Psychological phenomenon of collective opinion in a military team. Collective opinion of military personnel and management of collective mood The role of public opinion in the fight against deviations from socialist moral norms

Opinion of the workforce- a general opinion that develops on the basis of prevailing points of view and realizes itself through collective (group) value judgments or practical actions of people. In these judgments and actions, the mood, attitudes, value orientations, norms and traditions of the team are reflected in a concentrated form. In each work collective, a common opinion can be formed both on issues of interest to the broad masses of workers, and on issues that affect the interests of only the members of this collective.

With the growth of education and culture of people, the range of manifestations of mathematics has expanded significantly. Today it is actively invading the solution of not only purely economic, but also various socio-economic, political, spiritual and ideological problems. Particularly confidently, as practice shows, collective opinion is oriented in the sphere of moral relations, influencing the behavior and practical activities of team members. Moreover, in the field of morality, M. reveals its preventive purpose and reveals the ability to nip immoral acts in the bud.

The existing collective opinion can play a dual role: in one case, it can be a strong moral and psychological barrier to the spread of negative phenomena, in another (due to incorrect orientation) it can serve as a breeding ground for their ripening and reproduction. The latter can be encountered in those work collectives where, in the name of a falsely understood “sense of camaraderie” and the preservation of a “good climate,” they turn a blind eye to obvious flaws in the work and behavior of individual workers. Therefore, creating, everywhere, an atmosphere of inevitability of decisive condemnation by collective opinion of any deviations from the norms of socialist morality is one of the key tasks of educational practice. Without the active and decisive help of collective opinion, it is impossible to get rid of the negative phenomena that occur in our lives. This, according to Lenin, can be achieved only on the condition “if the masses themselves help.”

M. because only then becomes an effective educational tool when it meets a number of requirements. Formed in line with public and truly collective interests, it must be distinguished by unity of views and express the unyielding will of the entire collective and its vanguard - the primary party organization. Be publicly expressed and give an objective and fair assessment of the work contribution and behavior of team members in a vivid emotional and sensory form. To have in view not the “average person”, but, based on the principle of a differentiated approach to people, to take into account their individual characteristics, based on the generally accepted norms of socialist society.

The most educationally effective forms of expressing collective opinion are: general meetings of the collective, workshop, site, brigade (in rural areas - gatherings of fellow villagers), permanent production meetings, comrades' courts with the involvement of party and labor veterans, cadre workers, propagandists, youth mentors.

Collective opinion can act not only as an important means of education, but also as a fundamental criterion for its effectiveness, since the collective’s reaction to events and facts of reality contains elements of the knowledge and beliefs of the people working in it, revealing their interests and life positions. Therefore, the results of studying the opinions of team members turn out to be valuable material both at the planning stage of educational work and when assessing its effectiveness. The adoption of the Law on Work Collectives significantly increased the role of collective opinion in resolving primary issues of the economic, social and cultural life of team members. According to this Law, the opinions and proposals of labor collectives are taken into account by state authorities and management when making decisions regarding the activities of relevant enterprises, institutions, organizations (Article 3), and the collective discussion of various issues and taking into account public opinion are defined as the basis for the participation of labor collectives in management (Article 4). In addition, based on collective opinion, measures of public encouragement and public punishment can be applied, the appointment and dismissal of management employees can be carried out (Article 9), and the distribution of funds from the fund for socio-cultural events and housing construction can be carried out (Article 16). These and other powers that the work collective and its general meeting have received will undoubtedly significantly intensify collective opinion and, along with the economic and social effect, will also have a great educational effect.



Annotation scientific article on psychological sciences, author of the scientific work - Isaeva Natalya Nikolaevna

The article reveals formation technologies such important socio-psychological phenomena as collective opinion, collective mood And intra-collective traditions, in the unit of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, shows the relevance of the work of the unit commander in the formation of these socio-psychological phenomena that contribute to the unity of personnel and increasing the combat readiness of the unit. An important task of the commander’s activity when forming a military team is a comprehensive study collective opinion, collective mood and traditions for their development. With the purposeful continuous work of formation officers collective opinion, collective mood And intra-collective traditions the commander will be able to achieve high educational effectiveness of the military unit and strong military discipline in it. Control collective opinion and mood, the ability to create positive traditions in the unit, unity of thoughts and feelings, eliminate emotional contradictions, form collective demands - these are the areas that contribute to the unity of personnel and increasing the combat readiness of the internal troops unit.

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The article reveals the technologies of formation of such important social and psychological phenomena as collective opinion, collective mood and intra collective traditions in subdivisions of the internal troops. The study is given to the work of the commander of division on forming the social and psychological phenomena which promote the consolidation of personnel and increase morale of subdivisions. The most important task for the commander when forming a military collective is to study collective opinion, collective mood and traditions. With the targeted continuous work of the officers to form collective opinion, collective mood and intra collective traditions, the commander will achieve the consolidation of the personnel; increase the morale of the division, and strong military discipline. To manage collective opinion and collective mood, to be able to create positive traditions, conformity, to eliminate the conflicts and to form collective demands are the priorities to promote the consolidation of the personnel and strengthen the morale in subdivisions of the internal troops.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Aspects of studying collective opinion, collective mood and intra-collective traditions in a military unit”

BBK 88.83 UDC 159.9

Aspects of studying collective opinion, collective mood and intra-collective traditions in a military unit

N.N. Isaeva

St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Aspects of Studying of Collective Opinion, Collective Mood and Intra Collective Traditions in the Division of the Military Personnel

Saint-Petersburg Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of the Interior Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

The article reveals the technologies for the formation of such important socio-psychological phenomena as collective opinion, collective mood and intra-collective traditions in the unit of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, shows the relevance of the work of the unit commander in the formation of these socio-psychological phenomena that contribute to the unity of personnel and increase combat unit readiness.

An important task of the commander’s activity when forming a military team is a comprehensive study of collective opinion, collective mood and traditions for their development. With the purposeful continuous work of officers to form a collective opinion, collective mood and intra-collective traditions, the commander will be able to achieve high educational effectiveness of the military unit and strong military discipline in it.

Managing collective opinion and mood, the ability to create positive traditions in the unit, unity of thoughts and feelings, eliminating emotional contradictions, forming collective demands - these are the areas that contribute to the unity of personnel and increasing the combat readiness of the internal troops unit. Key words: collective opinion, collective mood, intra-collective traditions, formation technology, military personnel.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.1-08

The article reveals the technologies of formation of such important social and psychological phenomena as collective opinion, collective mood and intra collective traditions in subdivisions of the internal troops. The study is given to the work of the commander of division on forming the social and psychological phenomena which promote the consolidation of personnel and increase morale of subdivisions.

The most important task for the commander when forming a military collective is to study collective opinion, collective mood and traditions. With the targeted continuous work of the officers to form collective opinion, collective mood and intra collective traditions, the commander will achieve the consolidation of the personnel; increase the morale of the division, and strong military discipline.

To manage collective opinion and collective mood, to be able to create positive traditions, conformity, to eliminate the conflicts and to form collective demands are the priorities to promote the consolidation of the personnel and strengthen the morale in subdivisions of the internal troops.

Key words: collective opinion, collective mood, intra collective traditions, technology of formation, military personnel.

The activities of military personnel in military units and divisions are most often collective. The structure of the military collective includes various

various socio-psychological phenomena, such as leadership, competition, rivalry, conformism, etc. However, the greatest impact on the effectiveness

The effectiveness of service and combat activities is influenced by collective opinion, collective mood, and intra-collective traditions. The vital activity of individual military personnel and military units as a whole and the effectiveness of their activities depend on these phenomena. With a favorable moral and psychological climate, a positive collective mood, and readiness for active action, the quality of fulfillment of the service and combat tasks assigned to the unit increases.

The most important tasks of pedagogical activity in the formation of a military team are a comprehensive study of collective opinion, collective mood and traditions with the aim of their further development and improvement.

As you know, collective opinion is formed in the process of communication and interaction between people, constant live exchange of impressions, thoughts, views, beliefs, feelings and experiences.

Consisting of the judgments of individual people, collective opinion is not a simple arithmetic sum of these individual judgments. Individual opinions of members of a military unit, as a result of interaction with the opinions of colleagues, undergo changes, forming a mass socio-psychological phenomenon. This phenomenon of the spiritual life of a collective is very complex, dynamic, changeable, and can easily change from positive to negative, and this poses a particular danger to the combat effectiveness of the military collective.

Why is it important for a unit commander to be able to manage the formation of collective opinion? Because it has a huge impact on the personality of a serviceman: firstly, collective opinion is a source of socio-psychological information from the environment (collective) that is most important for the personality of a serviceman. Secondly, collective opinion informs the serviceman about the reaction of the team to his actions and actions and thereby directs and regulates his behavior in accordance with the requirements established in a given military team. Thirdly, collective opinion expresses the attitude of team members towards a given serviceman. The group itself continuously compares the behavior of each of its members with the system of norms existing within this group or collective, and, as it were, “authorizes” and encourages or discourages the behavior of each. Since a person is not at all indifferent to how other people with whom he works, lives, serves, who approve or condemn, condemn his actions and deeds treat him, he coordinates his behavior with the requirements of the collective.

Externally, this influence appears in the form of a specific assessment of actions and actions. However,

embodies not only ideas, views, but also the will, feelings and perceptions of the mass of people. Hence, collective opinion combines both persuasion and psychological coercion. It is in this regard that there is an opinion among teachers and psychologists that the strength of the team lies in the collective opinion.

The military collective’s assessments of the serviceman’s actions are systematic, prompt and public. They are given everywhere and continuously and, as a rule, are undeniable.

Therefore, collective opinion evokes a person’s need for self-esteem and deeply affects the area of ​​feelings, causing not only negative feelings (shame, remorse), but also positive ones (satisfaction, joy, pride, personal dignity, duty, honor, responsibility to the team). All this encourages military personnel to improve themselves.

The strength of collective opinion is also explained by the fact that, once it has arisen and become established, it turns into a kind of evaluative standard, a stamp. And practice shows that such stamps last a very long time. They are learned according to the following principle: “That’s what everyone thinks, that’s what they do, that means it’s right, that’s how it should be.”

Collective opinion performs a wide variety of functions in the spiritual life of people. In relation to the staff of an internal troops unit, it is a concentration of collective experience in the field of performing combat service tasks and mastering military skills.

It is difficult to find among military personnel indifferent to collective opinion and its assessments. Some military personnel are accustomed to respecting it, others do not violate the instructions of group behavior for fear of applying collective sanctions (moral condemnation, reproach, anger, ridicule, boycott, etc.). Consequently, with the help of collective opinion, it is possible to control the behavior of individual military personnel, encourage them to do good work and deter them from committing disciplinary offenses. That is, collective opinion is a very effective means of education and self-education. It unites the military collective and mobilizes it to solve service and combat tasks.

The effectiveness of the functions of collective opinion that motivate and regulate the behavior of individual military personnel and units is explained by the following properties:

A combination of persuasion and psychological coercion, because it concentratedly expresses the mind, will and feelings of a mass of people (judgments and assessments of positive collective opinion evoke in a person the need for conscious self-esteem, deeply affecting the area of ​​feelings, and generate an active desire for self-improvement);

Promptness in reacting to events, systematicity, publicity and inevitability of assessments of an individual’s actions from the immediate social environment;

The ability of a number of collective (group) judgments to turn into evaluative standards and influence not only consciousness, but also the subconscious sphere of the human psyche.

The formation of a collective opinion in many military units often occurs spontaneously, without commanders and superiors knowing the mechanism of its development. In educational work, collective opinion is sometimes used ineptly, ineffectively, and in some military groups it is not taken into account at all. This makes the educational work carried out by commanders less effective and reduces the quality of performance of the service and combat tasks assigned to the unit.

In the daily practice of departments at meetings, sometimes two opinions are revealed: one is official, often calm on the outside, and the other is internal, behind the scenes, deeply hidden in the relationships of various groups and team members. And this second is often more effective, more effective in real life, in the affairs of the unit.

Sometimes in a unit, outward disobedience, arguing with the commander, superior, etc. are considered a sign of courage and independence. These and other stereotypes and cliches seem harmless at first glance. But this is only at first glance, but in reality they negatively affect the mental state, collective mood and activity of people; military personnel develop such negative qualities as irresponsibility, passivity, individualism, dishonesty, and sometimes rudeness. To prevent such phenomena from occurring in military collectives, it is necessary to firmly know that the opinion of the collective, depending on its content and direction, can have different influences on people. Hence, the primary duty of all commanders is to take care of the direction of collective opinion, its unity and the coincidence of collective opinion with the opinion of the unit commander.

The direction and unity of collective opinion are the main indicators of its educational value.

The opinion of the team is a multifaceted and very dynamic phenomenon. Service activity shows that on every issue of life, study, and military service there is usually no absolutely unanimous opinion from the very beginning. There is only a more or less pronounced tendency towards unity. Predominantly, this tendency in direction corresponds to moral norms, the requirements of the oath, general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, orders and orders. But the degree of maturity

opinions vary. And this is no coincidence, because its carriers are specific people or separate groups of military personnel. It can be observed that soldiers have different attitudes towards the same fact, the same actions: some condemn, others support. Moreover, some evaluate actions based on their life experience, norms and rules of traditions and culture, while others are sometimes guided by backward, philistine criteria. Such discrepancies are observed in communication, in everyday life, and in everyday life. Sometimes this is visible at meetings, more often in conversations of soldiers in their circle, where they reason as follows: “meeting is one thing, life is another.”

In the collectives of internal troops there are no objective reasons or social conditions for the emergence of a double opinion that diverges from the official opinion, legal and moral norms of behavior. However, due to the individual characteristics of military personnel and purely subjective psychological reasons, a negative collective opinion arises in some groups.

How to manage the formation of collective opinion? Knowing the stages of its development, you can effectively influence the process of formation of the team’s opinion. First of all, the commander must know the opinion of his team on the events taking place, and if this opinion does not quite coincide with his opinion, then appropriate work is carried out with the asset of the unit or with sergeants and squad commanders. Experienced commanders themselves promptly try to inform their subordinates about current events, participate in discussions, not miss the moment when military personnel directly experience events, promptly identify sources, specific carriers of false views. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that the emerging and established opinion of the team turns into a standard over time, and if you do not monitor its development and changes, then it can turn into prejudice, and sometimes into prejudice. It is necessary to constantly take care of the formation of the correct collective opinion and subsequently, in connection with changes in the conditions of service and the operational situation, make appropriate adjustments.

This is all, of course, possible, but under one condition: if the commander is in close communication with his subordinates, has constant personal contact with them, knows their needs and requirements, moods and mental state, events of their service and personal life.

Forming the necessary opinion of the team on a specific job task begins with setting general goals and objectives for the department and presenting specific requirements both to the team as a whole and to each of its members individually.

In this case, the commander pays special attention to the explanation and justification of the assigned tasks. Finding out the circle of people who are passive and sometimes negative. On the one hand, the authority of activists is increased in every possible way, their decisive influence on the rest of the team is ensured, on the other hand, carriers of false views are decisively exposed, their false authority is debunked, they are deprived of the opportunity to exert a negative influence on the unit.

Meetings play an important role in the formation of collective opinion. The meeting, being a means of forming opinions, also acts as an official form of expression and consolidation of collective opinion. It is at meetings that, through the efforts of advanced soldiers, activists, and commanders, a correct assessment of events in the life of a unit or unit is developed, individual false opinions are broken down and true ones are affirmed. But this happens at a meeting only when, even before it begins, the commander carries out preparatory work, namely, takes measures to prevent negative opinions:

Preliminarily forms the unity of views of the most influential people in the team (formal and sometimes informal leaders of microgroups);

Gives individual assignments for working with colleagues, as well as with microgroups from which one can expect an incorrect attitude towards a particular issue being resolved.

Collective opinion becomes completely unified and most effective when the criteria for official and unofficial assessments converge. To achieve this, commanders need to carry out individual work with military personnel who are prone to violations of the requirements of general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military discipline and service, and combat false views and criteria for assessing behavior.

Finally, in the formation of the correct collective opinion in the unit, a significant role is played by the work of organizing and conducting systematic informing of military personnel on issues of intra-collective life.

Thus, collective opinion in the education of military personnel of the internal troops plays a huge role and has a great influence on the effectiveness of the service and combat activities of units. The educational functions of the team are strong due to its unity and the direction of collective opinion. On the path of its formation, the unit commander will be able to achieve high educational efficiency of the military collective, strong military discipline in it and high quality in the performance of service and combat missions.

Formation of a positive collective

opinions are promoted by the positive sentiments existing in the military collective.

Collective mood is a joint experience of certain events, facts, as well as similar emotional states that have taken possession of the entire team (or most of it) for some time and influence its life and activities.

It is known that the full knowledge, skills and combat skills of individual military personnel and the coherence of the entire unit are manifested against the backdrop of positive mental states. The negative mood of the team, for example, despondency, despair, stress, fear, reduce the effectiveness of military training and can completely paralyze their combat activity.

Collective moods play a significant role in the daily life of the unit. They influence the success of service, military discipline, and relationships. Moods such as emotional uplift, belief in overall success, passion, and elation contribute to the success of the entire unit. Others: a state of decline, lack of faith in one’s own strengths and the strength of the team, despondency - reduce the quality of service and discipline.

A study of the conditions for increasing people's performance showed that the mood of the team is directly dependent on labor productivity. If we take average labor productivity as a starting point, then in a good mood it is 0.8-4.2% higher, and in a bad mood it is 2.5-18% lower than average.

The mood is especially strongly reflected in discipline and organization. Moods such as group boredom, dissatisfaction, hostility, not to mention panic, are serious preconditions for misconduct, and sometimes even crimes. Therefore, it is important for the commander to know that under the influence of a dominant negative mood, even disciplined military personnel violate the general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and commit disciplinary offenses. And vice versa, there are often cases when, under the influence of the dominant positive mood of the team (group of military personnel), even undisciplined soldiers begin to behave better, more disciplined.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that the emotional factor in the conditions of a military collective manifests itself especially clearly and visibly. This is due to the characteristics of the service: increased danger to the life and health of military personnel, the emotional intensity of military service, frequent physical and mental overload, surprise and uncertainty of the situation. To overcome these difficulties, military cooperation, organic unity with the entire team, and cohesion are especially valuable.

The professional responsibility of the unit commander is to take care of creating an atmosphere of elation, a cheerful tone in the team, and maintaining positive emotional states.

But, unfortunately, this is not always done; in practice, there are cases when the collective mood is either not taken into account at all, or is not taken into account. And this, as we know, is a prerequisite for violation of discipline and reduces the quality of service. To maintain the necessary collective mood, the commander needs to know the peculiarities of the origin, functioning and development of the collective mood.

The commander, knowing the peculiarities of the collective mood, can in some cases preserve and support the spontaneous impulse and enthusiasm, in others - cause a rise in mood, and in others - prevent the emergence of negative collective moods by overcoming the causes of their appearance.

Collective moods and collective opinions are closely intertwined and interconnected with intra-collective traditions in the military collective. Social and psychological phenomena that arise on the basis of communication and mutual relations between people are often recorded in customs and traditions.

A custom is an established norm of behavior of people in a team. Customs that have special meaning for a given group and are passed on from generation to generation are called traditions.

Any society is characterized by a living connection between generations. Each older generation leaves behind all the material and spiritual values ​​it created, the achievements of science, culture, established customs and moral standards. Subsequent generations do not assimilate this heritage mechanically, but process it in accordance with their worldview, discarding what contradicts their worldview.

Certain relationships in a team, moods, way of life and activities, leadership style, and people’s behavior may be traditional; Such actions and relationships, having become traditional, become a collective need.

The presence of intra-collective traditions and their observance inevitably give rise to internal confrontations: expectation and empathy, mutual closeness, certain attitudes towards various actions and deeds of military personnel. These relationships are part of the general structure of social relations of the team, deepen the personal character, and therefore contribute to the cohesion of the team.

Traditions contribute to the continuity of the spiritual appearance and mental make-up of people, help foster collectivism, respect for the experience of older generations, and encourage social activity.

The set of traditions represents the most important element of the intra-collective socio-psychological atmosphere in which a military personnel constantly resides.

Traditions, like other psychological phenomena of a group, arise and manifest themselves on different scales and in different living conditions. They can be an element of the psychology of an entire people, a nation, a class or social stratum, a specific group of people, a certain team. National, class, and national traditions permeate each specific community (group, collective). Along with the general ones, within each collective, many specific intra-collective traditions arise, grow stronger and exist, which are characteristic only of this collective. These traditions have a great influence on the formation of the personality of the serviceman and the unit as a whole.

The totality of various traditions of a military unit represents the most important element of the intra-collective socio-psychological atmosphere in which the warrior’s personality constantly finds itself and which it constantly assimilates.

Traditions are numerous and varied. They are divided conditionally on the following grounds:

2. By spheres of manifestation: moral, legal, artistic, religious.

3. By belonging to various communities: national, national, class, territorial, professional, age, mixed, intra-collective.

In the life of internal troops units, the most durable and well-known traditions are combat traditions:

Pride in the service and military merits of the internal troops;

Pride in the success of one’s unit or unit;

Military friendship, collectivism;

High official vigilance;

Honesty and integrity in performing service and combat missions;


High discipline and diligence.

The best traditions of the internal troops are constantly

live, develop, multiply.

In internal troops units, the popularization of military traditions is of great importance:

1) service - to achieve complete interchangeability (mastery of several specialties), fight for excellent performance in the service, etc.;

2) sports - to achieve the best sports performance among departments and individuals

military personnel, comply with standards and sports categories;

3) everyday - honoring soldiers and their parents on significant days for them, maintaining contact with soldiers transferred to the reserve, etc.

Life shows that the educational capabilities of a team are directly dependent on the number of positive traditions. Constant public assessment of positive traditions and sentiments contributes to their consolidation in the military team.

Good traditions that enhance the empathy of people in a team are various rituals, the solemn taking of the Oath, drill reviews, checks and reviews of equipment, the ceremonial presentation of weapons, celebrations, honoring excellent service personnel, assignments to posts, etc. Military rituals are always accompanied by a strong emotional overtones, affect the best human feelings, evoke a feeling of pride for the Motherland, the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces, military personnel, and a large number of people, both military personnel and guests, participate in them.

But if you do not pay attention to this, then the psychological mechanism of traditions can work in a negative way. Sometimes negative traditions that have developed in a unit can negatively affect the relationships between military personnel of different service periods and different nationalities.

In order to successfully combat such negative traditions, the commander needs to identify individuals or microgroups who are their sources, trying to sow discontent, acting consciously or unconsciously in the role of “collective opinion”, and timely isolate them (morally and psychologically) in the team.

Practice shows that administrative measures and prohibitions do not always eliminate the power of harmful traditions. The great Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko go-

believed that a negative tradition cannot be destroyed simply by order, it must be supplanted by a new tradition, stronger and more useful. Such work requires great patience and deep thought from the unit commander.

Great attention is paid to the formation and maintenance of the best traditions and collective moods in the team by the personal example of the commander’s behavior. The commander of a unit must always be an example of an officer of internal troops, must be self-confident, cheerful, be able to not succumb to negative moods, promptly and constructively resolve conflicts that arise in the unit, carry out purposeful and constant work to form a collective opinion, collective mood, intra-collective traditions in the entrusted him unit.

Thus, by popularizing the best traditions of the unit and unit, the commander facilitates the statutory and social regulation of the life of military personnel, promotes the organization of good rest, and the development of the best moral and combat qualities of military personnel. By carefully analyzing the elements of negative habits and non-statutory customs, the officer does not allow them to be introduced into the traditions of the unit. Together with the activists, he examines every manifestation of prejudice or superstition, reacts to fashion among personnel and wages a tactful but uncompromising fight against everything that interferes with team unity and maintaining a good socio-psychological climate.

Managing collective opinion and mood, the ability to create traditions in a unit, unity of thoughts and feelings, eliminating emotional contradictions, forming collective demands - these are the areas that contribute to the unity of personnel and increasing the combat readiness of the unit, part of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


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2. Isaeva N.N. Pedagogical support of psychological compatibility of military personnel in the subdivision

scientific research of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: dis... cand. ped. Sci. - St. Petersburg, 2010.

3. Sharukhin A.P. History of the development of the Russian school of military education: monograph. - St. Petersburg, 2004.

Depending on the degree of unity and agreement in the dynamics of public opinion of a military collective, its three main stages are distinguished: diffuse, polarized and unified collective opinion.

Diffuse opinion is a difference in views and judgments. Warriors have contradictory, discordant positions; some of them find it difficult to determine their point of view, cannot objectively evaluate the judgments of their comrades and consciously join any position.

Polarized opinion occurs if the leading points of view have already been determined, as a result of which the personnel are divided into two or three groups, each of which has its own position and defends it. This condition can have negative consequences and conflict.

A single collective opinion is characterized by maximum agreement and the presence of one, common, consciously and sincerely shared position by all.

The process of forming a collective opinion can be observed in various forms of communication between soldiers: during a meeting, in a friendly conversation during rest, when discussing films, books, and press materials. By participating in these forms of communication, observing how agreement is reached on positions and views on issues of concern to personnel, how differences are overcome, commanders draw conclusions about the significant moral and psychological characteristics of the team.

In interaction with the team, the individual appears as a self-regulating system in the social environment. From this point of view, collective opinion can be considered as a feedback channel, as the most important source of socio-psychological information about the immediate environment for the individual. It informs a person about the reaction to his actions and actions on the part of other people and, thus, contributes to making adequate decisions. Moreover, the group itself carries out certain social sanctions against the individual. It continuously compares the behavior of each of its members with the system of norms that exists within this group, and the results are expressed in the characteristics of the attitude towards this person in the team, which can reflect approval and praise or, conversely, condemnation.

It should be noted that collective opinion is not only a multifaceted phenomenon, but also a very dynamic one. In the dynamics of the formation and development of public opinion, a number of degrees are distinguished.

The formation of correct public opinion is facilitated by positive traditions and sentiments existing in the military collective.

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In pedagogy, this direction is usually referred to as “the formation of public opinion among adolescents.” “Public opinion” among adolescents is determined by the influence of the group, peers, and the most authoritative teachers. The “public opinion” of older schoolchildren is dominated by other factors: personal position, the opinion of the most authoritative classmates, teachers, parents (listing in descending order!). Public opinion is manifested in the assessment of the actions of members of society, both united and independent. It is assessment that constitutes the essence of public opinion. Its formation is affected by both spontaneous and organized influences. Sources of influence are very diverse: family, school, immediate environment, media, etc. Formation of public opinion: Stage 1 - reflection. The form of assessment activity is individual and group. Most common in the lower grades. Children's assessments mainly reflect the teacher's opinion, but have a clearly expressed individual-group character. Individual because the opinion of each child is the most authoritative for him, he is childishly convinced of its truth. It can be called group because the spread in these assessments is small, children are united by their belief that adults are right. Stage 2 - autonomy. The form of assessment activity is individual-group. Most typical for younger adolescents (grades 4-6). Teenagers strive to separate themselves (autonominate) from the assessments of adults and develop their own scale of values. Stage 3 - integrative. The form of assessment activity is collective-group. Inherent in older teenagers (grades 7-9). Schoolchildren are guided by the assessments of their immediate environment, but recognize the supremacy of the collective’s opinion. Their personal opinion is, as it were, woven into the opinion of the majority. Stage 4 - revaluation and crystallization. Typical for older schoolchildren. The form of assessment activity is individual and group. Personal opinion plays a dominant role in the assessments of older schoolchildren. Senior school age is a period when individual views and judgments crystallize into a certain holistic picture of one’s own worldview. The teacher’s participation in this area of ​​work with adolescents is designated not as “leadership” or “management” of assessment activities, but as an influence on it. Leadership and management always provide for a strictly defined program of action, mandatory planning of activities and expected results. "Influence" means something different. Here we mean the activity of the teacher when he does not try to “fit” the student’s grades to his criteria, but gives him the opportunity to be involved in the process of their development.

Family education: content, types, methods.

The family is obliged to form a physically and mentally healthy, moral, and intellectually developed personality, ready for the upcoming work, social and family life. The components of the content of family education are well-known areas: physical, moral, intellectual, aesthetic, labor. Methods of raising children in a family have their own specifics: the influence on the child is individual, based on specific actions and adapted to the individual; the choice of methods depends on the pedagogical culture of the parents: understanding of the purpose of education, parental role, ideas about values, style of relationships in the family, etc. Consequently, methods of family education bear a vivid imprint of the personality of the parents and are inseparable from them. How many parents, so many varieties of methods. There are various means of solving educational problems in the family. Among these means are the word, folklore, parental authority, work, teaching, nature, home life, national customs, traditions, public opinion, the spiritual and moral climate of the family, the press, radio, television, daily routine, literature, museums and exhibitions, games and toys, demonstrations, physical education, sports, holidays, symbols, attributes, relics, etc. Methods of family education Carefully read the list of methods and techniques of family education: showing a sample (how to do it?, how to behave?); creating a positive attitude towards the form of behavior that should be achieved; demonstrating the benefits of this form of behavior; prevention of violations of the child's behavior or practical actions; control over the child’s actions; stimulating his self-control. All parents use common methods of family education: - the method of persuasion, which involves pedagogical interaction between parents in order to form in the child internal agreement with the requirements placed on him. Its means are predominantly explanation, suggestion and advice; ? method of encouragement, which involves the use of a system of pedagogically appropriate means to encourage the child to develop the desired personality traits and qualities or behavioral habits (praise, gifts, perspective); ? the method of joint practical activities implies the joint participation of parents and children in the same educational activities (visits to museums, theaters; family outings; charitable events and deeds, etc.); ? The method of coercion (punishment) involves the use of a system of special means that do not humiliate his personal dignity in relation to a child, with the aim of inducing in him a refusal of unwanted actions, deeds, judgments, etc. As a rule, as a means of punishment, the child is deprived of a certain list of pleasures that are significant to him - watching TV, walking with friends, using a computer, etc. How many families, so many characteristics of upbringing. But, despite all their diversity, it is possible to identify typical models of relationships between adults and children in families. 1. Families that respect children. Children in such families are loved. Parents know what they are interested in, what worries them, they respect their opinions and experiences, and try to help tactfully. These are the most prosperous for raising a family. 2. Responsive families. Relations between adults and children are normal, but there is a certain distance that neither parents nor children try not to violate. Children know their place in the family and obey their parents. 3. Material-oriented families. The main attention in the family is paid to material well-being. From an early age, children are taught to look at life pragmatically, to see their own benefit in everything. They are forced to study well for the sole purpose of entering a university.. 4. Hostile families. Children are shown disrespect, mistrust, surveillance, and corporal punishment. They grow up secretive. Unfriendly, treat parents poorly, don’t get along with peers, don’t like school, and may leave the family. The behavior and life aspirations of children cause conflicts in the family, and the parents are most likely right. 5. Antisocial families. These are, rather, not families, but temporary shelters for children who were not expected here, are not loved, and are not accepted. Parents lead an immoral lifestyle: they drink, steal, fight, threaten each other and their children. Parents take a conflicting position, not wanting to suppress their shortcomings. This manifests itself in nervousness, hot temper, and intolerance to different opinions.

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