3 countries with high population density. Areas with the highest population density

Evgeny Marushevsky

freelancer, constantly traveling around the world

You might think that the most populous country in the world is China. It is not for nothing that the population of Russia’s eastern neighbor has exceeded a billion and amounted to 1.38 billion people. Surely you think the same. Or maybe this is India?

Everyone knows that China has a big problem of overpopulation, which is why it has territorial conflicts with Russia. And multimillionaire cities are at the top of the list in terms of the number of people living in them. However, few people realize that China is only the 56th most populous country in the world.

139 people live on 1 square kilometer in China.

India has an area three times smaller than China and a population of just over a billion.

India's population density is 357 people per square kilometer, making it the 19th most populous country in the world.

Statistics show that countries with the highest population density are dwarf states consisting of several cities. And the very first place among such countries is occupied by Monaco - a principality with a territory of less than 2 square kilometers. Next come:

  • Singapore
  • Vatican
  • Bahrain
  • Malta
  • Maldives


On the world map, Monaco is located between France and the Mediterranean Sea in the very south of Europe.

Due to the lack of territory, the population density here is very high. For the 36,000 residents of the country and foreigners who visit the tourist pearl annually, there are 1.95 square kilometers - that's less than 200 hectares. Of these, 40 hectares were reclaimed from the sea.

The population density of Monaco is 18,000 people per 1 square kilometer.

Monaco consists of four cities merged with each other: Monte-ville, Monte-Carlo, La Condamine and the industrial center - Fontvieille.

The indigenous population of this country is the Monegasques, they constitute a minority (20%) of the 120 nationalities living here. Next come the Italians, then the French (more than 40% of the population). Other nationalities are represented by 20% of the population. The official language is French. Although there is a local dialect, which is an Italian-French mixture of languages.

According to the form of government, the country is a constitutional monarchy, power here is inherited. The prince rules together with the National Council, which consists exclusively of Monegasques.

The country does not have its own army, but there is a police force, as well as a royal guard of 65 people. In accordance with the agreement between France and Monaco, the former deals with defense issues.

The tiny state prospers at the expense of other states, offshore companies located in the country, and tourism. It is here that the starting stage of the famous Formula 1 race begins, and here is the world famous casino of Monaco, where gamblers flock to, in whose countries gambling is prohibited.

Monaco is rich in attractions. Here you can find medieval and modern architecture in combination, and it will look harmonious.

Here are:

    Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology, Museum of Old Monaco, Prince's Museum, represented by cars, Museum of Postage Stamps and Coins and other museums.

    Among the historical monuments, the following stand out: Fort Antoine, two churches and a chapel, the Palace of Justice and the Prince's Palace.

    Fontvey Gardens, the Princess Grace Garden, rose gardens, a zoo and much more.

    Also other popular places here are the wax museum of the princely family or the oceanographic museum. The latter was discovered by Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

Since the country does not have its own airport, you can get to Monaco by flight to Nice or Cote d'Azur, and then take a taxi.

The country has introduced speed limits of about 50 km/h. The old town also has pedestrian areas. You can get around the city by bus or taxi. Travel by public transport will cost 1.5 euros.


The city-state has an area of ​​719 square kilometers. It is located on 63 islands in Southeast Asia. It borders the islands of Indonesia and Malaysia.

Population density is 7,607 people per 1 square kilometer.

Its main population is Chinese (74%), Malays (13.4%) and Indians (9%).

There are four official languages:

  • English
  • Tamil
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Malay

The most famous attractions are: the Chinese district of Chinatown, the Indian district, the zoo and Gardens by the Bay. You can get to Singapore by plane. Accommodation is possible in a budget hotel, fortunately there are a sufficient number of them here. And you can get to it from the airport by taxi costing from 10 Singapore dollars or take the metro for 2 dollars.


The dwarf enclave state on the territory of Rome was founded in 1929. The Vatican is the smallest state in the world, its area is only 0.4 square kilometers, the second after it is Monaco.

Population density is 2,030 people per square kilometer.

The population of the Vatican is 95% male, the total number of people living is 1,100. The official language of the Vatican is Latin. The head of the Vatican, the Pope, represents the Holy See.

On the territory of the Vatican there are palace complexes and museums (Egyptian and Pio Clementino), the residence of the Pope, St. Peter's Cathedral, the Sistine Chapel and other buildings. Since all the embassies in the Vatican do not fit, some of them, including the Italian one, are located in Italy, in the eastern part of Rome. The University of Pope Urban, the University of Thomas Aquinas and other educational institutions of the Vatican are also located there.

If you do not take into account the dwarf city-states, then the most populous country can be called Bangladesh. Next come:

  • Taiwan,
  • South Korea,
  • Netherlands,
  • Lebanon,
  • India.

Mongolia can be called the most sparsely populated country in the world. There are only 2 people per 1 square kilometer.


The area of ​​Bangladesh is 144,000 square kilometers.

The population density is 1,099 people per square kilometer.

The state is located in South Asia. The total number of people living in the country is 142 million. Bangladesh was formed in 1970. Borders with India and Myanmar. The official languages ​​in the country are English and Bengali.

The rich fauna and flora are the main attraction of this country. 150 species of reptiles, 250 mammals and 750 birds.

Among the country's attractions are:

    Sundarbans National Park, Madhupur and other reserves,

    architectural structures: Ahsan-Manzil Palace, Dhakeshwari Temple, mausoleums and mosques.

    There is also a replica of the famous Taj Mahal in Bangladesh.

You can get to Bangladesh by plane with a transfer, since there are no direct transfers from Russia.


The Republic of China is not yet recognized by everyone; it is officially considered a province of China. The country's area is 36,178 square kilometers with a population of 23 million people.

The population density is 622 people per square kilometer.

The official language is Beijing Chinese. 20% of the country's territory is under state protection: nature reserves, reserves and much more. 400 species of butterflies, more than 3,000 species of fish, a large number of mammals and other animals attract tourists. There is also the opportunity to relax in the mountains.

You can get to Taiwan via Hong Kong to Kaohsiung International Airport. Rail travel is especially popular within the country.

According to the latest data, on average, about seven billion people live on the globe. Their distribution is characterized by extreme unevenness: more people live in one part of the world, and fewer in another. Today we are talking about the average population density of Foreign Europe.

General information

Before moving on to the topic “Density of Overseas Europe”, the concepts of “Overseas Europe” and “population density” should be defined. The countries of Foreign Europe include 40 sovereign states located on the European part of the Eurasian continent.

The term “population density” refers to the ratio of the number of inhabitants per 1 sq. km. This indicator is calculated using the following formula: the population of a country, region, or world is divided by the total land area, which is favorable for habitation.

So, if we divide the population of planet Earth - 6.8 billion people, by its total area - 13 million square meters. km, then we get an average population density of 52 people per 1 sq. km.

Rice. 1 Population density of Europe on the map

Population of Europe

Foreign Europe is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. If we take for comparison the average population density on the globe - 52 people per 1 sq. km, then a completely different picture emerges - more than 100 people per 1 sq. km. km. In addition, the distribution of people in Europe is relatively uniform: there are no unpopulated or large sparsely populated regions. A distinctive feature of settlement in Europe is the urbanization of the population. In other words, there are tens of times more city dwellers than residents of rural settlements (more than 70%, and in Belgium 98%).

Rice. 2 Map of night Europe from satellite

Countries of Foreign Europe

The population density of the countries of Foreign Europe is presented in the following table:

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Countries can be divided into three groups based on population density:

  • High density (more than 200 people per 1 sq. km): Belgium, Germany, Great Britain and others;
  • Average density (from 10 to 200 people per 1 sq. km): Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France and others;
  • Low density (up to 10 people per 1 sq. km): Iceland.

As can be seen from the table, the northern territories of Europe - Finland, Sweden, Norway - are sparsely populated. This is due, first of all, to unfavorable natural and climatic conditions for life and economy. Conversely, population concentration is observed in Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and further south to the Mediterranean coast, where the geographical location (access to the sea), relief, and climate are favorable for the development of agriculture, trade, and industry.

The population density of Monaco is 16,500 people per 1 sq. km, is the highest not only in Europe, but also in the whole world.

Rice. 3 Monaco is the most crowded place on the planet

What have we learned?

Foreign Europe includes 40 countries, the average population density of which is 100 people per 1 sq. km. This figure is quite high. In general, the settlement of people in Europe is uniform. There is only one country with low population density in this region - Iceland.

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If you ask the question: “Which country in the world has the highest population density?”, most people will answer: “Of course China.” However, this is far from the case.

Everyone knows that the population of China in 2012 is 1340 million people, and this figure is growing steadily from year to year. Many have heard that there really is a problem of overpopulation in China, which results in constant territorial conflicts between Russia and China. However, very few people know that in the list of countries with the highest population density, China is in “modest” 56th place. And the state that has the highest population density in the world is Principality of Monaco.

Population density of China and India.

In China, per 1 sq. kilometer is home to an average of 139.6 people. The fact is that the problem of overpopulation is not caused by a large number of residents, but by the fact that they are unevenly distributed throughout the state. The most densely populated regions of China are the eastern, coastal regions, but the population density in the high-mountainous western regions tends to zero.

The number of inhabitants in neighboring India is inferior to China, although it also exceeds 1 billion. But the area of ​​India is three times smaller than the area of ​​China, and the average population density here is much higher - 357 people per 1 sq. kilometer. However, India is not the leader of the list - it ranks only 19th among countries with the highest population density.

The Principality of Monaco confidently holds first place among the countries with the highest population density.

Principality of Monaco the most populous country in the world. Four cities manage to fit into 2 square kilometers: Monte Carlo, Monaco, Fontvieille and La Condamine, and they are home to 30,586 people. This means the population density is 15,293 people per 1 sq. kilometer. It’s hard to even imagine how 50 banks, almost 800 international companies and embassies of 66 countries are located on this piece of land. The Principality of Monaco is home to people of 125 nationalities. Despite its small size, the streets of the Principality of Monaco run along the route of one of the most prestigious motorsport competitions - one of the Grand Prix stages of Formula 1. An interesting fact is that the regular army of Monaco consists of 82 people, which is less than the size of a military band.

In the list of countries with the highest population density, the first six places belong to micro-states and city-states. And this is not surprising - the population density of the entire state consists of the density of one agglomerate or city, which is essentially the state itself. In addition to the Principality of Monaco - Singapore, the Maldives, the Vatican, Malta and Bahrain.

But among non-dwarf states, the most populous country is Bangladesh. At 143,998 sq. kilometers, more than 150 million people live here (from 142 to 164 million, according to various sources). This means the population density is approximately 1084 people per square kilometer.

The United States, being the third most populous country in the world, ranks only 142 on this list (32 people per square kilometer).

Russia, one of the ten countries with the largest population (143 million people), has one of the lowest population densities in the world - 8.36 people per square meter. kilometer, and ranks 181 on this list.

And in last place in the list of the most densely populated countries is Mongolia - 195th place (2.0 people per square kilometer).

The world population density map shows the number of inhabitants living in each country per 1 square kilometer. km.

The population density of the earth is 55 individuals per 1 square kilometer. According to statistics, the total number of people living in all countries of the world in 2016 was 7,486,520,598 people. By the end of 2017, this figure is projected to grow by 1.2%.

Top 10 countries by population density:

  1. The first place in the ranking of countries by population density is occupied by a dwarf state on the Cote d'Azur -. The population of Monaco is only 30,508 people, and the total area of ​​the state is 2.02 square meters. km. For 1 sq. 18,679 people live per kilometer.

This population density is amazing. Monaco is considered one of the most expensive countries in the world. The state gained its popularity thanks to the annual holding of the famous Formula 1 racing championship on its territory. The kingdom is also famous for its gambling business and highly developed tourism sector.

The country ranks first in the world in terms of population density

More than 3 thousand people work on the territory of the Catholic monastery, but all employees are citizens of the Italian Republic. They do not live in the Vatican, but only work, so the labor force cannot be considered a population.

The Vatican has officially received the status of the smallest state on the world map. Its area does not exceed 1 square. km (total 0.44 sq. km.). Therefore, the population density living in this country is 2,272 people per 1 sq. km.

  1. Kingdom of Bahrain. It is the smallest Arab state in the Middle East, consisting of 33 islets. The average population density of Bahrain is 1997.4 people. In recent years, the population of the country, called the pearl of the Arab world, has grown from 1,343,000 to 1,418,162 people. Population growth in 2016 was 1.74%, and in 2017 the number of residents increased by 1.76%. According to statistics, 18 migrants come to Bahrain every day for permanent residence. .
  2. is an island state known for the absence of permanent rivers and lakes. In 2016, the population of this country in southern Europe was 420,869 individuals, and the density was 1315.2. In 2017, it is planned to increase the population of this state by 1,343 people. According to forecasts, by the end of 2017 the growth rate of people living here will increase by 4 people per day.
  3. This state is one of the most expensive resorts in the world. The population density of the Maldives is 1245, 1 person per 1 sq. m. In 2017, population growth is expected at 1.78%. The number of people living in the Republic of Maldives is governed solely by the processes of birth and death. On average, 22 babies are born and 4 people die per day in the Maldives. It is difficult for immigrants to obtain citizenship of the Republic of Maldives.

    The capital of the Maldives, the city of Male, is the smallest capital in the world in terms of size and population.

  4. Bangladesh is a country in southern Asia. The People's Republic of Bangladesh is not very popular among tourists. Most of the country is covered by rivers and lakes. The population of Bangladesh at the end of 2016 was 163,900,500 people. Despite the fact that the republic is developing the agricultural and industrial sectors, Bangladesh remains one of the poorest countries in Asia. The population density in this country is 1138.2 people per 1 sq. km. can be found on our website.
  5. – an exotic republic with an abundance of attractions and interesting national flavor. This state attracts many tourists, but only a few remain in this country for permanent residence. In 2016, 285,675 people lived in Barbados. The birth rate in this republic is also quite good. On average, about 10 children are born per day, and about 7 die. From this we can conclude that the birth rate in the country is higher than the death rate. According to forecasts, the number of people living in Barbados by the end of 2017 should increase by 0.33%. Today, the population density of this country is 664.4 people.
  6. . In this state, with an area of ​​2040 square meters. km there are 1,281,103 inhabitants. Density: 628 people.
  7. The Republic of China completes the ranking of countries in the world by density in 2017. This country is the largest by population in East Asia. The population is 1,375,137,837 people. In 2017, population growth is expected to be 0.53%. The Republic of China has been the leader in birth rate for many years. Experts note that this demographic situation is due to cultural and economic factors. The sharp increase in population forced the Chinese government to introduce a law prohibiting having more than one child in one family. More than 22 million children are born in China every year. The population density living in China is 144 people per 1 square kilometer.

You can find out on our website.

Data by parts of the world


Africa's population density is 30.5 people per square kilometer.

Table: density of people living in different countries of the African continent

CountryDensity (persons per sq. km)
Burkina Faso63,4
Western Sahara2,2

Monaco, a dwarf state, has 18,700 inhabitants per square kilometer of territory. By the way, the area of ​​Monaco is only 2 square kilometers. What about countries with the smallest population densities? Well, such statistics also exist, but the indicators may change slightly due to the constant change in the number of residents. However, the countries presented below end up on this list anyway. Let's watch!

Guyana, 3.5 people/sq.km

Don't say you've never heard of such a country! The small state is located on the northeastern coast of South America, and this, by the way, is the only English-speaking country on the continent. Guyana's area is comparable to that of Belarus, with 90% of the people living in coastal areas. Almost half of Guyana's population are Indians, and blacks, Indians and other peoples of the world also live here.

Botswana, 3.4 people/sq.km

The state in South Africa, bordering South Africa, is 70% territory of the harsh Kalahari Desert. The area of ​​Botswana is quite large - the size of Ukraine, but there are 22 times fewer inhabitants than in this country. Botswana is predominantly inhabited by Tswana people, with small groups of other African peoples, most of whom are Christians.

Libya, 3.2 people/sq.km

The state in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast is quite large in area, however, the population density is small. 95% of Libya is desert, but cities and settlements are distributed relatively uniformly throughout the country. The majority of the population is Arabs, with Berbers and Tuaregs living here and there, and there are small communities of Greeks, Turks, Italians and Maltese.

Iceland, 3.1 people/sq.km

The state in the north Atlantic Ocean is entirely located on a fairly large island of the same name, where the majority of Icelanders live, descendants of the Vikings who speak the Icelandic language, as well as Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Poles. Most of them live in the Reykjavik area. Interestingly, the level of migration in this country is extremely low, despite the fact that many young people go to study in neighboring countries. After graduation, most return for permanent residence to their beautiful country.

Mauritania, 3.1 people/sq.km

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is located in West Africa, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and bordered by Senegal, Mali and Algeria. The population density in Mauritania is approximately the same as in Iceland, but the territory of the country is 10 times larger, and there are also 10 times more people living here - about 3.2 million people, among whom most of the so-called black Berbers, historical slaves, and also white Berbers and blacks speaking African languages.

Suriname, 3 people/sq.km

The Republic of Suriname is located in the northern part of South America. A country the size of Tunisia is home to only 480 thousand people, but the population is constantly growing little by little (maybe Suriname will be on this list in 10 years, say). The local population is represented largely by Indians and Creoles, as well as Javanese, Indians, Chinese and other nations. There is probably no other country where so many languages ​​of the world are spoken!

Australia, 2.8 people/sq.km

Australia is 7.5 times larger than Mauritania and 74 times larger than Iceland. However, this does not prevent Australia from being one of the countries with the lowest population density. Two-thirds of Australia's population lives in 5 major mainland cities located on the coast. Once upon a time, until the 18th century, this continent was inhabited exclusively by Australian Aborigines, Torres Strait Islanders and Tasmanian Aborigines, who were very different from each other even in appearance, not to mention culture and language. After European immigrants, mostly from Great Britain and Ireland, moved to the distant “island,” the number of residents on the mainland began to grow very quickly. However, it is unlikely that the scorching heat of the desert, which occupies a decent part of the mainland’s territory, will ever be developed by humans, so only the coastal parts will be filled with inhabitants - which is what is happening now.

Namibia, 2.6 people/sq.km

The Republic of Namibia in southwest Africa is home to more than 2 million people, but due to the huge problem of HIV/AIDS, accurate figures fluctuate. Most of Namibia's population is made up of Bantu people and several thousand Mestizos, who live mainly in a community in Rehoboth. About 6% of the population are white - descendants of European colonists, some of whom retain their culture and language, but still, the majority speak Afrikaans.

Mongolia, 2 people/sq.km

Mongolia is currently the country with the lowest population density in the world. Mongolia is a large country, but only just over 3 million people live in the desert areas (although there is currently a slight population increase). 95% of the population are Mongols, Kazakhs, as well as Chinese and Russians are represented to a small extent. More than 9 million Mongolians are believed to live outside the country, mostly in China and Russia.

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