Выпускной экзамен по английскому языку: как проходит, где найти билеты и полезные фразы.

Контрольно-измерительные материалы (КИМы) разработаны для учеников 11 класса, изучающих английский язык по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. "Enjoy English". В пособие вошли лексико-грамматические тесты, тесты по чтению и аудированию, а также тематические контрольные работы. КИМы подготовлены с учетом содержания государственного образовательного стандарта и требований к уровню подготовки учащихся. В конце пособия ко всем заданиям приведены ответы.
Издание адресовано учителям английского языка, школьникам и их родителям.


Guess the shop which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer.
1) shopping outlet
2) comer shop
3) supermarket
4) department store

People buy pork, beef, chicken and sausages at:
1) the sweet shop
2) the chemist’s
3) the butcher’s
4) the greengrocer’s

Guess the large shop which sells all kinds of food and household goods. You walk round the shop and take items of the shelf yourself and pay for them all before you leave.
1) shopping outlet
2) comer shop
3) supermarket
4) department store

От составителя
Test 1. Famous people
Test 2. Rights and responsibilities
Test 3. Choosing a profession
Test 4. Modem technologies
Test 5. Environmental problems
Test 6. Circle of friends
Test 7. Keeping traditions
Test 8. Shops and shopping
Test 9. Shops and shopping
Test 10. The USA: geographical location, historical facts
Test 11. The USA: geographical location, historical facts
Test 12. The USA: the capital, landmarks
Test 13. The USA: the capital, landmarks
Test 14. Australia
Test 15. Australia
Test 16. Travelling
Test 17. Travelling
Test 18. Science and technical progress
Test 19. Mass media
Test 20. Mass media
Test 21. Education in the UK and the USA
Test 22. Education in the UK and the USA
Test 23. Prefixes with negative meanings
Test 24. Phrasal verbs to hand, to break, to come, to see
Test 25. Phrasal verbs to make, to do
Test 26. Set phrases with prepositions
Test 27. Derivation: nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives
Test 28. Derivation: nouns and verbs
Test 29. Verb Tenses, Active and Passive Voice
Test 30. Verb Tenses, Active and Passive Voice
Exam training: lexical and grammar skills
Exam training: speaking
Ключи к тестам
Ключи к контрольной работе (written test).

Контрольно-измерительные материалы (КИМы) разработаны для учеников 11 класса, изучающих английский язык по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. "Enjoy English". В пособие вошли лексико-грамматические тесты, тесты по чтению и аудированию, а также тематические контрольные работы. КИМы подготовлены с учетом содержания государственного образовательного стандарта и требований к уровню подготовки учащихся. В конце пособия ко всем заданиям приведены ответы.
Издание адресовано учителям английского языка, школьникам и их родителям.

Guess the shop which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer.
1) shopping outlet
2) comer shop
3) supermarket
4) department store

People buy pork, beef, chicken and sausages at:
1) the sweet shop
2) the chemist’s
3) the butcher’s
4) the greengrocer’s

Guess the large shop which sells all kinds of food and household goods. You walk round the shop and take items of the shelf yourself and pay for them all before you leave.
1) shopping outlet
2) comer shop
3) supermarket
4) department store

От составителя
Test 1. Famous people
Test 2. Rights and responsibilities
Test 3. Choosing a profession
Test 4. Modem technologies
Test 5. Environmental problems
Test 6. Circle of friends
Test 7. Keeping traditions
Test 8. Shops and shopping
Test 9. Shops and shopping
Test 10. The USA: geographical location, historical facts
Test 11. The USA: geographical location, historical facts
Test 12. The USA: the capital, landmarks
Test 13. The USA: the capital, landmarks
Test 14. Australia
Test 15. Australia
Test 16. Travelling
Test 17. Travelling
Test 18. Science and technical progress
Test 19. Mass media
Test 20. Mass media
Test 21. Education in the UK and the USA
Test 22. Education in the UK and the USA
Test 23. Prefixes with negative meanings
Test 24. Phrasal verbs to hand, to break, to come, to see
Test 25. Phrasal verbs to make, to do
Test 26. Set phrases with prepositions
Test 27. Derivation: nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives
Test 28. Derivation: nouns and verbs
Test 29. Verb Tenses, Active and Passive Voice
Test 30. Verb Tenses, Active and Passive Voice
Exam training: lexical and grammar skills
Exam training: speaking
Ключи к тестам
Ключи к контрольной работе (written test).

Бесплатно скачать электронную книгу в удобном формате, смотреть и читать:
Скачать книгу Английский язык, 11 класс, Контрольно-измерительные материалы, Дзюина Е.В., 2013 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

  • Готовимся к олимпиадам по английскому языку, 8-11 классы, Сигал Т.К., 2009
  • ВПР, Английский язык, 11 класс, 10 вариантов, Типовые задания, Гулов А.П., 2018

Следующие учебники и книги.

Уже в этом году предстоит сдать выпускной экзамен по английскому? Чтобы ты зря не волновался и на самом испытании чувствовал себя уверенно, расскажет о структуре экзамена, где найти билеты по английскому языку, и даст полезные советы, как вести себя в присутствии комиссии.

Коротко об экзамене

Испытание проходит в устной форме. Его цель — проверить навыки общения на английском, которые ты приобрёл за время обучения в школе. Подготовиться к экзамену лучше заранее: билеты по английскому языку продаются в книжных магазинах или заказать на сайте OZ.by . Аудиоприложение к билетам можно скачать на сайте издательства «Аверсэв» . В аудиторию, где проходит экзамен, приглашают по четыре человека. Если ученик затрудняется ответить по билету, он может перетянуть его. Снижается ли в таком случае отметка? Это остаётся на усмотрение комиссии.

Помни: испытание начинается с того момента, когда ты вошёл в кабинет. Переступил порог — забудь русский язык, представь себя коренным англичанином. Поздоровайся с присутствующими: «Good morning!» Никаких «Hello!» и «Hi!». Ещё один важный момент: экзаменационный билет по-английски звучит как «examination card», а не «ticket». И не забудь назвать номер своего билета: «My examination card is number five» or «The number of my examination card is number five».

Экзамен по английскому языку состоит из трёх этапов

Тебе предстоит пройти аудирование, беседу по прочитанному тексту и на предложенную тему. Последовательность этапов определяет комиссия. Каждый блок заданий оценивается отдельно, итоговая отметка выводится как средняя арифметическая.

Беседа по прочитанному тексту

По номеру билета, который ты вытянешь, комиссия предлагает текст (научно-популярный, публицистический или художественный). Даётся примерно 20 минут на его прочтение и осмысление, так что будь внимателен. Перечитай текст несколько раз, обрати внимание на пояснения к нему (при наличии таковых), спроси себя, всё ли ты понял. Если увидел незнакомое слово, попробуй определить его значение по контексту.

Когда пойдёшь отвечать, листок с текстом будет у тебя перед глазами — подсматривай структуру предложений и отдельные слова, но не забывай отрывать глаза от написанного. Комиссия может спросить, о чём этот текст, какова его основная мысль, задать уточняющие вопросы.

Если не понял вопрос или отдельное слово, переспроси. Воспользуйся следующими выражениями: «Could you repeat the question / that, please?», «Could you say it once again, please?», «I didn’t understand / get it». Нужна буквально секунда, чтобы сориентироваться по ответу, — не впадай в ступор! Фразы «May I have a minute», «Let me think» помогут учителям понять, что ты собираешься с мыслями. Давай развёрнутые ответы, опираясь на содержание прочитанного. Но не сиди уткнувшись в текст, это произведёт плохое впечатление на комиссию.


Перед тем как приступить к прослушиванию записи, ты получаешь листок с вопросами, на которые потом будешь отвечать комиссии. Аудиозапись длится полторы минуты и представляет собой фрагмент радиопередачи, диалог, рассказ или интервью. На подготовку отводится 10 минут. Имена собственные и сложные для распознавания на слух слова даются в печатном виде.

Внимательно прослушай текст два раза: в первый пойми суть текста, во второй найди ответы на вопросы. Чтобы не тратить время на дословную запись, делай пометки, по которым сможешь дать развёрнутый ответ.

Беседа на предложенную тему

К разговорной части экзамена по английскому ты не готовишься заранее. На данном этапе проверяется умение излагать свою точку зрения, поддерживать беседу.

Не употребляй те слова, в значении или произношении которых ты не уверен. Замени их синонимами или перестрой фразу. Старайся разговаривать непринуждённо, улыбайся. Внимательно слушай вопросы учителей, переспрашивай, когда не понимаешь, отвечай развёрнутыми предложениями.

В конце экзамена поблагодари комиссию за внимание и попрощайся: «Thank you for your attention», «Thank you for taken time», «See you!», «Bye!», «Have a nice day!». Вежливость сыграет в твою пользу! Тренируйся на уроках английского языка, чтобы на экзамене чувствовать себя like a fish in water. А если нужна помощь профессионалов, чтобы прокачать уровень английского, .

Если материал был для тебя полезен, не забудь поставить «мне нравится» в наших соцсетях

Приложение 2.

Входная контрольная работа


Установите соответствие между заголовками А- F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один лишний заголовок.

А. The Beauty and the Beast

С. Phantom of the Opera

F. West Side Story

    То forgive others is оnе of the most important character traits, but оnе prince has got nо such ability. Therefore а spell is cast uроn him: he is turned into а Beast. For him to break the spell he has to fall in love with а woman and this love has to bе reciprocated. The stage is set.

    Regularly - оnсе а year - cats from around the city come together for а celebration called Jellicle-Ball. The Procedure being always the same: оn the day of the festival they meet оn top of а large rubbish heap exactly at midnight. At the height of the celebration оnе cat is then chosen to ascend to heaven. The decision which cat is worthy is made bу the oldest and wisest cat among them: Old Deuteronomy. For his decision he relies оn his instincts and оn the accounts of а cat"s life. Therefore the cats use the festival as а platform to relate their stories.

    Roxie Hart has murdered her lover. She"s put under аrrеst and is to go to jail for first degree murder. Since she doesn"t аnу lawyer her situation is without prospects. But fate has а surprise in for her. As а prisoner at the bar she gets acquainted with other inmates and soon finds out that the director has someone at hand - Billу Flynn. Вillу Flynn indeed takes оn Roxie"s case and is able to convince the media of her being absolutely innocent.

    The cellars of the opera belong to the Phantom - they are his hiding place ever since his face was destroyed to the utmost. Не has fallen in love with а vocalist from the opera, Christine. His ultimate goal is to somehow pave the way for her. Since she is totally unaware of his feelings he is continuously looking for аn opportunity to allure her to enter the cellars. Ву chance he is able to саrrу out his plan. Не then tells her of the music he has composed for her and admits his love. Не doesn"t let Christine return to the surface.

    Two gangs terrorize the streets of New York and try to blot each other out: The Jets and the Sharks. In the midst of this rivalry Тоnу (а former mеmbеr of the Jets) and Maria (sister of the leader of the Sharks) have fallen in love. For the sake of their love they try to stop а final showdown between the gangs.


Вы услышите небольшой рассказ. Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах 1 – 7 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания. Вы услышите запись дважды .

    Like any other capital, Washington always has __________.

    They want to see ____ and the monuments to those who struggled in the past to make an English colony a _____.

    In ____ George Washington, the first American president, chose the place for a capital city.

    Washington is not a ____.

    Nobody will build a house higher than ____.

    The tourists think that the life of the capital is ____.

    They are office-workers who take care of ____.

Текст для аудирования:

Like any other capital, Washington always has a lot of tourists. People from other countries and all parts of the United States come to Washington (which stands on the river Potomac) every day. They want to see the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, the White House and the Capitol. They want to see their capital and the monuments to those who struggled in the past to make an English colony a free country.

In 1791 George Washington, the first American president, chose the place for a capital city. He thought it was a good place because the Potomac River was a deep enough for ships to come to the city. Washington is not a typical American city. It has no skyscrapers and nobody will build a house higher than the Capitol.

It is a nice thing not to have stone jungles in the city. There are a lot of large public gardens, parks where you can sit in the sun, and wide streets like Pennsylvania Avenue.

The tourists think that the life of the capital is not very active. But during lunch-time there are very many runners in the city.

They are office-workers who take care of their health. After sitting at a desk for several hours they prefer to run slowly a few kilometers.


A - G и текстами 1 – 6.

Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. Если вы затрудняетесь соотнести какой-нибудь текст с темой, то ставьте в таблице знак Х под номером этого текста.

English Speaking Countries

A. Children and bad manners

B. The place to relax

C. Ban smoking (No smoking)

D. Your dress (clothes) and your purse

E. Good and bad manners

F. The British about themselves

G. Lovers of queues

    If you go out to enjoy yourself, you can wear almost anything. It is no longer a requirement of theatres that the audience should wear evening dress. So what you wear depends, perhaps, on how much you paid for your ticket. At the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, for example, spectators in the stalls, the circle and the boxes are usually dressed formally, whilst those peering down from the amphitheatre may well be in jeans. People do, however, tend to dress more formally for ballet and opera than for the theatre and concerts.

    In recent years smoking has received a lot of bad publicity, and fewer people now smoke. There is no more smoking on the London Underground, in cinemas and theatres and most buses. Many companies have banned smoking from their offices and canteens. And non-smok­ers can be rude to smokers who break the rule and smoke in public places.

    Pubs are an important part of British life. People, especially men, go to the pub to relax, meet friends, and sometimes to do business. At one time, it was unusual for women to go to pubs. These days, however, there are only a few pubs where it is surprising for a woman to walk in. Children under the age of 14 are still not allowed into some pubs. Pub food is cheaper than most restaurant food, and you don"t have to leave a tip. But you do have to go to the bar to get your food and drink. There are no waiters in pubs.

    In some countries it is considered bad man­ners to eat in the street. In Britain it is quite common to see people having a snack while walking down the road, especially at lunchtime. On the other hand, the British may be surprised to see young children in restaurants in the evenings because children are not usually taken out to restaurants late at night and, if they make a noise in public or in a restaurant, it is consid­ered very rude. In Victorian times it used to be said that "Children should be seen and not heard", since children did not participate at all in public life. In recent years, children are play­ing a more active role and they are now accept­ed in many pubs and restaurants.

    According to a survey conducted by a television company last year, Britain is a nation of tea-lov­ing soap opera fans who value privacy, love their pets, grumble about the weather and very proud of their sense of humour. 73 percent of people drink traditional tea, com­pared to six percent who prefer Earl Grey tea, 53 percent of people treat their pets like a mem­ber of the family, 39 percent think the weather is the most annoying aspect of living in Britain. People generally don"t mind queuing and can be spotted abroad by their tanned skin, football shirts, wearing socks with sandals and a pint of beer in their hand.

    Visitors to Britain are often surprised by the strange behaviour of its inhabitants. The British like forming queues. In fact, queuing is supposed to be their national characteristic. "An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an order­ly queue of one," joked George Mikes. So one of the worst mistakes is to get on a bus without waiting your turn in the queue. The British are very sensitive to such behaviour and they may get really annoyed with queue-jumpers - people who don"t wait their turn in the queue.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Paul who writes:

… Anyway, we’re camping here on the Isle of Skye. We’re staying on a campsite in the middle of nowhere. We go walking everyday and yesterday we saw some seals. It’s fantastic. Have you decided where to go on holiday?

As for Alice she phoned three times…

Write a letter to Paul.

    tell him about where you are planning to go on holiday and why

    ask 3 questions about Alice and her summer job.

Write 100 – 140 words.

Контроль навыков говорения

(4-5 min) You and your friend are discussing your plans for the summer holidays. There are three options to choose from . You have to decide on one of them:

    to go to London;

    to stay at home in your native town;

    to enjoy the sights of Washington.

You begin the conversation.

Remember to:

    discuss all the points;

    come up with suggestions;

  • come to an agreement.

Промежуточный контроль навыков чтения, письма, аудирования


Вы услышите текст . Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах 1-7 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания. Вы услышите запись дважды .

    The government thinks that absen­teeism is getting out of … in England

    …. children a year bunk off school (go absent without a reason).

    In primary schools (5-11) the average time missed per absent pupil is over ….

    The best way of improving attendance is to make school, and the gaps between the lessons more…

    Last year … children were expelled from schools in England

    Some teachers want … brought back into the classroom.

    Patricia Amos, was the first person in Britain to be sent to… for failing to send her children to school.

Текст для аудирования:

Why aren’t you at school, sonny?

This is a question that many British schoolchildren may hear at some point in their school careers, when they are "play­ing truant", "bunking off, or absent without per­mission. The government thinks that absen­teeism is getting out of control in England, but what can they do to make sure children go to school? Here are some of the reasons they are worried:

One million children a year bunk off school (go absent without a reason). In primary schools (5-11) the average time missed per absent pupil is over five days in the year. For secondary schools (11-16), it is 10 days.

Why is it such a prob­lem? The evidence shows that truancy is linked to crime and failure at school. When children are out of school they might be committing crime and they certainly aren"t learning.

What is the answer then? Some people think it is electronic registration: this is a chip in a card that the children have to swipe at the beginning of the school day. When the children put the card in a machine the headmaster can see immediately who is in the school and who is absent.

The best way of improving attendance is to make school, and the gaps between the lessons more interesting. Some schools which have had attendance prob­lems in the past have started lunchtime radio stations, sport, music and a breakfast club with morning TV and aerobics.

Other schools have resorted to more extreme methods when pupils don"t turn up. Last year 9000 children were expelled from schools in England, a big rise in figures. Many children were excluded for violence and criminal behav­iour. Of course, throwing children out of school solves one problem but immediately creates many more. Some teachers want corporal pun­ishment brought (beating children with sticks) back into the classroom (it was banned in the 1970s), but the government didn"t agree.

One parent knows very well the cost of truancy, not only to her children"s education, but to her own freedom too. A moth­er of five, Patricia Amos, was the first person in Britain to be sent to jail for failing to send her children to school. She was sent to prison for 60 days after being found guilty in Oxford. She served 28 days in a very dangerous and violent women"s prison in London. Mrs Amos said, "the whole horrible thing worked. It has brought me to my senses."


Установите соответствие между заголовками A E и параграфами 1 – 4. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один лишний заголовок.

A. Hot boys and cliques

B. Everything becomes a tragedy

C. The younger generation is not sure in its future

D. The problems of youth

E. Personal opinion

The problems of youth (love, friendship, conflicts).

    Our grandparents say that nowadays the younger generation has a more difficult life then they had. They explain it taking into consideration the fact about the change of the economic formation from the socialist to capitalist. They are also sure that the younger generation that is youth is not sure in its future. As for me I partially agree with them but I think that nowadays has more possibilities and ways for developing, it has more rights them before. Of course one should remember not only one’s rights but also duties.

    When a person is young he or she survives more vividly all the problems, for teenagers nearly everything becomes a tragedy. Love, friendship, conflicts these are all the things that go hand in hand with youth. Young people who are alike become friends, they spend time in their own companies share the same opinions, have common interests.

    Those who are different are very often in the state of a conflict, because they cannot control their emotions. Very often such “hot” boys organize one group against the other and the conflict becomes serious. In big cities there are so-called cliques which dictate their own rules to all their members and they are very difficult to deal with.

    As for me I live in a small town of Maykop and I cannot say that my town’s problems correspond to the big town’s ones. As far as I know we do not have cliques and our youth is quite neutral to all the exotic changes in way of life and so on. I have a lot of friends. We share common interests, have the same hobbies and visit the same places. We are alike, we want to be students, have a funny life and get much pleasure out of it.-

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen friend Mike who writes:

… Can you imagine it finally happened! I got to their concert. It was wonderful, absolutely marvelous. Now I’m sure Black Eyed Peas are the best. By the way, did you get a ticket for a concert of your favourite group? How was the show?

Write a letter to Mike and answer his questions. Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Промежуточный контроль навыков говорения

Task 2 (1,5 -2 min)

You are going to write an article about lifestyles of your classmates to your school newspaper. You are having a conversation with your friend about the most important points.

Ask your friend the following questions:

    if young people want to change the world for the best;

    why some of them differ from social norms;

    if young people develop their own style distinct from others;

    why some teens want to protest against the parents;

    if there are any groupings in the school.

Remember to:

    be active and polite;

Контроль навыков чтения, письма, аудирования


Вы услышите небольшой рассказ. Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах 1-7 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания. Вы услышите запись дважды .

    The plot of the Spider-Man is very …

    The hero, Peter Parker, is a student and also works as a ….

    He lives in … with his aunt and uncle.

    Peter decides to use his extraordinary powers to fight ….

    Every superhero needs a ….

    Many people agree that it"s one of the … that really lives up to expectations.

    In short it"s a superior superhero movie that is worth ….

Текст для аудирования:

Spider-man – a superhero for the 21 st century.

SUPERMAN, BATMAN, SPIDER-MAN - they have much in common. In ordinary circum­stances they are ordinary, normal people, not different from anybody else. But when the moment comes, they turn into superheroes and spend most of their time helping good guys and fighting bad guys.

The likeness is not only in that. The three characters began as comic book characters, they all became very popular and they all eventu­ally came to the big screen.

The plot of the Spider-Man is very simple and very much like Super-man and Batman movies. The hero, Peter Parker, is a student and also works as a photog­rapher. He lives in New York with his aunt and uncle. He is a weedy, shy young man. He is in love with a girl next door, but he is very awkward with the ladies, and the girl doesn"t notice him much. In short Peter is not a hero at all. But one day he is bitten by a mutant spider, and gets its qualities. Now he has superhuman strength and reflexes, sense for danger, he can stick to most surfaces, walk up walls and shoot strands of webbing from his wrists. Peter decides to use his extraordinary powers to fight crime.

In his stunning red costume, which covers his whole body, Spider-Man patrols the streets to save the good people of New York from all kinds of danger. He climbs the walls of sky­scrapers, swings hundreds metres above the ground on his web...

Certainly ordinary criminals are not enough. Every superhero needs a super-enemy, somebody who is really bad and is usually after the same thing - world domination, very soon Peter finds an enemy like that - the Green Goblin.

A hero who leads a kind of double life - ordinary person by day, superhero at night, a girl who at first doesn"t pay much attention to the hero, but finds him irresistible in the role of a superhero, a power-mad enemy... Probably everything sounds too, familiar, but the film is a success. Many people agree that it"s one of the few movies that really lives up to expectations. It"s a good, clean, funny, action-packed movie with stunning special effects and with no swearing. In short it"s a superior superhero movie that is worth seeing.


Установите соответствие между заголовками A G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один лишний заголовок.

A . Film for aliens

B . Phun factory

C. Helping nose

D. First monster star

E. Extreme cello playing

F. New stars

G. Retiring to Internet

    Phun Factory in New York is the largest open air graffiti gallery in the world. On the wall of the factory, street kids show their talents - legally - for everyone to admire. The gallery was founded to keep the city clean, and give people a chance to express themselves. The "masterpieces" are changed every three months.

    A Dutch film company has made a film to explain what humans are like to aliens. "Imagine then how difficult it would be to explain it to an alien," says one of the filmmak­ers. "That"s why we decided to make a film about us." The eight-minute cartoon shows what people are and what they think and feel. The makers hope it will be taken into space on a mission in 2007.

    Pop star George Michael is retiring from the music busi­ness to become an Internet-only artist. The singer says he will never make another album for sale in record shops because he doesn"t need the money and is tired of being famous. Instead he intends to put all future songs on the Internet for free. Fans will be invit­ed to make donations in exchange for down­loading the tracks, which multi-millionaire Michael will give to charity.

    The first movie monster to become a star was King Kong (1933). Although the giant ape made some film-goers faint, King Kong was actually a model only 45 centimeters tall. For close-ups the studio used a giant furry head worked by three men inside!

    Cameron Diaz believes her nose has helped her get most of her acting roles. She says that when she began acting her friends told her that she would never be able to make it big in Hollywood unless she got a nose job. Cameron says her refusal to get her nose correct­ed actually helped her get film roles instead of losing them. "I thought it kind of gave me a different look to all the other surgery-type girls," she says.

    One day, a group of British cellists was watching a documentary on TV which showed the Extreme Ironing World Championship in Germany. This gave them an idea: why not try to make music in extreme locations? This is how a new sport - Extreme Cello Playing - was born.

You have 15 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English pen friend Jim who writes:

… Yesterday my friend Alex and me went to the cinema to see Ice Age2. As predicted, we liked the cartoon a lot. It was full of subtle humour and kind characters. Do you like cartoons? What are your favourite cartoons, if any?

Write a letter to Jim and answer his questions. Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Контроль навыков говорения

Task 1 (3-4 min)

Give a talk on the problem “What helps young people to relax?”

Remember to speak about:

    the role of the cinema and TV films in our life;

    what arts cinema combines;

    what kind of films you like best and why;

    the role of theatre I modern life;

    your attitude to ballet, opera or musical.

Task 2 (1, 5 -2 min)

Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain.

You are discussing the problem with your friend. Which type of movie do you prefer and why?

You will start the conversation

Remember to:

    be active and polite;

    ask all the questions to get the necessary information.

Итоговый контроль навыков чтения, письма, аудирования


1. A fax machine is one of the latest inventions of the man. You’ll hear the explanations of how it works. Listen to the recording. Mark the statements 1-5 with T if the information is TRUE and with F if the information is FALSE.

1. A fax machine sends the original sheet of paper.

2. The piece of paper is put inside the machine in small pieces.

3. The fax machine sends signals to another fax machine over the phone.

4. The machine scans the page with ink.

5. The message is sent word by word.

2. You will hear four people talking about different electric devices.

Listen to the recording. Choose from the list A-E what each of them says. Write the corresponding letter next to the speaker. Use each letter only once. There is one extra sentence, which you do not need to use.

SPEAKER 1 ___ A. Mum thinks that it is more trouble than it’s worth.

SPEAKER 2 ___ B. Is good for sleepy persons.

SPEAKER 3 ___ C. A music-minded person.

SPEAKER 4 ___ D. Mum takes the stereo away.

E. The device helps to save time.


1. Put the paragraphs from the text into the right order and read the text


    In 1920, while living in Kansas City, Missouri, he was lucky and got his first chance to work on a motion-picture cartoon. The result was successful and in 1923 he moved on to Hollywood where financial success ultimately permitted him to develop his talents and interests.

    One of the leading pioneers of the film industry was neither an actor nor a director. Rather, he was a commercial artist who eventually created such popular and familiar cartoon characters as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. The man, of course, was Walter Disney.

    Disney did not start out as a rich man; but he did have a wealth of ideas, which reflected his greatest assets – traits of imagination and creativity. Walt Disney began his career when hw succeeded in borrowing three hundred dollars to set up a workshop in the rear of a small garage. Working long and hard, he managed to gain a respected reputation as a gifted cartoonist.

    Beyond the realm of show business, Disney also undertook a vast project to construct a combination of a wonderland and an amusement park. The result can be witnessed today in Disneyland located in California. Disneyland quickly grew to be a popular success. Consequently, another immense project, Disney World, was later undertaken in Florida. It is a prominent tourist attraction too.

    Although Walt Disney died in 1966, his creative genius and active mind still survive through the entertainment that he left as his legacy. His cartoons and full feature films forever commemorated his name. All in all Walter Disney got 29 Oscars.

    Soon, he was producing feature-length animated cartoons, movies, and television shows. Some of Walt Disney’s most popular efforts are regarded as classics today. These include Fantasia and Snow White. He also produced nature documentaries and adventure films. In 1932 Walt Disney got his first Oscar for his Mickey Mouse.

2. For film reviews (1-5) write down the titles of the films (A-F). Use each letter only once. There is one extra title

A. The Aviator

B. Meet the Fockers

C. Darkness

D. The Phantom of the Opera

E. National Treasure

F. The Polar Express

    Believing in Santa Claus isn’t easy when all of your friends and family insist that he’s just make-believe. A boy’s faith is rewarded one Christmas Eve when he’s awakened by a steam train that pulls up in front of his house and takes him and other children to the North to meet Santa. It’s all CGI (Computer Generated Images), based upon live-action motion-capture actors.

    He is a masked man who roams around the Paris Opera House, haunts the actors and actresses. He falls for a young soprano named Christine (Emmy Rossum) and tutors her so well that she passes another soprano (Minnie Driver) as the city’s best. He is smitten and wants Christine for his own, but she still has feelings for a childhood love, Raoul (Patrick Wilson). Feeling betrayed, the Phantom kidnaps Christine with plans to make her his eternal bride.

    A teenage girl (Paquin) moves into a remote countryside house with her family, only to discover that their gloomy new home has a horrifying past that threatens to destroy the family.

    Having given permission to male nurse Greg (Stiller) to wed his daughter Pam (Polo), ex-CIA man Jack Byrnes (De Niro) and his wife (Danner) travel to Detroit to “meet the parents”, who this time around are Mr and Mrs Focker (Hoffman and Streisand), who are as different from them as can be.

    The film is directed by Martin Scorsese and written by John Logan, tells the story of aviation pioneer Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio), the eccentric millionaire industrialists and Hollywood film mogul, famous for romancing some of the world’s most beautiful women. The drama recounts the years of his life from the late 1920s through the 1940s, an epoch when Hughes was directing and producing Hollywood movies and test flying innovative aircrafts he designed and created.


1. For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A,B or C fits best each space.


Inside tour head there is a remarkable organ, the brain. You use it to understand and remember things that (1) _____ around you.

The brain is soft and spongy. It (2) _____ of billions of tiny parts called cells. Three coats of membranes (3) _____ the brain.

The brain sometimes (4) _____ the busiest communication center in the world. The brain (5) _____ your body functions and keeps all parts of your body working together. Thousands of messages from all parts of the body (6) _____ to and from the brain. Messages (7) _____ to the brain by sensory nerves. Special places, or centers, on the brain receive sensory messages from all parts of the body. When messages (8) _____ by centers, the brain (9) _____ them.

All day long your muscles and your brain (10) _____. By the end of the day they (11) _____. Then your brain and your muscles (12) _____ to relax. As you sleep, the big muscles in your body relax.

1. A. are happened

B. are happening

2. A. is made up

3. A. is covered

5. A. is controlled

B. are being sent

7. A. are carried

8. A. are received

B. will be received

9. A. is interpreted

10. A. are worked

11. A. have been tired

C. are being tired

12. A. are started

2. For questions 1-6, read the text below. Use the words in the capitals to form new words that fit the same numbered space in the text.

Tomas Edison’s most famous (1) _____ (INVENT) is probably the light-bulb; his favourite though was the phonograph. The phonograph, he said, would (2) _____ (PLACE) shorthand typists and it would be used to teach languages. He believed that a phonograph and a clock would (3) _____ (ACTUAL) say what the time was. He thought that people would send phonographic records instead of letters and that they would record the voices of their children and the last words of the dying. Edison also believed that people would listen to (4) _____ (WORLD, FAME) musicians on phonographs in their own homes.

People have (5) _____ (LARGE) forgotten Edison’s invention, but it was actually the (6) _____(EARLY) kind of record or cassette player.


There are inventions that influenced the life greatly. Give as much information about the inventions as you can.



Итоговый контроль навыков говорения

Task 3 (4-5 min)

You and your father are discussing the plans for your family summer holiday. You are going on a trip to the Crimea. There are three ways of travelling to choose from:

You begin the conversation.

Remember to:

    discuss all the points;

    take an active part in the conversation and be polite;

    come up with suggestions;

  • invite your partner to come up with suggestions;

    find out your partner’s attitudes and take them into account;

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