This means school is in my life. Educational project "school in my life"

School is not only a place where we gain new knowledge, but also a place where we make new friends. Every person remembers his first day at school. This day is the first of September. An exciting, festive, beautiful day. It was from that day that I understood the word “school” as an interesting, exciting journey into the world of knowledge.

Since then, every day at school is unique for me. I found many close and dear friends in this place. At every break you communicate, at every lesson you learn more and more new and interesting things.

The uniqueness of my school lies in the fact that only we have such wonderful, kind and sensitive teachers who are able to find an approach to every student. In every lesson they put most of their soul into us. Without knowledge, a person cannot live today in any country in the world. An educated person is valued anywhere on Earth. Therefore, our teachers help each child learn new material not only for good grades, but also for quality knowledge.

Sports, holiday events, relay races, olympiads, all extracurricular games are organized by our school, so our children who study at our school are fully developed.

I think that all the knowledge that we use in life is laid down by school. This knowledge is not only from textbooks, but also knowledge such as etiquette, norms of behavior, responsibility for something, including one’s actions.


"School in my life"

Our school was founded by Tsezar Lvovich Kunikov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He made a great contribution to its development. School plays a big role in my life. First of all, school teaches us culture, behavior in public places, communication with peers, the older generation and, of course, patience with the upcoming difficulties of adult life. At school we receive our first education, which is so necessary for further acquisition of more in-depth knowledge.

I really love to study, I love to learn and discover something new and interesting in different fields of science. I believe that the love of learning is the source of obtaining good quality knowledge and, most importantly, good grades. I don't always do well in my studies, which makes me and my parents very sad. It seems to me that the key to good knowledge depends on attention in class, diligence, patience when doing independent work, tests or any written work and diligence.

During the period of primary education, we learn to read, write and count, which is so necessary for us at this moment. In high school we study each subject in depth. I, like all the students at our school, have favorite subjects - Russian language, chemistry and biology. Each of the listed subjects is interesting and educational in its own way. Our school has very competent and experienced teachers who are able to interest students in their knowledge of the subject.

After graduating from school and receiving a complete secondary education, I will enter the Medical Academy. Thus, I want to continue my education and get my chosen profession.

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There comes a time in every person’s life when his parents take him to school. Every little first-grader goes into the unknown and is a little afraid of what awaits him there ahead. So I was no exception.

I remember my first class, my first line, in which I had a huge bouquet in my hands for the teacher, whom I was just about to meet.

School turned out to be not as scary as my subconscious pictured. I can say with confidence that my best years will forever remain here. Here I found my friends, experienced my first crush on the most handsome boy in school, and only at school can I feel free, despite the lessons, grades and exams. This is a happy and carefree life!

Every school day brings with it a lot of emotions and surprises. Sometimes it seems that one day is equal to a lifetime!

Many people very often want to grow up and mature as quickly as possible, but I don’t want to! I want to come to class and see the happy faces of my friends, I want to meet the best teachers in the world! Yes, our teachers are the best, they are kind and always ready to help their students. They always put their heart and soul into their lessons, and they often hold interesting events and do not forget to praise and encourage us with all sorts of little things, but it’s so nice!

And so, the closer I get to graduation, the more I begin to think about how we will gather as a class and talk about our successes, work and family. We will definitely remember the funny stories that happened to us at school and again plunge into that pleasant atmosphere of carefreeness. Surely we will see our favorite teachers, and they will remember our pranks, our tardiness and childhood intrigues.

I hope everything stays that way! Well, in the meantime, I will still plunge headlong into my lessons and enjoy my school life.

4, 6, 7 grade

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School plays a huge role in our lives, which not everyone appreciates or fully understands. School, yesterday, today and tomorrow, has a very important and responsible role in the formation and education of the younger generation and each individual individually. Precisely personality, because a big baby enters it, and when it’s finished, it comes out, even if it’s not yet a fully formed personality.

In simple alegorical language school- this is the foundation of a young life, it is a springboard for conquering life’s fateful peaks in the modern difficult world. School is sometimes compared to the army. This comparison is not shared by everyone, but as for the guys, it’s fair. After all, the baby begins to work for the first time! For the first time, the guys begin to understand and create their own team, to understand what friendship and the feeling of a friend’s elbow are. The desire to be the first in any activity “sports, KVN, amateur performances” creates character, helps a young person to reveal his talent, his upbringing.

A school is a huge organism in which everything should be aimed at creating and growing a new modern generation. It often happens that students fall in love with their class teacher for many years. This happens when the teacher still has superhuman psychological abilities to teach, lead, and most importantly - love children, regardless of their differences, abilities, and parental capabilities. That's why some teachers are considered second mothers who remain in the memory for many years.

School is a psychologically rather complex mechanism.. The school itself will not be able to cope with the formation of a teenager’s personality if parents and relatives are not present during this formation. After all, the goal is equally important for everyone, so that a young person receives as much knowledge as possible and can rush into this stream of life without fear; so that this, albeit not yet strong school personality, can find a decent occupation, work, study with a reliable store of knowledge that secondary school has given.

Why are classmates remembered for life? After all, there will be a huge number of friends and comrades, and school colleagues will last for a long time. Because everything is for the first time. By learning everything new in this established team, you grow with them, growing physically and morally from year to year. First love or friendship is also born within the walls of school. And although the ending is not always happy, these feelings are nurtured and given by the school.

Many subjects, a rich program, computerization of the 21st century, the age of speed of space and other technologies - and you must correspond to this time with your knowledge base, the ability to work and overcome the difficulties that arise in order to achieve your goal. All this thanks to such a simple institution as a school.
In conclusion, I would like to say that school is a difficult, but at the same time wonderful and very necessary stage of our life. Long live the school!!!

Lesson is a time of knowledge, debate, search for truth; a time of difficulties and experiences, victories and failures; life time. Life is sometimes fun, and sometimes sad, difficult or carefree. School is my world. It's different for everyone. For some it is a noisy holiday, for others it is a melancholy presence.

For me, school is a creative workshop, the entire socio-psychological microclimate, which creates conditions for personal self-realization. My school for a child is a second home, where he lives, spends most of his time, this is the world in which he lives. And it depends on me whether the child will love school and remember it with warm feelings.

I think school should be a world of discovery and revelation, joy of life for students and teachers, a world of calm, harmony and cooperation. And we, teachers, can turn learning into a process of developing cognitive aspirations.

Our calling is to discover the world, and in this process the teacher and student complement each other. When you feel this, it becomes easy and free. Children make contact themselves. A raised hand is not only a signal to the teacher “I know,” but also “Can I try.” This attempt to answer should be supported in time, giving the student the opportunity to test himself. Then children reveal themselves and their capabilities in the classroom.

A school lesson gives a thoughtful teacher endless opportunities for creativity. New discoveries and new ideas are born in the lesson; from him, as if from a spring, powerful rivers and pedagogical mastery begin.

Why did I choose the teaching profession among all the professions?

Probably because, by taking a child by the hand, I can take him into the interesting and fascinating world of science. Because, climbing the ladder of knowledge, I can watch how my students grow and develop, and with them I grow and improve my skills. Because I feel a sense of satisfaction from my work when my student moves up one step next to me, and I feel that he can and should move on independently. Because every child is a star that only holds back its shine for so long.

Seneca said: “By teaching others, we teach ourselves.” I am happy because I have the opportunity to explore the world again and again. I'm happy because I give away the warmth of my soul. I'm happy because I see the results of my work. Some of my students will become famous philologists, some, traveling around the world, will surprise others with their excellent spoken English, some will be a good father or mother, and some will become simply a kind person. And I really hope that there will be teachers among them!

Teaching children is an art, work no less creative than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, or with the help of paints, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his personality, his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world...

In life, both as an individual and as a whole society, there is a person whose influence is incommensurate with anything and irreplaceable. Each of us keeps in our memory the image of our favorite teacher all our lives - the one under whose influence we formed our soul, chose our profession and path in life.

A person grows, a keen interest in the world, in the world, in a certain field of knowledge awakens in him. Great mathematicians, writers, doctors, astronauts, directors - they all started when he, the teacher, was nearby. A happy person is if the teacher was wise, kind, able to see and support what was born in the soul of a small person.

The word “teacher” has acquired a broad general meaning these days. This is the name given to outstanding thinkers who created their own schools and have their own followers.

Human life is continuous learning. For a long time, an important task of thinkers and educators of mankind has been the correct determination of the purpose or purpose of human life. It is of extremely great importance. If a person is mistaken in understanding his purpose, he will not fulfill his life's purpose and will not be what he should be.

A teacher must not only educate and bring himself to perfection, he must also educate others. He chose the work of upbringing and education as his life calling. His task is to guide others along the right path, to awaken the desire for truth and goodness, to achieve the development of inherent abilities, therefore he must develop these qualities, first of all, in himself.

The most important thing is that the teacher must help the student realize himself as an individual, awaken the need for consciousness of himself, life, the world, and cultivate in him a sense of human dignity, a component of which is the ability to be responsible for his actions to himself and to society. The success of his students on the difficult path of learning depends on the teacher’s faith in the capabilities of each student, on his perseverance and patience, and the ability to come to the rescue in time.

The role of the teacher in the modern world is extremely great. There is no doubt that the very concept of “teacher” in the near future, at least in the foreseeable future, will go far beyond the scope of purely professional activity.

A teacher is a person who has not only received a special pedagogical education, but also always feels himself at the forefront of social problems, performing a vital social function, ensuring a connection between times and generations.

Without it, the progressive development of the human race is generally unthinkable.

He is not a follower of directives and superior instructions, and is only interested in immediate,

immediate results of their labor.

A teacher is a thinker who feels the full responsibility assigned to him for the fate of the person who has trusted him, for his spiritual, intellectual and physical health, for the future of his country.

The teacher of the future, the teacher of the 21st century, should and undoubtedly will have these qualities.

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