Lessons on terrorism with school-age children. Class hour "for children about terrorism"

What should we say to the children who saw the news with us? We heard that many people died...

First, keep your children away from televisions. This is the main advice: children should not watch the news.

But you can’t completely isolate children from real life?

And this is not life. Think about how many real deaths the average person faces in life, if he is not on the battlefield or in some other extreme circumstances? Well, five or six at most. Our psyche, relatively speaking, is not designed for more. Moreover, the psyche of children. They don't need to see the concentration of death and grief around the world every day. So again: get them away from the TV, children don’t need to watch news about a terrorist attack.

If this did happen, the child watched the news. What should I tell him?

We simply calm small children - preschoolers, primary schoolchildren. We say it’s scary, but it’s very far away, and mom and dad are with you, nothing will happen near us. Under no circumstances should you indulge in detailed explanations that bad people came and killed good people. This triggers very serious fears. Does the child know about himself that he is good, and what does this mean - that bad guys can come to him and kill him just like that? In my practice I encounter such neurosis all the time. Therefore, we simply reassure small children. For older children, it will be enough to say that yes, there are bad people who attack with weapons, and we will defend ourselves from them, we know how to do it. But again, you need to talk to children about terrorism as calmly as possible, without details.

What to tell teenagers?

But teenagers will already demand a more serious conversation, and here it is important not to fall into propaganda. It is very important for teenagers that everything that happens around them corresponds to their sense of justice and legality. Convey the message that everything will be adjusted, everything will come into balance, terrorism will be stopped and punished. Do not talk to children about terrorism and extremism using words from TV, speak as neutrally and calmly as possible. Do not insult anyone under any circumstances, because the child goes to school after your conversation, and in this school he has classmates of other nationalities, other cultures, this conversation should not provoke hatred between children. Of course, what you say will depend on your family position on this issue. But - be careful.

What do children fear most? What news?

The same as all of us - to die, to lose loved ones. A terrorist attack is staged precisely in order to intimidate us, to instill horror; in one second we begin to feel that everything in the world is unsteady, that death is walking nearby.

How should we react - and what kind of mood should a child read? Should we teach him empathy?

In any case, all our conversations should convey this thought: next to me, an adult, you are safe, I will never hurt you, and we can handle everything. This may not be an objective truth, but this is what a child should grow up with, it helps him live, and this ultimately turns into a useful function in his head, teaching him to react calmly and constructively to difficult situations in life.

How can we, adults, not be afraid?

You can't help but be afraid when there is a threat of a terrorist attack. We must be afraid. It is stupid to deny fear and, for example, still fly to those countries or through those countries in which hostilities are taking place. It’s stupid to show off and not listen to your instincts at all. Fear, when justified, is a useful function. It’s another matter what to do with him later - go smash in response or go help someone who is feeling bad, and think about what to do next, how to correct the situation.

Commentary on the slides:

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All young citizens of the country should know that the National Anti-Terrorism Committee operates in Russia. Its name also contains its main task: the committee’s employees fight terrorism.
On March 10, 2006, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Combating Terrorism,” the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) was created. Its employees not only figure out how to protect train stations, airports, businesses and every person from the threat of terrorist attacks, but also develop special regulations and laws. These documents help eliminate the causes of terrorist attacks and prevent them.
The work of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee ensures the safety of all Russian citizens, including young people like you.
In the difficult task of fighting terrorists, NAC employees are helped by:
- Federal Security Service (FSB);
- Police;
- Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN).

What is terrorism?
The word “terror” translated from Latin means “fear”, “horror”. Therefore, criminals who try to intimidate people with their actions are called terrorists. They use violence or threaten people in order to achieve their evil goals. And when terrorist acts are committed, as a rule, innocent citizens suffer.
The National Anti-Terrorism Committee, through its activities, protects the citizens of our country from such criminals.

Among the most famous terrorist attacks of the last decade:
- Hostage-taking in a hospital on July 14, 1995 in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory.
- In September 1999, a number of terrorist attacks occurred in Moscow and Volgodonsk: on September 8, terrorists blew up a residential building on Guryanov Street; On September 13, an explosion occurred on Kashirskoye Highway; On September 16, 1999, a house in Volgodonsk was blown up.
- On October 23, 2002, hostages were taken at the Theater Center on Dubrovka during a performance of the musical “Nord-Ost”. This lasted three days.
- On July 5, 2003, two explosions occurred at the entrance to the Tushino airfield, where the Wings rock festival was taking place.
- On February 6, 2004, a terrorist attack occurred in the Moscow metro. The explosive device was detonated in the second carriage of the train on the stretch between Paveletskaya and Avtozavodskaya stations.
- On September 1, 2004, about 30 terrorists seized a school in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. Within a few minutes, more than a thousand hostages - students, teachers, parents - were in their hands. Three days later there was a bloody denouement.
- On August 13, 2007, terrorists planted a bomb under the Moscow-St. Petersburg train. The explosion injured 60 people.
- On March 29, 2010, two explosions occurred in Moscow again in the Moscow metro: the first at the Lubyanka station, the second at the Park Kultury station. 40 people died, 60 were injured.

I think that you all know that our meeting and training is not just for us to have fun communicating. The main task of teachers and parents is to teach you to counteract the terrible evil - terrorism. Therefore, you and I must know what to do if a threat arises; services created specifically to combat terrorism will continue to catch those criminals who commit terrorist acts.

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Let's start with the rules for safe use of mobile phones:
- Do not use expensive mobile phones if you are still a child and are not able to stand up for yourself, so that no bully is tempted by the expensive price.
- Never take out your mobile phone on the street unless necessary, especially in deserted or dark places. You can play and listen to music, write or read a message in a quiet environment at home or during a break in the classroom.
- Set up the “Quick Call” key on your phone to the number of your parents or friends, so that in case of emergency you can press only one key without taking the phone out of your pocket.
- Never give your phone number to strangers, and also, if they notice your phone and ask you to call, refuse, citing the fact that there is no money in your account.
- Always inform your parents about your route, for example: “I came from school”, “I’m going to class”, “I’m visiting friends”. There are modern tariffs for children that allow you to call others even with a negative balance.
It is very important that you all know and remember the emergency numbers of the various telecom operators.

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We will conduct three mini-lessons.
First mini-lesson: “Explosions in public places”
Do you know what public places are?
Yes, these are places where a lot of people gather.
These include markets, public transport stops, shops, especially supermarkets, squares and parks during events. Terrorists can plant explosive devices in these places. Can you find them? Certainly! To do this, you must always be very careful and know the signs of the presence of explosive devices. This could be: a tossed bag, an antenna, wires, freshly dug soil, mobile phones, beer cans; extraneous incomprehensible noise.
The worst thing is that criminals disguise mines as toys. Children are the most trusting people, so they will be the first to rush to pick up a doll, phone, pen or any other object. This is where an explosion can occur.
What to do? Firstly, do not touch or kick objects lying on the ground on the street! Secondly, inform adults about this and move to a safe distance: it is best to leave this place altogether. The specialists who were informed about this will do everything to ensure that no one gets hurt.
It is very important to remember that in such situations you cannot use mobile phones. The fact is that the mine can be programmed on the same waves as your mobile phone. And, if this suddenly happens, then when you call (either you call, or they call you), an explosion may occur. Therefore, when you notice or are informed that a suspicious item has been found, immediately move away and turn off your phone.

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Second mini-lesson: “Kidnapping.”
Why do you think criminals kidnap people?
Don't think that only the rich are kidnapped who can pay a large bag of money for release.
Historical facts indicate that people are kidnapped not only for ransom, but also in order to enslave people, as well as to use their healthy organs.
Therefore, our task is to learn to behave in such a way as to never be kidnapped.
First, you need to stay off the road so that criminals can't push you into the car.
Secondly, think through your routes around the city (stanitsa) in such a way that you are always in sight of many people.
Thirdly, try to go with friends and parents, but not alone. Criminals are afraid to approach a group of people because there are many witnesses.
Don't forget the rules for using mobile phones!

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Third mini-lesson: “Hostage taking.”
The first rule is don't panic! A worried person cannot soberly assess the situation, so the most important thing is to remain calm, not contradict the criminals and fulfill their requests.
The second rule is to distract yourself from what is happening, remembering your family and friends.
The third rule is not to make sudden movements, not to look terrorists in the eyes, and try to be invisible.
The fourth rule is not to lose heart! Remember that you will definitely be saved!
The fifth rule is that you should try to remember everything: how the terrorists are dressed, what they call each other, what they say, what their habits are, and more. This will then help our services find the criminals.

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False call
Let's listen to one story: Sasha and Vitya were playing in the park. Suddenly they saw a mobile phone lying on the ground. We stopped. We thought.
“Let’s call the police,” Sasha suggested.
“Come on,” Vitya agreed.
Do you think the boys did the right thing?
The police arrived. She cordoned off the place where the abandoned mobile phone lay. At the end of the operation, the policeman thanked the boys.
Here Vitya said:
- Cool! One call and so much noise...

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- Cool! Sasha said. Let's do this again?
The guys called the police again, saying that a package had been planted and something was ticking in it...
The police arrived, and the operation to neutralize the planted device was again carried out in a serious manner.
- Boys! Did you see who left the package?
And then the girl said that she saw the boys throw the package.
The policeman reported that the call was false.
The boys were taken to the police station, their parents were called, and they were warned that their children would be registered.
- That's all? Sasha’s mother asked.
“Wait for a summons to court,” the policeman answered, you will have to pay a fine for a false summons.

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on knowledge of safety rules for children

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you found an unknown, ownerless package or abandoned bag, briefcase, box in a vehicle, entrance, apartment, at a bus stop, on the street,
- don't touch him;
- do not approach him;
- do not use a mobile phone near him;
- remember the time the object was discovered;
- tell adults (teacher, driver, neighbors, parents) about this;
- call 02.

Slide 10
there may be an explosion in the room,
- lie down quickly;
- cover your head with your hands;
- beware of falling plaster and fittings;
- stay away from windows, cabinets, shelves;
- don’t run, don’t use the elevator;
- beware of glazed surfaces;
- stay close to doorways in load-bearing walls.

Slide 11
possible explosion on the street,
- do not run to the explosion site;
- don’t wonder why random passers-by are experiencing explosions;
- run further to the side;
- hide behind the corner, the ledge of the building;
- lie down quickly;
- cover your head with your hands;
- beware of falling poles and power lines;
- try to take cover, but away from high-rise buildings and structures.

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you were in the room and heard shots,
- do not stand by the window, even if it is covered with a curtain;
- do not rise above the window sill level;
- do not enter the room from which shots are heard;
- call 02:
- don’t go to the window or the door if they call and say that it’s the police;
- call your parents and tell them about the shots.

Slide 13
you were taken hostage,
- don't shout;
- don't cry;
- don’t be capricious;
- don't complain;
- don't panic;
- do not make eye contact with terrorists;
- remember something good;
- fulfill the demands of terrorists;
- save energy.

Slide 14
you're in the crowd
- let the crowd carry you;
- try to move to the edge of the crowd;
- do not keep your hands in your pockets;
- spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that the chest is not compressed;
- try to stay on your feet in any way;
- get rid of your scarf, bag, tie;
- try to be away from tall and large people, people with bulky objects and large bags.

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you smelled gas
- do not turn on the light, do not strike matches;
- immediately open windows, doors, vents;
- close the gas valve on the stove and gas pipe;
- call the service by phone “04”;
- leave the apartment;
- take pets if you have them.

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you evacuate when a fire is reported,
- call “01”, tell us where the fire is happening, what is burning, address, phone number, your last name, what is the most convenient way to get to the house, whether there is a danger for people;
- speak clearly and calmly on the phone;
- leave the apartment;
- crawl or bend down, put a bandage soaked in water on your nose and mouth;
- open the door to a smoky room carefully so that a rapid flow of air does not cause a flash of flame.

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suddenly there was a flood,
- take with you food, drinking water, warm clothes, a flashlight, matches, a first aid kit, your lifebuoy, rope, and other means of survival;
- climb to the upper floors or roof of the house;
- stay there until rescuers arrive;
- give signals about your location using flags, lantern light or candles.

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you were in the water during a flood,
- take off heavy clothes and shoes;
- use objects floating nearby to stay on the surface of the water;
- calmly swim with the current to the shore or the nearest islands, buildings and wait for rescuers here;
- save energy;
- avoid whirlpools;
- stay away from electrical wires and electrical poles.

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you use electrical appliances,
- do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended;
- never pull the electrical wire with your hands;
- turn electrical appliances on and off only with dry hands;
- do not try to repair electrical appliances yourself;
- do not insert foreign objects into sockets.

Slide 20
you are interested in electricity on the street,
- do not approach exposed or hanging wires, do not touch them;
- do not throw any wire over electrical wires on poles;
- don’t go near transformer booths, you can’t hide in them, you can’t open them.

Slide 21
you are going to swim in the sea or river,
- do not dive in unfamiliar places;
- never swim beyond the buoys;
- do not go into deep places, even if you swim well;
- do not swim near boats or ships, you may be pulled under the propeller;
- do not swim far on inflatable mattresses or circles;
- do not play on the water in such a way as to keep the “enemy” under water, he may choke;
- never go into the water during a storm.
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With the official support of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, the children's magazine "Spasaikin" is published. Read “Spasaikin” and you will learn safety and caution.

Scenario for the action “Children against Terror” “There is no such thing as someone else’s grief.” Script for schoolchildren.

Svetlana Nikolaevna Istratkina, head of the Novoguslevsky SDK, Novoguslevsky rural House of Culture, branch of the municipal institution NCD K, Taldomsky municipal district, Moscow region, Novoguslevo village

Description: This scenario is made to make people realize the seriousness of the threat of terrorism. To draw attention to the problem of terror in our society, about the history of its existence.

Target: Explain what terrorism is, the formation of public consciousness and civic position of the younger generation, studying the rules of behavior in the event of a terrorist attack.

Tasks: To develop in the participants of the action the ability to empathize, to feel the global problem in the modern world from the threat of terror. To draw attention to this problem, to show how inattentive our community is to this. Teach children how to behave in the face of the threat of terror.

Equipment: posters with various slogans, gouache, a bucket of water, a towel, short educational cartoons, presentation.
Technical teaching aids: PC, multimedia equipment, screen.

Promotion progress:
(Melody “Where the Motherland Begins”)

“No” to terrorism!
Let's say together:
- No to terrorism!
The world needs bright sunshine!
So that people's blood does not spill,
So that there are no dead children!
There is no reason for death and tears.
Adults, listen, this is serious!
We will not tire of repeating again:
-You shouldn't kill people!
It’s not for us to bring flowers to the grave -
They bloom for peaceful beauty.
You should not bring grief to your family!
People need friendship and happiness!
Why don't they want to hear us?!
We can repeat it a thousand times:
- No to terrorism! No to war!
We want to live in a peaceful camp!

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have gathered here because our action is connected with the tragic events that occurred in the first days of September 2004 in Beslan. Today is September 3rd, the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, and today we will talk about terrorism, what it is and why it is so important.
I want to ask you a question: What is “terrorism” anyway? How do you understand this?
(children's answers)
Terrorism is a threat to society, that is, a threat to people, it is the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, the decision-making of government authorities, local governments or international organizations.

Who is our terrorist?
(children's answers)
A terrorist is a person who uses violence to intimidate and persuade someone.

Any terrorist act or war means pain, tears, bitterness. This is a terrible shock for a sane person. Innocent people are suffering. Children are dying. In the first days of September, terrorists held 1,128 hostages in school No. 1 in Beslan. Over 350 people died. About 500 people were injured. Of these, 186 are children. The youngest of the dead was 6 months old.

The first terrorism happened in 1878, this is revolutionary terrorism in the Russian Empire during the reign of Alexander II. In the Russian Empire, the main type of terror was individual murders of high-ranking officials by revolutionaries.

Then there were also during the civil war of 1919 - in Moscow, as a result of a bomb explosion in Leontyevsky Lane, organized by anarchists, 12 people were killed, another 55 were injured.
Terrorist acts in the USSR where on September 25, 1919, the Left Socialist Revolutionaries staged an explosion in the building of the Moscow City Committee of the RCP (b) on Leontyevsky Lane, where a meeting of “underground anarchists” was taking place. And there were quite a few such terrorist acts.

This is the building of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b) destroyed by an explosion in Leontyevsky Lane.
January 8, 1977 - three explosions occurred in Moscow: at 17:33 in the metro on the stretch between the Izmailovsky Park and Pervomaiskaya stations, at 18:05 in the grocery store No. 15 of the Baumansky district food store on Dzerzhinsky Square (now Lubyanskaya), at 18 :10 in a cast-iron trash can near grocery store No. 5 on 25 October Street (now Nikolskaya) - as a result, 29 people died. According to the investigation, the perpetrators of these terrorist attacks were residents of Yerevan: Stepan Zatikyan, Hakob Stepanyan, Zaven Baghdasaryan. The first, recognized as the organizer of the group, had a diagram of the explosive device that went off in the subway in his apartment, while the second had details of new explosive devices. All three were members of the illegal Armenian nationalist party. All three were sentenced to death and executed.

Russian Federation
In modern Russia, the most high-profile terrorist attacks are associated with the Chechen War and the activities of Chechen separatists. These are mainly explosions and hostage situations.

This is Nord-Ost, explosions at the airport, explosions in the Moscow metro, assassinations, a terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz, a terrorist attack in Stavropol, a terrorist attack in Kizlyar, we cannot list everything today, but we will conclude that children are all very serious and the most the main thing is scary. What conclusions did you draw for yourself from today’s conversation-presentation?
(children's answers)
And now I propose to watch an educational short cartoon and find out how children should behave in various situations related to the threat of terrorism.
(cartoon show)

One story.
Mom with child
We walked along the path.
little son
I fell behind a little.
Suddenly he saw
Beautiful package,
And curiosity got the better of him!
Here he is running towards an expensive package...
Mom saw this picture
And she shouted after him:
“No, my baby, don’t touch the package!”
Mom took her son by the hand,
She took him away from the terrible place,
She told everything to her little son
And she strictly punished her from now on:
“You need to be vigilant, remember son,
There are evil people - they don't care
That children are dying because of them.
You have to believe me, son.
Tell all the kids and friends:
Anything that lies cannot be lifted.”
“I understand,” the child said to her in response.
- We, mother, will say to terror: “No, no!”
I want to see a peaceful sky
So that everyone has enough bread,
Fruits, cookies, toys, sweets...
No! Of course not to terrorism!
Mom sighed quietly sadly,
She stroked her son and smiled.
“That’s right, boy,” she said.
- No, people don’t need war!
We all need to save the world together!
We must not allow terrorism!

Leading: And in order to support the action these days, I propose to design our joint poster.
(poster design with children's colored palms)

I would like to believe that there will be no more threat from terror anywhere, that we will no longer hear explosions, gunshots, that no one will ever capture anyone again. Is it really possible to kill and mock people, small children? We can stop everything, we can prevent it only when we all unite, when we become united against terror, when we stop thinking only about ourselves and start worrying about those around us. And then all together we will achieve peace in our land. We must start with ourselves!
(song “Sunny Circle”)

Unfortunately, the situation in the world is becoming more tense every year, and anyone can find themselves in the midst of dangerous events. Ensuring the safety of children in emergency situations is the most important task of adults. Don’t be fooled into thinking that nothing unexpected can happen to your family members. On the contrary, your sacred duty is to teach your child the rules of behavior in extreme situations; perhaps this knowledge will save his life.

This article will discuss the safety of children who find themselves in a dangerous life situation. The ancient Romans called horror and fear the word “terror”. That is why today we call all the most terrible actions of some people against others terrorism. Unfortunately, no one in our beautiful, diverse and rapidly changing world is immune from this danger. The protection of children from terrorism in all countries is a top priority. Not knowing anything, not having any idea how to behave in conditions that threaten mortal disaster is dangerous. And it’s a completely different matter to understand and be able to cope, if not with the danger itself, then with your own fear, to know how to act if you find yourself in a situation that threatens your health and life itself.

For children in case of emergency: dangerous situations in a child’s life

“Aware means armed.” Our children have to live in a world where gunfire and explosions are heard every day, and hostage situations and the consequences of terrorist attacks are shown live on television. It is clear that children should not be overloaded with information and frightened by saying that terrorists will come and everything will be bad! Therefore, do this... (and read out the items in the “Memo” according to the list). Of course, you don’t need to do this. But if your child sees on the news or hears from adults about a terrorist attack, do not brush off the child’s questions; it is better to talk to him about an important and difficult topic for everyone. After all, the child understands that adults are also worried about the TV news story.

The amount of information and its “presentation” depend on the age of the child. Toddlers and preschoolers don’t need long lectures about safety.” They need to know about their personal actions in certain situations so that the children do not panic, but can navigate, as far as possible, in a difficult situation. But younger schoolchildren and teenagers can be told in more detail about terrorism, terrorists, and the behavior of ordinary people when such a threat arises.

But before you start teaching your children safety rules, find out what your child knows about terrorism. How does he understand and imagine people’s behavior during some terrible and threatening events? A little test will help you. Listen carefully to the child’s opinion on the questions, let him choose the answer he thinks is correct. And you will definitely praise him for the correct answer and tell him what to do if the child makes a mistake.

For an adult, it is easy to notice that all the correct answers are “B”. But a child may make mistakes, so help your child by clearly explaining why you cannot “capture a terrorist yourself” or breathe tear gas. Many kids think that they are already too old for “adult wars”, they are brave and think: “I wouldn’t be at a loss, I would immediately understand that this is a terrorist and grab him!” Gently dissuade the child, tell him that in our state there are special organizations that train real fighters against terrorists. They know how to act in difficult situations, and there is no need to interfere with them during such operations. The best help for adults in a real war is not to interfere. And the fight against terrorism is a real war.

Real war is not a “war game”. But there is no need to give up the game, on the contrary! It is in the game that you can teach your child some basic, basic models of behavior in any, even the most critical situations. A child will quickly remember the rules of behavior in emergency situations, how to behave in the event of a hostage situation or when dangerous objects are discovered, if you play a “movie” with him. Just warn your child right away that “action films” with a lone hero like Batman or Spider-Man are fantasy. In real life, it is impossible to show heroism against armed bandits; many of the terrorists are mentally unstable people, and some are also under the influence of various narcotic substances. And a person who decides to “defeat all the bad ones himself, like in the movies,” risks not only his own life, but also puts others in danger.

In reality, even adults get lost in difficult situations and, out of fear, cannot figure out what to do. And the child? How does he feel? Panic fear will not take over your baby if he has already “been” in a similar situation, even in a game. When telling children about protection in emergency situations, your task is to create a “film script” to play out a variety of dangerous situations in as much detail as possible. After all, in order for a child to be able to apply “theoretical knowledge”, if necessary, in life, conversations alone are not enough for him, he needs practice. So, practice playing games!

While teaching children the rules of behavior in case of emergencies, you can role-play a situation with toys, when a teddy bear finds a bright package near the house, from which the tail of a radio-controlled helicopter can be seen. What should he do? Should I take it to play? Or not to approach, but to tell parents or other adults that someone left a package near the entrance?

Or imagine that there was an explosion (for example, due to a faulty gas stove) and your house was destroyed. How to behave under rubble? Let the wooden Pinocchio play the role of such a “overwhelmed” one, and you will definitely show the baby how to act using the example of a toy.

Or you can, when teaching your child how to behave in extreme situations, offer to “train” in order to become a real “rescuer”. Such heroic games not only teach the child skills to behave in difficult situations, but also increase self-esteem and strengthen self-confidence.

When something happens suddenly, there is no time to think, you must be able to protect yourself and your child, that is, act. And for this, both you and your baby must know how to act correctly.

Memo for children on countering terrorism

All family members should familiarize themselves with the anti-terrorism memo presented below for children and clearly explain incomprehensible points to the child.

Memo to children “On countering terrorism”:

Terrorism is one of the most terrible crimes. Bandits commit it to achieve their evil goals. To do this, they incite fear in society and commit violence against people. All terrorists are criminals, and after they fall into the hands of law enforcement, they are tried and imprisoned.

Most likely, you will not have to face this terrible evil - terrorism, but, unfortunately, the threat of terrorist attacks exists, and it is best to be prepared for it. We will tell you what to do if a terrorist attack does occur.

Always ready! You should never be afraid, and that's the main thing.

But you must always be on your guard. You need to be attentive to what is happening around you, notice that everything is fine.

You need to know where the exits from the building you are in are located.

You cannot accept packages, bags, boxes or even gifts from strangers.

Under no circumstances should you touch objects left on the street, in transport, in shops and public places, even if they are toys or mobile phones.

You need to know where the nearest emergency room and clinic are located in case you or one of your family or friends is injured or injured.

Always take requests to leave the building (evacuate) seriously, even if you are told it is a training exercise. Such requests must be fulfilled!

If an evacuation is announced, remember to stay away from windows and glass doors.

In emergency situations, follow the instructions of your parents and elders.

If a disaster does occur, do not interfere with the work of rescuers, police officers, doctors, and firefighters.

Instructions for children on protection against terrorism

The most common targets for terrorists are government buildings, airports, large stores, power plants, schools, vehicles, and public event venues. Therefore, when visiting such places, you need to be careful and pay attention to anything suspicious.

Remember that there are several types of terrorist attacks: hostage-taking, vehicle thefts, explosions, and threats of violence.

Your family should always keep a special set of essentials. It should have a first aid kit (a set of medicines, bandages), a supply of fresh water and long-lasting food, a radio, a flashlight, and new batteries. All this should be compactly packed in a bag that will be convenient to carry.

In case of disaster, this will help both you and your parents. You can evacuate instantly, having everything you need with you. Remember that your family probably won't need a set of essentials, but it's always best to be prepared.

In addition to this set of essentials for adults to put together, you can also put together your own kit for kids. You can put it in an old briefcase or bag. The main thing is that it is easy to carry.

After reading the instructions on protection against terrorism, you can invite children to collect the following things:

  • A couple of favorite books:
  • pencils, pens, paper;
  • scissors and glues;
  • small toy, puzzle;
  • photographs of family and beloved pets.

Your family should develop a plan to evacuate and recover in the event of a terrorist attack, emergency, or natural disaster. It is necessary that each family member knows what to do and where to meet other relatives. You need to remember this plan so as not to get lost if something suddenly happens when you are far from home; for example, you are at school or playing with a friend, your parents are at work, and your sister or brother is in kindergarten.

The whole family needs to make a plan. To do this, you need to sit down and discuss what incidents might happen, what you need to do to be prepared for them, what to do if there is an evacuation from your building or from your area. The whole family needs to agree on where to meet after evacuation. You need to know where to call in order to check where your relatives are. For example, it is worth remembering the telephone number of an uncle, aunt or grandmother who lives on the other side of the city. Then, if something happens, you should call them and tell them where you are so that your relatives can easily find you.

It can also be helpful to talk to your neighbors about what to do in the event of a disaster or terrorist attack. Find out if there are doctors, rescuers, or police officers among them - this can always come in handy.

A disaster or terrorist attack can happen at any time, without warning. It may be scary for you and your parents. You'll probably have to leave home, and you won't be able to go to school or sleep in your favorite bed for a while.

There are some tips for how children should behave in dangerous situations that they need to remember no matter what happens!

  • The disaster cannot last very long, soon everything will be normal.
  • If you can't get home for a long time, find something to do. Think that you will find new friends in a new place, and soon everything will be fine.
  • If you're scared, ask your parents or other adults for help. They will explain what is happening and will definitely help. Don't be afraid to ask questions such as: “How long will we be in shelter?” “When will we go back to school?”
  • Memorizing or writing down how you feel or drawing pictures of what is happening to you can help. Know that if you cry, there is nothing wrong with it. But remember that everything will definitely get better!
  • Your help may also be needed: for example, if you are in a shelter, you can sit with small children, wash floors or prepare food.

Behavior of children in a dangerous situation: if taken hostage

The actions and behavior of children in emergency situations must be clearly coordinated; under no circumstances should they give in to panic.

Unfortunately, situations are possible when you or someone you know ends up being taken hostage by terrorists. In this case, you need to remember the following.

Usually there is an opportunity to escape from the scene of capture only in the first minutes of a terrorist attack. If there are no terrorists near you, if no one sees you, and you can hide, you cannot stand still, you should run away from the capture site as soon as possible. Do not use stun guns or gas canisters, because terrorists are evil people whom a child in an extreme situation, and even many adults, will not be able to resist.

If you cannot hide, then believe: you will definitely be saved and freed. But they won't do it right away. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that for some time, perhaps several days, you will be with terrorists. Under no circumstances should you scream, express your indignation, or cry loudly, because terrorists are very often aggressive and angry. Crying and screaming only further irritate and embitter the terrorists.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that you may not be allowed to eat or drink for quite a long time. Therefore, we need to save energy. This is especially important if there is little air in the room. If you are prohibited from walking around the room, then you need to do simple physical exercises: strain the muscles of your legs and arms, move your fingers.

Do not make sudden movements - this embitters the terrorists.

Both adults and children should not panic in the event of an emergency. Think about something good, remember books, solve mathematical problems in your head, pray. Listen and remember what the terrorists are talking about, what they look like, but do it as discreetly as possible.

And remember that negotiations are being held with terrorists, and you will be released!

If you realize that an assault has begun, you need to stay as far away from windows and doors as possible. Try to find cover and be as far away as possible from the terrorists. Do not, under any circumstances, grab weapons thrown by terrorists! If you are injured, try to move as little as possible - this will reduce blood loss. If a terrorist threatens you with a weapon, you must comply with all his demands, because your main task is to save your life.

If you hear the pops of stun grenades (when a bright light hits your eyes, the sound hits your ears, or you smell a strong smell of smoke), you should fall to the floor, close your eyes, do not rub them, cover your head with your hands and wait until the rescuers take you out from the building.

After release, you must tell the rescuers your first and last name, address, where you live.

Children about protection in emergency situations: if an explosion occurs

In the event of an explosion threat, remember the main rule: never touch suspicious objects or things left by someone. If you see a bag, briefcase, toy, mobile phone or other item left by someone, do not even approach it, but report the find to an adult.

The first action of adults and children in an emergency when an explosion occurs is to fall to the floor.

If there is an explosion in the building or room where you are, the main thing is to remain calm. Be confident that you can get out. After the explosion occurred, you must leave this building as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you stay late to collect your books, toys, other things, or to make a phone call. If things, furniture, or debris are falling around you, urgently hide under a desk or table until things stop falling, then quickly run out of the room. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances!

In the event of a fire after an explosion, you must bend down as low as possible or even crawl, while trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible.

A child in such an extreme situation should wrap his face in wet rags or clothing to breathe through them.

If there is a fire in the building and the door in front of you is closed, touch the handle with the back of your hand before opening it. If the handle is not hot, slowly open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the adjacent room or if anything is preventing you from getting out. If there is no serious smoke or fire in the next room, get out by crouching low to the floor. If smoke and fire prevent you from passing, be sure to close the door and look for another exit from the building.

If the door handle or the door itself is hot, never open it. As a last resort, when getting out of the building, you can use the windows. If you are unable to get out of the building, you need to signal to rescuers that you need help. To do this, you can wave some object or clothing out of the window. All these actions of children in an emergency situation will help protect their own, and maybe someone else’s life.

Rules of conduct for children in extreme situations under rubble

If you are overwhelmed, do not try to get out on your own. Look around to see if there is any free space around you that you could crawl into. If you have fragments of a table or desk at hand, you should try to strengthen what is above you. Move sharp objects away from you.

A child who finds himself in a dangerous situation, if he has a mobile phone, should call rescuers at 112. After that you have to wait. Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing. Knock on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hear where you are. Scream only when you hear the voices of rescuers and think that they can hear you.

Remember that when you scream, you may inhale dust and even suffocate. Breathe deeply and evenly; examine and carefully feel yourself. If you have fluid, drink as much as possible. Do not light a fire under any circumstances. Try to remain calm, think about something positive and trust that the rescuers will help you.

What about pets? In the event of a disaster or terrorist attack, not only you, but also your pets are at risk. If you need to evacuate urgently, it is best to take the animal with you - do not leave it alone. But remember that you cannot take animals with you into the shelter.

If you cannot take your pet with you, make sure it is in the safest place in the apartment, such as the bathroom. Leave him enough food and water. Do not tie the animal.

Unfortunately, these are not all the dangerous situations that can happen in a child’s life, but the basic knowledge gained can be very useful.

Teaching children safety: basic rules of behavior

Every parent is obliged to teach their children safety rules, because their behavior is often far from ideal. "Never talk to strangers." No, this is not a quote from M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. This is one of the most important rules of behavior that should be instilled in a child from childhood. True, it is necessary to very accurately define for the child what “don’t talk” means in this case and who the “unknowns” are (or, as they say now, “strangers”). How do you understand “don’t talk”? We go into the store with my mother, she says hello herself and teaches me - but the seller is unfamiliar, and we are talking to him? Or we leave the clinic and say “goodbye” to the cloakroom attendant - but we don’t know her either? There are rules of politeness, and in such cases we communicate with strangers. But if a stranger starts a conversation with you or tries to take you somewhere, safety rules come into force.

It is much more difficult to explain to a child that not all adults should be trusted. Due to his age, the child perceives all elders as strong, smart, and reliable. Therefore, teach your child to refuse: to say “no” in situations where the adult’s behavior is “different”, “unusual”, “strange”. And of course, teach unconditional refusal when they try to call the baby somewhere or take him away without the parents’ permission. Therefore, we will briefly list what the baby should know.

Identify and know the names of all parts of your body, including intimate ones. Then he will be able to clearly tell you if someone suddenly tries to touch the child or commit violence.

Distinguish “good” touches from “bad” ones. P. Leach made a small classification.

"Good" touches:

  • Hug when the child wants it.
  • Hold hands.
  • Gently hug the child by the shoulders.
  • Gently kiss the cheek before going to bed.
  • Rock or hold small children.

"Bad" touches:

  • The hug is too tight and too long.
  • An uninvited kiss.
  • Tickle the child after he asks you to stop.
  • Adult touching private parts.
  • The adult forces the child to touch or kiss him.

Teach your child, if someone tries to “touch” him, to say clearly and loudly: “This is not good! Let me go!”, or “You can’t touch me!”, or “Don’t touch here - these are my private parts!”

  • Teach your baby that physical affection (hugs, kisses, stroking) is only allowed for family members (or a few key people in his life). When communicating with other people, words are enough.
  • The child must firmly know that it is impossible to accept gifts or treats from people who do not belong to your family (close) circle without your permission.
  • You can't hide anything from your parents. Here it is appropriate to quote the words of P. Leach: “Tell your child: “Adults should not ask children to keep things a secret” and “Adults are not allowed to tell a child that something bad will happen to them or their family if he does not agree.” keep something secret." In some cases known from the media, harassers used threats such as “killing their beloved rabbits or kittens in front of them” in order to silence their young victims; then they told the children that it would be their turn next if they did not keep the secret. Tell your children that no one dares threaten them, and add: “If any adult tries to intimidate you into keeping a secret, come to me immediately.”

One of the basic rules for child safety is to be able to distinguish between acquaintances and strangers. A "stranger" is someone you don't know.

Learn the necessary information about yourself: first name, last name, home address or phone number of one of your parents. It is useful to “know this data by heart” so that in a stressful situation you can “remember it automatically” (you probably know that sometimes it is impossible to remember the most basic things due to anxiety).

Know and be able to use emergency phone numbers. Ministry of Emergency Situations - a single emergency number for calls from cell phones in emergency situations (you can call even without a SIM card, without money in your account and with a locked phone keypad), phone number - 112. You can call the numbers: 101, 102, 103, 104 (until 2017, the “old” numbers are also valid: 01, 02, 03, 04).

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