Human life 90 years calendar. A simple calendar that will make your life meaningful

Today I watched a competent video by the famous Internet entrepreneur Nikolai Mrochkovsky “How to do everything”, and there I found many useful thoughts, but in particular my attention was drawn to: Calendar of 90 years of life in weeks.

They came up with it somewhere in the West, then I’ll try to find information on this topic, apparently this person well understood the topic of time management, goals in life, in fact, all this is interconnected. And at the end I produced a tool like this.

What is the point of the calendar?

This is actually a graph of coordinates that we all did in algebra class at school. Only here the cells of weeks go along the horizontal axis, and the cells of years of life go along the vertical axis.

There are exactly 52 full weeks in each year. For convenience, the axis of weeks is made in segments of 10 weeks. The years are divided into segments of 5 years and, accordingly, each year is one line consisting of 52 weekly cells.

I made this graph on this one, you can download it there. You enter your date of birth and the site generates your calendar. Moreover, those weeks that I lived were already painted over. I printed it out and hung it on the wallpaper in front of my eyes, opposite my desktop.

And as one week passes, you paint over another cell on the graph, and Nikolai Mrochkovsky recommends painting it with different colors so that you can then see in what colors your life actually is. Bright and juicy or dull and dark.

And now I look at the sheet, but it’s finite. Even 90 years is, of course, a grandiose goal. In Russia, as of 2015, according to statistics, the average life expectancy for men is 65 years. This is, of course, all conditional, but it shows you the real picture very soberingly.

By the way, my father lived a little longer than average, namely 67 years. So if we take genes into account, then I’ve already lived more than half of my life, but I still want to do a lot more!

Of course, it will be sad to cross out the cells, but at the same time, this sheet of the calendar of my life will shake me all the time, because I, like all people, also fall into a sleeping state.

We all seem to fall asleep in the routine of our everyday life. Sometimes dreams begin to stir in our head and we seem to light up, and then we say to ourselves: And then, later, what’s the rush! Your whole life is ahead, hoping and waiting!

So this very calendar allows you to approach your goals more consciously, you begin to set priorities. You are trying to understand what is more important to you in this life.

Albert Einstein proved that time is a relative concept.

However, people have long felt this even without him. After all, no one will argue that pleasant time rushes at an insane speed, while boring and meaningless time drags on like a turtle?

In order to somehow bring order to this chaos, calendars were invented. You look at the calendar and feel confident and calm: today is Monday, tomorrow will be Tuesday, and in two days summer will begin.

The only problem is that calendars are also quite relative. There are calendars that slow down time, and there are those that make it worth its weight in gold. Don't believe me?

Take, for example, an old tear-off calendar. Such a thick stack of sheets of days that it is impossible to even just leaf through. And then the year ends and you hang up the next one. If you live according to such a calendar, then life seems endless. There are countless days in it, what’s the hurry?

Or, for example, an ordinary pocket calendar. A convenient thing, although also not without its drawbacks. Allows you to plan your life for the whole year.

As you can see, all these methods of counting time have one significant problem. They take one segment out of the flow of time, in the first case a day, in the second a year, but they do not allow you to look at your entire life. They inform us about what day it is from the birth of Christ, but they are silent about what day it is in your life.

Although this is much more important for us, don’t you think?

And recently I came across a calendar that completely solves all problems with planning and motivation. He is simply brilliant and brilliantly simple. See for yourself.

This is the life of a person lasting 90 years (we are kind, we don’t feel sorry), presented in the form of weeks. One cell is one week, each row is another year of your life. This is what your time allotted looks like. Impressive?

But it will hit you even more when you print out and paint over the time you’ve already lived. And then hang this calendar in the kitchen or put it on your desktop and start coloring in each next week. For variety and clarity, you can mark particularly important events or periods of your life.

What you get is a complete map of your entire life, the size of an A4 sheet, which gives a clear idea of ​​the finitude of your life and will help you appreciate every week of it.

You probably want to ask me, where are the days of the week, numbers and months on this calendar?

Do you really need them? You may not be able to immediately answer what date it is today, but you will know for sure that it is now the fifth week of the thirty-third year of your life. Which you will try with all your might to make the most unforgettable and beautiful.

After all, the end of the sheet is already visible...

Please read to the end. Written by Regina Brett, 90, Cleveland, Ohio
Advice from a 90-year-old woman. Re-read at least once a week!

To celebrate my 45th birthday, I compiled 45 lessons that life has taught me.

This is the most requested column I've ever written. I turned 90, and here I am again publishing this column:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, take another step forward.

3. Life is too short to waste it on hatred.

4. Work won't take care of you when you're sick. Your friends and parents will do this. Take care of this relationship.

5. Pay off your credit card debts every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree or disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It is acceptable to be angry with God. He will understand.

9. Save for retirement from your first salary.

10. When it comes to chocolate, there is no point in resisting.

11. Make peace with your past so that it does not spoil your present.

12. You can allow yourself to cry in front of your children.

13. Don't compare your life to someone else's. You have no idea what they are really going through.

14. If the relationship is supposed to be secret, you shouldn't be involved in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry: God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of everything that cannot be called useful, beautiful or funny.

18. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, a second childhood depends entirely on you.

20. When the time comes to pursue what you truly love in this life, don't say “No.”

21. Burn candles, use nice sheets, wear nice underwear. Don't save anything for a special occasion. This special occasion is today.

22. Prepare abundantly, and then come what may.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait until you're old to wear bright red clothes.

24. The most important organ in sex is the brain.

25. No one but you is responsible for your happiness.24. The most important organ in sex is the brain.

26. For any so-called disaster, ask the question: Will it matter in five years?

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everything and everyone.

29. What others think of you should not concern you.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

31. It doesn’t matter whether the situation is good or bad, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself seriously. Nobody does this.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because he is God, not because of what you have done or not.

35. There is no need to study life. You appear in it and do as much as you can.

36. Growing old is a better alternative than dying young.

37. Your children have only one future.

38. All that matters in the end is that you experienced love.

39. Go out for a walk every day. Miracles happen everywhere.

40. If we put all our problems in a pile and compared them with other people’s, we would quickly take ours away.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.

42. However, the best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed and go out in public.

44. Give in.

45. Even though life isn’t tied up with a bow, it’s still a gift.

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Albert Einstein proved that time is a relative concept.

However, people have long felt this even without him. After all, no one will argue that pleasant time rushes at an insane speed, while boring and meaningless time drags on like a turtle?

In order to somehow bring order to this chaos, calendars were invented. You look at the calendar and feel confident and calm: today is Monday, tomorrow will be Tuesday, and in two days summer will begin.

The only problem is that calendars are also quite relative. There are calendars that slow down time, and there are those that make it worth its weight in gold. Don't believe me?

Take, for example, an old tear-off calendar. Such a thick stack of sheets of days that it is impossible to even just leaf through. And then the year ends and you hang up the next one. If you live according to such a calendar, then life seems endless. There are countless days in it, what’s the hurry?

Or, for example, an ordinary pocket calendar. A convenient thing, although also not without its drawbacks. Allows you to plan your life for the whole year.

As you can see, all these methods of counting time have one significant problem. They take one segment out of the flow of time, in the first case a day, in the second a year, but they do not allow you to look at your entire life. They inform us about what day it is from the birth of Christ, but they are silent about what day it is in your life.

Although this is much more important for us, don’t you think?

And recently I came across a calendar that completely solves all problems with planning and motivation. He is simply brilliant and brilliantly simple. See for yourself.

This is the life of a person lasting 90 years (we are kind, we don’t feel sorry), presented in the form of weeks. One cell is one week, each row is another year of your life. This is what your time allotted looks like. Impressive?

But it will hit you even more when you print out and paint over the time you’ve already lived. And then hang this calendar in the kitchen or put it on your desktop and start coloring in each next week. For variety and clarity, you can mark particularly important events or periods of your life.

What you get is a complete map of your entire life, the size of an A4 sheet, which gives a clear idea of ​​the finitude of your life and will help you appreciate every week of it.

You probably want to ask me, where are the days of the week, numbers and months on this calendar?

Do you really need them? You may not be able to immediately answer what date it is today, but you will know for sure that it is now the fifth week of the thirty-third year of your life. Which you will try with all your might to make the most unforgettable and beautiful.

After all, the end of the sheet is already visible...

A wonderful idea is a calendar that can be the best solution to all problems related to planning and motivation.

Albert Einstein proved that time is a relative concept.

However, people have long felt this even without him. After all, no one will argue that pleasant time rushes at an insane speed, while boring and meaningless time drags on like a turtle?

In order to somehow bring order to this chaos, calendars were invented. You look at the calendar and feel confident and calm: today is Monday, tomorrow will be Tuesday, and in two days summer will begin.

The only problem is that calendars are also quite relative. There are calendars that slow down time, and there are those that make it worth its weight in gold. Don't believe me?

Take, for example, an old tear-off calendar. Such a thick stack of sheets of days that it is impossible to even just leaf through.

And then the year will end, and you will hang the next one.

If you live according to such a calendar, then life seems endless. There are countless days in it, what’s the hurry?

And he is brilliant in his simplicity. One sheet of paper fits a person's entire life - 90 years (let's be optimistic).

It is divided into weeks.

Each cell represents one week, and the horizontal row represents one year.

This sheet is all the time given to you. Well, is it impressive?

If you live more than 70 years, this is your bonus!

These are still flowers! When you print it out and paint over the weeks you’ve already lived through, then you’ll definitely get a shiver!

Hang it in your bedroom, living room or above your desk. Color one square every week. To diversify your “life map”, you can mark particularly important events or turning points in different colors.

This A4 sheet will clearly show you the infinity of time allotted to you and will help you appreciate every week you live.

Days of the week, numbers and months - they are not needed for motivation, so they are not on our calendar. But the realization that now is the 30th week of the 32nd year of your life is important. And no less important is that you will do your best to make her as unforgettable, happy and beautiful as possible. Because there are not as many cells left to the end of the sheet as we would like.

A serious reason to think...

Time is the most precious gift, because we are given a strictly defined amount of it. You can always earn money, but it’s simply impossible to get more time for yourself. By giving your time to someone, you are giving them a part of your life that cannot be returned. Your time is your life. That is why it is the most priceless gift that we can give to each other.

Real communication with people takes real time, and the best way to spell the word "love" is V - R - E - M - Z.

Rick Warren. Purposeful life.

“Defeat procrastination” ( Motivational calendar for a procrastinator

This simple and ingenious calendar can solve all problems... with planning and motivation, especially if you print it in A4 format, color in the time you have already lived (for clarity, you can mark the periods of your life in different colors), hang it on the refrigerator or put it on your desktop and get started paint over each passing week.

You get a complete map of life on a regular A4 sheet, which gives a visual representation of the time already lived, the finitude of life and will help you appreciate every week (high-resolution calendar -

These cells are quickly running out, which is why it is so important to live the rest meaningfully - because now you can feel, see with your own eyes how fleeting a person’s life is.

Calendar Idea ( - popular resource "Wait But Why" (, - Tim Urban's blog and Andrew Finn. Since its inception, the blog has attracted over 40 million unique views, thousands of patrons, and famous fans such as Elon Musk.

A weekly life calendar is one of the best life management methods.

We tend to overestimate the importance of medium periods of time (month, year) and underestimate short (quarter of an hour, hour, day, week) and long (3-5-7 or more years). We want everything at once, quickly, which is why many people make plans for the month and year. Many people lack the courage, patience and discipline to think and plan 5-10 years ahead.

No big goal can be achieved in 1 year. It takes 11 years to complete secondary general education. To obtain a vocational education, it takes 2-7 years. It takes 20 years to raise a child. It takes 3 years or more to create a successful, stable company.

If we do not plan for several years, then the importance of short periods also decreases. If I study English 15 minutes a day, then I won’t learn it in 1 year. What if I devote 15 minutes to this for 10 years?

A weekly life calendar helps you break out of this 1-year trap by providing a visual representation of your entire life on 1-2 pages. We see our whole lives at once, which makes it easier to plan for several years. The cells of life are weeks, which makes it possible to increase the significance of this short period of time in our eyes.

I work with this tool in an Excel spreadsheet.

The unit of time a week is quite short, and therefore a “tangible”, “felt” period of time. On the other hand, this is seven whole days, during which you can do a lot.

The weekly life calendar is a table.

The first column shows age in years. Next are 52 columns with week numbers (each year has 52 weeks). And in the last column are calendar years.

As in the time resource exercise, you need to determine the end time of life. Then, cross out all the past weeks. After that, return to this calendar weekly and cross out the past week.

In Excel, you can make notes on cells, which are convenient for recording goals. For example, in the note for week 40 of 2025, the goal might be “Buy a house.”

The weekly life calendar is an excellent tool that increases your awareness of time and planning productivity.


  1. Life calendar in Excel format ↓
  2. Life calendar generator on

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Author's Diary: 365 days of motivation (1)

Nikita Larionov |

My name is Olim and I am a Moscow entrepreneur. During my life, I have tried many professions: I was a janitor, a loader, a salesman, a waiter, a cook, an administrator, a carpenter, a bartender, a manager, a taxi driver, an SEO specialist, a department head and a commercial director. At every stage, the work gave me experience, and I am grateful to God for it. Even being a janitor at a certain period has its own meaning. Take advantage of any situation!

Regardless of the field, the purpose of my work was the money necessary for survival. Dreams and hobbies remained in the background or were shelved. The eternal “earn money to buy something”, “work to do something” did not bring satisfaction. And then I realized that I was tired of participating in the “rat race”. At that moment, life changed, and my new project became the embodiment of what gave me true inspiration from my early youth!

Take advantage of any situation!

I don’t know what your hobbies are, but in addition to my work, I collect quotes and aphorisms.

The wisdom contained in them attracted me. In my youth, I kept a special notebook where I wrote down and periodically re-read the sayings I liked, drawing strength and hope for new achievements. Then the Internet burst into life, and there was no point in such a hobby. Everything is always at hand - you just need to look on the Internet.

But I still want to read smart thoughts on paper, without being distracted by work or the continuous flow of information on the Internet, think, be imbued with wisdom and receive that positive charge of energy that helped me move forward. There was a period when I was left without a job, without a business and with a lot of debt. The wisdom of great people, which I absorbed from school, saved me and forced me to look at the current situation in a new way, from a different perspective, and with new strength and enthusiasm I began to study new things, learned, learned, moved forward and conquered new heights!

I dreamed of creating something that would serve as a motivator for other people. Many, like me, need a push forward, even if it is the right phrase read at the right time. This is how the idea of ​​a motivator calendar was born. And when I met graphic designer Gulia from Naberezhnye Chelny on social networks, whose hobby is designing pictures with quotes, this dream flared up with renewed vigor. I suggested that Gulia create a joint motivational calendar “365 days of motivation”, where each day has its own quote or aphorism. There was a lot of doubt, debate and reflection. But the project has started!

We believe that the project will become unique if we add some “trick” to it. For us, this “trick” was the ability to hide motivating statements under a special scratch layer (like in an instant lottery). But the calendar lottery is a win-win. The main thing is to take advantage of your winnings correctly. A person who wants to read a motivational statement will spend only a couple of seconds erasing the protective layer. At the same time, he will put other things aside, take a break from the TV or computer in order to tune in to fully perceive the quote. This will soon turn into a real ritual, because none of the 365 quotes in the calendar are repeated. And throughout the month, the owner of the calendar will be inspired by a picture with a powerful quote. Thus, the product will serve as a real motivation tool.

The idea appeared and took shape, there is everything for implementation: passionate co-authors, a lot of quotes, beautiful design, a printing house where they are ready to print a calendar and hide the quotes under a scratch-off layer. The only question that remains open is financing. Gulia and I decided to test our idea using “ruble voting.” We chose crowdfunding for financing, i.e. raising funds for the implementation of the project before the release of the product. Each participant who pays for the calendar in advance is considered a sponsor of the project and will receive the product at a significant discount.

What does this give us:

    Crowdfunding is a test of a project idea. People invest only in projects that interest them.

    Crowdfunding reduces financial risks. Both parties are financially insured: the author of the project and the sponsors. If unsuccessful, the money is returned to the sponsors, and the author does not bear any responsibility to them.

It’s too early to talk about the result, but from the reviews we see that consumers like the calendar. We plan to launch the product on October 11, 2015, after the completion of the crowdfunding campaign. We know that the calendar will be published and there will be buyers for it, since the number of sponsors is growing every day.

We believe that related projects will also develop: a calendar website with sayings and thematic pictures that will be updated daily (the website design has already been approved and its layout is underway) and our blog, where the community will discuss all this, communicate, suggest something from his collections of quotes and aphorisms. We will include the best of these quotes in the 2017 calendar.

And in the future we will release other thematic calendars - entertaining ones with jokes; children's and educational; in English and other languages ​​upon request; religious calendars with sayings from the scriptures and many others. We are planning to launch an application, the owner of which receives a screen saver with a motivating quote-picture every day. And we don’t stop there, because we are overwhelmed with ideas!

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