English words with the letter u in the middle. English-Russian-English dictionary and search with alphabetical index

Online dictionaries are very useful services. They are available at any time and are easy and simple to use. With their help, you can find and use a lot of useful information about everything: regarding work, science, the cultural sphere, communication, etc. Using this service will not only save time, but will also open up new opportunities. For all users, providing, if necessary, the services of a translator, advisor and interpreter, as well as an assistant in finding entertainment.

Using the services of these dictionaries, you can translate individual words, entire phrases, and texts from Russian into English and vice versa. At the same time, it is possible to find a transcription and even hear the desired pronunciation. On the site you can find the correct use of words in different dialects and adverbs. Language features that sometimes make it difficult to interpret some individual words or expressions will not be a problem for the online translator of the described service. He will prompt and guide the correct construction of the phrase and help avoid gross speech errors when translating different texts. A virtual keyboard is provided with which you can quickly type words and texts in Latin.

If you need to find special terms, rarely used words, or specific phrases and expressions that are not in the dictionary, you can ask the site’s community of translators for such a service. It is also provided completely free of charge. You can find it in the “Question and Answer” section.

English-Russian-English dictionary and search with alphabetical index

The site has an English-Russian dictionary in which you can search for any words with any letter required at the moment. To find the desired translation of a word, you should study the options and synonyms for it provided by the online translation, and, having selected what you need, click on the word from the dictionary.

Several randomly found pages

Inclusion: 1. Size: 44kb.

Part of the text: XX, 94-96. 20 Inf. I, 10-12. 21 Goethe, Faust, I, Vor dem Tor. 22 Purg. III, 133-135. 23 De Vulg. eloqu. I, VI, 3 - “terris amenlor locus quam Florentìa non existât.” 24 V. N. XIX, Canz. I. 25 V. N. XIX. Canz. I.: “color di perle ha”. 26 Purg. II, III, 114. 27 V. N. XXIII. 28 De Vulg. eloqu. II, VI, 5. 29 Leon Bruni, Vita di Dante-Solerti, 103: “Popule mee, quid feci libi?” 30 De Monarch. I, XII, 6. 31 V. N. I. 32 Inf. XXIII, 94. 33 E. del Cerro. Vita di Dante, p. 2. 34 Par. XV, 97. 35 L. Prieur. Dante et l"ordre social (1923). 36 Inf. VI, 61. 37 R. Davìdsohn. Firenze ai tempi di Dante (1920), p. 452. 38 L. Bruni. Vita di Dante (Solerti, p. 98) 39 G. L. Passerini (1929), p. 40 Par. XXII, 41 Del Cerro, p. Subodori. Vita giovanile di Dante (1906), p. 44 F. X. Dante (1897), p. 45 M. Dante (1933), p. p. 88. 46 A. Vellutello. Commento alla D. C. ed. 1564 (Solerti, p. 203). , p. 98). 51 G. Boccaccio. Vita di Dante (Solerti, p. 13).

Inclusion: 1. Size: 74kb.

Part of the text: but also a direct participant. None of his contemporary poets embodied his time with its greatness and poverty, beliefs and prejudices in the way that happened with Alighieri. Dante's life is a document in which (albeit somewhat transformed by the poet's passions) one can find all the Florentine (and Italian in general) events of that time. Dante was born in the second half of May 1265. At this time, the sun was in the constellation Gemini; this combination, as evidenced by the oldest commentator on the “Divine Comedy” (“Ottimo”), was believed to be considered especially favorable for practicing the sciences and arts. In his poem, Dante addresses the luminaries who foreshadowed his birth: O fiery stars, O spring of High powers, which nurtured My genius, be it small or great! The Father of everything in which life is mortal was rising among you, among you the Father of everything in which life is mortal was hovering towards sunset, when the Tuscan air blew on me. (“Paradise”, XXII, 112-117) In the 13th century. no records were yet kept of the births of Florentine citizens. Therefore, the astronomical testimony of Dante himself is especially important. However, the verses of "Paradise" do not indicate an exact date; one can only conclude that the author of the Divine Comedy was born between May 14 and June 14. The notary Ser Piero Giardini from the Ravenna circle of the great Florentine told Boccaccio that Dante was born in May. His words deserve trust. Year of birth confirmed...

Inclusion: 1. Size: 34kb.

Part of the text: Russian translations of monuments of Italian literature, the selection among which (if possible) was made on the basis of the criteria of completeness and academic quality. HISTORY OF ITALIAN LITERATURE Gaspari A. History of Italian literature. M., 1895-1897 (vol. 1-2). De Sanctis F. History of Italian literature. M., 1963-1964 (vol. 1-2). Carducci D. Essay on the development of national literature in Italy. Kharkov, 1897. Mokulsky S. S. Italian literature. M.-L., 1931. Ovett A. Italian literature. M., 1922. Pinto M. A. History of national literature in Italy. St. Petersburg, 1869 (part 1). Dotti Ugo. Storia della letteratura italiana. Roma - Bari, 1991. Flora F. Storia della letteratura italiana. Verona, 1957 (v. 1-5). Letteratura italiana. Dir. Asor Rosa A. Torino, 1982-1994 (vol. 1-15). Manuale di letteratura italiana. Storia per generi e problemi. Cur. Brioschi F., Di Girolamo C. Torino, 1993-1994 (v. 1-2). Marchese A. Storia intertestuale della letteratura italiana. Messina - Firenze, 1991 (v. 1-2). Momigliano A. Storia della letteratura italiana. Messina, 1938. Pompeati A. Storia della letteratura italiana. Torino, 1944-1950 (v. 1-4). Russo L. Storia della letteratura italiana. Firenze, 1957. Sapegno N. Compendio di storia della letteratura italiana. Firenze, 1960 (v. 1-3). La scrittura e la storia: Problemi di storiografia letteraria. Cur. Asor Rosa A. Firenze, 1995. Storia della civiltà letteraria ...

Inclusion: 1. Size: 16kb.

Part of the text: Lorenzo's personal secretary, and then his son's tutor and teacher. In 1475, he began work on his poem “Stanzes for the Tournament” (“Stanze per la giostra”), which was dedicated to Lorenzo the Magnificent’s brother Giuliano de’ Medici and was interrupted in 1478 after his murder during the Pazzi conspiracy. The patronage of Lorenzo, for whom Poliziano during these years compiled the first anthology of Italian poetry in the Volga called “Aragonese Collection” (“Raccolta aragonese”), which included texts from poets of the Sicilian school to his contemporaries, provided the poet with decent living conditions. In 1478, Poliziano wrote “Commentary on the Pazzi Conspiracy” (“Pactianae coniurationis commentarium”), a polemical essay in which he expresses his vision of the tragedy that took place in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. For some time he lives with Lorenzo’s family at Villa Cafagiolo, however, perhaps due to disagreements with the Magnificent’s wife Clarice Orsini, who did not support his parenting methods, he is forced to return to Florence. IN...

Online dictionaries are very useful services. They are available at any time and are easy and simple to use. With their help, you can find and use a lot of useful information about everything: regarding work, science, the cultural sphere, communication, etc. Using this service will not only save time, but will also open up new opportunities. For all users, providing, if necessary, the services of a translator, advisor and interpreter, as well as an assistant in finding entertainment.

Using the services of these dictionaries, you can translate individual words, entire phrases, and texts from Russian into English and vice versa. At the same time, it is possible to find a transcription and even hear the desired pronunciation. On the site you can find the correct use of words in different dialects and adverbs. Language features that sometimes make it difficult to interpret some individual words or expressions will not be a problem for the online translator of the described service. He will prompt and guide the correct construction of the phrase and help avoid gross speech errors when translating different texts. A virtual keyboard is provided with which you can quickly type words and texts in Latin.

If you need to find special terms, rarely used words, or specific phrases and expressions that are not in the dictionary, you can ask the site’s community of translators for such a service. It is also provided completely free of charge. You can find it in the “Question and Answer” section.

English-Russian-English dictionary and search with alphabetical index

The site has an English-Russian dictionary in which you can search for any words with any letter required at the moment. To find the desired translation of a word, you should study the options and synonyms for it provided by the online translation, and, having selected what you need, click on the word from the dictionary.

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