You escape haunted house walkthrough. Game Haunted House Escape: walkthrough in detail

Haunted House Escape – Can You Escape In One Hour?
By: duanzhi Wen

**Note: It looks like this game was renamed “Destroy Ghost Mansion.”

1. Go to the side entrance and pick up the scroll and the pickaxe.

2. Go to the front door and get a clue from the sign in front.

3. Use the pickaxe to break the sign and then pick up the key and bullet. Then use the key to unlock both doors. The skeleton blocks the front door, so take the back door instead.

4. Pick up this weird metal piece on your way in:

5. Go to the living room and then down the trap door. Pick up the chain cutters.

5. Go through the next door. Pick up the barrel of refrigerant next to the skeleton.

6. Use the clue from the sign outside to unlock the safe and get the duct tape.

7. Use the chain cutters to get the stepladder.

8. Use the weird metal piece on the anatomy figure to get a key.

9. Use the key to unlock this door. There's a monster blocking your way. Use the refrigerant to kill him, then take the straw/hay and the chair.

10. Use the stepladder to get back upstairs.

11. Back upstairs, take the rifle and the flint from the mantelpiece.

12.Enter the library and take the candelabra.

13. Enter the other room. Combine the bullet and the rifle and then use it to destroy the skeleton.

14. Take the book and video cassette off the bookshelves. The book tells you how to build a fire.

15. Open your inventory and break apart the chair into wood and a lock pick. Then place the straw/hay into the fireplace and then the wood.

16. Use the lock pick to open the door to the left and enter.

17. Place the video tape into the VCR and tap on the TV. Now you're in the bathroom.

18. Use the duct tape to fix the wire on the safe. Open it and take the flint stone. Also, flip the switch inside.

19. Tap on the TV to go back to the other room. Take the piece of paper from under the couch and the bulb from the lamp.

20. Combine the flint with the flint stone and use it to light a fire in the fireplace. Then use the candelabra with the fire to light the candles.

21. Place the candelabra back in the library and take the gear, scroll and book.

22. Now the gate is open. Go through. There’s a wolf-like creature in your way. But you can go to this room and get a bullet, gear and crossbow.

23. Load the bullet into the gun and shoot the wolf.

24. Go through the door you now have access to. Notice the clue with four gems. Take the knife. And place the gears with the other one. Also, notice the rotating puzzle that requires a key.

25. Go back and use the stepladder to get up to the attic. There's a creepy dude blocking your way.

26. Break apart the candelabra and light the lantern near this doorway. Then place the main section back into the library. You still have two candles left now.

27. Back in the room where you lit the lantern, find this clue. Also, tap on the clock and get a ring from it.

28. Lift up the corner of the rug to find a safe. Unlock it using the clue you just found and take the metal skull from inside.

29. Tap on the chest of drawers and unlock the combination lock using the time on the clock above it (10:10). Take the gear, arrow and hammer.

30. Place the ladder back down so you can get up to the attic. Combine the arrow/bolt with the crossbow and use it against this creepy dude. Then look at the clue on the wall. Also, look through the telescope and at the clue on the desk. There’s also a combination lock on the globe. The clue is the numbers on the wall, but out of order. Enter them and then get the green gem.

30. Go back to the other room where you placed the gears and add the last one to it. Now you can enter this next room, but a grim reaper blocks your path.

31. Use the hammer in the previous room to break the vase and get part of a key.

32. Go back to the room with the TV in it. Use the clue from the scroll to unlock the safe and get the stopwatch and pentagram key.

33. Use the pentagram key in the pentagram lock. Enter, then look at the altar. Use the knife to stab the body. Then remove its mask and get the red gem from its eye socket.

34. Go back to the room with the grim reaper. He'll be gone now. Place the candles in the candlesticks and a portal will open. Go through.

35. There’s a wall with an “X” on it here. Tap the X until the wall breaks down. Then zoom back out and go through. If you go to the next room, some old lady ghost is blocking your way.

36. Combine the key piece with the ring from the clock to make a complete key.

37. Pick up the book from the chair and examine it. It’s telling you to throw the skull into the fire. Do so and the ghost will vanish.

38. Use the key on the locked door to get the purple gem. Then place the stepladder under the trap door to get back to the attic here. There's another ghost blocking your way.

39. Go back to the other dimension to this room. The wall is now open. Go inside and put the bulb in the lamp. Turn it on and look at the writing on the wall. If you turn it upside-down, it’s the code for the safe lock. Get the yellow gem from the safe and the sword from the coat of arms. Also get the bottle on the floor.

40. Go back to the bathroom and fill the bottle with water. Then put the fire out in the alternate dimension and get the cross. Then place the gems in the sockets based on the clue you found on the other fire escape. Take the empty book.

41. Place the book in the empty slot on the bookshelf and push it in. The bookcase will slide open, revealing a hidden door. Go up and take the lantern.

42. Go back to the attic and use the cross to defeat the ghost. Then use the clue you found in the alternate attic to solve the puzzle on the table and get the coiled wire. Combine the stopwatch with the coiled wire.

43. Go back behind the bookshelf and go down this time. There's a wizard here. Attack him with the sword and take his magic staff. Place the staff in the stand and then go down the ladder.

44. Place the lantern on the floor so you can see. Lift up the sheet and then go through the mirror to the alternate dimension.

45. Pick up the sledgehammer and use it to break down the wall. Then place the stopwatch on the dynamite and quickly run through the wall and exit the house to complete the game.

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January 5, 2017

Among the puzzles of the gaming genre, Haunted House Escape especially stands out for its excellent plot and interesting missions. The passage of this project does not come down to banal key combinations. Here you will have to apply logical knowledge, the ability to unravel puzzles and concentrate attention on surrounding objects. Ghosts will constantly interfere during the adventure, so any user may need help.

Game description

Players unanimously eliminated from the category logic games Haunted House Escape. Going through the story gives an excellent workout for thinking and does not require much time. The game is installed on mobile platforms and has a campaign several hours long. The hero will have to learn all the secrets of the haunted house and find out incredible secret. Society does not believe in these supernatural beings, and therefore it is necessary to collect evidence and stay alive. This is what it is main task for the player. The house seems to be alive own life and he won’t give up his secrets so easily.


At the beginning, the passage of the game Escape Haunted House will open the facade of the house in which all the adventures will take place. Look in your inventory, where you will find a pickaxe and a map indicating the location of the door key. A backpack allows you not only to store items, but also to put them together, examine them in more detail, separate and select them.
The map will show a place near the tombstone, where you should use a pickaxe and pick up items. At the front entrance, a skeleton will block the road, so enter from the side. In the corridor you will find a blade that should be taken into inventory. On the floor of the next room, take the wire cutters and go right. Here you should turn on the light under the safe with a combination lock and enter the password 274. Open the door to get a roll of electrical tape, and also don’t forget a cylinder with an unknown substance on the floor. Next, select the blade, cut the mannequin on the top shelf and take the key. Break the chain with wire cutters and put the ladder in your inventory. Next Escape Haunted House Windows Phone(the passage is discussed in this article) involves the use of received items. Place the ladder under the protruding stepladder and climb into the attic. Take the gun and the missing part, connect and kill the monster in the locked room (look at the map, the key to it is in the inventory).

Video on the topic

Second stage

To the Haunted House Escape walkthrough tasks didn’t stump you, take the chair and the bundle of hay in the room with the monster. In the attic, turn right, freeze the skeleton with a balloon, pick up a book and a video cassette. If you break a chair, you get a master key and boards. Use the first one on the door in the center and enter the restroom, where you will see a broken wire from the safe. Apply the electrical tape, and also switch the lever and take the stone. The videotape on the TV will transport the player to another room with a lot of things. The password for the safe is 14582437, and it contains a key with a pentagram and a clock. Unscrew the light bulb and pick up the leaf in the blood, then return using the TV. The diary will show the player a recipe: boards, hay, and a spark from a stone with flint will give fire. Go left in the room with the skeleton, and the Escape Haunted House walkthrough will lead straight to the wolf guard. Step up the stairs to climb the tower. Pick up a crossbow, a cartridge and kill the evil animal. The code on the chest of drawers is 9743, and take the ring from the clock on the wall. The code for the top shelf with a hammer and gear is 1010. In the very first room of the attic, build a fire in the fireplace according to the recipe mentioned above. Fire will allow you to find new items in Haunted House Escape. Completing further riddles depends entirely on the user’s attentiveness and ability to find a use for the found objects.


A game of this genre has a number of tips that you need to pay attention to. If an object can be divided, then its parts will be needed later. Weapons must be loaded and used only on opponents. They don't attack, but they don't allow you to go further. If you select a thing, then in the future it will definitely find its use. For example, a key with a pentagram opens a lock with the same pattern. In this case, the marks on the star should be in one row, and you will have to scroll through them several times. Any location has its secrets, and if you don’t know which thing to use, then try the appropriate ones one by one. It is worth noting that the first part became very popular and the developers released a sequel. Walkthrough of Escape Haunted House 2 is no different high complexity, but arouses the same interest among lovers of logical thinking.

Among the puzzles of the gaming genre, Haunted House Escape especially stands out for its excellent plot and interesting missions. The passage of this project does not come down to banal key combinations. Here you will have to apply logical knowledge, the ability to unravel puzzles and concentrate attention on surrounding objects. Ghosts will constantly interfere during the adventure, so any user may need help.

Game description

Players unanimously single out Haunted House Escape from the category of logic games. Going through the story gives an excellent workout for thinking and does not require much time.

The game is installed on mobile platforms and has a campaign several hours long. The hero will have to learn all the secrets of the haunted house and learn an incredible secret. Society does not believe in these supernatural beings, and therefore it is necessary to collect evidence and stay alive. This is the main task for the player. The house seems to live its own life and will not give up its secrets so easily.


At the beginning, the passage of the game Escape Haunted House will open the facade of the house in which all the adventures will take place. Look in your inventory, where you will find a pickaxe and a map indicating the location of the door key. A backpack allows you not only to store items, but also to put them together, examine them in more detail, separate and select them.

The map will show a place near the tombstone, where you should use a pickaxe and pick up items. At the front entrance, a skeleton will block the road, so enter from the side. In the corridor you will find a blade that should be taken into inventory. On the floor of the next room, take the wire cutters and go right. Here you should turn on the light under the safe with a combination lock and enter the password 274. Open the door to get a roll of electrical tape, and also don’t forget a cylinder with an unknown substance on the floor. Next, select the blade, cut the mannequin on the top shelf and take the key. Break the chain with wire cutters and put the ladder in your inventory. Further Escape Haunted House Windows Phone (the walkthrough is discussed in this article) involves the use of the received items. Place the ladder under the protruding stepladder and climb into the attic. Take the gun and the missing part, connect and kill the monster in the locked room (look at the map, the key to it is in the inventory).

Second stage

To avoid completing tasks in Haunted House Escape, take the chair and the bundle of hay in the room with the monster. In the attic, turn right, freeze the skeleton with a balloon, pick up a book and a video cassette. If you break a chair, you get a master key and boards. Use the first one on the door in the center and enter the restroom, where you will see a broken wire from the safe. Apply the electrical tape, and also switch the lever and take the stone. The videotape on the TV will transport the player to another room with a lot of things. The password for the safe is 14582437, and it contains a key with a pentagram and a clock. Unscrew the light bulb and pick up the leaf in the blood, then return using the TV. The diary will show the player a recipe: boards, hay, and a spark from a stone with flint will give fire. Go left in the room with the skeleton, and the Escape Haunted House walkthrough will lead straight to the wolf guard. Step up the stairs to climb the tower. Pick up a crossbow, a cartridge and kill the evil animal. The code on the chest of drawers is 9743, and take the ring from the clock on the wall. The code for the top shelf with a hammer and gear is 1010. In the very first room of the attic, build a fire in the fireplace according to the recipe mentioned above. Fire will allow you to find new items in Haunted House Escape. Completing further riddles depends entirely on the user’s attentiveness and ability to find a use for the found objects.


A game of this genre has a number of tips that you need to pay attention to. If an object can be divided, then parts of it will be needed later. Weapons must be loaded and used only on opponents. They don't attack, but they don't allow you to go further. If you select a thing, then in the future it will definitely find its use. For example, a key with a pentagram opens a lock with the same pattern. In this case, the marks on the star should be in one row, and you will have to scroll through them several times. Any location has its secrets, and if you don’t know which thing to use, then try the appropriate ones one by one. It is worth noting that the first part became very popular and the developers released a sequel. The passage of the game Escape Haunted House 2 is not more difficult, but it arouses the same interest among lovers of logical thinking.

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