Enchantment. Basic Star Wars Language Course

Aloha, inhabitants of planet Earth!

A galaxy far, far away, in which the Sith and Jedi have been waving light sabers and throwing rocks throughout tens of thousands of years of fictional history, is home to a huge number of intelligent and not so intelligent creatures. In the same Galactic Senate, before its dissolution, there were representatives of more than 2000 star systems, trying to find a common language (as practice has shown, in vain). At the same time, the creators of the world “” approached with soul the development of the languages ​​and speech of those alien life forms that can be found throughout all parts of the film saga. To take the first step in understanding the sounds made by humanoids from Tatooine, Kashyyyk or another planet, you need to start with the basics.

BASIC, also known as the pan-galactic language, is an English language, which is not surprising (in general, Lucas could easily take, for example, Hebrew, but at the same time he risked being misunderstood). Most of the Star Wars characters speak in it, except for very exotic forms of life, for which the “ordinary” language would not fit the image and structure of the gill slits, mouth openings and other speech-producing organs. A certain trend emerges: the more humanoid a race is, the more similar their language is to humans. Not surprising: it would be strange if some butt-head alien gave out Shakespeare quotes in the original language. For example, species such as the Neimoidians (whose speech was created by professional sports commentators) and the Gungans speak modified BASIC (although the Jamaicans rant about this, they could not prove anything).

Yes, this is not the emission of gases, but the normal speech of slug-like aliens. To create the guttural voice spoken by the most famous Hutt, Jabba, sound specialists from LucasFilm combined the speech of a person (actor Larry Ward), the sounds of an earthquake and the sound of a casserole falling into a plate. According to the recollections of the saga's sound designer, Ben Burtt, it took exactly one take and a can of soda to create Jabba's famous burp. At the same time, the mechanical Hutt himself helped create the effects for subsequent episodes: the sound with which the Tatooine gangster boss's eyeballs rotated was used decades later to voice the droid servos from The Phantom Menace. According to the recollections of the same Bertt, the sounds in the data bank are enough for a couple more trilogies.

A quick dictionary of the Hutt language:

  • hey you - forelock;
  • I greet you (aka who you are) - I want apenkii;
  • I'm a friend! - dolpii kikuina!;
  • glad to meet you - mii dankii ganko;
  • Welcome! - chubaso!;
  • all the best - mi juz ku;
  • yes - tagua;
  • no - nobata;
  • “thank you” and “please” have no analogues in Huttese.
The Hutt number system is octal, which allows them to lie mercilessly during transactions, which can be seen when compared with the standard counting system:

0 - nobo - 0
1 - bo - 1
2 - additional - 2
3 - oak - 3
4 - fvanna - 4
5 - k'vanna - 5
6 - whale - 6
7 - goba - 7
8 - hanto - 10
9 - bisca - 11
10 - boboba - 12
11 - joboba - 13

The image of the cute half-bear natives from Endor required an appropriate language from sound specialists. The basis was taken from the Tibetan, Kalmyk languages ​​and the dialect of the North American Lakota tribe. In general, Ewoks can be classified either as Mongoloids, or as relatives of Jacob from the Twilight Saga (God forbid). The creators of Star Wars received the bulk of their information about the Tibetan language from an 80-year-old emigrant from Mongolia who knew absolutely no English. According to the recollections of the same Ben Burtt, the film crew called this woman “Great-Grandmother Vodka.” It was she who became the ideological inspirer of the “Victory Song” of the Ewoks. As always, the American concept of regional geography is striking.

  • hello - guupa, or sku;
  • Hello, I'm a friend - yaa-yaa! Nud-la jiirota;
  • all the best - yiha;
  • yes - chuck;
  • no - den;
  • hurray - yubnub;
  • Wow! - ii chi wa ma!;
  • go - trick;
  • went! - yubub!;
  • I like this - yum yum.
The Ewok counting is also based on simple phonetic structures:
  1. hoji;
  2. n'la;
  3. n'dla;
  4. j'vuu;
  5. coca;
  6. idiza.

Shiriivuk, or Wookiee language

To create the roars, whines and other inarticulate sounds with which Chewy Chewbacca speaks, it took a lot of time and “respondents”: lions, walruses, dogs. However, the main source of the Wookiee’s “voice” is a trained bear named Pooh: in order to get the necessary intonations, the bear was shown food, but not given it, or vice versa, they were given their favorite treats. In order to somehow reproduce these sounds, it is necessary to use only the larynx, which is very difficult. However, a language was also invented for Wookiees. For example, these words and phrases (for additional convincing you need to be damn hungry and unshaven):

  • hi - woohoo;
  • I'm a friend - rah guaaaag;
  • thank you - ur-yuh;
  • go - aua;
  • yes - yuma;
  • no - muaua;
  • good - ohh-haa;
The bill in Shiriivuk has a simpler pronunciation:
  1. Ahah
  2. a-o-ah
  3. vyoorg
  4. ah vyoorg
  5. hu vooorg
  6. mava yurg
  7. ah mava-yurg
  8. a-oo-ma
  9. a-oo-ma-vyarg

Since the Jawas did not require a combination of lip movements and conversation, the sound specialists had quite a lot of room for creativity. Arrogant, fearless, undersized hucksters—that’s how the LucasFilm designers saw them. As Ben Burtt says, the decision to use the language of the Zulu tribe as the basis of the language of the Java people came when one representative of this tribe, when asked about intonations denoting fear and apprehension, replied that the Zulu did not have such words and intonations. The same associations arose among the creators of the language of guys in overalls. Indeed, how else can the little stinkers with glowing eyes, who steal and sell everything that is bad, talk? Detroit, in a word.

Some phrases in Java:

  • duck! - a victory cry and a way to attract the attention of other Jawas;
  • Greetings! - m'am m'alu!;
  • I am a friend - k’masa nu ayeta;
  • yes - forehead;
  • no - nueta;
  • let's go - asuna;
  • bye - yubanya;
  • this is mine, this is all mine! — and biton nua mumbai m’bwa!
Java account:
  1. not in the number system
  2. kiseva
100. gakiseva.
100,000,000. jo jo muma.

Their planetary neighbors, the Tusken Riders, received their voices from donkeys in Tunisia, where Tatooine was filmed. Here are some phrases in the Tusken language:

  • greetings - aargh!;
  • I come in peace - r hurrah r hurray!;
  • don't move! - jurrak!

Summing up

Of course, not all races in the Galaxy received their own language system, but since the Expanded Universe and the imagination of the authors are almost limitless, this can be expected in the future, since interest in the Star Wars universe will be supported by Disney for a long time, until the franchise will make a profit. However, for fans and just lovers of this carefully thought out fantasy world, in which there is a place for everyone. Chubaso!

To write this article, information was used from Ben Burtt’s book “Galactic Phrasebook and Travel Guide”.

Ben Burtt (Born July 12, 1948, in Jamesville, New York, USA) is a sound engineer, editor, and screenwriter.
— Worked on sound effects for Star Wars, created the sounds of Darth Vader’s breathing, blaster shots, and R2-D2’s “speech.”
— Worked on sound effects for the films “Indiana Jones” and “.” Winner of 4 Oscars, two of which were for special achievements.

Enchanting Table Window

Window up to 1.8

Re-enchanting an ax

Enchantment(English) Enchanting) - imposing special properties on weapons, tools or armor. These properties themselves are called charms. Among players, these properties are often called "enchantments"(sometimes the very process of imposing these properties is called “enchantment”), but this is not entirely correct from the point of view of the Russian language.


To enchant an item, place it in a cell in the interface of the enchanting table (RMB on the table to open). After placing an item on the right, three random enchantment options will appear, with the cost in experience levels indicated by the number on the right. The player can select any of them if he has enough experience for this (in creative mode, experience is not required), and thus give the item a set of properties associated with this item.

You can enchant any elements of armor, swords, bows, picks, shovels, axes, scissors (up to 1.9) and fishing rods.

Level affects what enchantments can be obtained. Many enchantments have several levels. It is also possible to enchant an item for multiple enchantments. As the cost increases, the likelihood of obtaining a more valuable enchantment increases. Typically, the most expensive item on the menu will yield the best enchantment combination.

Almost perfect placement of bookshelves around an enchanting table

The maximum experience level at which an item can be enchanted increases when bookcases are placed one block away from the enchanting table. After 1.3, the cost of enchantments is calculated using the formula:

Basic level (base)= (1..8 + (b/2) + 0..b),

Level in top slot = max ( base/ 3, 1) Level in the middle slot = ( base× 2) / 3 + 1 Level in the bottom slot = max ( base, b × 2)

Where b- number of nearby bookcases. No more than 15 cabinets are taken into account, standing at table level or 1 block higher with a gap of one block from the table (5x5 square with the table in the center), there should be no blocks between the table and cabinets (not even snow, torches, etc.). etc.), otherwise the corresponding cabinets will not be used. Thus, if you need to enchant something, but the character’s level is not enough, using torches you can temporarily “turn off” the cabinets and lower the enchantment level.

Possible enchantments

Enchant Armor

EID Item Name Effect Max. level When improving Notes

Converts melee and ranged attack damage to armor damage. IV See article Armor Mutually incompatible.

Fire resistance
Fire Protection
Protection from fire, lava and efreet fireballs. Reduces the player's burn time. IV

Explosion resistance
Blast Protection
Explosion protection. Reduces the recoil from explosions. IV

Projectile protection
Projectile Protection
Protection from projectiles (arrows, fireballs and drowned tridents). IV
Feather Falling
Fall protection IV Also works when teleporting with ender pearls.
Underwater breathing
Reduces air loss under water, increases the time between attacks of suffocation. III +15 seconds to the time of breathing underwater, +1 second to the time between attacks of suffocation
Affinity with water
Aqua Affinity
Allows you to destroy blocks underwater at normal speed, just like on land I

Has a chance to damage the attacker III Increases chance of dealing damage Armor wears out faster depending on damage transmitted and received.

Level III is available only by combining two items/things and a book with the “Thorns II” enchantment.

Underwater walking
Conqueror of the Deep
Depth Strider
Increases walking speed underwater III Speed ​​increases Mutually incompatible.
Ice Walk
Walking on water
Frost Walker
Turns water into frozen ice, which allows you to walk on the surface of the reservoir II The freezing radius of water increases

Uses experience to repair items in your hands or armor slots. I

Enchant Weapon

EID Item Name Effect Max. level When improving Notes

Extra Damage V + - damage Additional damage is determined randomly with each hit. Mutually incompatible. The ax can only be cast using an anvil.

Heavenly punishment
Additional damage to zombies (cadavers, zombie pigmen and drowned people), skeletons (wither skeletons and winterhorses), wither creatures, and phantoms. V + - damage

Arthropod scourge
Death of insects
Bane of Arthropods
Extra damage to spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, and edge silverfish. V + - damage
Knocks back mobs and players II Stronger knockback This bonus does not stack with the knockback bonus while running.
Conspiracy of fire
Fire aspect
Sets the target on fire II Burning time increases When you kill a mob, instead of raw meat, fried meat will immediately drop out.
Increases loot from mobs, increases the chance of rare drops III +1 to the upper limit of possible drops, +0.5% to the chance of a rare drop, +10% to the chance of an enchanted rare drop Rare drops have a default 2% chance of dropping, and a 20% chance that a drop from this amount will drop enchanted. "Loot" can increase the chance of rare drops to 3.5%, and up to 50% the chance of enchanted items from this amount.
Slashing Blade
Sweeping Edge
Increases damage to mobs standing next to the target III Increases damage by n/(n + 1) + 1 times, where n is the enchantment level
Extra Damage V Increases damage by 25% Increases damage by 25% × (level + 1), that is, by 50% at Strength I and 150% at Strength V. Strength V allows you to kill almost any mob with one shot (2.5 × 4.5 = 11.25 hearts).
Knockback target II Knockback increases
Burning Arrow
Sets fire to arrows I Ignites fired arrows, setting the target on fire upon impact. Burning arrows do not set fire to surrounding objects or emit light, but can activate TNT.
Arrows are not wasted. But to shoot you need at least one arrow. Does not work with enchanted arrows I Can be useful in the battle against the Ender Dragon. Shot arrows cannot be picked up.
Returns the trident after being thrown III The trident returns faster
Deals additional melee and ranged damage to water mobs. V Each level adds 2.5 (×1⁄4) additional damage per hit. The group of “Water” mobs includes dolphins, guards, ancient guards, fish, octopuses, turtles and the player, but not drowned people, since they are undead.
An enchanted trident will pull the player along with it when thrown III The trident will pull the player further Works only under water or during rain, otherwise the trident cannot be attacked.
When an entity is hit, it will be struck by lightning I Only works during thunderstorms.

Enchant Tools

EID Item Name Effect Max. level When improving Notes

Faster resource extraction V Increases mining speed. Level V will result in blocks with durability of 1 or less (for example, hellstone and earth) being mined almost instantly, even with stone tools, at a speed of 1 block per beat.

Only affects blocks that the tool can mine. Combines with the rush effect.


Silk Touch
Silk Touch
Destroying a block (with the right tool) will drop that block, even if it should drop something else (for example, a rock will drop a rock rather than a cobblestone). Since version 12w50a (1.4.6) on an anvil with the help of an enchanted book, the “Silk Touch” enchantment can be cast on scissors and used to extract cobwebs. I Allows you to mine usually inaccessible blocks, such as ores, mycelium, grass, huge mushrooms, ice and cobwebs. Incompatible with Luck.

There is a chance that the tool's durability will not decrease III The tool will lose a unit of durability with a chance of 100%/(x+1), where x is the enchantment level. For example, with “Strength III” the chance of losing the safety margin is 25% of the initial one (100%/(3+1) = 25%). That is, the strength of the tool will increase approximately 4 times.

Gives a chance to drop more resources III I: 33% * 2 (33% more)
II: 25% * 2, 25% * 3 (75% more)
III: 20% * 2, 20% * 3, 20% * 4 (120% more)
Works with non-metallic ores, glowstone, tall grass, wheat (for seeds only), hellish growths and watermelons. Also increases the chance of flint dropping to 100% at level III. Incompatible with Silk Touch.
Lucky fisherman
Sea luck
Luck of the Sea
Increases the chance of catching treasure. Reduces the chance of catching debris (when fishing) III I: 7.5% chance to catch trash, 6% chance to catch treasure.
II: 5% chance of catching trash, 7% chance of catching treasure.
III: 2.5% chance to catch trash, 8% chance to catch treasure.
The effects are cumulative.
Increases the chance of catching fish. Reduces the chance of catching trash or treasure by 1% per level III I: wait -5 seconds, chance of catching garbage 9%, treasure 4%.
II: wait −10 sec, chance of catching garbage 8%, treasure 3%.
III: wait −15 sec, chance of catching garbage 7%, treasure 2%.


Additional Anvil Enchantment Options

  • Any effect conflicts with itself. Thus, you cannot get an instrument with multiple copies of the same effect.
  • All defense enchantments conflict with each other (although Lightness is implemented as a defense, it does not follow this rule).
  • All increased damage enchantments conflict with each other.
  • Silk Touch and Luck conflict with each other. In fact, even if you get a pickaxe with this combination using modifications or inventory editors, it will not give the effect of “infinite resources” - Luck will not work on a pickaxe with Silk Touch and when mining diamond, red, etc. ores, it will blocks just fall out in normal quantities.
  • The Infinity and Bow Repair enchantments conflict with each other.

Reference diagrams

Dependence of possible enchantments on the level on diamond tools from 1.3.1 to 1.8.

The above tables contain technical values ​​from the game code and are of little use in practice.

(English) there is a probability calculator, reference tables, a description of the enchanting mechanism and some other data.


Spells are composed randomly. Three to four words are selected from the list and combined to form the name of the spell. The names are random and do not depend on the selected item, level or set of enchantments. Thus, the spell is a cosmetic detail that plays no role in the mechanics and is not saved with the item, but only displayed in the magic table window.

the elder scrolls klaatu berata niktu xyzzy bless curse light darkness fire air earth water hot dry cold wet ignite snuff embiggen twist shorten stretch fiddle destroy imbue galvanize enchant free limited range of towards inside sphere cube self other ball mental physical grow shrink demon elemental spirit animal creature beast humanoid undead fresh stale

Spells are written in the Galactic Standard Alphabet, which is a simple substitution cipher in the Commander Keen series of games. If you want to quickly decrypt spells, replace alternate.png in .minecraft\versions\ game version\game version.jar\font to default.png . Cipher key:

Other methods of enchanting)

Protection protection 0 0 Fire resistance fire_protection 1 1 Weightlessness feather_falling 2 2 Explosion resistance blast_protection 3 3 Projectile protection projectile_protection 4 4 Spikes thorns 7 5 Breath respiration 5 6 Deep step depth_strider 8 7 Water Affinity (Submariner) aqua_affinity 6 8 Acuity sharpness 16 9 Heavenly punishment smite 17 10 Arthropod scourge bane_of_arthropods 18 11 Dropping knockback 19 12 Conspiracy of fire fire_aspect 20 13 Looting (Loot) looting 21 14 Efficiency efficiency 32 15 Silk Touch silk_touch 33 16 vanishing_course Java Edition Diamonds!- minecraft:story/enchant_item



The awakening of stellar memory and the “entrance” of higher aspects is gaining new momentum. Recently a very interesting incident occurred. For some time, several cameramen and I stayed together at the dacha. One fine evening, walking past the room of one of them, I heard a conversation in a language I didn’t understand, but at first I didn’t realize it, thinking that I was simply bad at understanding speech. The lights in her room were turned off and the door was closed, so it seemed to me that she was just talking on the phone.

Passing by 20 minutes later, I again heard a strange speech and this time I decided to find out who she was talking to. Turning on the light in the room, I saw that the operator was lying with his eyes closed and talking... to himself in a language unknown to me. At the same time, this language was very reminiscent of the one in which the heroine of Milla Jovovich - Lilu- spoke in the film “The Fifth Element”. Let me remind you:

The operator's eyes were closed, she animatedly gesticulated and conducted a dialogue with an invisible partner. The operator was not aware of my presence nearby.

This sometimes happens in the practice of regressive hypnosis - when a person, finding himself in another life, begins to speak an ancient or unearthly language. This has not yet happened in my personal practice, but Dolores Cannon, for example, has in her collection about 15 recordings of unknown languages ​​that no one has been able to identify.

In view of the operator's predisposition to spontaneously enter trance states (this has been happening to her for several years without any hypnosis), I did not worry and simply decided to record part of her dialogue before asking about what was happening. In such cases, it is usually enough to simply ask the immersed person to switch to a language that the leader understands, but such torture was not successful.

After several requests to switch to Russian, while still in a trance, I finally decided to wake up the operator, because... her voice was quite tense and excited. However, when she opened her eyes, to my surprise, she did not switch to Russian, but continued to gibber in an unknown tongue twister.

I asked her several more times to switch to Russian, but instead of the expected result I received wide open eyes and an excited gesture pointing to my throat. The operator continued to speak in gibberish, and the tension in her voice and eyes began to turn from excitement to fear. It became clear that she could not switch back to her native language, despite all attempts.

I asked the operator to lie down and called her guardians for help. There was either no answer, or I simply couldn’t understand it. Assuming that she had incorrectly closed her communication channel after leaving the body, I tried to carry out an immersion in order to then bring her out of the trance using the usual method. There was no result either, she was too excited and no longer wanted to dive anywhere, although she understood me enough.

The only solution in this case was to load a second operator and through him find out the details of what was happening. I went out into a large room where several other people were sitting having evening tea and called the one who was most suitable for this role. After a brief explanation of the situation, we both headed to the first operator's room.

By putting the second operator (A.) into a trance, we established that during the evening siesta, the essence of the first operator (O.) went into her home world and got stuck there, not wanting to return. This sometimes happens in hypnosis, when a person, getting home, experiences such powerful melancholy and simultaneous joy of returning that he simply refuses to return. We also found out that there was a parallel aspect in her body that “descended” in her place, connected to the vocal cords of the physical body, but could not speak Russian, because had no experience of incarnation on earth in our era.

It’s worth making a small lyrical digression here. and to remind the reader that this sometimes happens to souls who, for various reasons, decide to stop their journey on earth. The phenomenon is called “replacement” (“walk-in”). Usually, the essence is replaced by a mutual contract with the incarnate soul. In this case, the person changes partially or completely.

From an old post:

Substitution is often used when the incarnate soul is tired of being here and wants to go home. The replacement can occur during a near-death experience or in a dream, depending on the situation. The exchange of energy-informational bodies occurs as if under a contract - one entity enters, another leaves, sometimes completely, sometimes partially. At the same time, the character of the person himself can change dramatically and even speak in other languages ​​and accents, as recently happened with George Michael after a coma, but usually the personality and all the memory of this life remains.

But let's return to our traveler:

Having once again called the guardians of operator O., we spent about 15 minutes trying to persuade the entity to return back to the physical body. It took about another half hour to fully integrate O.'s essence back into the physical suit. After that, I brought both operators out of their trance and we were able to talk about what had happened, although O. still had difficulties with the Russian language for a long time and was constantly trying to switch to gibberish.

It turned out that the part of her that descended from above did not leave completely, but decided to stay to support her parallel ray of attention in difficult times. Already 2 months after this incident, O. sometimes continues to switch to the cosmic language spoken by Lilu, her spiritual sister. At the same time, this language is constantly evolving and changing, because Lilu scans the information field of earthly languages ​​and adapts to them, adding the most commonly used words.

It also turned out that the language itself is understandable for many galactic races and is used as an auxiliary means for telepathic communication, therefore it does not have an established form, but can be adapted to the situation and the speaker.

In addition, the tongue depends on O.’s mood - in a good mood the tongue sounds louder, work is done on the upper chakras, vibrations increase. In a bad mood, the vibrations of pronunciation decrease.

Many star souls intuitively recognize this language and, in some cases, it will help them activate their cosmic memory.

Here is part of the recording of the language itself:

All parts of this post:

Also read on topic

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Life beyond the Earth currently exists only in the Sci-Fi genre :) From individual film and literary works, fully developed “universes” grew, in which there was a place for various languages ​​of alien races. And since there is an invented language, it is necessary to come up with a written language for it, or some other characteristic signaling system. This is what I want to tell you about curious fictional alphabets :)

The writing of the Star Wars universe

In the Star Wars universe, most characters, including the human race, communicate with each other using main galactic language, or BASIC(from the English name Basic Galactic Language), which is essentially English interspersed with "dialect" words (such as blaster, Moff, Jedi, hyperspace, droid, padawan, midichlorians etc.), which have no analogues in real English today. It should be noted that George Lucas and his assistants were not initially faced with the task of developing a special writing system for BASIC; The first inscriptions written “in an alien galactic style” appear only in 1983 in “Return of the Jedi.” These inscriptions use a fictitious script called aurebesh:

The name “Aurebesh”, as you might guess, is made up of the names of the first two letters, “Aurek” and “Besh” (by analogy with the word “alphabet”). Aurebesh includes consonants, vowels, double letters and punctuation marks. Words are separated by spaces. Reading order is usually left to right and top to bottom. To indicate capital letters, characters are mirrored.

There is an opinion that the Galaxy also uses the Latin alphabet (after all, the main galactic language is, in fact, English) together with Aurebesh. This can be seen in the example of some records (“Jedi Code”) or emblems, for example, of the Jedi Order. Although these examples can be said to be specifically "translated" into English for earthly readers, in some cases both Latin and Aurebesh are used (Corporate Sector Board). It is unknown whether these cases should be considered errors or inconsistencies with canon. In addition to this, the use of Latin characters to describe various starfighter models based on their shape (X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing, etc.) seems to prove that the Latin alphabet exists in this universe. since the shapes of these ships do not correspond to the shape of the Aurebesh letters, unlike the Latin alphabet.

Another “lingua franca” in the Star Wars universe is Hutt language. Due to the commercial and criminal influence of the Hutt race on the galaxy, it became the second most spoken language after the main galactic language and the common language for much of the space surrounding the Hutt territories.

As a basis for the Hutt language, the filmmakers took the real-life Quechua and Aymara languages ​​spoken by the Indians of Peru and Bolivia. The Hutt writing system is not so well developed; all we see in the films are individual characters and short inscriptions. Presumably, the Hutt script consists of the following characters:

Much more accurate and detailed Mandalorian letter, created by one of the authors of the Star Wars Expanded Universe book series, Karen Traviss. The Mandalorian language is spoken by the inhabitants of the planet Mandalore, a militant group consisting of clans that include creatures of various races. The Mandalorian letter looks like this:

Two alphabets used by the inhabitants of the planet Naboo: futhark(formal alphabet) and futork(informal alphabet). It is noteworthy that writings with this name actually exist; these are forms of runic writing.



In films, games and comics based on the Star Wars universe, there are also other writing systems, such as Ewok letter, shiriivuuk(Wookiee language) Trade Federation alphabet, but the appearance of inscriptions in these languages ​​is sporadic, since they were not specially developed.

The writing of the Star Trek universe

In fairness, it should be noted that the Star Trek universe has existed longer than the Star Wars universe (what are ten, soon eleven full-length films against six, and five full-length television series against two animated ones!), and therefore the development of languages ​​was given much more time. As a result, it appeared Klingon- a language that has the status of not just a “fictional” one, but a full-fledged artificial language! There are several hundred people in the world who speak Klingon, and a periodical is published.

This language was created by professional linguist Marc Okrand. In his work, he used constructions characteristic of the languages ​​of the Indians of North America, as well as Sanskrit. Klingon phonetics uses a number of sounds that are difficult for speakers of Indo-European languages, including the glottal stop and others exported from various Indian languages ​​to create a distinctly “alien” sound.

Remind me to write a more detailed article about the Klingon language someday (because there are amazingly many different interesting things there), but for now just admire the Klingon alphabet, which is officially called pIqaD:

Another common language in Star Trek, Vulcan, was not as well developed as Klingon, although there were attempts by enthusiasts to create a full-fledged dictionary and grammar for Vulcan. But the Vulcans came up with a very interesting writing system, using the musical staff as a basis:

Writing Romulan language, spoken by the inhabitants of the Romulan Empire, is as follows:

Race Borg, which accepts (more precisely, forcibly “assimilates”) a representative of any other race into its collective, does not have its own language, because by assimilating an individual, he also assimilates all his experience and knowledge, they become part of the collective mind of the Borg (yes, the word “Borg” does not have a plural form, because the Borg all together form a single “organism”). But despite all this, the Borg use an alphanumeric code as a written language (for example, for designations on control panels). This is a highly complex code consisting of combinations of different symbols, with a total number of more than 50:

Here are the scripts of several other languages ​​in the Star Trek universe:

Bajoran language, ancient and modern forms of ideographic writing

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