All the rules for placing commas in Russian. Punctuation norm

(! ) dot (. ) hyphen () hyphen-minus (- ) question mark (? ) quotes („ “, « », “ ”, ‘ ’, ‹ › ) semicolon (; ) Word separators space () ( ) ( )

Punctuation marks- elements of writing that perform auxiliary functions of dividing (highlighting) semantic sections of text, sentences, phrases, words, parts of words, indicating grammatical and logical relationships between words, indicating the communicative type of a sentence, its emotional coloring, completeness, as well as some other functions .

Punctuation marks, which syntactically formulate the text, facilitate its visual perception and understanding, and when reproducing the text out loud, they help to implement its intonational design (intonation, semantic pauses, logical stresses).

Types and functions of punctuation marks

In modern Cyrillic, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Indian writing, punctuation marks are distinguished that perform the following functions:

  • highlighting complete semantic sections of text - sentences - with a simultaneous indication of their communicative type, emotional coloring, degree of completeness (period, question and exclamation marks, ellipsis);
  • an indication of the relationship between parts of the sentence (comma, semicolon, colon, dash);
  • highlighting direct speech, quotations (quotations);
  • an indication of the emotional attitude to individual words and phrases (quotation marks, question and exclamation marks, enclosed in brackets);
  • indication of text gaps (ellipses);
  • word abbreviations (dot, hyphen, slash, etc.).

There are punctuation marks single And paired. Paired punctuation marks include two commas and two dashes (used to separate parts of a sentence as single characters), parentheses and quotation marks.

As a special punctuation mark, there is a red line, which serves to separate large semantic sections of the text, transition to a new “topic” of the story, as well as a space that separates words from each other.

Punctuation marks in Russian

Until the end of the 15th century, texts in Russian were written either without spaces between words, or were divided into undivided segments. Around the 1480s, the period appeared, and in the 1520s, the comma. The semicolon, which appeared later, was initially also used in the meaning of a question mark. The next punctuation marks were question marks and exclamation marks.

By the end of the 18th century, dashes (Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was one of the first to use them), quotation marks and ellipsis (used for the first time in Russia by the same author).

The role of punctuation

In the history of Russian linguistics, three main directions have emerged in assessing the role and principles of Russian punctuation: logical, syntactic and intonational. The theorist of the logical or semantic direction, F. I. Buslaev, formulated the purpose of punctuation as follows: “Since through language one person conveys his thoughts and feelings to another, then punctuation marks have a dual purpose:

  1. promote clarity in the presentation of thoughts by separating one sentence from another or one part of it from another, and
  2. express the sensations of the speaker’s face and his attitude towards the listener.”


The punctuation system of European languages ​​dates back to the Alexandrian grammarians of the 1st century BC. e. (Aristophanes of Byzantium, Aristarchus, Dionysius of Thracia) and received its modern form at the end of the 15th century (the system of Aldus Manutius). In other writing systems, ancient and modern, the punctuation marks are different. The most common are word division marks (space in many systems and “:” in Ethiopic script) and sentence boundary signs (vertical line in Indian script for Sanskrit and in Tibetan, “::” in Ethiopic and others). In the 20th century, the European punctuation system penetrated other writing systems. So, it was completely or with modifications borrowed from Japanese, Chinese and Korean writing and partially (parentheses, ellipsis, and in some systems - question and exclamation marks, quotation marks) penetrated into Tibetan, Ethiopian, Burmese, Thai, Laotian, Khmer writing.

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Excerpt characterizing punctuation marks

This was impossible, firstly, because, since experience shows that the movement of columns over five miles in one battle never coincides with plans, the likelihood that Chichagov, Kutuzov and Wittgenstein would converge on time at the appointed place was so insignificant , that it amounted to impossibility, as Kutuzov thought, even upon receiving the plan, he said that sabotage over long distances does not bring the desired results.
Secondly, it was impossible because, in order to paralyze the force of inertia with which Napoleon’s army was moving back, it was necessary to have, without comparison, larger troops than those that the Russians had.
Thirdly, it was impossible because cutting off a military word has no meaning. You can cut off a piece of bread, but not an army. There is no way to cut off an army - to block its path, because there is always a lot of space around where you can go around, and there is night, during which nothing is visible, as military scientists could be convinced of, even from the examples of Krasny and Berezina. It is impossible to take prisoner without the person being taken prisoner agreeing to it, just as it is impossible to catch a swallow, although you can take it when it lands on your hand. You can take prisoner someone who surrenders, like the Germans, according to the rules of strategy and tactics. But the French troops, quite rightly, did not find this convenient, since the same hungry and cold death awaited them on the run and in captivity.
Fourthly, and most importantly, this was impossible because never since the world existed has there been a war under the terrible conditions under which it took place in 1812, and the Russian troops, in pursuit of the French, strained all their strength and did not could have done more without being destroyed themselves.
In the movement of the Russian army from Tarutino to Krasnoye, fifty thousand were left sick and backward, that is, a number equal to the population of a large provincial city. Half the people dropped out of the army without fighting.
And about this period of the campaign, when troops without boots and fur coats, with incomplete provisions, without vodka, spend the night for months in the snow and at fifteen degrees below zero; when there are only seven and eight hours of the day, and the rest is night, during which there can be no influence of discipline; when, not like in a battle, for a few hours only people are introduced into the realm of death, where there is no longer discipline, but when people live for months, every minute struggling with death from hunger and cold; when half the army dies in a month - historians tell us about this and that period of the campaign, how Miloradovich was supposed to make a flank march this way, and Tormasov there that way, and how Chichagov was supposed to move there that way (move above his knees in the snow), and how he knocked over and cut off, etc., etc.
The Russians, half dying, did everything that could be done and should have been done to achieve a goal worthy of the people, and they are not to blame for the fact that other Russian people, sitting in warm rooms, assumed to do what was impossible.
All this strange, now incomprehensible contradiction of fact with the description of history occurs only because the historians who wrote about this event wrote the history of the wonderful feelings and words of various generals, and not the history of events.
For them, the words of Miloradovich, the awards that this and that general received, and their assumptions seem very interesting; and the question of those fifty thousand who remained in hospitals and graves does not even interest them, because it is not subject to their study.
Meanwhile, you just have to turn away from studying reports and general plans, and delve into the movement of those hundreds of thousands of people who took direct, immediate participation in the event, and all the questions that previously seemed insoluble suddenly, with extraordinary ease and simplicity, receive an undoubted solution.
The goal of cutting off Napoleon and his army never existed except in the imagination of a dozen people. It could not exist because it was meaningless and achieving it was impossible.
The people had one goal: to cleanse their land from invasion. This goal was achieved, firstly, by itself, since the French fled, and therefore it was only necessary not to stop this movement. Secondly, this goal was achieved by the actions of the people's war, which destroyed the French, and, thirdly, by the fact that a large Russian army followed the French, ready to use force if the French movement was stopped.
The Russian army had to act like a whip on a running animal. And an experienced driver knew that it was most beneficial to hold the whip raised, threatening it, and not to whip a running animal on the head.

When a person sees a dying animal, horror seizes him: what he himself is, his essence, is obviously destroyed in his eyes - ceases to exist. But when the dying person is a person, and the loved one is felt, then, in addition to the horror of the destruction of life, one feels a gap and a spiritual wound, which, just like a physical wound, sometimes kills, sometimes heals, but always hurts and is afraid of an external irritating touch.
After the death of Prince Andrei, Natasha and Princess Marya felt this equally. They, bent morally and closing their eyes from the menacing cloud of death hanging over them, did not dare to look life in the face. They carefully protected their open wounds from offensive, painful touches. Everything: a carriage driving quickly down the street, a reminder about lunch, a girl’s question about a dress that needs to be prepared; even worse, the word of insincere, weak sympathy painfully irritated the wound, seemed like an insult and violated that necessary silence in which they both tried to listen to the terrible, strict chorus that had not yet ceased in their imagination, and prevented them from peering into those mysterious endless distances that opened for a moment in front of them.

Punctuation is a collection of rules about punctuation marks. Punctuation marks (punctuation - “stop, break”) are signs that are placed between words or groups of words in written speech.

Punctuation, like spelling, forms part of the graphic system adopted for a given language, and must be as firmly mastered as the letters of the alphabet with their sound meanings in order for the letter to accurately and completely express the content of the statement. (Shapiro A.B. Modern Russian language.)

“Punctuation marks are notes when reading” - this is how A.P. characterized it. Chekhov punctuation in one of his letters dated 1888. Punctuation marks are an important means of formatting written speech, since with their help the semantic division of speech occurs. Unlike spelling, the rules of which are based on the phonetic and morphological structure of each language, punctuation is largely international in nature. Punctuation was invented by the typographers the Manutius brothers in the mid-15th century. and in its main features was accepted by the majority of the peoples of Europe.

There are 10 punctuation marks in modern Russian: period, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis, colon, semicolon, comma, dash, double dash, parentheses.

Quotation marks can also be considered punctuation marks. In addition, spaces between words, a red line (beginning of a paragraph) and other graphic aids are used to read the text.

According to their function, punctuation marks are divided into two groups: dividing(separating) and excretory.

TO punctuation marks include: period, question and exclamation marks, comma, semicolon, ellipsis, colon, dash. Separating marks, as a rule, are single-functional (except for the comma and dash); they are used to separate one segment of speech from another and always act as single characters.


The years greet us with an inviting trumpet. The blood pulsates incessantly... Self-giving is giving oneself to people, calling, duty. If others need your life, isn’t that luck! May self-giving always, at all times, prevail! (Ya. Tatyanicheva)

Distinctive punctuation marks- these are double (paired) signs. These include: parentheses, quotation marks, double dashes, double commas. With the help of these signs, various segments and semantic units of speech are distinguished.


They say: “Your line is simple!” - Simple, but not robbed! It is like a berry from a bush, picked by your hand. (L. Tatyanicheva)

Many punctuation marks are multifunctional and multi-valued. In addition to the function of breaking up text, punctuation marks can have other functions. So, they can be used in a differentiating function.


Our task tomorrow is to pass the exam; Our task is to pass the exam tomorrow.

The use of punctuation marks, as well as the rules of Russian spelling, is regulated by the “Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation” adopted in 1956.

The rules of Russian punctuation are based on three basic principles: logical (semantic), structural-syntactic and intonation.

F.I. Buslaev, a representative of the logical trend in Russian grammar, defined the purpose of punctuation marks this way: “Since through language one person conveys his thoughts and feelings to another, then punctuation marks have a dual purpose:

1) promote clarity in the presentation of thoughts, separating one sentence from another or one part of it from another,

2) express the feeling of the speaker’s face and his attitude towards the listener...” F.I. Buslaev also noted that the system of punctuation marks in the Russian language is based “not only on grammatical analysis, but also on the rules of rhetorical presentation of thoughts.”

Thus, punctuation marks help to divide the text into parts that are important for expressing thoughts in writing (semantic division), make the semantic structure of speech clear, highlighting individual sentences and their parts (syntactic division), serve to indicate intonation design, as well as to indicate phrasal intonation, rhythm and melody of the phrase.

It must be borne in mind that some punctuation rules reflect only the structural and syntactic principle (for example, the placement of punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence), others - the semantic and intonation principle (for example, the placement of punctuation marks for isolated members); Still others are based on all three principles (for example, placing a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence).

Unlike spelling rules, punctuation rules allow, along with the mandatory placement of punctuation marks, their optional use.

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The culture of speech has always been determined by its correctness. The very first step is knowledge of the principles of the Russian language.

Russian language norms

Norm (derived from the Latin norma - literally "square", figurative meaning - "rule") - a generally accepted mandatory order. All sections of the language are controlled in a certain way. Modern Russian language is guided by various rules. These are spelling and punctuation standards. They are orthoepic (phonetic) and phraseological, morphological and syntactic, stylistic.

For example, spelling norms regulate the choice of graphic spelling of a word. Punctuation determines the choice of punctuation marks, as well as their placement in the text.

Punctuation standards

A punctuation norm is a rule indicating the use or non-use of certain punctuation marks when writing. The study of punctuation norms determines mastery of the literary language. These principles determine the culture of speech as a whole. Correct use of punctuation should ensure mutual understanding between the writer and the reader of the written text.

The use of punctuation marks is fixed by the rules. The punctuation norm regulates the choice of sentence construction options. It also controls the speaker’s speech. True, the assessment of “true - false” in relation to a punctuation norm largely depends on the subject. Russian punctuation is extremely flexible.

Punctuation meaning

It is not for nothing that the Russian language is called great and powerful. But it is not frozen and unchanging. Russian speech is saturated with neologisms and words that come from other languages. Likewise, punctuation norms are adopted in an attempt to reflect the process of integration. But we must never forget about respect for the language as a heritage, honed by the centuries-old history of our people.


Punctuation is an important means of formatting written speech. Punctuation marks indicate semantic , structural and intonation division of speech. It is known that punctuation marks not only organize written text to facilitate its perception by the reader, but also directly convey part of the information contained in the text. In particular, sometimes punctuation, by eliminating ambiguity, serves as the only available means of choosing the correct interpretation of the text.

According to its functions First of all, the signs are different separating (dividing)(period; question mark, exclamation mark, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, ellipsis) and highlighting (two commas, two dashes, parentheses, quotation marks).


An ellipsis can be a "pause" in the unfolding of a sentence and can end a sentence.

The ellipsis, along with the general separating function, has a number of specific, varied meanings, which most often reflect the emotional coloring of speech.

The ellipsis conveys understatement, reticence, interruption of thought, and often its difficulty caused by great emotional stress.

An ellipsis can convey the significance of what was said, indicate subtext, hidden meaning.

With the help of ellipsis, the author, as it were, signals the reader about his feelings, impressions, asks to pay attention to the next word or the previous one, to what is written (to unexpected or particularly important information), conveys the hero’s excitement, etc.

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark in the form of three dots placed side by side. In most cases it indicates an unfinished thought or pause.

Morphology is a branch of grammar that studies parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.) and their forms. You can’t do without knowing the parts of speech in the Russian language.

Firstly, a person’s written literacy depends on knowledge of parts of speech, because many spelling rules are based on the ability to determine the part of speech of a specific word. For example, the use of a soft sign at the end of a word after a sibilant depends primarily on what part of speech the word is. If this is a noun of the 3rd declension, then “b” is written at the end (daughter, luxury, etc.), and if it is, say, a short adjective, then “b” is not written (mighty, dense). Or the noun “burn” is written with the vowel “o” after the sibilant at the root, and the verb “burn” is written with the vowel “e”.

Secondly, knowledge of parts of speech forms a person’s punctuation literacy. For example, such a part of speech as an interjection (oh, ah, well, etc.) is always highlighted in writing with commas.

Thus, morphology is a very important section of the science of language.

Any modern written text will be incorrect if it lacks graphic elements, which are commonly called punctuation marks. Without them, it is impossible to understand the boundaries of sentences and it is difficult to perceive the text itself, its topic and problem.
Punctuation marks, separates, and separates different parts of sentences. Each of the punctuation marks is necessary for the Russian language, otherwise there will be confusion in it, and people simply will not be able to understand the simplest things. As a result, complex and contradictory situations may arise.
In modern texts of a literary, scientific, business and journalistic nature, punctuation marks are certainly needed, among which are periods, commas, question and exclamation marks, colons, dashes, semicolons, ellipses, quotation marks, and parentheses. Moreover, each of these signs performs its own individual function.
The most commonly used characters in sentences are periods and commas. This is not difficult to prove, since without a period at the end of the sentence, it will be considered unfinished, and commas serve to separate and highlight parts of the sentence and its members.
Punctuation marks in sentences play the same role as in the text: without them, they can lose meaning or be distorted in the exact opposite direction. Therefore, when writing any texts, you need to arrange them very carefully, while being guided by the rules.
Placing a comma in a simple sentence is justified if it contains homogeneous members of the sentence - both main (subject and predicate) and secondary ones, and they should not be connected by conjunctions, that is, when there is a non-union connection or there are conjunctions, but they are repeated.
A simple sentence complicated by homogeneous members is characterized by the presence of a colon, if there is a generalizing word, and it is located before them. If it comes after, then you need to put a dash.
With the help of commas in a simple sentence, representing a participial phrase and circumstances, representing an adverbial phrase.
A simple sentence is also characterized by the use of a punctuation mark such as a dash. It usually separates one main member from another (subject from predicate), if they are nouns in the nominative case, verbs in the indefinite form, numerals.
the same as in simple. Most often, in complex sentences, both compound and complex, a comma is placed between simple ones.
A compound sentence consists of simple sentences joined by intonation and separated by commas. In sentences of this kind, in cases of rapid change of events, it is necessary to put a dash. In a complex sentence, the parts of which are very common, use a semicolon.
A complex sentence contains punctuation marks such as commas, with the help of which subordinate clauses are attached to the main part, and the connection is ensured by adding a subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive word.
A non-union complex sentence is characterized by an intonation connection, with its parts separated from each other by a comma or semicolon. But such a sentence may contain punctuation marks such as colons and dashes.

In a complex sentence with a non-union connection, the second part of which contains the reason, explanation and addition of what is written in the first, these parts are separated by a colon. Setting a dash is advisable if the second part shows a rapid change of events, the result is in contrast to what was discussed in the first part.
Punctuation marks divide our written speech and help us understand thoughts correctly.

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