Causes of white tongue at the root in adults. White coating on the tongue (at the root): causes

The tongue of a healthy person is pale pink, without deep depressions or plaque. The presence of the latter indicates the development of diseases or pathologies.

But plaque is not always a sign of illness. For many people, its presence does not cause discomfort and is associated with insufficient oral hygiene.

We will find out further why a white coating forms on the root of the tongue, what this indicates, and how to deal with it.

Diseases that cause plaque on the root of the tongue

Among the most common diseases that are accompanied by the presence of white plaque in the root zone of the tongue are the following:

  1. Thrush (candidiasis)– characterized by a thick white cheesy coating, which can be easily separated with a medical spatula. There is swelling of the oral mucosa, as well as foci of inflammatory processes - red spots, densely dotted with small pimples.
  2. Scarlet fever– a white, sometimes grayish coating appears as a result of the active development of streptococcus on the mucous membrane. After the onset of intoxication (usually 3-5 days of the disease), the plaque gradually disappears, and the tongue becomes bright crimson in color.
  3. Diphtheria– manifested by damage to the tongue, tonsils and throat by the diphtheria bacillus. The plaque is white, uniform, and has contours. Beneath it there are foci of inflammation, bleeding and painful.
  4. Dysentery– the oral cavity, including the root of the tongue, is densely strewn with white plaque, which is difficult to separate.
  5. Dysbacteriosis– occurs as a result of an imbalance of pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in the intestines. In this case, the plaque can either appear independently or disappear completely, without harming health or causing discomfort.
  6. Enterocolitis– the tongue is completely covered with a white thick coating, which completely or partially deprives it of taste buds.

It is impossible to determine on your own what the nature of the plaque is and why it appeared without an examination. If the plaque is of a dense and thick consistency and has an unpleasant odor, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Also, plaque on the root of the tongue may indicate the progression of diseases such as:

  • urolithiasis;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • whooping cough;
  • acute gastritis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • psoriasis;
  • Crohn's disease.

There are always prerequisites for plaque to appear. However, according to medical statistics, in 90% of cases the true cause has nothing to do with the disease. Plaque occurs on the root of the tongue due to:

  • frequent smoking;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • poor nutrition, devoid of nutrients;
  • stress and frequent changes in climate zones.

In any case, consulting a doctor will not be superfluous. After all, a harmless plaque may indicate the development of dangerous pathological processes that occur asymptomatically.

White coating on the root of the tongue - causes

Among the pathological processes that provoke the formation of white plaque on the root of the tongue, the following manifestations are distinguished:

  1. Chronic respiratory diseases– the presence of pathogenic microflora in the body, which periodically provokes a large-scale inflammatory process, can cause plaque.
  2. HIV– an immune disease, as a result of which the body’s natural protective functions are so weakened that they are unable to resist any bacteria that enter the mucous membrane of the tongue.
  3. Adenoids– constantly enlarged adenoids are an excellent place for the development of inflammation, which provokes the formation of plaque in the root zone of the tongue.
  4. Chronic slow digestion of food with the presence of reflux– undigested food particles pass from the stomach into the oral cavity, where they linger on the rough surface of the tongue. A huge number of bacteria settle, after which they continue their activity, constantly feeding on food particles that enter the mouth.
  5. Mononucleosis– changes the composition of saliva, and also partially replaces the microflora of the tongue, causing large-scale inflammation, swelling and a white lumpy coating.

The development of pathological processes can occur asymptomatically for a long time, so changes in the surface of the tongue, its color, and structure are a reason to consult a doctor.

Plaque in a child

There are three diseases that most often provoke the formation of plaque on the root of the tongue in children:

  1. Thrush (0-3 years) – occurs due to the entry and development of pathogenic bacteria that cause a cheesy coating in the mouth and tongue.
  2. Dysbacteriosis - white plaque becomes the cause of weakened immunity as a result of long-term treatment, which is not able to restrain the development of bacteria on the tongue, provoking inflammation.
  3. Viral and infectious diseases - acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza, rubella, tonsillitis, scarlet fever - all these diseases to some extent affect the color and microflora of the tongue, causing plaque.

Less common are fungal infections of the mucous membrane, which can also cause plaque.

A reason for parents to be concerned about plaque on the tongue may be such manifestations as:

  • lack of appetite;
  • increase in temperature;
  • stool disorder;
  • skin rash;
  • swelling of the oral cavity;
  • bad breath, especially after a night's sleep.

In childhood, white plaque on the root of a child’s tongue is more common, but has its own characteristics and causes, which can differ radically from the adult version. Therefore, it is better not to experiment on the health of your own child, but to consult a pediatrician and, if necessary, undergo an examination.

The appearance of a yellow coating on the tongue of a baby may be associated with errors in nutrition and lack of oral hygiene. At this link, we will take a closer look at these and other reasons for the formation of a film on the tongue.

Treatment of white plaque on the tongue

It is important to note that treatment of plaque on the tongue is only appropriate if its cause is identified, of which there are many. In some cases, treatment is not necessary at all; it is enough to change your lifestyle, give up bad habits and carefully monitor the condition of your oral cavity.

To determine which drugs to treat plaque, you must:

  • consult a therapist;
  • take a smear test from the root of the tongue;
  • if necessary, consult a gastroenterologist;
  • Based on the results of the examination, determine the cause of plaque formation.

Until the true cause is established, taking medications is pointless and dangerous to health. Since fungi are treated with special antifungal drugs, viruses and infections are treated with antibacterial and antiviral agents. Let's look at all the possible treatment options for plaque on the root of the tongue, taking into account their possible causes:

  1. Thrush - the tongue and oral cavity are treated with a soda solution at least 5 times a day, always after each meal.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - strict adherence to the recommended diet, as well as an individually selected course of treatment.
  3. ARI and ARVI are treated with complex antiviral and antibacterial drugs that can reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in the blood, after which the plaque will go away on its own.
  4. Dysbacteriosis - when diagnosed, the patient is asked to undergo a course of bacterial therapy (antibiotics), and then drink any probiotics: Linex, Narine, Laktiale, Normobakt, which help restore the intestinal microflora, populating it with useful bacteria.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - maintain oral hygiene, as well as promptly treat carious teeth, preventing the development of inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  6. Chronic respiratory diseases - undergo preventive treatment in a timely manner, especially during exacerbations.
Doctors usually recommend using auxiliary methods for removing plaque:
  • thoroughly clean the surface of the tongue in the morning and evening;
  • rinsing the mouth with a soda solution or a decoction of medicinal chamomile;
  • treating the tongue with special antibacterial creams and ointments.

Local treatment speeds up the process of removing plaque from the root of the tongue, but is not the key.

The cause of concern for many people who are worried about their health is a white coating on the tongue, clearly visible in the morning during standard teeth brushing. This phenomenon will not surprise anyone, but sometimes it indicates existing problems, especially when the plaque layer is too large and difficult to remove from the epithelium.

White coating on the tongue is normal

In all people, food debris accumulates on the epithelium, in the so-called papillae, creating a favorable environment in which bacteria multiply. The result is light deposits on the tongue. Thin, through which you can see the pinkish surface, within normal limits. Some factors indicate a natural nature:

  • the “normal” white coating on the tongue in adults is not accompanied by bad breath;
  • the deposits are not thick, just one layer;
  • it can be easily removed if desired.

Tongue coated with white coating in the morning

At night, bacteria multiply in the oral cavity. Their activity is the same as during the daytime, but saliva is released less often when a person is sleeping. The salivary glands do not fully perform their protective functions, allowing bacteria to multiply, as indicated by a white coating on the tongue in adults in the morning. A large amount of deposits can be observed in the root zone, where the brush cannot reach and the teeth do not touch. But if desired, such a layer can be easily cleaned off. Possible non-pathological causes include:

  • smoking abuse (yellow tint);
  • frequent drinking of black tea, coffee;
  • intake of dairy products.

The tongue is constantly covered with a white coating

The appearance of the tongue and the light film present on it are an indicator of the health of the body. But a white coating on the tongue in adults is not always a pathology, even if the phenomenon is permanent. For example, when a person is healthy, but oral hygiene is poor or not done at all, an unpleasant white film appears. Problems will be eliminated by regular brushing of teeth, rinsing the mouth, and brushing the tongue. If not, the reason is different.

White coating on the tongue is a sign of what disease?

Often a white coating forms on the tongue, signaling changes occurring in the body. Even after oral hygiene, it does not disappear or appears again in a short time, it may have a different color, be accompanied by an odor and other signs. When a white coating is detected on the tongue in adults, the causes are hidden chronic diseases. The localization of the layers indicates which specific organ is affected:

  1. The root zone corresponds to the kidneys and intestines.
  2. The middle part reflects the stomach and pancreas (in the center), liver and spleen (on the sides).
  3. The anterior zone characterizes pathologies of the lungs and heart.

Not only the place where deposits are formed, but also their consistency and density can say a lot about the changes taking place. If the layer is thick and dense, tooth marks are clearly visible on it. A pronounced coating with an unpleasant aftertaste appears with dysbacteriosis, dry - with dehydration; painful erosions affect the mucous membranes when there are problems with the endocrine system, and when the immune system suffers, a layer forms on the entire surface of the epithelium and has a grayish tint.

White coating on the root of the tongue - causes

The place at the base of the tongue is least susceptible to contact with teeth, food and hygiene items. As a rule, deposits appear there. A noticeable white coating forms on the root of the tongue, the reasons for this are gastrointestinal diseases and more. The phenomenon indicates the presence of gastritis, whooping cough, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis, psoriasis, etc. Other factors that provoke a white coating on the root of the tongue:

  • inflammatory process (accompanied by compaction);
  • the presence of slag (large spots);
  • candidiasis (curd form);
  • diphtheria (foci of inflammation have contours);
  • scarlet fever (temporary phenomenon).

The tongue is covered with a white coating with red spots

Sometimes deposits on the tongue are accompanied by other symptoms, for example, spots of different sizes, dots. Their appearance is associated with organ damage (burn of the tongue, biting it, piercing) or diseases of the oral cavity. A red tongue with a white coating in an adult becomes a sign of pathologies such as:

  • – inflammation of the tongue;
  • stomatitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • (ulcers form);
  • syphilis, etc.

White tongue and dry mouth - causes

Dryness of the oral mucosa and pathological deposits often complement each other. This is usually associated with damage to the salivary glands. Their inflammation is caused by viruses. The mucous membrane is dry, bacteria multiply unhindered. In this case, the white tongue reflects the symptoms of what disease? The most common:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • ARVI;
  • bacterial infections of the throat;
  • fungal inflammation;
  • stress.

White tongue and bitterness in the mouth - reasons

Bitterness and an unpleasant taste are associated with problems of the digestive tract and ongoing inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. They complement the inflamed white tongue, the reasons for this phenomenon are called different.

  1. The acute form of gastritis and cholecystitis is accompanied by the appearance of deposits on the entire surface (except the tip). Dryness, burning, and mucus are formed.
  2. An allergic reaction and bitter taste appear due to medications, intolerance to denture materials, and gum inflammation.
  3. If the microflora is disturbed, bacteria in the oral cavity multiply, causing bitterness, an unpleasant odor and a white coating on the tongue.
  4. A yellowish tint of deposits and a bitter aftertaste indicate diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and bile ducts.
  5. Smoking a large number of cigarettes may cause these symptoms.

White tongue and temperature

Why is a white coating on the tongue of an adult accompanied by fever? In people of any age, an increase in body temperature signals infectious diseases that the body is trying to fight. The inflammatory process spreads to the oral cavity, pain occurs when swallowing, deposits appear on the tongue - as a result, the proliferation of bacteria. Symptoms are accompanied by weakness and malaise. These signs indicate:

  • presence of ARVI;
  • stomatitis;
  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • severe glossitis;
  • gonorrhea, etc.

White-yellow coating on the tongue in adults

The yellowish tint of deposits on the tongue is due to the secretion of bile, liver dysfunction, and, perhaps, quite understandable phenomena - staining of the mucous membrane with food products. In the latter case, the plaque appears when a person has eaten something orange (citrus fruits, carrots, persimmons) and disappears over time. Heavy smokers and coffee drinkers may develop a yellow tint, but can also be easily removed with a brush. In other cases, when the tongue is covered with a white coating of a yellow tint, you need to take a closer look at your condition.

The color of the epithelium sometimes indicates serious diseases such as:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • adrenal jaundice, etc.

White cheesy coating on the tongue of an adult

In the diagnosis of possible diseases, the texture of deposits on the epithelium plays an important role. When the tongue is covered with a white coating, the reasons can be found out by considering the thickness and density of the layer. A curdled coating indicates infection with candidiasis and other fungal diseases, an infectious lesion of the body. With chronic pancreatitis, the discharge is the same as with thrush - dense, white, with the consistency of cottage cheese. This is due to a lack of vitamins and metabolic processes that are disrupted.

White tongue - what to do?

Often in the morning it is discovered that the tongue is coated with a white coating; the causes in adults are hidden in pathologies. To dismiss them, you need to make sure that the phenomenon goes (or does not go) beyond the norm. To do this, you can independently analyze your lifestyle: what foods and drinks are consumed, whether smoking can provoke plaque, whether oral hygiene is carried out well. After thoroughly brushing both your teeth and tongue, the plaque should disappear. If this does not happen, the diagnosis must be entrusted to a doctor who prescribes measures such as:

  • urine test;
  • detection of HIV and other infections;
  • bacterial inoculation of the oral epithelium.

The oral cavity has a kind of biobarrier for pathogenic microflora and stimulation of local immunity. It consists of bacteria and fungi, the number of which is constantly changing. Together with saliva, they provide self-cleaning of the mouth. At night there is no salivation, and germs continue to multiply. That's why you can see a white coating on your tongue in the morning. This is an accumulation of bacteria, dead leukocytes, deflated epithelium, food debris, and coagulated proteins.

A thick layer of layering on the tongue is the result of dietary errors, bad habits, and chronic diseases. Most often they are found at the base of the organ, where there are more papillae that hold microparticles. This area does not cleanse itself well because it only comes into contact with the soft palate.

Should I worry?

In a healthy body, the white coating on the tongue looks like a thin film, which is easily removed when brushing your teeth. In summer it acquires a faint yellowish tint. The formation of deposits after eating is normal. A person is healthy if the tongue is moist, and also:

  • Not increased in size.
  • The papillae on it are pronounced, but not very much.
  • There are no problems with taste or temperature sensitivity.
  • There are minor whitish deposits through which the pinkish color is visible.
  • The plaque is easily cleaned off.
  • There is no unpleasant odor.

If white but thick deposits have formed- this means that pathology is developing in the body. They are usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which disappears after brushing the teeth. Deviations from the norm include the following signs:

  • Swollen tongue.
  • Dry mouth or excessive salivation.
  • Burning, soreness.
  • Large papillae on the base of the tongue.
  • Hard-to-remove dense white coating.
  • Increase in sediment thickness during the day.

In such cases, it is recommended to monitor your condition for some time. For initial self-diagnosis you need good lighting and an empty stomach. It is better to carry it out before oral hygiene. If plaque and all signs of illness persist, treatment of the underlying disease is indicated.

Video: 5 problems your tongue will tell you about

Cleaning the tongue itself is a hygienic procedure, not a therapeutic one. It is advisable to see a general practitioner. If necessary, he will prescribe the appropriate tests, and then refer you for a consultation with a specialist: an infectious disease specialist, a neurologist or another doctor. Those who think that such a symptom is not a reason to visit a doctor are very mistaken.

Reasons for the formation of white plaque

There are two groups of factors that provoke whitish deposits on the tongue:

  • Smoking, alcohol, food, poor hygiene.
  • Periodontal lesions, infections, oncology.

The second group apparently includes serious diseases. If the white tongue of an adult does not disappear even with a change in diet. And also, if all hygienic standards for oral care are observed, this means that the following conditions may be the reasons for the appearance of plaque:

  • Liver failure, accompanied by dense deposits over the entire surface of the tongue.
  • Ulcer, gastritis.
  • Dysbiotic syndrome and, as a consequence, the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. At the same time, there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth and a burning sensation.
  • Chronic bronchitis. By the white coating, you can understand that pathogenic viruses have entered the body.
  • Lichen planus with dense formations on the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks.

White plaque and dry mouth

When symptoms appear in the morning inflammation in the nasal cavity can be diagnosed, which causes mouth breathing, which is why the mucous membrane actually dries out. The same symptom, which appears in the evening or at night, indicates infection and inflammation of the internal organs. In women, this symptom is evidence of a fungal infection or hormonal imbalance.

A white coating with dry mouth on the sides of the tongue indicates kidney pathology, in the middle - inflammation of the spleen, in front - problems with the cardiovascular system. The duo of symptoms may also cause:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Inflammation of internal organs.
  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • A side effect after taking a number of medications, such as antibiotics.

With the correct interpretation of the signal given by the body, treatment can be started in a timely manner to avoid serious complications.

Sour taste and white tongue

With this combination of symptoms, the following pathologies can be assumed:

  • Candidal stomatitis. Airborne infection. It worries smokers who have no normal microflora left in their mouths, as well as women with hormonal dysfunctions.
  • Asthma and other lung diseases.
  • Problems with the digestive canal. Plaque at the base of the tongue can be an indicator of serious slagging in the body, dysbacteriosis, or the initial stage of gastritis.
  • Pancreatitis, which can be recognized by plaque closer to the right side of the tongue.
  • Diseases of the liver and bile ducts with layers on the left.
  • Giardiasis.
  • Ulcer with rotten belching, pain that subsides after eating, diarrhea.
  • Diaphragm hernia.

The combination of signs is troubling when diagnosed with “hypo- and hyperacid gastritis” at the initial stage, when all other signs of the disease are still absent.

White-yellow coating on the tongue

This is a symptom indicating biliary dyskinesia or cholecystitis or the initial stage of hepatitis. It may also be a sign of an infectious process, dysbacteriosis, intoxication, dental pathologies, impaired blood flow and salivation, and improper brushing of teeth.

Important points in diagnosis are: thickness, size, configuration, location of layers.

In addition, white-yellow plaque is also associated with exhaustion of the body, anemia, and weakened immunity.

Burning and white tongue

Symptoms that occur when the mouth is infected with fungi of the genus Candida. Weakened immunity leads to a manifold increase in population size, which causes the appearance of a cheesy coating and unpleasant sensations. In the atrophic form, there are no white spots, but the tongue stings and hurts.

Therapy is carried out using modern antifungal agents. If necessary, they are combined with oral sanitation and treatment of inflamed tonsils.

Tartar, which contains a huge number of pathogenic bacteria that secrete toxins, can provoke the symptom in question. Constant contact of the tongue with infected deposits causes chronic inflammation with burning. Cleaning with ultrasound in the periodontist's office will relieve the unpleasant sensation.

The symptom may occur due to non-dental reasons, including:

  • Unbalanced diet and, as a consequence, lack of zinc, iron, folic acid.
  • Leukemia.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Release of acidic stomach contents, accompanied by heartburn and nausea.
  • Geographic or folded tongue.

Before treatment, a microbiological study, taking antibacterial antifungal medications, and sanitation of the oral cavity are indicated.

White bumps

The list of reasons for the appearance of a rough tongue:

  • Thrush.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane, the occurrence of microtraumas in it, and their infection.
  • Dermatological problems, for example, various types of lichen, accompanied by dense blistering pimples.
  • Aphthous stomatitis and other dental diseases. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the cheeks, palate, and gums swells and turns red. There is pain that interferes with chewing food and performing speech functions. Aphthae are called ulcerations of a round shape with clear boundaries. Pathology can be triggered by stress, hypovitaminosis, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, improper oral hygiene, and dietary errors.
  • Sore throat, accompanied by chills, fever, weakness.
  • Herpes, which sometimes appears in an unusual place - at the root of the tongue.

White pimples can be a temporary and harmless phenomenon. If the situation does not improve within a few days, then this is a sign of illness and you should consult a doctor.

Video: Plaque on the tongue. Causes and treatment

How to clear plaque from your tongue

In a healthy person who takes care of oral hygiene, pathological changes in this part of the body, as a rule, do not occur. Errors in brushing teeth are easily eliminated. If after this the layers remain, you should consult a dentist about periodontal inflammation or carious lesions. After sanitation of the oral cavity, the problem disappears.

You can clean your tongue with a special scraper, a teaspoon, or a toothbrush with rubber bumps on the back. The procedure starts from the root and moves to the tip. Mechanical plaque removal is ineffective and can even worsen the situation if the cause is a serious pathology of the internal organs. Therefore, cleaning should be done after visiting a doctor.

If the tongue is covered with a white coating, you need an integrated approach, taking auxiliary medications that normalize the microflora, including the intestines: Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim. People use it to clean the language.

Update: December 2018

Since time immemorial, the state of the tongue has been used to diagnose body diseases. The tongue signals even before the onset of pain and clear signs of illness. Ancient healers believed that the patient was not completely cured until the tongue looked healthy, even if all the symptoms of the underlying disease had already gone away.

A white coating on the tongue occurs when the processes of keratinization of filiform papillae cells are disrupted. At the same time, the horny masses become thick and difficult to clean. The tongue becomes coated due to various reasons: gastrointestinal pathology, infectious diseases, poor oral hygiene, taking medications.

In Ayurveda, certain organs correspond to the tongue zones:

  • anterior third – heart and liver
  • middle – spleen, pancreas and stomach
  • root - intestines
  • lateral areas - kidneys

What should a normal language look like?

When should you start worrying?

Medium size, not enlarged
  • Color – pale pink
  • Humidity – moderate
  • Papillae – moderately pronounced
  • Sensitivity, normal functioning
  • It is acceptable to have a white-pink, easily cleaned coating on the tongue
  • There is no unpleasant smell
  • The tongue changes in size, swells, and teeth marks appear
  • The color changes from pale pink to white, yellow, gray or other on the back of the tongue, the lateral surfaces become bright red
  • Dryness appears
  • Some papillae, especially on the root of the tongue, enlarge and look like small red spots
  • Burning sensation, pain, and taste sensitivity begin to disturb
  • On the back of the tongue there is a coating of different colors (most often white or yellow), abundant, difficult to clean, and after removal it quickly returns again
  • There is a pronounced


The reasons for the appearance of white plaque on the tongue are varied:

  • Acute and chronic lesions of the tongue itself: inflammation, infections, exposure to medications
  • Lesions of the tongue in various diseases - infectious, internal organs, hypovitaminosis, dysbacteriosis, oncology and others
  • Not associated with diseases: poor hygiene, eating white foods, alcohol, smoking, unsuitable toothpaste and mouthwash.

Often, a white coating on the tongue is a signal of gastrointestinal diseases, a consequence of eating white and sweet foods, poor oral hygiene or, conversely, the use of inappropriate hygiene products, smoking, drinking alcohol and thrush. Scientists have proven that even hormonal changes such as menopause lead to a coated tongue, dryness and burning (see).

Gastrointestinal diseases
Acute gastritis the tongue is covered with a thick white-gray coating, the side surfaces and tip are clean, dryness is a concern. At the same time, stomach pain, nausea, and other dyspeptic symptoms are noted.
Chronic gastritis on the tongue there is a coating of white-yellow, as well as white-gray color, enlarged papillae are visible, like small spots. I'm worried about heaviness in the stomach and belching. (cm. )
Peptic ulcer This disease can be suspected if a coating appears on the root of the tongue, tightly attached, white-gray in color. If you have a stomach ulcer, you are worried about plaque and burning, hunger pains that stop with eating
Acute pancreatitis there is a yellow-white coating on the tongue, severe dryness in the mouth, and changes in taste sensitivity. There is a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium
Chronic pancreatitis white coloration of the tongue appears due to thrush, which develops as a result of metabolic disorders in the body and hypovitaminosis
Stomach cancer appears on the tongue as a dense white coating with a characteristic odor due to the abundance of microorganisms and leukocytes

with thrush in the area of ​​the tongue, plaque and burning are disturbing, while white masses of a cheesy consistency are poorly removed, and a wound surface is found underneath them. Candidiasis is a common fungal disease that develops with long-term use of antibiotics, strong medications (cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids), drugs, oral contraceptives, alcohol abuse, in people with weakened immunity due to HIV infection, dysbacteriosis, hypovitaminosis, and severe general diseases.

Other reasons
Food coloring and sweet foods
  • A white coating on the tongue appears after cottage cheese, milk, kefir, and cheese.
  • When eating sweet foods, bacteria and fungi multiply quickly, so they provoke the formation of plaque. It does not pose any threat, since it is easily cleaned and does not form again.
Poor oral hygiene
  • The tongue must be cleaned daily, as microscopic food debris accumulates on its papillae, causing microbes to multiply and an unpleasant odor to appear.
  • downside: some toothpastes and rinses cause individual intolerance, which can result in chemical or allergic lesions of the mucous membrane of varying severity, leading to the fact that the tongue is constantly coated with a white coating.
  • in case of poisoning with toxic substances, the tongue is coated with a dense white coating. Erosion and ulcers with dead cells can be found on the mucous membrane. The general condition suffers.
Bad habits
  • smoking negatively affects the mucous membrane of the tongue through chemical factors and elevated temperature.
  • Alcohol intake reduces the water content in the body, causing. Everywhere the mucous membrane of the tongue reacts with the appearance of plaque.

It is for this reason that after a stormy party there is a high probability of finding a tongue with a white coating in the morning.

Tongue diseases

  • catarrhal, ulcerative, desquamative glossitis, “geographical” tongue

With desquamative and “geographical” glossitis, the tongue is covered with a white coating with red spots. Desquamative glossitis is a sign of general dysbiosis and serious systemic diseases of the body. Red spots represent areas where either the epithelium is absent or the altered papillae of the tongue are grouped together. The cause of “geographical” glossitis is not clear; inflammation in the areas of desquamation of epithelial cells is not detected. It is believed that the tongue becomes such a bizarre shape as a result of a genetic disorder.

  • galvanic stomatitis

Galvanic stomatitis occurs when there are metal prostheses in the mouth and is manifested by a white coating, spots in the form of pimples, and in severe cases, erosion and burning.

The use of carbolic acid, formaldehyde, antibiotics, sulfonamides, and even substances such as eucalyptol and anise oil found in toothpastes and cosmetics can cause tongue damage.

Infectious diseases

This is primarily scarlet fever, tonsillitis, gonorrhea,.

If a person is sick with one of these infectious diseases, he is unlikely to find out why there is a white coating on his tongue. These are quite serious diseases that bring suffering primarily with their main symptoms: high fever, pain, rashes, discomfort, diarrhea and others.

The doctor may see a red tongue with a white coating, pinpoint rashes on the tongue, ulcers also covered with a white coating and other changes that will be secondary to these infectious pathologies. After infection with HIV in the AIDS stage, a white coating on the tongue appears due to fungal, bacterial, viral infections, which, in the normal state of the immune system, do not make themselves felt.

Hereditary and systemic diseases

Disruption of the process of keratinization of tongue cells in systemic and hereditary diseases:

  • leukoplakia
  • tinea pilaris
  • kraurosis
  • various Brunauer, Siemens syndromes and others
  • dermatoses ().

Diseases of internal organs

Changes in the tongue due to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract were discussed above, so this table will show diagnostic signs of diseases of other organs and systems. They are only approximate, since they are always secondary, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Heart diseases There is a whitish coating on the front third of the tongue
Lung diseases There is a white coating on the front third of the tongue and along the edges
Kidney diseases There is a white coating along the edges of the back third of the tongue
Immune system diseases White coating on the tongue characterizes the corresponding infectious disease resulting from immunodeficiency (candidiasis and others)
Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas
Diseases of the salivary glands White coating on the entire tongue, unpleasant odor, dry mouth
Anemia The tongue is pale, which creates the illusion of the presence of plaque. He may or may not be
Endocrine system diseases Dryness, white coating can cover the tongue entirely or in spots, under which there are erosions and ulcers

White coating on the child's tongue

Children may also develop a white coating on the tongue. Parents should not worry in the following cases:

  • plaque covers the tongue with a thin layer and can be easily removed with a brush
  • the child has just eaten milk, dairy or fermented milk products
  • the baby does not like to brush his teeth, eats a lot of sweets - in this case, of course, you need to worry, but only in order to limit sweets and accustom the child to regular oral hygiene. The search for any disease should begin when these measures do not lead to clearing of the tongue.
  • the child drew with white felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, and chalk. All these instruments could easily fall into the young artist's mouth.

What to do if parents see a strong white coating on the baby’s tongue? The child probably has thrush - this is a common fungal disease of newborns, especially in the absence of breastfeeding, prematurity, improper care, hypothermia or overheating.

Plaque on the tongue of a newborn with thrush brings a lot of suffering, the child refuses to breastfeed and cries constantly. He experiences burning and pain on the mucous membrane, erosions are found under the plaque. The risk of developing thrush increases when the mother herself or the child eats sweets if complementary foods have already been introduced to him (see).

Other oral problems also cause white plaque to appear:

  • stomatitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the entire oral cavity (see)
  • glossitis - inflammation of the tongue
  • caries and its complications
  • tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils, tonsillitis (see)
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis are infectious diseases of the pharynx and larynx). In these cases, there is direct damage to the tongue by microbial plaque and intoxication.

You can also see a white coating on a baby’s tongue with more serious diseases:

  • – a childhood infectious disease characterized by a rash
  • diphtheria is a severe childhood infection characterized by a white coating in the mouth
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis


Who should I contact if I find a white coating on the tongue of an adult or child?

Of course, the first doctor is a dentist. He will conduct a thorough examination of the oral cavity, palpate the lymph nodes, and try to find out the possible cause of the plaque. If necessary, the doctor will refer the patient for a consultation with a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist and other specialists.

You can independently take a general blood and urine test, culture from the mucous membrane of the tongue, test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C. The results of these tests will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.


Treatment of white plaque on the tongue is aimed at eliminating the cause and symptoms. You should trust the treatment only to a specialist, without doing it yourself, since a white coating on the tongue can be a symptom of a serious illness, including tongue cancer.

Cause Treatment
Smoking, drinking alcohol Getting rid of bad habits, detoxification therapy, restoring water balance, protecting the liver
White food, sweet After eating, rinse your mouth and brush your tongue
Poor oral hygiene, carious teeth, unsuitable hygiene products Sanitation, hygiene training, thorough brushing of teeth and tongue, selection of hygiene products
Gastrointestinal diseases Consultation with a gastroenterologist who will prescribe the correct therapy
Diseases of internal organs and infections Consultations with relevant specialists who will prescribe the correct treatment
  • Orally: amphotericin B, clotrimazole, diflucan,
  • On the mucous membrane: 1% clotrimazole ointment, amphotericin ointment
  • For prevention: 3% solution of sodium and potassium iodide, 1 tbsp. spoon after meals for up to one and a half months
Tongue diseases
  • Determining and eliminating the cause (dysbacteriosis, trauma, prostheses, etc.)
  • Antiseptic treatment with chlorhexidine, tantum verde
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy: romazulan, corsad
  • Healing and normalizing keratinization: vitamin A
  • Antiallergic therapy
  • Vitamin therapy

Symptomatic treatment of white plaque on the tongue in general diseases consists of eliminating irritating factors (spicy, hot food, dentures, sharp edges of fillings, dental sanitation), antiseptic treatment, careful oral hygiene, and the use of healing medications.

Treatment in children

Parents should take their baby to a pediatric dentist or pediatrician. It is also important to remove white plaque on your child’s tongue yourself. To do this, wrap a clean finger in sterile gauze and carefully clean the tongue. The tongue will have to be treated in the same way in case of inflammatory and infectious diseases, if the doctor recommends the use of local drugs.

  • For mild cases of candidiasis, a simple soda solution can easily get rid of thrush.
  • For children, it is important to numb the mucous membrane of the tongue. Kalgel helps very well with this.
  • For antiseptic treatment in children, Tantum Verde and Rivanol solution are used.
  • Antifungal ointments include Nystatin and Decamine.
  • To speed up healing, use rose hips and liniment.

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