the one who uses it; whoever works and who thinks expands its limits.


♦ ... time is extensible. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with.

Samuel Marshak

♦ Eternity is the time when ideals exist.

Jean Paul

♦ All-consuming time.


♦ There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than it, since it is missing for all our endeavors... All people neglect it, everyone regrets its loss.


♦ Time is such a fleeting thing that it is impossible to keep up with it.

Ali Absheroni

♦ Time is like money: don't waste it and you'll have plenty of it.

Gaston Levis

Phrases arranged in rhyme...

♦ Just as waters flow quickly into the sea, so days and years flow into eternity.

Derzhavin G. R.

♦ Time is a horse, and you are a rider; run bravely in the wind.
Time is a sword; Become a tough stick to win the game.


♦ Patience and time give more than strength or passion.


♦ Time, like the tide, never waits.

Walter Scott

♦ The two greatest tyrants on earth: chance and time.


♦ Time is running out, and we are silently growing old over the years, the days are running away, and it is impossible for us to hold them back.


♦ Time is the truest ally of perseverance.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ The power of time is a law worthy of respect.


♦ Neither the river nor the fleeting time can stop.


♦ If you want to have little time, do nothing.

Chekhov A.P.

♦ Time erases error and polishes truth.

Gaston Levis

♦ Most people work most of the time to live, and the little free time they have left is so disturbing to them that they try in every possible way to get rid of it.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

And then came whole paragraphs describing the time...

♦ Take your time to live. There is a time for everything - and everything will be a joy for you. For many, life is too long because happiness is too short: they missed joy early, did not enjoy it enough, then they would like to return it, but they have gone far from it. They rush through life on postal trains, adding their own haste to the usual passage of time; one day they are ready to swallow something that they cannot digest in their entire life; they live their joys on credit, devour them for years to come, hurry and hurry - and squander everything. Even in knowledge you need to know the measure, not to gain knowledge that is not worth knowing. We have been given more days than blessed hours. Enjoy slowly, but act quickly. Actions completed - good; the joys are over - bad.

Second expression...

♦ A person who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to dominate yourself, then you will dominate others. To get to a favorable occasion, one has to travel long distances of time. While you hesitate wisely, future successes grow, secret plans mature. You will go further with the crutch of time than with the chained club of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a sword. It is wisely said: “Time and I are against any enemy.” Fortune itself rewards patience with its gifts.

Gracian y Morales


Social exchange...

Chronicle of events: On January 16, the Stanislavsky Foundation awarded the 2012 Stanislavsky Prize. On January 17, on the day of the 150th anniversary of Konstantin Sergeevich, a documentary play by Mikhail Durnenkov directed by Kirill Serebrennikov “Outside the System” was performed at the Art Theater. January 18 at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov, with the support of the Chekhov Festival, the conference “Stanislavsky and World Theater” was held.

Frank Castorf, Luke Bondy, Trevor Nunn, Declan Donnellan, Natasha Parry - the leading actress (and wife) of Peter Brook, Murray Abraham, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Martin Wuttke, Bernard Febvre d'Arcier - long-time director of the Avignon Festival - came to Moscow for Stanislavsky's anniversary , Muriel Mayette is an actress and director of the Comedie Francaise, Sergio Escobar is the director of the Piccolo di Milano theater. Video messages were sent by Peter Brook and Robert Lepage.

And everyone came to Russia not for the first and not for the last time. Here in Mordovia no one was given kittens: almost all of them were participants in the Chekhov Festival and/or laureates of the Stanislavsky Prize. No one will thunder words about “great power” and “soft power”. But he can remember how the Comedie Francaise actresses on tour in 2010 quietly stroked the walls of the hall in Kamergersky: “We are rehearsing Three Sisters.”

The 150th anniversary of Stanislavsky (as well as the 150th anniversary of Chekhov in 2010) confirmed: in reality, the strength, image, and reputation of a country are created by professionals busy with their work.

And the professionals of the next generations keep this power.

The Stanislavsky Prize changed its nominations in the anniversary year. Sergei Yuryevich Yursky was awarded for his contribution to the development of Russian theater. The “event of the season” is the opening of the memorial museum “Creative Workshop of Theater Artist David Borovsky” and the publication of three books of documents documenting the birth of “The Seagull” and “The Three Sisters” by Anatoly Efros. (Compiled and published by Nonna Skegina, headed by A.V. Efros and custodian of his archive.) The third “Event of the Season” is Rimas Tuminas’s performance “The Pier,” a gentle divertissement by the Vakhtangov masters.

Martin Wuttke, the brilliant actor of Heiner Müller, Frank Castorf, and Christophe Marthaler, was awarded for his contribution to the development of world theater. Filmgoers know Wuttke for his role as Hitler in Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds,” but Moscow saw him twice in his most famous stage role: in Heiner Müller’s play based on Brecht’s “The Career of Arturo Ui,” a virtuoso and furious theatrical study of how one goes to the authorities are punks and scum. (Using the example of Germany in the 1930s, of course.)

Konstantin RAIKIN, President of the Stanislavsky Foundation:

“I don’t know how it is on stage, but I’m a good spectator. And I’ve been torn between several loves for a long time. One of them is to Sergei Yuryevich Yursky. And no matter how much they talk about him today, it’s still not enough. You, Sergei Yuryevich, don’t even suspect how much you have done... What you did to me - as a person and as an actor!

Second love: I saw “The Career of Arturo Ui” with Martin Wuttke twice. And he was shocked, simply smeared across the wall by a grandiose artist. Using the example of such works, we see the generic difference between cinema and theater. Because only in the theater is this explosion possible! This atomic energy of the artist - with his stubbornness, with his fantasy, with his distortion of reality, deepening it. When this is raging, you feel proud of the theater as such. His nature!

The second laureate in this category is Klaus Maria Brandauer: Henrik Höfgen in István Szabó’s “Mephisto”, a key actor in his “Colonel Redl” and “Hanussen”, Hamlet, Cyrano and Nathan the Wise of the Vienna Burgtheater.

Klaus Maria BRANDAUER:

“It is absolutely clear that the art of the majority is cinema. And television. It is absolutely clear that the theater community is small: a narrow circle, almost a sect. And yes: in the theater we work for the minority. For those born with a pathology: who have a heart.”

“We want this to be not an anniversary event, but a matter of fact,” said Anatoly Mironovich Smelyansky, rector of the Moscow Art Theater School. Stanislavsky's year at the Moscow Art Theater began in October 2012 with the Open Lesson festival of acting schools around the world. In January, the “Culture” channel broadcast a five-part film by Anatoly Smelyansky “After “My Life in Art””, dedicated mainly to Stanislavsky in the 1920-1930s. An Internet project “Heritage of the Art Theater” is being prepared. Electronic Library": on the website www.mxat.ru video recordings of the best performances, electronic versions of short-circulation publications of the Moscow Art Theater School will appear in the public domain (over 17 thousand pages and 12 thousand comments).

Performance “Outside the System”: no doxology. No discussion about Stanislavsky's system today. “Outside the System” will not be included in the repertoire simply because such a cast can only be assembled on stage once. Who played? Gordon Craig - Declan Donnellan, Nemirovich-Danchenko - Mikhail Ugarov and Alexey Bartoshevich, Mikhoels - Konstantin Raikin, Vakhtangov - Dmitry Chernyakov, Sulerzhitsky - Viktor Ryzhakov, Gorky - Zakhar Prilepin, M.F. Andreeva - Natalya Tenyakova, M.P. Lilina - Polina Medvedeva, Isadora Duncan - Ilze Liepa, Mikhail Chekhov - Evgeny Mironov, Meyerhold - Klim and Kirill Serebrennikov, Sofia Golliday - Irina Pegova, A.P. Chekhov - Vladimir Sorokin (for me: L.S. Petrushevskaya would look much more like her in any of her cabaret hats).

Durnenkov and Serebrennikov made a performance about everything that does not fit into a touching portrait painted “in squares”, or into Bulgakov’s image of Ivan Vasilyevich, or into memoirs about the youthful splendor of the Moscow Art Theater of the 1900s. Here are sarcastic remarks from Stanislavsky, Nemirovich, Meyerhold and Vakhtangov about each other. Ridiculous teachings by K. S. to Mikhail Chekhov. Arrest of Stanislavsky and Moskvin in 1920. Attempts to “densify” the house in Leontyevsky Lane (with appropriate victorious rudeness) and the response with lips white with anger “Get out!” The cry of the 1920s: “I only pray to God that I can make damned dollars to support the lives of my children.” The unbearable petitions of 1935 to “dear Genrikh Grigoryevich” (People’s Commissar Yagoda) in an attempt to save his nephew. And their result: “The body of M.V. Alekseev, with signs of beatings, was handed over to his relatives.”

Twice a huge, somewhat distorted mirror is lowered from the grate. The hall in Kamergersky, packed to capacity with masters in the front rows, students of theater schools in the gallery, sees itself as a choir and scenery. And this chain of actors, directors, theater experts, artistic directors and set designers on stage... This is not all the “color of the Russian theater” today. But - a fair portion of the really best that we have now.

Before the finale, something like a prompter's box rises from the hatch. Oleg Tabakov delivers Stanislavsky's last monologue (documentary, composed of letters). Not about the happiness of self-knowledge in creativity, God forbid! About cluttered dressing rooms and a malfunctioning turntable. About rats that run around the Big Stage, and no one poisons them. About the broken lock of the dressing room: “Come and take what you want!” About the unwashed windows of the building in Kamergersky.

...Over the head of O.P. a bunch of “Shekhtel” lamps shines. One, obviously, burned out.

All this did not resemble a Soviet anniversary. More likely, it is a Chinese ritual of worshiping the altar of an ancestor. All this suggested an old, well-forgotten thought that was once clear to the Buddenbrooks and Alekseevs: a good family (read: a viable family, a family that knows how to reproduce itself in generations) always includes children who are loved and grandfathers who are respected. And also a daguerreotype of my great-grandfather on the wall and a memory of him.

Among the creative communities of the Russian Federation-2012, the theater is still closest to this model.


For me, the main theme here is his loneliness and pain. We picked up papers, documents, letters. Precisely those that relate to his last twenty years: 1918-1938. The play is called “Outside the System” because a person of culture is not able to integrate into the barbaric world. And Stanislavsky was not built into it. He did not appear in the theater for months (there were such periods), he wrote and said terrible things - and all this will be in the play. Perhaps it turned out too sad: but I spent a year reading about Stanislavsky. And the more I read, the more I understood that this figure was tragic.

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