Aldan Highland is the highest point. Study of the Aldan Highlands

Aldan Highlands, highlands in Eastern Siberia, in the southern Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Located north of the Stanovoy Range, between the river. Olekma and Uchur. Flat interfluves predominate with average height 800-1000 m, above which separate char groups and short mountain ranges(Western Yangi, Sunnagyn, Ket-Kap, etc.) with a height of up to 1400-2000 m(maximum height 2306 m). Composed mainly of Archean and Proterozoic gneisses and crystalline schists Aldan shield. Dissected by deep valleys of the Aldan and Amga tributaries. Up to a height of 1100-1300 m pine-larch forests and mountain larch wild rosemary taiga dominate, higher up there is pre-alpine larch forest and thickets of dwarf pine. On the alpine peaks there is rocky tundra. Deposits iron ore, coal (Chulman village), mica, gold.

G.S. Samoilova.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia M.: " Soviet encyclopedia", 1969-1978

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highlands in Eastern Siberia, in the southern Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Located north of the Stanovoy Range, between the river. Olekma and Uchur. Flat interfluves predominate with an average height of 800-1000 m, above which rise individual alpine groups and short mountain ranges (Western Yangi, Sunnagyn, Ket-Kap, etc.) with a height of up to 1400-2000 m(maximum height 2306 m). It is composed mainly of Archean and Proterozoic gneisses and crystalline schists of the Aldan Shield (See Aldan Shield). Dissected by deep valleys of the Aldan and Amga tributaries. Up to a height of 1100-1300 m pine-larch forests and mountain larch wild rosemary taiga dominate, higher up there is pre-alpine larch forest and thickets of dwarf cedar. On the alpine peaks there is rocky tundra. Deposits of iron ore, coal (Chulman village), mica, gold.

G.S. Samoilova.

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  • - in Yakutia. Height up to 2306 m. Mountain ranges: Sunnagyn, West. Yangi and others. On the slopes there is larch taiga, above 1300 m there is rocky tundra. Deposits of iron ore, coal, mica, gold...
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"Aldan Highlands" in books

Northern Highlands

author Bushnell Jeffrey

Northern Highlands In the northern highlands there are two very different varieties of culture Classical period, and none of them have been studied in detail. More northern region, located in the Cajamarca basin, was completely independent of

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Northern Highlands Tiahuanaco's expansion to the north was not limited to the coast, but also had an impact on the northern basin of the Callejon de Huaylas highlands. His influence here is evident in the pottery painting style, which is closely associated with the coast


From the book of Peru [From the early hunters to the Inca Empire] author Bushnell Jeffrey

Highlands The basins of the highlands with their uneven topography and numerous water sources not as suitable for large population concentrations as flat coastal valleys; therefore, urban sites from this time period were not found within the upland basins.


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1. HIGHLANDS 1) Ruins of Kherson. They are located along the entire northwestern coast of the peninsula, which was formerly called Small Chersonesus and which is formed by the Kherson estuary, or, as it is also called, Akhtiar Bay (formerly Ktenus) Baluklava


From the book The Rus' That Was-2. Alternative version history author Maksimov Albert Vasilievich

ARMENIAN HIGHLANDS Another question arises: where did the Semites come from? By traditional history- from the desert Arabian Peninsula. Valyansky and Kalyuzhny are confident in another option - from Italy, the Vesuvius region. To do this, they use the text of the Bible, its so-called

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What does "Aldan Highlands" mean?

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

Aldan Highlands

in Yakutia. Height up to 2306 m. Mountain ranges: Sunnagyn, West. Yangi and others. On the slopes there is larch taiga, above 1300 m there is rocky tundra. Deposits of iron ore, coal, mica, gold.

Aldan Highlands

highlands in Eastern Siberia, in the southern Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Located north of the Stanovoy Range, between the river. Olekma and Uchur. Flat interfluves predominate with an average height of 800≈1000 m, above which individual mountain groups and short mountain ranges (Western Yangi, Sunnagyn, Ket-Kap, etc.) rise up to 1400≈2000 m (maximum height 2306 m). It is composed mainly of Archean and Proterozoic gneisses and crystalline schists of the Aldan Shield. Dissected by deep valleys of the Aldan and Amga tributaries. Up to an altitude of 1100≈1300 m, pine-larch forests and mountain larch wild rosemary taiga dominate; higher up, pre-alpine larch forests and thickets of dwarf cedar are dominant. On the alpine peaks there is rocky tundra. Deposits of iron ore, coal (Chulman village), mica, gold.

G.S. Samoilova.


Aldan Highlands

Aldan Highlands- a highland in Yakutia, located between the Olekma and Uchur rivers. The highest point is 2306 m.

The highlands are composed mainly of gneisses and crystalline schists of the Aldan shield. Deposits have been explored in the highlands

58°37′ N. w. 125°24′ E. d. /  58.617° N. w. 125.400° E. d. / 58.617; 125.400 (G) (I)
Coordinates: 58°37′ N. w. 125°24′ E. d. /  58.617° N. w. 125.400° E. d. / 58.617; 125.400 (G) (I)

The climate is sharply continental, with cold, little snow winters and cool summers

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  • Aldan Highlands // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978..
  • - Geographical encyclopedia.
  • [nationalatlas.rf/cd1/276-277.html Aldan Highlands. Stanovoy Ridge ( physical map, scale 1:2 500 000)] // National Atlas of Russia. - M.: Roscartography, 2004. - T. 1. - P. 276-277. - 496 s. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-85120-217-3.
  • .

An excerpt characterizing the Aldan Highlands

From eight o'clock the rifle shots were joined by cannon fire. There were a lot of people on the streets, hurrying somewhere, a lot of soldiers, but just as always, cab drivers were driving, merchants were standing at the shops and services were going on in the churches. Alpatych went to the shops, to public places, to the post office and to the governor. In public places, in shops, at the post office, everyone was talking about the army, about the enemy who had already attacked the city; everyone asked each other what to do, and everyone tried to calm each other down.
At the governor's house Alpatych found large number people, Cossacks and a road crew that belonged to the governor. On the porch, Yakov Alpatych met two noblemen, one of whom he knew. A nobleman he knew, a former police officer, spoke heatedly.
“It’s not a joke,” he said. - Okay, who is alone? One head and poor - so alone, otherwise there are thirteen people in the family, and all the property... They brought everyone to disappear, what kind of boss is this after that?.. Eh, I would have outweighed the robbers...
“Yes, well, it will be,” said another.
- What do I care, let him hear! Well, we are not dogs,” said the former police officer and, looking back, he saw Alpatych.
- And, Yakov Alpatych, why are you there?
“By order of his Excellency, to Mr. Governor,” answered Alpatych, proudly raising his head and putting his hand in his bosom, which he always did when he mentioned the prince... “They deigned to order to inquire about the state of affairs,” he said.
“Well, just find out,” shouted the landowner, “they brought it to me, no cart, no nothing!.. Here she is, do you hear? - he said, pointing to the side where the shots were heard.
- They brought everyone to perish... robbers! - he said again and walked off the porch.
Alpatych shook his head and went up the stairs. In the reception room there were merchants, women, and officials, silently exchanging glances among themselves. The office door opened, everyone stood up and moved forward. An official ran out of the door, talked something with the merchant, called behind him a fat official with a cross on his neck and disappeared again through the door, apparently avoiding all the looks and questions addressed to him. Alpatych moved forward and the next time the official exited, putting his hand in his buttoned coat, he turned to the official, handing him two letters.

The area occupies southeastern part Central Siberia, between the Lena and Aldan rivers. In the south the border runs along tectonic fault at the Stanovoy Ridge. Orographically, the Aldan Highlands are clearly divided, where the heights of individual ridges reach 1800-2300 m, and the Prilenskoye Plateau, located between the valleys of the Lena and Aldan rivers. The watersheds of the plateau are dominated by heights of about 500-600 m, but some areas in the south rise to 700 m and more than 1000 m. River edges in the east of the region - about 100 m and below.

The Aldan erosion-denudation highland is a reflection of the Aldan Shield in the relief and is composed of crystalline and metamorphic rocks of the Archean, which are partially covered on the surface by sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cambrian and continental sediments of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous. Mesozoic deposits on the shield lie in the Prestanovy trough, which represents a zone of deep subsidence of the basement, where the thickness of Mesozoic coal-bearing sediments reaches up to 750 m. In the south the trough passes major fault, separating the Stanovoy Range from the Aldan Highlands. In the relief, the fault line is expressed as a ledge. The Aldan shield is riddled with intrusions of various ages.

To the north, the Archean rocks are submerged beneath the predominantly carbonate strata of the Lower Cambrian, which gently dip to the north (monoclinally). On the surface of the Cambrian there are patches of Jurassic sediments. The slope of the Aldan shield is expressed in relief by the Leno-Aldan erosional layered plateau. Ancient and modern karst processes occurring in Cambrian rocks are widespread on the plateau. In the Pliocene-Quaternary, the Aldan Highlands experienced greater uplift than the Leno-Aldan Plateau. Tectonic uplifts caused increased erosion and dismemberment of the territory. The rivers are deeply incised: they have up to 4-8 accumulative and basement terraces (Olekma, Lena River, Aldan River). Within the region there are four leveling surfaces (the highest is 1000-1300 m, the lowest - Lenskaya - 300-400 m) .

The climate of the area is characterized by cold winters with average January temperatures of -32, -40°, with long snow cover 220-240 days. Summer is warm on the Leno-Aldan plateau, where average temperature July is above +16°, and cool on the Aldan Highlands: the average temperature in July is about +12°. Annual precipitation - 200-300 mm on the Leno-Aldan plateau and 400-500 mm on the Aldan Highlands.

The soil and vegetation cover is diverse: on the Leno-Aldan plateau, mid-taiga larch forests predominate on frozen-taiga fawn (neutral) and solodized soils. Along the river valleys there are larch-pine forests and patches of meadow steppes (Amga Valley). The Aldan Highlands are dominated by mountain larch and larch-cedar forests on mountain permafrost-taiga soils and mountain permafrost-taiga carbonate soils. Forests rise along the slopes of the ridges to a height of 1200-1300 m. The higher slopes and peaks are covered with mountain tundra on mountain tundra soils.

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