Archie's full name. The meaning of dog names

The number of the name nine (9) indicates people from the bohemian world, serving high ideals. A person named Archie devotes his life to searching for himself, sometimes painfully, and unlocking his creative potential.

Not without leadership qualities, they often display such qualities as arrogance, pride, and behave arrogantly, which scares away and alienates many others.

The number nine (9) for the name Archie indicates a sophisticated, artistic personality. For them, absolutely everything matters in sexual relationships, right down to smells, lighting and similar little things. Mutual understanding with your partner is equally important. If something does not fit into the imaginary scene, then no one will be in trouble. If everything is in its place, they become completely immersed and dissolved in sex. They are not interested in casual relationships for the reason that they need time to figure it out, understand and accept their counterpart.

The meaning of the letters in the name Archie

A- proactive, self-centered, ambitious, impetuous, creative, honest.
R- proactive, self-centered, smart, self-confident, independent, conflict-ridden.
H- reserved, responsive, pragmatic, honest, self-confident, cheerful.
AND- passionate, sympathetic, smart, creative, indecisive, gloomy.

Famous people named Archie

  1. Gemmill, Archie
    Archibald "Archie" Gemmill (24 March 1947, Paisley, Scotland) is a Scottish footballer who played as a midfielder. Holder
  2. Thompson, Archie
    Archibald Gerald "Archie" Thompson (born 23 October 1978, Otorohanga, New Zealand) is an Australian footballer.
  3. Gomiashvili, Archil Mikhailovich
    Archil Mikhailovich Gomiashvili (Georgian: არჩილ მიხეილის ძე გომიაშვილი; March 23, 1926, Chiatura - May 31, 2 005, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian film actor, entrepreneur
  4. Gelovani, Archil Viktorovich
    Archil Viktorovich Gelovani (November 14 (27), 1915 (1915-11-27), the village of Spatogori, Kutaisi province, now part of Georgia - August 19, 1978, Moscow) -
  5. Archil II
    Archil II (Georgian არჩილი II; 1647-1713) - king of Imereti (1661-1663, 1678-1679, 1690-1691, 1695-1696, 1698) and Kakheti (1664-1675), lyric poet, eldest son
  6. Goodwin, Archie (basketball player)
    Not to be confused with the detective hero Archie Goodwin Archie Goodwin III (born August 17, 1994 in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA) - American
  7. Sanabria, Edgar
    This man has a Spanish surname; here Sanabria is the father's surname and Arcia is the mother's surname. Edgar Sanabria Arcia (Spanish: Edgar Sanabria Arcia; October 3
  8. Stout, Archie
    Archie Stout (March 30, 1886 – March 10, 1973) was an American cinematographer. Oscar winner for best cinematography in a film
  9. Khan, Archie
    University of Michigan Athletics Hall of Fame in 1983. Archie Khan with trophy Archie Khan finishes 60m Encyclopædia Britannica
  10. Arshile Gorky
    Artcyclopedia (English) Paintings by Arshile Gorky artnet The fate of the American artist Archile Gorky of Armenian origin New York Times: “Arshile Gorky: Picasso Washington Square”
  11. Grönberg, Axel
    Rolf Axel Einar "Acke" Grönberg (Swedish: Rolf Axel Einar "Acke" Grönberg; May 9, 1918 (1918-05-09), Nurberg, Västmanland, Sweden - April 23, 1988, Stockholm
  12. Punjabi, Archie
    Archie Panjabi (born May 31, 1972) is a British actress best known for her role as Kalinda Sharma in the CBS series The Good Wife. Role
  13. Moore, Archie
    Mohammed. Archie Moore's farewell fight took place on March 15, 1963. In this fight, Moore was opposed by a young Mike DiBase. The more experienced Archie knocked out his opponent
  14. Shepp, Archie
    music in Western World // Ebony. - 1969. - No. 8. (English) Lecture “Archie Shepp: musician and revolutionary” Biography of Archie Shepp on the website (Russian)
  15. Chkhartishvili, Archil Evstafievich
    Archil Evstafievich Chkhartishvili (Georgian: არჩილ ესტატეს ძე ჩხარტიშვილი; 1905-1980) - Soviet Georgian theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1968)
  16. Archie Goodwin
    mentions various facts about Archie Goodwin's "biography". In The League of Frightened Men, Wolfe gave Archie a leather wallet on October 23rd. Goodwin himself admits:
  17. Kereselidze, Archil Pavlovich
    Archil Pavlovich Kereselidze (Georgian: არჩილ კერესელიძე; December 24, 1912, village of Gunib, Dagestan - December 19, 1971, Tbilisi) - Georgian Soviet composer
  18. Chokheli, Archil
    Archil Chokheli (1971? - August 29, 2012) - Georgian sambo wrestler, medalist of the European and World Championships, special forces fighter. Head coach of the Georgian sambo team.
  19. Moore, Arch Alfred
    Arch Alfred Moore (April 16, 1923 - January 7, 2015) - American lawyer and Republican politician, congressman (1957-1969), governor
  20. Japaridze, Archil Levanovich
    Archil Levanovich Japaridze (1875-1908, Kursk transit prison) - social democrat, deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation from the Tiflis province. Georgian

Compatibility with the name Archie

Compatibility of female names with the name Archie:

Compatibility of male names with the name Archie:

Popular American male names

Popular male names starting with the letter A

Comments on the name Archie

Services by name

Choosing a name for a girl:
Select nationality: Abkhazian names Avar names Azerbaijani names Albanian names American names English names Anglo-Saxon names Arabic names Aramaic names Armenian names Assyrian names Afghan names African names African American names Aztec names Basque names Bulgarian names Buryat names Vedic names Hungarian names Vietnamese names Hawaiian names Gaulish names Germanic names Dutch names Gothic names Gothic names Greek names Georgian names Dagestan names Dargin names Danish names Jewish names Egyptian names Indian names Indian names Indish names Indonesian names Iranian names Irish names Icelandic names Spanish names Italian names Kazakh names Kalmyk names Celtic names Chinese names Korean names Khmer names Lak names Lithuanian names Mongolian names Muslim names Norwegian names Ossetian names Persian names Polish names Roman names Romanian names Russian names Sabine names Serbian names Syrian names Scandinavian names Slavic names Slovenian names Tajik names Thai names Tatar names Teutonic names Tibetan names Turkish names Turkic names Ukrainian names Welsh names Finnish names French names Chaldean names Croatian names Gypsy names Chamorro names Chechen names Czech names Swedish names Swiss names Scottish names Esperanto names Yakut names Japanese names
Meaning of a female name:

Choosing a good dog names- it’s a difficult and responsible matter. Actually choosing a nickname and then teaching the puppy to this nickname is the first and most important step in training a dog. Many dog ​​handlers and just amateur dog breeders claim that the nickname not only carries a hidden meaning, it is also endowed with some mystical properties. It turns out that your pet needs to choose nickname with meaning, but you need to know the meaning of this nickname.

There is a belief that a nickname can leave a certain imprint on a dog’s character. Maybe this is true, for example, not so long ago a group of scientists conducted an interesting study, and it turned out that in almost 80% of cases, the nickname actually leaves some imprints on the character of the dog and its behavior.

The meaning of dog names

For research, scientists invited several dozen owners and their pets into their laboratory and began to study nicknames. The essence of the experiment was that, not seeing what kind of dog was in front of them, the owner gave the scientists a nickname, and they tried to imagine what kind of dog it might belong to.

It turned out that there were several “Pirates” among the test subjects. You immediately imagine a sea robber leading a reckless and riotous lifestyle. It turned out that in the world of dogs, “pirates” are most often called dachshunds. And indeed, there is something in common between the cunning, nosy and spoiled dachshund with the sea robber of yesteryear. Look, these days, dachshunds are often indoor dwellers, they love to eat well, have a lot of trouble in the house, and then lie on the sofa. It turns out there is no benefit, a lot of harm - a typical pirate.

Further, fighting dog breeds are characterized by nicknames such as “Tyson”; this nickname is very common among representatives of Staffordshire terriers and American bulldogs; then the nickname “Kostya” was encountered several times; apparently the owners of these fighters wanted to emphasize the similarity of their pet with the famous Russian boxer .

Further, for German shepherds, breeders most often choose nicknames associated with the Second World War or with Scandinavian mythology. For example, nicknames such as “Adolf”, “Fritz”, “Thor”, “Troll”, “Gerda” and so on were encountered. Agree that, even without seeing a dog, you can immediately guess what breed it belongs to.

In short, scientists have come to the conclusion that the nickname is indeed, in most cases, meaningfully tied to either the character or the breed of the dog. Although, if you look at it, then nickname meaning often tied to the imagination and erudition of the dog owner. If the owner is poorly read and is not interested in anything other than computer games, then the dog will be called “Tuzik” or “Polkan”, regardless of the breed.

So we decided, for people who have problems with imagination, to offer several dog names with meaning. And first, let's pick a few nicknames with meanings for girls dogs. After all, it is customary for ladies to be allowed to go ahead. Our first nickname will be “Nika”. The meaning of the dog's nickname "Nika" comes from the character of the dog itself.

Nicks are usually called cheerful, active dogs that easily make contact with new people. Dogs with this name are highly trainable and love to learn new tricks and commands. Name your dog “Nika” and you will never have problems raising and training her. This nickname is suitable for both large-sized dogs and representatives of small breeds. Another good one nickname with meaning is "Bertha", it is ideal for a large girl German Shepherd. Usually “Berts” are very capricious, proud and love to get all the attention.

But, for this reason, dogs with such a nickname are absolutely not conflict-prone and you will not have any problems on walks with other representatives of your four-legged friends. Another good one nickname with meaning for girls dogs is "Alpha". This is a dog that is used to always being the first, it will be the first favorite in the family, it will always be the first in training and at exhibitions. Alphas are usually very smart and friendly dogs.

Now let's look at a few nicknames with meaning for boys dogs. Let's start with Archie. The meaning of the nickname "Archie" in the calmness and regularity of the dog. Dogs bearing this name are very calm and even phlegmatic. Archie is short for “Archer” or archer; an archer is always calm and patient, which is why dogs with this name are ideal nannies and guides.

Another good one nickname with meaning for males- “Thor”, perfect for a male German Shepherd. Or for just a large dog of any breed. Thor is an ancient god renowned for his strength. Dogs with this nickname grow big and strong, becoming reliable protection for the owner and his family.

A very good nickname that is suitable for a male dachshund “Frodo”, remember this character from Tolkien’s trilogy? Agree that dachshunds and hobbits have something in common; they are both sneaky and food lovers. Both of them love to climb holes, only some live in them, others hunt in them.

Here's another interesting observation, you know the meaning of the letter "B" in a dog's name? Until recently, we didn’t know, let’s try to figure it out together. It turns out that a lot of letters in dog names mean something, for example, the letter “A” means that the dog is well trained and well brought up.

The letter “B” means that the dog loves long walks in nature. But the letter “B” means that your dog is very smart, this letter indicates the dog’s high level of intelligence. Other letters of the alphabet also have meaning, and if you wish, you can easily find information about what they mean.

As you understand from all of the above, dog name- this is a very, very important thing. It reflects the character, habits and even appearance of the dog. But if you look at it, the main thing is that you and your pet like the nickname, because there is nothing more important than love and mutual understanding between a dog and its owner. And also, we would like to advise you not to take all of the above seriously.

Archie baby name meaning, what does the name Archie mean.

The mystery of the name

Archie can be called an active, impulsive and moderately selfish person. He is no stranger to ambition; nature has endowed him with creative abilities, developed intelligence and healthy self-confidence. The owner of the name Archie is attracted by beauty and harmony, and he himself strives for these qualities. He enjoys being around attractive people and girls, so he carefully monitors his appearance. Archie tries to maintain harmony within himself, and any actions or incidents that violate this state cause him pain and anxiety. On the other hand, a man named Archie will not start a showdown or fight with those who disrupt the harmonious order of his life. For such a person, it is much more comfortable to maintain a “bad peace” than to enter into an outright quarrel. Archie has a knack for turning enemies into friends, partly thanks to his ability to control himself and tolerate the shortcomings of others. These diplomatic qualities help Archie in his work, so he enjoys a very good reputation among his colleagues.

Famous people

Archie Moore - Boxer.

Archie Goodwin is a detective, a fictional character in a series of detective novels by American writer Rex Stout.

Name forms

Derivatives of the name: Archibald, Archik, Ara, Archa

Astrological characteristics

Suitable Colors: Red
Lucky numbers: 18, 2, 16, 9, 7
Planet: Mars, Jupiter
Metal: Iron
Zodiac sign: ♈ Aries, ♐ Sagittarius
Day of week: Tuesday


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

Name as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
H Worm
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)

Catholic name days

Compatibility and incompatibility

Compatibility - Polina, Angelina, Alexandra, Taisiya, Nika, Natalia.

Name letter meanings

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
H is a part that feels like an inextricable part of the whole. The daughter clings to her mother, the night clings to the day. "Away" - separating a part from the whole without losing sight of it.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

In other languages

English (Archie)

Ukrainian (Archi)


The bearer of the name Archie has no shortage of friends, and even people unfamiliar to him have an extremely positive impression of him. Such a person knows how to find compromises, and he sincerely strives to take into account both his own interests and the opinion of his opponent. This awakens reciprocal sincerity in people and generates a friendly attitude. However, the owner of the name Archie does not always finish what he starts, not finding the determination to choose the best solution to the problem. He does not tend to be afraid of responsibility or the consequences of his actions. The fact is that a person of this type of character generates too many different thoughts and solutions to one issue, and it can be very difficult for him to settle on any one option. Therefore, from the outside it may seem that Archie’s words are at odds with his deeds, although the reason for this lies deeper than frivolity or laziness. Archie can show true generosity, even if it causes inconvenience to himself. At the same time, he can be tough, cold and withdrawn, achieving his own goals to the detriment of the interests of others. Such a person may at times become distracted, make impractical purchases, and this behavior is caused by strong negative emotions. It is because of them that people named Archie may have health problems, so they should take care of themselves. People named Archie are endowed with truly sensitive intuition. Their main support in life is an unshakable belief in themselves, in any situation. Of course, sometimes they want support and understanding, but even without them, such people are quite capable of remaining confident in themselves. Archie is wise and reasonable, and has a strong desire for love. Such individuals are capable of sacrifice if they meet their true soul mate.

Archie is an amazingly beautiful male name that evokes in others the feeling that its owner is endowed with such qualities as courage and fortitude. There are few people in Russia who have been named this way, but this name is very popular abroad. This article will help you figure out what the word Archie really means. And also below you can learn about the character of men named by this name, and understand what they are like in love and friendship.

Description of character

Each name makes certain adjustments to a person’s fate and affects his character. The meaning of the name Archie gives its owner an idealistic outlook on life. He constantly and everywhere never ceases to look for that very “standard”, which is why he is often disappointed, since this world is not as ideal as this young man’s imagination portrays it.

The meaning of the name Archie makes the young man very impulsive, active and a little selfish. But with all this, he is ambitious and has creative abilities. Archie is self-confident and boasts good intellectual abilities that nature has endowed him with.

A person named Archie is very attracted by beautiful things and people. He enjoys being in the company of attractive people who are neat and smart, but he will not make close contacts with ignorant people and people who do not take care of their appearance. This young man takes extremely good care of himself, he is always neat, loves to wear beautiful and fashionable clothes, which should be “brand new.”

The meaning of the name Archie makes its owner worry if any incidents of even a minor nature happen in his life. Most of all, he is afraid of losing spiritual harmony, so any careless statement in his direction makes the young man suffer.

This guy will never start a fight with other people, since it is easier for him to get away from the problem and forget about it than to create a huge scandal because of it. Therefore, the young man’s motto is the saying “Better a bad world than open struggle.” Non-conflict, order and beauty are the most important attributes of life.

Name meaning and love relationships

The meaning of the name Archie makes the guy attractive to girls. Representatives of the fair half of humanity like him, but the young man himself is very picky in relationships. He wants to see in his companion a real female ideal, from appearance to intellectual abilities and housekeeping skills.

When Archie meets his soulmate, he is ready to do anything for her and sacrifice himself for the sake of this relationship. He is a very good husband and father. However, Archie really needs full understanding from his chosen one.


This young man does not have problems with communication, so he usually has a lot of friends. He is popular in large companies, and often becomes their soul. Archie has a great sense of humor, for which his friends appreciate him. He can make anyone laugh, make a witty joke and improve the mood of any member of the company.

This young man is highly respected by his friends for his ability to show generosity. Even in the most difficult moment, he is ready to give his last for the good of a friend. At the same time, he often performs such actions with his characteristic equanimity, as if nothing had happened. However, friends value a young man named Archie for his ability to find compromises in any situation, listening to the opinions of others and finding solutions to problems that are optimal for all participants.


Archie is a man who strives for harmony. He tries throughout his life to achieve great success, and his best helpers will be his loyal friends and a reliable home base, where he will always be welcomed and loved.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Archibald, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Archibald Zodiac – Aries, Scorpio
  • Planet – Mars
  • Color Archibald Archibald - Fire Red
  • Treasured plant – Garlic, onion
  • Patron name Archibald - rooster, raven
  • Archibald Archibald talisman stone – jasper, amethyst

What does the name Archibald mean?: true courage, brave leader (English, German name Archibald of Scandinavian origin)

Short meaning of the name Archibald: Archie.

Archibald's Angel Day: not celebrated, since the name Archibald does not appear in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

Characteristics of the name Archibald

Positive features: Archibald is practical and in his life prefers to take actions guided by the voice of reason. He is characterized by kindness, and we can say with confidence that the name Archibald will always help a person in word and deed if he is asked for help. With close people, Archibald is sincere and open, but few are able to let anyone so close.

Negative features: Now let's talk about Archibald's shortcomings, which also exist. First of all, it is lack of confidence in one’s own strengths and capabilities. This is somewhat dissonant with the openness and optimism of the name Archibald, but it is worth noting that, indeed, most often he can stop halfway and begin to doubt whether he is doing the right thing. At the same time, he is self-confident, selfish, ambitious, flaunts his independence, and can perform impulsive, unpredictable actions only under the influence of mood and emotions. If Archibald manages to eradicate all these flaws in his character, he will certainly be happier.

Character of the name Archibald: The meaning of the name Archibald can be easily analyzed by the letters that make it up. However, of course, one cannot say that such an analysis will be one hundred percent correct, since a person’s personality, in any case, is also formed taking into account his date of birth, time of year of birth and other important factors. Although, of course, analyzing a name by the letters that make up it allows one to form an approximate idea of ​​what a particular person is like and to determine the main features of his nature. This will allow you to properly build relationships with him in the future.

So, as for Archibald, among the positive qualities of his character one can easily single out sincerity, optimism, kindness, practicality, balance, and emotionality.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A high level of intelligence, along with creativity, allows a man named Archibald to find himself in creativity or, when doing everyday work, be sure to bring something bright to it. Archibald is independent; when making decisions, he prefers to be guided only by his own arguments. And this is no coincidence, given that Archibald has well-developed intuition. He is very active, constantly sets new goals for himself and successfully achieves them.

Business and career: Archibald is always cheerful, optimistic about the future, which helps him fight difficulties.

Health and energy

In addition, the meaning of the name Archibald helps to understand such a science as numerology. In this case, Archibald is patronized by the number 6. As a rule, it promises its owner success in events of any type if he manages to win the trust of others. It is worth saying that it is not at all difficult for the name Archibald to do this. It is known that such people have energy and charisma, and therefore are quite capable of leading people and achieving their goals. In society, Archibald often becomes known for his philosophical views. He could make quite a good statesman or politician. The main thing is that Archibald’s actions and promises coincide, otherwise this may well undermine the level of trust in his person, since society will always expect Archibald to implement what he said.

Archibald's fate in history

What does the name Archibald mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Archibald, George Adams - Canadian politician
  2. Archibald, Steve - Scottish footballer
  3. Archibald, Edward - track and field athlete from Canada.