Belarus: general information, geography, economics and political system.

The Republic of Belarus (also common, but not officially Belarus) is an independent unitary state in Eastern Europe with a territory of 207.6 thousand km 2 and a population of 9.5 million people in 2016. The capital and largest city is Minsk. State languages: Belarusian and Russian, head of state - president.

Physiographic location

The country's area is 207.6 thousand square kilometers, which is 86th in the world. It is one of the largest European states and has no access to the sea. The north-west of the country borders on Lithuania, the west on Poland, the north on Latvia, the east on the Russian Federation, and the south on Ukraine.

According to 2016 statistics, the country's population was 9.5 million people, the average density was 46 people per square kilometer, with the majority of the population living in the territory of the largest agglomeration in the country, Minsk. The largest cities are Minsk and Gomel. The country is inhabited by representatives of more than 130 nationalities, Belarusians make up 84% of the population, Russians - 8.3%, Poles - 3.1%; Ukrainians - 1.7%, etc.

Relief features

Most of the country is represented by plains, 200-300 meters high. Mostly in the central part there are groups of small hills, which have the general name of the Belarusian Ridge. Here is the highest point in Belarus, Mount Dzerzhinskaya (345 meters), located on the Minsk Hills.



Belarus is extremely rich in water resources; on its territory there are more than 20 thousand rivers, with a total length of 90 thousand kilometers, the largest of which are the Dnieper with its tributaries Pripyat, Sozh, Berezina, Western Dvina, Viliya, Goryn, Western Bug, Neman, united by a number of canals (Dnieper-Bugsky, Dnieper-Nemansky, Berezinsky)...


There are more than 10 thousand lakes on the territory of the Republic (the largest of them are Naroch, with an area of ​​80 km 2 and Lake Osveya, its area is 53 km 2). In the south of Belarus, in Polesie, a huge territory of 39 thousand km is occupied by the Pripyat swamps, which are the largest wetland in Europe...


The forest resources of Belarus occupy a key position among its natural resources; they cover an area of ​​more than 9 thousand hectares, which is 38.8% of the entire territory of the country. Most of the forests consist of coniferous trees, small-leaved trees (birch, alder, aspen) make up 36.5%, hardwoods (oak) - 3.5%. Based on a number of timber raw material indicators, Belarus is one of the leading European timber exporting countries...

Plants and animals of Belarus

About 28 species of trees and more than 70 species of various shrubs grow in the forests of Belarus; the most common are birch, pine, spruce, oak, and aspen; more than 20% of the entire territory is occupied by meadows and pastures, with herbs growing on them. More than 76 species of representatives of the order of mammals live on the plains and mountainous hills, the most common of which are deer, wild boar, elk, wolf, and beaver. The vast expanses of Polesie swamps have become a habitat for 300 species of birds; typical representatives of the avifauna in the swamps of Belarus are cranes, storks and herons. 63 species of fish were identified in rivers and lakes. To preserve populations of especially rare mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and insects listed in the Red Book of Belarus, special protected areas have been created, the most famous among them is the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park and Biosphere Reserve, where relict trees that are more than 500 years, and the bison population, which has long been destroyed by humans in other countries, is being bred...

Climate of Belarus

Belarus lies in a temperate climate zone, its western part is transitional from maritime to continental, formed under the influence of air masses blowing from the Atlantic. This causes periodic thaws in winter. The average temperature in July is +17,+19 0 C, in January - -5, -8 0 C, the amount of precipitation will increase from south to north, in the south it is 500 mm, in the northwest - 800 mm, the maximum falls in the autumn -winter period...


Natural resources

Belarus is rich in deposits of such minerals as potash and rock salt (Starobinskoye and Petrikovskoye deposits with billions of tons of salt). There are several dozen oil fields in the Gomel region, natural gas is also produced here in small quantities, and a promising deposit of brown coal and oil shale has been discovered in the Pripyat Valley. On the territory of Polesie there are large reserves of peat; there are more than 7 thousand peat bogs. Also on the territory of Belarus, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, raw materials for the production of building materials are mined...

Minerals of Belarus

The main resources obtained on its territory for various industries are forests, peat deposits, small deposits of oil and natural gas, granite, dolomitic limestone, marl, chalk, quartz sand, gravel, clay...

Industry and agriculture of Belarus

The most developed branches of industrial production in Belarus are mechanical engineering (automotive manufacturing - MAZ, BelAZ, production of refrigeration units - ATLANT, televisions - Horizon, Vityaz), metalworking, chemical and petrochemical industries, mining industry (potassium and rock salt) , electric power, food and light, woodworking and timber industries. Agriculture occupies a very important place in the country's economy and provides almost 8% of GDP; it employs about 10% of the country's total working population. Most agricultural products are produced by large farms, formerly collective and state farms, which receive millions in subsidies and support from the country's state.

Both crop farming and livestock farming are equally well developed in Belarus. The country ranks first among the CIS countries in per capita potato production, meat and milk production, third place after Kazakhstan and Ukraine in grain collection...


Peoples of Belarus: culture and traditions

The original and unique culture of the Belarusian people has a long history; it originates from the process of settlement of Slavic tribes and their interaction with the Baltic tribes that had previously lived on these lands. Then the culture of the Radimichi, Krivichi and Dregovichi tribes who settled here was greatly influenced by the baptism of Rus' in 988 and their adoption of Christianity. One of the oldest monuments of East Slavic architecture that has come down to us is the Transfiguration Cathedral, erected by the architect John in 1161 in Polotsk. In those days when the territory of Belarus was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a large number of castles and fortresses, Gothic churches and Catholic churches were created...

Such celebrities as avant-garde artist Marc Chagall, the first female professor of mathematics Sofia Kovalevskaya, Soviet front-line writer Vasil Bykov, etc. were born in Belarus and showed their genius talent to the world. All of them are an integral part of not only Belarusian, but also the entire world culture in in general.

Most countries are not small in size or number of permanent residents. She was no exception in this matter, which certainly cannot be considered insignificant. This article will discuss the main settlements of this country, its geographical features and population.

Position on the map

The Republic of Belarus is located on the European continent, in its eastern part. Its immediate neighbors are Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. The total length of Belarus is about 2,969 kilometers. The coastline is completely absent, the largest river is the Dnieper, and the lake is Naroch.

Climatic conditions

Belarus (its area is 207,600 sq. km) is located in the temperate continental climate zone, which, in turn, is characterized by relatively mild and fairly wet winters and warm, also humid summers. The average annual precipitation is about 600-700 mm.

Hydrological features

What is the area of ​​Belarus, we found out. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the country’s rivers and lakes. There are about 20,000 rivers on the territory of the republic, 93% of which are considered small (the length of each of them does not exceed 10 kilometers) and 11,000 lakes. Belarusian rivers are filled with precipitation. There are also a large number of reclamation canals. In addition, the country has 1,500 small reservoirs and 150 large artificial reservoirs. The swamps, in turn, are home to many animals and birds that are listed in the Red Book.

Administrative centers

Studying by area, we note that the capital of the state is Minsk, which, in turn, is the largest populated area (its size is 348.84 sq. km).

In second position is the hero city of Brest with an area of ​​just over 146 square meters. km.

The third position was claimed by a city called Grodno (142 sq. km.). Next come Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Bobruisk.

Moreover, only the capital is a city in which the number of permanent residents exceeded one million people, while the next one, Gomel, gave shelter to only half a million residents.

Features of customs control

Belarus, whose area is guarded very closely by the border service, is a fairly hospitable country for residents of the states of the former Soviet Union. These citizens do not require a visa. And it is quite enough to have a passport of a citizen of your country with you. For those people who plan to enter the republic in their own car, it is mandatory to have a so-called Green Card.

As for the import of foreign currency, it can be imported into Belarus in absolutely any quantity, but amounts over 10,000 US dollars must be declared in order to avoid possible problems with the law. If your favorite animal is traveling with you, be sure to obtain written permission from the veterinarian and phytosanitary representatives.

Demographic situation

Today, almost 9.5 million people permanently reside in Belarus. According to experts, the result of 2016 will not be very comforting for the country, since natural population growth is expected to be negative and will be within the range of 23,367 people. But at the same time, more people are expected to enter the republic for permanent residence than those emigrating abroad.

According to the UN Statistics Department, the area of ​​Belarus is 207,600 square meters. km, taking into account the number of people living in this territory, the population density is 45.8 people per square kilometer.

The total demographic burden in Belarus is 39.4%, which is a very low value, because it reflects the situation of a positive ratio of the number of able-bodied people to the number of disabled people. That is, the burden on society in the country is minimal.

Communications in the republic

The area was indicated above) has three main cellular operators, including MTS, Velcom and Life:). Purchasing a SIM card from any of the indicated representatives of the world of mobile communications will require the person to have a passport with him. It is worth noting the highest quality of communication; calls can be made almost anywhere (the only exception may be impassable areas of forests). As for the mobile Internet, in large populated areas it operates based on the LTE standard, while in small towns it operates on 3G. Free Wi-Fi is a pleasure that is mostly available in cafes and hotel complexes. In addition, at almost any post office or kiosk you can easily purchase a card that provides access to the Wi-Fi network, which is called Beltelecom. With its help you can connect to the free Internet almost everywhere.


The whole of Belarus, the area of ​​which cannot be called small, is a safe country. This is largely explained by the simply colossal number of police, although some explain this fact by the national characteristics of Belarusians - good manners and calmness. But, be that as it may, we can say with confidence that you can safely walk around the cities of the republic until late at night, without worrying at all that someone will attack you with the aim of robbing you.

Spa treatment

Health establishments in Belarus are very popular places in the tourist environment. Of course, many of the operating sanatoriums are not cheap or modern, but they all effectively perform the functions assigned to them. Although in fairness it should be said that recently in the republic more and more health resorts are reaching a new, higher level of service, which is fully consistent with the current European standard. Among the most developed resorts are the following: “Priozerny”, “Ozerny”, “Ruzhansky”, “Alfa Radon”.

In November 1917, Soviet power was proclaimed in Belarus. On January 1, 1919, the BSSR was formed. Western Belarus, according to the Treaty of Riga 1921, went to Poland. In 1922, the BSSR became part of the USSR. In 1939, Western Belarus reunited with the BSSR. In 1941 - 1944 Belarus was occupied by German troops and liberated in July 1944. In July 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted the Declaration of State Independence.
Today, like many centuries ago, the life of the people is diversified and decorated by numerous calendar rituals. The year begins with the Christmas and New Year holidays - carols (December 24 - January 6), with which the customs of caroling and generosity are associated: going around the courtyards with songs of honor, theatrical scenes with the participation of mummers. A special place belongs to Easter, as well as Semukha, or the Trinity. The custom of “driving the bush,” well known in Polesie, is associated with this holiday, when, according to tradition, great importance is attached to young greenery. The young girl is decorated with green branches and with this “bush” they go around the village with majestic songs. A bright and cheerful holiday - Kupala, on the night of June 23-24, with bonfires, searches for the magical fern flower, songs and dances. More than 100 Belarusian folk dances are known, including ancient round dances: lyavonikha, kryzhachok, yurachka, etc. Most calendar customs and rituals have lost their former meaning and are celebrated as bright everyday holidays. At the same time, many forgotten holidays are now being revived. Thus, since 1988, Radonitsa (April 20), a spring pagan holiday associated with the commemoration of ancestors, has been widely celebrated.
Belarusians are rightfully proud of the literary and artistic heritage of the pioneer printer, educator, and encyclopedist Francisk Skaryna (circa 1486 - 1541). He published the Psalter and 20 separate books of the Bible in Prague for the first time translated into Slavic. In the early 20s. XVI century founded a printing house in Vilnius. His activities contributed to the formation of the Belarusian literary language. He was a prominent pan-Slavic cultural figure in the 17th century. Belarusian by birth poet and publicist Simeon of Polotsk (1629 - 1680). He served as a mentor to the royal children and organized a printing house in the Kremlin. His most important works: “Vertograd of many colors”, “Rhythmologion”. Outstanding poets Yanka Kupala (1882 - 1942) and Yakub Kolas (1882 - 1956) created classic examples of national poetry, prose, and drama. Yanka Kupala wrote wonderful poems “Barrow”, “Bondarovna”, “Lion’s Grave”, “Above the Ores-soya River”, plays “Peacock”, “Ravaged Nest”, etc. Yakub Kolas owns the poems “New Land”, “Simon- musician”, “Fisherman’s Hut”, novels and stories “At the Crossroads”, “Squag”, “Renegade”, “In the Expanses of Life” and many others.
From the end of the 10th century. The state religion of Kievan Rus, including the Belarusian lands, was Christianity. Belarusians professed mainly Orthodoxy. From the second half of the 12th century. Catholicism penetrates them through military monastic orders. Now the majority of believers (about 5 million people) are Orthodox. There are also followers of the Roman Catholic Church. In the western regions there is a type of Catholicism known as the Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church.
A unique attraction of the country is the Belovezhskaya Pusha Nature Reserve with a total area of ​​more than 150 thousand hectares (87.6 thousand hectares belong to Belarus, the western part is located in Poland). From the 13th century Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a reserved place for princely hunting, since 1940 it has been a nature reserve, and since 1991 it has been a national park of Belarus. This is the only completely intact area of ​​primeval forest of the Central European type. Bors predominate here. Mighty pines often reach 1.5 - 2 m in diameter, up to 40 m in height at an age of 160 - 180 years. These forests are home to more than 50 species of mammals and more than 200 species of birds. The pride of the Pushcha is the bison. The Pushcha is also home to red deer, elk, fallow deer, roe deer, wild boar, bear, lynx, fox, wolf, badger, otter and other animals. In the northern part of the country there is the Berezinsky Nature Reserve - a huge forest of pine, birch and mixed spruce-oak forests. Created in 1925 to protect beavers, it has been preserved as one of the most wonderful places in nature. The pockets of ash forests 160 - 170 years old are unique. There are many elk, wild boars and beavers in the reserve. For the sake of preserving the unique Polesie landscapes, the Pripyat Landscape-Hydrological Reserve was created in 1969. More than 3/4 of its territory is occupied by forests, the rest is floodplain meadows and swamps. Floodplain oak forests have no analogues outside the reserve. There are also islands of hornbeam forests here. The flora of the reserve includes relict plants: salvinia, aldrovanda, and pontine azalea. In the forests there are more than 50 species of mammals, more than 40 species of birds, and the marsh turtle, rare for these latitudes, is found. Individual natural monuments are also protected: the picturesque Lake Svityaz with relict vegetation, the Blue Lakes complex with exceptionally clean and transparent water, Lake Vygonishchanskoye - a nesting place for a variety of waterfowl.
Belarus is a republic. The head of state is the president, whose post was established in 1994. Legislative power is exercised by the National Assembly, consisting of two chambers: the Council of the Republic and the House of Representatives. Executive power is vested in the government. The Constitution was adopted in 1994. The most influential political parties and associations: Belarusian People's Front "Adradzhenne", Party of Communists of Belarus, United Democratic Party of Belarus, etc. There are 6 regions and districts in Belarus.

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