Anti-fascist coalition of the Second World War. Countries of the Tripartite Pact

Nazi Germany began looking for allies even before the start of the war in Europe. Italy, led by Mussolini, also entered into an alliance with Hitler, as did Japan, in which the power of the military was increasingly strengthened. In such a situation, it became clear that in order to protect their own interests, Germany’s potential opponents also needed to unite. However, political contradictions between the allied countries became an insoluble problem. Although the USSR entered the League of Nations, it could not become a true ally for Great Britain and France. The United States generally adhered to a policy of non-interference in European problems.

The creation of an anti-Hitler coalition was also hampered by the public opinion of Great Britain and a number of other countries - Europeans did not want a repetition of the First World War and believed in the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

The situation changed with the outbreak of World War II. As the conflict progressed, it became clear that Germany would significantly expand its territory using its large and well-armed army. It became clear that Great Britain and other states could not cope with fascism alone.

Countries included in the anti-fascist coalition

The unification of countries opposing fascism began after Germany attacked the USSR on June 22, 1941. A few days later, US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill came out with support for the Soviet Union, despite all past differences with this. Soon, a non-aggression treaty was signed between Great Britain and the USSR, and England and the USA issued the Atlantic Charter, which emphasized the need not only to protect their territories, but also to liberate other peoples from fascism.

After the signing of the declaration, practical assistance to the USSR became possible, for example, the supply of weapons and food under Lend-Lease.

As the war progressed, the anti-Hitler coalition expanded. At the beginning of the conflict, in addition to the USSR, Great Britain and the USA, the coalition was supported by the governments in expelling those European countries that were already Hitler. The British dominions, Canada and Australia, also joined the union of states. After the overthrow of Mussolini's power, the Republican government of Italy, which controlled part of the country's territory, also sided with the Allies.

In 1944, some Latin American countries, in particular Mexico, came out in support of the USSR and the USA. Although it did not directly affect these states, joining the anti-Hitler coalition confirmed the political position of these countries regarding the inadmissibility of the actions of Nazi Germany. France was able to support the coalition only after the overthrow of the Vichy government in 1944.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ANTI-HITLER COALITION, an alliance of states and peoples who fought in the 2nd World War against the aggressive bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. The main core of the anti-Hitler coalition was the USSR, USA and Great Britain... Modern encyclopedia

ANTI-HITLER COALITION, UNION of states and peoples, formed during the 2nd World War against the bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. Included the USSR, USA, Great Britain, France and China, as well as Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and... ... Russian history

Anti-Hitler coalition- ANTI-HITLER COALITION, an alliance of states and peoples who fought in the 2nd World War against the aggressive bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. The main core of the anti-Hitler coalition was the USSR, the USA and Great Britain. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

A union of states and peoples that formed during the 2nd World War against the aggressive bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. The anti-Hitler coalition included the USSR, USA, Great Britain, France and China, as well as Yugoslavia, Poland,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

The union of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War 1939 45 (See World War II 1939 1945) against the aggressive bloc of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, militaristic Japan and their satellites. United states... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Anti-Hitler coalition- A military-political union of states and peoples who fought in the 2nd World War against the bloc of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, militaristic Japan (the so-called Axis) and their satellites. The main participants in the Anti-Hitler Coalition are England, China,... ... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

- (coalition) Any association (for example, political parties) to win elections. Most often, a coalition arises when - by law - a simple majority of votes is required to win and when neither party has half the seats in... ... Political science. Dictionary.

coalition- and, f. coalition f. Strike. Heeding bad advice, or inspired by their own false calculations, workers sometimes form strike coalitions or coalitions among themselves. Butovsky 1847 2 441. Union, unification on a voluntary basis of states, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

AND; and. [from lat. coalitus united] Association, agreement, union (of states, parties, etc.) to achieve common goals. Reach a coalition in negotiations. Anti-government k. Pre-election k. ◁ Coalition, oh, oh. K. contract. Whoa... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Second front. Anti-Hitler coalition. Conflict of interest, Falin Valentin. The famous political scientist and diplomat Valentin Falin, relying on little-known documents from military archives and the memoirs of major European politicians, analyzes the historical events that led to...
  • Second front. Anti-Hitler coalition: conflict of interests, Falin V.. The famous political scientist and diplomat Valentin Falin, relying on little-known documents from military archives and the memoirs of major European politicians, analyzes the historical events that led to...

It was an extremely complex and diverse event, in which various class interests and goals, and various political aspirations were intertwined. The war began with an attack by the fascist aggressor on Poland, which had joined the Anglo-French bloc. Thus, war arose between two imperialist factions. Despite this, from the very beginning it contained liberation, anti-fascist tendencies, since fascism, which sought world domination, threatened the independence of states and the lives of peoples who became victims of aggression.

Gradually, the liberation tendencies of the war grew stronger. The peoples subjected to Hitler's invasion rose up to fight against the occupiers, which led to the strengthening of the anti-fascist nature of the war, its development into one against fascist enslavement. In this complex and difficult process, the decisive role belonged to the Soviet Union. Afterwards, the war was irrevocably defined as anti-fascist and liberation. For the democratic forces around the world, it was now not only about the struggle for the independence of their own countries, but also about the defense of the country of socialism.

The peculiarity and originality of the Second World War were manifested in the creation anti-fascist coalition powers with different social systems - the Soviet Union, the United States and England. About 50 other states joined this coalition during the war. Meanwhile, after the formation of the anti-fascist coalition, not a single state joined the bloc of fascist aggressors - Germany, Japan and Italy.

The creation of the anti-fascist coalition was due to objective circumstances. Germany, which launched a war for world domination in September 1939, destroyed the independence of most European states. Many European nations fell under the yoke of the Nazi invaders. Of the powers that were at war with the fascist aggressors, only England survived by mid-1941, but it also found itself in extremely difficult conditions. The threat of a German invasion of the British Isles, despite Germany's preparations for an attack on the USSR, was not completely removed. Getting rid of this mortal danger could only bring the English people help from the two great powers of the world - the Soviet Union and the United States of America. Even before the start of the war, the USSR advocated the creation of a front of peace-loving states against the fascist aggressors. In the critical months on the eve of the war, the Soviet Union made enormous efforts to create an anti-Hitler coalition of England, France and the USSR. However, the then governments of Western states, stubbornly pursuing an anti-Soviet Munich policy, thwarted the creation anti-fascist coalition. The trials of the war showed the depravity of the calculations of the Munich people. After the occupation of many European states by Germany and the heavy defeats of the British armies, difficult days came for England. The realistically thinking circles of the bourgeoisie that came to power, assessing the full danger of the situation created for England, moved towards rapprochement with the USSR. Thus, the anti-fascist coalition came to life under military conditions.

Germany's seizure of dominance over a large part of the European continent caused great concern in the United States of America. From the beginning of the war, the United States became increasingly closer to England, providing it not only with material assistance, but also protecting British possessions in the Pacific Ocean with its fleet.

The danger of the war spreading to this area grew every day. An ally of Hitler's Germany, militaristic Japan was leading the way to war against the United States and the British Empire. In this case, the ruling circles of the United States counted on help from the Soviet Union.

Thus, the military-political cooperation of the USSR, England and the United States stemmed from the common interests of these countries in the fight against a common enemy - the fascist aggressors, primarily against Hitler's Germany, and then against militaristic Japan.

In the second half of 1941 and in the first half of 1942. creation of an anti-fascist coalition was secured by relevant agreements and obligations. The people of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States welcomed the creation of an anti-fascist coalition. After the USSR entered the war, the working masses of the capitalist countries of the anti-Hitler bloc began to more clearly recognize the liberation goals of the war and more actively influence the policies of their governments. The peoples of the countries enslaved by the fascist invaders also perked up. During the war years, the USSR established connections with a large number of states and governments. If before diplomatic relations were maintained with 17 states, then during the war the number of states with which the USSR had diplomatic and consular relations increased to 46.

The cooperation of the participants in the anti-fascist coalition was carried out in difficult conditions of overcoming acute contradictions between them. These contradictions were due to differences in the social system of the allies and, consequently, different attitudes towards the final goals of the war. For the Soviet Union, the goal of the war was the speedy destruction of fascism and its allies, the cleansing of Soviet territories captured by the fascists, the liberation of European peoples from fascist slavery, the establishment of lasting peace based on the recognition of the sovereignty of each state and the right of peoples to establish a social system at their own discretion. . The Soviet Union's struggle to implement a consistent anti-fascist program and its decisive contribution to the war against Hitler's Germany ensured its leading place in the anti-Hitler coalition.

The goals of the ruling circles of England and the United States of America were different. They sought to eliminate Germany and Japan as their imperialist competitors and hoped that after the defeat of the powers of the aggressive bloc, they would be able, having gotten rid of the “extremes” of fascism, to restore in these states the order that existed there before the fascists seized power, and to prevent those social changes that led to which the anti-fascist war could wage. The Western powers sought to preserve the capitalist system everywhere, and in the colonial and semi-colonial countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America - their dominance. The United States wanted even more - to establish its hegemony in the post-war world. The ruling circles of the Western powers believed that they would be able to carry out their plans, since as a result of the war the Soviet Union would be so weakened that it would be practically impossible to prevent them.

The different goals of the war also determined the different approaches of the participants in the anti-fascist coalition to pressing military and political problems.

Afterwards, in the summer of 1941, the brunt of the war fell on the USSR. In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, when it was forced to retreat, the allies refrained from providing it with effective assistance, since they did not believe that the Soviet Union would withstand the onslaught of Nazi Germany. Reputable British and American military experts predicted a quick defeat of the USSR. However, the defeat that befell the Nazi army forced England and the United States to reassess the role of the USSR in the war. This led to the strengthening of inter-allied relations. The Soviet Union began to receive military materials and weapons from the allies. At that difficult time for the USSR, this assistance was useful, although it satisfied only a small part of the needs of the Soviet Armed Forces, against which the bulk of Hitler’s army and the armies of Nazi Germany’s satellites were concentrated. Sailors of the allied states risked their lives to deliver valuable military cargo to the USSR. Many sailors died heroically while doing their duty.

Until the end of 1943, the main issue in the anti-Hitler coalition remained the question of opening a second front in Western Europe. The governments of England and the United States repeatedly promised the Soviet Union to land their troops in France and open a second front there. But they did not fulfill their promises for a long time. By delaying the opening of a second front, the governments of England and the United States sought to fight for as long as possible with the hands of the Soviet Union, conduct operations on secondary fronts themselves, seize advantageous strategic positions, accumulate forces and wait for the moment when the best divisions of the Wehrmacht would be ground down on the Soviet-German front, and The forces of the Soviet Union will be exhausted in this grueling struggle. All this, according to their calculations, was to ensure the military and political dominance of the Western powers by the end of the war. The blows delivered by the Allies in North Africa and Italy to a certain extent weakened the Hitler bloc. But they did not significantly ease the burden of the Soviet Union, since the main forces of Nazi Germany were still confined to the Eastern Front.

In 1943, it became clear that the Soviet Union, although the war was still raging on its territory and the Red Army still had a long and difficult journey to the western state borders, was capable of defeating the fascist aggressor on its own. Awareness of this fact greatly influenced the decision of England and the United States to finally open a second front in June 1944.

At the conferences of the heads of government of the allied powers in 1943 and 1945, decisions were made on military-strategic and basic political problems. The Tehran and Yalta decisions strengthened the anti-fascist coalition. In June 1944, American-British troops landed in Northern France and a second front was opened. The implementation of the agreed military plans was generally successful until the complete defeat and unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and then militaristic Japan.

The situation was more difficult with the implementation of agreed political decisions. As the defeat of Nazi Germany approached, reactionary tendencies in the policies of the ruling circles of England and the United States intensified. This affected primarily their attitude towards the countries of Europe liberated from fascist invaders, where England and the United States began to support the very reactionary parties that capitulated to fascism at the beginning of the war. Plans also arose for a new anti-Soviet unification of capitalist states. However, progressive forces in England and the United States exposed these machinations. The leftward movement of the popular masses, observed throughout the world towards the end of the war, in turn had a noticeable impact on the position of the Western allies, and for the time being they had to adhere to the program proclaimed by the anti-fascist coalition: the defeat and eradication of fascism, giving the liberated peoples the right to decide their own fate.

Through the joint efforts of the participants in the anti-fascist coalition, the United Nations was created at the border of war and peace. The prospect of fruitful cooperation in the conditions of peace, which was won at a high price, opened up. The Soviet Union welcomed such cooperation. But it depended not only on the goodwill of the USSR. The United States of America and England took a different path.

ANTI-HITLER COALITION, military-political alliance of states and peoples who fought in World War II 1939–45 against the aggressive bloc Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, militaristic Japan and their satellites.

At the end of 1941, the following were in a state of war with the aggressor bloc (the occupied countries were represented by governments in exile): Albania, Great Britain and its dominions (Australia, India, Canada, New Zealand, Union of South Africa), Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Greece, Dominican Republic, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Poland, El Salvador, USSR, USA, Philippines, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia. In the 2nd half. In 1942, Brazil and Mexico entered the war against the Axis powers and their allies, in 1943 - Bolivia, Iraq, Iran, Colombia, Chile, in 1944 - Liberia. After Feb. 1945 Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt, Lebanon, Paraguay, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, and Uruguay joined the anti-Hitler coalition. Italy (in 1943), Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania (in 1944), and Finland (in 1945), which were previously part of the aggressive bloc, also declared war on the Axis powers. By the end of hostilities with Japan (Sept. 1945) in a state of war with the Fascist countries. There were 56 states in the bloc.

Main participants anti-Hitler coalition– USSR, USA and Great Britain. Sov. The Union plays a decisive role in the defeat of Germany and its allies. The USA and Great Britain made a significant contribution to achieving victory over the common enemy. The armed forces of two other great powers - France and China - also participated in the defeat of the Nazis. block. Troops from Australia, Albania, Belgium, Brazil, India, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, the Philippines, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia and others took part in the hostilities. Individual states anti-Hitler coalition helped its main participants mainly with the supply of strategic raw materials. Combat ally anti-Hitler coalition was a resistance movement.

The first step towards the formation of an anti-Hitler coalition was the signing of the Atlantic Charter by US President F. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister W. Churchill on August 14, 1941. The document proclaimed the need to destroy Nazi tyranny and disarm the aggressor. Both sides announced their refusal of territorial and other acquisitions; on the inadmissibility of territorial changes without the consent of the peoples concerned; pledged to respect the right of peoples to choose their form of government and to seek the restoration of the sovereignty and self-government of those peoples deprived of this by force. Steps to formation anti-Hitler coalition were inspired by statements by Churchill (22.6.1941) and Roosevelt (24.6.1941) about support for the USSR in the war against Germany and a radio speech by the chairman of the State Defense Committee of the USSR I.V. Stalin (3.7.1941).

On July 12, 1941, an agreement was signed between the USSR and Great Britain in Moscow. The parties pledged to provide each other with all kinds of assistance and support in the war against Germany and not to negotiate with her, not to conclude a truce or peace treaty, except with mutual consent. The agreement came into force from the moment of signing and was not subject to ratification. It was the first intergovernmental document that recorded the beginning of the formation anti-Hitler coalition.

Considering it extremely important to expand the coalition, Sov. On July 18–30, 1941, the government proposed to the governments of Czechoslovakia and Poland, located in London, to conclude an agreement on a joint fight against a common enemy. On Sept. 1941 A conference of representatives of the USSR, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Yugoslavia, Luxembourg and the Free French National Committee took place in London. Having agreed with the basic principles of the Atlantic Charter, Sov. The government emphasized in its statement the urgent need to concentrate all the economic and military resources of freedom-loving peoples and their proper distribution in order to quickly and completely liberate Europe from fascism. oppression. At the conference, a declaration was announced by Sov. government, which first formulated the goals and objectives anti-Hitler coalition.

26.9.1941 Sov. the government recognized Charles de Gaulle “as the leader of all free Frenchmen, wherever they may be,” and declared its readiness “to provide the free Frenchmen with comprehensive assistance and assistance in the common struggle against Nazi Germany and its allies.” As chairman of the Free French National Committee, de Gaulle pledged to “fight on the side of the USSR and its allies until final victory is achieved” and provide Soviet support. Help and assist the Union with all means at its disposal.

From September 29 to October 1, 1941, a conference of representatives of the three powers was held in Moscow, at which a protocol on mutual military supplies for the period October 1, 1941 – June 30, 1942 was signed. The USA and Great Britain pledged to supply the USSR with 400 aircraft, 500 tanks, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns, aluminum, other materials and food every month. The Soviet side, in turn, pledged to supply large quantities of raw materials for military production. The USA carried out deliveries on the basis of the Lend-Lease law, and Great Britain - on the basis of an agreement on mutual supplies, credit and payment procedures dated 16.8.1941.

On January 1, 1942, in Washington (after the United States officially entered the war), the Declaration of 26 states, known as the “Declaration of the United Nations,” was signed. Its participants pledged to use all their economic and military resources to fight against the fascists. bloc, cooperate with each other and not conclude a separate truce or peace with the countries of this bloc. In London on May 26, the Soviet Union was signed. Treaty of alliance in the war against the Nazis. Germany and its accomplices in Europe and on cooperation and mutual assistance after the end of the war for a period of 20 years. The parties pledged to: take all measures to make a repetition of aggression impossible; provide military and other mutual assistance if one of the parties is again involved in hostilities with Germany or its allies; not to strive for territorial acquisitions and not to interfere in the internal affairs of other states; do not enter into any alliances or take part in coalitions directed against the other party.

On June 11, 1942, the Soviet Union concluded in Washington. an agreement on the principles applicable to mutual assistance in the prosecution of the war against the aggression of Nazi Germany. This document completed the legal formalization of union relations between the main participants anti-Hitler coalition The USA and the USSR pledged to continue the mutual supply and exchange of military materials, services and information, clarifying the general conditions and procedure for mutual assistance and mutual settlements.

At the Moscow Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in October. 1943 on the initiative of the Soviet Union. The Union adopted a declaration on Italy, which provided for the restoration of the national independence of this country and the provision of democratic freedoms to its people. There, the Allies adopted a declaration on Austria, defining its future as a free and independent country. The international legal basis for the prosecution and punishment of war criminals was laid by the declaration on the responsibility of the Nazis for the atrocities committed, later signed by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.

Inside anti-Hitler coalition there were contradictions between the political line of the USSR and the position of the Western powers on a number of issues of waging war and solving post-war problems (see. Tehran Conference 1943). This was especially evident in the process of implementing agreements on the opening of a second front. Developed during negotiations and conferences of country leaders anti-Hitler coalition The coalition strategy contributed to the defeat of the armies of the aggressor bloc.

Continuing to deepen allied ties within anti-Hitler coalition, The USSR concluded a Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance and Post-War Cooperation with Czechoslovakia on December 12, 1943, with Yugoslavia on April 11, 1945, and with the Polish Republic on April 21, 1945.

The activities created in December were aimed at strengthening the anti-fascist front, making decisions that would contribute to achieving a quick victory in the war, and developing the principles of the post-war world order. 1943 European Consultative Commission (ECC) - a permanent body of representatives of the three leading powers anti-Hitler coalition(was in London, from November 1944 a representative of France was invited as the fourth member of the JCC). The ECC prepared and presented agreed recommendations on the post-war fate of Germany and its satellites. Permanent body of the leading powers anti-Hitler coalition was also created in Oct. 1943 Advisory Council on Italian Affairs (located in Algeria).

IN anti-Hitler coalition There were also disagreements regarding the goals of the war, as the end of which this issue became increasingly acute. For the USSR, the goals of the war were the complete defeat of Nazism and the liberation of the Soviets. territories and territories of the occupied countries of Europe, the establishment of lasting peace and the complete exclusion of the possibility of a new German. aggression. At the same time, the leadership of the Sov. For this purpose, the Union considered it necessary not only to carry out the demilitarization and democratization of post-war Germany, but also to ensure the decisive Soviet Union. influence in Eastern European countries, to achieve the establishment in them of a social system similar to that existing in the USSR. The USA and Great Britain also sought to eliminate fascism. regimes, but at the same time they intended to weaken Germany and restore the pre-war political system in the countries of Eastern Europe.

At the Crimean (Yalta) Conference of 1945, the leaders of the three leading powers anti-Hitler coalition agreed that “two or three months after the surrender of Germany and the end of the war in Europe, the Sov. The Union will enter the war against Japan on the side of the Allies."

In relation to France, Sov. The Union took a strong position of support for the Free French National Committee. On October 23, 1944, the Western allies, together with the USSR, declared recognition of it as the French Provisional Government.

At the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference of 1945, the German question was resolved in general in a democratic spirit, taking into account the interests of all peoples, incl. and German.

Governments anti-Hitler coalition, striving to strengthen cooperation, made considerable efforts to resolve disagreements that arose and made compromises when necessary. Despite the difficulties and obstacles, anti-Hitler coalition basically successfully coped with its tasks throughout the war, right up to the victory over Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan.

A major success for leading powers anti-Hitler coalition was the creation of the UN. The preparation of peace treaties with Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Finland, begun at a meeting of the foreign ministers of Great Britain, the USSR and the USA in Moscow on December 16–26, 1945, ended with their signing in 1947. The meeting also established the Far Eastern Commission, which was to formulate a political line of implementation Japan's obligations to surrender, as well as the Allied Council for Japan. The parties agreed on the withdrawal of Soviet and American troops from China as soon as possible.

Leading states anti-Hitler coalition They considered the cooperation that developed during the war as promising and long-term. However, due to a number of objective and subjective circumstances, which were determined by the policies of both the governments of the USA and Great Britain, and the leadership of the USSR, this cooperation in the post-war years gave way to harsh confrontation between East and West. The outbreak of a large-scale arms race, the Cold War policy proclaimed by Churchill in 1946, effectively meant the end anti-Hitler coalition.

Research Institute (Military History) VAGS of the RF Armed Forces

Historically, the anti-fascist coalition emerged in the mid-twentieth century as a bloc of the most diverse political forces of traditional civilization, directed against the most unconventional, brutal, anti-civilization practices of social Darwinism (in common parlance - Nazism, fascism). The coalition proceeded from the premise that there is a certain universal morality that is being decisively and uncompromisingly challenged. The basis of the anti-Hitler coalition was the desire to preserve traditional morality, to prevent the Nazis from “abolishing the ancient chimera called conscience.” At the same time, the breadth of the coalition was determined by the motley variety of parties included in it.

First of all, this is the difficult (and not immediately) achieved unity of the communists and all other socialists, even the most moderate, against the brutal force of social Darwinism. This is a left bloc (in the terminology of Europe at that time - the “Popular Front”), which sacrificed petty party and factional differences in the face of a common threat.

The participation of conservative forces, supporters of the traditional moral climate, that is, the unification of the left and the right against the rabid non-humans, is also important. The left and right may have different understandings of the path to the ideal, but they have a common ideal. Political conflict in the search for means to build a “welfare state” does not negate the very ideal of its construction. And it sharply contradicts the German-Ukrainian neo-slavery , seeking to once again divide people into castes, and peoples into victors - “supermans” and exterminated “subhumans”.

It was not communists or socialists who first proclaimed the unity of the human race. It was first proclaimed by the Christian Church, demanding that every person recognize the image and likeness of God, regardless of his class or nationality. How formal such a proclamation was in a particular era is another question (formalism and hypocrisy, in fact, spun off socialists and communists from Christianity) - but the commonality of goals and their opposition to the bestial grin of the “struggle for existence” is obvious.

Socialists, communists and traditional conservatives formed a tenuous but very instructive unity in which centripetal forces overcame centrifugal ones. At the same time, communists saw fascism as a counter-revolution, and traditionalist conservatives, on the contrary, saw a revolution that undermined the basic foundations of the Western world with radically new infernal anti-values.

Which proved once again: words are words, you can play with them, calling the same thing either a counter-revolution or a revolution, but in essence - there are only grace-filled and infernal-graceless movements. Those who care about the bright future of humanity - and those who close this future by plunging into zoological darkness.

This is how the “Allies of World War II” were formed - an association of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War of 1939-1945 against the countries of the Nazi bloc, also called the Axis countries: Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites and allies. The essence of the two world coalitions can be expressed in just one phrase: recognition or denial of universal morality.

The denial of morality for Germany, Italy, Japan was introduced at a completely official level, and forms the core basis of fascism (including modern, Ukrainian).

For example, in Italy, a song about how a valiant Italian warrior frees an Ethiopian slave was officially banned. It was recognized as ideologically incorrect, because Italy’s goal in Ethiopia is not to liberate, but to enslave. There is no need, they say, to sow false humanism in the soldiers, to deceive them about their ultimate goals - so as not to spoil future slave owners with “lunar cults of equality.”

The soldiers of the Japanese Imperial Army were required to “develop insensitivity towards murder,” which led to colossal genocides in Asia, with victims far exceeding even the most terrible European counterparts.

The decree “On the application of military jurisdiction in the Barbarossa area and on special measures of troops”, issued in connection with the implementation of the “Barbarossa Plan”, emphasized: “There will be no mandatory prosecution for actions committed by Wehrmacht personnel and service personnel against enemy civilians even in cases where these actions constitute a war crime or misdemeanor.”

Thus, according to the Nazis, the idea of ​​humanity was completely (and everywhere) removed by them, replaced by the consciousness of racial-national domination of the ancient pre-Christian type. In this new morality there is only one sin: weakness. And there is only one virtue that returns society to the animal world - strength. Today, plans of this kind are most actively being implemented in Ukraine and in some other countries (Croatia, Albania, the Baltic countries, etc.)

In contrast to this “new (anti)morality”, the US President proposed a new term - “United Nations”. The point was not to simply mechanically bring all nations together, but that nations were united by common values.

Few people appreciated the revolutionary nature of Roosevelt’s idea, both then and now. The fact is that the world before Hitler was a world of warring nations. This is a colonial world in which there are master nations and slave nations; there can be no talk of any equal cooperation between nations.

Class enmity divided nations from within; predatory and aggressive wars divided them among themselves. Roosevelt raised the question of uniting the eternally divided nations.

This proposal was readily accepted by the USSR, and during the war years the term “United Nations” became synonymous with the anti-Hitler coalition. The term was first recorded in the 1942 United Nations Declaration (Washington Declaration Twenty-Six). The influence of the anti-fascist coalition on the military and post-war world order was enormous; on its basis, the modern United Nations Organization (UN) was created.

However, today the UN has lost the meaning that Roosevelt put into the concept of “united nations.” It has turned into mechanically united representatives of all nations, in which, according to the idea of ​​the Japanese Nazis, some peoples are “riders” and others are “horses”.

The organic unity of nations was going to be based on the basic values ​​of global cooperation:

- Denial of wars, genocides, terror, predatory annexations - which would promise the inviolability of post-war borders if realized.
- Denial of the ideas of national and racial superiority, denial of slavery and slave ownership, recognition of the basic value of any and all human life.
- Denial of predatory cynicism both in relations between nations and in relations between people.
- Worldwide cooperation in the field of science, culture, progress and prosperity, the desire to “bring up those lagging behind” instead of taking advantage of their backwardness.

Theoretically, these principles could unite both all left-wing socialist forces and all right-wing conservative ones, representatives of all monotheistic religions. We have different means, the politicians said, but a single goal: the success of everyone, the well-being of everyone.

Neo-fascism in the modern world manifests itself in the consistent denial of all the above principles. Neo-fascists preach that war is better than peace, genocide is better than cooperation, they have again raised the idea of ​​national superiority, they revel in social Darwinism (in which not every human life has value - but the possibility of the survival selection of one life from many). But the main thing in neo-fascism is global market liberalism, the main goal of which is not to unite, but to divide people.

Neo-fascism divides the peoples of the world into dominant and “finished”. The fate of the “finished” is to become manure for the rulers. Neo-fascism divides people into “winers” and “losers” - the fate of the losers is to become manure for the winers (winners).

The homogenization of the way of life of people and nations in the twentieth century gave way to a new era of sharp polarization: the “middle peasants” of the middle class are melting like snow in spring, dividing into the poor and the super-rich.

The aggressive, imperialist wars, which resurrected all of Hitler’s remnants, redrew the post-war map of the world beyond recognition, easily creating new pseudo-states, and just as easily denying other peoples the right to their own statehood. Neo-fascists have arrogated to themselves the right to uncontrollably and arbitrarily decide in which case we are talking about “self-determination of nations”, and in which case – about “territorial integrity”. In such conditions, the very existence of the UN looks like a bitter mockery of the original idea of ​​the “united nations”: now their unification is more like being together in a prison cell...

Today the world again needs the idea of ​​“united nations”, a broad front of social democratic and religious forces resisting the pressure of the crudest and most cynical social Darwinism.

It is clear why representatives of all religions do not like Darwinism - a doctrine in which basic atheism makes war the norm of life, and a peaceful state a pathology. Of course, in any traditional morality it is peace that is blessed, and war is avoided. Here, it’s exactly the opposite – war “of all against all” is a blessed source of development and health of biological individuals, a peaceful state is a perversion.

And on this basis, all monotheistic religions can find unity with all the social democrats of the world. You don't have to be a believer to be disgusted by social Darwinism. The recognition of peace as a value and war as a disaster unites the most diverse parties of the social democratic spectrum.

The social wing of social democracy opposes bestial individualism, placing the public (social) good above private interests. The democratic wing of social democracy is called upon to resist the voice of money, which drowns out the votes of voters. The pathos of opposition to economic slavery and political despotism of slave owners forces social democratic forces to unite before the onslaught of neo-fascism.

Of course, the breadth of the anti-fascist coalition (it would be more correct to call it anti-satanic , but this will sound too academic) will require all participants to renounce scolding and literalism, from sectarian narrowness of views, which at one time destroyed the CPSU. There are no coalitions based on the principle “those who are not with us are against us.” A coalition can only be built according to the principle “those who are not against us are with us.” Every non-enemy has a presumption of friendliness.

This approach will reduce interfaith and interparty petty squabbles and contrived (most often due to the leaders’ leadership ambitions) enmity. For example, communists must understand that the “Kiev patriarchy” under American pressure is a monstrous perversion of religiosity, an outrage against the basic principles of religion, the most vile spiritual incest. Orthodox Christians, on the contrary, should look more carefully at the social issues raised by communists. If both of them take the now habitual “we don’t care” pose, then neo-fascism will triumph.

United nations can unite only on terms of equality and mutual respect. This is not only the thought of Roosevelt, who created the idea, but also, in general, a requirement of logic itself. How can nations be united on conditions of inequality and mutual destruction? What is the price of “unification”, which is beneficial only to one side, and catastrophically unprofitable for the other side?

Roosevelt's idea of ​​a United Nations was countered by an equally distinct idea of ​​the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire: Captive Nations. It was assumed that the world empire (Germany or Japan, depending on the homeland of the ideology) would dominate and decide everything alone. The enslaved nations around her are "horse to rider" - they will obediently obey - or be exterminated.

The modern model of American world domination is much closer to Hitlerism than to the idea of ​​the UN. The behavior of the United States today is reminiscent of the Third Reich - which recognized only complete submission - or a total war to exterminate the disobedient. The language of the United States, like the language of Hitler, is the language of barking ultimatums, which under Trump began to irritate even the most servile and well-fed satellites of the 4th Reich (EU). America doesn’t want to discuss any questions with anyone; it comes straight away with ready-made answers. They must be accepted - or perish.

Moreover, the range of imposed ultimatums concerns all issues in general, even the most specific and internal ones. The United States invented that it has the right to decide where the patriarch of Orthodox people sit, despite the fact that they themselves are never Orthodox, etc.

The triumph of neo-fascism in the world (hidden in the USA, open and defiant in Ukraine) plunges all of humanity into the darkness of total lawlessness, madness and ugliness. All those seams with which the “surgeons of the centuries” sewed civilization together in the form of human rights and international law, alliance and internal civil solidarity, publicity and competition of processes (not only judicial ones), referendums as the highest form of democracy - threaten to separate, flooding humanity with blood.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that in a world where a modern fascist Ukraine is possible, everything is possible . If atrocities and arbitrariness of this level are covered up by the West, then mass cannibalism, child sacrifice, mass disembowelment for organs, and in general the plot of any nightmare are possible.

We have only one way out: a broad anti-fascist coalition, going in breadth (appealing to the powerful social-democratic tradition within the West itself) and in depth (a return to the roots, traditions, paternal faith).

If we do not unite all people of good will, we will face such “perversions” of the human being that will force us to talk about the mutation of the “homo sapiens” species itself.

For example, the Pan-Asian project created and promoted by the government and military forces of the pre-war Japanese Empire during the reign of Emperor Hirohito was based on the desire to create a “bloc of Asian peoples led by Japan” in eastern Eurasia. It was emphasized that this would be a collaboration between “rider and horse.” The rider is Japan, the horse is all other nations sharing “co-prosperity” with Japan.

The Christian martyrdom of the first centuries was generated by the fact that the secular government (then Roman) forced Christians to worship the “gods” imposed by the empire, while in no way prohibiting them from serving their own. The proposal was the same as today: believe what you want, just first bow to the imperial official cults of this century. Nobody prohibited Christian rituals - they simply sought to equate them with political cults like “Rome on top of everything.” This led to massive self-sacrifice of Christians, to their martyrdom in the arenas of Roman circuses.

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