Automation of sounds tutorials. Speech therapy manuals for sound automation

In order for a child to attend speech therapy classes with pleasure and complete the tasks offered to him with interest, it is necessary to come up with new, interesting didactic games with different pictures, plots and material.

I bring to your attention didactic manuals for individual speech therapy classes on the automation of different sounds, the formation of intonation expressiveness, the development of hand-eye coordination, and so on.

These benefits help to diversify the lesson and increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

Homemade didactic game for automating sounds “Adventure Road”

Goal: consolidation and refinement of the skill of correct pronunciation of previously learned sounds.

Objectives: development of auditory and visual attention, perception; development of visual-motor coordination, orientation in space; vocabulary expansion

Materials: a large empty candy box, cut out pictures from old postcards and magazines, pictures with attached sound.

Homemade didactic game for automating sounds

The child is invited to go on a trip. Along the way, he will open magic doors and complete tasks. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of the journey he will receive a small surprise.

At the end of the trip the child receives a small prize

For example, to automate the sound “r” you can take a small machine. Drive along the road, imitating the sound of a r-r-r-rrrr engine, drive up to the door, open it and say the names of the pictures. Behind the last door the child finds a surprise - it could be candy, a picture, etc.

Homemade didactic game for developing intonation expressiveness of speech “Rhythmic Journey”

Goal: formation of a rhythmic pattern in a series of syllables for the correct perception of intonation expressiveness, which creates the prerequisites for setting logical stress and correct reading of the phrase.

The speech therapist invites the child to play with the squirrel. The squirrel loves to jump on branches and flowers - she does it well, and at the same time she hums something. And the squirrel sings different songs: la-la, sa-sa-sa and shi-shi. If the flowers are located nearby, then the sounds are pronounced in a row, and if at a distance, you need to pause. Let's now try jumping on the flowers together with the squirrel.

Exercises are carried out similarly with other animals.

Homemade didactic game “Magic Bag”

Objectives: development of fine motor skills, spatial perception, strengthening the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns.

Description of work with the manual:

The child takes out a small bag from a large bag, which contains a ribbon with beads sewn to it. Slowly pulls out the ribbon and counts each bead. For example: one hat, two hats, three hats and so on.

The task can be complicated by performing the same exercise with your eyes closed.

Homemade didactic game “Miracle TV”

Goal: strengthening reading skills; highlighting sound against the background of syllables and words; consolidation of sound-letter analysis; formation of the syllabic structure of words; development of phonemic hearing.

After the word is read, the picture is turned over and the child sees whether the picture matches the word that he read. On the bottom strip, you can invite the child to independently lay out the name of this item, having first removed it from the top strip.

Tatiana Gvozdeva
“We automate sounds while playing!” Tutorials for Automating Sounds

The recent increase in the number of children with speech disorders requires the speech therapist to search for effective forms and methods of working to correct them.

To increase children's interest in speech therapy classes, we need a variety of creative tasks and new approaches to exercises for correcting sound pronunciation.

This form can only be play - as the leading activity and natural environment of a preschool child. This encourages the child to actively participate in the process of correcting sound pronunciation.

You have to be not only a speech therapist, but also, part-time, a wizard. I did a little magic, and some wonderful games appeared in my speech therapy chest:

Manual "Speech therapy puzzles"

The purpose of this puzzle is to automate the sound of L.

Game "Memory"

to automate all groups of sounds

This option is for automating the sound of C.

Game "Collect apples in a basket"

Goal: automation of sound R.

Game "Find the object".

In this version, the automation of the sound R.

Game “Help Pinocchio get ready for school”

Goal: automation and determination of the presence of the sound L in words.

Game “Score a goal for Kopatych”

Goal: automation and differentiation of R-L sounds.

Game “Hide the Treasures from the Pirates”

Goal: automation of sound J.

Game "Give the pig balloons"

Goal: automation of sound Sh.

I think with such baggage, automation of the delivered sounds will be interesting and effective!

Methodological development “Pedagogical possibilities of using a system of game techniques in the correctional work of a speech therapist” Pedagogical possibilities of using a system of game techniques in the correctional work of a speech therapist. One of the areas of system modernization.

Types of advisory and educational work of a speech therapist teacher with parents Types of advisory and educational work of a speech therapist teacher with parents: 1. survey of parents; 2. conducting individual interviews.

Summary of a lesson on sound automation [C] using the speech therapy manual “Zaozerye”

Summary of a lesson on sound automation [c] using the author's Multifunctional speech therapy manual "Zaozerye"

Target: Consolidating the correct pronunciation [s].


  1. Improving articulatory skills through articulatory gymnastics;
  2. Consolidating the skill of determining the number of syllables in a word;
  3. Automation of the sound [s] in words, phrases and sentences;
  4. Improving stick construction skills.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introduction

The speech therapist informs the children that today we have to go to the magical country of Zaozerye.

To get there, we close our eyes (relaxation music is turned on), imagine that with every breath we become lighter (we inhale through our nose)…. We have become completely light... so light that a warm breeze picks us up and carries us to the clouds... And so, sitting comfortably on a soft cloud, we float up to a magical land. We open our eyes.

Look, guys, who's meeting us?

This is not just a Dwarf. This is the main inhabitant of the country Zaozerye.

Guys, look, I think something happened, the Dwarf is sad.

II. Organizing children for a game-activity

The speech therapist draws the children's attention to the sad Gnome (the main inhabitant of Zaozerye) and says that he is sad because an evil witch bewitched the inhabitants of Zaozerye, and now they wander along the paths and cannot find their homes (they go into other people's houses, but find their own they can't). And the Owl watches all the paths and doesn’t let anyone in. But you can put her to sleep if you quietly whistle: Ssssssss.

III. Articulation gymnastics

To make the song good and soporific, let’s first stretch our tongues ( Articulation gymnastics in front of the lake, the Dwarf casts a spell and each child has his own small lake - a mirror).

Now our tongues have become strong, obedient and we can begin to lull the Owl to sleep.

IV. Isolated sound pronunciation [s]

The children pronounce the sound [s] in a drawn-out manner and the Owl falls asleep.

Well, guys, the owl fell asleep. Now we can help residents of the country find their houses. Are you ready?

V. Automation of sound [s]in words

The child “walks” along the pebbles with his index and middle fingers and pronounces the sound he is practicing for a long time. Having reached the house, he names a resident who has not settled in his own house.

For example: ssss-obaka, ssss-lon, ssss-ohm, etc. (pictures are selected in accordance with the sound being practiced)

Next, the Gnome explains how to find a home for each resident (dog, elephant, sable, marmot, badger, catfish, owl, ostrich, fox, dragonfly, owl, donkey, rhinoceros): an animal whose name has 1 syllable in a house with one window, whose name has 2 syllables in a house with two windows, 3 syllables in the largest house with three windows (pictures are attached using Velcro).

VI. Logorhythmic exercise “Animals”(Residents sing and have fun, we rejoice with them - dynamic physical education)

VII. The owl woke up (automation [s] in pure phrases and sentences)

You and I made so much noise that the Owl woke up and now she won’t let us out of Zaozerye. What to do? Good Gnome, help us ( We repeat pure sayings after the Dwarf - spells that will make us invisible and we will be able to pass by the Owl unnoticed).

VIII. We are building a bus

So we helped the residents of Zaozerye, now it’s time to think about our return. How can we get back to kindergarten? (We list with the children what can be used to get home - transport. The gnome remembers that he has a scheme for building a bus. The children, according to this scheme, construct a bus from sticks, on which they will go back to kindergarten).

IX. Return to kindergarten

Now that the bus has been built, let's say goodbye to the residents of Zaozerye.

The gnome, the main resident of Zaozerye, thanks the children for their efforts and help and gives the children gifts from his magic bag.

X. Summing up the trip

Guys, did you enjoy the trip? Tell your friends, moms, dads about it? What will you tell them?

The use of speech therapy game aids and didactic material in individual and subgroup lessons

The use of effective speech therapy game aids and didactic material in individual and subgroup lessons on automating sounds in syllables and words.

These games were developed, compiled, and tested by the author over time, so I can say with confidence that they “work” and arouse great interest among children.

Goal: automate the delivered sound in syllables, develop visual attention, expand vocabulary.

Progress: show identical pictures and name a certain syllable (dogs - OL, piglets - AL, birds - UL, hares - IL). Thus, all types of syllables are automated: forward, backward, with a combination of consonants. Pictures can be either color or silhouette, stamped.

Goal: automate syllables and rhyming words with a given sound.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist pronounces the rhyme in the pictures, and the child repeats after him. For example:

Point - point - point - daughter, bump, night.
Little bitch - little bitch - little bitch - Bug, little cloud, little hand.
Ichka - Ichka - Ichka - egg, bird, mitten
Echka - echka - echka - ring, stove, river.

Goal: automation and differentiation of sound in words.

Progress of the game: we go up and down the mountain, saying the words as many times as there are pebbles under the picture.

“What’s under the leaf?”

Goal: automate sound in words, consolidate colors, orientate on a sheet.

Progress of the game: in front of the child there are pieces of paper of different colors, you need to pick up the piece of paper and name the picture. The leaves can be raised arbitrarily, according to color, according to orientation on the sheet (top line, bottom line, before the yellow leaf, after the green one, etc.).

Goal: automation of sound in words, orientation in space, expansion of the dictionary (“living - nonliving”).

Important. For sonorant sounds, the manual is prepared for three positions of a given sound: open, closed syllable and with a combination of consonants.

Progress of the game: the pictures are laid out in the shape of a snake, the players have chips (small toys) and a cube from 1 to 3 dots. The counting table selects the one who will be the first to throw the dice and walk. Based on the number of dots on the cube, the chip moves and the pictures are called. Whoever crosses the last picture first wins.

Goal: automation of sound in words, develop breathing power, visual memory and memory.

Progress of the game: in front of the child is a card with pictures covered with a “snowdrift” made of a white napkin. You need to blow on the “snowdrift” so that it scatters and you can see and name the pictures. Then the snowdrift closes and the child names the pictures he saw from memory.

Goal: automation of sound in words, development of fine motor skills.

Progress of the game: in a small container with dry peas there are small toys (from Kinder surprises) for a given sound. The child finds the toy by touch, takes it out and names it.

Option I: the child feels the toy, names it, and then takes it out.

Option II: a fabric “lid” with one hole is placed over the container; the child puts one hand in there and, without visual control, names the toy, and then takes it out.

Goal: automation of sound in words, development of coordination of movements.

Progress of the game: the child “catches a fish (with a paper clip)” on a fishing rod with a magnet. Whoever catches the most wins.

Goal: automation of sound in words, development of visual attention, orientation on a sheet.

Progress of the game: a labyrinth is drawn on a sheet of cardboard, leading from the picture with the image of the hero to other pictures where the hero must come. You can trace the path using a pointer or only visually. Depending on the capabilities of the children, the maze can be multi-colored or single-colored.

Flywheel Tatyana Sergeevna,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification categories
GBOU special correctional orphanage
Klintsy, Bryansk region.

Speech therapy literature for download - Children's site BEE.

When copying and posting on another site, please indicate the active link: therapy/

A guide to teaching reading to 5-7 year old children. Forms the skill of syllabic-sound analysis of words, promotes the development of phonemic hearing, the formation of the skill of smooth reading by syllables, and then by whole words. The combination of a time-tested methodology and a special sequence of learning letters makes it possible to teach reading to children with problems with the pronunciation of sounds.

For parents, speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, teachers of private schools and centers for preparing children for school.

“Individual speech therapy sessions with preschoolers”

The manual covers the structure, content and forms of individual lessons with preschoolers who have general speech underdevelopment. Much attention is paid to formulating the topic and goals of the lessons, their phasing, the use of varied and colorful visual material, creating a positive emotional background and gradually increasing the complexity of the material presented. An entertaining form of classes, game techniques, changing types of tasks, and a reward system will help keep children’s attention throughout the entire lesson and generate interest in continuing to work with a speech therapist.

The manual is addressed to speech therapists and teachers of speech therapy groups at preschool educational institutions.

“Speech therapist lessons. Correction of speech disorders"

Nadezhda Sergeevna Zhukova is a well-known speech therapist with thirty years of experience, candidate of pedagogical sciences. She is the author of original research on speech development in preschool children. The best traditions of such famous Soviet teachers, speech therapists and practitioners as E.F. Rau, A.G. Ippolitova, were continued in the new book by N.S. Zhukova: “Lessons of a Speech Therapist.”

This specialized book for correcting pronunciation is so simply and thoroughly written that speech therapists, teachers, and parents can use it. Several decades of scientific and practical activity have been embodied in the detailed development of methods and techniques that make it possible to achieve unique purity of speech in each child, regardless of the level of neglect from which correction will have to begin. Specially designed exercises allow you to concentrate on practicing one specific sound, which significantly increases the effectiveness of your training. This is all the more important because the range of speech defects a child has can be very different.

The textbook “Lessons of a Speech Therapist” will solve speech problems at any age scientifically, thoroughly, radically and forever.

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We present to your attention a set of manuals for automating sounds delivered by a speech therapist. It consists of ten albums:

Sound Automation WITH in game exercises

Sound Automation 3 in game exercises

Automation of sound C in game exercises

Automation of the sound Ш in game exercises

Sound Automation ^ F in game exercises

Automation of sounds Ch, Shch in game exercises

Sound Automation L in game exercises

Sound Automation ^ L in game exercises (Automation of sound R in game exercises Automation of sound Ry in game exercises

This album presents a system of exercises for automating the sounds Ch, Sh. The material proposed by the author turns the monotonous and monotonous work of consolidating the pronunciation of sounds into an interesting game. Simultaneously with the automation of sounds, the child’s reading skills improve, fine motor skills and creative imagination develop.

Work on this manual contributes to faster automation of sounds in spontaneous speech, development of phonemic hearing, improvement of the syllabic structure of a word, correction of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech, consolidation of knowledge about automated sounds and corresponding letters, and formation of the skill of sound-letter analysis of syllables and words. At the same time, fine motor skills of the fingers develop; activation of memory, attention, thinking. All this, in turn, is a timely prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Depending on the complexity of the child’s speech defect and the stage of correctional work, games and tasks can be used in combination by the speech therapist.

Automation of sounds 4, Ш is carried out according to the traditional scheme in speech therapy. First, a set of articulatory gymnastics exercises is performed. Then exercises are offered to automate sounds 4, Ш in isolation, based on the material of syllables, words, sentences, poetic and prose texts.

In order to make the process of automating sounds in words more fun and effective, a number of auxiliary techniques are proposed.

One of them is the use of small volumetric (for example, from Kinder surprises) or flat toys, the names of which contain automated sounds*. This technique also helps to activate the child’s attention and maximally supports his interest in the material being studied throughout the lesson, bringing the joy of self-expression and, of course, causing positive emotions. The game situation creates a relaxed atmosphere in the lesson, frees the child from constraint, encourages him to communicate, and promotes quick contact with the speech therapist. Work with the toy is carried out during the following games:

  1. Labyrinth. The child, clearly pronouncing the sound being studied, names the pictures presented on each page of the album in a given order, moving the selected toy along them. Movement begins from the cell marked with an asterisk. If a child names a word incorrectly, then the next move cannot be made until the word is named correctly.

  2. ^ Labyrinth with pronunciation. When moving through a maze, a child must not only name the pictures, but also indicate the direction of the next move. For example, tea - to the right, seagull - to the right, teapot - down..." %

  3. ^ Maze with skipping a turn. The game is played in two stages. First, the child names all the pictures in order, and then, starting with the picture marked with an asterisk, one after another.

  4. ^ The labyrinth is the opposite. First, the child pronounces all the words - the names of the pictures of the maze. Then he places the toy on the last picture of the maze and moves in the opposite direction, calling out the words.
It is recommended to play these games with each maze (p. 4-5, 20-21). If, while going through the maze, the toy lands on a square with a question mark, the child must come up with a word with an automated sound in a certain position.

Subsequently, the pronunciation of sounds is consolidated in phrases, sentences, stories and poetic texts.

Be patient and kind. Then the results of working with your child will definitely please you.

* On the back of the cover are the following flat toys: Thumbelina, turtle, puppy, racer.


All exercises are performed in front of a mirror. Exercises 1, 2, 4 involve holding a static pose for a count of up to 5 (up to 10); exercises 3, 5, b are performed 10-15 times.

2. CUP


Open your mouth. Place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. Place the “spatula” in your mouth, trying not to strain your tongue.

Open your mouth. Raise a wide, relaxed tongue to the upper lip. Bend the middle part of the tongue, bending the side edges up.



Smile (teeth visible), open your mouth slightly. Suck your wide tongue with its entire plane to the roof of your mouth and open your mouth.

Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, stretching the hypoglossal ligament. Click your tongue slowly and forcefully. The lower jaw must be motionless!


First perform with your mouth closed, then with your mouth open.


“Brush” the upper teeth from the inside with the tip of your tongue (from left to right, from top to bottom). The lower jaw is motionless!

Open your mouth slightly. Use a wide tongue to lick your upper lip, making movements from top to bottom. The lower jaw is motionless!

^ Exercise "Locomotive". Help the train get to the station. Run your finger along the path, pronouncing clearly: Ch-Ch-Ch... (The lips are pushed forward and rounded. The tip of the tongue touches the palate. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. The back of the tongue is raised. When pronouncing a sound, the tip of the tongue comes off the palate.)

^ Exercise "Songs". Thumbelina decided to teach you how to correctly pronounce her favorite sound Ch. For this she came up with syllabic songs! Listen carefully and repeat the songs with Thumbelina. Try not to make mistakes. (Watch for the distinct pronunciation of the sound Ch in rows of syllables. If the child makes a mistake, invite him to repeat the row of syllables again.)

Labyrinth 1

Before you start working with mazes, read the introduction carefully!

^ Exercise “Living - Nonliving”*. First, name the words denoting living objects, and then - inanimate objects.

Exercise “Magic wand”*. Touching the pictures with a magic wand, change their names according to the example. ^ Sample: seagull - seagulls. What words haven't changed?

Exercise "Guess". I will name an action word, and you choose a suitable object word for it and say both words together. ^ Sample: They drink... (tea).

Exercise “Photographer”*. Using the magic camera, “photograph” (memorize) as many pictures as possible. Close the album and name these pictures.

Labyrinth 2

Exercise “Echo”*. Listen to the words. (An adult names any 2-5 pictures.) Remember them and repeat them in the same order with the toy, emphasizing the sound Ch.

^ Exercise “What’s missing?”* Look at and remember the pictures. I’ll cover one picture with a magic screen, and you look and tell me what’s missing. (The exercise is repeated several times.)

^ Exercise “Clapperboards”*. Following the labyrinth, name the pictures syllable by syllable, determining the number of syllables by clapping. Then I will think of a word, clap it syllable by syllable, and you guess the word.

^ Exercise “Make a sentence”*. Choose any picture word and make a sentence with it. Sample: I met a girl in the hospitaldoctor .

Find the extra picture in each frame and circle it. Explain your choice. Name the extra pictures, clearly pronouncing the sound Ch.

^ Exercise "Count." Guests came to Mukha-Tsokotukha. Count the butterflies, grasshoppers and bees. Sample: one butterfly, two butterflies... Who came more? Who is less? Count the insects in reverse order. Sample: four butterflies, three butterflies...

^ Exercise “Who has who?” Complete the sentences based on the pictures. Name the baby animals, clearly pronouncing the sound Ch.

^ Exercise “New words”. Cipollino learned that if you replace at least one letter in a word, its meaning will change. Check if this is true?

Replace the last sound in the words with the sound Ch. Sample: chalk - ... (sword).

CHALK - ...

PLAN - ... KULIK - ... GRAM - ...

Replace the first sound in words with the sound Ch. Sample: bad -... (miracle). What words did you come up with?

HUDO - ... BAS - ...

NUT - ... BALLS - ... STOCK - ...

^ Make up sentences about Vanechka and Tanya using diagrams based on pictures. Sample: Vanechka... watch. - Vanechka was given a watch.

^ The turtle came up with suggestions. But he mixed up all the words in them. Listen to the suggestions. Find and correct the turtle's mistakes.

The post office brought the postman.

The student solved the problem.

Sheep graze the shepherd.

The granddaughter was picking blueberries in the forest.

We took the dacha with our things in our suitcase.

A butterfly catches a girl with a net.

The fish caught Vovochka with a fishing rod.

Misha lives in the village with his grandparents. In the morning he tends a sheep. The sheep has a ringing bell on its neck. Misha is helped by the dog Zhuchka.

In the afternoon, Misha takes a fishing rod and goes with Zhuchka to the river. There friends fish and play ball.

In the evening, Misha and his grandparents sit near the stove and drink tea.

^ Exercise “Fold the picture.” Guess the riddles. Use counting sticks (matches) to make pictures according to the pattern. Remember and repeat each riddle.

^ What kind of miracle? Here's a miracle: A dish on top, a dish below. A miracle is walking along the road. The head sticks out and the legs stick out.

L. Ulyanitskaya

What words with the sound H do you remember from this poem?

^ From a hot well, water flows over the edge.

A. Rozhdestvenskaya Make a sentence with the word kettle.

^ Exercise "Find the word." Name the pictures, highlighting the sound Ch. Find words in which the sound Ch is at the beginning (in the middle, at the end). Connect each picture with the corresponding diagram. Make up a sentence with each word - the name of the picture. Come up with your own examples of words for each diagram.


^ Sample: tea - teapot, cup, seagull.

^ Help the turtle get home. To do this, read the syllables and words on the magic track. Make up sentences with the words you read.

^ Exercise “Mysterious words”. Put the letters in order. Write down the words you came up with. The pictures will help you complete the task.


^ Exercise “Collect a word.” Help the Little Bunny collect the words. Write the resulting words in the empty cells. Make 2-3 sentences with each word.

red star.

The second move is three cells to the right.

The third move is three cells down.

The fourth move is one cell to the right.

Fifth move - three cells up.

The sixth move is three cells to the left.

First move - letter marked

green star.

The second move is one cell down.

The fourth move is two cells down.

Fifth move - one cell to the left.

The sixth move is four cells up.

^ Exercise “Decipher the words.” What words did the butterfly wish for? Decipher them. Compose them from the first letters of words - the names of pictures - and write them in the empty cells.

^ Exercise "Staircase".

^ Exercise “Clean the path.” Help Mama Bear clean the path near the house. Run your finger along the path, pronouncing clearly: Sh-Sh-Sh... - after all, this is the sound that is heard when sweeping with a brush. (The lips are pushed forward and rounded. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the tubercles behind the upper teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. The back of the tongue is raised. The tongue is tense.)

Exercise "Songs". The goldfinch loves to sing different syllabic songs. Listen carefully and repeat the songs along with the goldfinch. Try not to make mistakes. (Watch for the distinct pronunciation of the sound Ш in the rows of syllables. If the child makes a mistake, invite him to repeat the row of syllables again.)

Labyrinth 1

Exercise “Riddles”. I will tell you the words-signs, and you show the corresponding picture and name the word. Sample: reliable, large, beautiful... - shield.

^ Exercise “My, mine, mine”*. Name only those pictures about which you can say my (my, mine). (Make up phrases based on the example. Example: my tongs...)

Exercise “Come up with it yourself.” Listen to my questions. Find as many answers as possible to them. ^ Sample: What cheek? - Pink, plump, warm...

Exercise “Yesterday, today, tomorrow”*. Choose any picture word and make sentences with it according to the example. ^ Example: Yesterday the puppy was playing. Today the puppy is playing. Tomorrow the puppy will play.

Labyrinth 2

Exercise “Visiting the Dwarves.” I'll name the big object, and you name the small one. ^ Example: things - little things. Are there any words that have not changed?

Exercise “Halves”*. I will think of a word and name its part (beginning or end). And you before-
Add the missing part of the word and say it in its entirety. Sample: me box, box

Exercise “Find me”*. Look at the sound diagram and find the right word. (The speech therapist lays out a sound diagram, and the child conducts a sound analysis and finds the right word.)

^ Exercise “Change the order of words in a sentence.” Come up with a sentence using each of the pictures. Change the order of the words and say a new sentence. (The exercise is performed based on the diagram.) For example: Vegetables were put in boxes.- Vegetables were placed in boxes.

^ Exercise “The fourth is extra.” Find the extra picture in each frame and circle it. Explain your choice. Name the extra pictures, clearly pronouncing the sound Shch.

^ Exercise "Count." Guests swam to the goldfish. Count the pikes and breams. Sample: one bream, two bream... Who came more? Who is less? Count the fish in reverse order. Sample: six bream, five bream...

Exercise “Complete the sentences using the pictures.” Listen (read) the sentences. Complete them using the pictures. Repeat the entire sentences, clearly pronouncing the sound Shch.

^ Exercise “Correct the sentence.” The cheerful puppy learned to make sentences. But he mixed up all the words in them. Listen to the suggestions. Find and correct your puppy's mistakes.

There is a face on the cheek.

Vegetables are prepared from borscht. The box lies in pincers. The brush drags the puppy. Katya puts the cloak on. The grove sings in the goldfinch. Things are looking for Vova.

^ Exercise “Make a sentence.” Make up sentences about Kolya and Olya using diagrams based on pictures. Sample: Kolya... pike. - Kolya caught pike.

Who did the puppy meet in the yard? Where did the lizard puppy run away from? Why did Tanya take the puppy home?

^ Exercise “Fun Train”*. Help passengers travel on a fun train. Name each passenger, emphasizing the sound Ш. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who will travel in which carriage (the number of syllables in the word coincides with the number of windows in the carriage). Draw a line-path from each passenger to his trailer.

^ Exercise "Find the word." Name the pictures, highlighting the sound Ш. Find words in which the sound Ш is at the beginning (in the middle, at the end). Connect each picture with the corresponding diagram. Make up a sentence with each word - the name of the picture. Come up with your own examples of words for each diagram.

^ Exercise “Color the sound diagram.” Color the sound pattern of each word. Indicate hard consonants in blue, soft consonants in green, and vowels in red.

^ Exercise “Match words into syllables.” Read the syllables. Find pictures whose names begin with these syllables. Name these pictures. The arrows will help you. The number of arrows that start from a syllable equals the number of pictures that begin with that syllable. Sample: shcha - sorrel. Come up with more words for each syllable.

^ Exercise "Magic track". Help the lizard reach the cave. To do this, read the syllables and words on the magic track. Make up sentences with the words you read.

^ Exercise “The Word Has Scattered.” Look at the pictures. In the empty cells, write down their names from scattered letters. Come up with 2-3 sentences with each word.

Exercise “Collect a word.” The evil Koschey hid the words in the labyrinth. Collect the words. Write them down in the empty cells. Make 2-3 sentences with each word.

First move - letter marked

red star.

The second move is two cells down.

The third move is one cell to the right.

The fourth move is three cells up.

Fifth move - two cells to the left.

The sixth move is one cell to the left.

First move - letter marked

green star.

The second move is two cells up.

The third move is one cell to the right.

The fourth move is two cells up.

Fifth move - three cells to the right.

The sixth move is four cells down.

^ Exercise "Staircase". Look at and name the pictures. Count the number of sounds in each word and write the words in the corresponding cells of the “ladder” crossword puzzle.

UDC 376.1-058.264 BBK 74.3 K63

Recommended by the Academic Council of the Pedagogical Society of Russia Publication of developmental education
Komarova, L.A.

K63 Automation of sounds Ch, Shch in game exercises. Preschooler's album / L.A. Komarova. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2009. - 32 p.

15Y 978-5-296-00931-9

The manual offers a system of exercises for automating the sounds Ch, Sh for preschoolers aged 4-7 years, which turns the monotonous and monotonous work of consolidating the pronunciation of sounds into an interesting game. Along with their automation, the child’s reading skills improve, fine motor skills and creative imagination develop.

Automation of the sounds Ch, Shch is carried out according to the traditional scheme in speech therapy. The effectiveness of correctional work is ensured by the use of a number of auxiliary techniques (working with three-dimensional and flat toys, counting sticks, creating game situations in class).

A guide for automating the sounds [s], [sh], [l] and [r]

Kolesnikova Snezhana Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist of MKDOU “Nikolsky Kindergarten”, Voronezh region
Purpose: The material will be of interest to speech therapists and interested parents.
Target: automation of sounds [s], [sh], [l] and [r] in words and sentences.
- develop visual attention
- teach children to answer questions with complete answers
- consolidate the ability to use nouns in the accusative case.
After setting the sound, another very important stage begins - the automation stage. It will take quite a lot of effort for sound to appear in phrasal speech. At this stage, a new skill is developed that requires long-term systematic training. Colleagues will agree with me that sometimes introducing a sound can be much faster than introducing it into a child’s everyday speech. Children very quickly get tired of repeating words after adults or naming pictures. As a rule, most speech pathologists are preschool children. And, as you know, the leading activity in this is play. Therefore, at the automation stage, the speech therapist and parents are faced with the task of offering the child as many games as possible, while playing which the child will involuntarily introduce the given sound into his speech.
The modern world of computer technology allows you to make various gaming aids yourself. When creating a manual, I always try to make it as multifunctional as possible, so that it can be used several times in different ways.
We present to your attention game "Shop", which is designed to automate the sounds [s], [sh], [l] and [r]. You can use this game while studying the lexical topic “Shop”, “Vegetables - Fruits”. The manual helps develop the child's visual attention.
Rules of the game.
Start a conversation with your child by asking him leading questions like “Who does this woman work?”, “Where does the seller work?”, “What does he do in the store?”, “Who does he sell goods to?”, “The seller sells, and the buyer...? " “Who was the first customer in the store today? What did she buy? When asking questions, ask your child to answer with a full, detailed answer. Thus, the delivered sound will gradually begin to fall into phrasal speech.
Three customers successively come to the store, each of whom makes a specific purchase. The child’s task is to name the buyer and the items he bought.
If you like this tutorial, I can gladly send you screenshots by email, because... When you post material, the site logo appears in the pictures. All you have to do is print and, if desired, laminate them.
Store with sound [C].

Speech material: mask, watch, boots, pan, cactus, globe, bag, samovar, cabbage, sled. Buyers: fox, snowman, snow maiden.
Shop with sound [Ш].

Speech material: hat, cup, car, bag, cap, jug, tumbler, pillow, shoes, cat. Buyers: cockerel, mouse, grandfather.
Store with sound [L].

Speech material: flags, apple, lamp, blanket, spinning top, Christmas tree, handkerchiefs, towels, wet wipes, doll.
Buyers: clown, squirrel, elephant.
Shop with sound ohm [P].

Speech material: basket of grapes, carrots, basket of currants, peaches, watermelon, corn, pears, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers. .
Buyers: Parsley, Pinocchio, dragon.

I am sure that many of you will find use for my manual. Good luck!

Consultations for educators

Tutorials for Automating Sounds

Children always willingly do something, it is very useful, and therefore not only should not interfere with this, but also measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. /Jan Komensky/

Today, many children are at the stage of automating sound in syllables, words and independent speech. Therefore, it became necessary to recommend games that will allow you not only to create a correctional and developmental environment in the group, but also to successfully consolidate sounds in children’s speech, because a child must play even when he overcomes difficulties, and correcting speech deficiencies is a huge job for child. And therefore, the task of adults is to surround him with play so that he does not notice that he is actually busy with hard work.

Very interesting and loved by children Adventure games. The purpose of this game can be different, due to which these games have many variations. For example, the game is an adventure game “Dasha’s Journey” based on the cartoon of the same name. On the playing field there are letters along which you must move with chips, throwing the dice and determining the number of “steps”. When stopping on a letter, the child needs to come up with a word starting with that letter. If the child finds it difficult, he skips the move. The end of the game is who reaches the finish line first. One of the options for such a game could be coming up with a sentence with a given picture, which is located next to the letter, or selecting adjectives for this object.

The next game is "Sound tracks" It aims to automate isolated sound. The child runs his finger along the path, uttering the corresponding sound. Sound tracks can be various labyrinths, confusions, and even simple images of objects that need to be traced along the contour with your finger. For the greatest interest, such sound tracks are placed in a multifor and the child can draw along these tracks with a felt-tip pen. And after finishing the game, the felt-tip pen can be easily removed with a cloth.

One of the games that not only reinforces sounds in words, but also develops fine motor skills is called “ Kaleidoscope " Necks from plastic bottles are glued onto the box, and a picture is placed under each cap. The child unscrews the lids and names what picture is under the lid. One of the variants of this game can be drawing up sound patterns if the caps are selected in the appropriate color (red - vowels, blue - hard consonants, green - soft consonants)

To develop fine motor skills and thinking in children with speech impairments, the following aid was invented: four top parts of half-liter plastic bottles of different colors (pink, blue, green and yellow) with the same caps are attached to a piece of plywood (1030 cm in size). Inside each bottle there is the same handkerchief. In the first lesson, the child’s task is to open the lids, take out the handkerchiefs, screw the lids on, then unscrew them again, put the handkerchiefs into the corresponding bottles and screw on the corresponding lid. In the next lesson, the task becomes more complicated: you need to put the handkerchiefs and lids in order without seeing the initial version. Then a diagram is laid out in front of the child, on which a large circle indicates the color of the bottle, a square indicates the color of the handkerchief, and a small circle indicates the color of the cap. It is required to collect the bottles in accordance with the diagram. For example: put a red handkerchief into a blue bottle and screw on a green cap, a blue handkerchief into a yellow bottle, screw on a red lid, etc. At each lesson, the child is offered a new scheme. For independent play, children can be asked to draw up a diagram themselves and arrange the bottles themselves according to the instructions of a friend.

When working on speech breathing, the device “Magic headband" This is an ordinary girl's headband, to which a thick wire is screwed at a distance of 15-20 cm. Several threads of New Year's rain are tied to the end of the wire. Putting the headband on the child, the speech therapist suggests going on a flight. The most remarkable thing about this device is that there is no need to force or correct the child; he himself takes the correct position when breathing. Because if you tilt or raise your head incorrectly, the rain is either too close or too far from your lips and then it is impossible to “launch a plane or rocket into flight.”

Taking into account the tendency of preschoolers to imitate, visual forms of thinking, as well as to differentiate sounds in words, such a game is proposed. A staircase in the shape of the letter L and a rainbow are cut out of cardboard. Pictures with these sounds in their names are glued to multi-colored clothespins with double-sided tape. The child’s task is to construct a rainbow with the help of clothespins, where there are pictures in the names with the sound R and a ladder with pictures with the sound L.

« Sound absurdities"This game consists of 2 plates that fit on pins and can rotate freely. The top is closed with a box on which the arrow is located. On one of the records are placed paper discs that contain pictures of a specific sound. A paper disk is placed on another plate, which depicts some action or objects that can be associated with the first disk. The child’s task is to spin the disks, name the “dropped out” picture and come up with a sentence. For example: “The cat lives in a swamp.”

Thus, targeted work on speech correction in children is stimulated by using this small list of games and contributes to a faster and more successful correction of these deficiencies.

Sound Automation Tutorial

"Fairy tales of colorful gnomes"

Goal: to automate the sounds made by a speech therapist: in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, phrases, poems in children of middle and older preschool age.

Didactic tasks:

Correctional and educational. Form correct speech, improve the functioning of the articulatory apparatus (movements of the lips, tongue, lower jaw), movements of the fingers.

Correctional and developmental. Activation of children's speech activity. Development of phonemic hearing, improvement of the syllabic structure of a word, correction of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, formation of the skill of sound-letter analysis of syllables and words. Development of visual perception, attention, memory, independent thinking, creative imagination.

Correctional and educational. Formation of a positive attitude toward participation in classes, friendly relations, and initiative.

Age: children from 5 to 7 years.

Material: album, colored paper.

The manual is an album with spoken and illustrative material.

Articulatory gymnastics for whistling sounds: S, S’, Z, Z’, C;

hissing: Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch; sonorous sounds: L, L’, R, R’.

Game “Labyrinth” - the child clearly pronounces the sound being studied, moving his finger along the path with the proposed tasks of the Dwarves.

The pages of the album contain small pictures. The child is invited to show those of them whose names contain a certain sound. The location of the sound is determined: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. Count from 1 to 10 and back. If the child easily copes with the tasks, you can complicate them, for example, ask him to ask questions about the pictures, come up with a sentence of 3-5 words or a short story for each illustration.

Game “Echo”: a poem or rhyming lines of pure words are read, and the child repeats after you, like an echo. Changing your voice: speak loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly.

Humorous poems - purely spoken ones - help develop speech breathing, since they are pronounced in one exhalation. Funny poems that emphasize a particular sound and short stories will train the child in distinguishing and pronouncing sounds.

Be patient and kind. Then the results of working with your child will definitely please you.

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