Presentation on the topic "Values. Unit of length - kilometer"

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Integrated lesson

mathematics and the world around us

4th grade “School of Russia”

Bolvina Irina Vladimirovna

MAOU Borovskaya secondary school No. 1

Lesson topic:

Objective of the lesson:

Lesson objectives:

I. Educational:

II. Educational:



Lesson type:

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment

Teacher: Let's welcome the guests.


Teacher: May today for all of us,

Success in the lesson!


Students: Mars.


Student: Knowledge, skills.



Is the crew ready for flight?



To fly to the planet

Let's go to Mars

Stars, wait for us to visit you!

Updating of reference knowledge

1. Oral counting(slide 3)




Teacher: Attention! 3,2,1…

Aliens have shackled the Earth.

2. Teacher:



3. Teacher:

Who completed the task?

Who made the mistakes?



Logic problems:

Exercise: in rows (slide 10)


Attention! 3,2,1,0, start!


Students: Different sizes.

Teacher: What is magnitude?












Physical education minute

Learning new material.


What is this? (slide 14)

Students: Mars rover.

Teacher: Who knows anything about him?





Students: kilometer.


Students: The unit of length is kilometer.


Students: long distances.


Students: 1 km = 1000 m


1. Teacher:

- Define:

- Convert

Option 1: Express the distance in km:(1 student at the blackboard) (slide 17)

Option 2: Write it down

1545m, 5633m, 1km 890m

(5633m, 1km 890m, 1545m).

2. Teacher:



1 option to solve the problem:

What is known about the problem?


Check (slides: 22, 23).

Exercise for the eyes

(slides: 24-29)

3. Teacher:

Students: aliens.




VI. Fixing the material


1st group:

Fill in the missing numbers:

5000m=…km 48 km=…m

24000m=…km 305 km=…m

Group 2:

Fill in the missing numbers:

3125m=…km…m 2455 km =…km…m

2 km 537 m= …m 7407m= …km…m

Group 3:

Fill in the missing numbers:

10000m=…km 2040m=…km…dm

6000m=…km 7km 202m=…m


1. student:


2nd student:


VII. Lesson summary.

VIII. Homework:(slide 34)

IX. Reflection(slide 35)

Integrated lesson

mathematics and the world around us

4th grade “School of Russia”

Topic: “Quantities. The unit of length is kilometer.”

Bolvina Irina Vladimirovna

MAOU Borovskaya secondary school No. 1

Tyumen district, Tyumen region

Methodological development of a mathematics lesson

Lesson topic: Quantities. The unit of length is kilometer.

Objective of the lesson: Introduce the name of the new length measurement - kilometer. Give an idea of ​​the use of this quantity in practice and its relationship with other known measures of length.

Lesson objectives:

I. Educational:

Lead students to the “discovery” of a new unit of length - the kilometer, its relationship with the unit of length - the meter.

Develop the ability to express length in given units (m, km).

Solve word problems containing units of length.

Improve skills in reading and writing multi-digit numbers; development of computing skills.

II. Educational:

To promote the development of the ability to correctly apply mathematical quantities.

Promote the development of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison; develop logical thinking, speech, attention.

Develop the ability to competently, logically, give complete answers to questions, be able to prove, and argue for one’s opinion.

To develop the skills of independent individual and collective work: mutual control and self-examination, discussion of information, planning of cognitive activity and self-assessment.


Cultivate interest in mathematics; create motivation for further study of the subject; the desire to use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

To promote the development of children’s ability to communicate and enjoy the successes of their comrades.

Help students understand the value of collaborative activities.

Equipment: mathematics textbook 4th grade M.I. Moreau, 1 hour; computer; multimedia projector; presentation; artistic word; cards with a ready-made printed base for individual work; cards for working in pairs; cards with tasks of different difficulty levels to reinforce new material (for each student); stars of blue, yellow, red, white colors.

Lesson type: learning new material; lesson - travel.

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment

Teacher: Let's welcome the guests.


We are pleased to welcome you to our class.

Perhaps there are better and more beautiful classes.

But let it be light for you in our class.

Let it be cozy and very easy!

Teacher: May today for all of us,

Success in the lesson!

Smile at each other. Sit down, guys.

Teacher: Today is an unusual lesson. We will make a space flight to one of the planets of the solar system. Guess which one.

This is a terrestrial planet, the second most studied planet in the solar system, named after the ancient Roman god of war, almost 2 times smaller than Earth.

Students: Mars.

Teacher: You must be worthy representatives of the Earth, so you should take with you only the essentials. What is this?

Student: Knowledge, skills.

Teacher: And science – mathematics – will help us with this.

- Let me be the flight director, and you are the crew of the space rocket.

Is the crew ready for flight?

1. Check your posture in the rocket cockpit. Is everything in place?

2. Check the position of the logbook.

3. Records must be made clearly and legibly so that they can be read by all the cosmonauts on Earth who will follow our flight.

Teacher: Record the date of departure in the logbook.

(children write down the number, great job)

Teacher: A fast rocket is waiting for us (slide 2)

To fly to the planet

Let's go to Mars

Stars, wait for us to visit you!

Updating of reference knowledge

1. Oral counting(slide 3)

Teacher: To avoid disaster during a rocket launch, we must definitely go through and decipher the mathematical nebula. By solving the chain of examples, you will learn interesting information about the planet.

64:2 (32) :4 (8) *7 (56) +19 (75) :5 (15) *4 (60) :15 =4

Teacher: What relation can this figure have to this planet? Which of you guessed it?

(students express their opinions)

Teacher: Mars is the fourth planet farthest from the Sun.

Teacher: Attention! 3,2,1…

What happened? (on the slide is Earth with three rings). (slide 4)

Aliens have shackled the Earth.

We urgently need to save the planet and then we can fly to Mars.

2. Teacher: your task is to calculate the area occupied by the aliens.

(find the area of ​​the unshaded figure). (slide 5)

Condition: given 2 rectangles: large - with sides 20 cm and 6 cm; small – with sides 13 cm and 2 cm.

Students: The area occupied by the aliens is 94

(on the slide Earth with two stripes) (slide 6)

3. Teacher: Look, the aliens have not only shackled the Earth, but are also sending meteor showers onto it. (slide 7)

What is depicted on meteorites? (numbers) (slide 8)

Read the numbers. (364120; 999; 56065; 2347; 400)

Write the numbers in ascending order (cross-check).

Check that the task on the slide is completed correctly.

(400, 999, 2347, 56065, 364120) (slide 8)

Who completed the task?

Who made the mistakes?


Replace the number 2347 with the sum of the digit terms (2000+300+40+7).

How many classes are there in 56065? Name them? (there are 2 classes in this number: the class of units and the class of thousands).

What does the number “4” mean in the number 364120? (second class units of thousands)

How many tens are there in 2347? (234)

(On the slide is Earth with one ring)

Teacher: Well done! There is only one obstacle left to overcome, and we will be able to fly to Mars. (slide 9)

Logic problems:

Exercise: in rows (slide 10)

In entry 4444, place arithmetic signs between some numbers so that you get an expression whose value is equal to:

1st row: 16; 2nd row: 88, 3rd row: 448.

Answers: (4+4+4+4=16); 44+44=88; 444+4=448).

(the first person to solve from each row completes the task at the board).

Teacher: Is everyone worthy of going to the planet?

Attention! 3,2,1,0, start!

Preparing to study new material.

Teacher: Look what it is? (slide 11)

Students: Different sizes.

Teacher: What is magnitude?

Students: Something that can be measured and the result expressed in numbers.

Teacher: What task would you suggest doing?


72cm; 720mm; 600dm; 60m; 240cm; 2400mm, 350 dm; 3500cm, 720kg.

Students: Eliminate unnecessary things; connect equal units of length.

Teacher: Prove why this value is redundant.

( kg is a unit of mass; and the remaining quantities are units of length).

Teacher: What units of length do you know? Name them starting with the smallest.

Students: called (1mm, 1cm, 1 dm, 1m).

Exercise: Connect equal units of length: (work in pairs, children complete the task on a ready-made printed base)

Slide check. (slide 12)

Teacher: Well done, our crew has approached the planet Mars.

Teacher: The path to Mars was very long

Stop! We leave the cabin. (slide 13)

Physical education minute

(melody “Space” - state of weightlessness).

Learning new material.

Teacher: Here we are on the planet. Where will we continue our journey?

What is this? (slide 14)

Students: Mars rover.

Teacher: Who knows anything about him?

Students: A rover is a planetary rover designed to study Mars, just as a lunar rover is designed to study the Moon.

Teacher: On it we will continue our exploration of the planet Mars. We will measure the distance we will walk.

Can we use the units of length we are familiar with: mm, cm, dm, m, why?

What is the problem? Your guesses.

Students: make assumptions: we will need a new unit of length.

Teacher: Who knows what it's called?

Students: kilometer.

Teacher: What is the topic of the lesson that we will work on? (slide 15)

Students: The unit of length is kilometer.

Teacher: What is measured with this unit of length?

Students: long distances.

Teacher: Right. The word kilometer is usually written briefly as follows: km (there is no need to put a period at the end).

In the name of the unit of length - kilometer, part of the word is already familiar to us - meter, but part of the word “kilo” is not. This word is taken from French and means "thousand".

Who will try to decipher the secret of this unit of length?

Students: 1 km = 1000 m

Teacher: Write down the name of the new unit of length in the logbook.

(students read and memorize the rule).

Primary consolidation of material

1. Teacher: Everyone, all crews, must remain calm, be attentive to each other, and, if necessary, provide assistance to overcome the obstacle that has arisen. (slide 16)

- Define: how many meters do they contain: 3km=…m; 7km=…m; 9km=…m

- Convert meters in km: 2000m=…km; 4000m=…km; 8000m=…km

Option 1: Express the distance in km:(1 student at the blackboard) (slide 17)

18048 m = 18 km 48 m; 31004 m = 31 km 4 m; 7808m=7 km 808 m

Option 2: Write it down values ​​in descending order: (1 student at the board)

1545m, 5633m, 1km 890m

(5633m, 1km 890m, 1545m).

2. Teacher: The path on Mars is uneven: ditches, ditches, we need to overcome them. (slide 18)

A correctly solved problem will help us overcome this obstacle.

Task: 2 rovers departed from two stops, the distance between which was 2 km 100 m. One of them walked 140m, and the other 160m. What was the distance between them? (slide 19)

Teacher: Do you understand everything in the problem statement?

How can transport move? (toward each other or in different directions).

The teacher, together with the children, analyzes both options for solving this problem:

1 option to solve the problem:

Let's consider the case if the rovers are moving towards each other.

What is known about the problem?

(What distance did the 1st Mars rover travel (140m), the second one (160m), the initial distance between them).

Maybe someone can draw a drawing for this problem? (slide 20)

Option 2 for solving the problem: if the rovers are moving in different directions.

Has the distance traveled by each rover changed? (No)

Has the distance between stops changed? (No)

Will it change between rovers? (Yes)

Why? (Mars rovers are moving in different directions)

How will the distance between rovers change? (will become more).

Draw a drawing for this problem condition (slide 21).

What needs to be done with kilometers to solve the problem correctly? (convert to meters)

Teacher: invites children to solve a problem of their choice; 2 people solve a problem at the board.

Check (slides: 22, 23).

What new unit of length was used to solve problems?

Exercise for the eyes

(slides: 24-29)

3. Teacher: Do you think there is life on Mars?

(The question about this remains open and controversial. By earthly standards it is very cold there, there is little oxygen. But who is it?) (slide 30)

Students: aliens.

Teacher: Usually they do not show themselves to people; apparently something has happened to them; they send an SOS signal.

Here are some diagrams. By deciphering them, we can read the message they convey to us.

Exercise: Solve the equation (different levels of difficulty) (students solve on individual sheets, write down and show the answer on the back of the sheet)

x+34=18*5 (x=56) 239 – x= 183 (x=56)

Teacher: We helped the aliens, now we can decipher the message (slide 31).

They read the message: according to approximate data of scientists, the distance from Earth to Mars ranges from 56 million km to 100,000,000 km.

VI. Fixing the material

Teacher: It's time for us to return to Earth. Any researcher returning to Earth must provide a report on the work done. You and I will now draw up our report in the form of a test solution, after checking which, each of you will receive a mark for the travel lesson (slide 32).

Independent work of students:(for cards of different difficulty levels)

1st group: perform the task on the red stars

Fill in the missing numbers:

5000m=…km 48 km=…m

24000m=…km 305 km=…m

Group 2: perform a task on yellow stars

Fill in the missing numbers:

3125m=…km…m 2455 km =…km…m

2 km 537 m= …m 7407m= …km…m

Group 3: completes a task on the blue stars

Fill in the missing numbers:

10000m=…km 2040m=…km…dm

6000m=…km 7km 202m=…m

Teacher: Guys, raise your hands, those who had white stars. Uncover the secret of this planet.

1. student:

Exercise: solve the examples, arrange the answers in ascending order. Read the resulting word. This is the name of the first satellite of the planet Mars.

21*7=147 - E; 209*4=836 – C; 984:2=492 – O; 648:4=162 – Y;

268:4=67 – D; 170+30*4=290 – M. (Deimos)

2nd student:

Exercise: solve the examples, arrange the answers in descending order.

Read the resulting word. This is the name of the second satellite of the planet Mars.

32*4=128 – O; 106*7=742 – O; 978:3=326 – B; 582:6=97 – C;

(160+40) * 5= 1000 - F. (Phobos) (slide 33)

VII. Lesson summary.

Our journey has ended. We landed on our native Earth.

Who found it easy to overcome obstacles along the way?

Who enjoyed our trip?

What new unit of length did you become familiar with?

Where in life can this unit of length be used?

VIII. Homework:(slide 34)

IX. Reflection(slide 35)

Blue star if you are happy with your work during the trip because you made almost no mistakes;

Yellow star - sometimes it was difficult, inaccuracies were allowed;

Red Star - we were experiencing difficulties, we just need to try a little more, and there will be success!

Thanks for the work! The journey is over. All the best! (slide 36)

Download abstract

Topic: UMK: “School of Russia” Academic subject: mathematics Authors of the textbook, teaching aids, notebooks: Lesson objectives in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO: educational: developmental:  Moro M. I., Bantova M. A. Mathematics: textbook for 4th grade : at 2 o'clock - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013.  Moro M. I., Bantova M. A. Math notebook for grade 4: at 2 o'clock - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2014          introduce children to the name of a new, unknown length measurement - kilometer; give an idea of ​​their use in practice, their relationship with other known measures of length; improve mental calculation skills, the ability to logically analyze arithmetic problems and solve them; improve the ability to use a ruler and take measurements; teach children to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice; promote the development in schoolchildren of the ability to correctly apply mathematical quantities; develop the ability to competently, logically, fully give answers to questions, be able to prove, argue your opinion; promote increased levels of self-control and self-esteem; contribute to the development of educational and

educating: Objectives: cognitive motivation, attention and speech, broadening horizons;    create motivation for further study of the subject; cultivate accuracy and attention; promote the development of children’s communication skills and enjoy the successes of their comrades; help students realize the value of collaborative activities.  Lead students to the “discovery” of a new unit of length - the kilometer, its relationship with the unit of length - the meter.  Continue the development of skills in reading and writing four-digit numbers, in converting named numbers with studied units of length.  To promote the development of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification, as well as the development of personal qualities of students. The objectives of the lesson are aimed at the formation and development of UUD. personal actions: regulatory actions:  In this lesson, each student will have the opportunity to improve and develop:    development of motives for learning activities and the formation of a personal meaning of learning; skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers in various social situations, finding ways out of controversial situations; motivation for creative work, to work for results.

cognitive actions: communicative actions:         ability to plan, control and evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results. active use of speech means to solve communicative and cognitive problems; logical actions, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning. willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view; participate in a collective (group) discussion of problems. Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge. Lesson equipment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education: multimedia projector, computer, work in groups with measuring instruments. I. Organizational moment. (12 min) (2 slide) Lesson progress Let's get ready for the lesson and work. Write down the number, great job. II. Oral counting. (310 slides) III. Updating knowledge: (5 min) (Various units are written on the board.) What do you see on the board? 1 cm, 1 cm 2,1 dm, 1 min, 1 mm, 1 m, 1 kop., 1 km, 1 hour, 1 rub., 1 m2

Distribute these units into groups; what groups were formed? 1 mm, 1 hour, 1 rub., 1 cm 2, 1 cm, 1 min, 1 kop., 1 m2 1 dm, 1 m, 1 km, I propose to draw your attention to the first group. Name all the units of length that you know. Write them down in ascending order: 1mm, 1cm, 1dm, 1m, 1km? Which unit of length is the smallest? (mm) Which is the biggest? (m or km?) Which unit have we not yet become acquainted with in mathematics lessons? (1 km) Well, now let's determine the topic and objectives of our lesson. IV. Mastering new knowledge: Topic: Introducing a new unit of length - kilometer. Objectives: get acquainted with a new unit of length, learn to relate it to other measures of length, learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Guys! Tell me, does anyone already know about this unit of length? 1. Research work: (57 min) During the work, we need to find the longest length and the shortest. In order to understand this issue, I suggest you do a little research. We will do this work in groups. (Division into groups is differentiated) All results must be written down in a notebook. It is necessary to follow the rules of working in groups: we work quietly, we work together, we carefully listen to the opinions of others

      I group (2 students) will measure the length of the board II group (2 students) will measure the height of the door III group (2 students) will measure the width of the classroom IV group (2 students) will measure the length of the window sill V group (middle row) will measure the length desks group VI (all others) measure the length of the mathematics textbook. Survey all measurements, write on the board. Express these quantities in other units. Textbook 26 cm = 2 dm 6 cm Window sill 150 cm = 15 dm = 1 m 50 cm Desk 120 cm = 12 dm = 1 m 20 cm Board 300 cm = 30 dm = 3 m Door 190 cm = 19 dm = 1 m 90 cm Class 500 cm = 50 dm = 5 m Let's remember the ratio of units of length (table on the board). What then can we measure in kilometers? 2. “Discovery” of new knowledge. (10 min) Let’s read the theoretical material in the textbook and find out whether we think correctly or not. Page 36. Let's take a look at the explanatory dictionary. In the name of the unit of length KILOMETER, we already know part of the word METER, but part of the word KILO is not. This word is taken from French and means THOUSAND. Who will decipher the secret of this unit of length for us now? KILOMETER thousand meters Let's write: 1 km = 1000 m 3) Acquaintance with instruments. What tools did we use when taking measurements in class?

Tell me, is it possible to measure the distance between cities with a ruler? What about a measuring tape? Why? For this purpose, special devices have always existed. In the old days, the length of the road was measured with a surveying compass or, in other words, “fathom” (13 slide) in the form of the letter A, 1 m 37 cm high and 2 m wide. Nowadays, other devices are used, mostly electronic. For example, a special device “ODOMETER” is installed in a car, showing the number of kilometers traveled. (14 slide) In road construction, the KURVIMETER device is used (15 slide), which allows you to measure the exact length of the future route. The same device can be used to determine distance on a map; its other name is PEDOGER. PHYSICAL MINUTE V. Consolidation of new material: (14 minutes) Use the knowledge already acquired that 1 km contains 1000 m, do 1) Page. 37 No. 152 2) task No. 153 Let’s read the problem. Do you understand everything in the drawing? How does a pedestrian move?    following towards in opposite directions How do pedestrians move in the 1st drawing? What is the distance between stops? How far did the first pedestrian walk? 2nd pedestrian? Read the main question of the task. Where is this distance located on the drawing? Let's write down the solution. 160 + 140 = 300 (m) two pedestrians passed 1000 - 300 = 700 (m) became between pedestrians What changed in the second drawing?

Show us what distance we need to find now. Let's write down the solution to the second problem. 160+140=300(m) two pedestrians went 1000+300=1300(m) became between pedestrians Compare the two problems. How are they different? VI. Repetition. No. 154 on options, check VII. Summing up. Let's check how you understand what units of length are used to measure different objects. (1920 slides) Our lesson is coming to an end. Today you worked well, you managed to accomplish a lot. Now you must summarize what you have learned today. I understand the topic of the lesson and can work with units of length. I understand the topic of the lesson, but I still have questions. I understand the topic of the lesson, but I have difficulty translating units of length. I did not understand the topic of the lesson and cannot work with length units. Well done, guys! I hope we have worked fruitfully today and all we have to do is consolidate the knowledge we have already acquired at home. VII. Homework. Page 37 No. 155. Application.

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Abstractopen lesson in mathematics

Lesson topic: Quantities. Units of length are kilometers.

Purpose of the lesson: Introduce a new length measurement - kilometer. Give an idea of ​​the use of this quantity in practice and its relationship with other known measures of length.

Lesson Objectives:

· lead students to the “discovery” of a new unit of length - kilometer, its relationship with the unit of length - meter

· develop the ability to express length in given units (m, km)

solve problems containing units of length

· improve skills in reading and writing multi-digit numbers; practicing computing skills

· promote the development of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison; develop logical thinking, speech, attention

· to develop skills of independent, individual and collective work: mutual control and self-examination, discussion of information, planning of cognitive activity and self-assessment

· create motivation for further study of the subject; the desire to use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

Lesson type: learning new material

Equipment: mathematics textbook 4th grade M. I. Moro, 1 hour; computer, multimedia projector, presentation; cards for working in pairs

Lesson progress:

unit length multi-digit number

1. Organizational moment (slide 1)

Teacher: Close your eyes and imagine a bright, warm sun. Let its rays warm you with their warmth. Imagine that a ray of sunshine has filled your heart with the energy of kindness, tenderness and love. Send the light of love to your family friends. Smile at your comrades.

Sit down, guys. Write down the number. Cool job.

Teacher: I suggest you go on a trip today. this wonderful train. (slide 2)

It's fast paced, so we have to learn a lot in 45 minutes. Our route runs through the cities of Udmurtia. Let's start with mental counting.

2. Updating knowledge

Mental arithmetic (slide 3) Solve the chain of examples.

64: 2: 4. 7+ 19: 5. 4: 10= (6)

What does this figure have to do with our journey?

Who guessed?

(students express their opinions)

Teacher: 6 cities in Udmurtia. (slide 4-map of Udmurtia)

Frontal work. (One person at the board)

Write down the multi-digit numbers that will sound in your notebook.

The city of Kambarka has a population of 10,862 people.

Replace this number with the sum of the digit terms.

The city of Votkinsk has a population of 98,862 people.

How many classes are there in a given number? (2 classes: units class and thousands class

95 people live in Glazov. 117 people

What does the number 5 show in the notation of a given number (units of thousands)

Sarapul has a population of 100.153 people.

How many tens are there in total? (10.015dec.)

The city of Mozhga has a population of 48,764 people.

How many hundreds are there in this number? (487 cells)

632 people live in Izhevsk. 913 people.

Compare the numbers.

Which city is the most populous and which is the smallest? (Izhevsk is the largest, Kambarka is the smallest city in terms of population.)

Teacher: On the road, we often encounter situations where ingenuity is needed.

Logical task. (work in pairs) (slide 5)

In the entry 4 4 4 4, put arithmetic signs between some numbers so that you get an expression whose value is equal to:

1st row: 16 4+4+4+4=16

2nd row: 88 44+44=88

3rd row: 448 444+4=448

(the first person to solve from each row completes the task at the board)

Teacher: -Well done, guys! We coped with multi-digit numbers and a logical task.

Preparing to study new material

Look, what is this? (slide 6)

Students: Units of length. (slide7)

Teacher: Eliminate the extra value. (720 kg is a measure of mass)

Teacher: Name what units of length you know, starting with the smallest. (mm cm dm m)

How many are in 1 m - dm, cm, mm?

How much is in 1dm - cm, mm. (slide 8)

Connect equal units of length. (Return to slide number 6)

(Children perform on a ready-made printed basis. Check on the slide. -9

Physical education minute

Working on new materials:

Teacher: -Is it convenient to use these units of length to measure the distance between cities?

Who knows what unit of length is used to measure long distances?

Students: The unit of length is the kilometer.

Teacher: (slide 10)

In the name of the unit of length - kilometer - part of the word is already familiar to us - meter, and part of the word “k i lo” is taken from the French language and means “thousand”. Who will try to decipher the “secret” of this unit of length?

1 km =1000m---- Write it down in your notebook.

Fixing the material

Teacher: - Do you think 1 km is a lot or a little?

If the stride length of an adult is approximately 1 meter, then how many steps must he take to walk 1 km? (1000m)

And the length of a child’s step is approximately 50 m. How many steps should a child take to walk 1 km? (2000m)

Determine: how many meters contain: 3 km=…m, 7 km=…m, 9km=..m

Convert meters to km: 2000m=…km, 4000m=…km, 8000m=.. km

Express the distance in meters.

1. Who went to the city of Sarapul? Distance from Izhevsk to Sarapul

2. Who went to the city of Votkinsk? Distance from Izhevsk to Votkinsk ---59,

3. Who went to the city of Mozhga? The distance from Izhevsk to Mozhga is 94 km= …m

The length of the Kama River is 1805 km=…m

5. Name the river that flows in Izhevsk?

The length of the Izh River is 259 km=.. m

Solving problems using the new unit of length

Teacher: Open your textbooks on page 39, No. 171

Read the problem statement.

How can transport move?

Students: in one direction, in opposite directions, one after another.

Teacher: How do the buses move in the first drawing? (towards)

How far did the first bus travel? And the second one?

What is the distance between stops?

What does it consist of?

1km - how many meters is it?

Write down the solution to the problem. (One student writes on the board.)

Consider the second drawing.

How do the buses move? (in opposite directions)

Will the distance between stops change?

What about between buses?

Pupils: Previously, the buses were traveling towards each other, but now they are moving in different directions.

Teacher: How will the distance between buses change?

Students: There will be more.

Write down your solution.

How are the tasks similar? How are they different?

What new unit of length was used?

What did you have to do with km? (convert to meters)

Teacher: Do you know Thumbelina’s height? (2 cm 5 mm)

The height of the person about whom they say “two inches from the pot” (8 cm 8 mm)

The sailors are wished a successful voyage. They are told “7 feet by keel” (2m 13 cm)

Lesson summary We have finished our journey.

What unit of length did you get acquainted with?

How many meters are in 1 km?

How often does this measure of length occur in life?

Draw a blue circle - happy with the work, because you didn’t make any mistakes.

Yellow circle - sometimes it was difficult.

Red circle - it was difficult, there were inaccuracies.

Homework: No. 178

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