Health-saving environment dow. Health-saving environment as a means of successful socialization of a child

Grouping of risk factors that determine health

From the table 1 it is clear that more than 50% of risk factors are related to a person’s lifestyle. The same trend persists when studying the effects on individual chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular, respiratory diseases, metabolic, allergic, endocrine, oncological, neuropsychic and other disorders (Table 2).

Table 2

Distribution of risk factors for various chronic diseases and injuries

The composition of lifestyle factors (see Table 2) corresponds to such large health risk factors as smoking, alcohol consumption, psycho-emotional stress, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, etc. It is these factors that constitute an unhealthy lifestyle, or rather, a lifestyle unfavorable for health a person in conditions created by himself, his activity or activity. Lifestyle acts as a collective sociological concept or category.

By their nature and origin, risk factors are primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. The category of primary risk factors includes those that usually act primarily, causing the disease.

There are also various pathological conditions, which themselves are diseases and have their own primary risk factors. They are secondary factors in relation to various diseases, for example, arterial hypertension is a secondary factor for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.

In table Table 3 shows WHO data on primary and secondary major health risk factors (taking into account their “rating”).

Table 3

Big risk factors

In addition to individual risk factors, there are also risk groups, i.e. population groups, to a greater extent than others, predisposed to various diseases. These may include the elderly, children, pregnant women, people working in hazardous industries, etc. (Table 4).

Table 4

Main risk groups of the population, their classification

Topic 1.3. Organization of a health-preserving environment

“If you want to succeed in this life, to enjoy it, for yourself, for your loved ones, you must, first of all, think about what your capabilities are. And your opportunities increase when you can manage your health.” L.A. Boqueria


    1. The concept of "health-saving environment"

    2. Health-saving organization of the educational process

    3. Focused assessment of the effectiveness of introducing health-saving educational technologies into the work of an educational organization. (OO)

    4. Problem field of an educational organization related to health-saving educational technologies

    5. Monitoring the health of students

      Analysis of the lesson from the standpoint of health conservation

      What to do if you have minor health problems

      Organizing a health-preserving environment when working with a computer

      Health and mobile phone

1. The concept of “health-saving environment”

The concept of "environment" has two aspects: social environment and environment.

Social environment- these are the social, material and spiritual conditions surrounding a person’s existence and activity. The environment in a broad sense (macro environment) covers the economy, public institutions, public consciousness and culture. The social environment in the narrow sense (microenvironment) includes a person’s immediate environment - family, work, educational and other groups.

Environment- this is the habitat and activity of mankind, the natural world surrounding man and the material world created by him. The environment includes the natural environment and the artificial (technogenic) environment, i.e., a set of environmental elements created from natural substances by labor and the conscious will of man and which have no analogues in virgin nature (buildings, structures, etc.). Social production changes the environment, affecting directly or indirectly all its elements. This impact and its negative consequences have especially intensified in the era of modern scientific and technological revolution, when the scale of human activity, covering almost the entire geographical envelope of the Earth, has become comparable to the action of global natural processes. In a broad sense, the concept of “environment” can include material and spiritual conditions for the existence and development of society. Often the term “environment” refers only to the natural environment; This is the meaning it is used in international agreements.

The concept of “health-preserving environment” will be understood as an environmental and social environment that contributes to the achievement of a person’s full formation, promotes his physical, spiritual and social well-being.

Well-being is made up of all aspects of a person's life: a harmonious combination of social, physical, intellectual, career, emotional and spiritual elements is necessary. None of them should be neglected. Human health is vital energy, the opportunity to work creatively, mentally and physically, to relax, to live joyfully, to be confident in oneself and one’s future.

Physical health – in which a person has perfect self-regulation of body functions, harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.

Mental health is the path to an integral life, not torn from within by conflicts of motives, doubts, and self-doubt.

Social health implies social activity, a person’s active attitude to the world.

If we take the conditional level of health as 100%, then, as is well known, people’s health is determined by conditions and lifestyle by 50–55%, by the state of the environment by 20–25%, by genetic factors by 15–20%, and only by the activities of healthcare institutions by 8%. – 10%.

Participants in the educational process must create the most favorable conditions for the development of the child’s personality and involve him in observing the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle is a system of relationships between a person and himself and environmental factors. The latter include: physical (temperature, radiation, atmospheric pressure); chemical (food, water, toxic substances); biological (animals, microorganisms); psychological factors (affecting the emotional sphere through vision, hearing, smell, touch).

The main causes of undermining and destruction of human health are:

    inconsistencies in the psycho-spiritual sphere, violations of spiritual and moral principles;

    unnatural way of life, dissatisfaction with work, lack of proper rest, high aspirations;

    insufficient physical activity, physical inactivity;

    irrational life support, unbalanced and inadequate nutrition, living arrangements, lack of sleep, sleep disturbance, backbreaking and exhausting mental and physical labor;

    low sanitary culture and culture of thinking, feelings and speech;

    problems of family, marital and sexual relations;

    bad habits and addictions to them.

The most important task of preserving and strengthening public health is the harmonious physical and spiritual development of the younger generation.

The life of a modern person is associated with constantly surrounding risk factors of both natural and man-made origin. The environment is usually understood as an integral system of interconnected natural and anthropogenic phenomena and objects in which people’s work, social life and recreation take place. Modern man continues to change nature, but must at the same time realize that often these changes raise the question of the very existence of people. The issue of preserving the environment not only for present, but also for future generations arises.

The microenvironment (social environment in the narrow sense) plays an important role in the process of socialization of the child. A healthy mental climate in the family and study group, compliance with mental and physical labor hygiene, proper home improvement, its aesthetics and hygiene, and adherence to the basic rules of rational nutrition have a significant impact on the development of the child’s personality.

Mental health presupposes not only physical hygiene, but also psychohygiene, self-education of the spiritual sphere, moral life position, and purity of thoughts.

The problem of stress has become of paramount importance in the life of modern man. Currently, stress is considered as a general reaction of tension that arises in connection with the action of factors that threaten the well-being of the body or require intensive mobilization of its adaptive capabilities significantly exceeding the range of everyday fluctuations. The severity of the human body’s response depends on the nature, strength and duration of the stressful influence, the specific stressful situation, the initial state of the body and its functional reserves.

Observance of mental and physical labor hygiene is important for a person. Any human activity causes fatigue. Muscle fatigue, which occurs during physical work, is a normal physiological state developed in the process of evolution as a biological adaptation that protects the body from overload. Mental work is not accompanied by pronounced reactions that reliably protect the human body from overstrain. In this regard, the onset of nervous (mental) fatigue, unlike physical (muscular) fatigue, does not lead to automatic cessation of work, but only causes overexcitation, which can lead to illness.

Prolonged intense mental work, even in a calm emotional environment, is reflected primarily in the blood circulation of the brain. Fixed body position over many hours of work, especially the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, contributes to: difficulty working the heart and breathing problems; the occurrence of congestion in the abdominal cavity, as well as in the veins of the lower extremities; tension in the muscles of the face and speech apparatus, since their activity is closely related to the nerve centers that control attention, emotions and speech; compression of venous vessels due to increased muscle tone in the neck and shoulder girdle, through which blood flows from the brain, which can contribute to disruption of metabolic processes in brain tissue.

The arrangement and hygiene of the premises where human life is carried out is of no small importance. The most favorable is low-rise housing construction. It has a number of advantages: low population density; provides insolation, ventilation and landscaping of the site for recreation, games, etc. Dampness in premises has an adverse effect on the health of those living in them. The walls of damp rooms are usually cold due to the blockage of their pores with water. Often the relative humidity is more than 70%. In a damp room, people feel chilly after a short time, which can contribute to the development of colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases, reducing the body's resistance.

Living spaces should have natural light. The microclimate in a living space during the heated season should provide comfortable well-being and optimal conditions for thermoregulation of a person wearing light clothing in a sitting position.

The hygienically permissible air temperature of residential premises in a temperate climate is 18 – 20 ◦C. It should be uniform and not exceed 6 ◦C between the inner wall and windows, and 3 ◦C between the ceiling and floor. During the day, the temperature difference should not exceed more than 3 ◦C.

As a result of people staying in residential premises, the composition of the air changes: the temperature and humidity rise, the content of carbon dioxide and some other waste products of people increases. In a stuffy room, a person develops a headache, weakness, decreased performance, and airborne infections are more likely to occur. To avoid this, you need to organize air exchange between the room and atmospheric air.

Cleaning of premises must be carried out promptly and thoroughly. Each item must have its own permanent place and its handling must be careful and careful.

Nutrition is crucial in every person's life. Nutrition provides three important functions:

Firstly, nutrition ensures the development and continuous renewal of cells and tissues.

Secondly, nutrition provides the energy necessary to restore the body’s energy expenditure at rest and during physical activity.

Thirdly, nutrition is a source of substances from which enzymes, hormones and other regulators of metabolic processes are formed in the body.

Rational nutrition is built in accordance with age, type of work activity, taking into account specific living conditions and health status, individual characteristics - height, body weight, constitution. Properly organized nutrition affects vital activity, the harmonious development of physical and spiritual strength, health and is a preventative measure for a number of diseases. Food must contain all the substances that make up the human body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water.

In order to raise and educate a healthy personality, it is necessary first of all to create conditions that will have a beneficial effect on the process of the child’s formation. A healthy environment ensures the successful development of the child and contributes to his successful socialization. The process of socialization reaches a certain degree of completion when the individual reaches social maturity, which is characterized by the individual acquiring an integral social status.

2. Health-saving organization of the educational process

The modernization of school education carried out in the country for the first time declares “the priority of preserving the health of students,” which is regulated by the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation.

The health of young people is one of the main values ​​of any society and at the same time is the most important achievement of the individual, which helps to achieve the highest level of his development and self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland.

The health problem is now on everyone’s lips in almost all regions of Russia. Pupils spend most of the week within the school walls. The time of schooling coincides with the period of growth and development of the child, when the body is most sensitive to the influence of various environmental factors. Successful learning at school is determined by the level of health with which the child came to school, which is the initial background at the start of education. The problems in this area have been known and talked about for a long time, but in recent years the problem has become especially acute. On average, more than 35% of preschoolers and 60% of schoolchildren have chronic diseases and require hospital treatment. About 25-30% of children entering the 1st grade of our school have certain health problems. During the period of schooling, the number of healthy children decreases by 4 times, the number of myopic children increases from 1st grade to graduating classes from 3.5 to 18%, with neuropsychic disorders - from 1.6 to 2.8%, postural disorders with 19 to 46%. One of the common pathologies of schoolchildren is impaired visual acuity, which in some classes reaches up to 30-40%. Many schoolchildren experience disharmonious development, which creates problems in the overall performance of the younger generation. And today's sick children are the sick future generation of our people. Already, no more than 14% of children are born physically mature. Therefore, it is quite natural that, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the health of students is classified as a priority area of ​​state policy.

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Ministry of General and professional education Rostov region State budgetary educational institution average professional education Rostov region...

Ensuring the safety of an educational institution is inextricably linked with protecting the health of students. A student often spends more time in an educational institution than in a family environment, so the degree of influence of this microsociety on the development, health and behavior of a child or adolescent can hardly be overestimated.

The situation in the field of comprehensive work to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren in educational institutions is far from prosperous. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, only 10% of schoolchildren are healthy, 40Uo are at risk, and 50% have pathology. During the period of study at school, the health status of students worsens by 4-5 times, the number of children with chronic health pathologies increases by more than 1.5 times. By the time they graduate, up to 70% of schoolchildren have visual impairments, 60% have poor posture, and 30% have chronic diseases.

The main objectives of the “Education and Health” program are set out in the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On the improvement and development of health work with students in an educational institution” (dated 05/03/2001 No. 29/1530-6): “... creating conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening health in universities; introduction of methodology, principles and methods of health-forming education, software and hardware for monitoring, formation, development and preservation of the health of students and university teachers; implementation of medical-physiological, sociological and psychological-pedagogical control over the health status of subjects of the educational process, compliance with legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of an educational institution on the issues of preserving the health of students, ... development of recommendations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students, taking into account their individual inclinations, abilities and psychophysiological characteristics; on organizing conditions for conducting a health-forming educational process in an educational institution; organizing interaction with sports, rehabilitation, and preventive centers in the region; carrying out educational work in the field of health culture, incl. prevention of socially determined diseases (alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS, tobacco smoking).”

N. K. Smirnov offers the following main modules for a comprehensive assessment of the school’s work in the field of protecting the health of students and teachers.

I. Assessment of hygienic requirements for premises for educational activities and stay of students: their lighting, equipment, correspondence of desk sizes to the height of students, etc. - in accordance with the requirements of SanPiNov (carried out by doctors of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, representatives of the school administration and the parent committee).

  • 2. Assessment of the quality of drinking water and nutrition of students at school: the school's catering unit and the nutrition system for schoolchildren of different classes are examined during their stay at school. For the assessment, the criteria and standards of SanPiN, modern ideas about the principles of a healthy lifestyle and rational nutrition are used (conducted by a commission including the school doctor, representatives of the school administration, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision service and the school’s parent committee).
  • 3. Assessment of physical activity of schoolchildren during their stay at school: physical education lessons, conditions for students to demonstrate physical activity during breaks and after school hours, physical education minutes and physical education breaks, as well as comprehensive health programs and hardening activities are exported (special tests are used, criteria that determine optimal load norms, etc. To the expert panel The commission includes representatives of the administration, parents' committee, physical education teacher, school doctor).
  • 4. Assessment of health saving indicators during a lesson: the influence of the educational load on the psychophysical state of schoolchildren, their fatigue, stress during the lesson, conducting lessons in accordance with the principles of health-saving technologies, etc. are determined. (assessments of the students themselves and their parents are used; observations of representatives of the school administration and teaching staff, psychologists, and representatives of the parent committee).
  • 5. Assessing the compliance of the organization of the educational process with the principles of health-saving technologies: expert assessment of the educational schedule, maximum load on students, etc. (conducted by the head teacher, other representatives of the administration and teaching staff of the school).
  • 6. Assessment of the psychological climate at school: the psychological climate in the school as a whole is analyzed, separately in each class and in the teaching staff of the school, i.e. in various small groups (conducted by school psychologists together with representatives of the administration and teaching staff using socio-psychological methods).
  • 7. Assessment of the ecological climate of the school area(carried out with the involvement of biology teachers, ecologists, representatives of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service and other specialists, taking into account data from the regional environmental commission).
  • 8. Assessment of morbidity rates among schoolchildren and teachers(carried out with the involvement of medical workers based on the analysis of medical and statistical data available at schools and district medical institutions, and conducting special medical and sociological studies).
  • 9. Assessment of the level of health literacy of schoolchildren and teachers(conducted using test materials. With schoolchildren - class teachers, biology, life safety teachers; with teachers - representatives of the school administration, teachers of advanced training institutes).

It is important in this direction to create an optimal (safe and health-saving) living environment in an educational institution.

Health-saving environment of the OU - this is a set of conditions organized by the school administration, the entire teaching staff, with the obligatory participation of the students themselves and their parents in order to ensure the protection and promotion of the health of schoolchildren, and to create optimal conditions for the activities of participants in the educational process.

A health-saving environment is an important factor in the successful implementation of the goals and objectives of educational work in educational institutions, and allows minimizing negative social, biological, psychological and pedagogical influences in the school environment. The following components of a health-preserving and safe environment in an educational institution can be identified.

  • 1. Health-saving and safe infrastructure that provides standard sanitary and hygienic conditions for nutrition, education and training (in some cases, accommodation) of students.
  • 2. Health-saving technologies in the educational process: rational organization of the educational process, hygienic control of innovative methods and means of training and education.
  • 3. Conditions for active recreation of students, physical education and sports.
  • 4. System of comprehensive preventive medical care for students. Implementation of medical-physiological, sociological and psychological-pedagogical control over the health status of subjects of the educational process.
  • 5. System for preventing smoking and drinking alcohol in the building of the educational institution.

Currently, experts (N.K. Smirnov, 2002) also include in the concept of a health-preserving environment visual, environmental, verbal, emotional-behavioral, cultural and other components, the provision of which is included in the scope of professional activities of teaching staff.

Ecological subspace is associated with the impact of the entire set of environmental factors affecting students and teachers at school; hygienic factors, the characteristics and degree of impact of which are regulated in SanPiN; subjects of the pedagogical process; air environment; video-ecological component.

Thus, the impact of the air environment on students and teachers is not limited to those aspects that are regulated by SaiPiN - they are known and are brought into compliance with the requirements by maintaining a comfortable temperature and regular ventilation of the classroom. The smells of plants influence the health and mood of students. In this regard, growing indoor plants in school classrooms is advisable and is associated with the tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of participants in the educational process. Plants give people oxygen and absorb harmful substances. In addition, plants create the necessary psycho-emotional comfort. All flowers secrete phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes.

At the same time, when selecting plants for the class, primarily flowers, the following conditions must be observed: the smell of plants should not be very strong; the presence of plants in the classroom should not cause allergic reactions in any student.

In addition, it should be noted that by growing flowers in the classroom and caring for plants in the school plot, schoolchildren are taught to respect plants and all living things, which has an effect on the formation of an environmental culture.

Another element of the school’s ecological subspace is its video environmental component. Video ecology studies the impact on the psyche, and through it on the bodily organization of a person and his health, of visual images of the environment in which a person is located. Modern architecture in most cases creates a special, aggressive visual environment with its appearance. As is known, architectural structures that are monotonous in geometric shapes have a negative, depressing effect on humans. An aggressive visual environment is an environment in which a person simultaneously sees a large number of identical elements. In such an environment, it is impossible to separate one visual element from another, the effect of “ripples in the eyes” occurs, and hence fatigue, irritability, and aggressiveness. An aggressive visual environment poses a security threat, as it provokes a person to act aggressively.

On the contrary, a variety of shapes and lines, combinations of various geometric shapes contribute to higher performance and better mood. Similar patterns were noted in relation to the color scheme. However, these patterns are almost never used in the interior design of classrooms and schools, especially those located in rural areas. Most schools are characterized by monotonous classroom decoration, a predominance of square-rectangular figures, and a dull color scheme - all this has a negative impact on the psyche of students. Note that this influence is weak, but the fact that schoolchildren are in the same room for a long time, the effect gradually accumulates. It is necessary to somehow neutralize the dullness of the interior, in particular, through the use of visual aids, paintings, and wall paintings.

In the West, socially oriented design has become widespread in the design and construction of educational institutions.

Socially oriented design - This is environmental, urban, landscape, interior design aimed at improving the life of a certain community (social group) or transforming an institution or territory.

E. V. Ivanova, head of the laboratory of educational infrastructures at Moscow State Pedagogical University, highlighted the following characteristic features of the socially oriented design of new buildings of modern European schools:

  • - mandatory use of colored markers in the design of staircases, recreation areas, and hallways;
  • - socialization of the school building for all residents of the microdistrict where it is located (all residents have the opportunity to visit the playground, assembly hall, school library);
  • - organizing the free spaces of the school in such a way that students can communicate with each other, relax, and do homework;
  • - availability of comfort and relaxation zones for teachers;
  • - availability of private places for all participants in the educational process;
  • - transformability of the environment (movable partitions, traveling exhibitions, soft modules, mobile book modules);
  • - personalization of space (availability of individual lockers for all students and teachers of the school);
  • - formation of “open” school spaces (for example, school libraries, which can be used for lessons and master classes, for club work and simply for preparing for classes);
  • - availability of premises that are designed for conducting various types of classes, taking into account age characteristics (playrooms, workshops, lecture rooms, laboratories, etc.);
  • - active use of mobile equipment in classrooms;
  • - availability of conditions for students to lead a healthy lifestyle. All this allows children and teachers to feel more comfortable in the building of an educational organization, to be less tired and, as a result, increases the efficiency of the educational process.

Socially oriented design technologies were applied in one of the schools in St. Petersburg. The designers proposed using the library space as a place of silence, where you can come after school hours to read, draw, and do homework. In recreation areas, install balance trainers, since they are compact and can be taken out when necessary, increasing the physical activity of students during breaks. Make the school museum as open and accessible as possible so that the premises can be used for lessons and extracurricular activities. And the corridors will become a platform for the creativity of students, who can change the ornament of the walls by gluing film.

Emotional-behavioral the subspace of the school is represented by a set of actions, deeds, emotional processes, manifestations of students and teachers, realized during their stay at school. As N.K. Smirnov notes, the characteristics of this space are:

  • - level of communicative culture of students and teachers;
  • - emotional and psychological climate in the school as a whole and in each class separately;
  • - emotional and psychological climate in the teaching staff of the school;
  • - style of behavior of students and teachers in the classroom;
  • - forms and nature of student behavior during breaks;
  • - concern of students and teachers about the psychological results of their impact on other people in the process of communication.

Research by psychophysiologists has proven that there are close connections between the nature of the tension of various muscle groups of the human body and its performance and emotional state. By observing the student and the teacher, a psychological diagnosis of the subject’s condition can be determined. Thus, stiffness of movements, constancy of postures, and a state of uncertainty are evidence and one of the causes of emotional discomfort. When these manifestations exist for a long time, the child develops persistent pathological syndromes of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and other organs.

An important area in this regard is the prevention of moral and physical violence.

Verbal the subspace is characterized by phenomena of speech behavior of all subjects of the educational process - teachers and students. Speech, being a tool of thinking, can have both creative and destructive functions.

An audio recording (video recording) of a teacher’s speech during a lesson or extracurricular event can be analyzed to assess its verbal impact on the mental state and general health of schoolchildren. Generalized criteria can be: speech culture, clarity of formulation, consistency and clarity of presentation of thoughts, intonation, tempo, etc.

There is no doubt that not only the success of the student in mastering knowledge, but also the state of his health, especially mental health, largely depends on what and how the teacher speaks, how he constructs his speech.

As N.K. Smirnov notes, a student who often uses profanity already has certain deviations in the field of mental health, he is degrading as a person. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out work at school aimed at the purity of students’ speech, as well as to improve the speech culture of schoolchildren.

Cultural the subspace reflects the phenomena of culture and art, integrated into the educational processes of the school and through this influencing the health of students and teachers. The impact of art on human health was noted by many philosophers and healers of the past. In the 20th century, such concepts and areas of work as “art therapy”, “bibliotherapy”, “music therapy”, etc. appeared. A significant part of these programs have a preventive, corrective and developmental focus. Role-playing games and trainings, choral singing, school decoration are educational and health-improving forms of work that must be included in the educational process of the school.

Important in this direction is the harmonization of interethnic and cultural relations, the prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, and the strengthening of tolerance in the educational environment.

The health-saving environment in educational institutions is an integral part of a multi-level regional socio-pedagogical system, in which the lower level in the relationships is absorbed by the higher one, forming a single intersectoral educational system. In accordance with this, in order to create a health-saving and safe environment in an educational institution, it is necessary to integrate the activities of all services and departments not only within the educational institution, but also outside it.

The actual named subspaces (emotional-behavioral and verbal) form a psychologically safe OU environment.

According to the concept of I. A. Baeva, the psychological safety of the educational environment is a state of the educational environment that is free from manifestations of psychological violence in interaction, contributing to the satisfaction of the needs for personal and trusting communication, creating the referent significance of the environment and ensuring the mental health of the participants included in it.

From the point of view of ensuring the social safety of educational institutions, it is important to harmonize interethnic and cultural relations, prevent manifestations of xenophobia, and strengthen tolerance in the educational environment.

A tolerant educational environment is characterized by an atmosphere of non-violence, support and tolerant interaction, acceptance of each other by subjects regardless of differences, a democratic leadership style, and provides for the formation of a moral and legal culture of life and tolerant consciousness, a culture of tolerant communication and behavior, a culture of self-affirmation and self-realization.

The difference between a health-preserving environment and simple compliance with SanPiNov requirements is that compliance with SanPiNov requirements is monitored by medical workers and the school director. Teachers, and especially students, are only rarely involved in resolving problems that arise in this regard. All subjects of the educational process - both teachers and schoolchildren - participate in the formation of a health-preserving environment. This process is creative, liberated in nature, focused not on standards, but on the current interests of protecting and promoting the health of students.

We offer creative development for preserving health in preschool educational institutions. This material can be useful for both teachers and parents. This development is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation, preparing the child for a healthy lifestyle.


I. Health-saving activities of preschool teachers as a psychological and pedagogical problem;

1.1. The concepts of “health” and “health-saving activities of preschool educational institutions”;

1.2. Health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;

1.3. Features of the development of health-preserving competence in preschool children;

II. Health-saving activities of preschool teachers and families;

2.1.Creation of a health-preserving environment in a kindergarten;

Mastering modern technologies in the educational process.

2.2.Use of health-saving technologies in conditions of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families.





In modern conditions, the social and pedagogical importance of preserving the health of a child is increasing. Research in recent years has shown a deterioration in the health of the Russian population. The mortality rate is increasing, the birth rate is falling, the problem of poverty is worsening, and a significant part of the country's population is in a state of chronic distress. These negative trends acutely affect the health of the younger generation. According to D.I. Zelinskaya, over the last decade there has been a deceleration, i.e. slowdown in the rate of development of young Russians. The number of healthy children and adolescents barely reaches a fifth of their total number; about a third of children entering school already have a chronic pathology.

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of every educational institution, especially for preschool children. According to the Ministry of Health and Industry and the State Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia, only 14% of children are practically healthy, 50% have functional abnormalities, and 35-40% have chronic diseases. The number of children who, already in primary school, are unable to master the program in the allotted time and to the required extent ranges from 20% to 30% of the total number of students.

It is necessary to improve the education system, intensify children's health-preserving activities, implement an individually differentiated approach to instilling the basics of a healthy lifestyle, training and development of children in preschool and family settings.

Much attention must be paid to the organization and pedagogical support of the formation of useful habits, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, understanding the intrinsic value of health and ways to preserve it.

The purpose of the development is to consider the features of the health-preserving activities of preschool teachers in working with children and parents.

1. consider the essence of health-saving technologies and their application in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;

2. characterize the areas of health-preserving activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution;

3. reveal the features of the activities of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children.

I. Health-saving activities of preschool teachers as a psychological and pedagogical problem

1.1. The concepts of “health” and “health-saving activities of preschool educational institutions”.

Health is a complex concept. It depends on the socio-economic status of children, the environmental situation in their places of residence, the quality of food, medical care, preventive work with children by doctors and teachers, and the system of health institutions.

It is known that the World Health Organization defines health “as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely as the absence of disease or infirmity.” This formulation is rightly criticized for the idealization of the goal, the subjective understanding of well-being, the static approach to health and the absolutization of complete well-being, which leads to a decrease in the stress of the body and its systems, and therefore to a decrease in resistance and a precondition for ill health. Some researchers see health as the realization of a person’s specific abilities to manifest the body’s reserves, to be resilient, to resist, to self-preserve and to self-develop. It is obvious that the formation of such abilities in the younger generation is becoming one of the highest priority tasks in the practical activities of Russian teachers today.

An analysis of definitions of health shows that six of its signs are most often found:

Absence of disease;

Normal functioning of the body;

Harmonization of the body and the environment;

A person’s ability to fully perform basic social functions;

Complete physical, mental and social well-being;

Human adaptation to an increasingly complex and changing environment.

The most complete definition is A.G. Shchedrina, who, from the standpoint of a systems approach, proposes to consider health as an integral multidimensional dynamic state (including its positive and negative indicators) in the process of genome implementation (a set of genes) in a specific social and ecological environment, allowing a person to exercise his biological and social functions to varying degrees .

Considering health as a single whole, scientists at the same time identify interconnected parts in it: physical and spiritual; physical, mental and social; physical, psycho-emotional, intellectual, social, personal and spiritual. Following I.I. Brekhman, G.K. Zaitsev, V.V. Kolbanov, we adhere to a three-component structure of health, which includes physical, mental and social elements.

By the physical component of health, researchers mean how the body functions, all its organs and systems, and the level of their reserve capabilities. This aspect of health also includes the presence or absence of physical defects and diseases, including genetic ones (S. Shapiro).

From the point of view of such WHO experts as Sortarius, M. Jehed, mental health is the normal course of mental processes, characterized by the absence of severe mental disorders and the presence of certain reserves of human strength, thanks to which he can overcome unexpected stress or difficulties that arise in exceptional circumstances, as well as a state of balance between a person and the world around him, harmony between him and society, the coexistence of the ideas of an individual with the ideas of other people about objective reality. Mental health, according to experts, includes such components as a positive attitude towards oneself, optimal development, growth and self-actualization of the individual, mental integration (authenticity, congruence), personal autonomy, realistic perception of others, and the ability to adequately influence them.

According to S. Shapiro, the social component of health is the individual’s awareness of himself as a male or female subject and the interaction of the individual with others. This element reflects the way of communication and relationships with different groups of people (peers, colleagues, parents, neighbors), i.e. with society. In our opinion, the formation of a system of value relations, readiness for self-determination of life path, as well as social activity and the ability to social adaptation are important for the social component of human health.

Educators, psychologists and social workers are unanimous in the opinion that, in an environment of complex and ambiguous development of market relations in the country, negative trends in raising children have intensified. Such manifestations of an unhealthy personality as dependence on bad habits, maladaptation of behavior, conflict, hostility, inadequate perception of the surrounding world, passive life position, avoidance of responsibility for oneself, loss of faith in one’s abilities, weakening of will, egocentrism, passivity, loss of interest have become widespread. and love for loved ones, hypertrophied (or vice versa) self-control, etc.

Identification of the composition and disclosure of the characteristics of social health criteria seem to be key issues, the degree of awareness of which largely determines the practical solution by teachers of the above-mentioned problem. Summarizing the statements of scientists, we present a list of criteria for the social health of an emerging personality. First of all, these include the need for security, affection and love (according to A. Maslow), unselfishness, interest in the world around us, adequate perception of social reality, adaptation to the physical and social environment, focus on socially useful work, altruism, democratic behavior , the ability to interact with representatives of different social groups (including adults and peers), etc.

To teach how to take care of your health and lead a healthy lifestyle is the task of parents and educational institutions. This can be expressed through direct teaching of children the basic techniques of a healthy lifestyle (preventive methods - health, finger, breathing exercises, self-massage, etc.); instilling in children basic hygiene skills (washing hands, using a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, etc.); through health-developing technologies of the learning and development process using physical education and active breaks; ventilation and wet cleaning of premises; aromatherapy, vitamin therapy; functional music; alternating activities with high and low activity; through specially organized motor activity of the child (health-improving physical education classes, outdoor games); in the process of rehabilitation measures (herbal medicine, inhalation, physical therapy); mass recreational events (themed health holidays, going out into nature); and also in working with families and teaching staff.

The health-saving activities of preschool educational institutions include a whole system. This system can be presented in the form of the following sections:

1. Comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assessment of the level of physical development and health of children, which includes diagnostic measures to assess and monitor the health status of kindergarten students by various specialists.

2. Medical and health work covers the areas of healing and hardening through a set of activities.

3. Physical education and development work with children reveals a complex of physical education activities, various types of specially organized activities.

4. Psychological and pedagogical activities highlight the system of organizing psychological support for children with methods and techniques for creating a favorable emotional and psychological climate.

5. Health-saving components in the organization of the educational process.

6. Resource support for health-saving activities in kindergarten.

Comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assessment of the level of physical development and health of children

A comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assessment of the level of physical development and health of children is a basic component in the holistic system of health-preserving activities of a kindergarten.

The conceptual provisions that determined the development of a system of health-saving activities in kindergarten are:

1. An integrated humanitarian approach to a child’s health.

2. Approaches to organizing physical education and health work with a predominance of cyclic, primarily running, exercises and especially their combinations.

4. Rational combination of different types of activities.

5. Individually differentiated principle of organizing motor activity.

The structuring of the educational process in the institution is based on a health-preserving dominant and the use of new forms and methods of working with children in the educational process within the framework of a single comprehensive health-improving and developmental space.

· monitoring the state of development;

· determination of health level;

· observation of the formation of systems, body functions and motor skills of preschool children.

Medical and health work

The work is carried out through the organization of hardening and therapeutic activities. The main goal is to prevent and reduce acute and chronic morbidity in children. To harden children in kindergarten, environmental factors are used - air, water, sun.

These factors and means of hardening are used in kindergarten both separately and comprehensively, the main thing is to follow an individual approach, take into account the recommendations of medical specialists and develop continuity with parents.

Physical education and development work

Only with a systematic and scientifically based approach does physical education become an effective means of preserving and strengthening the health of children and improving their physical development.

Physical education and health work with children is carried out through various types of specially organized activities, where personal development technologies and integrated forms of organizing motor activity are used. Physical education classes as the most important form of physical education and health work involve taking into account the functional state of health of each child and his level of preparedness. They are built on the content provided for by the programs implemented by the institution.

The purpose of physical education work is the formation of the motor sphere and the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children’s health based on their creative activity.

Optimal conditions for the development of physical culture created in a preschool institution solve a complex of health-improving, educational and educational tasks.

Psychological and pedagogical activities

Since physical health forms an inextricable unity with mental health, the following goals and objectives are solved in a preschool institution, taking into account the complexity and multifaceted nature of this concept.

Goals: mental health; creating conditions that promote emotional well-being and ensure the free and effective maximum development of each child.

· creating a safe psychological space, developing a sense of confidence and psychological comfort;

· formation of the optimal status of each individual child in the interacting group, ensuring emotional well-being;

· creating conditions for the creation and resolution of personal problems and interpersonal conflicts.

Health-saving components

By creating a developmental space for children's health, the efforts of all specialists are combined: speech therapists, educators, educational psychologist, director of a theater studio, physical education instructor, music director.

The structuring of the educational process in the institution is based on the health-preserving dominant:

· introduction of therapeutic measures (stabilizes the health of children, reduces the level of neuroticism, creates harmony of the child’s mind and feelings, increases endurance to stress in a healthy daily routine and the organization of a flexible regime in bad weather);

· the use of binary, polynarious activities (as a result of which children feel in a comfortable, psycho-emotional state, which allows them to increase motivation for learning activities and confidence in themselves and their capabilities);

· personality-oriented education (reduces children’s complexes, allows them to use basic socionic attitudes, select developmental technologies for a specific group, determine the basic psychotype of a given children’s group);

· integration of the content of educational activities in a single field of knowledge (through the method of thematic immersion and gaming activities).

Resource support for health-saving activities in kindergarten

Subject-spatial support.

The solution to children's health problems is also facilitated by the creation of a subject-spatial environment for the child to endlessly demonstrate his growing capabilities.

The kindergarten's material and technical base includes the following spaces: specially equipped physical education and music rooms, a medical unit, speech therapy rooms designed in accordance with hygienic requirements, a psychologist's office, and group rooms.

Regulatory, legal and methodological support.

The primary basis of the system of scientific and methodological support for health-preserving activities is the legal and regulatory framework. It includes legislation, Russian state and regional laws, regulations, letters and instructions.

Scientific and methodological support for health-preserving activities are programs in the following areas.

1. Protecting and promoting the health of preschool children.

2. Physical education and development work.

3. Psychological support.


Protecting the life and health of children is one of the most important areas of work of a preschool institution. The health improvement system includes, as an indispensable condition, careful attention to the health of children and all employees. For the most effective organization of health-preserving measures, job descriptions of both teachers and kindergarten specialists should include job responsibilities of a health-improving nature.

1.2. Health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

In recent years, we have to talk about the need to use health-saving pedagogy. At the same time, health-saving pedagogy cannot be expressed by any specific educational technology. At the same time, the concept of “health-saving technologies” combines all areas of activity of an educational institution to form, preserve and strengthen the health of students.

Health-saving technology is: the conditions for a child to stay in kindergarten (lack of stress, adequacy of requirements, adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods); rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with age, gender, individual characteristics and hygienic requirements); compliance of educational and physical activity with the age capabilities of the child; necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor mode.

The teacher, possessing modern pedagogical knowledge, in close cooperation with students, with their parents, with medical workers, with colleagues, plans his work taking into account the priorities of preserving and strengthening the health of participants in the pedagogical process. However, only then can we say that the educational process is carried out using health-saving educational technologies if the implementation of the pedagogical system used solves the problem of preserving the health of children and teachers.

The fundamental goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide children with the opportunity to maintain health during their stay in a preschool educational institution, to develop in them the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities regarding a healthy lifestyle, and the use of acquired knowledge in everyday life.

To implement the educational process based on health-saving technologies, it is necessary to highlight the patterns of the pedagogical process, which are expressed in the basic provisions that determine its organization, content, forms and methods, that is, principles that should contribute to the prevention, diagnosis and correction of children’s health; development of cognitive activity of pupils; humanization of education.

The principles act in organic unity, forming a system that includes general didactic principles and specific principles that express the specific laws of health improvement pedagogy.

Specific principles include:

1. The principle of no harm.

2. The principle of the triune concept of health (the unity of physical, mental and spiritual-moral health).

3. The principle of repetition of skills and abilities in order to develop dynamic stereotypes.

4. The principle of gradualism, which assumes continuity from one stage of education to another.

5. The principle of accessibility and individualization has its own characteristics in the health-improving orientation of health-saving educational technologies. The principle of individualization is carried out on the basis of general laws of training and education. Based on individual characteristics, the teacher comprehensively develops the child, plans and predicts his development.

6. The principle of continuity expresses the laws governing the construction of health improvement pedagogy as an integral process. It is closely related to the principle of systematic alternation of loads and rest.

7. The principle of cyclicity. The principle of cyclicity contributes to streamlining the process of healing pedagogy. It consists of a repeating sequence of lessons, which improves the child’s preparedness for each subsequent stage of learning.

8. The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils. This principle contributes to the formation of motor skills, the development of the child’s motor abilities, and taking into account the functional capabilities of the preschooler’s body.

9. The principle of comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This principle is of utmost importance, as it promotes the development of psychophysical abilities, motor skills and abilities, carried out in unity and aimed at the comprehensive physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and aesthetic development of the child’s personality.

10. The principle of health-improving orientation solves the problems of strengthening the child’s health during his stay in a preschool educational institution.

11. The principle of an integrated interdisciplinary approach involves close interaction between teachers and medical workers.

12. The principle of forming responsibility in children for their health and the health of others.

13. The principle of connecting theory with practice calls for persistently teaching preschoolers to apply their knowledge on the formation, preservation and promotion of health in practice, using the surrounding reality not only as a source of knowledge, but also as a place for their practical application.

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies, it is necessary to determine the main means of training and education: means of motor orientation; healing powers of nature; hygienic. The integrated use of these funds allows for the high-quality use of health-saving approaches in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Motor-oriented means include motor actions that are aimed at implementing health-saving approaches. This is movement; physical exercise; physical education minutes; emotional releases and “moments of peace”; gymnastics (health-improving gymnastics, finger exercises, corrective exercises, breathing exercises, for the prevention of colds, for vigor); physical therapy; outdoor games; specially organized physical activity of the child (health-improving physical education classes, timely development of the basics of motor skills); massage; self-massage; psycho-gymnastics, trainings, etc.

The use of the healing powers of nature has a significant impact on achieving the goals of health-saving technologies. Carrying out games and activities in the fresh air helps to activate biological processes, increase the overall performance of the body, and slow down the process of fatigue. As relatively independent means of healing, we can highlight sun and air baths, water procedures, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, inhalation, vitamin therapy (fortification of the diet, iodization of drinking water, use of the amino acid glycine twice a year in December and spring in order to strengthen the memory of preschoolers). It is possible to introduce new elements into the life of preschool educational institutions: herbal bars, a physiotherapy room, wellness treatments for teachers and children.

Hygienic means of achieving the goals of health-saving technologies that promote health and stimulate the development of adaptive properties of the body include: compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements regulated by SanPiNs; personal and public hygiene (cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of places of activity, air, etc.); ventilation and wet cleaning of premises; compliance with the general daily routine, physical activity regimen, diet and sleep patterns; instilling in children basic skills in washing hands, using a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, etc.; teaching children basic healthy lifestyle techniques (HLS), basic first aid skills for cuts, abrasions, burns, bites; organizing the procedure for vaccinations to prevent infections; limiting the maximum level of physical and intellectual activity to avoid overwork.

One of the main requirements for the use of the above tools is their systematic and comprehensive use in the form of classes using preventive techniques; using functional music; audio accompaniment of classes, alternating classes with high and low physical activity; in the form of rehabilitation measures; through mass recreational events, sports and recreational holidays, themed health holidays; going out into nature, excursions, through health-developing technologies of the learning and development process in working with families in order to promote a healthy lifestyle in the system of organizational, theoretical and practical classes in parent lectures, in working with the teaching staff as training of the teaching staff in an innovative educational institution.

Thus, to preserve the health of preschool children in the educational process, it is necessary to implement the principles, forms and methods of health-preserving training and education.

The full version of working with applications is available.

Elena Klimentova
Health-saving environment in preschool educational institutions

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve health children in the process of education and training. There are no trifles in this matter.

All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at preserving and strengthening health, to create sustainable motivation and the need to maintain one’s own health. Children experience a “motor deficit,” that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm; the age-related development of speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength is delayed. Children are overweight, have poor posture. And one of the main The reason for these results is the lack of awareness of parents in matters health-saving technologies(conducting surveys and their implementation in the educational process.

Health-saving The pedagogical process in our kindergarten is the process of educating and teaching preschool children in a health saving and health enrichment; a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of children. Health saving and health enrichment- the most important conditions for organizing the pedagogical process.

Work on physical education in kindergarten is based on diagnostics, which is carried out by the head of physical education with the participation of medical and teaching staff. The results are entered into the child’s development chart and used by specialists when planning work with children.

Wellness The program in our kindergarten is implemented in several sections, and exactly: breathing exercises, visual exercises, self-massage, exercises after sleep, bioenergetic exercises, children's yoga exercises, hardening activities (walking on massage paths, extensive washing, contrast hardening, relaxation exercises.

Program for health improvement was created on the basis of previously studied material on this topic. In our kindergarten, on the initiative of the head, I prepared and distributed to groups recreational activities, which could be used in the daily routine. Every three months I added to and updated this material. When there was a lot of it, there was a need to systematize it all into a program "Grow healthy» . The sections included in it are listed above. The use of various techniques allows you to use both traditional methods and innovative ones to strengthen and preserve children's health.

Most of all, I would like to touch upon the issue of hardening, since it is precisely this that ensures the training of the body’s defenses, increasing resistance to the effects of changing environmental factors environment and are a necessary condition for the optimal development of the child. It is carried out against a positive emotional background. The impact zones gradually expand and the time for hardening procedures increases.

The preschool educational institution provides an extensive complex of hardening events:

Proper organization of the walk and its duration;

Sleeping in panties;

Invigorating and breathing exercises after sleep;

Walking on massage mats;

Stepping from a basin with cold water to a basin with warm, salted water;

Gargling with lightly salted water;

Extensive washing (washing hands up to the elbows, neck, upper chest with cool water).

Walking barefoot on the playground in summer;

Pouring feet in summer;

Gymnastics after sleeping outside with elements of self-massage (in summer);

Using Elements psycho-gymnastics: relaxation exercises in the daily routine;

The use of elements of psycho-gymnastics in classes at preschool educational institutions;

Dosed health running outdoors;

In a comprehensive system of measures to strengthen health children, it should be noted the use of exercises with elements of oriental gymnastics. Yoga in kindergarten helps children better adapt to living conditions, feel more confident and, of course, strengthen health. Children's yoga helps develop coordination, flexibility, strengthen internal organs and improve the general condition of children of any age. Yoga for children helps develop calm, concentration and emotional balance in children and adolescents. Animal poses and sets of exercises with interesting stories will help develop concentration in preschoolers. Inviting children to get acquainted with the yoga system in a fun, playful way, "children's yoga" shows how children aged 6 years and older can channel their natural energy to strengthen health: Exercises will help develop natural flexibility, concentration, good posture and coordination. Children really like these exercises and do them with pleasure.

Aerobics is the performance of general developmental and dance exercises, performed with musical accompaniment, combined into a continuously performed complex. Classes health Aerobics stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, develop not only the coordination abilities of children, but also dexterity, flexibility, plasticity, beauty and precision of movements. The project includes sets of exercises with and without objects to develop coordination.

By the end of the year of study, students received a complex of knowledge on health aerobics provided by the project, and also know how to regulate the load. The project included children from the school preparatory group. The main ways to test acquired knowledge and skills include testing in different sections of the project. Important ways to test knowledge and skills are master classes, open classes and various events where students show in practice everything they have learned during the year. We included the learned complexes in holidays and entertainment.

Work on the prevention of flat feet in kindergarten is also given increased attention. In physical education classes, various methods and techniques are used to work with children in this direction. Aerobics on sandbags is one of many types of work to prevent flat feet (open class).

In conclusion of all of the above, I would like to say. What are the positive results in health improvement preschoolers are possible only with the joint work of the entire preschool educational institution team, in understanding the importance and significance of all forms health work with children.

Dear colleagues! I hope that the presented material will arouse your interest and will be useful in your practical work.


1. Conditions and factors influencing the preservation of health…………4

2. Technologies for a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions…………………7

3. Health saving program (from work experience)…………….12




In modern society, the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children is more relevant than ever before. This is explained by the fact that very high demands are placed on them, which only healthy children can meet. And we can talk about health not only in the absence of any diseases, but also in the condition of harmonious neuropsychological development, high mental and physical performance.

At the same time, the results of scientific research indicate that already in preschool age there are fewer and fewer healthy children. Most preschool children have various disorders in psychophysical development.

Health, as you know, is 50% determined by lifestyle, and the lifestyle model is formed in childhood. Therefore, it is so important to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in preschool age. Healthy education is a tool for achieving a high quality of life. The main result of health-saving education should be the acquisition of a state of harmony, mental balance and vitality.

A preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development.

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received their general name “health-saving technologies”.

The purpose of the test is to analyze the health-preserving environment as a development factor.

1. Conditions and factors influencing health maintenance .

The main question facing the education system is: how to ensure the preservation, strengthening and restoration of children's health? But in order to answer this question and successfully solve it, it is necessary to understand the actual conditions and factors affecting human health.

Education – culture – health are the fundamental basis of a health-preserving system, the strategic goal of which is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Let us dwell on several conceptual positions.

1. The purposeful nature of the entire educational process to create a culture of children’s health:

Acquiring and mastering knowledge about how to maintain your health and prevent its impairment;

Formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual (responsibility, honesty, kindness, mercy);

Development of skills and abilities for a safe, healthy life; fostering a culture of health (behavior, nutrition, communication, everyday life, work, rest, etc.);

Fostering hard work, spiritual culture, patriotism, national identity, tolerance;

Formation of stable immunity and negative attitude towards tobacco, alcohol, drugs and the influence of destructive religious cults and organizations;

Education of humanistic behavior guidelines that exclude cruelty and violence against the individual;

Fostering the need for physical education, hardening and improving the physical abilities and capabilities of the human body;

Formation of a culture of interaction with nature and the world around us;

Development of first aid skills;

Formation of knowledge among students about a healthy family, the role of parents and raising healthy children.

2. Integrity of the educational process

Integrity presupposes that all aspects of the educational process should be aimed at creating a culture of health for students. This is a long process, it cannot be temporary, half-hearted and requires the use of all means, forms, and methods. Integrity also means that we consider a healthy human life in the unity of all its components: mental, physical, social and spiritual health.

Integrity also implies that the process of forming a culture of health for students includes learning, development, and upbringing of children, and this, first of all, is reflected in the functions of education management.

3. Updating the content of education and using health-saving technologies

For example, music has enormous health-saving potential, which, unfortunately, is not always used in education.

Updating the content of education is not only new information that can be obtained today through the Internet or reference books, but also content that needs to be critically learned and translated into a personal experience of a healthy life.

4. Creating a health-saving educational environment and using its pedagogical capabilities

A health-saving educational environment is of fundamental importance for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Only when such an environment is created in a children's institution (a climate of health, a culture of trust, personal creation), is it possible to fully preserve and strengthen health, teach health, form a culture of health, and assimilate its spiritual, moral, aesthetic, and physical components.

5. Development of motor activity and taking into account the individual personal capabilities of students in the conditions of a specific educational institution

As you know, spiritually and physically healthy people adapt much faster in science and production, master new types of activities more successfully, and perform their work better. Therefore, the development of physical activity as a factor in promoting health should be considered mainly as social protection of the interests of the developing personality in relation to new socio-economic conditions, when a person offers his services in the labor market.

6. Involvement of all participants in the educational process in various forms of activities to preserve and promote health

Education will serve the function of strengthening the health of the younger generation if health is not only taught, but health becomes a way of life. Teachers, parents, and the public should set an example of this lifestyle.

To create a culture of children's health, it is necessary, first of all, to have an interested and creative attitude to the work of the entire teaching community: from employees of the Ministry of Education to teachers, educators, and lecturers in every educational institution.

2. Technologies for a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions

Types of health-saving pedagogical technologies

Time spent in the daily routine

Features of the methodology


1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health
Stretching Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in physical education or music halls or in a group room, in a well-ventilated area Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet. Beware of disproportionate stress on muscles Head of Physical Education
Rhythmoplasty Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age of the child Head of physical education, music director, preschool teacher
Dynamic pauses During classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye exercises, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity Educators
Outdoor and sports games As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Daily for all age groups Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games
Relaxation In any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature Teachers, head of physical education, psychologist
Aesthetic technologies Implemented in artistic and aesthetic classes, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for holidays, etc. For all age groups It is carried out in classes according to the preschool educational program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is working with families, instilling aesthetic taste in children All preschool teachers
Finger gymnastics From a young age, individually or with a subgroup daily Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time) Teachers, speech therapist
Gymnastics for the eyes Every day for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age It is recommended to use visual material, demonstration by the teacher All teachers
Breathing exercises Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure. All teachers
Invigorating gymnastics Every day after nap, 5-10 min. The form of implementation is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed planks; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution Educators
Corrective gymnastics In various forms of physical education and health work The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children Teachers, head of physical education
Orthopedic gymnastics In various forms of physical education and health work Recommended for children with flat feet and as a preventive measure for diseases of the supporting arch of the foot. Teachers, head of physical education
2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle
Physical education lesson 2-3 times a week in the gym or music hall. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Younger age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes. Classes are conducted in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution operates. Before class, the room must be well ventilated. Teachers, head of physical education
Problem-based games (game training and game therapy) In your free time, maybe in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child, by including the teacher in the process of play activities Teachers, psychologist
Communication games 1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc. Teachers, psychologist
Lessons from the “Health” series Once a week for 30 minutes. from Art. age Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development Educators, head of physical education, teacher-valeologist
Self-massage Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical education and health work It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body
Acupressure self-massage Conducted on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the ENT organs. Visual material is used Educators, Art. nurse, head of physical education
Biofeedback (BFB) From 10 to 15 sessions of working with a computer for 5-10 minutes. in a special room. Recommended for older adults Compliance with computer rules is required. A special technique for preschoolers is recommended Valeologist teacher, specially trained teacher
3. Corrective technologies
Art therapy Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. from middle group Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and includes training protocols Teachers, psychologist
Music influence technologies In various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month depending on your goals Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc. All teachers
Fairy tale therapy 2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from an older age Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children Teachers, psychologist
Color influence technologies As a special lesson 2-4 times a month depending on the tasks It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of preschool educational institutions. Properly selected colors relieve tension and increase a child’s emotional mood. Teachers, psychologist
Behavior correction technologies Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from an older age They are carried out using special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not formed according to one criterion - children with different problems study in the same group. Classes are conducted in a playful manner, have diagnostic tools and training protocols Teachers, psychologist
Psycho-gymnastics 1-2 times a week from older age for 25-30 minutes. Classes are conducted using special methods Teachers, psychologist
Phonetic rhythm 2 times a week from a young age, no earlier than every 30 minutes. after eating. In the physical education or music halls. Jr. age - 15 min., older age - 30 min. Classes are recommended for children with hearing problems or for preventive purposes. The goal of the classes is phonetic literate speech without movements Teachers, head of physical education, speech therapist

Thus, it is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and health-saving activities used in combination would ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development.

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