Natural objects of the Russian Federation. Objects of living nature What are valuable natural objects

According to the Law “On Environmental Protection” (Article 4), all objects of earthly nature protected by law can be divided into three categories: integrated, differentiated, and specially protected. Integrated objects include natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes that have not been subject to anthropogenic impact. Differentiated objects include individual natural objects - land, subsoil, soil, water, forests, other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic fund, atmospheric air, ozone layer, near-Earth space. Objects included in the World Cultural Heritage List and the World Natural Heritage List, state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves, state natural reserves, natural monuments, national, natural and dendrological parks, botanical gardens, health resorts and resorts, are subject to special protection. other natural complexes, ancestral habitats, places of traditional residence and economic activity of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, objects of special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other valuable significance, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation , as well as rare or endangered soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their habitats

Environmental protection in its integrated form does not deny, but presupposes a differentiated approach to environmental management and protection of the natural environment through its individual components.

The environment is understood as the totality of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects. At the same time, a natural object is defined as a natural ecological system, natural landscape and their constituent elements that have retained their natural properties. A natural-anthropogenic object is a natural object that has been changed as a result of economic and other activities, and (or) an object created by man, which has the properties of a natural object and has recreational and protective significance. An anthropogenic object is an object created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects;

Natural and anthropogenic objects form the environment in which people live. And if anthropogenic objects are the product of human labor, defined as social values, then natural objects are products of the evolutionary development of nature. They are not created by man, and, therefore, have no value in the sense of the cost of socially necessary labor. In the process of long-term interaction between man and nature, a third category appeared - natural-anthropogenic objects - which appears before us as a result of the interaction between society and nature. These are agricultural plants, animals grown by the joint efforts of man and nature, forest plantations made and grown by man with the help of nature. Now there are people born outside of sexual contact between a woman and a man.

The question arises: to which of the named forms of production of material values, to which type of object - social or natural - should we classify such products of the “joint labor” of man and nature? In our opinion, the main and determining goal should be the production goal: environmental or economic. Thus, the birth of a person through artificial insemination does not in any way distinguish him in social status from ordinary people born in a normal way. A forest planted by man and thus grown into a protective factor influencing the environment is an ecological object of protection.

On the other hand, agricultural crops grown by humans to create food and raw materials for consumption, farm animals bred to replenish the herd and obtain the corresponding economic factor, serve the purpose of consumption. Such products are not natural products. It is a commodity, social value and, according to the existing classification, belongs either to the group of production or consumption.

A natural object has three characteristics: natural origin; relationships with environmental systems of nature; performing human life support functions.

The natural origin of objects in the natural environment comes from the laws of development of the Universe, the result of which was the formation of planet Earth, the creation of the biosphere and its components - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, the emergence of flora and fauna, and humans. The result of this process was one of the most important features of natural objects, distinguishing them from commodity-material assets - the absence of value in the former as a socially necessary expenditure of human labor for the production of a thing, their uniqueness, irreproducibility, irreversibility of changes made in the natural environment.

Of course, such a property is not flawless. It does not exclude the possibility of using labor to restore or reproduce the natural substance of some objects of the natural world (forests, animals). But such activity does not create, but returns what was once created by nature and consumed by man.

But still, natural origin, although it presupposes, does not yet predetermine the belonging of the elements of the material world to natural objects. The soil that fills flower pots, the water flowing from the tap, the oil that flows through the pipeline to the consumer, the animals in the cages and enclosures of the zoo and other natural components of the natural environment also arose naturally. But they should not be classified as natural objects, but as material values.

In defining a natural object, the second feature is crucial - the ecological relationship with the natural environment, allowing them to function as part of natural ecosystems that ensure the quality of the environment. The sign of ecological interconnection helps to distinguish objects of environmental protection from those components of nature that, while remaining in the rank of natural origin, by the will of man, left the mechanism of interrelation with the natural environment and moved from the natural world to the social world, where other laws of the development of matter are in effect. What are these components? Soil taken from the soil and placed in separate storage; minerals extracted from the subsoil and sent for processing or consumption as natural raw materials; water placed in a reservoir, used for drinking, irrigation, industrial purposes, etc.; trees cut down in the forest and converted into timber; animals, birds, shot or captured and placed in a zoo; fish caught in reservoirs and transferred to the aquarium; air circulating in enclosed spaces; greenhouses, winter gardens and other elements bearing the stamp of natural origin, having been “torn out” by man from the ecological system of nature, ceased to influence the course of the natural process and for this reason left the circle of objects of environmental protection.

Some of them moved into the category of inventory items, were included in the system of socio-economic relations, and received the appropriate price. Others (in the absence of any value) have become simply elements of the human environment, useful or harmful, desirable or undesirable for a person and his environment (pigeons in cities, stray animals, etc.).

A special place is occupied by natural-anthropogenic objects that are formed in the process of interaction between man and nature. As already noted, the sign of ecological relationship allows us to classify or not classify these objects as the natural environment. The goal of reproducing the natural environment indicates the existence of such a connection. The purpose of consumption is about its absence.

It is more difficult where both of these goals are intertwined with one another. For example, changing the course of rivers, building canals, waterworks, reservoirs, and other irrigation structures, carried out taking into account the laws of the natural world. These newly created objects cannot be attributed exclusively to natural objects, but at the same time they are not purely economic structures.

The third feature of a natural object—performing a life-support function—is of a socialized nature. It is manifested in the ability of a natural object to perform these functions and work for the quality of the environment. Thus, those natural phenomena and natural forces emanating from a protected natural object that oppose the interests of man and the requirements for the quality of his habitat cannot be included in the legally protected natural environment. These are: soil erosion, swamping of land, desertification of land, dust storms, mudflows, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other environmentally dangerous processes for humans coming from the natural object protected by it. Moreover, these phenomena become objects of human struggle against natural processes that are undesirable and environmentally harmful to one’s existence.

To summarize what has been said, it would be possible to define a natural object as an integral part of the environment, protected by current legislation, possessing the following characteristics: natural origin; ecological relationship with the natural environment; the ability to perform environmental, economic, cultural and health functions and ensure the quality of the human environment.

The characteristics of a natural object are manifested in the three functions it performs - environmental, economic, cultural and health-improving. The ecological function is the only, main and determining one, the fulfillment of which allows a natural object to be in a natural relationship with the environment. The loss of such a connection entails the transition of the object to the category of social objects. Preservation of the ecological function of a natural object predetermines the existence of an economic function, and then a cultural and health function , which are capable of performing almost all natural objects within their capabilities.

Let us take a closer look at some individual natural objects from the perspective of environmental management and environmental protection.

Earth. The concept of “land” is used in various meanings: planet, surface, soil, soil, terrain, territory, property, use, lease, component of the natural environment.

In legal terms, land - This is the surface covering the fertile layer of soil. The ecological function of the earth is the relationship between inorganic and organic matter, the absorption of carbon dioxide, the processing of organic matter into inorganic matter; the economic function of land is a means of production in agriculture and forestry, the spatial operational basis for the construction of buildings and structures; cultural and health functions of the land - placement of cultural and health institutions, use of medicinal properties for treatment.

Bosom. According to the 1995 Law of the Russian Federation on subsoil, subsoil is the part of the earth's crust located below the soil layer and the bottom of reservoirs, extending to depths accessible for geological study and development - we will add: as well as part of the earth's surface if it contains mineral reserves.

According to 1990 data, Russia produces about 17% of oil, 25% of natural gas, 15% of coal, 14% of iron ore of the total volume of these minerals mined in the world. State Subsoil Fund, which is state property.

Water. According to the law (Water Code, 1995), water is defined as a limited natural resource contained in underground and surface sources - rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, glaciers, snow cover, and is part of the water fund. The ecological function of water is diverse. Waters create the hydrological regime of life on Earth. They are a habitat for flora and fauna, serve as a means and condition for industrial and agricultural production, and a necessary condition for recreation and treatment of the population. This is their economic, cultural and health function. Problems of water use and protection arise from the existing structure of water use.

Forests. The concept of forest, according to the law, includes three characteristics:

1. biological - a set of woody, shrub and herbaceous vegetation,

2. legal - growing on forest lands allocated in accordance with the procedure established by law,

3. environmental - influencing the state of the natural environment.

The presence of such signs makes it possible to distinguish a forest as an environmental factor from a park, garden, arboretum and other biological communities.

A forest is a system of ecological complexes that performs a variety of environmental (environmental protection, climate control, water protection and soil protection, etc.), economic (wood products, hunting products, fruits and berries, medicinal plants, technical raw materials, etc.) and cultural - health-improving (a means of recreation, treatment, health restoration, aesthetic education) functions.

Animal world. In the Law of the Russian Federation On the Animal World of 1995, the animal world is defined as a single object that unites all living organisms - from lower forms to higher ones, in a state of natural freedom.

The law puts forward five basic environmental requirements for animal protection: preservation of species diversity, protection of habitat and breeding conditions, preservation of the integrity of animal communities, rational use and regulation of numbers in order to prevent damage to the national economy.

Atmospheric air. Occupies a unique position as an object of environmental protection . Essentially, it embodies the entire natural environment surrounding man. Atmospheric air is, to a large extent, the natural environment that we protect.

Objects of environmental protection are its components that are in an ecological relationship, the relations for the use and protection of which are regulated by law.

An integral part of the natural environment, protected by law and possessing characteristics of natural origin, is a natural object. According to the Law “On Environmental Protection”, a natural object is a natural ecological system, natural landscape and their constituent elements that have retained their natural properties. A natural-anthropogenic object is a natural object that has been changed as a result of economic and other activities, and/or an object created by man, which has the properties of a natural object and has recreational and protective significance. An object created by man to meet his social needs and not possessing the properties of natural objects is called an anthropogenic object. Lagutkina, N.B. Administrative and legal regime of specially protected natural territories / N.B. Lagutkina - Khabarovsk, 2006. P. 74.

Natural objects protected by law are divided into three categories:

  • 1. integrated, which includes the natural environment;
  • 2. differentiated, that is, individual natural objects (earth, its subsoil, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, forests and other vegetation, fauna, microorganisms, genetic fund, natural landscapes);
  • 3. specially protected (state nature reserves, nature reserves, national natural parks, natural monuments, rare or endangered species of plants and animals and their habitats).

The list of natural objects is given in Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”.

Resource is a source of consumption. In a broad sense, a natural resource is a source of environmental, economic, spiritual, and aesthetic consumption of nature by humans.

In a narrow sense (in relation to Russian legislation), natural resources are components of the natural environment, natural objects and natural-anthropogenic objects that are used or can be used in carrying out economic and other activities as sources of energy, production products and consumer goods and have a consumer value. value. Kuznetsova, N.V. Environmental law: Textbook. / N.V Kuznetsov - M.: Jurisprudence, 2000. P. 81.

The use of natural resources means the exploitation of natural resources, their involvement in economic turnover, including all types of impact on them in the process of economic and other activities.

In the context of law, natural resources are divided into:

  • 1. exhaustible (forest, land, water, mineral resources). Their characteristic feature is the ability to decrease and disappear as they are consumed by humans. This is why the responsibility for rational environmental management applies primarily to this category of resources;
  • 2. inexhaustible (virtually inexhaustible resources, for example, solar, climate, energy, geothermal);
  • 3. renewable (forest resources, wild fauna, fish stocks);
  • 4. non-renewable.

The division of resources into renewable and non-renewable is important for regulating the responsibility of the resource user for the reproduction of natural resources. Scientists also identify a group of relatively renewable resources. Fresh water supplies, for example, can be obtained by desalinating sea water.

The term “earth” has different meanings: planet, surface, soil, soil, terrain, territory; object of ownership, use, lease; an integral part of the natural environment; in legal terms, land is the surface covering the fertile layer of soil. Functions of the earth:

  • · environmental - ensuring the relationship between inorganic and organic matter, absorption of carbon dioxide, processing of organic matter into inorganic matter;
  • · economic - a means of production in agriculture and forestry, the basis for the construction of buildings and structures;
  • · cultural and health - space for cultural and health institutions, a source of medicinal properties. The most valuable in environmental and economic terms are
  • · agricultural lands intended for the production of agricultural products, including arable and forest lands, which are fertile layers of soil with a reserve of humus layer.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”, the part of the earth’s crust located below the soil layer, and in its absence, below the earth’s surface and the bottom of reservoirs (watercourses), extending to depths accessible for geological study and development, is called subsoil.

The priority purpose of the subsoil is to search, study, explore and develop mineral resources. In relation to the use of subsoil, the rights and obligations of subsoil users are grouped, the main directions for the protection and use of subsoil are developed. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”, which regulates relations on the use and protection of underground storehouses of our planet, is more an economic than an environmental law, although it provides basic requirements for rational use and protection of subsoil.

The vast majority of the provisions of the Law are devoted to the regulation of managerial and economic relations related to the appropriation and distribution of those material benefits (in monetary or in kind terms) that are acquired as a result of the development of mineral resources, in particular oil, coal, iron ore, rare and precious metals. Dorzhiev, Zh. B., Khamnaev, I. V. Environmental law: Educational and methodological manual. / Ed. I.V. Khamnaeva - Ulan-Ude: Publishing house of VSGTU, 2006. P. 109.

Water is a limited natural resource, contained in underground and surface sources - rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, glaciers, snow cover - and is part of the water fund.

The ecological function of water is diverse. They create the hydrological regime of life on Earth, provide habitat for flora and fauna, etc.

Water is a resource that relates to the entire ecosystem; it constitutes the bulk of the body of animals and plants.

The economic, cultural and health functions of waters are manifested in the fact that they serve as a means and condition for industrial and agricultural production, a necessary condition for recreation and treatment of the population. Fresh water is of particular value to humanity. Its deficiency in certain regions of the planet exacerbates the problem of water supply in large cities. Irrational exploitation of underground and surface water sources contributes to a decrease in groundwater levels.

From a legal point of view, a forest is a collection of forest vegetation, land, wildlife and other components of the natural environment that have important ecological, economic and social significance.

Forest protection provides for a system of measures aimed at combating violations of fire safety rules in forests, unauthorized logging, destruction of trees during construction, mineral exploration, laying pipelines and oil pipelines, as well as forest pollution with untreated wastewater and environmentally harmful substances in the air. .

Forest protection is a set of measures that ensure the implementation of methods to combat diseases of forest trees and pests of forest crops.

Forest reproduction is a process aimed at quantitative, as well as qualitative renewal of the forest composition in order to replace low-productive tree species with highly productive ones, allowing to solve not only economic, but also environmental health problems.

The priority requirement of forest conservation policy in the current conditions is the rational use of forests: strict compliance with the categorization of forests and the standards for the estimated logging area.

The fauna, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Fauna,” is the totality of living organisms of all types of wild animals that permanently or temporarily inhabit the territory of Russia and are in a state of natural freedom, as well as belonging to the natural resources of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation.

The main signs of the animal world:

  • 1. an integral element of the natural environment and biological diversity of the Earth;
  • 2. renewable natural resource;
  • 3. an important regulating and stabilizing component of the biosphere;
  • 4. a resource that is fully protected and rationally used to satisfy the spiritual and material needs of citizens.

The protection of wildlife, as the Law states, is an activity aimed at preserving biological diversity and ensuring the sustainable existence of the animal world, as well as creating conditions for the use and reproduction of objects of the animal world. Inextricably linked with the protection of wildlife is the protection of wildlife habitats. This type of activity involves the preservation or restoration of conditions for the sustainable existence and reproduction of objects of the animal world.

Atmospheric air occupies a special place in the natural environment surrounding humans. In fact, it is, to a large extent, the natural environment that we protect. The atmosphere - the gas shell of the Earth - is fundamentally different from all gas shells of other celestial bodies known to scientists. The oxygen content in the earth's atmosphere (about 21%) determined a number of features of life on the planet (for example, the method of breathing). Basmanova, I. A. Legal principles for the protection of objects of the animal world. / I. A. Basmanova - M.: Publishing house. Moscow State University, 2006. P. 40.

Atmospheric air acts as an intermediary between the natural environment and humans. If the environmental situation deteriorates, forests may die, certain species of animals and plants may disappear, the air will remain, but its quality may significantly deteriorate. Requirements providing for the protection of the atmosphere are formulated in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”.

All natural objects can be divided into 2 groups:

  • 1. differentiated (separate elements).
  • 2. complex natural objects (territorial entities).

Differentiated natural objects:

  • · Earth
  • · subsoil
  • · soil
  • · surface and underground waters
  • atmospheric air
  • flora and fauna
  • · other organisms
  • ozone layer
  • · near-Earth space.

The new law separately identifies soils and near-Earth space.

Earth is the surface of the globe located within state borders. (The Land Code and the Federal Land Cadastre define the concept of a land plot.) This is a conditional category that has one single dimension - area. The earth has no volume and cannot be separated from the surface of the globe. Depending on its functions, earth can act in 2 qualities:

  • 1. spatial basis. In this capacity it acts as land in populated areas.
  • 2. as a means of production (agricultural land)

Soil - previously it was an integral part of the earth, now it is separated separately. This is the surface layer of the earth, which was formed under the influence of various natural factors. Unlike earth, soil has a certain thickness and can be separated from the surface of the earth and, in some cases, does not cease to be a natural object.

Subsoil is part of the earth's crust located below the soil layer and the bottom of reservoirs, extending to depths accessible for geological study and development, as well as part of the earth's surface if it contains mineral reserves.

Water bodies (water). The Water Code defines the concepts of “water” and “water”. Water is the mass of water found in its natural state, that is, in water bodies. Water is a substance removed from the natural environment. Water body - in the water code, the definition means not only a body of water, but also a part of the land adjacent to it (land and subsoil). The only water body that can be the object of purchase and sale is a separate water body.

A forest is a collection of forest vegetation, land, wildlife and other components of the natural environment, which has important economic, environmental and social significance (Forest Code). According to most authors, humans are the object of legal protection of nature. But from the point of view of social sciences, it cannot be an object, but a subject.

Fauna - this includes objects that are in a state of natural freedom and in semi-free conditions.

Complex natural objects are areas of the natural environment isolated by the state for the purpose of their special protection:

  • · nature reserves
  • · reserves
  • · national parks
  • · natural parks
  • · natural monuments
  • · plants and animals listed in the Red Book
  • · dendrological parks and gardens
  • · therapeutic and recreational areas and waters.

Complex natural objects must be identified as such by the state according to the regime and are divided into 3 categories:

  • 1. completely withdrawn from economic and recreational use (absolute protection regime) - nature reserves and natural monuments.
  • 2. mixed mode - natural objects withdrawn from economic use, that is, intended for recreation (rest) - national and natural parks.
  • 3. regime of relative protection - relative economic use of some natural objects is allowed along with the protection of other natural objects.

The object of environmental protection is the environment itself .

Environment– this is a set of components of the natural environment, natural, natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects.

Natural environment– is a set of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects. The Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” defines the individual components of this concept. Under components of the natural environment means: earth, subsoil, soils, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, flora and fauna, other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space, which together provide favorable conditions for the existence of life on earth.

Natural object is a natural ecological system, natural landscape and its constituent elements that retain their natural properties.

Natural - anthropogenic object- this is a natural object changed as a result of economic and other activities and (or an object created by man, possessing the properties of a natural object, having a protective, restorative reactionary value).

Anthropogenic object is an object created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects.

Natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes that have not been subject to anthropogenic impact are subject to priority protection.

Natural ecological system- this is an objectively existing part of the natural environment, which has space, territorial boundaries and in which its living and non-living elements interact as a single, functional whole and are interconnected by metabolism and energy.

Natural landscape- this is a territory that has not undergone changes as a result of economic and other activities and is characterized by a combination of certain types of terrain, soils, vegetation, formed under the same climatic conditions.

Natural complex is a complex of functionally and naturally interconnecting natural objects, united by geographical and other relevant characteristics. These include: - specially protected natural areas, - marine environment, - environmentally unfavorable areas, - continental shelf.

Objects of environmental protection from pollution, depletion, damage, destruction and other impacts of economic and other activities are: earth, subsoil, soils, surface and underground waters, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic background, atmospheric air, near-Earth space, ozone layer.

Natural resources a narrower concept with natural objects is components of the natural environment, a natural object and a natural anthropogenic object that was used or can be used in economic and other activities as sources of energy, production products and consumer goods and have consumer value.

Objects included in the World Heritage List and the World Natural Heritage List are subject to special protection: state and natural reserves, natural monuments, state and natural customers, national and natural parks, botanical gardens, medical and health complexes, resorts.

Places of traditional residence and economic activity of indigenous and small peoples of the Russian Federation. Objects of special protective, scientific, historical - cultural, aesthetic, reactionary, health and other valuable significance, the continental shelf, and the exceptional environmental value of the Russian Federation, as well as rare or endangered soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their habitats.

The law also defines other protections, parts of individual natural objects, a set of natural objects, components of nature (for example, climate, weather patterns characteristic of a certain territory).

III. Principles of environmental law form the basis of the considered industry. And their compliance can serve as a measure of the natural and social character of the state, the effectiveness of all activities to ensure rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, protection of environmental rights and interests of humans and citizens, and ensuring environmental safety.

Environmental law is based both on general principles of law and on the principles of a given industry (industry principles). The basic sectoral principles of environmental law are defined in Art. 3 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” establishes that economic and other activities of state authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals that have an impact on the environment must be carried out on the basis of the following principles: - Respect for the human right to a favorable environment. - Ensuring favorable living conditions for human activity - Responsibility of state authorities, bodies of federal subjects, local governments for ensuring a favorable environment and environmental safety of the relevant territory. - The principle of payment for environmental use and compensation for environmental damage. - Independence of control in the field of environmental protection. - Presumption of environmental danger of planned economic and other activities. - Mandatory conduct of state environmental assessments, projects and other documentation justifying economic and other activities that may have a negative impact on the environment, create a threat to the life, health and property of citizens. - The principle of priority for the conservation of natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes.

The above list of principles is not exhaustive. The process of forming the principles of environmental law continues in parallel with the improvement of the development of environmental law and, to a greater extent, can serve as an increase in the number of sectoral principles from 6 to 23.

IV. Source of environmental law is a normative legal act containing norms regulating relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature.

Sources of environmental law can be qualified on the following grounds: 1. by legal force:- legal - by-laws. 2. on the subject of regulation:- general - special. General ones regulate both environmental and other social relations (for example, the CRF), special acts are entirely devoted to issues of environmental protection or its elements. (for example, Federal Law on Environmental Protection). 3. by the nature of legal regulation : - material - procedural - material, environmental legal norms, established rights and obligations, as well as the responsibilities of participants in relevant relations, for example: Federal Law “On Environmental Expertise”, Federal Law “On Specially Protected Territories”. The source of environmental law of a procedural nature regulates procedural relations in the field of environmental management, ensuring environmental safety and environmental protection. They relate to the development of standards, maximum permissible impacts on the environment, state environmental assessment, environmental licensing, protection of environmental rights and interests. 4. by nature: - codified - are not so.

There is no official systematization of environmental legislation and environmental law is a set of various acts that cannot be reduced to any single act (code). At the same time, the environmental protection law covers a wide range of issues regulating relations on the use and protection of natural resources, prevention of environmental offenses, state monitoring, control in the field of environmental protection, liability for offenses. This Federal Law can partly be attributed to a codification act.

The system of sources of environmental law is formed by:

1. International treaty of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law. 2 . Constitution of the Russian Federation. 3. Constitutional and federal laws (differ in legal status). 4 . NLA of the President of the Russian Federation 5. NPA of the Government of the Russian Federation 6. Constitution, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 7. Legal acts of local government bodies. 8. NLA of ministries and departments. 9. Local legal acts.

Natural objects.

According to the Law “On Environmental Protection” (Article 4), all objects of earthly nature protected by law can be divided into three categories: integrated, differentiated, and specially protected. Integrated objects include natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes that have not been subject to anthropogenic impact. Differentiated objects include individual natural objects - land, subsoil, soil, water, forests, other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic fund, atmospheric air, ozone layer, near-Earth space. Objects included in the World Cultural Heritage List and the World Natural Heritage List, state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves, state natural reserves, natural monuments, national, natural and dendrological parks, botanical gardens, health resorts and resorts, are subject to special protection. other natural complexes, ancestral habitats, places of traditional residence and economic activity of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, objects of special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other valuable significance, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation , as well as rare or endangered soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their habitats

Environmental protection in its integrated form does not deny, but presupposes a differentiated approach to environmental management and protection of the natural environment through its individual components.

The environment is understood as the totality of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects. At the same time, a natural object is defined as a natural ecological system, natural landscape and their constituent elements that have retained their natural properties. A natural-anthropogenic object is a natural object that has been changed as a result of economic and other activities, and (or) an object created by man, which has the properties of a natural object and has recreational and protective significance. An anthropogenic object is an object created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects;

Natural and anthropogenic objects form the environment in which people live. And if anthropogenic objects are the product of human labor, defined as social values, then natural objects are products of the evolutionary development of nature. They are not created by man, and, therefore, have no value in the sense of the cost of socially necessary labor. In the process of long-term interaction between man and nature, a third category appeared - natural-anthropogenic objects - which appears before us as a result of the interaction between society and nature. These are agricultural plants, animals grown by the joint efforts of man and nature, forest plantations made and grown by man with the help of nature. Now there are people born outside of sexual contact between a woman and a man.

The question arises: to which of the named forms of production of material values, to which type of object - social or natural - should we classify such products of the “joint labor” of man and nature? In our opinion, the main and determining goal should be the production goal: environmental or economic. Thus, the birth of a person through artificial insemination does not in any way distinguish him in social status from ordinary people born in a normal way. A forest planted by man and thus grown into a protective factor influencing the environment is an ecological object of protection.

On the other hand, agricultural crops grown by humans to create food and raw materials for consumption, farm animals bred to replenish the herd and obtain the corresponding economic factor, serve the purpose of consumption. Such products are not natural products. It is a commodity, social value and, according to the existing classification, belongs either to the group of production or consumption.

A natural object has three characteristics: natural origin; relationships with environmental systems of nature; performing human life support functions.

The natural origin of objects in the natural environment comes from the laws of development of the Universe, the result of which was the formation of planet Earth, the creation of the biosphere and its components - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, the emergence of flora and fauna, and humans. The result of this process was one of the most important features of natural objects, distinguishing them from commodity-material assets - the absence of value in the former as a socially necessary expenditure of human labor for the production of a thing, their uniqueness, irreproducibility, irreversibility of changes made in the natural environment.

Of course, such a property is not flawless. It does not exclude the possibility of using labor to restore or reproduce the natural substance of some objects of the natural world (forests, animals). But such activity does not create, but returns what was once created by nature and consumed by man.

But still, natural origin, although it presupposes, does not yet predetermine the belonging of the elements of the material world to natural objects. The soil that fills flower pots, the water flowing from the tap, the oil that flows through the pipeline to the consumer, the animals in the cages and enclosures of the zoo and other natural components of the natural environment also arose naturally. But they should not be classified as natural objects, but as material values.

In defining a natural object, the second feature is crucial - the ecological relationship with the natural environment, allowing them to function as part of natural ecosystems that ensure the quality of the environment. The sign of ecological interconnection helps to distinguish objects of environmental protection from those components of nature that, while remaining in the rank of natural origin, by the will of man, left the mechanism of interrelation with the natural environment and moved from the natural world to the social world, where other laws of the development of matter are in effect. What are these components? Soil taken from the soil and placed in separate storage; minerals extracted from the subsoil and sent for processing or consumption as natural raw materials; water placed in a reservoir, used for drinking, irrigation, industrial purposes, etc.; trees cut down in the forest and converted into timber; animals, birds, shot or captured and placed in a zoo; fish caught in reservoirs and transferred to the aquarium; air circulating in enclosed spaces; greenhouses, winter gardens and other elements bearing the stamp of natural origin, having been “torn out” by man from the ecological system of nature, ceased to influence the course of the natural process and for this reason left the circle of objects of environmental protection.

Some of them moved into the category of inventory items, were included in the system of socio-economic relations, and received the appropriate price. Others (in the absence of any value) have become simply elements of the human environment, useful or harmful, desirable or undesirable for a person and his environment (pigeons in cities, stray animals, etc.).

A special place is occupied by natural-anthropogenic objects that are formed in the process of interaction between man and nature. As already noted, the sign of ecological relationship allows us to classify or not classify these objects as the natural environment. The goal of reproducing the natural environment indicates the existence of such a connection. The purpose of consumption is about its absence.

It is more difficult where both of these goals are intertwined with one another. For example, changing the course of rivers, building canals, waterworks, reservoirs, and other irrigation structures, carried out taking into account the laws of the natural world. These newly created objects cannot be attributed exclusively to natural objects, but at the same time they are not purely economic structures.

The third feature of a natural object—performing a life-support function—is of a socialized nature. It is manifested in the ability of a natural object to perform these functions and work for the quality of the environment. Thus, those natural phenomena and natural forces emanating from a protected natural object that oppose the interests of man and the requirements for the quality of his habitat cannot be included in the legally protected natural environment. These are: soil erosion, swamping of land, desertification of land, dust storms, mudflows, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other environmentally dangerous processes for humans coming from the natural object protected by it. Moreover, these phenomena become objects of human struggle against natural processes that are undesirable and environmentally harmful to one’s existence.

To summarize what has been said, it would be possible to define a natural object as an integral part of the environment, protected by current legislation, possessing the following characteristics: natural origin; ecological relationship with the natural environment; the ability to perform environmental, economic, cultural and health functions and ensure the quality of the human environment.

The characteristics of a natural object are manifested in the three functions it performs - environmental, economic, cultural and health-improving. The ecological function is the only, main and determining one, the fulfillment of which allows a natural object to be in a natural relationship with the environment. The loss of such a connection entails the transition of the object to the category of social objects. Preservation of the ecological function of a natural object predetermines the existence of an economic function, and then a cultural and health function , which are capable of performing almost all natural objects within their capabilities.

Let us take a closer look at some individual natural objects from the perspective of environmental management and environmental protection.

Earth. The concept of “land” is used in various meanings: planet, surface, soil, soil, terrain, territory, property, use, lease, component of the natural environment.

In legal terms, land - This is the surface covering the fertile layer of soil. The ecological function of the earth is the relationship between inorganic and organic matter, the absorption of carbon dioxide, the processing of organic matter into inorganic matter; the economic function of land is a means of production in agriculture and forestry, the spatial operational basis for the construction of buildings and structures; cultural and health functions of the land - placement of cultural and health institutions, use of medicinal properties for treatment.

Bosom. According to the 1995 Law of the Russian Federation on subsoil, subsoil is the part of the earth's crust located below the soil layer and the bottom of reservoirs, extending to depths accessible for geological study and development - we will add: as well as part of the earth's surface if it contains mineral reserves.

According to 1990 data, Russia produces about 17% of oil, 25% of natural gas, 15% of coal, 14% of iron ore of the total volume of these minerals mined in the world. State Subsoil Fund, which is state property.

Water. According to the law (Water Code, 1995), water is defined as a limited natural resource contained in underground and surface sources - rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, glaciers, snow cover, and is part of the water fund. The ecological function of water is diverse. Waters create the hydrological regime of life on Earth. They are a habitat for flora and fauna, serve as a means and condition for industrial and agricultural production, and a necessary condition for recreation and treatment of the population. This is their economic, cultural and health function. Problems of water use and protection arise from the existing structure of water use.

Forests. The concept of forest, according to the law, includes three characteristics:

· biological - a set of woody, shrub and herbaceous vegetation,

· legal - growing on forest lands allocated in accordance with the procedure established by law,

· ecological - influencing the state of the natural environment.

The presence of such signs makes it possible to distinguish a forest as an environmental factor from a park, garden, arboretum and other biological communities.

A forest is a system of ecological complexes that performs a variety of environmental (environmental protection, climate control, water protection and soil protection, etc.), economic (wood products, hunting products, fruits and berries, medicinal plants, technical raw materials, etc.) and cultural - health-improving (a means of recreation, treatment, health restoration, aesthetic education) functions.

Animal world. In the Law of the Russian Federation On the Animal World of 1995, the animal world is defined as a single object that unites all living organisms - from lower forms to higher ones, in a state of natural freedom.

The law puts forward five basic environmental requirements for animal protection: preservation of species diversity, protection of habitat and breeding conditions, preservation of the integrity of animal communities, rational use and regulation of numbers in order to prevent damage to the national economy.

Atmospheric air. Occupies a unique position as an object of environmental protection . Essentially, it embodies the entire natural environment surrounding man. Atmospheric air is, to a large extent, the natural environment that we protect.

Natural resources.

Resource is a source of consumption. In a broad sense, a natural resource is a source of human consumption of nature - ecological, economic, spiritual, aesthetic. In the narrow sense in which this term is used in Russian legislation, a natural resource is a source of economic consumption of nature by humans. Therefore, we talk about nature conservation and rational use of natural resources, meaning by protection a certain natural object, and by use - a certain resource. For one cannot protect what is intended for consumption, and here a more appropriate term is rational use.

The utilitarian approach to natural resources involves dividing them into exhaustible and inexhaustible, renewable and non-renewable. Exhaustible resources include forest, land, water, mineral, and faunal resources. They have the ability to decrease and disappear as they are consumed, which predetermines the responsibility of the nature user to use them rationally. Inexhaustible resources are practically inexhaustible - solar, climate, energy, geothermal.

The division of resources into renewable and non-renewable is important for regulating the responsibility of the resource user for the reproduction of natural resources. Renewable resources through reproduction include forests, wild animals, and fish stocks. There is a category regarding renewable resources. For example, fresh water supplies can be obtained by desalinating seawater. Experimental confirmation of this has been carried out both in Russia and abroad. Such resources can conditionally be called relatively renewable.

The relationship between a natural object and a natural resource is of theoretical and practical importance. The same natural object may contain two or more types of natural resources. For example, a forest, as a natural object, is a collection of natural resources of various types - wood, resin, forest materials, forage lands, mushrooms, berries, fruits, medicinal plants, technical raw materials, resin, tar, wildlife, oxygen, etc.

The consumption of each of these types of forest resources inevitably affects the state of the natural object as a whole. Cutting down trees reduces the protective properties of the forest. Too frequent visits to forests by tourists and vacationers can gradually lead to depletion of forest areas. Hence, the rational use of forest resources contributes to the protection of the forest as a whole as a natural object.

Natural complexes

In natural complexes, several natural objects and resources operate on the same territory. Almost the entire natural environment is nothing more than a natural complex, since in it natural objects are organically connected with each other. However, when the Law “On Environmental Protection” identifies a natural complex, it does not mean any combination of natural objects, but one that is protected by law. Such natural complexes include specially protected areas. The law considers them as independent objects of protection: nature reserves, reserves, national natural parks, monuments of living and inanimate nature, forest parks, typical or rare landscapes.

Security questions:

1. What is the biosphere?

2. Determine the boundaries of the biosphere.

3. Give the definition of the biosphere according to Suess.

4. Give the definition of the biosphere according to V.I. Vernadsky.

5. How many and what geologically related substances did V. I. Vernadsky identify in the biosphere?

6. What groups of organisms ensure the cycle of substances on Earth?

7. Name the nonliving components of biogeocenosis.

8. What is the hydrosphere?

9. Define the water cycle on Earth.

10. What is the essence of the small water cycle?

11. Name artificial water systems.

12. What is the essence of static water resources?

13. What is the lithosphere?

14. What rocks does the lithosphere consist of?

15. What is the density of continental rock?

16. What is soil?

17. What is the atmosphere?

18. What is the composition of atmospheric air?

19. What is the role of ozone in the atmosphere?

20. What zones are distinguished in the atmosphere depending on the nature of the temperature distribution?

22. How do natural objects differ from anthropogenic ones?

23. Name the signs of a natural object.

24. List differentiated natural objects according to the PA Law.

25. Define a natural resource.

26. Define a natural complex.

Literature on the topic of the lecture:

1. Agadzhanyan N. A., Torshin V. I. Human ecology. –M.: KRUK, 1994. –S. 41-98.

2. Arustamov E. A. et al. Nature management. –M.; "Dashkov and Co", 2000. -S. 10-58.

3. Vinokurova N.F. et al. Nature management. –M.: Enlightenment. 1995, -P.78-92.

4. Zheludkov A. Environmental law. Lecture notes. –M.: PRIOR, 2000. –S, 34-43.

5. Petrov V.V. Environmental law of Russia. –M.: BEK, 1997. –S. 97-121.

6. Pylneva T. G. Nature management. -M.: Finstatinform, 1997. –P.18 -20.

7. Reimers N.F. Nature management: dictionary-reference book. –M.: Mysl, 1990. –637 p.

The other day I was leafing through my environmental guide. The theme of the surrounding nature itself has always seemed to me very multifaceted and interesting. And then I came across a definition called “Natural objects”. The word itself seemed familiar to me, so I decided to find out more about it.

What are natural objects?

In order to understand the essence of natural objects, you need to remember what the natural environment is.

In essence, the natural environment is the totality of all components of nature. These include, for example:

  • soil;
  • ambient air;
  • united flora and fauna;
  • ground and surface waters;
  • the bowels of the earth;
  • near-space.

A natural object is a kind of natural ecological system, landscape and its elements that were able to preserve their original natural properties.

This means that natural objects have a natural origin and state.

Types of natural objects

It is important to remember that natural objects are protected by law and are divided into three main categories:

  • integrated natural objects, which include the entire surrounding nature;
  • differentiated natural objects. These are separate objects that are interconnected with each other (forests, lakes, flora, fauna, landscape, and so on);
  • and specially protected natural sites. These include protected areas, national parks, and natural monuments. Everything that has natural and cultural value and is also in danger of extinction.

There is a separate type of natural objects: the so-called “natural-anthropogenic”. It differs in that it is the same natural object, but only changed due to economic (or other) human activity.

The definition of natural objects should not be confused with the concept of natural resources. After all, the latter are nothing more than natural resources that people consume.

As already mentioned, natural objects are a special ecological system, the importance of which is very difficult to overestimate. We must take care of the safety of any natural objects on our planet.

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